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8-Oxoguanine is a ubiquitous oxidative base lesion. We report here on the effect of this lesion on the structure and stability of quadruplexes formed by the human telomeric DNA sequence 5'-dG(3)(TTAG(3))(3) in NaCl and KCl. CD, PAGE and absorption-based thermodynamic stability data showed that replacement of any of the tetrad-forming guanines by 8-oxoguanine did not hinder the formation of monomolecular, antiparallel quadruplexes in NaCl. The modified quadruplexes were, however, destabilized in both salts, the extent of this depending on the position of the lesion. These results and the results of previous studies on guanine-to-adenine exchanges and guanine abasic lesions in the same quadruplex show a noticeable trend: it is not the type of the lesion but the position of the modification that determines the effect on the conformation and stability of the quadruplex. The type of lesion only governs the extent of changes, such as of destabilization. Most sensitive sites were found in the middle tetrad of the three-tetrad quadruplex, and the smallest alterations were observed if guanines of the terminal tetrad with the diagonal TTA loop were substituted, although even these substitutions brought about unfavorable enthalpic changes. Interestingly, the majority of these base-modified quadruplexes did not adopt the rearranged folding induced in the unmodified dG(3)(TTAG(3))(3) by potassium ions, an observation that could imply biological relevance of the results.  相似文献   

A DNA enzyme with peroxidase activity is a G-quadruplex-based DNAzyme formed by hemin and G-quadruplex DNA. Activity of peroxide DNAzymes can be influenced by the structure of quadruplex DNA. In this investigation, the interaction of hemin with T30695 G-quadruplex DNA is evaluated. Molecular dynamic simulation indicates that the binding mode of hemin to G-quadruplex DNA is end-stacking, which is consistent with absorption spectroscopy. Based on fluorescence spectroscopy, hemin ejects thiazole orange from bases of four-strand DNA. Circular dichroism spectra showed that no alteration occurs in this type of DNA structure.
Graphical Abstract Peroxidase DNAzyme is formed by hemin and G-quadruplex DNA.

This paper concerns the Circular Dichroism (CD) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) structural studies of the quadruple helix arrangements adopted by three tailored oligodeoxyribonucleotide analogues, namely d(TGMeGGT), d(TGGMeGT) and d(TGGGMeT), where dGMe represents a 8-methyl-2′-deoxyguanosine residue. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that the effects of the incorporation of dGMe instead of a dG residue are strongly dependant upon the positioning of a single base replacement along the sequence. As such, d(TGMeGGT), d(TGGMeGT) have been found to form 4-fold symmetric quadruplexes with all strands parallel and equivalent to each other, each more stable than their natural counterpart. NMR experiments clearly indicate that [d(TGMeGGT)]4 possesses a GMe-tetrad with all dGMe residues in a syn-glycosidic conformation while an anti-arrangement is apparent for the four dGMe of [d(TGGMeGT)]4. As the two complexes show a quite different CD behaviour, a possible relationship between the presence of residues adopting syn-glycosidic conformations and CD profiles is briefly discussed. As far as d(TGGGMeT) is concerned, NMR data indicate that at 25°C it exists primarily as a single-strand conformation in equilibrium with minor amounts of a quadruplex structure.  相似文献   

Marathias VM  Bolton PH 《Biochemistry》1999,38(14):4355-4364
There are DNA sequences which adopt the same quadruplex structural type in the presence of sodium as in the presence of sodium and potassium. There are also sequences that appear to have a requirement for the presence of potassium for the adoption of a particular quadruplex structural type. Information about the basis for these potassium effects has been obtained by examining the structures of a set of DNAs with differing numbers of loop residues and different lengths of runs of dG residues in the presence of sodium alone and in the presence of potassium and sodium. On the basis of the results, obtained primarily via solution-state NMR, it appears that very small loops favor parallel stranded quartet structures which do not require the presence of potassium. DNAs with loops of two to four residues and runs of two dG residues can form quadruplex structures of the "edge" or "chair" type in the presence of potassium but not in the presence of sodium alone. When all of the loops contain four residues, a "crossover" or "basket" type structure can be formed in the presence of sodium as well as in the presence of sodium and potassium. Structures with runs of three or four dG residues and with loops from two to four residues can form basket or crossover type structures in the absence of potassium. The presence of a purine in a loop can block both potassium binding and formation of chair type structures. Modeling of the interactions of cations with these quadruplex structures indicates that the potassium ions required for chair type structures interact with a terminal quartet and residues in the adjacent loop.  相似文献   

A two and a half day meeting on G-quadruplexes was held in Louisville, KY, USA (April 18–21, 2009). A specific goal of this conference was to promote discussion on the biology of G-quadruplexes. In practice this was represented in four main ways, namely in biophysics, bio/nanotechnology, therapeutics, and what might be termed “intrinsic biology”. Research into the basic biophysical and structural properties of G-quadruplexes continues to be important for understanding biology, and for optimizing aptamers for therapeutic and bio/technological purposes. The meeting comprised two Keynote lectures, twenty-three invited talks, and forty-two posters covering various aspects of these topics using a wide variety of technologies.  相似文献   

Results have been obtained consistent with the hypothesis that aci tautomers of nitro compounds are precursors of glucosinolates. When dl-[3-14C]phenylalanine and [14C]1-nitro-2-phenylethane were fed to shoots of Tropaeolum majus L., the incorporation of tracer from each compound into benzylglucosinolate was found to be similar. Conversion of 14C from 1-nitro-2-phenylethane into the aglycone moiety of benzyl-glucosinolate was specific. The natural occurrence of 1-nitro-2-phenylethane in T. majus and its formation in this plant from [1-14C]phenylacetaldoxime were demonstrated by gas chromatography and by means of a trapping experiment.  相似文献   

We have recently described an engineered zinc finger protein (Gq1) that binds with high specificity to the intramolecular G-quadruplex formed by the human telomeric sequence 5'-(GGTTAG)(5)-3', and that inhibits the activity of the enzyme telomerase in vitro. Here we report site-directed mutagenesis, biophysical, and molecular modeling studies that provide new insights into quadruplex recognition by the zinc finger scaffold. We show that any one finger of Gq1 can be replaced with the corresponding finger of Zif268, without significant loss of quadruplex affinity or quadruplex versus duplex discrimination. Replacement of two fingers, with one being finger 2, of Gq1 by Zif268 results in significant impairment of quadruplex recognition and loss of discrimination. Molecular modeling suggests that the zinc fingers of Gq1 can bind to the human parallel-stranded quadruplex structure in a stable arrangement, whereas Zif268-quadruplex models show significantly weaker binding energy. Modeling also suggests that an important role of the key protein finger residues in the Gq1-quadruplex complex is to maintain Gq1 in an optimum conformation for quadruplex recognition.  相似文献   

Combining structure-specific recognition of nucleic acids with limited sequence reading is a promising method to reduce the size of the recognition unit required to achieve the necessary selectivity and binding affinity to control function. It has been demonstrated recently that G-quadruplex DNA structures can be targeted by organic cations in a structure-specific manner. Structural targets of quadruplexes include the planar end surfaces of the G-tetrad stacked columns and four grooves. These provide different geometries and functional groups relative to duplex DNA. We have used surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry to show that binding affinity and selectivity of a series of quadruplex end-stacking molecules to human telomeric DNA are sensitive to compound shape as well as substituent type and position. ITC results indicate that binding is largely enthalpy driven. Circular dichroism was also used to identify a group of structurally related compounds that selectively target quadruplex grooves.  相似文献   

Anand R  Kaminski PA  Ealick SE 《Biochemistry》2004,43(9):2384-2393
The structure of class I N-deoxyribosyltransferase from Lactobacillus helveticus was determined by X-ray crystallography. Unlike class II N-deoxyribosyltransferases, which accept either purine or pyrimidine deoxynucleosides, class I enzymes are specific for purines as both the donor and acceptor base. Both class I and class II enzymes are highly specific for deoxynucleosides. The class I structure reveals similarities with the previously determined class II enzyme from Lactobacillus leichmanni [Armstrong, S. A., Cook, W. J., Short, S. A., and Ealick, S. E. (1996) Structure 4, 97-107]. The specificity of the class I enzyme for purine deoxynucleosides can be traced to a loop (residues 48-62), which shields the active site in the class II enzyme. In the class I enzyme, the purine base itself shields the active site from the solvent, while the smaller pyrimidine base cannot. The structure of the enzyme with a bound ribonucleoside shows that the nucleophilic oxygen atom of Glu101 hydrogen bonds to the O2' atom, rendering it unreactive and thus explaining the specificity for 2'-deoxynucleosides. The structure of a ribosylated enzyme intermediate reveals movements that occur during cleavage of the N-glycosidic bond. The structures of complexes with substrates and substrate analogues show that the purine base can bind in several different orientations, thus explaining the ability of the enzyme to catalyze alternate deoxyribosylation at the N3 or N7 position.  相似文献   

We report the single-crystal X-ray structure for the complex of the bisacridine bis-(9-aminooctyl(2-(dimethylaminoethyl)acridine-4-carboxamide)) with the oligonucleotide d(CGTACG)(2) to a resolution of 2.4A. Solution studies with closed circular DNA show this compound to be a bisintercalating threading agent, but so far we have no crystallographic or NMR structural data conforming to the model of contiguous intercalation within the same duplex. Here, with the hexameric duplex d(CGTACG), the DNA is observed to undergo a terminal cytosine base exchange to yield an unusual guanine quadruplex intercalation site through which the bisacridine threads its octamethylene linker to fuse two DNA duplexes. The 4-carboxamide side-chains form anchoring hydrogen-bonding interactions with guanine O6 atoms on each side of the quadruplex. This higher-order DNA structure provides insight into an unexpected property of bisintercalating threading agents, and suggests the idea of targeting such compounds specifically at four-way DNA junctions.  相似文献   

Single-stranded guanine-rich (G-rich) DNA can fold into a four-stranded G-quadruplex structure and such structures are implicated in important biological processes and therapeutic applications. So far, bioinformatic analysis has identified up to several hundred thousand of putative quadruplex sequences in the genome of human and other animal. Given such a large number of sequences, a fast assay would be desired to experimentally verify the structure of these sequences. Here we describe a method that identifies the quadruplex structure by a single-stranded DNA binding protein from a thermoautotrophic archaeon. This protein binds single-stranded DNA in the unfolded, but not in the folded form. Upon binding to DNA, its fluorescence can be quenched by up to 70%. Formation of quadruplex greatly reduces fluorescence quenching in a K+-dependent manner. This structure-dependent quenching provides simple and fast detection of quadruplex in DNA at low concentration without DNA labelling.  相似文献   

We report the crystallographic structures of DNA polymerase beta with dG-dAMPCPP and dC-dAMPCPP mismatches in the active site. These premutagenic structures were obtained with a nonhydrolyzable incoming nucleotide analog, dAMPCPP, and Mn(2+). Substituting Mn(2+) for Mg(2+) significantly decreases the fidelity of DNA synthesis. The structures reveal that the enzyme is in a closed conformation like that observed with a matched Watson-Crick base pair. The incorrect dAMPCPP binds in a conformation identical to that observed with the correct nucleotide. To accommodate the incorrect nucleotide and closed protein conformation, the template strand in the vicinity of the active site has shifted upstream over 3 A, removing the coding base from the active site and generating an abasic templating pocket. The primer terminus rotates as its complementary template base is repositioned. This rotation moves O3' of the primer terminus away from the alpha-phosphate of the incoming nucleotide, thereby deterring misincorporation.  相似文献   

Guanosine-rich sequences are prone to fold into four-stranded nucleic acid structures. Such quadruplex sequences have long been suspected to play important roles in regulatory processes within cells. Although DNA quadruplexes have been studied in great detail, four-stranded structures made up from RNA have received only minor attention, although it is known that RNA is able to form stable quadruplexes as well.Here, we compare quadruplex structures and stabilities of a variety of DNA and RNA sequences. We focus on well established DNA sequences and determine the topologies and stabilities of the corresponding RNA sequences by CD spectroscopy and CD thermal melting experiments. We find that the RNA sequences exclusively fold into the all-parallel conformation in contrast to the diverse topologies adopted by DNA quadruplexes. The thermal stabilities of the RNA structures rival those of the corresponding DNA sequences, often displaying enhanced stabilities compared to their DNA counterparts. Especially thermodynamically less stable sequences show a strong preference for potassium, with the RNA quadruplexes exhibiting much higher stabilities than the corresponding DNAs. The latter finding suggests that quadruplexes formed at critical positions in mRNAs might perturb gene expression to a larger extend than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

The interaction of monomeric and dimeric quinacridines with quadruplex DNA has been investigated using a variety of biophysical methods. Both series of compounds were shown to exhibit a high affinity for the G4 conformation with two equivalent binding sites. As shown from the SPR and dialysis experiments the macrocyclic dimer appears more selective than its monomeric counterpart.  相似文献   

The human telomeric DNA sequence with four repeats can fold into a parallel-stranded propeller-type topology. NMR structures solved under molecular crowding experiments correlate with the crystal structures found with crystal-packing interactions that are effectively equivalent to molecular crowding. This topology has been used for rationalization of ligand design and occurs experimentally in a number of complexes with a diversity of ligands, at least in the crystalline state. Although G-quartet stems have been well characterized, the interactions of the TTA loop with the G-quartets are much less defined. To better understand the conformational variability and structural dynamics of the propeller-type topology, we performed molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent up to 1.5 μs. The analysis provides a detailed atomistic account of the dynamic nature of the TTA loops highlighting their interactions with the G-quartets including formation of an A:A base pair, triad, pentad and hexad. The results present a threshold in quadruplex simulations, with regards to understanding the flexible nature of the sugar-phosphate backbone in formation of unusual architecture within the topology. Furthermore, this study stresses the importance of simulation time in sampling conformational space for this topology.  相似文献   

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