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寄生在蚜虫上的足绒螨属一新种:真螨目:绒螨科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
足绒螨属 Podothrombium 隶属绒螨科(Trombidiidae)。在已知的34种7亚种,只有4种有幼螨的描述。本文描述了寄生在蚜虫上的一种足绒螨属的幼虫新种,寡毛足绒螨 Podothrombium paucisetarum sp.nov.。与已知的4种足绒螨幼螨相比,该新种在背腹毛总数(NDV)、须跗节毛数、足指数(Ip)、盾板长(SD)、跗节Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ的普通毛数、跗节Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ的荆毛数等各主要特征上都与其它种不同。  相似文献   

木文记述微绒螨亚科一新属新种,正模♀,副模2♀♀采自上海土表杂质,保存于上海复旦大学生物系。  相似文献   

卵形异绒螨的形态和生活史研究(真螨目:绒螨科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张慧杰  李建社 《昆虫学报》1997,40(3):288-296
卵形异绒螨Allothrombium ovatum Zhang et Xin,1992是我国北方地区棉蚜Aphis gossypii Giover,1877的一种外寄生性天敌。通过室内饲养和田间观察结果表明:该螨一年发生一代,以卵在土壤内越冬。在年平均温度13.7℃条件下,其卵、前幼螨、幼螨、若蛹、若螨、成蛹和成螨的发育历期平均为220.8d、19.5d、22.0 d、12.0 d、13.0 d、13.0 d和59.O d。另外,本文还对卵形异绒螨主要虫态的形态和习性进行了描述和研究。  相似文献   

李建社  高艺 《蛛形学报》1994,3(1):68-70
经鉴定,山西棉区寄生在棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)体上有两种缄螨。除已报道的无视异绒螨(Allothrombium ignolum Willmann)外,尚有另一种足绒螨(Podothrombium sp.)本文对Podothrombium sp.的幼螨形态进行了描述;对该螨的背、腹毛数和须肢跗节毛数与足绒螨属已知的幼螨种类比较结果,它们之间存在着一定的差别。  相似文献   

血革螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:厉螨科)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文记述采自云南剑川县大绒鼠巢中的血革螨属一新种,六毛血革螨Haemogamasussexsetosussp.nov.,其背部刚毛呈三叉状,与多齿血革螨H.multidentis较相近,但肛板副毛6根,钳齿毛呈喇叭状,胸部副毛全部光滑,殖腹板较宽大,可与后者相区别。  相似文献   

记述了采自我国西藏和甘肃的小赫甲螨属1新种,郑氏小赫甲螨Hermannniella zhengisp.nov.。模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所国家动物博物馆。郑氏小赫甲螨,新种Hermanniella zhengisp.nov.(图1~16)新种以后背板背面小孔状花纹与杜氏小赫甲螨H.dubininiSitnikova,1973、微毛小赫甲螨H.microsetosa Hammer,1966、长毛小赫甲螨H.longisetosaHammer,1966相似,但新种以吻端有凹陷和后背板第3若螨毛f1指向前而不同于这3个已知种。除此之外,新种与杜氏小赫甲螨的区别为:新种梁毛与梁间毛端部尖,感器端部无膨大,被稀疏小刺,后背板背面小孔状花纹的6个点(有时为5或7个)间由细线连接成规则多边形,后缘成体毛4对,光滑;杜氏小赫甲螨梁毛和梁间毛端部钝圆,感器端部被小刺且略膨大,后背板背面花纹为无细线相连的不规则分散小孔,后缘5对成体毛,略被小刺。新种与微毛小赫甲螨的区别为:新种吻毛外表面被小刺,后背板背面花纹为大小均一的小孔,小孔之间有细线连成规则多边形;微毛小赫甲螨吻毛光滑,后背板上的小孔状花纹排列规则,成行但不连接成...  相似文献   

血革螨属一新种:(蜱螨亚钢:厉螨科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文记述采自云南剑川县大绒鼠巢中的血革螨属一新种,六毛血革螨Haemogamasus sexsetosus sp nov.,其背部刚毛呈三叉状,与多齿 革螨H.multidentis较相近,但肛板副毛6根,钳齿毛呈喇叭状,胸部副行全部光滑,殖腹板较宽大,可与后者相区别。  相似文献   

林坚贞  张艳璇 《昆虫学报》1990,33(3):369-372
在研究跗线螨期间,我们发现一个新种。隶属于跗线螨科Tarsonemidae Kramer,1877狭跗线螨属Steneotarsonemus Beer,1954拟叉毛狭跗线螨Steneotarsonemus su-bfurcatus,新种模式标本保存于福建省农科院植保所。文中长度单位为μm。 拟叉毛狭跗线螨Steneotarsonemus subfurcatus新种(图1—6) 雄成螨 体长177—190(从颚体须肢的前端至生殖乳突的末端),体宽87—90(测量3个标本的数据)。  相似文献   

卵形异绒螨对桃蚜的控蚜功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
董应才  冯纪年 《蛛形学报》1997,6(2):146-149
通过室内按比例接种桃蚜无翅成蚜和卵形异绒螨初孵幼螨实验,采用多元单因素统计分析及多重比较表明,桃蚜被卵形异绒螨幼螨寄生后,其存活天数、繁殖天数和繁殖蚜量都出现大幅度降低,其降幅分别高达52%、70%和68%,而且各处理间的参数表现差异极显著。  相似文献   

食蚜绒螨对棉花苗蚜的控制作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过2年的田间调查和小区试验发现:(1)食蚜绒螨与被寄生的棉蚜有翅蚜和无翅蚜在时间—数量分布上具相似性。(2)棉蚜带螨率结果说明,50%有翅蚜可被迁入初期杀死,可使大部分棉蚜繁殖力下降或不能生殖;(3)棉田播种前施肥、浅翻,对食蚜绒螨的发生量不具明显影响;(4)食蚜螨在棉田期其他棉蚜天敌缺少的情况下,填补了此期控蚜天敌时间生态位的空缺,成为棉田生态系统中不可缺少的一员。  相似文献   

记述刺齿虫兆属温州 1 新种:六毛刺齿虫兆Homidia hexaseta sp. nov.,该种的鉴别特征包括体色,下唇具光滑毛L1,头背部顶区具6根大刚毛,胸部第Ⅱ节具p4系列大刚毛,腹部第Ⅲ节中间具a2大刚毛,腹部第Ⅳ节具B6和Ae5-7大刚毛以及端节亚顶端齿远大于顶端齿。同时,本文还给出了浙江省刺齿虫兆属分种检索表。正模:♀,浙江省温州市泰顺县乌岩岭国家自然保护区,采集号C9271-4,2005-Ⅶ-29;副模:5♀♀。其中两头雌性副模标本保存于台州学院生命科学学院,其余标本保存于南京大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

中国东北原尾虫一新种记述(原尾纲,蚖科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采自辽宁省鞍山市千山的原尾虫1新种,千山线毛蚖Filientomon qianshanense sp. nov.,新种第Ⅱ、Ⅲ对腹足上各仅具1根刚毛,前足跗节末端的爪上具有内外悬片各1个.文中给出了线毛蚖属世界种类检索表.新种模式标本保存在上海昆虫博物馆.  相似文献   

Adults of 4 of the 6 species constituting the subgenus Carios and of 3 of the 4 species constituting the subgenus Chiropterargas were studied by scanning electron microscopy. All species parasitize Old World cave-dwelling insectivorous bats (Microchiroptera). The anterior pit setae number 10 in Carios and 10 or 11 in Chiropterargas. In most Carios, the setiform seta is replaced by a second serrate seta. In 2 of the 3 studied Chiropterargas species, 1 of the 2 grooved setae is exceptionally long. Porose setae number 3 in Carios and 3 or 4 in Chiropterargas. The Haller's organ roof in both subgenera is solid, lacking perforations; the aperture is narrowly transverse in Carios, irregularly wide or wide and transverse in Chiropterargas; uniquely, 1 or 2 sensilla protrude from the aperture of Chiropterargas species. The protruding sensilla and long grooved seta of Chiropterargas suggest a probably distinctive sensory-behavior pattern common to these ticks. Other morphological characters are discussed and compared to show relationships between these 2 subgenera and the subgenera Argas and Persicargas and distinctive characters present only in adult and/or larval Carios and Chiropterargas.  相似文献   

A new species of Bryocamptus from North America, B. pilosus n. sp., is described and illustrated. Some remarks are made on the occurrence of a specific piliform seta on the ventral side of the caudal ramus in the vejdovskyi species group.  相似文献   

Many wandering spiders bear attachment pads (scopulae) on their tarsi, consisting of hierarchically-branching adhesive setae. Amongst spider families and even species, these show remarkable differences in morphology. Using scanning electron microscopy, the scopula microstructure of sixteen spider species was described, with the focus on pretarsal scopulae (claw tufts). Area and shape of the claw tuft, seta and setule density, as well as seta and spatula dimensions were analysed and compared. Claw tufts of the majority of species studied show a similar gradient in size and shape from anterior to posterior legs: the dimension of pads increases, while setal density decreases. Commonly, there is also a gradient of both the seta and spatula size within the claw tuft: Setae become larger from the proximal to the distal part of the pad, and spatulae size increases in the same direction at the level of individual seta. Often, different hierarchical levels of claw tuft organisation are differently expressed in different species: Species with lower setal density usually have broader setae. Smaller spatula size often implicates higher setule density. Evolutionary and ecological aspects of the scopula origin are discussed.  相似文献   

Two new species of the freshwater cyclopoid genera Eucyclops are described, Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. and E. angeli sp. n. Both species belong to the serrulatus-group defined by morphological features such as: the presence of distal spinules or hair-like setae (groups N1 and N2) on frontal surface of antennal basis; the fourth leg coxa with a strong inner spine that bears dense setules on inner side, yet proximally naked (large gap) on outer side; and a 12-segmented antennule with smooth hyaline membrane on the three distalmost segments. Eucyclops tziscao sp. n. is morphologically similar to E. bondi and E. conrowae but differs from these species in having a unique combination of characters, including a caudal ramus 4.05±0.25 times as long as wide, lateral seta of Enp3P4 modified as a strong, sclerotized blunt seta, coxal spine of fourth leg with inner spinule-like setules distally, and sixth leg of males bearing a strong and long inner spine 2.3 times longer than median seta. Eucyclops angeli sp. n. can be distinguished by an unique combination of morphological features: the short caudal ramus; the long spine on the sixth antennular segment of A1; the presence of one additional group of spinules (N12’) on the caudal surface of A2; the presence of long setae in females, or short spinules in males on the lateral margin of fourth prosomite; the strong ornamentation of the intercoxal sclerite of P4, specially group I modified as long denticles; the distal modified setae of Exp3P3 and Exp3P4 in females and males; and the short lateral seta of P5. Finally, we report on a new record of E. festivus in México, and add data on morphology of the species.  相似文献   

A new species of poecilostomatoid copepod, Doridicola indistinctus n. sp. (Rhynchomolgidae), is described from specimens found in association with the soft coral Gersemia fruticosa Sars (Alcyonacea: Nephtheidae), collected from the White Sea. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following features in the female: (i) antenna tipped, with two subequal large claws which are about as long as the segment bearing them; (ii) two naked, extremely unequal setae on the middle segment of the maxilliped, the short, medial seta less than half-length of the outer seta; and (iii) free segment of leg 5 bears the basal swelling and is ornamented with spinules on the outer surface. This is the first report of a copepod occurring in symbiosis with nephtheid corals from the Arctic Zone. It also constitutes the northernmost record for a species of Doridicola Leydig, 1853, which is the largest genus of the Rhynchomolgidae Burmeister, 1835 comprising 52 species, including the present new species.  相似文献   

Paratanais rosadi sp. n. described from Puerto Rican coastal waters represents the first species of the genus from the northwestern Atlantic. It is distinguished from the other Paratanais species by a combination of characters, including article-2 of the maxilliped palp with a geniculate, finely-serrulate seta on inner margin; chela with stiff, geniculate, seta arising from propodus between fixed finger and dactylus and with short, stout, finely serrulate, seta on inner distal face of propodus adjacent to base of dactylus; carpus of pereopods 4−6 having three, instead of four stout modified spiniform setae distally, uropodal exopod distinctly shorter than endopodal article-1; and uropodal endopod with articles of about of equal in length. A key for the separation of Paratanais species from the Atlantic Ocean is presented.  相似文献   

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