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用生物技术手段分离鹧鸪菜(Calogolssa leprieurii)原生质体,筛选出成功的分离条件。原生质体的活性用伊文斯蓝确定,原生质体及其去壁情况用荧光增自剂、低渗,自融和电镜4种方法观察、确定。原生质休成活率主要受种藻健康状况、酶解时间和培养液组成影响,细胞分裂频率与激素相关。在合适培养条件下获得较高的再生频率,并培养成正常植株,并且产生了无性生殖器——四分孢子囊。  相似文献   

杂花和紫花苜蓿原生质体分离培养条件的筛选   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以杂花苜蓿‘甘农1号’和紫花苜蓿‘甘农4号’、‘阿尔冈金’及‘清水’4个适宜西北内陆黄土高原地区栽培的苜蓿愈伤组织为材料,研究酶解时间、酶液组合、酶液渗透压、愈伤组织继代培养时间、预处理措施及不同培养方法等对原生质体分离和培养效果的影响,并对培养条件进行优化。结果表明:(1)适宜4个苜蓿品种愈伤组织酶解的最佳预处理措施为0.55mol/L蔗糖或CPW溶液中预质壁分离1h,最佳继代时间均为12d。(2)‘甘农1号’、‘甘农4号’和‘清水’的最佳酶液组合均为2%纤维素酶+0.5%果胶酶+0.3%崩溃酶;‘阿尔冈金’的最佳酶液组合为2%纤维素酶+0.5%果胶酶+0.3%半纤维素酶+0.3%离析酶+0.3%崩溃酶;‘甘农1号’和‘阿尔冈金’的最佳酶解时间为12h,‘甘农4号’和‘清水’分别为14h和10h。(3)适宜4个品种酶解的甘露醇浓度分别为‘甘农1号’0.75mol/L,‘甘农4号’0.65mol/L,‘阿尔冈金’0.6mol/L,‘清水’0.55~0.6mol/L。(4)经液体浅层培养和固液培养方式均可获得4个苜蓿品种的再生愈伤组织,且固液培养法较液体浅层培养法更有利于苜蓿原生质体早期的培养和再生。  相似文献   

以石牌广藿香悬浮细胞为材料,对影响其原生质体分离和培养的酶浓度、作用时间、溶液渗透压和材料的生理状态等因素进行了研究。结果表明:以0.5%的果胶酶、0.2%离析酶和0.8%的纤维素酶组合处理继代培养3~11d的悬浮细胞8h,渗透压调节剂为9%甘露醇,原生质体产量达1.65×106 protoplasts·mL-1 PCV,活力超过86%。在原生质体的液体浅层培养中,细胞分裂频率为13.5%。  相似文献   

辣椒子叶原生质体分离条件的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以不同基因型的辣椒子叶为供体组织进行辣椒原生质体分离条件的研究,结果表明:幼龄子叶的原生质体产量与活力均高于老龄子叶;酶解过程中酶液渗透压、酶液浓度、酶解时间均对原生质体分离效果产生重要影响。对于辣椒子叶原生质体,最佳分离条件为酶液甘露醇浓度0.5mol/L,纤维素酶Cellulase Onzuka R-10 1.5,果胶酶Macerozyme R-10 0.6%,酶解时间8-10h。不同基因型辣  相似文献   

不同培养方法对木槿原生质体培养的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文研究了不同培养方法对木槿 (Hibiscussyr iacus)原生质体培养的影响。种子采自本校校园 ,原生质体分离按朱启忠[1] 和Nomura[2 ] 的方法。培养方法有 :(1)液体浅层 (培养皿中加入 3ml培养液 ) ;(2 )固液双层 (固体层用 0 .4 %的琼脂及 0 .3%琼脂糖  相似文献   

张华  钱秀萍  袁萍 《生物技术》2004,14(2):49-50
研究冬虫夏草菌丝体的菌龄、酶种类、酶解温度、酶解时间、pH、稳渗剂和几种再生培养基对原生质体形成和再生的影响。最佳条件为 :生长 6d的菌丝体 ,组合酶 (1%蜗牛酶 +1%纤维素酶 ) ,酶解温度 36℃ ,酶解时间 2 .5h,pH6 .4 ,稳渗剂 0 .4M甘露醇溶液 ,RM3再生培养基。在此条件下原生质体的形成为 2 .0 4× 10 9个 ml,再生率为 0 .0 91%。  相似文献   

苗龄与红光对向日葵原生质体分离和培养的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋君达  薛庆中 《遗传学报》1992,19(5):430-435
用1.0—1.5%(W/V)纤维素酶(Onozuka R-10)和0.3—0.5%(W/V)果胶酶[Pectinasc (Serva)]配合分离到大量有活力的向日葵下胚轴原生质体,经液体浅层培养或琼脂糖小块培养7—10天后,均能持续分裂到细胞团或体细胞胚,至14—21天形成大量肉眼可见的小愈伤组织(直径0.5—2.0mm)。比较试验表明:(1)影响向日葵下胚轴原生质体分裂生长的首要因素是起始材料无菌苗的生理状态。用红光照射无菌苗,能明显地促使下胚轴原生质体在较低密度(1×10~4/ml)培养时,也能持续分裂,再生小愈伤组织;(2)在MS培养基上添加5mmol/L谷氨酰胺或以7.5mmol/L谷氨酰胺代替原培养基中的无机氮,能促使原生质体高频率(44.4%左右)分裂,再生愈伤组织。  相似文献   

马蹄金子叶原生质体的分离技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分离马蹄金无菌苗子叶的原生质体的结果表明,光下生长12d的子叶置于含2%纤维素酶和0.8%果胶酶的酶解液中酶解9h后,游离原生质体的产率和活力分别为2.75×106个·g-1(FW)和90%,酶解液中渗透剂--甘露醇的浓度以0.5mol·L-1为最适宜.  相似文献   

研究了谷子原生质体看护培养中一些问题。结果表明:不同种植物愈伤组织做看护细胞对谷子原生质体培养植板率有不同的影响。用光头稗草愈伤组织对谷子胚性、非胚性或中间型愈伤组织的原生质体进行看护培养,以对胚性愈伤组织原生质体的效果最好。看护培养主要是作用于原生质体形成完整细胞后的生长发育,试验没有观察到明显的看护细胞数量效应。  相似文献   

For 18 sugarcane cultivars, four distinct callus types developed on leaf explant tissue cultured on modified MS medium, but only Type 3 (embryogenic) and Type 4 (organogenic) were capable of plant regeneration. Cell suspension cultures were initiated from embryogenic callus incubated in a liquid medium. In stage one the callus adapted to the liquid medium. In stage two a heterogeneous cell suspension culture formed in 14 cultivars after five to eight weeks of culture. In stage three a homogeneous cell suspension culture was developed in six cultivars after 10 to 14 weeks by selective subculturing to increase the proportion of actively dividing cells from the heterogeneous cell suspension culture. Plants were regenerated from cell aggregates in heterogeneous cell suspension cultures for up to 148 days of culture but plants could not be regenerated from homogeneous cell suspension cultures. High yields of protoplasts were obtained from homogeneous cell suspension cultures (3.4 to 5.2 × 106 protoplasts per gram fresh weight of cells [gfwt-1]) compared to heterogeneous cell suspension cultures (0.1 × 106 protoplasts gfwt-1). Higher yields of protoplasts were obtained from homogeneous cell suspension cultures for cultivars Q63 and Q96 after regenerating callus from the cell suspension cultures, then recycling this callus to liquid medium (S-cell suspension cultures). This process increased protoplast yield to 9.4 × 106 protoplasts gfwt-1. Protoplasts isolated from S-cell suspension cultures were regenerated to callus and recycled to produce SP-cell suspension cultures yielding 6.4 to 13.2 × 106 protoplasts gfwt-1. This recycling of callus to produce S-cell suspension cultures allowed protoplasts to be isolated for the first time from cell lines of cultivars Q110 and Q138.  相似文献   

Plant regeneration from isolated protoplasts of 8 cultivars of lisianthus, Eustoma grandiflorum (Griseb.) Schinners, has been established by using activated charcoal. Protoplasts were isolated from lisianthus leaves grown in vitro and started to divide within 3–4 days of culture, but successful colony formation was only achieved by adding gellan gum blocks containing 1% (w/v) activated charcoal immediately after culture. Colonies consisting of as many as 50–100 cells formed after 30 days of culture and were transferred to fresh medium for callus proliferation and shoot regeneration, respectively. These shoots rooted on MS medium containing 0.5 mg l–1 indolebutyric acid(IBA) and the plantlets were finally transplanted to pots. Morphological characteristics, growth habit and pollen fertility of protoplast-derived plants of one cultivar were not different from those of seed-grown plants as control.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - IBA indolebutyric acid - MES 2-N-morpholinoethane sulfonic acid  相似文献   

Changes in the tubulin cytoskeleton during protoplast culture and plant regeneration of Solanum lycopersicoides Dun. were analyzed using an immunodetection method. Directly after isolation, four groups of protoplasts were distinguished: (1) mononuclear, (2) polynuclear, (3) homogeneous, (4) anuclear. The tubulin cytoskeleton of the protoplasts underwent rearrangements, correlating to the number and structure of cell nuclei in the protoplast. All protoplast groups with the exception of mononuclear were characterized by perturbations in the organization of the tubulin cytoskeleton. Anuclear and homogeneous protoplasts did not have a tubulin cytoskeleton. Polynuclear protoplasts had cortical microtubules, but were not capable of re-forming their original arrangement and did not possess a radial or perinuclear cytoskeleton. Irregularities in microtubule arrangement of these three groups of protoplasts caused their inability to regenerate a cell wall and to divide. Anuclear, polynuclear and homogeneous protoplasts were eliminated from the culture. Mononuclear protoplasts rearranged their cortical microtubules and reestablished the radial and perinuclear tubulin cytoskeleton. Re-formation of the cell suspension and subsequent regeneration of plants occurred exclusively from mononuclear protoplasts, which were able to regenerate cell walls and to divide.Abbreviations 2,4D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BA Benzyloadenine - DAPI 4,6 Diamidino-2-phenylindole - DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide - EGTA Ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N, N, N, N-tetraacetic acid - FITC Fluorescein isothiocyanate - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - MSB Microtubule stabilizing buffer - PBS Phosphate-buffered saline - PIPES Piperazine-N, N-bis(2-ethane sulfonic acid) - PPB Preprophase bandCommunicated by H. Lörz  相似文献   

研究了谷子原生质体看护培养中的一些问题。结果表明:不同种植物愈伤组织做看护细胞对谷子原生质体培养植板率有不同的影响。用光头种草愈伤组织对谷子胚性、非胚性或中间型意伤组织的原生质体进行看护培养,以对胚性意伤组织原生质体的效果最好。看护培养主要是作用于原生质体形成完整细胞后的生长发育。试验没有观察到明显的看护细胞数量效应。  相似文献   

In plant cell culture, the delivery of nutrition and gas (mainly oxygen) to the cells is the most important factor for viability. In this paper, we propose a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based microculture system that is designed to have good aeration. PDMS is known to have excellent air permeability, and through the experimental method, we investigated the relation between the degree of air delivery and the thickness of the PDMS sheet covering the culture chamber. We determined the proper thickness of the cover sheet, and cultured protoplasts of Nicotiana tabacum in a culture chamber covered with a PDMS sheet having thickness of 400 μm. The cells were successfully divided, and lived well inside the culture chamber for 10 days. In addition, protoplasts were cultured inside the culture chambers covered with the cover glass and the PDMS sheet, respectively, and the microcolonies were formed well inside the PDMS covered chamber after 10 days.  相似文献   

Metallo-proteinase from 8-d-old seedlings of kale was isolated. The enzyme was extracted with 1% NaCl, concentrated by ammonium sulfate and finally purified by high-performance liquid chromatography. The isolated enzyme had a molecular weight of 22.4 kDa and showed a maximum activity at pH 9.0 using casein as a substrate. Proteolytic activity of proteinase was inhibited by chelators. The inhibition by ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) was abolished by some divalent metals ions, especially by Zn2+. The enzyme showed activity against the synthetic peptides Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Leu-pNA and Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-pNA, and hydrolized the following peptide bonds in the oxidized insulin B-chain: Leu6-Cya7, Leu15-Tyr16, Leu17—Val18 and Phe25-Tyr26.Abbreviations EDTA ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PCMB p-mecuribenzoic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride This work was supported by the University Science Programme, Ministry of National Education, and Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland.  相似文献   

R.R. Sharp  C.F. Yocum 《BBA》1981,635(1):90-104
The kinetics of Mn release during NH2OH inactivation of the water oxidizing reaction is largely insensitive to the S-state present during addition of NH2OH. This appears to reflect reduction by NH2OH of higher S-states to a common more reduced state (S0 or S?1) which alone is susceptible to NH2OH inactivation. Sequences of saturating flashes with dark intervals in the range 0.2–5 s?1 effectively prevent NH2OH inactivation and the associated liberation of manganese. This light-induced protection disappears rapidly when the dark interval is longer than about 5 s. Under continuous illumination, protection against NH2OH inactivation is maximally effective at intensities in the range 103–104 erg · cm?2 · s?1. This behavior differs from that of NH2OH-induced Mn release, which is strongly inhibited at all intensities greater than 103 erg · cm?2 · s?1. This indicates that two distinct processes are responsible for inactivation of water oxidation at high and low intensities. Higher S-states appear to be immune to the reaction by which NH2OH liberates manganese, although the overall process of water oxidation is inactivated by NH2OH in the presence of intense light. The light-induced protection phenomenon is abolished by 50 μM DCMU, but not by high concentrations of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, which accelerates inactivation reactions of the water-splitting enzyme, Y (an ADRY reagent). The latter compound accelerates both inactivation of water oxidation and manganese extraction in the dark.  相似文献   

Pith tissue of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Havana 425 exhibits a gradient in its tendency to habituate for cytokinin on an auxin-containing medium at 35° C, about 10° C above the standard culture temperature. Explants of pith from below the 8th to 11th internode, counting from the bottom of the plant, rarely habituate for cytokinin; explants from above this threshold habituate rapidly. The explants must also be above a critical size, about 20–30 mg, to habituate. There was a pronounced interaction between size and position effects; the threshold position for cytokinin habituation shifted upward with decreasing explant size.  相似文献   

Large populations of viable protoplasts were released from suspension cultured cells of the woody medicinal plant Solanum dulcamara (bittersweet, woody nightshade) when the cells were harvested 3 to 7 months after culture initiation and 4 to 5 days after transfer to fresh medium. A Bio-Gel p6 purified enzyme mixture enhanced the protoplast plating efficiency 6 fold compared to the unpurified mixture, without affecting protoplast yield. Agarose-solidified medium markedly improved protoplast division and colony formation, and enabled protoplasts to be plated at lower densities than in liquid medium. All protoplast-derived tissues produced shoots on MS based medium with 1.0 mgl-1 zeatin. Shoots rooted readily on medium lacking phytohormones. Cytological examination revealed high chromosome stability of suspension cultured cells, of plants derived from such cells, and of protoplast-derived plants. The implication of these results is discussed in relation to the genetic manipulation of this pharmaceutically important plant.  相似文献   

Growth of the heterotrophic seedlings of Dactylorhiza majalis (Rchb.f.) Hunt & Summerh. (Orchidaceae) in vitro with a symbiotic fungus ( Rhizoctonia sp.) is density-dependent, even at densities that are not high enough to exploit the growth medium fully. Competition was two-sided; increasing density among seedlings did not increase size inequality between them. The slowly growing and smaller seedlings are normally more likely to die than the bigger ones, but mortality was not increased by higher density within the studied range. Growth depression by neighbouring seedlings is independent of their physical distance but varies with the total number of seedlings sharing the same culture dish and the same mycelium.
Therefore, if the growth-promoting effects of different fungi or treatments are to be compared in future work, the density of planting in the culture dishes should be comparable.  相似文献   

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