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Capsule: Citizen science data on Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix showed that the species non-selectively used a wide variety of habitats during migration but had a tendency for settling to breed in forest and natural areas.

Aims: We tested the hypothesis that habitat used during spring stopovers in Spain differed from habitat use during the breeding period in Switzerland in a year of exceptional abundance as a result of persistent easterly winds in the Mediterranean.

Methods: Habitat use during spring migration 2015 was compared by using bootstrapping resampling techniques on citizen science data from Spain and Switzerland, comparing the land-cover categories between locations of observations with random pseudo-absences.

Results: Wood Warblers showed no preference for habitat features during migration and covered practically all available habitat types from urbanized areas to wetlands and forests, whereas in the breeding range birds showed an increasing tendency to be present in forest habitats.

Conclusions: Habitat use during spring migration covered most available habitat types from urbanized areas to wetlands and forests. Breeding habitat use was restricted to forested areas. Citizen science allowed a quick collection of biological data over a wide area to potentially identify large-scale biological patterns. This is essential to potentially manage international conservation efforts for declining species.  相似文献   

Capsule: Wood Warblers Phylloscopus sibilatrix showed significant selection for tree species and woodland characteristics at staging and wintering sites in sub-Saharan Africa.

Aims: To investigate home range size, habitat and tree species selection of Wood Warblers at a staging site in Burkina Faso (Koubri) and a wintering site in Ghana (Pepease).

Methods: Comparing habitat recorded at locations of radio-tagged birds and at control points, we investigated whether there was habitat and tree species selection. We also compared home range size of individual birds between the two sites.

Results: Home range size did not differ between the two sites. There was significant selection for tree species at both Koubri and Pepease: Anogeissus leiocarpus and Albizia zygia, respectively. At Koubri, there was significant avoidance of the most common tree species (Azadirachta indica, Mangifera indica (both non-native), Vitellaria paradoxa and Acacia spp.). In addition, there was a preference for taller trees and greater tree density at both sites. However, the probability of a point being used declined with increasing number of taller (>14?m) trees.

Conclusion: Fine-scale selection of woodland habitats suggests that Wood Warblers are likely to suffer the consequences of ongoing land-use change in their West African wintering grounds.  相似文献   

Capsule: Corncrake Crex crex males shift their territories and change habitat preferences across the breeding season as a consequence of anthropogenic pressure and/or to enhance the chances of reproduction through sequential polygamy.

Aims: To examine how habitat structure changed during the breeding season, whether Corncrake males responded to those changes and which habitat features were crucial when males settled and occupied territories.

Methods: Calling male Corncrakes were surveyed six times during the breeding season. In each location where a calling male was recorded, the habitat and vegetation structure was described from one to three times during the season.

Results: Corncrake males avoided extremely wet and extremely dry habitats, whereas large sedge and reed communities were much more preferred. There were significant seasonal changes in the density of vegetation and moisture content. Males were more sedentary at the beginning of the breeding season. Males significantly changed habitat preferences in short-periods of time. However, none of the habitat-related features explained whether males stayed or left the territory.

Conclusion: Corncrakes shift their territories during the breeding season in response to anthropogenic pressure (agricultural activity) as well as changes in water levels during the year. However, territorial shifts within seasons might also be caused by the appearance of fertile females in different habitats at different stages of the breeding season.  相似文献   

Capsule: We found high diet overlap and different uses of space and time between Moustached Warblers Acrocephalus melanopogon and Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus breeding in sympatry at a marshland in Spain.

Aims: To study the degree of diet overlap between both species, their space use on a local scale and their breeding phenologies.

Methods: We studied the breeding phenologies of the two species by standardized ringing activity. Spatial distribution was investigated by point counts. We determined diet composition from emetic samples and we collected invertebrates by standardized sweep-netting to estimate food availability.

Results: Diet and prey selection were similar among species. Conversely, spatial overlap was relatively small (<50%) and breeding phenologies were not synchronized. Both food availability and the overall abundance of the two species increased throughout the breeding season.

Conclusion: The two species are potential competitors for food and the observed differences in spatial and temporal niches may represent a way to lower competition for trophic resources: Moustached Warblers could reduce competition by breeding early, while Reed Warblers could avoid settling in areas occupied by the other species.  相似文献   

Capsule: Songs of Large-billed Reed Warblers Acrocephalus orinus and Blyth’s Reed Warblers Acrocephalus dumetorum differed in quantitative parameters. Blyth’s Reed Warbler used different modes of singing on breeding grounds and migration stopovers.

Aims: To compare the songs of two cryptic species of reed warblers. To compare Blyth’s Reed Warbler songs in different parts of the breeding range and on migration stopovers in central Asia. To investigate the status of Blyth’s Reed Warblers in central Asia.

Methods: We analysed song recordings of individual singing males and conducted field observations of singing behaviour at migration stopover and breeding sites. The status of Blyth’s Reed Warblers in central Asia was reviewed from the historical Russian literature and other sources.

Results: We found differences between six out of eight variables in songs of Large-billed and Blyth’s Reed Warblers on breeding sites. Blyth’s Reed Warbler songs recorded on migration stopovers showed differences in five variables from Large-billed Reed Warblers and in six variables from breeding Blyth’s Reed Warblers. On migration stopovers, Blyth’s Reed Warblers sang actively but did not stay more than 1–2 days. The evidence suggests that Blyth’s Reed Warbler does not breed in central Asia.

Conclusion: Songs of Large-billed and Blyth’s Reed Warblers could be distinguished by quantitative analysis. Blyth’s Reed Warblers used different modes of singing on breeding sites and migration stopovers. We believe vocalizations of Blyth’s Reed Warblers on migration to be plastic song.  相似文献   

Capsule: Nestling Southern Grey Shrikes Lanius meridionalis show a high prevalence of haemosporidian parasites including five lineages described here for the first time.

Aims: To examine the prevalence of various haemosporidian lineages in nestlings of three separated Iberian populations of the Southern Grey Shrike.

Methods: Blood samples were taken from nestling Southern Grey Shrikes from three agroecosystem areas in the Iberian Peninsula. Parasites were detected from blood samples using polymerase chain reaction screening.

Resusts: Nestlings were parasitized by 11 different lineages belonging to the genera Haemoproteus (3.8%), Plasmodium (0.5%) and Leucocytozoon (1.8%), including five new undescribed lineages. These are among the highest prevalence levels of haemosporidians parasites (7.4%) for nestlings of passerine birds.

Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the distribution of avian haemosporidians is determined by complex effects including climate and biogeography. Most parasite lineages were not universally spread across shrike populations, despite being otherwise widespread both geographically and taxonomically.  相似文献   

Capsule: The structure of Great Tit Parus major songs is shaped by the acoustic properties of the habitat within the breeding territory of individuals.

Aim: To test whether the structure of the habitat influences song structure within a population of Great Tits P. major.

Methods: We recorded Great Tit songs from 42 territories on two different days and measured the habitat structure in each territory. We also trapped the males and estimated the breeding density around each territory, so were able to control the analysis by date, breeding density and male characteristics.

Results: Song pause length was positively affected by the ground cover, while the song rate and the minimum frequency were negatively affected by the shrub cover. Male size negatively affected the peak frequency of the songs, whereas the age of the males affected the frequency range; older males sang with a broader bandwidth.

Conclusion: This study suggests that Great Tits are capable of adjusting their vocalizations in each territory, presumably to enhance transmission owing to vocal plasticity.  相似文献   

Capsule Ortolan Bunting occurrence is associated with bare ground, Lucerne, shrub cover and hedgerows/tree rows.

Aims To assess the habitat features selected by Ortolan Buntings at the territory level in semi-open landscapes, in the northern Apennines of Italy.

Methods We mapped territories in ten different plots and built a habitat selection model comparing 52 occupied cells with 52 unoccupied ones (cell size: 1?ha). We built multivariate adaptive regression splines models based on ground-measured variables.

Results The model revealed an association with intermediate Lucerne cover (50% of the cell), high shrub cover, bare ground (≥5%) and hedgerows/tree rows (≥25?m/ha). The most important driver of occurrence was bare ground (optimum at 5–20%).

Conclusion The maintenance of the mosaic and low-intensity farmed landscape, the promotion of Lucerne and the conservation/restoration of hedgerows/tree rows, may be promoted through the Rural Development Programme. The conservation of bare soil, grassland and shrubs at optimum amount at fine-scale could be the object of an agri-environment scheme targeted specifically at the Ortolan Bunting.  相似文献   

Capsule: A playback survey comprising two visits to woodland in early spring can reliably detect Marsh Tits Poecile palustris and permit reasonable estimation of the number of territories.

Aims: To assess the efficacy of an efficient survey method for detecting and estimating populations of Marsh Tits.

Methods: Detection probability of colour-marked Marsh Tits, surveyed using playback, was assessed with Cormack–Jolly–Seber models. Reliability of territory estimates was compared between colour-marked and largely or wholly unmarked populations.

Results: Playback surveys over two visits in early spring were highly effective in detecting individual Marsh Tits. Territory estimates were similar for woods in years where less than 20% of the population was marked compared to years when a higher proportion of birds were colour-marked, although territories may be underestimated in larger woods with unmarked populations.

Conclusion: A playback survey comprising two visits in early spring is recommended as an efficient method of surveying Marsh Tit populations and locating individuals. A survey protocol is suggested.  相似文献   

Capsule: The Black Grouse is a primarily lekking species, but low population density and lack of suitable habitat can lead to the establishment of non-lekking populations.

Aims: To understand if differences in density could be related to differences in the lekking system, if there were differences in lek-site selection, and if there was a direct effect of habitat on the lek size.

Methods: We compared lek sizes between two Black Grouse populations with different male population densities as estimated by distance sampling. We considered land-cover categories, landscape metrics and orographic variables and computed the Ivlev’s Electivity Index to evaluate habitat selection of males in the two study areas. A general linear model was used to assess the relationship between lek size and habitat variables.

Results: We could not demonstrate the direct effect of density on the displaying behaviour but we found strongly different patterns of lek-site selection and different effects of habitat on lek size according to the population density.

Conclusions: We concluded that habitat normally considered as high quality and habitat complexity may play different roles in selection by solitary versus lekking males when different population densities are considered.  相似文献   

Capsule: Whinchat Saxicola rubetra foraging behaviour was significantly influenced by habitat structure and grazing.

Aims: To assess how foraging habitats selected by breeding Whinchats differed from wider territory attributes under contrasting grazing management in multiple upland areas in Scotland: principally sheep grazed, Red Deer grazed or ungrazed, and to identify how differing land use may limit suitable foraging areas.

Methods: We compared fine-scale vegetation structure in patches chosen for foraging by Whinchats in contrasting grazing management regimes.

Results: Whinchats were less likely to forage in patches with a greater cover of bracken and tall non-bracken vegetation, regardless of grazing regime. Grass cover influenced foraging behaviour in ungrazed habitats only, where Whinchats were less likely to forage in areas with high grass cover.

Conclusion: Whinchats appear to require a mosaic or range of sward structures within breeding territories, highlighting the importance of establishing how vegetation structure influences breeding birds at different spatial scales. Our results suggest that suitable foraging patches were plentiful within grazed habitats but potentially limited in ungrazed habitats. Further work is needed to identify management regimes and interventions to maintain conditions suitable for breeding Whinchats that are compatible with other land use and conservation objectives.  相似文献   

Capsule: There were up to 6348 Ring Ouzel territories in the UK in 2012.

Aims: To produce estimates of the size of the Ring Ouzel breeding population in the UK and its constituent countries.

Methods: A stratified random selection of tetrads was surveyed within the known breeding range, except for the remaining breeding areas on Dartmoor and historical sites elsewhere, which were surveyed in their entirety. The methods followed those devised for the first UK-wide survey in 1999, using playback of song at specific points along tetrad transect lines.

Results: The UK population estimate in 2012 was 5332 (95% confidence limits (CL), 4096–6875) territories, a non-significant decline of 29% since 1999. There were no significant differences in the population changes in England, Scotland and Wales between the two surveys. An estimation of survey efficiency found that 84% of territories were located by the national survey methods, suggesting that the UK population in 2012 could have been as many as 6348 (95% CL, 4825–8198) territories.

Conclusion: The results suggest that the UK Ring Ouzel population has continued to decline since 1999. Ongoing and future research should determine where the main threats to the population are: on the breeding or wintering grounds, or during migration.  相似文献   

Capsule: Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus on the Isle of Mull, UK, are associated with habitat mosaics consisting of moorland, scrub and forestry but avoid grazed land, suggesting that forested habitats could be managed sympathetically for the Hen Harrier in the future should the current UK population increase.

Aims: To use distribution modelling to investigate nesting habitat associations using a long-term data set for the Hen Harrier on Mull.

Methods: We develop area-interaction models using a least absolute shrinkage and selection operator penalty to explore the distribution of 102 Hen Harrier nest sites in relation to habitat and topography. Our model is then successfully validated in tests using data for 70 nest sites from subsequent years.

Results: Our model is effective in predicting suitable areas for Hen Harrier nest sites and indicates that Hen Harriers on Mull are found in habitat mosaics below 200 m above sea level. Hen Harrier nest intensity is positively associated with increasing proportions of moorland and scrub, open canopy forestry and closed canopy forestry. Nest intensity is negatively associated with increasing proportions of grazed land.

Conclusion: Hen Harriers avoid grazed areas but are relatively tolerant of other habitat combinations. These findings are supported by previous observations of Hen Harrier habitat use and have implications for the recovery of some Hen Harrier populations in Special Protection Areas and future forest management. Open canopy forest and forest mosaics could potentially be incorporated into landscape-scale conservation plans for Hen Harriers using the population on Mull as an example.  相似文献   

Capsule Black Grouse declines across Scotland were greatest on less heterogeneous moorland, at low to intermediate altitudes and, more weakly, around post-thicket woodland.

Aims To examine correlates of change in abundance of Black Grouse across Scotland.

Methods Changes in abundance within 5-km squares between national surveys in 1995/96 and 2005 were modelled in relation to measures of habitat cover and woodland age derived from satellite imagery.

Results Populations across Scotland were most stable where unenclosed moorland comprised rough grassland, intermediate heather cover and at higher altitude. Declines tended to be greatest in squares which had transitioned from pre-thicket to closed-canopy woodland.

Conclusion Moorland will be most beneficial where it is heterogeneous in composition, and the role of woodland maturation in driving regional declines has support, albeit more weakly, at a national scale.  相似文献   

Capsule: Supplementary feeding stations provide a useful conservation benefit for vultures, without disrupting their natural movement ecology.

Aims: To understand the effects of providing supplementary food on the movement ecology of vultures.

Methods: We used Global Positioning System tracking devices to monitor the movements of 28 Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres using feeding stations in South Africa. We calculated home range values and then performed a habitat selection analysis.

Results: We show that aside from roost sites, vulture feeding stations are the most important environmental variable that explains vulture movements. However, we found that the birds ranged over areas without supplementary food and their mean home range values were comparable to those measured before the inception of feeding stations.

Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the use of supplementary feeding sites did not significantly impact on the natural foraging behaviour of the species.  相似文献   

Capsule: Herring Gull Larus argentatus colonies located along coastlines that are relatively sheltered from wave impact, associated with high intertidal prey availability, and with extensive farmland habitat in the vicinity, have increased in size over the last three decades.

Aims: To investigate potential habitat drivers, associated with local food availability, of variation in Herring Gull colony sizes.

Methods: Colony sizes were compared for 68 Herring Gull colonies across southwest Scotland and Northern Ireland to relate to the availability of potential foraging habitats surrounding each colony.

Results: Changes in Herring Gull colony sizes were spatially clustered, with between-colony differences in colony size related to coastline exposure and amount of farmland within the foraging range. At the end of the census period, colonies located in areas with the greatest availability of intertidal prey and farmland habitat were larger compared to those that were not.

Conclusion: Spatially clustered variation in changes of the size of Herring Gull colonies indicates that neighbouring colonies experienced similar environmental conditions and highlights the importance of intertidal and farmland habitats in buffering against declines. This result emphasizes the need for area-specific management for this species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Context: Apoptotic dysregulation plays a role in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Objective: To evaluate circulatory apoptotic markers and oxidative stress in patients with PCOS.

Materials and methods: Forty-four women with PCOS, and 44 healthy women as controls were enrolled in the study. Oxidative stress parameters and caspases levels were measured in serum.

Results: The caspase 9 level was significantly lower and related with oxidant status in patients with PCOS, while the circulating levels of caspases 3 and 7 were statistically similar in both groups.

Discussion: This study is the first report demonstrating the circulating levels of apoptotic markers and their relationship with oxidant status in PCOS.

Conclusion: The circulating caspase 9 and oxidant status might contribute to apoptotic dysregulation in PCOS.  相似文献   

Kevin B. Briggs 《Bird Study》2016,63(4):516-524
Capsule: Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca use different materials to construct their nests according to local availability and geographical location.

Aims: This study tested the hypotheses that Pied Flycatcher nests were constructed from the leaves of different tree species in proportion to their occurrence within the breeding territories and that nest composition varied between geographical locations.

Methods: In Lancashire, Pied Flycatcher nests were collected from nestboxes built in locations dominated by different tree species and were deconstructed to determine which materials were used.

Results: The leaves found in nests generally reflected their availability within the locality of the territories rather than showing evidence of selective use of some leaf species. However, the use of moss was dominated by the use of one species in all but two nests. Nests from Lancashire were significantly different in composition when compared with published data for nests from north Wales and central Spain.

Conclusion: Pied Flycatchers exhibit plasticity in nest construction behaviour because they were opportunistic in their choice of most leaves as nesting materials, although they may be selective in their choice of moss.  相似文献   

Capsule: Predation rates of artificial nests along elevational gradients were higher closer to the treeline in the European Alps.

Aims: Alpine grassland birds tend to show an avoidance of mature trees, possibly due to an edge effect, such as higher predation pressure close to the treeline. This study aimed to estimate potential predation pressure in relation to the distance from the treeline and other environmental variables by using artificial nests positioned along elevational transects in the Italian Alps.

Methods: A total of 119 artificial nests were positioned and monitored during the breeding season. For each nest, habitat data at small and large scales were collected. Daily nest survival was estimated using MARK.

Results: The most informative model included date, distance from the treeline and a micro-habitat structure variable. In particular, the model showed a positive relationship between nest survival and the distance from the treeline.

Conclusions: This study suggests that if treelines advance due to climate change, the functional habitat loss may be greater than physical habitat loss, since the optimal breeding area would be further away from the forest edge. The conservation of high-elevation grasslands in relation to environmental changes may therefore be addressed through management strategies to maintain open habitats.  相似文献   

Capsule Brood parasitic Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus chicks hatch earlier than the nestlings of their Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus hosts, but hatching priority is less consistent when Cuckoo eggs are laid after the onset of host incubation.

Aim To reveal by field observations what the optimal stage is for Cuckoos to lay their eggs in relation to the host laying cycle to ensure prior hatching of the parasitic chicks.

Methods We monitored the hatching of Cuckoo chicks in relation to the hosts’ laying stage at which the Cuckoo eggs appeared and also monitored host incubation behaviour.

Results Great Reed Warblers incubated more on day 5 after the host's onset of laying relative to day 3. All Cuckoo eggs hatched earlier than hosts when they were laid prior to the onset of host incubation (day 4). Cuckoo eggs also maintained hatching priority in about 2/3 of the nests when laid on days 5–6.

Conclusions Most Cuckoo eggs are laid prior to the onset of host incubation and this, together with other adaptive mechanisms, ensures the prior hatching of Cuckoo eggs. Cuckoo eggs laid after the onset of incubation lose the advantage of prior hatching in approximately 30% of nests.  相似文献   

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