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Matrix models are widely used in biology to predict the temporal evolution of stage-structured populations. One issue related to matrix models that is often disregarded is the sampling variability. As the sample used to estimate the vital rates of the models are of finite size, a sampling error is attached to parameter estimation, which has in turn repercussions on all the predictions of the model. In this study, we address the question of building confidence bounds around the predictions of matrix models due to sampling variability. We focus on a density-dependent Usher model, the maximum likelihood estimator of parameters, and the predicted stationary stage vector. The asymptotic distribution of the stationary stage vector is specified, assuming that the parameters of the model remain in a set of the parameter space where the model admits one unique equilibrium point. Tests for density-dependence are also incidentally provided. The model is applied to a tropical rain forest in French Guiana.  相似文献   

本研究建立好氧活性污泥的模拟体系处理经过物化预处理的采油废水, 控制温度等条件接近实际运行体系的情况下, 考察系统COD去除率和污泥体系中酵母菌多样性变化。结果显示系统稳定后COD去除率在70%以上; 利用非培养的方法考察了污泥中酵母菌在系统启动和稳定后的多样性变化, 结果表明酵母菌在采油废水处理系统中有较高的多样性和稳定性; 原水中具有较高的酵母菌多样性, 并在系统稳定过程中呈现逐渐增加的趋势。表明酵母菌可以在活性污泥系统中稳定存在, 同时酵母菌等真核微生物在烃类污染物去除和环境治理上具有一定的研究和应用 价值。  相似文献   

极危植物中甸刺玫的分布及种群数量动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中甸刺玫是云南香格里拉特有的极危植物和著名的高山花卉。通过对其分布及种群现状进行全面系统的调查,绘制了中甸刺玫的地理分布图及基于株高和冠幅的年龄结构图,编制了相应的种群静态生命表并绘制了相应的存活曲线。结果表明,除人工引种保存的69株个体外,中甸刺玫自然分布在香格里拉县小中甸镇沿硕多岗河的狭长型地带内,现有自然分布点44个,植株562株,其中幼苗61株。大多数分布地点仅有1至几株成年植株,几乎没有更新。个体数多的分布点中植株的表型变异较大,花型、瓣性和花色等丰富。中甸刺玫Ⅱ龄级至Ⅴ龄级的个体数较多,幼苗和老年个体较少,种群年龄结构在一段时间内比较稳定,但长远来说处于衰退状态。中甸刺玫的死亡率随着龄级的增加而增加,株高结构中存活数在Ⅱ龄级最高,冠幅结构中存活数则在Ⅲ龄级最高,随着龄级的增加存活数降低。  相似文献   

领春木(Euptelea pleiosperrnum)系第三纪孑遗植物和东亚特有种,目前已被列为国家Ⅲ级重点保护植物.基于空间定位数据以最近邻体距离统计研究了神农架地区领春木的空间分布特征,比较幼苗(DBH≤2.5cm)、幼树(2.5~7.5cm)和成树(>7.5cm)各径级(代表各生活史阶段)形成的时间序列上的空间格局差异,进而探讨空间格局与立苗、补员、种内竞争等种群动态过程的相互关系.结果显示,在邻域尺度上,领春木的空间格局呈聚集态;幼苗(或幼树)的大小与其距离最近幼树(或成树)的远近没有相关性,幼树(或成树)周围一定距离以内出现同等大小个体的概率约等于幼苗(或幼树)出现的概率,且幼树与最近幼苗(或成树与最近幼树)的平均距离与幼树之间(或成树之间)的平均最近邻体距离没有显著差异;任意个体的大小、任意个体与相应最近邻体的大小之和与相应的最近邻体距离均为显著的正相关关系,但幼树间的最近邻体距离并不大于幼苗随机死亡产生的最近邻体距离,成树间最近邻体距离也不大于幼苗+幼树随机死亡产生的最近邻体距离.这些结果表明,领春木的聚集分布可能与种子散布、生境异质性对立苗格局的作用有关;已定植的大个体可能不限制其邻域内小个体的布局与生长,但是长期的补员过程与邻体间的相互作用不无关系;邻体间存在一定程度的竞争作用,但是竞争强度并未充分激化至发生距离依赖的死亡.  相似文献   

The manner in which different distributions of synaptic weights onto cortical neurons shape their spiking activity remains open. To characterize a homogeneous neuronal population, we use the master equation for generalized leaky integrate-and-fire neurons with shot-noise synapses. We develop fast semi-analytic numerical methods to solve this equation for either current or conductance synapses, with and without synaptic depression. We show that its solutions match simulations of equivalent neuronal networks better than those of the Fokker-Planck equation and we compute bounds on the network response to non-instantaneous synapses. We apply these methods to study different synaptic weight distributions in feed-forward networks. We characterize the synaptic amplitude distributions using a set of measures, called tail weight numbers, designed to quantify the preponderance of very strong synapses. Even if synaptic amplitude distributions are equated for both the total current and average synaptic weight, distributions with sparse but strong synapses produce higher responses for small inputs, leading to a larger operating range. Furthermore, despite their small number, such synapses enable the network to respond faster and with more stability in the face of external fluctuations.  相似文献   

濒危植物秦岭冷杉种群空间分布格局及动态   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
为阐明秦岭冷杉种群分布格局动态特征,达到有效保护和恢复的目的,通过野外调查,采用相邻格子样方法,离散分布拟合、扩散系数、Morisita指数、均方-曲线等方法,对不同生境和年龄阶段的秦岭冷杉种群的空间分布格局及其动态进行了系统研究。结果表明:(1)秦岭冷杉种群空间分布格局在不同发育阶段和不同生境条件下基本属于聚集型分布,在25m^2、150m^2和300m^2的面积上聚集强度较大。天然条件下,种群聚集强度最大取样尺度,可能是其种群更新的最佳面积。(2)秦岭冷杉种群空间分布格局随海拔上升,聚集强度降低;聚集强度在海拔1300~1700m较小,在海拔1700~2100m地区较大;阴坡种群分布聚集强度大于阳坡。(3)随着种群年龄增加,分布格局由聚集型向随机型过渡,聚集强度减弱;聚集性最强的尺度规模在幼、中龄期为50m^2,老龄期为300m^2。(4)种群的空间分布格局与生物生态学特性、生境条件关系密切。在未来森林经营和种群恢复中,应针对生境和种群年龄,森林抚育管理作业面积应该尽量接近聚集强度最大的尺度。低海拔和阴坡应该适度间伐非目的乔木树种,高海拔和阳坡地区,应适度清理灌木和草本层,为群落内团块状更新创造空间;实行就地保护,减少人为干扰,促进天然更新保护策略。  相似文献   

PB15 is an Hfr strain of Escherichia coli K-12. It arose from an F' strain carrying a temperature-sensitive F-gal by an event which blocked the detachment of F-gal in the normally reversible integration process. In PB15, the detachment of F-gal by a second mechanism can now be detected: this mechanism results in the excision and transfer of extended chromosomal segments which include the integrated F-gal; the excised segments are inferred to have circularized. Their excision, which is independent of the recA(+) allele, occurs at an unusually high rate during conjugation; a mutant F-initiator protein is suggested as the cause of this phenomenon. After their establishment in recipients, the enlarged F-genotes undergo further deletions of included donor genes by a process which is again recA(+)-independent. In Rec(+), but not in Rec(-), cells, a high proportion of the deleted fragments are rescued by integration into the recipient's chromosome.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that there are high degrees of spatial and temporal stability in coral reef fish assemblage structures in a continuous habitat, in contrast to results of observations in isolated habitats. In order to determine the reason for the difference in temporal stability of fish assemblage structures in a continuous habitat site and an isolated habitat site, population dynamics and spatial distributions of coral reef fishes (six species of pomacentrids and two species of apogonids) in the two habitat site were investigated over a 2-year period in an Okinawan coral reef. The population densities of pomacentrid and apogonid species increased in juvenile settlement periods at both sites, but the magnitude of seasonal fluctuation in population density was significantly greater at the isolated habitat site, indicating that the rate of juvenile settlement and mortality rate in the isolated habitat were greater than those in the continuous habitat. The magnitude of aggregation of fishes, which affects density-dependent biological interactions that modify population density such as competition and predation, was also significantly greater at the isolated habitat site, especially in the juvenile settlement season. Most of the fishes at the isolated habitat site exhibited more generalized patterns of microhabitat selection because of less coral coverage and diversity. The seasonal stability in the species composition of fishes was greater at the continuous habitat site than that at the isolated habitat. Our findings suggest that the relative importance of various ecological factors responsible for regulation of the population density of coral reef fishes (e.g., competition, predation, microhabitat selection and post-settlement movement) in a continuous habitat site and the isolated habitat site are different.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster has played a pivotal role in the development of modern population genetics. However, many basic questions regarding the demographic and adaptive history of this species remain unresolved. We report the genome sequencing of 139 wild-derived strains of D. melanogaster, representing 22 population samples from the sub-Saharan ancestral range of this species, along with one European population. Most genomes were sequenced above 25X depth from haploid embryos. Results indicated a pervasive influence of non-African admixture in many African populations, motivating the development and application of a novel admixture detection method. Admixture proportions varied among populations, with greater admixture in urban locations. Admixture levels also varied across the genome, with localized peaks and valleys suggestive of a non-neutral introgression process. Genomes from the same location differed starkly in ancestry, suggesting that isolation mechanisms may exist within African populations. After removing putatively admixed genomic segments, the greatest genetic diversity was observed in southern Africa (e.g. Zambia), while diversity in other populations was largely consistent with a geographic expansion from this potentially ancestral region. The European population showed different levels of diversity reduction on each chromosome arm, and some African populations displayed chromosome arm-specific diversity reductions. Inversions in the European sample were associated with strong elevations in diversity across chromosome arms. Genomic scans were conducted to identify loci that may represent targets of positive selection within an African population, between African populations, and between European and African populations. A disproportionate number of candidate selective sweep regions were located near genes with varied roles in gene regulation. Outliers for Europe-Africa FST were found to be enriched in genomic regions of locally elevated cosmopolitan admixture, possibly reflecting a role for some of these loci in driving the introgression of non-African alleles into African populations.  相似文献   

The initial contact of European populations with indigenous populations of the Americas produced diverse admixture processes across North, Central, and South America. Recent studies have examined the genetic structure of indigenous populations of Latin America and the Caribbean and their admixed descendants, reporting on the genomic impact of the history of admixture with colonizing populations of European and African ancestry. However, relatively little genomic research has been conducted on admixture in indigenous North American populations. In this study, we analyze genomic data at 475,109 single-nucleotide polymorphisms sampled in indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest in British Columbia and Southeast Alaska, populations with a well-documented history of contact with European and Asian traders, fishermen, and contract laborers. We find that the indigenous populations of the Pacific Northwest have higher gene diversity than Latin American indigenous populations. Among the Pacific Northwest populations, interior groups provide more evidence for East Asian admixture, whereas coastal groups have higher levels of European admixture. In contrast with many Latin American indigenous populations, the variance of admixture is high in each of the Pacific Northwest indigenous populations, as expected for recent and ongoing admixture processes. The results reveal some similarities but notable differences between admixture patterns in the Pacific Northwest and those in Latin America, contributing to a more detailed understanding of the genomic consequences of European colonization events throughout the Americas.  相似文献   

Deciduous fruit tree orchards located in the Pacific Northwest were surveyed over a 3-year period for the presence of ice nucleation-active (INA) bacteria. In the Yakima Valley, only about 30% of the fruit tree orchards contained INA bacteria (median population ca. 3 × 102 CFU/g [fresh weight]) in contrast to nearly 75% of the orchards in the Hood River Valley (median population ca. 5 × 103 CFU/g [fresh weight]). These INA populations ranged from less than 10 to over 106 CFU/g (fresh weight) of blossoms and, in Hood River Valley orchards, generally comprised over 10% of the total bacterial population. Populations of INA bacteria fluctuated during the year with highest levels developing on buds and flowers during the cool, wet spring, followed by a drop in populations during the warmer, drier, summer months and finally a gradual increase in the autumn. The INA bacteria persisted on dormant buds from which they again colonized young developing vegetative tissues. All INA bacteria were identified as Pseudomonas syringae. The frequency of ice nucleation at −5°C for these strains ranged from nearly every cell being INA to less than 1 in 107 cells. The median frequency of ice nucleation at −5°C was 104 cells per ice nucleus. The INA P. syringae strains from individual orchards were diverse with respect to bacteriocin typing and in ice nucleation frequency. The consistent absence of detectable INA bacteria or presence of low populations in most of the orchards surveyed during periods when critical temperatures (i.e., −2 to −5°C) were common indicated a limited role for INA bacteria in frost susceptibility of most Pacific Northwest orchards.  相似文献   

The North-east American Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is composed of two glacial races first identified through the spatial distribution of two distinct mtDNA lineages. Contemporary breeding populations of smelt in the St. Lawrence estuary comprise contrasting mixtures of both lineages, suggesting that the two races came into secondary contact in this estuary. The overall objective of this study was to assess the role of intraspecific genetic admixture in the morphological diversification of the estuarine rainbow smelt population complex. The morphology of mixed-ancestry populations varied as a function of the relative contribution of the two races to estuarine populations, supporting the hypothesis of genetic admixture. Populations comprising both ancestral mtDNA races did not exhibit intermediate morphologies relative to pure populations but rather exhibited many traits that exceeded the parental trait values, consistent with the hypothesis of transgressive segregation. Evidence for genetic admixture at the level of the nuclear gene pool, however, provided only partial support for this hypothesis. Variation at nuclear AFLP markers revealed clear evidence of the two corresponding mtDNA glacial races. The admixture of the two races at the nuclear level is only pronounced in mixed-ancestry populations dominated by one of the mtDNA lineages, the same populations showing the greatest degree of morphological diversification and population structure. In contrast, mixed-ancestry populations dominated by the alternate mtDNA lineage showed little evidence of introgression of the nuclear genome, little morphological diversification and little contemporary population genetic structure. These results only partially support the hypothesis of transgressive segregation and may be the result of the differential effects of natural selection acting on admixed genomes from different sources.  相似文献   

New interactions with non-native species can alter selection pressures on native species. Here, we examined the effect of the spatial distribution of a non-native species, a factor that determines ecological and evolutionary outcomes but that is poorly understood, particularly on a fine scale. Specifically, we explored a native butterfly population and a non-native plant on which the butterfly oviposits despite the plant’s toxicity to larvae. We developed an individual-based model to describe movement and oviposition behaviors of each butterfly, which were determined by plant distribution and the butterfly''s host preference genotype. We estimated the parameter values of the model from rich field data. We simulated various patterns of plant distributions and compared the rates of butterfly population growth and changes in the allele frequency of oviposition preference. Neither the number nor mean area of patches of non-native species affected the butterfly population, whereas plant abundance, patch shape, and distance to the nearest native and non-native patches altered both the population dynamics and genetics. Furthermore, we found a dramatic decrease in population growth rates when we reduced the distance to the nearest native patch from 147 m to 136 m. Thus changes in the non-native resource distribution that are critical to the fate of the native herbivore could only be detected at a fine-grained scale that matched the scale of a female butterfly’s movement. In addition, we found that the native butterfly population was unlikely to be rescued by the exclusion of the allele for acceptance of the non-native plant as a host. This study thus highlights the importance of including both ecological and evolutionary dynamics in analyses of the outcome of species interactions and provides insights into habitat management for non-native species.  相似文献   

Population Dynamics of Soil and Vegetation Protozoa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many fresh-water protozoa can be found in litters and soils,but the ubiquitous species are those which are able to copewith fluctuating moisture conditions. Terrestrial protozoa aremore characteristic of bryophyte-soil habitats than aquaticecosystems. Nutritionally, two groups have evolved in responseto the plant community: naked, predominantly bacterial feeders,whose abundance is determined by the decomposability of thelitter in which they live; and the slow growing, humusassociatedtestacea, which are more abundant in the litters of slow decomposability.Ubiquitous species comprise about 90% of the protozoa in soils.More continuous moisture conditions enhance the appearance ofadditional species. Hence species diversity indicates highermoisture content of a soil. Protozoa may contribute to the functioningof the soil ecosystem by inducing fiocculation of bacterialpopulations and recycling of minerals through ingestion of bacteriaand excretion of soluble products. The surface of vegetationappears to represent the most terrestrial habitat a protozoancan exploit, because in contrast to the litter-soil ecosystem,only one species, Colpoda cucullus, dominates the population.  相似文献   

对北京东灵山地区三块样地中的辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)、大叶白蜡(Fraxinus rhynchophylla)和五角枫(Acer mono)种群的分布格局和种群动态进行了考察.调查三块样地中每个树种的全部个体,按高度将它们分为4个不同龄级,用相邻格子样方法进行取样.在研究分布格局时,计算了扩散系数C、扩散型指数Iδ与IA、CA指数和聚块指数m/m等各项指标,测定它们的分布格局,并通过计算拟合它们的分布类型.结果表明,不同地点各种群的幼苗(<0.4 m)、小幼树(0.4~1 m)和大幼树(1~2 m)绝大多数呈聚集分布,少量呈随机分布;成林辽东栎成熟个体(≥2 m)是一种界于均匀分布和随机分布之间的状态,幼林辽东栎成体和灌丛大叶白蜡属于随机分布,成林大叶白蜡和五角枫、灌丛辽东栎呈聚集分布.在研究种群动态时,分别作出每个种群的龄级结构图,再对同一样地不同种群以及同一种群不同龄级个体的数量差异进行最小显著差法(LSD)检验和比较,结果表明检验结果和龄级结构图显示出来的趋势是一致的,即成林辽东栎种群具有较稳定的结构,成林大叶白蜡和五角枫表现为增长型结构,幼林辽东栎、大叶白蜡和五角枫都表现为衰退型结构,灌丛辽东栎具有稳定型结构,灌丛大叶白蜡具有增长型结构.研究表明,作为优势种的辽东栎种群个体之间的竞争很激烈,在乔木层中占有明显优势;作为伴生种的大叶白蜡的幼苗对环境的适应能力很强,在较低位层中占有明显优势.  相似文献   

对北京东灵山地区 3块样地中的辽东栎 (QuercusliaotungensisKoidz .)、大叶白蜡 (FraxinusrhynchophyllaHance)和五角枫 (AcermonoMaxim .)种群的分布格局和种群动态进行了考察。调查 3块样地中每个树种的全部个体 ,按高度将它们分为 4个不同龄级 ,用相邻格子样方法进行取样。在研究分布格局时 ,计算了扩散系数C、扩散型指数Iδ 与IA、CA 指数和聚块指数m /m等各项指标 ,测定它们的分布格局 ,并通过计算拟合它们的分布类型。结果表明 ,不同地点各种群的幼苗 (<0 .4m)、小幼树 (0 .4~ 1m)和大幼树 (1~ 2m)绝大多数呈聚集分布 ,少量呈随机分布 ;成林辽东栎成熟个体 (≥ 2m)是一种介于均匀分布和随机分布之间的状态 ,幼林辽东栎成林和灌丛大叶白蜡属于随机分布 ,成林大叶白蜡和五角枫、灌丛辽东栎呈聚集分布。在研究种群动态时 ,分别作出每个种群的龄级结构图 ,再对同一样地不同种群以及同一种群不同龄级个体的数量差异进行最小显著差法 (LSD)检验和比较 ,结果表明检验结果和龄级结构图显示出来的趋势是一致的 ,即成林辽东栎种群具有较稳定的结构 ,成林大叶白蜡和五角枫表现为增长型结构 ,幼林辽东栎、大叶白蜡和五角枫都表现为衰退型结构 ,灌丛辽东栎具有稳定型结构 ,灌丛大叶白蜡具有增长型结构。研究  相似文献   

We isolated Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains that are able to carry out the second fermentation of sparkling wine from spontaneously fermenting musts in El Penedès (Spain) by specifically designed selection protocols. All of them (26 strains) showed one of two very similar mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction patterns, whereas their karyotypes differed. These strains showed high rates of karyotype instability, which were dependent on both the medium and the strain, during vegetative growth. In all cases, the mtDNA restriction pattern was conserved in strains kept under the same conditions. Analysis of different repetitive sequences in their genomes suggested that ribosomal DNA repeats play an important role in the changes in size observed in chromosome XII, whereas SUC genes or Ty elements did not show amplification or transposition processes that could be related to rearrangements of the chromosomes showing these sequences. Karyotype changes also occurred in monosporidic diploid derivatives. We propose that these changes originated mainly from ectopic recombination between repeated sequences interspersed in the genome. None of the rearranged karyotypes provided a selective advantage strong enough to allow the strains to displace the parental strains. The nature and frequency of these changes suggest that they may play an important role in the establishment and maintenance of the genetic diversity observed in S. cerevisiae wild populations.  相似文献   

塔里木河上游天然胡杨林种群空间分布格局与动态研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
以新疆塔里木河上游阿瓦提县天然胡杨林为研究对象,采用相邻格子法进行实地调查,应用方差/均值比率法和5种聚集度指标研究了塔里木河上游天然胡杨林主要种群的空间分布格局与动态特征.结果显示:胡杨群落中除草本西北天冬种群空间分布格局呈随机分布外,其它主要种群均呈聚集分布;拟合检验表明,胡杨、灰叶胡杨种群为聚集分布.种群空间分布动态分析表明,灰叶胡杨在小树、中树与大树阶段均为聚集分布;胡杨种群在小树与中树阶段为聚集分布,但聚集强度减弱,到大树阶段为随机分布.研究表明,物种分布格局主要与物种本身的生物生态学特性和生境有关.  相似文献   

对中国的两个单种属明党参属和川明参属居群分布进行了调查研究,共调查湖北、江西、安徽、江苏和浙江的15个明党参居群,四川、重庆和湖北的12个川明参居群。调查二者居群所处生境特征,并统计了现存居群大小。研究发现,前人记载的湖北兴山地区分布的明党参实为川明参,表明这两个种的分布区出现了隔离,而非交叠,并推测二者的分布与长江水系有一定关系。  相似文献   

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