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Within drinking water distribution systems (DWDS), microorganisms form multi-species biofilms on internal pipe surfaces. A matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) is produced by the attached community and provides structure and stability for the biofilm. If the EPS adhesive strength deteriorates or is overcome by external shear forces, biofilm is mobilised into the water potentially leading to degradation of water quality. However, little is known about the EPS within DWDS biofilms or how this is influenced by community composition or environmental parameters, because of the complications in obtaining biofilm samples and the difficulties in analysing EPS. Additionally, although biofilms may contain various microbial groups, research commonly focuses solely upon bacteria. This research applies an EPS analysis method based upon fluorescent confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) in combination with digital image analysis (DIA), to concurrently characterize cells and EPS (carbohydrates and proteins) within drinking water biofilms from a full-scale DWDS experimental pipe loop facility with representative hydraulic conditions. Application of the EPS analysis method, alongside DNA fingerprinting of bacterial, archaeal and fungal communities, was demonstrated for biofilms sampled from different positions around the pipeline, after 28 days growth within the DWDS experimental facility. The volume of EPS was 4.9 times greater than that of the cells within biofilms, with carbohydrates present as the dominant component. Additionally, the greatest proportion of EPS was located above that of the cells. Fungi and archaea were established as important components of the biofilm community, although bacteria were more diverse. Moreover, biofilms from different positions were similar with respect to community structure and the quantity, composition and three-dimensional distribution of cells and EPS, indicating that active colonisation of the pipe wall is an important driver in material accumulation within the DWDS.  相似文献   

The role of bacteria in the occasional emergence of red water, which has been documented worldwide, has yet to be determined. To better understand the mechanisms that drive occurrences of red water, the bacterial community composition and the relative abundance of several functional bacterial groups in a water distribution system of Beijing during a large-scale red water event were determined using several molecular methods. Individual clone libraries of the 16S rRNA gene were constructed for three red water samples and one sample of normal water. Beta-, Alpha-, and Gammaproteobacteria comprised the major bacterial communities in both red water and normal water samples, in agreement with previous reports. A high percentage of red water clones (25.2 to 57.1%) were affiliated with or closely related to a diverse array of iron-oxidizing bacteria, including the neutrophilic microaerobic genera Gallionella and Sideroxydans, the acidophilic species Acidothiobacillus ferrooxidans, and the anaerobic denitrifying Thermomonas bacteria. The genus Gallionella comprised 18.7 to 28.6% of all clones in the three red water libraries. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis showed that the 16S rRNA gene copy concentration of Gallionella spp. was between (4.1 ± 0.9) × 107 (mean ± standard deviation) and (1.6 ± 0.3) × 108 per liter in red water, accounting for 13.1% ± 2.9% to 17.2% ± 3.6% of the total Bacteria spp. in these samples. By comparison, the percentages of Gallionella spp. in the normal water samples were 0.1% or lower (below the limit of detection), suggesting an important role of Gallionella spp. in the formation of red water.On occasion, extensive precipitation of iron oxides in drinking water distribution systems manifests as red water at the tap and results in serious deterioration of water quality, with undesirable esthetic and health effects (18, 40, 46). The abundance of ferrous iron in source water or the acceleration of corrosion of iron pipelines after the loosening of chemical and microbial films from the interior surfaces of distribution systems might be the sources of iron oxides in red water. Switching of water sources has been observed to be associated with red water due to disruption of the delicate chemical equilibrium in water supply systems (18). High concentrations of anions, particularly sulfate ions, have been recognized as a causative agent of red water in many cases, reflected in high values on indices such as the Larson-Skold index (18, 29). Other physicochemical factors, such as insufficient disinfection residue, extended hydraulic retention time, low levels of dissolved oxygen, high temperature, low alkalinity, and high chloride concentration, have also been implicated in the emergence of red water (18, 46).In addition to physicochemical factors, microorganisms may also participate in the unique phenomenon of red water. Drinking water distribution systems are a unique niche for microorganisms, despite oligotrophic conditions and the presence of free or combined chlorine (3, 18). Phylogenetically diverse bacterial groups can inhabit the bulk water or biofilms attached to pipes. Culture-based and independent analyses have revealed that members of the class Proteobacteria, including the Alpha-, Beta-, and Gammaproteobacteria, are typically the most abundant bacterial group in water distribution systems, followed by bacterial phyla such as Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, and Bacteroidetes (13, 38). Bacteria inhabiting distribution systems mainly fill functions of diverse carbon source utilization and nitrification, as well as microbial corrosion (3). Meanwhile, during periods of red water, abundant ferrous iron in the bulk water creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria in the distribution systems, as this iron scavenges residual chlorine and serves as an energy source for iron-oxidizing bacteria. Some neutrophilic iron oxidizers, such as Gallionella spp. and Leptothrix ochracea, which have occasionally been observed in association with red water events because of their distinct morphology, can promote the precipitation of iron oxides by converting ferrous iron to ferric iron (9, 46). As very little energy can be generated during the oxidation of ferrous to ferric iron, a large quantity of iron needs to be oxidized to support the growth of lithotrophic iron oxidizers. It has been calculated that the ratio of iron to the weight of bacterial cell material could be up to approximately 450 to 500, assuming that the oxidation of ferrous iron provides the sole energy for the synthesis of cell material (9). Emerson et al. have found that the oxidation rate of ferrous iron could be up to 600 to 960 nmol per h per cm3 of mat material that contained up to 109 bacterial cells, most of which were iron oxidizers like Gallionella spp. and Leptothrix ochracea, and the oxidation rate of ferrous iron by iron oxidizers could be as high as four times that of dissolved oxygen (15). These neutrophilic iron oxidizers have been even utilized to remove iron from groundwater by passage of preaerated water through sand filters during drinking water treatment (24, 36). Thus, iron-oxidizing species might play an important role in red water events. With the exception of specific neutrophilic iron oxidizers (e.g., Gallionella spp. and Leptothrix ochracea), the whole microbial community composition in red water and the presence of potentially functional groups, including neutrophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria in red water, is poorly defined, possibly because the appearance of this unique phenomenon in real distribution systems is so irregular. To better understand the mechanisms that drive the emergence of red water, the bacterial community composition and the relative abundance of several functional bacterial groups in a water distribution system of Beijing during a large-scale red water event were determined using several molecular methods. The results of this comprehensive investigation of the biological component of red water will provide valuable information for those managing red water events in water distribution systems.  相似文献   

Nonpigmented and late-pigmenting rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM) have been reported to commonly colonize water production and distribution systems. However, there is little information about the nature and distribution of RGM species within the different parts of such complex networks or about their clustering into specific RGM species communities. We conducted a large-scale survey between 2007 and 2009 in the Parisian urban tap water production and distribution system. We analyzed 1,418 water samples from 36 sites, covering all production units, water storage tanks, and distribution units; RGM isolates were identified by using rpoB gene sequencing. We detected 18 RGM species and putative new species, with most isolates being Mycobacterium chelonae and Mycobacterium llatzerense. Using hierarchical clustering and principal-component analysis, we found that RGM were organized into various communities correlating with water origin (groundwater or surface water) and location within the distribution network. Water treatment plants were more specifically associated with species of the Mycobacterium septicum group. On average, M. chelonae dominated network sites fed by surface water, and M. llatzerense dominated those fed by groundwater. Overall, the M. chelonae prevalence index increased along the distribution network and was associated with a correlative decrease in the prevalence index of M. llatzerense, suggesting competitive or niche exclusion between these two dominant species. Our data describe the great diversity and complexity of RGM species living in the interconnected environments that constitute the water production and distribution system of a large city and highlight the prevalence index of the potentially pathogenic species M. chelonae in the distribution network.  相似文献   

Drinking water reservoir plays a vital role in the security of urban water supply, yet little is known about microbial community diversity harbored in the sediment of this oligotrophic freshwater environmental ecosystem. In the present study, integrating community level physiological profiles (CLPPs), nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and clone sequence technologies, we examined the sediment urease and protease activities, bacterial community functional diversity, genetic diversity of bacterial and fungal communities in sediments from six sampling sites of Zhou cun drinking water reservoir, eastern China. The results showed that sediment urease activity was markedly distinct along the sites, ranged from 2.48 to 11.81 mg NH3-N/(g·24h). The highest average well color development (AWCD) was found in site C, indicating the highest metabolic activity of heterotrophic bacterial community. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed tremendous differences in the functional (metabolic) diversity patterns of the sediment bacterial communities from different sites. Meanwhile, DGGE fingerprints also indicated spatial changes of genetic diversity of sediment bacterial and fungal communities. The sequence BLAST analysis of all the sediment samples found that Comamonas sp. was the dominant bacterial species harbored in site A. Alternaria alternate, Allomyces macrogynus and Rhizophydium sp. were most commonly detected fungal species in sediments of the Zhou cun drinking water reservoir. The results from this work provide new insights about the heterogeneity of sediment microbial community metabolic activity and genetic diversity in the oligotrophic drinking water reservoir.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digesters rely on the diversity and distribution of parallel metabolic pathways mediated by complex syntrophic microbial communities to maintain robust and optimal performance. Using mesophilic swine waste digesters, we experimented with increased ammonia loading to induce a shift from aceticlastic methanogenesis to an alternative acetate-consuming pathway of syntrophic acetate oxidation. In comparison with control digesters, we observed shifts in bacterial 16S rRNA gene content and in functional gene repertoires over the course of the digesters'' 3-year operating period. During the first year, under identical startup conditions, all bioreactors mirrored each other closely in terms of bacterial phylotype content, phylogenetic structure, and evenness. When we perturbed the digesters by increasing the ammonia concentration or temperature, the distribution of bacterial phylotypes became more uneven, followed by a return to more even communities once syntrophic acetate oxidation had allowed the experimental bioreactors to regain stable operation. The emergence of syntrophic acetate oxidation coincided with a partial shift from aceticlastic to hydrogenotrophic methanogens. Our 16S rRNA gene analysis also revealed that acetate-fed enrichment experiments resulted in communities that did not represent the bioreactor community. Analysis of shotgun sequencing of community DNA suggests that syntrophic acetate oxidation was carried out by a heterogeneous community rather than by a specific keystone population with representatives of enriched cultures with this metabolic capacity.  相似文献   

Microbial communities in biofilms grown for 4 and 11 weeks under the flow of drinking water supplemented with 0, 1, 2, and 5 μg of phosphorus liter−1 and in drinking and warm waters were compared by using phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) and lipopolysaccharide 3-hydroxy fatty acids (LPS 3-OH-FAs). Phosphate increased the proportion of PLFAs 16:1ω7c and 18:1ω7c and affected LPS 3-OH-FAs after 11 weeks of growth, indicating an increase in gram-negative bacteria and changes in their community structure. Differences in community structures between biofilms and drinking and warm waters can be assumed from PLFAs and LPS 3-OH-FAs, concomitantly with adaptive changes in fatty acid chain length, cyclization, and unsaturation.  相似文献   

Water kefir is a sour, alcoholic, and fruity fermented beverage of which the fermentation is started with water kefir grains. These water kefir grains consist of polysaccharide and contain the microorganisms responsible for the water kefir fermentation. In this work, a water kefir fermentation process was followed as a function of time during 192 h to unravel the community dynamics, the species diversity, and the kinetics of substrate consumption and metabolite production. The majority of the water kefir ecosystem was found to be present on the water kefir grains. The most important microbial species present were Lactobacillus casei/paracasei, Lactobacillus harbinensis, Lactobacillus hilgardii, Bifidobacterium psychraerophilum/crudilactis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Dekkera bruxellensis. The microbial species diversities in the water kefir liquor and on the water kefir grains were similar and remained stable during the whole fermentation process. The major substrate, sucrose, was completely converted after 24 h of fermentation, which coincided with the production of the major part of the water kefir grain polysaccharide. The main metabolites of the fermentation were ethanol and lactic acid. Glycerol, acetic acid, and mannitol were produced in low concentrations. The major part of these metabolites was produced during the first 72 h of fermentation, during which the pH decreased from 4.26 to 3.45. The most prevalent volatile aroma compounds were ethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, and ethyl decanoate, which might be of significance with respect to the aroma of the end product.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine interrelationships between the heterotrophic and phototrophic populations within an epilithic community in the outlet stream of a high alpine lake. Levels of nitrates, phosphates, and total organic compounds in the lake were consistently near the lower limits of detectability. Microscopic examination of the community by phase-contrast light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy revealed diatoms, filamentous algae, and bacteria embedded within a dense gelatinous matrix. Chlorophyll a and primary productivity measurements had peak values in early August, with subsequent declines. Bacterial heterotrophic activity, as measured by Vmax, turnover rate, and relative activity, increased significantly as the phototrophic community declined. This trend in heterotrophic activity was not accompanied by an increase in total bacterial numbers as determined by epi-illuminated fluorescence microscopy. These results suggest that the phototrophic community responded to changes in, or interactions among, various chemical and physical factors throughout the study period. The catabolic activity of the sessile bacteria appeared to be positively influenced by changes in the mat environment resulting from the decline of the phototrophic populations.  相似文献   

The sedimentary layer deposited at the surface of stormwater infiltration basins is highly organic and multicontaminated. It undergoes considerable moisture content fluctuations due to the drying and inundation cycles (called hydric dynamics) of these basins. Little is known about the microflora of the sediments and its dynamics; hence, the purpose of this study is to describe the physicochemical and biological characteristics of the sediments at different hydric statuses of the infiltration basin. Sediments were sampled at five time points following rain events and dry periods. They were characterized by physical (aggregation), chemical (nutrients and heavy metals), and biological (total, bacterial and fungal biomasses, and genotypic fingerprints of total bacterial and fungal communities) parameters. Data were processed using statistical analyses which indicated that heavy metal (1,841 μg/g dry weight (DW)) and organic matter (11%) remained stable through time. By contrast, aggregation, nutrient content (NH4+, 53–717 μg/g DW), pH (6.9–7.4), and biological parameters were shown to vary with sediment water content and sediment biomass, and were higher consecutive to stormwater flows into the basin (up to 7 mg C/g DW) than during dry periods (0.6 mg C/g DW). Coinertia analysis revealed that the structure of the bacterial communities is driven by the hydric dynamics of the infiltration basin, although no such trend was found for fungal communities. Hydric dynamics more than rain events appear to be more relevant for explaining variations of aggregation, microbial biomass, and shift in the microbial community composition. We concluded that the hydric dynamics of stormwater infiltration basins greatly affects the structural stability of the sedimentary layer, the biomass of the microbial community living in it and its dynamics. The decrease in aggregation consecutive to rewetting probably enhances access to organic matter (OM), explaining the consecutive release of NH4+, the bloom of the microbial biomass, and the change in structure of the bacterial community. These results open new perspectives for basin management since the risk of OM and pollutant transfer to the aquifer is greatly affected by alternating dry and flood periods.  相似文献   

Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are ubiquitous and have been isolated from a variety of environmental sources, including water. Various NTM were isolated from biofilms in drinking water distribution systems in two urban and two semiurban areas in South Africa. Most of the isolates belonged to opportunistic pathogenic species of the NTM group, but none belonged to the Mycobacterium avium complex.  相似文献   

The Italian Toscano cigar production includes a fermentation step that starts when dark fire-cured tobacco leaves are moistened and mixed with ca. 20% prefermented tobacco to form a 500-kg bulk. The dynamics of the process, lasting ca. 18 days, has never been investigated in detail, and limited information is available on microbiota involved. Here we show that Toscano fermentation is invariably associated with the following: (i) an increase in temperature, pH, and total microbial population; (ii) a decrease in reducing sugars, citric and malic acids, and nitrate content; and (iii) an increase in oxalic acid, nitrite, and tobacco-specific nitrosamine content. The microbial community structure and dynamics were investigated by culture-based and culture-independent approaches, including denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and single-strand conformational polymorphism. Results demonstrate that fermentation is assisted by a complex microbial community, changing in structure and composition during the process. During the early phase, the moderately acidic and mesophilic environment supports the rapid growth of a yeast population predominated by Debaryomyces hansenii. At this stage, Staphylococcaceae (Jeotgalicoccus and Staphylococcus) and Lactobacillales (Aerococcus, Lactobacillus, and Weissella) are the most commonly detected bacteria. When temperature and pH increase, endospore-forming low-G+C content gram-positive bacilli (Bacillus spp.) become evident. This leads to a further pH increase and promotes growth of moderately halotolerant and alkaliphilic Actinomycetales (Corynebacterium and Yania) during the late phase. To postulate a functional role for individual microbial species assisting the fermentation process, a preliminary physiological and biochemical characterization of representative isolates was performed.  相似文献   

Drinking water distribution networks are known to harbor microbial biofilms. The aim of the present work is to (i) identify the culturable bacteria presented in the drinking-water distribution network, (ii) investigate the ability of isolated bacteria to form biofilm under some environmental stress conditions and some eliminating or removing treatments. To achieve it, 57 strains were isolated from biofilm (43 isolates) and water samples (14 isolates) collected from five stations in drinking-water distribution network in Taif city, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Partial sequences of 16S rRNA gene in the 57 isolates ensured the presence of only 22 different strains in biofilm samples. Among these strains, only 14 strains were also detected in water samples. Gram-negative Aeromonas hydrophila was the most occurred bacterium in the microbial biofilm obtained from the purified-water storage tanks followed by Gram-negative Pseudomonas sp. Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis was the most occurred bacterium in the microbial biofilm collected from the ends of the distribution pipes. Among the 22 isolated strains, 13 strains were strong biofilm producers at 30 and 37°C. The effects of environmental stresses including nutrient starvation (diluted TSB, 20:1), heating (100°C for 10 min), UV-treatment (240 nm for 10 min) and dynamic incubation (150 rpm min?1) on the formation of biofilm were also investigated. These conditions affected the biofilm formation ability of the isolated strains at different levels. Nutrient starvation enhanced biofilm formation by most of the isolates. Among some biofilm deforming treatments, SDS and trypsin had considerable effects on preventing biofilm formation by most of the isolated strains. In conclusion, the results of the present work indicated that not all biofilm strains released from biofilm to the drinking water. Also, not all biofilm strains were able to form biofilm. Most of isolated bacteria had ability to form biofilm at suboptimum temperature of growth. These results may provide basic information on formation of microbial biofilms and overcome the problem of deteriorating of water quality in the drinking-water distribution networks.  相似文献   

Nitrification in drinking water distribution systems is a common operational problem for many utilities that use chloramines for secondary disinfection. The diversity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) in the distribution systems of a pilot-scale chloraminated drinking water treatment system was characterized using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis and 16S rRNA gene (ribosomal DNA [rDNA]) cloning and sequencing. For ammonia oxidizers, 16S rDNA-targeted T-RFLP indicated the presence of Nitrosomonas in each of the distribution systems, with a considerably smaller peak attributable to Nitrosospira-like AOB. Sequences of AOB amplification products aligned within the Nitrosomonas oligotropha cluster and were closely related to N. oligotropha and Nitrosomonas ureae. The nitrite-oxidizing communities were comprised primarily of Nitrospira, although Nitrobacter was detected in some samples. These results suggest a possible selection of AOB related to N. oligotropha and N. ureae in chloraminated systems and demonstrate the presence of NOB, indicating a biological mechanism for nitrite loss that contributes to a reduction in nitrite-associated chloramine decay.  相似文献   

Community assembly theories such as species sorting theory provide a framework for understanding the structures and dynamics of local communities. The effect of theoretical mechanisms can vary with the scales of observation and effects of specific environmental factors. Based on 16S rRNA gene tag pyrosequencing, different structures and temporal succession patterns were discovered between the surface sediments and bottom water microbial communities in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE). The microbial communities in the surface sediment samples were more diverse than those in the bottom water samples, and several genera were specific for the water or sediment communities. Moreover, water temperature was identified as the main variable driving community dynamics and the microbial communities in the sediment showed a greater temporal change. We speculate that nutrient-based species sorting and bacterial plasticity to the temperature contribute to the variations observed between sediment and water communities in the PRE. This study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the microbial community structures in a highly dynamic estuarine system and sheds light on the applicability of ecological theoretical mechanisms.  相似文献   

The number of people served by networked systems that supply intermittent and contaminated drinking water is increasing. In these settings, centralized water treatment is ineffective, while household-level water treatment technologies have not been brought to scale. This study compares a novel low-cost technology designed to passively (automatically) dispense chlorine at shared handpumps with a household-level intervention providing water disinfection tablets (Aquatab), safe water storage containers, and behavior promotion. Twenty compounds were enrolled in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and randomly assigned to one of three groups: passive chlorinator, Aquatabs, or control. Over a 10-month intervention period, the mean percentage of households whose stored drinking water had detectable total chlorine was 75% in compounds with access to the passive chlorinator, 72% in compounds receiving Aquatabs, and 6% in control compounds. Both interventions also significantly improved microbial water quality. Aquatabs usage fell by 50% after behavioral promotion visits concluded, suggesting intensive promotion is necessary for sustained uptake. The study findings suggest high potential for an automated decentralized water treatment system to increase consistent access to clean water in low-income urban communities.  相似文献   

Hygienic and microbiological examinations of watercourses are usually not carried out during heavy rainfall and runoff events. After rainfall or snowmelt, there are often massive increases in turbidity in flooding creeks in mountain ranges, which are frequently interpreted as an indication of microbial contamination. The aim of this study was to quantify the microbial loads of watercourses during such runoff events and to compare these loads with loads occurring during regular conditions. In a 14-month monitoring period we investigated the microbial loads of three tributaries of different drinking water reservoirs. A total of 99 water samples were taken under different runoff conditions and analyzed to determine physical, chemical, bacterial, and parasitic parameters. Thirty-two water samples were considered event samples during nine measuring series. The criteria for events, based on duration and intensity of precipitation, water depth gauge measurements, and dynamics, had been fixed before the investigation for each creek individually. Of the physical and chemical parameters examined, only the turbidity, pH, and nitrate values differed clearly from the values obtained for regular samples. Most of the bacteriological parameters investigated (colony, Escherichia coli, coliform, fecal streptococcal, and Clostridium perfringens counts) increased considerably during extreme runoff events. If relevant sources of parasitic contamination occurred in catchment areas, the concentrations of Giardia and Cryptosporidium rose significantly during events. The results show that substantial shares of the total microbial loads in watercourses and in drinking water reservoirs result from rainfall and extreme runoff events. Consequently, regular samples are considered inadequate for representing the microbial contamination of watercourse systems. The procedures for raw water surveillance in the context of multiple-barrier protection and risk assessment ought to include sampling during extreme runoff situations.  相似文献   

The microbial community of a pig slurry on a farm was monitored for 6 months using both molecular and cultural approaches. Sampling was carried out at all the different stages of effluent handling, from the rearing build-up to slurry spreading. Total DNA of each sample was extracted and analyzed by PCR-single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis using primers targeting the 16S rRNA genes from the archaeal and bacterial domains and also the Eubacterium-Clostridium, Bacillus-Streptococcus-Lactobacillus, and Bacteroides-Prevotella groups. A comparison of the SSCP profiles showed that there were rapid changes in the dominant bacterial community during the first 2 weeks of anaerobic storage and that the community was relatively stable thereafter. Several bacterial populations, identified as populations closely related to uncultured Clostridium and Porphyromonas and to Lactobacillus and Streptococcus cultured species commonly isolated from pig feces, remained present and dominant from the rearing build-up to the time of spreading. Enumeration of fecal indicators (enterococci and Escherichia coli) performed in parallel using cultural methods revealed the same trends. On the other hand, the archaeal community adapted slowly during pig slurry storage, and its diversity increased. A shift between two hydrogenotrophic methanogenic Methanobrevibacter populations from the storage pit to the pond was observed. Microorganisms present in pig slurry at the time of spreading could not be detected in soil after spreading by either molecular or cultural techniques, probably because of the detection limit inherent in the two techniques.  相似文献   

Winogradsky columns are model microbial ecosystems prepared by adding pond sediment to a clear cylinder with additional supplements and incubated with light. Environmental gradients develop within the column creating diverse niches that allow enrichment of specific bacteria. The enrichment culture can be used to study soil and sediment microbial community structure and function. In this study we used a 16S rRNA gene survey to characterize the microbial community dynamics during Winogradsky column development to determine the rate and extent of change from the source sediment community. Over a period of 60 days, the microbial community changed from the founding pond sediment population: Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Nitrospirae, and Planctomycetes increased in relative abundance over time, while most Proteobacteria decreased in relative abundance. A unique, light-dependent surface biofilm community formed by 60 days that was less diverse and dominated by a few highly abundant bacteria. 67–72% of the surface community was comprised of highly enriched taxa that were rare in the source pond sediment, including the Cyanobacteria Anabaena, a member of the Gemmatimonadetes phylum, and a member of the Chloroflexi class Anaerolinea. This indicates that rare taxa can become abundant under appropriate environmental conditions and supports the hypothesis that rare taxa serve as a microbial seed bank. We also present preliminary findings that suggest that bacteriophages may be active in the Winogradsky community. The dynamics of certain taxa, most notably the Cyanobacteria, showed a bloom-and-decline pattern, consistent with bacteriophage predation as predicted in the kill-the-winner hypothesis. Time-lapse photography also supported the possibility of bacteriophage activity, revealing a pattern of colony clearance similar to formation of viral plaques. The Winogradsky column, a technique developed early in the history of microbial ecology to enrich soil microbes, may therefore be a useful model system to investigate both microbial and viral ecology.  相似文献   

用DGGE技术分析污水人工快速渗滤系统中微生物种群分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从深圳运行中的人工快速渗滤系统(CRI)的砂层填料中以5cm~10cm间隔垂直取10个样品,进行16S rDNAV3区的DGGE分析,结果表明,CRI系统中微生物种群随着深度的增加逐渐减少,在快渗池砂层填料的30cm深度范围内,微生物群落组成至少有18种,主要是Firmicutes、alpha proteobacterium中的异养菌,它们是COD降解的主要参与者;而在40cm及更深范围,菌群减少为12种甚至更少,优势菌是Acidovorax sp.、Nitrospira sp.、Clostridium sp.等,表明快渗池下部存在较强的硝化作用和厌氧的微环境,快渗池上、下层之间呈现出不同的多样性。结果揭示出CRI系统中的微生物种群空间分布状况,为其处理效果的稳定和提高提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

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