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Cloning of the Drosophila Shaker gene established that a neurological phenotype including locomotor dysfunction can be caused by a mutation in a voltage-gated potassium (K) channel gene. Shaker sequences have been used to isolate a large family of related K channel genes from both flies and mammals. Toward elucidating the evolutionary relationship between loci and the potential causal connection that K channels may have to mammalian genetic disorders, we report here the genetic mapping of 12-16 different murine, voltage-gated K channel genes. We find that multiple genes, in some cases from distantly related K channel subfamilies, occur in clusters in the mouse genome. These mapping results suggest that the K channel gene subfamilies arose through ancient localized gene duplication events, followed by chromosomal duplications and rearrangements as well as further gene duplication. We also note that several neurologic disorders of both mouse and human are associated with the chromosomal regions containing K channel genes.  相似文献   


The Shaker locus encodes a family of voltage-gated potassium (K) channels expressed in the central and peripheral nervous system as well as in muscle. Members of the Shaker K-family have variant amino- and carboxy-terminal sequences, which assemble into homo-and hetero-multimeric K-channels. The channels have distinct kinetics of activation and inactivation. Electrophysiological characterization of wild type and mutant K-channels allows to correlate particular domains and critical amino acid residues with receptor sites of open channel blockers such as tetraethyl-ammonium, charybdotoxin and dendrotoxin.  相似文献   

The ability of azobenzene trimethylammonium bromide (azoTAB) to sensitize cardiac tissue excitability to light was recently reported. The dark, thermally relaxed trans- isomer of azoTAB suppressed spontaneous activity and excitation propagation speed, whereas the cis- isomer had no detectable effect on the electrical properties of cardiomyocyte monolayers. As the membrane potential of cardiac cells is mainly controlled by activity of voltage-gated ion channels, this study examined whether the sensitization effect of azoTAB was exerted primarily via the modulation of voltage-gated ion channel activity. The effects of trans- and cis- isomers of azoTAB on voltage-dependent sodium (INav), calcium (ICav), and potassium (IKv) currents in isolated neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were investigated using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. The experiments showed that azoTAB modulated ion currents, causing suppression of sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+) currents and potentiation of net potassium (K+) currents. This finding confirms that azoTAB-effect on cardiac tissue excitability do indeed result from modulation of voltage-gated ion channels responsible for action potential.  相似文献   

Synonymous codons are widely selected for various biological mechanisms in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Recent evidence suggests that microRNA (miRNA) function may affect synonymous codon choices near miRNA target sites. To better understand this, we perform genome-wide analysis on synonymous codon usage around miRNA target sites in four plant genomes. We observed a general trend of increased site accessibility around miRNA target sites in plants. Guanine-cytosine (GC)-poor codons are preferred in the flank region of miRNA target sites. Within-genome analyses show significant variation among miRNA targets in species. GC content of the target gene can partly explain the variation of site accessibility among miRNA targets. miRNA targets in GC-rich genes show stronger selection signals than those in GC-poor genes. Gene's codon usage bias and the conservation level of miRNA and its target also have some effects on site accessibility, but the expression level of miRNA or its target and the mechanism of miRNA activity do not contribute to site accessibility differences among miRNA targets. We suggest that synonymous codons near miRNA targets are selected for efficient miRNA binding and proper miRNA function. Our results present a new dimension of natural selection on synonymous codons near miRNA target sites in plants, which will have important implications of coding sequence evolution.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that optimization of either axonal conduction velocity or the energy efficiency of action potential conduction predominates in the selection of voltage-gated sodium conductance levels in the squid axon. A population genetics model of channel gene regulatory function was used to examine the role of these and other evolutionary forces on the selection of both sodium and potassium channel expression levels. In this model, the accumulating effects of mutations result in degradation of gene regulatory function, causing channel gene expression to fall to near-zero in the absence of positive selection. In the presence of positive selection, channel expression levels fall to the lowest values consistent with the selection criteria, thereby establishing a selection-mutation balance. Within the parameter space of sodium and potassium conductance values, the physiological performance of the squid axon model showed marked discontinuities associated with conduction failure and excitability. These discontinuities in physiological function may produce fitness cliffs. A fitness cliff associated with conduction failure, combined with the effects of phenotypic noise, can account for the selection of sodium conductance levels, without considering either conduction velocity or metabolic cost. A fitness cliff associated with a transition in axonal excitability, combined with phenotypic noise, can explain the selection of potassium channel expression levels. The results suggest that voltage-gated ion channel expression will fall to low levels, consistent with key functional constraints, even in the absence of positive selection for energy efficiency. Channel expression levels and individual variation in channel expression within the population can be explained by regulatory evolution in combination with genetic variation in regulatory function and phenotypic noise, without resorting to more complex mechanisms, such as activity-dependent homeostasis. Only a relatively small region of the large, nominally isofunctional parameter space for channel expression will normally be occupied, because of the effects of mutation.  相似文献   

Excitability in neurons is associated with firing of action potentials and requires the opening of voltage-gated sodium channels with membrane depolarization. Sustained membrane depolarization, as seen in pathophysiological conditions like epilepsy, can have profound implications on the biophysical properties of voltage-gated ion channels. Therefore, we sought to characterize the effect of sustained membrane depolarization on single voltage-gated Na+ channels. Single-channel activity was recorded in the cell-attached patch-clamp mode from the rNav1.2α channels expressed in CHO cells. Classical statistical analysis revealed complex nonlinear changes in channel dwell times and unitary conductance of single Na+ channels as a function of conditioning membrane depolarization. Signal processing tools like weighted wavelet Z (WWZ) and discrete Fourier transform analyses attributed a “pseudo-oscillatory” nature to the observed nonlinear variation in the kinetic parameters. Modeling studies using the hidden Markov model (HMM) illustrated significant changes in kinetic states and underlying state transition rate constants upon conditioning depolarization. Our results suggest that sustained membrane depolarization induces novel nonlinear properties in voltage-gated Na+ channels. Prolonged membrane depolarization also induced a “molecular memory” phenomenon, characterized by clusters of dwell time events and strong autocorrelation in the dwell time series similar to that reported recently for single enzyme molecules. The persistence of such molecular memory was found to be dependent on the duration of depolarization. Voltage-gated Na+ channel with the observed time-dependent nonlinear properties and the molecular memory phenomenon may determine the functional state of the channel and, in turn, the excitability of a neuron.  相似文献   

Most previous studies of the evolution of codon usage bias (CUB) and intronic GC content (iGC) in Drosophila melanogaster were based on between-species comparisons, reflecting long-term evolutionary events. However, a complete picture of the evolution of CUB and iGC cannot be drawn without knowledge of their more recent evolutionary history. Here, we used a polymorphism dataset collected from Zimbabwe to study patterns of the recent evolution of CUB and iGC. Analyzing coding and intronic data jointly with a model which can simultaneously estimate selection, mutational, and demographic parameters, we have found that: (1) natural selection is probably acting on synonymous codons; (2) a constant population size model seems to be sufficient to explain most of the observed synonymous polymorphism patterns; (3) GC is favored over AT in introns. In agreement with the long-term evolutionary patterns, ongoing selection acting on X-linked synonymous codons is stronger than that acting on autosomal codons. The selective differences between preferred and unpreferred codons tend to be greater than the differences between GC and AT in introns, suggesting that natural selection, not just biased gene conversion, may have influenced the evolution of CUB. Interestingly, evidence for non-equilibrium evolution comes exclusively from the intronic data. However, three different models, an equilibrium model with two classes of selected sites and two non-equilibrium models with changes in either population size or mutational parameters, fit the intronic data equally well. These results show that using inadequate selection (or demographic) models can result in incorrect estimates of demographic (or selection) parameters.  相似文献   

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arachidonic acid (AA) was found to inhibit the function of whole-cell voltage-gated (VG) calcium currents nearly 16 years ago. There are now numerous examples demonstrating that AA and other polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) modulate the function of VG ion channels, primarily in neurons and muscle cells. We will review and extract some common features about the modulation by PUFAs of VG calcium, sodium, and potassium channels and discuss the impact of this modulation on the excitability of neurons and cardiac myocytes. We will describe the fatty acid nature of the membrane, how fatty acids become available to function as modulators of VG channels, and the physiologic importance of this type of modulation. We will review the evidence for molecular mechanisms and assess our current understanding of the structural basis for modulation. With guidance from research on the structure of fatty acid binding proteins, the role of lipids in gating mechanosensitive (MS) channels, and the impact of membrane lipid composition on membrane-embedded proteins, we will highlight some avenues for future investigations.  相似文献   

Previous investigations indicated that synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates are correlated in mammalian genes. In the present work, this correlation has been studied at the intragenic level using a dataset of 48 orthologous genes from species belonging to at least four different mammalian orders. The results obtained show that the intragenic variability in synonymous rates is correlated with that of nonsynonymous rates. Moreover, the variation in GC level (and especially of C level) of silent positions along each gene is correlated with the variation in synonymous rate. These results reinforce the previous conclusions that synonymous and nonsynonymous rates as well as GC levels of silent positions are to some extent under common selective constraints. Received: 10 July 1997 / Accepted: 13 August 1997  相似文献   

Nonrandom patterns associated with adaptively evolving genes can shed light on how selection and mutation produce rapid changes in sequences. I examine such patterns in two independent families of antimicrobial peptide genes: those in frogs, which are known to have evolved under positive selection, and those in flatfishes, which I show have also evolved under positive selection. I address two recently proposed hypotheses about the molecular evolution of antimicrobial peptide genes. The first is that the mature peptide region is replicated by an error-prone polymerase that increases the mutation rate and the transversion/transition ratio compared to the signal sequence of the same genes. The second is that mature peptides evolve in a coordinated fashion with their propieces, such that a change in net charge in one molecular region prompts an opposite change in charge in the other region. I test these hypotheses using alternative methods that minimize alignment errors, correct for phylogenetic nonindependence, reduce sequence saturation, and account for differing selection pressures on different regions of the gene. In both gene families I show that divergence at both synonymous and nonsynonymous sites within the mature peptide region is enhanced. However, in neither gene family is there evidence of an increased mutational transversion/transition ratio or coordinated evolution. My observations are consistent with either an elevated mutation rate in an adaptively evolving gene region or widespread selection on “silent” sites. These hypotheses challenge the assumption that mutations are random and can be measured by the synonymous substitution rate. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willie J. Swanson]  相似文献   

单离子通道电信号的依赖性   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
运用时间序列关于信号依赖性的基本理论,讨论了单离子通道电信号的依赖性,得到关于依赖性的简明判别准则.  相似文献   

The evolution of Na+-selective four-domain voltage-gated channels (4D-Navs) in animals allowed rapid Na+-dependent electrical excitability, and enabled the development of sophisticated systems for rapid and long-range signaling. While bacteria encode single-domain Na+-selective voltage-gated channels (BacNav), they typically exhibit much slower kinetics than 4D-Navs, and are not thought to have crossed the prokaryote–eukaryote boundary. As such, the capacity for rapid Na+-selective signaling is considered to be confined to certain animal taxa, and absent from photosynthetic eukaryotes. Certainly, in land plants, such as the Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) where fast electrical excitability has been described, this is most likely based on fast anion channels. Here, we report a unique class of eukaryotic Na+-selective, single-domain channels (EukCatBs) that are present primarily in haptophyte algae, including the ecologically important calcifying coccolithophores, Emiliania huxleyi and Scyphosphaera apsteinii. The EukCatB channels exhibit very rapid voltage-dependent activation and inactivation kinetics, and isoform-specific sensitivity to the highly selective 4D-Nav blocker tetrodotoxin. The results demonstrate that the capacity for rapid Na+-based signaling in eukaryotes is not restricted to animals or to the presence of 4D-Navs. The EukCatB channels therefore represent an independent evolution of fast Na+-based electrical signaling in eukaryotes that likely contribute to sophisticated cellular control mechanisms operating on very short time scales in unicellular algae.

Electrical signals trigger rapid physiological events that underpin an array of fundamental processes in eukaryotes, from contractile amoeboid locomotion (Bingley and Thompson, 1962), to the action potentials of mammalian nerve and muscle cells (Hodgkin and Huxley, 1952). These events are mediated by voltage-gated ion channels (Brunet and Arendt, 2015). In excitable animal cells, Ca2+- or Na+-selective members of the four-domain voltage-gated cation channel family (4D-Cav/Nav) underpin well-characterized signaling processes (Catterall et al., 2017). The 4D-Cav/Nav family is broadly distributed across eukaryotes, contributing to signaling processes associated with motility in some unicellular protist and microalgal species (Fujiu et al., 2009; Lodh et al., 2016), although these channels are absent from land plants (Edel et al., 2017). It is likely that the ancestral 4D-Cav/Nav channel was Ca2+-permeable, with Na+-selective channels arising later within the animal lineage (Moran et al., 2015). This shift in ion selectivity represented an important innovation in animals, allowing rapid voltage-driven electrical excitability to be decoupled from intracellular Ca2+ signaling processes (Moran et al., 2015).Na+-selective voltage-gated channels have not been described in other eukaryotes, although a large family of Na+-selective channels (BacNav) is present in prokaryotes (Ren et al., 2001; Koishi et al., 2004). BacNav are single-domain channels that form homotetramers, resembling the four-domain architecture of 4D-Cav/Nav. Studies of BacNav channels have provided considerable insight into the mechanisms of gating and selectivity in voltage-dependent ion channels (Payandeh et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2012). The range of activation and inactivation kinetics of native BacNav are generally slower than observed for 4D-Nav, suggesting that the concatenation and subsequent differentiation of individual pore-forming subunits may have enabled 4D-Nav to develop specific properties such as fast inactivation, which is mediated by the conserved intracellular Ile–Phe–Met linker between domains III and IV (Fig. 1A; Irie et al., 2010; Catterall et al., 2017).Open in a separate windowFigure 1.EukCatBs represent a novel class of single-domain channels. A, Schematic diagram of a single-domain EukCatB channel. The voltage-sensing module (S1–S4, blue), including conserved positively charged (++) residues of segment (S4) that responds to changes in membrane potential, is shown. The pore module (S5–S6, red) is also indicated, including the SF motif (Ren et al., 2001). The structure of a 4D-Nav (showing the SF of rat 4D-Nav1.4 with canonical “DEKA” locus of Na+-selective 4D-Nav1s) is also displayed (right). The Ile–Phe–Met motif of the fast inactivation gate is indicated (West et al., 1992) B, Maximum likelihood phylogenetic tree of single-domain, voltage-gated channels including BacNav and the three distinct classes of EukCat channels (EukCatA–C). Representatives of the specialized family of single-domain Ca2+ channels identified in mammalian sperm (CatSpers) are also included. SF for each sequence is shown (right). “Position 0” of the high-field–strength site that is known to be important in determining Na+ selectivity (Payandeh et al., 2011), is colored red. Channel sequences selected for functional characterization in this study are shown in bold. EukCatA sequences previously characterized (Helliwell et al., 2019) are also indicated, as is NaChBac channel from B. halodurans (Ren et al., 2001). Maximum likelihood bootstrap values (>70) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (>0.95) are above and below nodes, respectively. Scanning electron micrographs of coccolithophores E. huxleyi (scale bar = 2 μm) and S. apsteinii, (scale bar = 10 μm) are shown.We recently identified several classes of ion channel (EukCats) bearing similarity to BacNav in the genomes of eukaryotic phytoplankton. Characterization of EukCatAs found in marine diatoms demonstrated that these voltage-gated channels are nonselective (exhibiting permeability to both Na+ and Ca2+) and play a role in depolarization-activated Ca2+ signaling (Helliwell et al., 2019). Two other distinct classes of single-domain channels (EukCatBs and EukCatCs) were also identified that remain uncharacterized. These channels are present in haptophytes, pelagophytes, and cryptophytes (EukCatBs), as well as dinoflagellates (EukCatCs; Helliwell et al., 2019). Although there is a degree of sequence similarity between the distinct EukCat clades, the relationships between clades are not well resolved, and there is not clear support for a monophyletic origin of EukCats. The diverse classes of EukCats may therefore exhibit significant functional differences. Characterization of these different classes of eukaryote single-domain channels is thus vital to our understanding of eukaryote ion channel structure, function, and evolution, and to our gaining insight into eukaryote membrane physiology more broadly.Notably, EukCatB channels were found in ecologically important coccolithophores, a group of unicellular haptophyte algae that represent major primary producers in marine ecosystems. Coccolithophores are characterized by their ability to produce a cell covering of ornate calcium carbonate platelets (coccoliths; Fig. 1B; Taylor et al., 2017). The calcification process plays an important role in global carbon cycling, with the sinking of coccoliths representing a major flux of carbon to the deep ocean. Patch-clamp studies of coccolithophores indicate several unusual aspects of membrane physiology, such as an inwardly rectifying Cl conductance and a large outward H+ conductance at positive membrane potentials, which may relate to the increased requirement for pH homeostasis associated with intracellular calcification. Here we report that EukCatB channels from two coccolithophore species (Emiliania huxleyi and Scyphosphaera apsteinii) act as very fast Na+-selective voltage-gated channels that exhibit many similarities to the 4D-Navs, which underpin neuronal signaling in animals. Thus, our findings demonstrate that the capacity for rapid Na+-based signaling has evolved in certain photosynthetic eukaryotes, contrary to previous widely held thinking.  相似文献   

Low pH depolarizes the voltage-dependence of cardiac voltage-gated sodium (NaV1.5) channel activation and fast inactivation and destabilizes the fast-inactivated state. The molecular basis for these changes in protein behavior has not been reported. We hypothesized that changes in the kinetics of voltage sensor movement may destabilize the fast-inactivated state in NaV1.5. To test this idea, we recorded NaV1.5 gating currents in Xenopus oocytes using a cut-open voltage-clamp with extracellular solution titrated to either pH 7.4 or pH 6.0. Reducing extracellular pH significantly depolarized the voltage-dependence of both the QON/V and QOFF/V curves, and reduced the total charge immobilized during depolarization. We conclude that destabilized fast-inactivation and reduced charge immobilization in NaV1.5 at low pH are functionally related effects.  相似文献   

W. Shreffler  T. Magardino  K. Shekdar    E. Wolinsky 《Genetics》1995,139(3):1261-1272
Two Caenorhabditis elegans genes, unc-8 and sup-40, have been newly identified, by genetic criteria, as regulating ion channel function in motorneurons. Two dominant unc-8 alleles cause motorneuron swelling similar to that of other neuronal types in dominant mutants of the deg-1 gene family, which is homologous to a mammalian gene family encoding amiloride-sensitive sodium channel subunits. As for previously identified deg-1 family members, unc-8 dominant mutations are recessively suppressed by mutations in the mec-6 gene, which probably encodes a second type of channel component. An unusual dominant mutation, sup-41 (lb125), also co-suppresses unc-8 and deg-1, suggesting the existence of yet another common component of ion channels containing unc-8 or deg-1 subunits. Dominant, transacting, intragenic suppressor mutations have been isolated for both unc-8 and deg-1, consistent with the idea that, like their mammalian homologues, the two gene products function as multimers. The sup-40 (lb130) mutation dominantly suppresses unc-8 motorneuron swelling and produces a novel swelling phenotype in hypodermal nuclei. sup-40 may encode an ion channel component or regulator that can correct the osmotic defect caused by abnormal unc-8 channels.  相似文献   

In this work, we have investigated the relationships between synonymous and nonsynonymous rates and base composition in coding sequences from Gramineae to analyze the factors underlying the variation in substitutional rates. We have shown that in these genes the rates of nucleotide divergence, both synonymous and nonsynonymous, are, to some extent, dependent on each other and on the base composition. In the first place, the variation in nonsynonymous rate is related to the GC level at the second codon position (the higher the GC2 level, the higher the amino acid replacement rate). The correlation is especially strong with T2, the coefficients being significant in the three data sets analyzed. This correlation between nonsynonymous rate and base composition at the second codon position is also detectable at the intragenic level, which implies that the factors that tend to increase the intergenic variance in nonsynonymous rates also affect the intragenic variance. On the other hand, we have shown that the synonymous rate is strongly correlated with the GC3 level. This correlation is observed both across genes and at the intragenic level. Similarly, the nonsynonymous rate is also affected at the intragenic level by GC3 level, like the silent rate. In fact, synonymous and nonsynonymous rates exhibit a parallel behavior in relation to GC3 level, indicating that the intragenic patterns of both silent and amino acid divergence rates are influenced in a similar way by the intragenic variation of GC3. This result, taken together with the fact that the number of genes displaying intragenic correlation coefficients between synonymous and nonsynonymous rates is not very high, but higher than random expectation (in the three data sets analyzed), strongly suggests that the processes of silent and amino acid replacement divergence are, at least in part, driven by common evolutionary forces in genes from Gramineae. Received: 2 July 1998 / Accepted: 18 April 1999  相似文献   

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