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Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is an important, generally non-invasive, bacterial pathogen that causes diarrhea in humans. The microbe infects mainly the enterocytes of the small intestine. Here we have applied our newly developed infrared surface plasmon resonance (IR-SPR) spectroscopy approach to study how EPEC infection affects epithelial host cells. The IR-SPR experiments showed that EPEC infection results in a robust reduction in the refractive index of the infected cells. Assisted by confocal and total internal reflection microscopy, we discovered that the microbe dilates the intercellular gaps and induces the appearance of fluid-phase-filled pinocytic vesicles in the lower basolateral regions of the host epithelial cells. Partial cell detachment from the underlying substratum was also observed. Finally, the waveguide mode observed by our IR-SPR analyses showed that EPEC infection decreases the host cell''s height to some extent. Together, these observations reveal novel impacts of the pathogen on the host cell architecture and endocytic functions. We suggest that these changes may induce the infiltration of a watery environment into the host cell, and potentially lead to failure of the epithelium barrier functions. Our findings also indicate the great potential of the label-free IR-SPR approach to study the dynamics of host-pathogen interactions with high spatiotemporal sensitivity.  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been established as a fast spectroscopic method for biochemical analysis of cells and tissues. In this research we aimed to investigate FTIR's utility for identifying and characterizing different modes of cell death, using leukemic cell lines as a model system. CCRF-CEM and U937 leukemia cells were treated with arabinoside and doxorubicin apoptosis inducers, as well as with potassium cyanide, saponin, freezing-thawing, and H2O2 necrosis inducers. Cell death mode was determined by various gold standard biochemical methods in parallel with FTIR-microscope measurements. Both cell death modes exhibit large spectral changes in lipid absorbance during apoptosis and necrosis; however, these changes are similar and thus cannot be used to distinguish apoptosis from necrosis. In contrast to the above confounding factor, our results reveal that apoptosis and necrosis can still be distinguished by the degree of DNA opaqueness to infrared light. Moreover, these two cell death modes also can be differentiated by their infrared absorbance, which relates to the secondary structure of total cellular protein. In light of these findings, we conclude that, because of its capacity to monitor multiple biomolecular parameters, FTIR spectroscopy enables unambiguous and easy analysis of cell death modes and may be useful for biochemical and medical applications.  相似文献   

Bacterial production of 4-hydroxy(3,4-d)pyrazolopyrirnidine riboside (AP–R) was studied. Seven among 73 tested strains were found to produce AP–R through N-ribosyl transfer reaction between uridine and 4-hydroxy(3,4-d)pyrazolopyrimidine (allopurinol). AP–R was produced by the cell-free extract of Erwinia carotovora and was isolated in crystals from the reaction mixture. The crystalline AP–R was characterized by spectroscopic data and was confirmed to be β-1-ribosyl allopurinol. AP–R could not substitute for inosine to support the growth of a nonexacting purine base-requiring mutant of Sarcina lutea.  相似文献   



Fungal spores and plant pollen cause respiratory diseases in susceptible individuals, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Aeroallergen monitoring networks are an important part of treatment strategies, but unfortunately traditional analysis is time consuming and expensive. We have explored the use of infrared spectroscopy of pollen and spores for an inexpensive and rapid characterization of aeroallergens.


The study is based on measurement of spore and pollen samples by single reflectance attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (SR-ATR FTIR). The experimental set includes 71 spore (Basidiomycota) and 121 pollen (Pinales, Fagales and Poales) samples. Along with fresh basidiospores, the study has been conducted on the archived samples collected within the last 50 years.


The spectroscopic-based methodology enables clear spectral differentiation between pollen and spores, as well as the separation of confamiliar and congeneric species. In addition, the analysis of the scattering signals inherent in the infrared spectra indicates that the FTIR methodology offers indirect estimation of morphology of pollen and spores. The analysis of fresh and archived spores shows that chemical composition of spores is well preserved even after decades of storage, including the characteristic taxonomy-related signals. Therefore, biochemical analysis of fungal spores by FTIR could provide economical, reliable and timely methodologies for improving fungal taxonomy, as well as for fungal identification and monitoring. This proof of principle study shows the potential for using FTIR as a rapid tool in aeroallergen studies. In addition, the presented method is ready to be immediately implemented in biological and ecological studies for direct measurement of pollen and spores from flowers and sporocarps.  相似文献   

Methanogenic activity (MA) tests are commonly carried out to estimate the capability of anaerobic biomass to treat effluents, to evaluate anaerobic activity in bioreactors or natural ecosystems, or to quantify inhibitory effects on methanogenic activity. These activity tests are usually based on the measurement of the volume of biogas produced by volumetric, pressure increase or gas chromatography (GC) methods. In this study, we present an alternative method for non-invasive measurement of methane produced during activity tests in closed vials, based on Infrared Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (MA-TDLAS). This new method was tested during model acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenic activity tests and was compared to a more traditional method based on gas chromatography. From the results obtained, the CH(4) detection limit of the method was estimated to 60ppm and the minimum measurable methane production rate was estimated to 1.09(.)10(-3)mgl(-1)h(-1), which is below CH(4) production rate usually reported in both anaerobic reactors and natural ecosystems. Additionally to sensitivity, the method has several potential interests compared to more traditional methods among which short measurements time allowing the measurement of a large number of MA test vials, non-invasive measurements avoiding leakage or external interferences and similar cost to GC based methods. It is concluded that MA-TDLAS is a promising method that could be of interest not only in the field of anaerobic digestion but also, in the field of environmental ecology where CH(4) production rates are usually very low.  相似文献   

Refractive index (RI) sensing is a powerful noninvasive and label-free sensing technique for the identification, detection and monitoring of microfluidic samples with a wide range of possible sensor designs such as interferometers and resonators 1,2. Most of the existing RI sensing applications focus on biological materials in aqueous solutions in visible and IR frequencies, such as DNA hybridization and genome sequencing. At terahertz frequencies, applications include quality control, monitoring of industrial processes and sensing and detection applications involving nonpolar materials.Several potential designs for refractive index sensors in the terahertz regime exist, including photonic crystal waveguides 3, asymmetric split-ring resonators 4, and photonic band gap structures integrated into parallel-plate waveguides 5. Many of these designs are based on optical resonators such as rings or cavities. The resonant frequencies of these structures are dependent on the refractive index of the material in or around the resonator. By monitoring the shifts in resonant frequency the refractive index of a sample can be accurately measured and this in turn can be used to identify a material, monitor contamination or dilution, etc.The sensor design we use here is based on a simple parallel-plate waveguide 6,7. A rectangular groove machined into one face acts as a resonant cavity (Figures 1 and 2). When terahertz radiation is coupled into the waveguide and propagates in the lowest-order transverse-electric (TE1) mode, the result is a single strong resonant feature with a tunable resonant frequency that is dependent on the geometry of the groove 6,8. This groove can be filled with nonpolar liquid microfluidic samples which cause a shift in the observed resonant frequency that depends on the amount of liquid in the groove and its refractive index 9.Our technique has an advantage over other terahertz techniques in its simplicity, both in fabrication and implementation, since the procedure can be accomplished with standard laboratory equipment without the need for a clean room or any special fabrication or experimental techniques. It can also be easily expanded to multichannel operation by the incorporation of multiple grooves 10. In this video we will describe our complete experimental procedure, from the design of the sensor to the data analysis and determination of the sample refractive index.  相似文献   

Computer-based Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used to identify food-borne, predominantly fermentative yeasts. Dried yeast suspensions provided the films suitable for FT-IR measurement. Informative windows in the spectrum were selected and combined to achieve optimal results. A reference spectrum library was assembled, based on 332 defined yeast strains from international yeast collections and our own isolates. All strains were identified with conventional methods using physiological and morphological characteristics. In order to assess identification quality, another 722 unknown yeast isolates not included in the reference spectrum library were identified both by classical methods and by comparison of their FT-IR spectra with those of the reference spectrum library. Ninety-seven and one-half percent of these isolates were identified correctly by FT-IR. Easy handling, rapid identification within 24 h when starting from a single colony, and a high differentiation capacity thus render FT-IR technology clearly superior to other routine methods for the identification of yeasts.Yeasts not only provided humans with the first biotechnologically produced food such as wine, bread, and fermented milk products but are also responsible for food spoilage (19), and some species are of medical importance. Therefore, a reliable method of yeast identification is economically significant (40). Furthermore, until now about 700 yeast species have been described. Since only a few habitats have been investigated in detail so far, a wide range of yeasts is likely to be discovered in the future (6). Exploration of new species includes the identification of a large number of isolates in order to eliminate duplicates and to discover unusual forms. For such tasks, a rapid, simple, low-cost identification method is needed. Conventional differentiation systems using morphological characters as well as patterns of the assimilation and fermentation of carbon sources (4, 22, 35) do not fulfil these requirements (9, 33, 38, 40). They are tedious and time-consuming, and, quite often, their capacity is limited since many species are distinguished from one another by a single physiological reaction which is often controlled by only one mutable marker (4, 20).Alternative methods such as fatty acid analysis (1, 31), electrophoretic karyotyping (10), restriction fragment length polymorphism, and DNA fingerprinting (26, 37) have already been evaluated (8). Restriction enzyme analysis of PCR-amplified rDNA (2), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (3, 27), and nucleic acid hybridization with oligonucleotide probes (21, 24) have also been used. While some of these techniques do provide satisfactory results, molecular methods in general are still difficult to perform on a routine basis in laboratories of the food industry.Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy is used for the identification of substances in chemical analyses (14). The wavelength of infrared radiation ranges from 1 μm to 1 mm (32). In general, the wave number ν, the reciprocal of the wavelength, is used as a physical unit for FT-IR spectroscopy. Infrared radiation is divided into near (ν = 12,500 to 4,000 cm−1), middle (ν = 4,000 to 200 cm−1), and far (ν = 200 to 10 cm−1) infrared. In this work, only the middle infrared section was used. FT-IR spectroscopy involves the observation of vibrations of molecules that are excited by an infrared beam. Molecules are able to absorb the energy of distinct light quanta and start a rocking or rotation movement. The FT-IR spectrum uses only vibrations that lead to a change in the dipole moment (14). An infrared spectrum represents a fingerprint which is characteristic for any chemical substance.The composition of biological material and, thus, of its FT-IR spectrum, is exceedingly complex, representing a characteristic fingerprint. Some years ago, Naumann and coworkers suggested identifying microorganisms by FT-IR spectroscopy (2830). In principle, a reference spectrum library is assembled based on well-characterized strains and species. The FT-IR spectrum of any unidentified isolate is then measured under the same conditions as those used for the reference spectra and is compared to spectra in the reference spectrum library. If the library contains an identical or a very similar spectrum, an identification is possible. The success of the method is, therefore, directly dependent on the complexity of the reference spectrum library. The application of FT-IR spectroscopy has been reported for some species of the genera Lactobacillus (7), Actinomyces (15), Listeria (18), Streptococcus (13), and Clostridium (11). There are two reports which present preliminary data indicating that eukaryotic microorganisms such as yeasts may also be identified by FT-IR (17, 36). However, all these studies are based on a very limited number of species and isolates. For verification of the method only a few strains, which often were part of the reference spectrum library as well, were used. It was, therefore, still unclear whether FT-IR spectroscopy indeed was a competitive identification method.The aim of this study was to develop a standardized sample preparation procedure for yeasts (suitable for the normal laboratory), to select the most significant spectral windows for efficient identification, and to assemble a spectral reference library of sufficient complexity. Last, the identification of a great variety of unknown yeast isolates by FT-IR spectroscopy and conventional techniques had to be done in order to verify the method.  相似文献   

Single-channel optical density measurements of population growth are the dominant large scale phenotyping methodology for bridging the gene-function gap in yeast. However, a substantial amount of the genetic variation induced by single allele, single gene or double gene knock-out technologies fail to manifest in detectable growth phenotypes under conditions readily testable in the laboratory. Thus, new high-throughput phenotyping technologies capable of providing information about molecular level consequences of genetic variation are sorely needed. Here we report a protocol for high-throughput Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) measuring biochemical fingerprints of yeast strains. It includes high-throughput cultivation for FTIR spectroscopy, FTIR measurements and spectral pre-treatment to increase measurement accuracy. We demonstrate its capacity to distinguish not only yeast genera, species and populations, but also strains that differ only by a single gene, its excellent signal-to-noise ratio and its relative robustness to measurement bias. Finally, we illustrated its applicability by determining the FTIR signatures of all viable Saccharomyces cerevisiae single gene knock-outs corresponding to lipid biosynthesis genes. Many of the examined knock-out strains showed distinct, highly reproducible FTIR phenotypes despite having no detectable growth phenotype. These phenotypes were confirmed by conventional lipid analysis and could be linked to specific changes in lipid composition. We conclude that the introduced protocol is robust to noise and bias, possible to apply on a very large scale, and capable of generating biologically meaningful biochemical fingerprints that are strain specific, even when strains lack detectable growth phenotypes. Thus, it has a substantial potential for application in the molecular functionalization of the yeast genome.  相似文献   

Structural changes in rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase (PK) induced by phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and Mg2+ binding were studied by attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in combination with a dialysis accessory. The experiments indicated a largely preserved secondary structure upon PEP and Mg2+ binding but also revealed small backbone conformational changes of PK involving all types of secondary structure. To assess the effect of the protein environment on the bound PEP, we assigned and evaluated the infrared absorption bands of bound PEP. These were identified using 2,3-13C2-labeled PEP. We obtained the following assignments: 1589 cm−1 (antisymmetric carboxylate stretching vibration); 1415 cm−1 (symmetric carboxylate stretching vibration); 1214 cm−1 (C-O stretching vibration); 1124 and 1110 cm−1 (asymmetric PO32- stretching vibrations); and 967 cm−1 (symmetric PO32- stretching vibration). The corresponding band positions in solution are 1567, 1407, 1229, 1107, and 974 cm−1. The differences for bound and free PEP indicate specific interactions between ligand and protein. Quantification of the interactions with the phosphate group indicated that the enzyme environment has little influence on the P-O bond strengths, and that the bridging P-O bond, which is broken in the catalytic reaction, is weakened by <3%. Thus, there is only little distortion toward a dissociative transition state of the phosphate transfer reaction when PEP binds to PK. Therefore, our results are in line with an associative transition state. Carboxylate absorption bands indicated a maximal shortening of the length of the shorter C-O bond by 1.3 pm. PEP bound to PK in the presence of the monovalent ion Na+ exhibited the same band positions as in the presence of K+, indicating very similar interaction strengths between ligand and protein in both cases.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2020,118(11):2694-2702
Calcium ions bind to lipid membranes containing anionic lipids; however, characterizing the specific ion-lipid interactions in multicomponent membranes has remained challenging because it requires nonperturbative lipid-specific probes. Here, using a combination of isotope-edited infrared spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations, we characterize the effects of a physiologically relevant (2 mM) Ca2+ concentration on zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine and anionic phosphatidylserine lipids in mixed lipid membranes. We show that Ca2+ alters hydrogen bonding between water and lipid headgroups by forming a coordination complex involving the lipid headgroups and water. These interactions distort interfacial water orientations and prevent hydrogen bonding with lipid ester carbonyls. We demonstrate, experimentally, that these effects are more pronounced for the anionic phosphatidylserine lipids than for zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine lipids in the same membrane.  相似文献   

近红外光谱法无创测量人体血红蛋白浓度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在选定的波长处(760 nm,850 nm)无创测量人体手指的漫反射光谱,利用修正的Lambert-Beer定律,实现了HbO2、Hb的绝对量估算,并由此求得血红蛋白浓度的结果。对16例志愿者进行了测量,全部男性受试者的相对误差在7.39%以下,相关系数为0.954;全部女性受试者的相对误差在7.26%以下,相关系数为0.969。  相似文献   

氨基酸酯化方法的比较及其红外光谱研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在合成氨基酸酯锗类化合物时,制备了八种氨基酸酯,对文献提供的六种方法进行了实验比较,选出经济简便、产率高的方法。并对氨基酸及其酯的红外光谱的变化特征进行了研究。  相似文献   

红外光谱技术在生物过程监测中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在线监测化学组分的浓度对许多生物过程都是十分必要的。然而,探头需耐高温灭菌的要求和生物体系自身的复杂性给许多分析技术的在线监测带来了困难。近几年,随仪器和数据处理技术的迅速发展,应用红外光谱技术对生物过程的原位或在线监测日益广泛。本文对红外过程分析技术进行了较全面的综述,介绍了红外分析的原理、进展及在生物过程监测中的应用。  相似文献   

The Na+-coupled betaine symporter BetP senses changes in the membrane state and increasing levels of cytoplasmic K+ during hyperosmotic stress latter via its C-terminal domain and regulates transport activity according to both stimuli. This intriguing sensing and regulation behavior of BetP was intensively studied in the past. It was shown by several biochemical studies that activation and regulation depends crucially on the lipid composition of the surrounding membrane. In fact, BetP is active and regulated only when negatively charged lipids are present. Recent structural studies have revealed binding of phosphatidylglycerol lipids to functional important parts of BetP, suggesting a functional role of lipid interactions. However, a regulatory role of lipid interactions could only be speculated from the snapshot provided by the crystal structure. Here, we investigate the nature of lipid-protein interactions of BetP reconstituted in closely packed two-dimensional crystals of negatively charged lipids and probed at the molecular level with Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The FTIR data indicate that K+ binding weakens the interaction of BetP especially with the anionic lipid head groups. We suggest a regulation mechanism in which lipid-protein interactions, especially with the C-terminal domain and the functional important gating helices transmembrane helice 3 (TMH3) and TMH12, confine BetP to its down-regulated transport state. As BetP is also activated by changes in the physical state of the membrane, our results point toward a more general mechanism of how active transport can be modified by dynamic lipid-protein interactions.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the potential of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to identify Trueperella (T.) pyogenes isolated from bovine clinical mastitis. FT-IR spectroscopy was applied to 57 isolates obtained from 55 cows in a period from 2009 to 2012. Prior to FT-IR spectroscopy these isolates were identified by phenotypic and genotypic properties, also including the determination of seven potential virulence factor encoding genes. The FT-IR analysis revealed a reliable identification of all 57 isolates as T. pyogenes and a clear separation of this species from the other species of genus Trueperella and from species of genus Arcanobacterium and Actinomyces. The results showed that all 57 isolates were assigned to the correct species indicating that FT-IR spectroscopy could also be efficiently used for identification of this bacterial pathogen.  相似文献   

The fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator, also known as FUCCI, allows the visualization of the G1 and S/G2/M cell cycle phases of individual cells. FUCCI consists of two fluorescent probes, so that cells in the G1 phase fluoresce red and cells in the S/G2/M phase fluoresce green. FUCCI reveals real-time information about cell cycle dynamics of individual cells, and can be used to explore how the cell cycle relates to the location of individual cells, local cell density, and different cellular microenvironments. In particular, FUCCI is used in experimental studies examining cell migration, such as malignant invasion and wound healing. Here we present, to our knowledge, new mathematical models that can describe cell migration and cell cycle dynamics as indicated by FUCCI. The fundamental model describes the two cell cycle phases, G1 and S/G2/M, which FUCCI directly labels. The extended model includes a third phase, early S, which FUCCI indirectly labels. We present experimental data from scratch assays using FUCCI-transduced melanoma cells, and show that the predictions of spatial and temporal patterns of cell density in the experiments can be described by the fundamental model. We obtain numerical solutions of both the fundamental and extended models, which can take the form of traveling waves. These solutions are mathematically interesting because they are a combination of moving wavefronts and moving pulses. We derive and confirm a simple analytical expression for the minimum wave speed, as well as exploring how the wave speed depends on the spatial decay rate of the initial condition.  相似文献   

Clinical methods used to assess the electrical activity of excitable cells are often limited by their poor spatial resolution or their invasiveness. One promising solution to this problem is to optically measure membrane potential using a voltage-sensitive dye, but thus far, none of these dyes have been available for human use. Here we report that indocyanine green (ICG), an infrared fluorescent dye with FDA approval as an intravenously administered contrast agent, is voltage-sensitive. The fluorescence of ICG can follow action potentials in artificial neurons and cultured rat neurons and cardiomyocytes. ICG also visualized electrical activity induced in living explants of rat brain. In humans, ICG labels excitable cells and is routinely visualized transdermally with high spatial resolution. As an infrared voltage-sensitive dye with a low toxicity profile that can be readily imaged in deep tissues, ICG may have significant utility for clinical and basic research applications previously intractable for potentiometric dyes.Voltage-sensitive dyes provide a way to observe cellular electrical activity without the physical limitations imposed by electrodes. Although these dyes can monitor membrane potential with a resolution of a few microns from large populations of cells (1), there are three obstacles that prevent the use of these dyes in many research settings, including clinical research:
  • 1.Most voltage-sensitive dyes use visible wavelengths of light that prevent imaging of tissues beneath the skin.
  • 2.Many of these dyes produce significant toxicity or off-target effects (2).
  • 3.Before this report, to our knowledge, no voltage-sensitive dyes have ever been available for administration in humans, which has limited their value in biomedically focused research.
Here, we show that indocyanine green (ICG), an FDA-approved fluorescent dye routinely used in many clinical tests, is voltage-sensitive. Our initial experimental system used Xenopus laevis oocytes. Changes in the membrane potential of the cell induced by two-electrode voltage-clamp resulted in robust, consistent changes in the fluorescence of ICG (Fig. 1, inset). All data in this work was obtained from single acquisitions with no averaging of multiple images. The voltage-dependent fluorescence changes were roughly linear with respect to membrane potential and had a magnitude of ∼1.9% of the baseline fluorescence per 100 mV of membrane potential change (Fig. 1). Additionally, ICG displayed a rapid response with a primary time constant of 4 ms (see Fig. S1 in the Supporting Material), suggesting that this dye could successfully monitor action potentials.Open in a separate windowFigure 1ICG-labeled oocytes showed that ICG’s fluorescence (blue points) is roughly linearly dependent (red line, fit to data) with voltage. (Inset) Oocyte membrane potential was held at −60 mV and then pulsed to potentials ranging from −120 mV (blue) to +120 mV (red). Ex: 780 nm, Em: 818–873 nm.To test this hypothesis, we transformed our oocytes into synthetic neurons, previously dubbed “excitocytes”, by coinjecting them with cRNA of voltage-gated sodium (Nav) and potassium channel components (3). Under suitable current-clamp conditions, excitocytes fire trains of action potentials similar to those in naturally excitable cells. ICG’s fluorescence clearly recapitulated action potentials firing at speeds above 100 Hz (Fig. 2 A), faster than the physiological firing rates of most neurons (4).Open in a separate windowFigure 2ICG can monitor action potentials. (A) Oocytes coinjected with voltage-gated sodium and potassium channel cRNA fired action potentials (bottom, green) when held under current clamp. ICG fluorescence changes (top, blue) detected these action potentials at a rate of 107 Hz. Stimulus start (black arrow) and end (red arrow) are shown. (B and C) ICG fluorescence (blue, inverted) distinguished between healthy action potentials from wild-type sodium channels (B, green) and diseased action potentials from sodium channels with a myotonic substitution (C, green). Cells are stimulated for the entire time course of these panels. The delay between action potentials and the ICG signal is due to a low-pass filtering effect caused by the dye response time and the camera integration time. (D) In cells with myotonic sodium channels, a brief stimulus (top, black) was sufficient to elicit a train of action potentials (bottom, green) that only ceased upon significant hyperpolarization, as expected in a myotonia. ICG fluorescence (middle, blue) successfully followed each one of these action potentials.We extended the excitocyte technique from wild-type channels to evaluation of channelopathies and their effects on excitability to determine whether ICG could discriminate between normal and diseased action potentials based on shape. We compared excitocytes injected with wild-type Nav channel cRNA to those injected with cRNA coding for a version of Nav channel containing a point mutation, G1306E, which produces episodic myotonia (5). This disease is characterized by continued action potential firing in skeletal muscles after cessation of voluntary stimuli; the resulting prolonged muscle contractions are the hallmark of myotonia. Compared to the wild-type Nav channel, the G1306E mutation causes a slowing of the fast inactivation of the Nav channels, which in turn results in broadened action potentials (5). The electrical recordings and the ICG fluorescence response clearly distinguished the sharp action potentials produced by the healthy sodium channel (Fig. 2 B, and see Fig. S2) from the wider peaks produced by the myotonic sodium channel (Fig. 2 C, and see Fig. S2). Furthermore, a brief injection of current led to repetitive firing and hyperexcitability that persisted after the stimulus was stopped. ICG fluorescence clearly resolved every action potential of this myotonia-like behavior (Fig. 2 D). The successful recreation of disease-like action potentials validates the excitocyte system as a convenient method for investigating the electrophysiological effects of channelopathies.We next investigated whether ICG’s voltage sensitivity extended to excitable mammalian tissue. This validation was critical, inasmuch as other voltage-sensitive dyes have shown promise in invertebrate preparations but had much smaller signals in mammalian cells (6). We first measured ICG fluorescence from cultured rat dorsal root ganglion neurons. Under whole-cell current clamp, we observed neurons firing in the stereotypical fashion of the nociceptive C-type fiber, and these action potentials were clearly visible in the ICG fluorescence (Fig. 3 A, and see Fig. S3). We also examined syncytia of cultured cardiomyocytes from neonatal rats (7) to further validate ICG’s utility; these cells beat spontaneously and showed changes in ICG fluorescence indicative of changes in membrane potential (Fig. 3 B). Although we cannot formally exclude the possibility that the cardiomyocytes’ physical motion produced fluorescence changes, several observations suggested that these effects were minimal (see Fig. S4). Taken together, our results in frog and rat cells confirmed that ICG voltage sensitivity was broadly applicable across a range of tissues and not confined to a particular animal or cell lineage.Open in a separate windowFigure 3ICG follows electrical activity in living mammalian tissue. (A) Rat cultured dorsal root ganglion cells under current-clamp (black arrow, pulse start; red arrow, pulse end) fired action potentials (green), that ICG fluorescence tracked (blue, inverted, low-pass-filtered at 225 Hz; blue arrow, relative fluorescence change). (B) ICG fluorescence sensed spontaneous membrane potential changes in cardiomyocyte syncytia. (C) In rat brain slices, ICG responds differently to no stimulus (black) and stimuli of increasing intensity (magenta, cyan, green, and blue, increasing amplitude; scale bar shows relative fluorescence change). Weaker stimuli traces (e.g., magenta) show complete fluorescence recovery whereas larger stimuli (e.g., blue) do not fully recover within this time course; traces are vertically offset for clarity. (D) Tetrodotoxin (TTX) reduced the ICG response to a stimulus over 12 min (green, pre-TTX; cyan, magenta, and black, increasing time post-TTX; low-pass-filtered at 40 Hz; black arrow, stimulus).Finally, we tested whether ICG voltage sensitivity could be detected in a complex tissue. Rat hippocampal slice cultures comprise a well-described organotypic preparation in which the three-dimensional architecture, neuronal connections, and glial interactions are maintained (8,9). Using these rat brain explants, we found that brain excitation produced by field electrode stimulation was clearly accompanied by ICG fluorescence changes (see Fig. S5). Additionally, ICG discriminated between electrical responses caused by differing excitation intensities and durations (Fig. 3 C, and see Fig. S5). To confirm that the fluorescence changes originated from changes in excitable cell activity, we used the Nav channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX). When applied to brain slices, electrical excitability was clearly inhibited (Fig. 3 D, and see Fig. S5) and partial recovery was observed upon subsequent TTX removal (see Fig. S5). These signals measuring brain slice activity were similar in shape and magnitude to those reported using other voltage-sensitive dyes (10,11). This demonstrates that ICG can report on electrical activity even in a physiological architecture with many nonexcitable cells.To our knowledge, this is the first report that a clinically approved fluorescent dye is voltage-sensitive. Our results demonstrate that indocyanine green can accurately detect action potentials at firing rates common in mammalian neurons, and that it is sensitive enough to distinguish between healthy and diseased action potentials in a model system. ICG can measure electrical activity in mammalian neurons, cardiomyocytes, and explanted brain tissue. This voltage sensitivity was observed with both monochromatic and broad-band illumination sources (data not shown), under labeling conditions that differed in solution composition, duration, and dye concentration (see Methods in the Supporting Material), and at temperatures ranging from 19°C to 30°C. ICG’s water solubility further extends its potential utility. This robustness suggests that ICG can be used to measure voltage in many environments and tissues.ICG has been FDA-approved for use in ophthalmic angiography, as well as in tests of cardiac output and hepatic function (12) and is additionally used off-label in a number of surgical applications (13). Interestingly, ICG has been shown to clearly label retinal ganglion cells in human patients (see Fig. S6) (14). This provides immediate motivation for biomedical investigations, because laboratory findings with ICG can potentially be translated to humans. Although many other voltage-sensitive dyes have been described, some with similar structures to ICG (15) and others with faster or larger signals (15,16), as of this writing none of these are FDA-approved. Additionally, ICG utilizes wavelengths further into the infrared spectrum than other available fast potentiometric dyes (17) and can thus be imaged in tissues up to 2 cm deep (18). This presents the possibility of optically imaging electrical activity deeper inside tissues than is feasible today. Although two-photon excitation with voltage-sensitive dyes can improve imaging depth, it remains intrinsically limited by the unaffected emission wavelength (19). Finally, ICG has been used in patients for more than 50 years and is known to have low toxicity (18,20). These properties suggest that ICG voltage sensitivity could extend the capabilities of modern electrophysiological techniques for disease diagnosis and monitoring in the clinic, and allow for the investigation of previously inaccessible experimental systems in basic research.  相似文献   

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