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Oxidative cleavage of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) by rubber oxygenase RoxA purified from Xanthomonas sp. was investigated in the presence of different combinations of 16O2, 18O2, H216O, and H218O. 12-Oxo-4,8-dimethyl-trideca-4,8-diene-1-al (ODTD; m/z 236) was the main cleavage product in the absence of 18O-compounds. Incorporation of one 18O atom in ODTD was found if the cleavage reaction was performed in the presence of 18O2 and H216O. Incubation of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) (with RoxA) or of isolated unlabeled ODTD (without RoxA) with H218O in the presence of 16O2 indicated that the carbonyl oxygen atoms of ODTD significantly exchanged with oxygen atoms derived from water. The isotope exchange was avoided by simultaneous enzymatic reduction of both carbonyl functions of ODTD to the corresponding dialcohol (12-hydroxy-4,8-dimethyl-trideca-4,8-diene-1-ol (HDTD; m/z 240) during RoxA-mediated in vitro cleavage of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene). In the presence of 18O2, H216O, and alcohol dehydrogenase/NADH, incorporation of two atoms of 18O into the reduced metabolite HDTD was found (m/z 244), revealing that RoxA cleaves rubber by a dioxygenase mechanism. Based on the labeling results and the presence of two hemes in RoxA, a model of the enzymatic cleavage mechanism of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) is proposed.  相似文献   

Specific polyisoprene-cleaving activities of 1.5 U/mg and 4.6 U/mg were determined for purified Strep-tagged latex clearing protein (Lcp) of Streptomyces sp. strain K30 at 23°C and 37°C, respectively. Metal analysis revealed the presence of approximately one atom of iron per Lcp molecule. Copper, which had been identified in Lcp1VH2 of Gordonia polyisoprenivorans previously, was below the detection limit in LcpK30. Heme was identified as a cofactor in purified LcpK30 by (i) detection of characteristic α-, β-, and γ (Soret)-bands at 562 nm, 532 nm, and 430 nm in the visible spectrum after chemical reduction, (ii) detection of an acetone-extractable porphyrin molecule, (iii) determination of a heme b-type-specific absorption maximum (556 nm) after chemical conversion of the heme group to a bipyridyl-heme complex, and (iv) detection of a b-heme-specific m/z value of 616.2 via mass spectrometry. Spectroscopic analysis showed that purified Lcp as isolated contains an oxidized heme-Fe3+ that is free of bound dioxygen. This is in contrast to the rubber oxygenase RoxA, a c-type heme-containing polyisoprene-cleaving enzyme present in Gram-negative rubber degraders, in which the covalently bound heme firmly binds a dioxygen molecule. LcpK30 also differed from RoxA in the lengths of the rubber degradation cleavage products and in having a higher melting point of 61.5°C (RoxA, 54.3°C). In summary, RoxA and Lcp both are equipped with a heme cofactor and catalyze an oxidative C-C cleavage reaction but differ in the heme subgroup type and in several biochemical and biophysical properties. These findings suggest differences in the catalytic reaction mechanisms.  相似文献   

RNase R, which belongs to the RNB family of enzymes, is a 3′ to 5′ hydrolytic exoribonuclease able to digest highly structured RNA. It was previously reported that RNase R possesses an intrinsic helicase activity that is independent of its ribonuclease activity. However, the properties of this helicase activity and its relationship to the ribonuclease activity were not clear. Here, we show that helicase activity is dependent on ATP and have identified ATP-binding Walker A and Walker B motifs that are present in Escherichia coli RNase R and in 88% of mesophilic bacterial genera analyzed, but absent from thermophilic bacteria. We also show by mutational analysis that both of these motifs are required for helicase activity. Interestingly, the Walker A motif is located in the C-terminal region of RNase R, whereas the Walker B motif is in its N-terminal region implying that the two parts of the protein must come together to generate a functional ATP-binding site. Direct measurement of ATP binding confirmed that ATP binds only when double-stranded RNA is present. Detailed analysis of the helicase activity revealed that ATP hydrolysis is not required because both adenosine 5′-O-(thiotriphosphate) and adenosine 5′-(β,γ-imino)triphosphate can stimulate helicase activity, as can other nucleoside triphosphates. Although the nuclease activity of RNase R is not needed for its helicase activity, the helicase activity is important for effective nuclease activity against a dsRNA substrate, particularly at lower temperatures and with more stable duplexes. Moreover, competition experiments and mutational analysis revealed that the helicase activity utilizes the same catalytic channel as the nuclease activity. These findings indicate that the helicase activity plays an essential role in the catalytic efficiency of RNase R.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana repressor of silencing 1 (ROS1) is a multi-domain bifunctional DNA glycosylase/lyase, which excises 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) as well as thymine and 5-hydroxymethyluracil (i.e., the deamination products of 5mC and 5hmC) when paired with a guanine, leaving an apyrimidinic (AP) site that is subsequently incised by the lyase activity. ROS1 is slow in base excision and fast in AP lyase activity, indicating that the recognition of pyrimidine modifications might be a rate-limiting step. In the C-terminal half, the enzyme harbors a helix–hairpin–helix DNA glycosylase domain followed by a unique C-terminal domain. We show that the isolated glycosylase domain is inactive for base excision but retains partial AP lyase activity. Addition of the C-terminal domain restores the base excision activity and increases the AP lyase activity as well. Furthermore, the two domains remain tightly associated and can be co-purified by chromatography. We suggest that the C-terminal domain of ROS1 is indispensable for the 5mC DNA glycosylase activity of ROS1.  相似文献   

The lethal factor (LF) of Bacillus anthracis is a Zn2+-dependent metalloprotease which plays an important role in anthrax virulence. This study was aimed at identifying the histidine residues that are essential to the catalytic activities of LF. The site-directed mutagenesis was employed to replace the 10 histidine residues in domains II, III, and IV of LF with alanine residues, respectively. The cytotoxicity of these mutants was tested, and the results revealed that the alanine substitution for His-669 completely abolished toxicity to the lethal toxin (LT)-sensitive RAW264.7 cells. The reason for the toxicity loss was further explored. The zinc content of this LF mutant was the same as that of the wild type. Also this LF mutant retained its protective antigan (PA)-binding activity. Finally, the catalytic cleavage activity of this mutant was demonstrated to be drastically reduced. Thus, we conclude that residue His-669 is crucial to the proteolytic activity of LF.Anthrax is a zoonotic disease caused by toxigenic strains of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus anthracis (24). Because infections are highly fatal, the organisms are easily produced, and the spores spread easily, B. anthracis has been used as a bioweapon in biological war and biological terrorism (38). If inhaled, the spores are phagocytosed by alveolar macrophages, where they germinate to produce vegetative bacteria (10, 24). The vegetative bacteria further release anthrax toxins, which inhibit the innate and adaptive immune responses of the hosts. This enables the capsulated bacteria to escape the lymph node defense barrier to reach the blood system, causing bacteremia and toxemia, which can rapidly kill the hosts (24, 26). The great threat posed by anthrax to the public is not only due to the highly lethal rate of inhaled anthrax, but also is due to the social panic caused by the lethality. Therefore, efficient ways to defend against anthrax infection and spreading are greatly needed. This mostly depends on a full understanding of the mechanisms of anthrax infection and toxicities.Anthrax toxins are the dominant virulence factors of Bacillus anthracis (6, 33, 37). They consist of three proteins: protective antigen (PA; 83 kDa), lethal factor (LF; 90 kDa), and edema factor (EF; 89 kDa). The 83-kDa PA (PA83) directly binds to cellular membrane receptors and was cleaved to an active fragment of 63-kDa PA (PA63) by cellular proteases of the furin family or by serum proteases. The receptor-bound portion of PA63 self-assembles into either ring-shaped heptamers, which bind to three molecules of LF and/or EF, resulting in (PA63)7(LF/EF)3 (21), or octamers which bind up to four molecules of these moieties, resulting in (PA63)8(LF/EF)4 complexes (16, 17). The catalytic partners (EF and/or LF) are subsequently transported across the membrane to the cell cytosol (24, 27). EF is a Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase that, together with PA, forms edema toxin. EF causes a rapid increase in intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels in host cells and alters the elaborate balance of intracellular signaling pathways (20, 23). LF is a Zn2+-dependent protease that, together with PA, forms lethal toxin (LT). It is a dominant virulence factor and the major cause of death for the B. anthracis-infected animals (1, 29, 30). LF specifically cleaves the N-terminal domain of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases (MAPKKs) (11, 35). Because the N-terminal domain of MAPKKs is essential for the interaction between MAPKKs and MAPKs, the cleavage of this domain impairs the activation of MAPKs (8, 11, 15) and leads to the inhibition of three major cellular signaling pathways—the ERK (extracellular signal-regulated kinase), p38, and JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase) pathways (29, 31)—and thus induces the lysis of the host cells in an unknown mechanism.The crystal structure of LF with the N-terminal domain of MEK2 has been reported (28). LF has 776 amino acids and comprises four different domains. Domain I (residues 1 to 254) is a PA-binding domain which delivers the remaining domains of the LF to the cell cytoplasm (3). The interface among domains II, III, and IV creates long, deep, 40-Å-long catalytic grooves into which the N terminus of MEK fits and forms an active site complex (28). Domain IV is central to catalytic activities of LF, containing two zinc-binding motifs (residues 686 to 690 and residues E735 to E739) and bound to a single Zn ion (18). However, which residues of LF are critical for efficient catalytic activities and execute the substrate cleavage remains unclear.Histidine is the only naturally occurring amino acid to contain an imidazole residue as a side chain. The catalytic activity of histidine mostly depends on the special features of the imidazole residue. The logarithm of the proton dissociation constant of imidazolyl in the histidine residue is about 6.5; thus, under the physiological condition, it tends to form hydrogen bonds and shares donor and acceptor properties that can take part in either nucleophilic or base catalysis. The speed of the imidazole residue to give or accept protons is very fast, with a half-life of less than 10 s. So in the process of natural selection, histidine was chosen as the catalytic structure, indicating that it plays an important role in the catalysis process of enzymes (9, 12, 14). There are 21 histidines in LF, with 9 of them in LF domain I and 12 of them in domains II, III, and IV. The histidine residues important to LF activities in domain I have been identified (2, 22). The other 12 histidine residues in the remaining three domains include His-277, His-280, and His-424 in domain II; His-309 in domain III; and His-588, His-645, His-654, His-669, His-686, His-690, His-745, and His-749 in domain IV (28). His-686 and His-690 in domain IV were demonstrated to form a zinc binding site constituting a thermolysin-like zinc metalloprotease motif, HEXXH (18). The activities of the remaining 10 histidine residues in domains II, III, and IV have not been explored yet. In this study, we replaced these 10 histidine residues separately with alanine residues by site-directed mutagenesis. By the cytotoxicity assay of all these mutants, the H669A mutant was found to lose cell toxicity completely. Further assay revealed that residue His-669 was involved in neither zinc stabilization nor PA binding but participated in the substrate proteolytic activity of LF.  相似文献   

Phototransduction is carried out by a signaling pathway that links photoactivation of visual pigments in retinal photoreceptor cells to a change in their membrane potential. Upon photoactivation, the second messenger of phototransduction, cyclic GMP, is rapidly degraded and must be replenished during the recovery phase of phototransduction by photoreceptor guanylate cyclases (GCs) GC1 (or GC-E) and GC2 (or GC-F) to maintain vision. Here, we present data that address the role of the GC kinase homology (KH) domain in cyclic GMP production by GC1, the major cyclase in photoreceptors. First, experiments were done to test which GC1 residues undergo phosphorylation and whether such phosphorylation affects cyclase activity. Using mass spectrometry, we showed that GC1 residues Ser-530, Ser-532, Ser-533, and Ser-538, located within the KH domain, undergo light- and signal transduction-independent phosphorylation in vivo. Mutations in the putative Mg2+ binding site of the KH domain abolished phosphorylation, indicating that GC1 undergoes autophosphorylation. The dramatically reduced GC activity of these mutants suggests that a functional KH domain is essential for cyclic GMP production. However, evidence is presented that autophosphorylation does not regulate GC1 activity, in contrast to phosphorylation of other members of this cyclase family.  相似文献   

Tetherin (also known as BST2, CD317 or HM1.24) has recently been reported to inhibit a wide range of viruses. However, the antiviral mechanism of action of tetherin has not been determined. Both ends of the tetherin molecule are associated with the plasma membrane and it forms a homodimer. Therefore, a model in which progeny virions are retained on the cell surface by dimer formation between tetherin molecules on the viral envelope and plasma membrane has been proposed as the antiviral mechanism of action of this molecule. To investigate this possibility, we examined the correlation between dimerization and antiviral activity of tetherin in Lassa and Marburg virus-like particle production systems using tetherin mutants deficient in dimer formation. However, the tetherin mutant with complete loss of dimerization activity still showed apparent antiviral activity, indicating that dimerization of tetherin is not essential for its antiviral activity. This suggests that tetherin retains progeny virions on the cell surface by a mechanism other than dimerization.  相似文献   

Two types of enzyme for oxidative cleavage of poly(cis-1,4-isoprene) are known. One is rubber oxygenase (RoxA) that is secreted by Xanthomonas sp. strain 35Y and a few other Gram-negative rubber-degrading bacteria during growth on polyisoprene. RoxA was studied in the past, and the recently solved structure showed a structural relationship to bacterial cytochrome c peroxidases (J. Seidel et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110:13833–13838, 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1305560110). The other enzyme is latex-clearing protein (Lcp) that is secreted by rubber-degrading actinomycetes, but Lcp has not yet been purified. Here, we expressed Lcp of Streptomyces sp. strain K30 in a ΔroxA background of Xanthomonas sp. strain 35Y and purified native (untagged) Lcp. The specific activities of Lcp and RoxA were 0.70 and 0.48 U/mg, respectively. Lcp differed from RoxA in the absence of heme groups and other characteristics. Notably, Lcp degraded polyisoprene via endo-type cleavage to tetra-C20 and higher oligo-isoprenoids with aldehyde and keto end groups, whereas RoxA used an exo-type cleavage mechanism to give the main end product 12-oxo-4,8-dimethyltrideca-4,8-diene-1-al (ODTD). RoxA was able to cleave isolated Lcp-derived oligo-isoprenoid molecules to ODTD. Inhibitor studies, spectroscopic investigations and metal analysis gave no indication for the presence of iron, other metals, or cofactors in Lcp. Our results suggest that Lcp could be a member of the growing group of cofactor-independent oxygenases and differs in the cleavage mechanism from heme-dependent RoxA. In conclusion, RoxA and Lcp represent two different answers to the same biochemical problem, the cleavage of polyisoprene, a polymer that has carbon-carbon double bonds as the only functional groups for enzymatic attack.  相似文献   

In insects, eggshell hardening involves cross-linking of chorion proteins via their tyrosine residues. This process is catalyzed by peroxidases at the expense of H2O2 and confers physical and biological protection to the developing embryo. Here, working with Rhodnius prolixus, the insect vector of Chagas disease, we show that an ovary dual oxidase (Duox), a NADPH oxidase, is the source of the H2O2 that supports dityrosine-mediated protein cross-linking and eggshell hardening. RNAi silencing of Duox activity decreased H2O2 generation followed by a failure in embryo development caused by a reduced resistance to water loss, which, in turn, caused embryos to dry out following oviposition. Phenotypes of Duox-silenced eggs were reversed by incubation in a water-saturated atmosphere, simultaneous silencing of the Duox and catalase genes, or H2O2 injection into the female hemocoel. Taken together, our results show that Duox-generated H2O2 fuels egg chorion hardening and that this process plays an essential role during eggshell waterproofing.  相似文献   



Mammalian ATAD3 is a mitochondrial protein, which is thought to play an important role in nucleoid organization. However, its exact function is still unresolved.


Here, we characterize the Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) ATAD3 homologue (ATAD-3) and investigate its importance for mitochondrial function and development. We show that ATAD-3 is highly conserved among different species and RNA mediated interference against atad-3 causes severe defects, characterized by early larval arrest, gonadal dysfunction and embryonic lethality. Investigation of mitochondrial physiology revealed a disturbance in organellar structure while biogenesis and function, as indicated by complex I and citrate synthase activities, appeared to be unaltered according to the developmental stage. Nevertheless, we observed very low complex I and citrate synthase activities in L1 larvae populations in comparison to higher larval and adult stages. Our findings indicate that atad-3(RNAi) animals arrest at developmental stages with low mitochondrial activity. In addition, a reduced intestinal fat storage and low lysosomal content after depletion of ATAD-3 suggests a central role of this protein for metabolic activity.


In summary, our data clearly indicate that ATAD-3 is essential for C. elegans development in vivo. Moreover, our results suggest that the protein is important for the upregulation of mitochondrial activity during the transition to higher larval stages.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue secretes protein factors that have systemic actions on cardiovascular tissues. Previous studies have shown that ablation of the adipocyte-secreted protein adiponectin leads to endothelial dysfunction, whereas its overexpression promotes wound healing. However, the receptor(s) mediating the protective effects of adiponectin on the vasculature is not known. Here we examined the role of membrane protein T-cadherin, which localizes adiponectin to the vascular endothelium, in the revascularization response to chronic ischemia. T-cadherin-deficient mice were analyzed in a model of hind limb ischemia where blood flow is surgically disrupted in one limb and recovery is monitored over 28 days by laser Doppler perfusion imaging. In this model, T-cadherin-deficient mice phenocopy adiponectin-deficient mice such that both strains display an impaired blood flow recovery compared with wild-type controls. Delivery of exogenous adiponectin rescued the impaired revascularization phenotype in adiponectin-deficient mice but not in T-cadherin-deficient mice. In cultured endothelial cells, T-cadherin deficiency by siRNA knockdown prevented the ability of adiponectin to promote cellular migration and proliferation. These data highlight a previously unrecognized role for T-cadherin in limb revascularization and show that it is essential for mediating the vascular actions of adiponectin.  相似文献   



Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein (TCTP) found in nasal lavage fluids of allergic patients was named IgE-dependent histamine-releasing factor (HRF). Human recombinant HRF (HrHRF) has been recently reported to be much less effective than HRF produced from activated mononuclear cells (HRFmn).

Methods and Findings

We found that only NH2-terminal truncated, but not C-terminal truncated, TCTP shows cytokine releasing activity compared to full-length TCTP. Interestingly, only NH2-terminal truncated TCTP, unlike full-length TCTP, forms dimers through intermolecular disulfide bonds. We tested the activity of dimerized full-length TCTP generated by fusing it to rabbit Fc region. The untruncated-full length protein (Fc-HrTCTP) was more active than HrTCTP in BEAS-2B cells, suggesting that dimerization of TCTP, rather than truncation, is essential for the activation of TCTP in allergic responses. We used confocal microscopy to evaluate the affinity of TCTPs to its putative receptor. We detected stronger fluorescence in the plasma membrane of BEAS-2B cells incubated with Del-N11TCTP than those incubated with rat recombinant TCTP (RrTCTP). Allergenic activity of Del-N11TCTP prompted us to see whether the NH2-terminal truncated TCTP can induce allergic airway inflammation in vivo. While RrTCTP had no influence on airway inflammation, Del-N11TCTP increased goblet cell hyperplasia in both lung and rhinal cavity. The dimerized protein was found in sera from allergic patients, and bronchoalveolar lavage fluids from airway inflamed mice.


Dimerization of TCTP seems to be essential for its cytokine-like activity. Our study has potential to enhance the understanding of pathogenesis of allergic disease and provide a target for allergic drug development.  相似文献   

Copper-transporting ATPase ATP7A is essential for mammalian copper homeostasis. Loss of ATP7A activity is associated with fatal Menkes disease and various other pathologies. In cells, ATP7A inactivation disrupts copper transport from the cytosol into the secretory pathway. Using fibroblasts from Menkes disease patients and mouse 3T3-L1 cells with a CRISPR/Cas9-inactivated ATP7A, we demonstrate that ATP7A dysfunction is also damaging to mitochondrial redox balance. In these cells, copper accumulates in nuclei, cytosol, and mitochondria, causing distinct changes in their redox environment. Quantitative imaging of live cells using GRX1-roGFP2 and HyPer sensors reveals highest glutathione oxidation and elevation of H2O2 in mitochondria, whereas the redox environment of nuclei and the cytosol is much less affected. Decreasing the H2O2 levels in mitochondria with MitoQ does not prevent glutathione oxidation; i.e. elevated copper and not H2O2 is a primary cause of glutathione oxidation. Redox misbalance does not significantly affect mitochondrion morphology or the activity of respiratory complex IV but markedly increases cell sensitivity to even mild glutathione depletion, resulting in loss of cell viability. Thus, ATP7A activity protects mitochondria from excessive copper entry, which is deleterious to redox buffers. Mitochondrial redox misbalance could significantly contribute to pathologies associated with ATP7A inactivation in tissues with paradoxical accumulation of copper (i.e. renal epithelia).  相似文献   

The recombination-activating protein, RAG1, a key component of the V(D)J recombinase, binds multiple Zn2+ ions in its catalytically required core region. However, the role of zinc in the DNA cleavage activity of RAG1 is not well resolved. To address this issue, we determined the stoichiometry of Zn2+ ions bound to the catalytically active core region of RAG1 under various conditions. Using metal quantitation methods, we determined that core RAG1 can bind up to four Zn2+ ions. Stripping the full complement of bound Zn2+ ions to produce apoprotein abrogated DNA cleavage activity. Moreover, even partial removal of zinc-binding equivalents resulted in a significant diminishment of DNA cleavage activity, as compared to holo-Zn2+ core RAG1. Mutants of the intact core RAG1 and the isolated core RAG1 domains were studied to identify the location of zinc-binding sites. Significantly, the C-terminal domain in core RAG1 binds at least two Zn2+ ions, with one zinc-binding site containing C902 and C907 as ligands (termed the CC zinc site) and H937 and H942 coordinating a Zn2+ ion in a separate site (HH zinc site). The latter zinc-binding site is essential for DNA cleavage activity, given that the H937A and H942A mutants were defective in both in vitro DNA cleavage assays and cellular recombination assays. Furthermore, as mutation of the active-site residue E962 reduces Zn2+ coordination, we propose that the HH zinc site is located in close proximity to the DDE active site. Overall, these results demonstrate that Zn2+ serves an important auxiliary role for RAG1 DNA cleavage activity. Furthermore, we propose that one of the zinc-binding sites is linked to the active site of core RAG1 directly or indirectly by E962.  相似文献   

Msc1, a member of the Jarid1 family of putative histone demethylases, is required for chromosome stability in fission yeast. Msc1 associates with the Swr1 complex that facilitates deposition of histone H2A.Z into chromatin. To assess the function of Msc1 in the Swr1 complex, domains of Msc1 necessary for interaction with Swr1 were identified. The C-terminal plant homeodomain (PHD) 2 and PHD3 of Msc1 are sufficient to confer association with Swr1 and allow Msc1 to function in the context of kinetochore mutants. On the other hand, a mutant with a single amino acid substitution in PHD2 within the full-length Msc1 protein retains the ability to bind to Swr1 but eliminates the function of Msc1 in combination with kinetochore mutants. Thus, Swr1 association is critical but not sufficient for Msc1 function. An activity of Msc1 that depends on the cysteine residue within PHD2 of Msc1 is likewise critical for function. On the basis of our observation that the PHDs of Msc1 act as E3 ubiquitin ligases and that mutations of cysteine residues within those domains abolish ligase activity, we speculate that the ability of Msc1 to facilitate ubiquitin transfer is critical for the function it mediates through its association with Swr1.  相似文献   

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