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Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9 (Ro-BatCoV HKU9), a recently identified coronavirus of novel Betacoronavirus subgroup D, from Leschenault''s rousette, was previously found to display marked sequence polymorphism among genomes of four strains. Among 10 bats with complete RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), spike (S), and nucleocapsid (N) genes sequenced, three and two sequence clades for all three genes were codetected in two and five bats, respectively, suggesting the coexistence of two or three distinct genotypes of Ro-BatCoV HKU9 in the same bat. Complete genome sequencing of the distinct genotypes from two bats, using degenerate/genome-specific primers with overlapping sequences confirmed by specific PCR, supported the coexistence of at least two distinct genomes in each bat. Recombination analysis using eight Ro-BatCoV HKU9 genomes showed possible recombination events between strains from different bat individuals, which may have allowed for the generation of different genotypes. Western blot assays using recombinant N proteins of Ro-BatCoV HKU9, Betacoronavirus subgroup A (HCoV-HKU1), subgroup B (SARSr-Rh-BatCoV), and subgroup C (Ty-BatCoV HKU4 and Pi-BatCoV HKU5) coronaviruses were subgroup specific, supporting their classification as separate subgroups under Betacoronavirus. Antibodies were detected in 75 (43%) of 175 and 224 (64%) of 350 tested serum samples from Leschenault''s rousette bats by Ro-BatCoV HKU9 N-protein-based Western blot and enzyme immunoassays, respectively. This is the first report describing coinfection of different coronavirus genotypes in bats and coronavirus genotypes of diverse nucleotide variation in the same host. Such unique phenomena, and the unusual instability of ORF7a, are likely due to recombination which may have been facilitated by the dense roosting behavior and long foraging range of Leschenault''s rousette.Coronaviruses infect a wide variety of animals in which they can cause respiratory, enteric, hepatic, and neurological diseases of various severities. Based on genotypic and serological characterization, coronaviruses were traditionally classified into three distinct groups, groups 1, 2, and 3 (3, 27, 59). Recently, the Coronavirus Study Group of the International Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses has renamed the traditional group 1, 2, and 3 coronaviruses as Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, and Gammacoronavirus, respectively (http://talk.ictvonline.org/media/p/1230.aspx). Coronaviruses are known to have a high frequency of recombination as a result of their unique mechanism of viral replication (27). Such tendency for recombination and high mutation rates may allow them to adapt to new hosts and ecological niches (24, 47, 52).The severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic has boosted interest in the study of coronaviruses in humans and animals (21, 34, 38, 41, 54). In the past few years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of newly described human and animal coronaviruses (2, 4, 5, 8-10, 15-20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 39, 43, 45, 50, 51, 53, 56, 58). Two novel human coronaviruses, human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63) and human coronavirus HKU1 (HCoV-HKU1), belonging to Alphacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus, respectively, have been discovered, in addition to the human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43), human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E), and SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) (17, 29, 45, 53, 55). We have also previously described the discovery of a diversity of novel coronaviruses in wild bats and birds in China, including SARSr-Rh-BatCoV, belonging to Betacoronavirus subgroup B, from Chinese horseshoe bats (30, 48, 56). Among these novel coronaviruses, three avian coronaviruses were found to belong to a novel subgroup of Gammacoronavirus (Gammacoronavirus subgroup C), while three bat coronaviruses were found to belong to two novel subgroups of Betacoronavirus (Betacoronavirus subgroups C and D) (48, 50). Based on the presence of the huge diversity of coronaviruses in Alphacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus among various bat species, bats are likely the reservoir for the ancestor of these two coronavirus genera (47).During our genome analysis of these novel coronaviruses, one of them, Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9 (Ro-BatCoV HKU9), belonging to Betacoronavirus subgroup D, which was identified in Leschenault''s rousette bats, was found to display marked nucleotide and amino acid sequence polymorphism among the four strains with complete genome sequences (50). In our study on HCoV-HKU1, it has been shown that such sequence polymorphisms may indicate the presence of different genotypes (52). By complete genome sequence analysis of the potentially different genotypes of HCoV-HKU1, we have demonstrated for the first time natural recombination in a human coronavirus, resulting in the generation of at least three genotypes (52). We have also recently shown that recombination between different strains of SARSr-Rh-BatCoV from different regions of China may have given rise to the emergence of civet SARSr-CoV (31). To investigate the presence of different genotypes of Ro-BatCoV HKU9, the complete RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) (corresponding to nsp12), spike (S), and nucleocapsid (N) gene sequences of Ro-BatCoV HKU9 from 10 additional bats were determined. Since sequence analysis showed the possible coexistence of different genotypes in seven bat individuals, complete genome sequencing of these distinct genotypes from two bats was carried out to investigate for possible recombination events among the different genotypes. In addition, serological characterization of Ro-BatCoV HKU9 was also performed by Western blot and enzyme immunoassays using recombinant Ro-BatCoV HKU9 nucleocapsid proteins and recombinant nucleocapsid proteins of Betacoronavirus subgroup A, B, and C coronaviruses to determine possible cross-reactivity among the different Betacoronavirus subgroups and the seroepidemiology of Ro-BatCoV HKU9 in Leschenault''s rousette bats.  相似文献   

While the novel Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is closely related to Tylonycteris bat CoV HKU4 (Ty-BatCoV HKU4) and Pipistrellus bat CoV HKU5 (Pi-BatCoV HKU5) in bats from Hong Kong, and other potential lineage C betacoronaviruses in bats from Africa, Europe, and America, its animal origin remains obscure. To better understand the role of bats in its origin, we examined the molecular epidemiology and evolution of lineage C betacoronaviruses among bats. Ty-BatCoV HKU4 and Pi-BatCoV HKU5 were detected in 29% and 25% of alimentary samples from lesser bamboo bat (Tylonycteris pachypus) and Japanese pipistrelle (Pipistrellus abramus), respectively. Sequencing of their RNA polymerase (RdRp), spike (S), and nucleocapsid (N) genes revealed that MERS-CoV is more closely related to Pi-BatCoV HKU5 in RdRp (92.1% to 92.3% amino acid [aa] identity) but is more closely related to Ty-BatCoV HKU4 in S (66.8% to 67.4% aa identity) and N (71.9% to 72.3% aa identity). Although both viruses were under purifying selection, the S of Pi-BatCoV HKU5 displayed marked sequence polymorphisms and more positively selected sites than that of Ty-BatCoV HKU4, suggesting that Pi-BatCoV HKU5 may generate variants to occupy new ecological niches along with its host in diverse habitats. Molecular clock analysis showed that they diverged from a common ancestor with MERS-CoV at least several centuries ago. Although MERS-CoV may have diverged from potential lineage C betacoronaviruses in European bats more recently, these bat viruses were unlikely to be the direct ancestor of MERS-CoV. Intensive surveillance for lineage C betaCoVs in Pipistrellus and related bats with diverse habitats and other animals in the Middle East may fill the evolutionary gap.  相似文献   

中国内陆发现HCoV-HKU1感染及N和S蛋白基因序列及进化分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
了解冠状病毒HKU1在我国大陆地区的感染情况及N基因和S基因的编码特征。采用RT-PCR的方法对2005年10月~2006年1月收集的260例急性呼吸道感染的住院儿童鼻咽抽吸物(NPA)进行了冠状病毒HKU1基因检测。将PCR阳性产物测序,并将所测序列在GenBank中进行比较分析。260份样本中共检测到2份冠状病毒HKU1阳性,阳性率为0.77%(2/260),且该2例冠状病毒HKU1阳性患者临床均表现为肺炎症状。扩增其中一株病毒N和S全基因,并进行测序,与GenBank中的冠状病毒HKU1参考株及冠状病毒科其它成员进行序列同源性和进化树分析,并对N和S蛋白的结构与功能进行了初步的预测分析。由此表明我国大陆地区存在冠状病毒HKU1感染,且可能与儿童下呼吸道感染存在相关性。  相似文献   

Despite the identification of severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV) in Rhinolophus Chinese horseshoe bats (SARSr-Rh-BatCoV) in China, the evolutionary and possible recombination origin of SARSr-CoV remains undetermined. We carried out the first study to investigate the migration pattern and SARSr-Rh-BatCoV genome epidemiology in Chinese horseshoe bats during a 4-year period. Of 1,401 Chinese horseshoe bats from Hong Kong and Guangdong, China, that were sampled, SARSr-Rh-BatCoV was detected in alimentary specimens from 130 (9.3%) bats, with peak activity during spring. A tagging exercise of 511 bats showed migration distances from 1.86 to 17 km. Bats carrying SARSr-Rh-BatCoV appeared healthy, with viral clearance occurring between 2 weeks and 4 months. However, lower body weights were observed in bats positive for SARSr-Rh-BatCoV, but not Rh-BatCoV HKU2. Complete genome sequencing of 10 SARSr-Rh-BatCoV strains showed frequent recombination between different strains. Moreover, recombination was detected between SARSr-Rh-BatCoV Rp3 from Guangxi, China, and Rf1 from Hubei, China, in the possible generation of civet SARSr-CoV SZ3, with a breakpoint at the nsp16/spike region. Molecular clock analysis showed that SARSr-CoVs were newly emerged viruses with the time of the most recent common ancestor (tMRCA) at 1972, which diverged between civet and bat strains in 1995. The present data suggest that SARSr-Rh-BatCoV causes acute, self-limiting infection in horseshoe bats, which serve as a reservoir for recombination between strains from different geographical locations within reachable foraging range. Civet SARSr-CoV is likely a recombinant virus arising from SARSr-CoV strains closely related to SARSr-Rh-BatCoV Rp3 and Rf1. Such frequent recombination, coupled with rapid evolution especially in ORF7b/ORF8 region, in these animals may have accounted for the cross-species transmission and emergence of SARS.Coronaviruses can infect a wide variety of animals, causing respiratory, enteric, hepatic, and neurological diseases with different degrees of severity. On the basis of genotypic and serological characteristics, coronaviruses were classified into three distinct groups (2, 20, 54). Among coronaviruses that infect humans, human coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E) and human coronavirus NL63 (HCoV-NL63) belong to group 1 coronaviruses and human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43), and human coronavirus HKU1 (HCoV-HKU1) belong to group 2 coronaviruses, whereas severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV) has been classified as a group 2b coronavirus, distantly related to group 2a, and the recently discovered group 2c and 2d coronaviruses (6, 8, 10, 18, 31, 38, 43, 46, 49, 50). Recently, the Coronavirus Study Group of the International Committee for Taxonomy of Viruses has proposed renaming the traditional group 1, 2, and 3 coronaviruses Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, and Gammacoronavirus, respectively (http://talk.ictvonline.org/media/p/1230.aspx).Among all coronaviruses, SARSr-CoV has caused the most severe disease in humans, with over 700 fatalities since the SARS epidemic in 2003. Although the identification of SARSr-CoV in Himalayan palm civets and raccoon dogs in live animal markets in southern China suggested that wild animals could be the origin of SARS (11), the presence of the virus in only market or farmed civets, but not civets in the wild, and the rapid evolution of SARSr-CoV genomes in market civets suggested that these caged animals were only intermediate hosts (24, 39, 42, 52). Since bats are commonly found and served in wild animal markets and restaurants in Guangdong, China (47), we have previously carried out a study of bats from the region and identified a SARSr-CoV in Rhinolophus Chinese horseshoe bats (SARSr-Rh-BatCoV) (21). Similar viruses have also been found in three other species of horseshoe bats in mainland China (25), supporting the hypothesis that horseshoe bats are a reservoir of SARSr-CoV. Recently, viruses closely related to SARSr-Rh-BatCoV in China were also reported in Chaerophon bats from Africa, although only partial RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) sequences were available (41). In addition, more than 10 previously unrecognized coronaviruses of huge diversity have since been identified in bats from China and other countries (1, 3, 5, 9, 22, 27, 32, 33, 40, 46, 51), suggesting that bats play an important role in the ecology and evolution of coronaviruses.As a result of the unique mechanism of viral replication, coronaviruses have a high frequency of recombination (20). Such a high recombination rate, coupled with the infidelity of the polymerases of RNA viruses, may allow them to adapt to new hosts and ecological niches (12, 48). Recombination in coronaviruses was first recognized between different strains of murine hepatitis virus (MHV) and subsequently in other coronaviruses, such as infectious bronchitis virus, between MHV and bovine coronavirus, and between feline coronavirus type I and canine coronavirus generating feline coronavirus type II (12, 16, 17, 23). Recently, by complete genome analysis of 22 strains of HCoV-HKU1, we have also documented for the first time that natural recombination events in a human coronavirus can give rise to three different genotypes (48).Although previous studies have attempted to study the possible evolutionary and recombination origin of SARSr-CoV, no definite conclusion can be made on whether the viruses from bats are the direct ancestor of SARSr-CoV in civets and humans, given the paucity of available strains and genome sequences. To better define the epidemiology and evolution of SARSr-Rh-BatCoV in China and their role as a recombination origin of SARSr-CoV in civets, we carried out a 4-year study on coronaviruses in Chinese horseshoe bats in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province of southern China. Bat tagging was also performed to study the migration pattern of bats and viral persistence. The complete genomes of 10 strains of SARSr-Rh-BatCoV obtained at different time were sequenced and compared to previously sequenced genomes. With the availability of this larger set of genome sequences for more accurate analysis, recombination and molecular clock analyses were performed to elucidate the evolutionary origin and time of interspecies transmission of SARSr-CoV.  相似文献   

We investigated previously unknown associations between bacterial endosymbionts and bat flies of the subfamily Nycterophiliinae (Diptera, Streblidae). Molecular analyses revealed a novel clade of Gammaproteobacteria in Nycterophilia bat flies. This clade was not closely related to Arsenophonus-like microbes found in its sister genus Phalconomus and other bat flies. High population infection rates in Nycterophilia across a wide geographic area, the presence of the symbionts in pupae, the general codivergence between hosts and symbionts, and high AT composition bias in symbiont genes together suggest that this host-symbiont association is obligate in nature and ancient in origin. Some Nycterophilia samples (14.8%) also contained Wolbachia supergroup F (Alphaproteobacteria), suggesting a facultative symbiosis. Likelihood-based ancestral character mapping revealed that, initially, obligate symbionts exhibited association with host-specific Nycterophilia bat flies that use a broad temperature range of cave environments for pupal development. As this mutualism evolved, the temperature range of bat flies narrowed to an exclusive use of hot caves, which was followed by a secondary broadening of the bat flies'' host associations. These results suggest that the symbiosis has influenced the environmental tolerance of parasite life history stages. Furthermore, the contingent change to an expanded host range of Nycterophilia bat flies upon narrowing the ecological niche of their developmental stages suggests that altered environmental tolerance across life history stages may be a crucial factor in shaping parasite-host relationships.  相似文献   

Intrusive memories – a hallmark symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – are often triggered by stimuli possessing similarity with cues that predicted or accompanied the traumatic event. According to learning theories, intrusive memories can be seen as a conditioned response to trauma reminders. However, direct laboratory evidence for the link between fear conditionability and intrusive memories is missing. Furthermore, fear conditioning studies have predominantly relied on standardized aversive stimuli (e.g. electric stimulation) that bear little resemblance to typical traumatic events. To investigate the general relationship between fear conditionability and aversive memories, we tested 66 mentally healthy females in a novel conditioned-intrusion paradigm designed to model real-life traumatic experiences. The paradigm included a differential fear conditioning procedure with neutral sounds as conditioned stimuli and short violent film clips as unconditioned stimuli. Subsequent aversive memories were assessed through a memory triggering task (within 30 minutes, in the laboratory) and ambulatory assessment (involuntary aversive memories in the 2 days following the experiment). Skin conductance responses and subjective ratings demonstrated successful differential conditioning indicating that naturalistic aversive film stimuli can be used in a fear conditioning experiment. Furthermore, aversive memories were elicited in response to the conditioned stimuli during the memory triggering task and also occurred in the 2 days following the experiment. Importantly, participants who displayed higher conditionability showed more aversive memories during the memory triggering task and during ambulatory assessment. This suggests that fear conditioning constitutes an important source of persistent aversive memories. Implications for PTSD and its treatment are discussed.  相似文献   

Parasites of the genus Trypanosoma are common in bats and those of the subgenus Schizotrypanum are restricted to bats throughout the world, with the exception of Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi that also infects other mammals and is restricted to the American Continent. We have characterized trypanosome isolates from Molossidae bats captured in Mozambique, Africa. Morphology and behaviour in culture, supported by phylogenetic inferences using SSU (small subunit) rRNA, gGAPDH (glycosomal glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase) and Cyt b (cytochrome b) genes, allowed to classify the isolates as a new Schizotrypanum species named Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) erneyi sp. nov. This is the first report of a Schizotrypanum species from African bats cultured, characterized morphologically and biologically, and positioned in phylogenetic trees. The unprecedented finding of a new species of the subgenus Schizotrypanum from Africa that is closest related to the America-restricted Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi marinkellei and T. cruzi provides new insights into the origin and evolutionary history of T. cruzi and closely related bat trypanosomes. Altogether, data from our study support the hypothesis of an ancestor trypanosome parasite of bats evolving to infect other mammals, even humans, and adapted to transmission by triatomine bugs in the evolutionary history of T. cruzi in the New World.  相似文献   

Morphological analyses indicate that horsehose bats in the genus Rhinolophus constitute a monophyletic group which most likely originated in southeastern Asia but which presently inhabits Oriental, Australian, Palaearctic, and Ethiopian zoogeographical provinces. Ten species occur in southern Africa, but it is uncertain which species represent dispersals from Eurasia through North Africa and which have resulted from speciation in Africa. Analyses of 34 allozyme encoding loci in these 10 species and in 2 southern African species of leafnose bats in the sister genus Hipposideros reveal the presence of at least three lineages of Rhinolophus in southern Africa. One lineage includes R. clivosus, R. darlingi, R. fumigatus, and R. hildebrandtii, all of which, except R. clivosus, are endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. Rhinolophus blasii is genetically allied with, but distinct from this group, and appears to be a recent migrant from another lineage centered on the Mediterranean. A third lineage, including at least R. capensis, R. denti, R. simulator, and R. swinnyi, is endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. The phylogenetic position of R. landeri is uncertain, most likely because of the small sample size used to estimate allelic frequencies for this species. The biochemical genetic definitions of these lineages largely agree with previous morphological analyses of Rhinolophus species. Divergences between species within two lineages (R. clivosus, R. darlingi, R. fumigatus, and R. hildebrandtii; and R. capensis, R. denti, R. simulator, and R. swinnyi) appear to reflect two bursts of speciation in the Plio-Pleistocene period within Africa.  相似文献   

Bats are reservoirs for a wide range of zoonotic agents including lyssa-, henipah-, SARS-like corona-, Marburg-, Ebola-, and astroviruses. In an effort to survey for the presence of other infectious agents, known and unknown, we screened sera from 16 Pteropus giganteus bats from Faridpur, Bangladesh, using high-throughput pyrosequencing. Sequence analyses indicated the presence of a previously undescribed virus that has approximately 50% identity at the amino acid level to GB virus A and C (GBV-A and -C). Viral nucleic acid was present in 5 of 98 sera (5%) from a single colony of free-ranging bats. Infection was not associated with evidence of hepatitis or hepatic dysfunction. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that this first GBV-like flavivirus reported in bats constitutes a distinct species within the Flaviviridae family and is ancestral to the GBV-A and -C virus clades.  相似文献   

Enteroviruses (Picornaviridae family) are a common cause of human illness worldwide and are associated with diverse clinical syndromes, including asymptomatic infection, respiratory illness, gastroenteritis, and meningitis. In this study, we report the identification and complete genome sequence of a novel enterovirus isolated from a case of acute respiratory illness in a Nicaraguan child. Unbiased deep sequencing of nucleic acids from a nose and throat swab sample enabled rapid recovery of the full-genome sequence. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that human enterovirus 109 (EV109) is most closely related to serotypes of human enterovirus species C (HEV-C) in all genomic regions except the 5′ untranslated region (5′ UTR). Bootstrap analysis indicates that the 5′ UTR of EV109 is likely the product of an interspecies recombination event between ancestral members of the HEV-A and HEV-C groups. Overall, the EV109 coding region shares 67 to 72% nucleotide sequence identity with its nearest relatives. EV109 isolates were detected in 5/310 (1.6%) of nose and throat swab samples collected from children in a pediatric cohort study of influenza-like illness in Managua, Nicaragua, between June 2007 and June 2008. Further experimentation is required to more fully characterize the pathogenic role, disease associations, and global distribution of EV109.The genus Enterovirus (EV) in the family Picornaviridae is a group of related viruses that are associated with a spectrum of disease, ranging from subclinical infections to acute respiratory and gastrointestinal illness to more severe manifestations, such as aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, and acute flaccid paralysis (16, 32). Enteroviruses are small, nonenveloped viruses that share a genomic organization. The RNA genome is a ∼7.5 kb single-stranded, positive-sense, polyadenylated molecule, with a single, long open reading frame flanked by 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions (UTRs). The 5′ UTR is ∼700 nucleotides in length and contains highly structured secondary elements with internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) function. The ∼2,200-amino-acid (aa) polyprotein is cotranslationally processed by viral proteases to yield structural (VP4, VP2, VP3, and VP1) and nonstructural (2A, 2B, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3C, and 3D) proteins (32). Current enterovirus classification is based on the high sequence divergence within the VP1 capsid region, which has been shown to correspond with serotype neutralization (27, 28). Human enterovirus (HEV) types are currently classified into four species, human enterovirus A (HEV-A), HEV-B, HEV-C (including poliovirus), and HEV-D, based on the four phylogenetic clusters observed in comparisons of the coding region sequences. An enterovirus is considered a new type within a species if it possesses <75% nucleotide identity and <85% amino acid identity with known members across the VP1 sequence (27, 30). Molecular identification methods play a crucial role in rapid, sensitive enterovirus diagnostics and have led to the recent discovery of several novel enteroviruses (29, 31, 40, 42, 44). Most approaches target a limited number of conserved regions in the 5′ UTR and VP4-VP2 junction or seek to ascertain serotype information by probing antigenic regions, such as VP1 (5).Picornavirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerases are highly error prone and lack proofreading ability, resulting in a misincorporation frequency of 1 per 103 to 104 nucleotides (48). The relative infidelity of these polymerases is believed to enable rapid adaptability under selective pressure. Large-impact evolutionary events, such as recombination within and between enterovirus serotypes, also contribute to their evolution and genetic diversity (3, 8, 26, 39) and may lead to changes in disease associations with human enterovirus infections. Human enteroviruses are classified into four species based on coding region sequence phylogeny, and intraspecies recombination events between enteroviruses that are closely related in the coding region are well documented (26, 38, 39). All known enterovirus 5′ UTR sequences, however, cluster into two groups containing either HEV-A and -B sequences or HEV-C and -D sequences. Recent findings have described enterovirus genomes with a coding region that clusters with one species and a 5′ UTR that clusters with a different species, suggesting possible interspecies recombination events (41, 44). Understanding the recombination-driven evolution of HEV-C viruses is of particular public health concern due to the viruses'' ability to recombine with vaccine poliovirus, resulting in circulating, highly neurovirulent vaccine-derived polioviruses (17, 21, 34). It is unclear whether recombination events between poliovirus and HEV-C viruses allow for the rapid acquisition of traits that increase pathogenic and circulation potential.The enterovirus pathogenicity spectrum is related to tissue tropism and is largely determined by cellular receptor usage. Most picornaviruses use receptors from the immunoglobulin superfamily of proteins, such as intracellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) or coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor (CAR) (36). A distinct subgroup of HEV-C viruses, which includes coxsackievirus (CAV) A1, A19, and A22 and enterovirus 104, has not yet been grown successfully in cell culture, and the receptor molecule for this subgroup is unknown (6). HEV-C viruses are believed to be the ancestral source of poliovirus, which resulted from a capsid mutation that caused a cellular receptor switch from ICAM-1 to CD155 (poliovirus receptor [PVR]) (17).In this study, we report the discovery and characterization of a novel human enterovirus type within species HEV-C, for which we propose the designation human enterovirus 109 (EV109). Sequence analysis reveals considerable nucleotide divergence in the 5′ UTR between EV109 and other HEV-C types, and scanning bootstrap analysis supports the hypothesis that EV109 is the product of an interspecies recombination event with an ancestral member of the HEV-A group. Viral capsid amino acid alignments and homology modeling reveal the predicted three-dimensional arrangement of divergent and conserved residues of EV109 compared with other related enteroviruses. We also report highly similar EV109 isolates within multiple cases of acute pediatric respiratory illness in Managua, Nicaragua.  相似文献   

Lantibiotics are peptide-derived antibiotics that inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria via interactions with lipid II and lipid II-dependent pore formation in the bacterial membrane. Due to their general mode of action the Gram-positive producer strains need to express immunity proteins (LanI proteins) for protection against their own lantibiotics. Little is known about the immunity mechanism protecting the producer strain against its own lantibiotic on the molecular level. So far, no structures have been reported for any LanI protein. We solved the structure of SpaI, a LanI protein from the subtilin producing strain Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. SpaI is a 16.8-kDa lipoprotein that is attached to the outside of the cytoplasmic membrane via a covalent diacylglycerol anchor. SpaI together with the ABC transporter SpaFEG protects the B. subtilis membrane from subtilin insertion. The solution-NMR structure of a 15-kDa biologically active C-terminal fragment reveals a novel fold. We also demonstrate that the first 20 N-terminal amino acids not present in this C-terminal fragment are unstructured in solution and are required for interactions with lipid membranes. Additionally, growth tests reveal that these 20 N-terminal residues are important for the immunity mediated by SpaI but most likely are not part of a possible subtilin binding site. Our findings are the first step on the way of understanding the immunity mechanism of B. subtilis in particular and of other lantibiotic producing strains in general.  相似文献   

The Nycteribiidae are obligate blood-sucking Diptera (Hippoboscoidea) flies that parasitize bats. Depending on species, these wingless flies exhibit either high specialism or generalism toward their hosts, which may in turn have important consequences in terms of their associated microbial community structure. Bats have been hypothesized to be reservoirs of numerous infectious agents, some of which have recently emerged in human populations. Thus, bat flies may be important in the epidemiology and transmission of some of these bat-borne infectious diseases, acting either directly as arthropod vectors or indirectly by shaping pathogen communities among bat populations. In addition, bat flies commonly have associations with heritable bacterial endosymbionts that inhabit insect cells and depend on maternal transmission through egg cytoplasm to ensure their transmission. Some of these heritable bacteria are likely obligate mutualists required to support bat fly development, but others are facultative symbionts with unknown effects. Here, we present bacterial community profiles that were obtained from seven bat fly species, representing five genera, parasitizing bats from the Malagasy region. The observed bacterial diversity includes Rickettsia, Wolbachia, and several Arsenophonus-like organisms, as well as other members of the Enterobacteriales and a widespread association of Bartonella bacteria from bat flies of all five genera. Using the well-described host specificity of these flies and data on community structure from selected bacterial taxa with either vertical or horizontal transmission, we show that host/vector specificity and transmission mode are important drivers of bacterial community structure.  相似文献   

(+)-Haedoxan A, an insecticidal sesquilignan, inhibited the specific binding of the noncompetitive GABA antagonist [35S]t-butylbicyclophosphorothionate (TBPS) to rat brain membranes in concentration-dependent and noncompetitive manners. The data show haedoxan’s interaction with a site coupled to the TBPS-binding site on the GABAA receptor in rat brain, while the physiological significance of the interaction remains to be discovered.  相似文献   

Two main mechanisms are thought to affect the prevalence of endophyte-grass symbiosis in host populations: the mode of endophyte transmission, and the fitness differential between symbiotic and non-symbiotic plants. These mechanisms have mostly been studied in synthetic grass populations. If we are to improve our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of such symbioses, we now need to determine the combinations of mechanisms actually operating in the wild, in populations shaped by evolutionary history. We used a demographic population modeling approach to identify the mechanisms operating in a natural stand of an intermediate population (i.e. 50% of plants symbiotic) of the native grass Festuca eskia. We recorded demographic data in the wild over a period of three years, with manipulation of the soil resources for half the population. We developed two stage-structured matrix population models. The first model concerned either symbiotic or non-symbiotic plants. The second model included both symbiotic and non-symbiotic plants and took endophyte transmission rates into account. According to our models, symbiotic had a significantly higher population growth rate than non-symbiotic plants, and endophyte prevalence was about 58%. Endophyte transmission rates were about 0.67 or 0.87, depending on the growth stage considered. In the presence of nutrient supplementation, population growth rates were still significantly higher for symbiotic than for non-symbiotic plants, but endophyte prevalence fell to 0%. At vertical transmission rates below 0.10–0.20, no symbiosis was observed. Our models showed that a positive benefit of the endophyte and vertical transmission rates of about 0.6 could lead to the coexistence of symbiotic and non-symbiotic F. eskia plants. The positive effect of the symbiont on host is not systematically associated with high transmission rates of the symbiont over short time scales, in particular following an environmental change.  相似文献   

An unusual rotavirus strain, SKT-27, with the G6P[14] genotypes (RVA/Human-wt/THA/SKT-27/2012/G6P[14]), was identified in a stool specimen from a hospitalized child aged eight months with severe diarrhea. In this study, we sequenced and characterized the complete genome of strain SKT-27. On whole genomic analysis, strain SKT-27 was found to have a unique genotype constellation: G6-P[14]-I2-R2-C2-M2-A3-N2-T6-E2-H3. The non-G/P genotype constellation of this strain (I2-R2-C2-M2-A3-N2-T6-E2-H3) is commonly shared with rotavirus strains from artiodactyls such as cattle. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that nine of the 11 genes of strain SKT-27 (VP7, VP4, VP6, VP2-3, NSP1, NSP3-5) appeared to be of artiodactyl (likely bovine) origin, while the remaining VP1 and NSP2 genes were assumed to be of human origin. Thus, strain SKT-27 was found to have a bovine rotavirus genetic backbone, and thus is likely to be of bovine origin. Furthermore, strain SKT-27 appeared to be derived through interspecies transmission and reassortment events involving bovine and human rotavirus strains. Of note is that the VP7 gene of strain SKT-27 was located in G6 lineage-5 together with those of bovine rotavirus strains, away from the clusters comprising other G6P[14] strains in G6 lineages-2/6, suggesting the occurrence of independent bovine-to-human interspecies transmission events. To our knowledge, this is the first report on full genome-based characterization of human G6P[14] strains that have emerged in Southeast Asia. Our observations will provide important insights into the origin of G6P[14] strains, and into dynamic interactions between human and bovine rotavirus strains.  相似文献   

Deformed wing virus (DWV) is a honeybee pathogen whose presence is generally associated with infestation of the colony by the mite Varroa destructor, leading to the onset of infections responsible for the collapse of the bee colony. DWV contaminates bee products such as royal jelly, bee-bread and honey stored within the infected hive. Outside the hive, DWV has been found in pollen loads collected directly from infected as well as uninfected forager bees. It has been shown that the introduction of virus-contaminated pollen into a DWV-free hive results in the production of virus-contaminated food, whose role in the development of infected bees from virus-free eggs has been experimentally demonstrated. The aim of this study was twofold: (i) to ascertain the presence of DWV on pollen collected directly from flowers visited by honeybees and then quantify the viral load and (ii) determine whether the virus associated with pollen is infective. The results of our investigation provide evidence that DWV is present on pollen sampled directly from visited flowers and that, following injection in individuals belonging to the pollinator species Apis mellifera, it is able to establish an active infection, as indicated by the presence of replicating virus in the head of the injected bees. We also provide the first indication that the pollinator species Osmia cornuta is susceptible to DWV infection.  相似文献   

We have investigated the molecular evidence in favor of the transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from an HIV-infected surgeon to one of his patients. After PCR amplification, the env and gag sequences from the viral genome were cloned and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the viral sequences derived from the surgeon and his patient are closely related, which strongly suggests that nosocomial transmission occurred. In addition, these viral sequences belong to group M of HIV type 1 but are divergent from the reference sequences of the known subtypes.  相似文献   

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