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Abstract By light and scanning electron microscopy it is shown that a strain of Verticillium psalliotae , originally isolated from pustules of the soybean rust in Thailand, is able to infect uredospores of this rust fungus. In most cases appressoria-like structures were formed at the infection sites. However, only a part of the spores were infected. Most spores appeared heavily damaged without any visible mycelium inside. This indicates that growth of Verticillium psalliotae on uredospores of the soybean rust is probably mainly based on the production of lytic enzymes.  相似文献   

Teliospores of the soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd.) germinated after treatment with 10—12 wetting and drying cycles at room temperature. Spores swelled, vacuolated and germinated with a slightly curved basidium bearing 1—4 sterigmata with basidiospores. High germination rates were observed when telia were stored at 5 °C for 5—6 months before breaking dormancy.  相似文献   

Two isolates of the mycoparasite Verticillium psalliotae grew rapidly in liquid cultures on autoclaved uredospores of the soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd.) as sole carbon source and secreted β-l,3-glucanase, chitinase, and protease activities into the medium. One isolate of Verticillium lecanii grew slowly, failed to produce measurable chitinase activity and secreted lower specific activities of β-l,3-glucanase and protease, compared with V. psalliotae. The tested isolates of V. psalliotae and V. lecanii produced comparable levels of lipolytic activity. Amylolytic activity was secreted by V. lecanii but not by V. psalliotae. The isolates of V. psalliotae and V. lecanii used in our experiments differed clearly in protein and protease pattern, determined by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. The results indicate that the rapid growth of V. psalliotae on autoclaved uredospores in liquid culture and on uredosori is probably based primarily on nutrients made available to the mycoparasite by activities of β-1,3-glucanases, chitinases and proteases.  相似文献   

The development of infection structures by the directly infecting soybean rust fungus of different artificial membranes was followed by light and scanning electron microscopy. On water agar uredospores developed germ tubes without appressoria. On dialysis membranes more than 80% of the uredospores formed appressoria. With low frequencies (1–7%) also primary hyphae and/or penetration hyphae were present. When cellulose nitrate membrane filters with pore diameters ≤ 0.2 μm were used, uredospores germinated but showed a strongly reduced appressoria formation. Membranes with pores ≥ 0.1 μm allowed a development of infection structures similar to that on dialysis membranes. In experiments with paraffin oil incorporated into collodion membranes more than 90% of the uredospores formed appressoria, about 50% of the appressoria developed hyphae. Ungerminated spores and germ tubes always contained 2 nuclei. In fully developed appressoria 4 nuclei were present. Compared with stomata entering rust fungi appressoria formation by Phakopsora pachyrhizi occurred more frequently and seemed to be less dependent on specific stimuli. Moreover, in most cases only few of the appressoria formed penetration or primary hyphae. The induction of these structures seemed to be dependent on further unknown stimuli.  相似文献   

Growth and development of two races of the soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd.) were compared on host and nonhost plants. Both groups had several lines of defense, each of which could stop a part of attacking uredospores. Germ tubes and appressoria were produced equally well on hosts and nonhosts. A reduced formation of penetration hyphae contributed to the resistance of nonhosts and resistant host genotypes. In the epidermal cells of wheat and barley leaves, lower frequencies of penetration hyphae coincided with the production of papillae-like structures which were not penetrated. The last line of defense of all nonhosts was localized in the epidermal cell where the growth of the penetration hyphae was arrested definitively. The colony development in these species was suppressed completely. In highly resistant host genotypes the last defense reaction occurred later as a hypersensitive cell collapse which interrupted the growth of the rust colony.  相似文献   

Walls of uredospores, infection structures, intercellular hyphae and haustoria of the soybean rust fungus (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) were studied by electron microscopy using gold-labeled wheat germ lectin (WGL) and Concanavalin A (ConA) as cytochemical probes. Receptors for WGL (probably chitin) were detected in all fungal walls included in this study. WGL-binding occurred throughout the entire walls (uredospores, appressorial cone, penetration hyphae, haustorial mother cells) or only to the inner wall layers (germ tubes, appressoria, intercellular hyphae).  相似文献   

The effect of light on uredospore germination and germ tube growth of Phakopsora pachyrhizi was studied. Frequency of uredospore germination was only partially reduced by high light intensity (> 1,9 * 104 mW * m?2). In uredospores unilaterally irradiated with polychromatic light germ tubes always emerged from the shadowed side. Already developed germ tubes showed a negative phototropic response. Both effects were inducible by low light intensities. Negative phototropism of germ tubes was a blue light effect. Light of 441 nm was more effective than that of 422 nm or 372 nm. Red light (> 600 nm) was ineffective, green light (513 nm) induced medium responses. In half-side illumination studies longitudinal halves of germ tube tips and spores were irradiated under a microscope. The tips of the germ tubes bent into the illuminating beam. In half-side illumination studies germ tubes always emerged from the illuminated spore halves. Under unilateral illumination liquid paraffin reversed this light “polarization” of spores and the negative phototropism of germ tubes. These results suggest that during unilateral illumination spores and germ tube tips act as a lens focussing the light on the wall farthest away from the light source., There, in uredospores emergence of germ tubes is stimulated and in germ tubes growth is inhibited. As a consequence, under unilateral illumination germ tubes emerge at the shadowed side of the spores and grow away from the light.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to quantify the yield loss attributable to soya bean rust, a relatively new disease in Uganda. This was carried out for three consecutive seasons in the central, eastern, northern and western parts of the country, using three commercial varieties (Nam 1, Nam 2 and Namsoy 3) and two elite varieties (UG‐5 and GC‐00138‐29). The commercial varieties recorded higher yield losses (26.9–36.3%) and higher rust severities >50%, whereas the elite varieties recorded lesser yield losses of <10% and rust severities of <30%. Yield losses were highest in the central region (22.9%), and lowest in the northern region (15.1%). Yield losses differed significantly between seasons and were associated with reduction in seed weight and filled pod per plant.  相似文献   

The ability of Phakopsora pachyrhizi to cause infection under conditions of discontinuous wetness was investigated. In in vitro experiments, droplets of a uredospore suspension were deposited onto the surface of polystyrene. After an initial wetting period of either 1, 2 or 4 h, the drops were dried for different time intervals and then the wetness was restored for 11, 10 or 8 h. Germination and appressorium formation were evaluated. In in vivo experiments, soybean plants were inoculated with a uredospore suspension. Leaf wetness was interrupted for 1, 3 or 6 h after initial wetting periods of 1, 2 or 4 h. Then, the wetting was re‐established for 11, 10 or 8 h, respectively. Rust severity was evaluated 14 days after inoculation. The germination of the spores and the formation of the appressoria on the soybean leaves after different periods of wetness were also quantified in vivo by scanning electron microscopy. P. pachyrhizi showed a high infective capacity during short periods of time. An interruption of wetness after 1 h caused average reductions in germination from 56 to 75% and in appressorium formation from 84 to 96%. Rust severity was lower in all of the in vivo treatments with discontinuous wetness when compared to the control plants. Rust severity was zero when the interruption of wetness occurred 4 h after the initial wetting. Wetting interruptions after 1 and 2 h reduced the average rust severity by 83 and 77%, respectively. The germination of the uredospores on the soybean leaves occurred after 2 h of wetness, with a maximum germination appearing after 4 h of wetness. Wetness interruption affected mainly the spores that had initiated the germination.  相似文献   

Rust of soybean, caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi, was first reported in the southeastern US in 2004 where it quickly became established. Yield losses ranged from 35% to more than 80%. The mycophilic fungus Simplicillium lanosoniveum was previously shown to colonize rust pustules on soybean leaves and prevent germination of urediniospores. The number of pustules on soybean leaves also was significantly reduced when S. lanosoniveum colonized leaves. This study examined the antagonistic interactions between P. pachyrhizi and S. lanosoniveum using confocal, transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to determine if S. lanosoniveum was mycoparasitic. Co-inoculated detached soybean leaves were examined using TEM and SEM to examine changes in urediniospores colonized by S. lanosoniveum. An isolate of S. lanosoniveum, previously shown to be an antagonist of P. pachyrhizi, was transformed with the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene and used to document the infection process using confocal microscopy. S. lanosoniveum colonized pustules and coiled around urediniospores before infection. The mycoparasite penetrated urediniospores through germ pores within 24 h after inoculation, at which time organelles showed signs of degradation. By 2 days after inoculation, there was extensive colonization of urediniospores by hyphae of S. lanosoniveum. Hyphae of the mycoparasite erupted from the colonized urediniospores at 7 days after inoculation, and there was extensive sporulation on the surface of urediniospores. Over 90% of urediniospores were colonized within 5 days after inoculation with the mycoparasite. We showed in previous studies that S. lanosoniveum is an antagonist of P. pachyrhizi as well as an effective biocontrol agent, but we were unable to document its mode of action. We now present microscopic evidence that S. lanosoniveum is a mycoparasite.  相似文献   

Heterodera glycines was grown in monoxenic culture on soybean roots and then inoculated with the antagonistic fungus Verticillium lecanii. Use of root explant cultures allowed evaluation of the fungus-nematode interaction with the nematode attached to roots or removed from the host, and avoided contamination with other fungi. From 16 hours to 14 days following inoculation, female and cyst samples were examined with the light microscope, or prepared for either conventional or low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. Within 16 hours, hyphae had begun colonizing the gelatinous matrices (GM). The fungus proliferated in the GM of some specimens within a week, but was rarely seen in unhatched eggs. Fungus penetration holes in female and cyst walls were observed 3 days after inoculation; penetration through nematode orifices was not seen at that time. More cysts than females were colonized at the earliest sampling dates. Specimens associated with external hyphae exhibited variable internal colonization, ranging from no fungal penetration to extensive mycelial growth.  相似文献   

α-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a specific and irreversible inhibitor of the polyamine biosynthetic enzyme ornithine decarboxylase, effectively inhibits mycelial growth of several phytopathogenic fungi on defined media in vitro and provides systemic protection of bean plants against infection by Uromyces phaseoli L. race 0 (MV Rajam, AW Galston 1985 Plant Cell Physiol 26: 683-692; MV Rajam et al. 1985 Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 82: 6874-6878). We now find that application of 0.5 millimolar DFMO to unifoliolate leaves of Pinto beans up to 3 days after inoculation with uredospores of U. phaseoli completely inhibits the growth of the pathogen, while application 4 or 5 days after inoculation results in partial protection against the pathogen. Spores do not germinate on the surface of unifoliolate leaves treated with DFMO 1 day before infection, but addition of spermidine to the DFMO treatments partially reverses the inhibitory effect. The titer of polyamines in bean plants did not decline after DFMO treatment; rather, putrescine and spermidine contents actually rose, probably due to the known but paradoxical stimulation of arginine decarboxylase activity by DFMO.  相似文献   

Evidence has been obtained for the presence in filtrates of 3-day-old cultures of the fungus Rhizopus stolonifer grown on potato-dextrose medium of both high molecular weight and low molecular weight elicitors of the production of the phytoalexin casbene in cell-free extracts of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) seedlings. The high molecular weight elicitor activity was purified by means of gel filtration chromatography. Both protein and carbohydrate are associated with the most purified fraction containing elicitor activity. The elicitor is inactivated by treatments at 60 C or higher temperatures for 15 minutes. The molecular weight of the purified elicitor was estimated from gel filtration chromatography in 10 mm Na-phosphate (pH 7) to be 30,000 ± 5,000. Treatments of the purified elicitor fraction with either sodium periodate or the nonspecific protease preparation, pronase, substantially reduced its activity as an elicitor of casbene production. On the basis of these properties it is concluded that the elicitor is most likely a protein and may be a glycoprotein. It is estimated that 2 × 10−8 m elicitor gives about a 14-fold increase in casbene synthetase activity in extracts of treated split seedlings in comparison with controls. This corresponds to about 50% of the maximal activity obtainable in this assay system developed to measure elicitor activity.  相似文献   

菜青虫感染蜡蚧轮枝菌后的组织病理变化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对感病菜青虫Pieris rapae组织切片的观察研究表明, 蜡蚧轮枝菌Verticillium lecanii主要通过昆虫的体壁侵染虫体。菜青虫各龄幼虫在体壁接菌12 h后,附着在虫体表面的孢子即可萌发。2~3龄幼虫,蜡蚧轮枝菌菌丝24 h就可穿透体壁进入血腔,48 h可见脂肪体等器官发生病变; 4~5龄幼虫,36 h菌丝才可穿透体壁,48 h可见虫体内有部分菌丝体。侵入虫体内的菌丝对寄生组织没有选择性。菌丝首先在入侵的血腔中生长,然后侵入脂肪体和肌肉,随菌丝在虫体内的增殖,中肠、马氏管、丝腺等相继被侵染。受侵的组织器管均发生明显的病变,如体壁分离,脂肪体变形、溶解,肌纤维排列松散,中肠上皮细胞脱落并出现许多空泡等。  相似文献   

Most asexual species of fungi have either lost sexuality recently, or they experience recombination by cryptic sexual reproduction. Verticillium dahliae is a plant-pathogenic, ascomycete fungus with no known sexual stage, even though related genera have well-described sexual reproduction. V. dahliae reproduces mitotically and its population structure is highly clonal. However, previously described discrepancies in phylogenetic relationships among clonal lineages may be explained more parsimoniously by recombination than mutation; therefore, we looked for evidence of recombination within and between clonal lineages. Genotyping by sequencing was performed on 141 V. dahliae isolates from diverse geographic and host origins, resulting in 26,748 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We found a strongly clonal population structure with the same lineages as described previously by vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) and molecular markers. We detected 443 recombination events, evenly distributed throughout the genome. Most recombination events detected were between clonal lineages, with relatively few recombinant haplotypes detected within lineages. The only three isolates with mating type MAT1-1 had recombinant SNP haplotypes; all other isolates had mating type MAT1-2. We found homologs of eight meiosis-specific genes in the V. dahliae genome, all with conserved or partially conserved protein domains. The extent of recombination and molecular signs of sex in (mating-type and meiosis-specific genes) suggest that V. dahliae clonal lineages arose by recombination, even though the current population structure is markedly clonal. Moreover, the detection of new lineages may be evidence that sexual reproduction has occurred recently and may potentially occur under some circumstances. We speculate that the current clonal population structure, despite the sexual origin of lineages, has arisen, in part, as a consequence of agriculture and selection for adaptation to agricultural cropping systems.  相似文献   

The ability of the soil fungus Rhizoctonia solani to degrade phenyl-substituted urea herbicides was investigated. The fungus was able to transform chlorbromuron [3-(3-chloro-4-bromophenyl)-1-methyl-1-methoxyurea] to the demethylated product [3-(3-chloro-4-bromophenyl)-1-methoxyurea], which was isolated and identified. Evidence was obtained that further degradation of chlorbromuron occurred. Several other phenylurea compounds (chloroxuron, diuron, fenuron, fluometuron, linuron, metobromuron, neburon, and siduron) were also metabolized by the fungus, indicating that R. solani may possess a generalized ability to attack this group of herbicides.  相似文献   

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