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Mixed micelles of deoxycholate (DOC) and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) have been prepared in which the POPC was specifically deuterated in the 2-, 6-, 10-, or 16-position of the palmitoyl chain or in the N-methyl position of the choline head group. The deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance (2H NMR) spectrum of each of these specifically deuterated mixed micelles consists of a singlet whose line width depends upon the position of deuteration. Spin-spin relaxation times indicate a gradient of mobility along the POPC palmitoyl chain in the mixed micelle, with a large increase in mobility on going from the 10- to the 16-position. Spin-lattice relaxation times (T1's) demonstrate a similar gradient of mobility. Both trends in NMR relaxation behavior are consistent with a bilayer arrangement for the solubilized POPC. 2H T1 times for DOC/POPC micelles are significantly shorter than those measured in other bilayer systems, indicating unusually tight phospholipid acyl chain packing in the mixed micelle.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structures of eel calcitonin (CT) and two glycosylated CT derivatives, [Asn(GlcNAc)3]-CT (CT-GlcNAc) and [Asn(Man6-GlcNAc2)3]-CT (CT-M6), in micelles were determined by solution NMR spectroscopy. The topologies of these peptides associated with oriented lipid bilayers were determined with solid-state NMR. All of the peptides were found to have an identical conformation in micelles characterized by an amphipathic alpha-helix consisting of residues Ser5 through Leu19 followed by an unstructured region at the C-terminus. The overall conformation of the peptide moiety was not affected by the glycosylation. Nevertheless, comparison of the relative exchange rates of the Leu12 amide proton might suggest the possibility that fluctuations of the alpha-helix are reduced by glycosylation. The presence of NOEs between the carbohydrate and the peptide moieties of CT-GlcNAc and CT-M6 and the amide proton chemical shift data suggested that the carbohydrate interacted with the peptide, and this might account for the conformational stabilization of the alpha-helix. Both the unmodified CT and the glycosylated CT were found to have orientations with their helix axes parallel to the plane of the lipid bilayers by solid-state NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Mouse fibroblast L-M cells were grown in tissue culture medium containing selectively deuterated choline or ethanolamine. Both compounds were incorporated into the corresponding phospholipids at levels greater than 50% thus leading to a selective deuteration of these phospholipid head groups. Choline and ethanolamine were labeled at either the alpha- or the beta-carbon atom and well-resolved deuterium and phosphorus n.m.r. spectra were obtained from intact cells, crude plasma membranes and lipid extracts, leading to the following conclusions. (i) A large fraction, if not all, of the phospholipids in the intact L-M cell membranes were organized in a liquid crystalline bilayer. (ii) The phosphoethanolamine and the phosphocholine head group conformation were found to be remarkably similar in pure lipid bilayers and in intact L-M cell membranes with the head group dipoles being oriented parallel to the membrane surface. (iii) The deuterium T1 spin lattice relaxation times fell in the range of 7-25 ms and were similar in intact L-M cells and in pure lipid model membranes, suggesting that the two head groups are not involved in strong interactions with membrane proteins. The rotational diffusion rate of the two head groups was reduced by at least a factor of 10 compared to molecules of the same size in aqueous solution. (iv) The phosphocholine head group was sensitive to the size and sign of membrane surface charges as verified in mixing experiments with charged lipids. In L-M cell membranes the phosphocholine appeared to sense an electrically neutral environment in spite of the fact that L-M cell membranes contain 10-20% negatively charged lipids.  相似文献   

Fast kinetic methods are used to measure reactions that take place in less time than required to mix the reagents manually and to measure the reaction by usual methods, like UV-visible spectrophotometry and fluorescence. The best known of them are rapid-mixing and relaxation methods, which are used for reactions with half-times in the millisecond and microsecond ranges, respectively. The picosecond range is usually measured with electrical field and ultrasonic waves (A. Cornish-Bowden, 1976, Principles of Enzyme Kinetics, pp. 164-167, Butterworths, London). Normally these very fast rates occur when a ligand binds to or dissociates from a protein. When the binding is mediated only by the diffusion, the lower limit of the association rate constant (k(on)) should not exceed the value of a diffusion-controlled reaction (around 10(10) M(-1) s(-1)). Therefore, the values most frequently found for these rate constants, for example, in the association of a substrate with an enzyme, are in the range 10(6) to 10(9) M(-1) s(-1) (M. Eigen and G. G. Hammes, 1963, Adv. Enzymol. 25, 1-38). The values for the dissociation rate constants (k(off)) for these reactions, which depend on the equilibrium constant for the enzyme-substrate complex interaction, are in the range 10(1) to 10(5) s(-1), most often between 10(3) and 10(4) s(-1) (A. Fersht, 1999, Structure and Mechanism in Protein Science, pp. 164-165, Freeman, New York). If the equilibrium constant is known, and the value of koff is determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), as described in this chapter, the value of k(on) can be calculated; this should not exceed the value of diffusion rate in the media in which the reaction is performed.  相似文献   

Two oligopeptides, t-boc-LAWAL-OMe and t-boc-LALALW-OMe, were synthesized for the purpose of examining the sidechain dynamics of the tryptophan residue in hydrophobic environments by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance and fluorescence spectroscopy. In both peptides, the tryptophan sidechain was greater than 95% enriched with 13C at the C delta 1 position. Spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) and steady-state nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data were obtained at 50.3 and 75.4 MHz for both peptides in CD3OD, and at 75.4 MHz for t-boc-LALALW-OMe in lysolecithin-D2O micelles. We have adapted the model-free approach of G. Lipari and A. Szabo (1982, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 104:4546) to interpret the 13C-NMR data. Computer-generated curves based on experimental data obtained at a single frequency demonstrate relationships between an effective correlation time for tryptophan sidechain motion (tau e), a generalized order parameter (sigma) describing the extent of motional restriction, and an overall correlation time for the peptide (tau m). Assuming predominantly dipolar relaxation, least-squares fits of the dual frequency relaxation data provide values for these parameters for both peptides. The contribution of chemical shift anisotropy (CSA), however, is also explicitly assessed in the data analysis, and is shown to perturb the predicted sigma, tau e, and tau m values and to decrease chi(2) values observed in nonlinear least-squares analysis of the data. Because of uncertainty in the contribution of CSA to the relaxation of the indole ring 13C delta 1 atom, nonlinear least-squares analysis of the relaxation data were performed with and without inclusion of a CSA term in the appropriate relaxation equations. Neglecting CSA, an overall peptide correlation time of 0.69 ns is predicted for t-boc-LAWAL-OMe in CD3OD at 20 degrees C compared with 1.28 ns for t-boc-LALALW-OMe. Given these tau m values and taking into account the effect of measurement error in the T1 and NOE data, the internal dynamics of the tryptophan residue of t-boc-LAWAL-OMe in this isotropic environment are described by a range of tau e values from 70 to 112 ps and sigma values between 0.22 and 0.36. Similarly, for t-boc-LALALW-OMe, 68 less than or equal to tau e less than or equal to 93 ps and 0.09 less than or equal to sigma less than or equal to 0.17. The Ch-terminal position of the tryptophan residue in the hexapeptide may account for its lower order parameter.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Spin lattice relaxation times (T1) and apparent spin-spin relaxation times (T2) derived from linewidth have been used to investigate model membranes composed of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine. T1 measurements appear to be largely dominated by segmental motion and as a consequence are not very sensitive to small changes in membrane structure. On the contrary, apparent T2 times are shown to be sensitive to such changes in the membrane and are thus suggested as a useful tool for further investigation of membrane structure.  相似文献   

The addition of the nonionic detergent Triton X-100 to aqueous phosphatidyl-choline dispersions converts the bilayer structures to mixed micellar structures containing Triton X-100. High-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 220 MHz was used to follow this conversion, and the general spectral characteristics of the mixed micelles are presented. The results are discussed in terms of the precise change in structure which occurs as Triton is mixed with the phospholipid bilayers, and it is concluded that, above a molar ratio of about 2:1 Triton to phospholipid, most or all of the phospholipid is in mixed micelles. The relevance of these results to the study of enzymes which require substrate in the form of micelles is discussed.  相似文献   

Proteins are dynamic molecules that often undergo conformational changes while performing their specific functions, such as target recognition, ligand binding and catalysis. NMR spectroscopy is uniquely suited to study protein dynamics, because site-specific information can be obtained for motions that span a broad range of time scales. The information obtained from NMR dynamics experiments has provided insights into specific structural changes or conformational energetics associated with molecular function. In the last decade, a number of new advancements in NMR methodologies have further extended our ability to characterize protein dynamics. Here, we present an overview of current NMR technology that is used to monitor the dynamic properties of proteins.  相似文献   

The 5' d-TpG 3' element is a part of DNA sequences involved in regulation of gene expression and is also a site for intercalation of several anticancer drugs. Solution conformation of DNA duplex d-TGATCA containing this element has been investigated by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Using a total of 12 torsional angles and 121 distance constraints, structural refinement has been carried out by restrained molecular dynamics (rMDs) in vacuum up to 100 ps. The structure is characterized by a large positive roll at TpG/CpA base pair step and large negative propeller twist for AT and TA base pairs. The backbone torsional angle, gamma(O5'-C5'-C4'-C3'), of T1 residue adopts a trans-conformation which is corroborated by short intra nucleotide T1H6-T1H5' (3.7A) distance in nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra while the backbone torsional angle, beta(P-O5'-C5'-C4'), exists in trans as well as gauche state for T1 and C5 residues. There is evidence of significant flexibility of the sugar-phosphate backbone with rapid inter-conversion between two different conformers at TpG/CpA base pair step. The base sequence dependent variations and local structural heterogeneity have important implications in specific recognition of DNA by ligands.  相似文献   

The order parameters as well as the rates of overall and internal motions of aggregated surfactants can be obtained from deuteron and carbon-13 nuclear relaxation experiments. The main contribution to the relaxation is generally the quadrupolar coupling (2H) or the short range dipolar interaction with protons (13C). In some cases it is convenient to derive the same information from the13C relaxation induced by long range dipolar interactions with a paramagnetic probe exchanging rapidly among the polar heads of surfactant molecules. This paper outlines the methods of interpretation of relaxation data by means of a rotational jump model of internal motions, taking into account most of the accessible conformers. The conformational and dynamical parameters are obtained from the magnetic field dependence of the longitudinal relaxation rates (micelles) or from the simultaneous fit of these rates and of the dipolar or quadrupolar splittings (liquid crystals). Some examples of application of these methods are given from recent works on single and double detailed surfactants.  相似文献   

H Haruyama  K Wüthrich 《Biochemistry》1989,28(10):4301-4312
The three-dimensional structure of recombinant desulfatohirudin in aqueous solution was determined by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance at 600 MHz and distance geometry calculations with the program DISMAN. The input for the structure calculations was prepared on the basis of complete sequence-specific resonance assignments at pH 4.5 and 22 degrees C and consisted of 425 distance constraints from nuclear Overhauser enhancements and 159 supplementary constraints from spin-spin coupling constants and from the identification of intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Residues 3-30 and 37-48 form a molecular core with two antiparallel beta-sheets and several well-defined turns. The three disulfide bonds 6-14, 16-28, and 22-39 were identified by NMR. In contrast to this well-defined molecular core, with an average root mean square distance for the polypeptide backbone of 0.8 A for a group of nine DISMAN solutions, no preferred conformation was found for the C-terminal segment 49-65, and a loop consisting of residues 31-36 is not uniquely constrained by the NMR data either. These structural properties of recombinant desulfatohirudin coincide closely with the previously described solution conformation of natural hirudin, but the presence of localized differences is indicated by chemical shift differences for residues Asp 5, Ser 9, Leu 15, Asp 53, Gly 54, and Asp 55.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of endothelium-derived vasoconstrictor peptide, endothelin, has been determined by two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectroscopy and distance geometry. Conformation in the N-terminal core region (residues 1-15) is well-defined and a characteristic is the helix-like conformation in the segment from Lys9 to Cys15. Contrarily, the C-terminal tail region (residues 16-21) does not assume a defined conformation and there are no specific interactions between the core and the tail regions.  相似文献   

J H Pease  D E Wemmer 《Biochemistry》1988,27(22):8491-8498
The solution structure of the bee venom neurotoxin apamin has been determined with a distance geometry program using distance constraints derived from NMR. Twenty embedded structures were generated and refined by using the program DSPACE. After error minimization using both conjugate gradient and dynamics algorithms, six structures had very low residual error. Comparisons of these show that the backbone of the peptide is quite well-defined with the largest rms difference between backbone atoms in these structures of 1.34 A. The side chains have far fewer constraints and show greater variability in their positions. The structure derived here is generally consistent with the qualitative model previously described, with most differences occurring in the loop between the beta-turn (residues 2-5) and the C-terminal alpha-helix (residues 9-17). Comparisons are made with previously derived models from NMR data and other methods.  相似文献   

Solution conformation of self-complementary DNA duplex d-CGATCG, containing 5' d-CpG 3' site for intercalation of anticancer drug, daunomycin and adriamycin, has been investigated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Complete resonance assignments of all the protons (except some H5'/H5" protons) have been obtained following standard procedures based on double quantum filtered correlation spectroscopy (dQF COSY) and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) spectra. Analysis of sums of coupling constants in one-dimensional NMR spectra, cross peak patterns in dQF COSY spectra and inter proton distances shows that the DNA sequence assumes a conformation close to the B-DNA family. The deoxyribose sugar conformation is in dynamic equilibrium with predominantly S-type conformer and a minor N-type conformer with N<-->S equilibrium varying with temperature. At 325 K, the mole fraction of the N-conformer increases for some of the residues by approximately 9%. Using a total of 10 spin-spin coupling constants and 112 NOE intensities, structural refinement has been carried out using Restrained Molecular Dynamics (rMD) with different starting structures, potential functions and rMD protocols. It is observed that pseudorotation phase angle of deoxyribose sugar for A3 and T4 residues is approximately 180 degrees and approximately 120 degrees, respectively while all other residues are close to C2'endo-conformation. A large propeller twist (approximately -18 degrees) and smallest twist angle (approximately 31 degrees) at A3pT4 step, in the middle of the sequence, a wider (12 A) and shallower (3.0 A) major groove with glycosidic bond rotation as high anti at both the ends of hexanucleotide are observed. The structure shows base-sequence dependent variations and hence strong local structural heterogeneity, which may have implications in ligand binding.  相似文献   

P G Schmidt  T Playl  P F Agris 《Biochemistry》1983,22(6):1408-1415
Carbon-13 enrichment of the C1' position of the ribose moiety in Escherichia coli tRNA has made possible the detailed study of motion in this molecule. Enrichment was accomplished in vivo with a strain, M1R, selected for growth and degree of incorporation of ribose in a stringently defined minimal medium. Purine biosynthesis de novo was blocked with 6-mercaptopurine. Exogenously provided [1-13C]ribose and nucleobases were utilized via the salvage pathway and were required for growth of culture. Carbon-13-enriched transfer RNA in solution at 30 degrees C exhibited a prominent, broad, asymmetric NMR signal at 91.5 ppm for the C1' carbon. Upon heat denaturation of the tRNA, three C1' signals were resolved and could be attributed to the base-specific nucleotides in tRNA: uridine and guanosine at 88.7 ppm; adenosine at 89.5 ppm; and cytidine at 90.6 ppm. Ribose C3' and C5' were partially enriched due to scrambling of ribose carbons in vivo. The minimum net isotopic enrichment of C1' was 33%. Values for the relaxation time T1 and the nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) at 75.5, 67.8, and 25.2 MHz (13C), the NOE at 50.3 MHz, T2 at 75.5 MHz, and line widths over the range of 20-75.5 MHz were analyzed in light of several models for internal motion in macromolecules. The data were inconsistent with physically unreasonable constructs involving free internal diffusion of the C1'-H vector about the glycosidic bond. Internal diffusion (wobble) within a cone or jumps between states were models that did fit the data. For diffusion within a cone, the cone half-angle was 15-20 degrees, with a correlation time of about 2 X 10(-9) s for internal reorientation. With the two-state jump model, the half-angle for jumps about the glycosidic bond was 14 +/- 2 degrees with a lifetime of 2 X 10(-9) s.  相似文献   

Physiologically relevant molecular species of plasmenylcholine and phosphatidylcholine were synthesized and their molecular dynamics and interactions with cholesterol were compared by determination of salient proton spin-lattice relaxation times and apparent activation energies for 1H-NMR observable motion. The molecular dynamics of PA PhosCho (1-hexadecanoyl-2-eicosatetra-5',8',11',14'-enoyl-sn-glycero-3-pho sphocholine) in multiple regions of the bilayer. Furthermore, the fluidity gradient of PA PhosCho was larger than that of PA PlasCho as ascertained by 1H spin-lattice relaxation time measurements. Introduction of cholesterol into each bilayer resulted in disparate effects on the dynamics of each subclass including: (1) increased motional freedom in the polar head group of PA PlasCho without substantial alterations in the dynamics of the polar head group of PA PhosCho; and (2) increased immobilization of the membrane interior in PA PlasCho in comparison to PA PhosCho. Analysis of Arrhenius plots of T1 relaxation times demonstrated that the apparent activation energies for vinyl and bisallylic methylene proton NMR observable motion in PA PhosCho were greater than that in PA PlasCho. Thus, comparisons of spin-lattice relaxation times and apparent activation energies demonstrate that vesicles comprised of PA PlasCho and PA PhosCho possess differential molecular dynamics and distinct interactions with cholesterol. Collectively, these results underscore the significance of the conjoint presence of the vinyl ether linkage and arachidonic acid as an important determinant of membrane dynamics in specialized mammalian membranes.  相似文献   

The solution conformation of the cardiac stimulatory sea anemone polypeptide anthopleurin-A has been characterised using distance geometry and restrained molecular dynamics calculations. A set of 253 approximate interproton distance restraints and 14 peptide backbone torsion angle restraints derived from two-dimensional 1H-NMR spectra at 500 MHz were used as input for these calculations. 13 structures generated by either metric matrix or variable target function distance geometry calculations were refined using energy minimisation and restrained molecular dynamics. The resulting structures contain a region of twisted antiparellel beta-sheet to which two separate regions of unordered chain are linked by three disulphide bonds. Two loops, one including Pro-41 and the other encompassing residues 10-18, are poorly defined by the NOE data.  相似文献   

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