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Spatial models commonly assume that dispersal rates are constant across individuals and environments and that movement directions are unbiased. These random-movement assumptions are inadequate to capture the range of dispersal behaviors revealed in diverse case studies. We examine an alternative assumption of directed movement, in which dispersal is a conditional and directional response by individuals to varying environmental conditions. Specifically, we assume individuals bias their movements to climb spatial fitness gradients. We compare the consequences of random and directed movement for local adaptation, the evolution of dispersal, and the reinforcement process. The implications of each movement strategy depend on the nature of environmental disturbance, and we examine the outcomes for undisturbed environments and with uncorrelated and autocorrelated disturbances. Both movement strategies offer advantages over sedentary life histories by allowing colonization of suitable habitats. However, random movement eventually becomes costly in stable environments because it inhibits local adaptation. In contrast, directed movement accelerates local adaptation. In disturbed environments, random movement offers bet-spreading advantages by distributing offspring across habitats. Despite being a more targeted strategy, an intermediate amount of directed movement provides similar bet-spreading benefits. These fitness consequences have implications for the evolution of dispersal. Dispersiveness is lost by random movers in undisturbed environments, is maintained in polymorphism with infrequent disturbances, and evolves when disturbances are uncorrelated. Directed movement becomes selectively neutral in the absence of disturbance, evolves when disturbances are autocorrelated, and is maintained in polymorphism with uncorrelated disturbances. Disturbance also determines the outcome of the reinforcement process for each strategy. For example, directed movers show no progress toward reinforcement in undisturbed environments, evolve random mating with uncorrelated disturbances, and can evolve assortative mating in infrequently disturbed environments.  相似文献   

We analyze the joint evolution of an ecological character and of dispersal distance in asexual and sexual populations inhabiting an environmental gradient. Several interesting phenomena resulting from the evolutionary interplay of these characters are revealed. First, asexual and sexual populations exhibit two analogous evolutionary regimes, in which either speciation in the ecological character occurs in conjunction with evolution of short-range dispersal, or dispersal distance remains high and speciation does not occur. Second, transitions between these two regimes qualitatively differ between asexual and sexual populations, with the former showing speciation with long-range dispersal and the latter showing no speciation with short-range dispersal. Third, a phenotypic gradient following the environmental gradient occurs only in the last case, i.e., for non-speciating sexual populations evolving towards short-range dispersal. Fourth, the transition between the evolutionary regimes of long-range dispersal with no speciation and short-range dispersal with speciation is typically abrupt, mediated by a positive feedback between incipient speciation and the evolution of short-range dispersal. Fifth, even though the model of sexual evolution analyzed here does not permit assortative mating preferences, speciation occurs for a surprisingly wide range of conditions. This illustrates that dispersal evolution is a powerful alternative to preference evolution in enabling spatially distributed sexual populations to respond to frequency-dependent disruptive selection.  相似文献   

Local adaptation can lead to significant differences in host use that may influence population growth and spread. Here, we test the potential for adaptation of one behavioural component (host acceptance) to lead to cross‐adaptation for a separate behavioural component (dispersal propensity) using the cowpea seed beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. C. maculatus originating from the same source population were subjected to selection for host use by rearing them for over 40 generations on either the preferred host of the ancestral population, Vigna radiata, or a marginal host for the ancestral population, Cicer arietinum. Host acceptance was then assayed using four choice and no‐choice oviposition assays including a low‐quality host, Lens culinaris, a marginal host, C. arietinum, and two high‐quality hosts, V. radiata and V. unguiculata. Dispersal was assayed in interconnected arenas containing one of three different hosts: V. radiata, V. unguiculata or C. arietinum. As expected, differences in host acceptance were present, in this case consisting of greater acceptance of the lower quality hosts in the C. arietinum population, but no significant differences in host preference hierarchy. Dispersal propensity in the C. arietinum population was significantly lower than in the V. radiata population, despite the absence of any difference in selection pressures for dispersal. Furthermore, significant differences in dispersal propensity in arenas containing different hosts were present in the V. radiata population, but not in the C. arietinum population. Results highlight the need to consider local adaptation when developing management recommendations, even for behaviours for which selection pressures are not directly apparent.  相似文献   

Evolutionary processes play an important role in shaping the dynamics of range expansions, and selection on dispersal propensity has been demonstrated to accelerate rates of advance. Previous theory has considered only the evolution of unconditional dispersal rates, but dispersal is often more complex. For example, many species emigrate in response to crowding. Here, we use an individual-based model to investigate the evolution of density dependent dispersal into empty habitat, such as during an invasion. The landscape is represented as a lattice and dispersal between populations follows a stepping-stone pattern. Individuals carry three ‘genes’ that determine their dispersal strategy when experiencing different population densities. For a stationary range we obtain results consistent with previous theoretical studies: few individuals emigrate from patches that are below equilibrium density. However, during the range expansion of a previously stationary population, we observe evolution towards dispersal strategies where considerable emigration occurs well below equilibrium density. This is true even for moderate costs to dispersal, and always results in accelerating rates of range expansion. Importantly, the evolution we observe at an expanding front depends upon fitness integrated over several generations and cannot be predicted by a consideration of lifetime reproductive success alone. We argue that a better understanding of the role of density dependent dispersal, and its evolution, in driving population dynamics is required especially within the context of range expansions.  相似文献   

Empirical studies have documented both positive and negative density-dependent dispersal, yet most theoretical models predict positive density dependence as a mechanism to avoid competition. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the occurrence of negative density-dependent dispersal, but few of these have been formally modeled. Here, we developed an individual-based model of the evolution of density-dependent dispersal. This model is novel in that it considers the effects of density on dispersal directly, and indirectly through effects on individual condition. Body condition is determined mechanistically, by having juveniles compete for resources in their natal patch. We found that the evolved dispersal strategy was a steep, increasing function of both density and condition. Interestingly, although populations evolved a positive density-dependent dispersal strategy, the simulated metapopulations exhibited negative density-dependent dispersal. This occurred because of the negative relationship between density and body condition: high density sites produced low-condition individuals that lacked the resources required for dispersal. Our model, therefore, generates the novel hypothesis that observed negative density-dependent dispersal can occur when high density limits the ability of organisms to disperse. We suggest that future studies consider how phenotype is linked to the environment when investigating the evolution of dispersal.  相似文献   

We analyze the simultaneous evolution of emigration and settlement decisions for actively dispersing species differing in their ability to assess population density. Using an individual-based model we simulate dispersal as a multi-step (patch to patch) movement in a world consisting of habitat patches surrounded by a hostile matrix. Each such step is associated with the same mortality risk. Our simulations show that individuals following an informed strategy, where emigration (and settlement) probability depends on local population density, evolve a lower (natal) emigration propensity but disperse over significantly larger distances - i.e. postpone settlement longer - than individuals performing density-independent emigration. This holds especially when variation in environmental conditions is spatially correlated. Both effects can be traced to the informed individuals' ability to better exploit existing heterogeneity in reproductive chances. Yet, already moderate distance-dependent dispersal costs prevent the evolution of multi-step (long-distance) dispersal, irrespective of the dispersal strategy.  相似文献   

Hominin dispersal and human colonization have been hallmark concepts in the last two decades of palaeanthropological research, 1 - 7 even though the terminology in these approaches is loosely defined (Box 1). The number, frequency, and routes of dispersal have been analyzed on a global scale, 8 beginning with the earliest movement of hominins between Africa and Asia, and back again. 9 Investigating dispersals has provided a much‐needed dynamic to account for recent human origins in Africa 10 and the replacement elsewhere of older regional hominin populations that include the Neanderthals. 11 In the last twenty years, phylogeographies based on a wealth of molecular studies have added enormously to our understanding of global population history from the Paleolithic to the Vikings 12 and has, in particular, revitalized the study of farming dispersals. 13 As a result, Quaternary hominins and humans have been on the move as never before. However, not all of these movements are considered within an evolutionary framework. Interest has focused instead on using dispersals to support the claims for either a Neolithic or human revolution as the turning point in human prehistory. Here, I explore an alternative by considering the implications of the major shift that occurred in Paleolithic technology from instruments to containers. 14 I argue that this development can be explained by the selective pressure from population dispersal for novel forms of cultural display that enhanced information exchange among adaptive generalists and which allowed the stretching of social relationships in space and time. 15 The British Paleolithic record provides a case study.  相似文献   

We find the evolutionarily stable dispersal behaviour of a population that inhabits a heterogeneous environment where patches differ in safety (the probability that a juvenile individual survives until reproduction) and productivity (the total competitive weight of offspring produced by the local individual), assuming that these characteristics do not change over time. The body condition of clonally produced offspring varies within and between families. Offspring compete for patches in a weighted lottery, and dispersal is driven by kin competition. Survival during dispersal may depend on body condition, and competitive ability increases with increasing body condition. The evolutionarily stable strategy predicts that families abandon patches which are too unsafe or do not produce enough successful dispersers. From families that invest in retaining their natal patches, individuals stay in the patch that are less suitable for dispersal whereas the better dispersers disperse. However, this clear within-family pattern is often not reflected in the population-wide body condition distribution of dispersers or non-dispersers. This may be an explanation why empirical data do not show any general relationship between body condition and dispersal. When all individuals are equally good dispersers, then there exist equivalence classes defined by the competitive weight that remains in a patch. An equivalence class consists of infinitely many dispersal strategies that are selectively neutral. This provides an explanation why very diverse patterns found in body condition dependent dispersal data can all be equally evolutionarily stable.  相似文献   

The evolution of slow dispersal rates: a reaction diffusion model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 We consider n phenotypes of a species in a continuous but heterogeneous environment. It is assumed that the phenotypes differ only in their diffusion rates. With haploid genetics and a small rate of mutation, it is shown that the only nontrivial equilibrium is a population dominated by the slowest diffusing phenotype. We also prove that if there are only two possible phenotypes, then this equilibrium is a global attractor and conjecture that this is true in general. Numerical simulations supporting this conjecture and suggesting that this is a robust phenomenon are also discussed. Received: 29 January 1997 / Revised version: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

In this study we place seed size vs. seed number trade-offs in the context of plant dispersal ability. The objective was to suggest explanations for the evolution of different seed dispersal mechanisms, in particular fleshy fruits, wind dispersal and the maintenance of unassisted dispersal. We suggest that selection for improved dispersal may act either by increasing the intercept of a dispersal curve (log seed number vs. distance) or by flattening the slope of the curve. 'Improved dispersal' is defined as a marginal increase in the number of recruits sited at some (arbitrary) distance away from the parent plant. Increasing the intercept of the dispersal curve, i.e. producing more seeds, is associated with a reduction in seed size, which in turn affects the recruitment ability, provided that this ability is related to seed size. If recruitment is related to seed size there will be a recruitment cost of evolving increased seed production. On the other hand, a flattening of the slope by evolving dispersal attributes is likely to be associated with a fecundity cost. An exception is wind dispersal where smaller (and hence more numerous) seeds may lead to more efficient dispersal. We derive two main predictions: If recruitment is strongly related to seed size, selection for improved dispersal acts on the slope of the dispersal curve, i.e. by favouring evolution of dispersal attributes on seeds or fruits. If, on the other hand, recruitment is only weakly related to seed size (or not related, or negatively related), selection for improved dispersal favours increased seed production. Despite its simplicity, the model suggests explanations for (i) why so many plant species lack special seed dispersal attributes, (ii) differences in dispersal spectra among plant communities, and (iii) adaptive radiation in seed size and dispersal attributes during angiosperm evolution. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We study the evolution of density-dependent dispersal in a structured metapopulation subject to local catastrophes that eradicate local populations. To this end we use the theory of structured metapopulation dynamics and the theory of adaptive dynamics.The set of evolutionarily possible dispersal functions (i.e., emigration rates as a function of the local population density) is derived mechanistically from an underlying resource-consumer model. The local resource dynamics is of a flow-culture type and consumers leave a local population with a constant probability per unit of time κ when searching for resources but not when handling resources (i.e., eating and digesting). The time an individual spends searching (as opposed to handling) depends on the local resource density, which in turn depends on the local consumer density, and so the average per capita emigration rate depends on the local consumer density as well.The derived emigration rates are sigmoid functions of local consumer population density. The parameters of the local resource-consumer dynamics are subject to evolution. In particular, we find that there exists a unique evolutionarily stable and attracting dispersal rate κ for searching consumers. The κ increases with local resource productivity and decreases with resource decay rate. The κ also increases with the survival probability during dispersal, but as a function of the catastrophe rate it reaches a maximum before dropping off to zero again.  相似文献   

I consider a site-based model with contest competition among siblings, and assume that dispersal is conditional on the number of offspring in the natal site. Evolutionarily stable populations contain threshold dispersal strategies, which retain a certain number of offspring in the natal site and disperse the rest (if the actual number of offspring is less than the threshold, then all offspring are retained). Due to the discrete nature of the strategy set (the threshold must be integer), the ESS may not be unique or may not exist. In the latter case, two neighboring threshold strategies coexist in the evolutionarily stable population. Dispersal first decreases and then increases as a function of dispersal mortality, such that all but one offspring should be dispersed both when dispersal mortality is very small or very high. Population-level dispersal fractions are often similar to the unconditional ESS, but differ strongly when fecundity is small and dispersal mortality is high.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal outcomes are an interplay between environmental conditions and individual phenotypes. Peripheral, isolated populations may experience altered environmental conditions and natal dispersal patterns that differ from populations in contiguous landscapes. We document nonphilopatric, sex‐biased natal dispersal in an endangered small mammal, the Mt. Graham red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis), restricted to a single mountain. Other North American red squirrel populations are shown to have sex‐unbiased, philopatric natal dispersal. We ask what environmental and intrinsic factors may be driving this atypical natal dispersal pattern. We test for the influence of proximate factors and ultimate drivers of natal dispersal: habitat fragmentation, local population density, individual behavior traits, inbreeding avoidance, competition for mates, and competition for resources, allowing us to better understand altered natal dispersal patterns at the periphery of a species’ range. A juvenile squirrel's body condition and its mother's mass in spring (a reflection of her intrinsic quality and territory quality) contribute to individual behavioral tendencies for movement and exploration. Resources, behavior, and body condition have the strongest influence on natal dispersal distance, but affect males and females differently. Male natal dispersal distance is positively influenced by its mother's spring body mass and individual tendency for movement; female natal dispersal distance is negatively influenced by its mother's spring body mass and positively influenced by individual tendency for movement. An apparent feedback between environmental variables and subsequent juvenile behavioral state contributes to an altered natal dispersal pattern in a peripheral population, highlighting the importance of studying ecological processes at the both range center and periphery of species’ distributions.  相似文献   

Functional connectivity, the realized flow of individuals between the suitable sites of a heterogeneous landscape, is a prime determinant of the maintenance and evolution of populations in fragmented habitats. While a large body of literature examines the evolution of dispersal propensity, it is less known how evolution shapes functional connectivity via traits that influence the distribution of the dispersers. Here, we use a simple model to demonstrate that, in a heterogeneous environment with clustered and solitary sites (i.e., with variable structural connectivity), the evolutionarily stable population contains strains that are strongly differentiated in their pattern of connectivity (local vs. global dispersal), but not necessarily in the fraction of dispersed individuals. Also during evolutionary branching, selection is disruptive predominantly on the pattern of connectivity rather than on dispersal propensity itself. Our model predicts diversification along a hitherto neglected axis of dispersal strategies and highlights the role of the solitary sites—the more isolated and therefore seemingly less important patches of habitat—in maintaining global dispersal that keeps all sites connected.  相似文献   

Quantity,quality and the effectiveness of seed dispersal by animals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Disperser effectiveness is the contribution a disperser makes to the future reproduction of a plant. Although it is a key notion in studies of seed dispersal by animals, we know little about what determines the effectiveness of a disperser. The role of the present paper is to review the available information and construct a hierarchical framework for viewing the components of disperser effectiveness.Effectiveness has both quantitative and qualitative components. The quantity of seed dispersal depends on (A) the number of visits made to the plant by a disperser and (B) the number of seeds dispersed per visit. The quality of seed dispersal depends on (A) the quality of treatment given a seed in the mouth and in the gut and (B) the quality of seed deposition as determined by the probability that a deposited seed will survive and become an adult. In this paper I review the ways disperser behavior, morphology and physiology can influence these major components of disperser effectiveness, and when data permit present preliminary analyses of relationships among components.  相似文献   

Metapopulation theory for the evolution of specialisation is virtually absent. In this article, therefore, we study a metapopulation model for consumers with a fitness trade-off between two habitats. We focus on effects of habitat abundance, dispersal rate and trade-off strength on the evolution of specialisation under two types of trade-off. Adaptation affects either the intrinsic growth rates r or the carrying capacities K. Depending on dispersal rate and trade-off strength, evolution can result in one generalist, one specialist or two specialist types. Higher dispersal rate and a weaker trade-off favour the evolution of a generalist, for both trade-off structures. However, we also find differences between the two trade-off structures. Our results are qualitatively similar to analyses of two-patch models, suggesting that insights from such simpler models can be extrapolated to metapopulation models. Additional effects, however, occur because in classical metapopulations patch lifetime depends on extinction rate. Counterintuitively, this favours the evolution of specialisation when the trade-off affects r.  相似文献   

The color of noise and the evolution of dispersal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The process of dispersal is vital for the long-term persistence of all species and hence is a ubiquitous characteristic of living organisms. A present challenge is to increase our understanding of the factors that govern the dispersal rate of individuals. Here I extend previous work by incorporating both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in terms of patch quality into a spatially explicit lattice model. The spatial heterogeneity is modeled as a two-dimensional fractal landscape, while temporal heterogeneity is included by using one-dimensional noise. It was found that the color of both the spatial and temporal variability influences the rate of dispersal selected as reddening of the temporal noise leads to a reduction in dispersal, while reddening of spatial variability results in an increase in the dispersal rate. These results demonstrate that the color of environmental noise should be considered in future studies looking at the evolution of life history characteristics.  相似文献   

Hybridization between divergent populations may cause a reduction in fitness due either to disruption in local adaptation or disruption in intrinsic coadaptation. We tested for both effects in the tidepool copepod Tigriopus californicus. Fitness surrogates were measured in pure populations and interpopulation hybrids, with broods split between three environmental treatments: (1) Standard: 15 °C/100% seawater; (2) High temperature: 25 °C/100% seawater; and (3) Low salinity: 15 °C/50% seawater. Effects of these treatments were independent of population, providing no evidence for local adaptation. Comparison of mean fitness in pure populations, F1 hybrids and F2 hybrids showed that hybridization caused beneficial interactions between alleles at the same locus and detrimental interactions between loci (i.e., disruption of intrinsic coadaptation). The effects of hybridization were environmentally dependent as exposure to the most stressful treatment (high temperature) resulted in the maintenance of F1 heterosis and a substantial reduction in F2 breakdown.  相似文献   

Success of flowering plants is greatly dependent on effective seed dispersal. Specific fruit types aid different mechanisms of seed dispersal. However, little is known about what evolutionary forces have driven the diversification of fruit types and whether there were phylogenetic constraints on fruit evolution among angio-sperm lineages. To address these questions, we first surveyed the orders and families of angiosperms for fruit types and found no clear association between fruit types and major angiosperm lineages, suggesting there was little phylogenetic constraint on fruit evolution at this level. We then surveyed fruit types found in two contrasting habitats: an open habitat including the Indian desert and North American plains and prairies, and a closed forest habitat of Australian tropical forest. The majority of genera in the survey of tropical forests in Australia were fleshy fruit trees, whereas the majority of genera in the survey of prairies and plains in central North America were herbs with capsules and achenes. Both capsules and achenes are frequently dispersed by wind in the open, arid habitat, whereas fleshy fruits are generally dispersed by animals. Since desert and plains tend to provide continuous wind to aid dispersal and there are more abundant mammal and bird dispersers in the closed forest, this survey suggests that fruit evolution was driven at least in part by dispersal agents abundant in particular habitats.  相似文献   

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