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The effect of boron excess and deficiency on H+ efflux from excised roots from sunflower ( Heliarahus annuus L. cv. Enano) seedlings and on plasma membrane H+-ATPase (EC in isolated KI-washed microsomes has been investigated. When seedlings were grown in media with toxic levels of H3BO3 (5 m M ) or without added boron and exposed to light conditions, an inhibition of the capacity for external acidification by excised roots was observed as compared to roots from seedlings grown with optimal H3BO3 concentration (0.25 m M ). Toxic and deficient boron conditions also inhibited the vanadate-sensitive H+-ATPase of microsomes isolated from the roots. The mechanism of boron toxicity was investigated in vitro with microsorne vesicles. A strong effect of boron on the vanadate-sensitive, ATP-dependent H+ transport was found, but the vanadate-sensitive phospho-bydrolase activity was not affected. These results suggest that boron could exert an effect on the plasma membrane properties, directly or indirectly regulating, proton transport.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) deficiency is increasingly being observed in cropping systems with frequent glyphosate applications. A likely reason for this is that glyphosate interferes with root uptake of Fe by inhibiting ferric reductase in roots required for Fe acquisition by dicot and nongrass species. This study investigated the role of drift rates of glyphosate (0.32, 0.95 or 1.89 mm glyphosate corresponding to 1, 3 and 6% of the recommended herbicidal dose, respectively) on ferric reductase activity of sunflower (Helianthus annuus) roots grown under Fe deficiency conditions. Application of 1.89 mm glyphosate resulted in almost 50% inhibition of ferric reductase within 6 h and complete inhibition 24 h after the treatment. Even at lower rates of glyphosate (e.g. 0.32 mm and 0.95 mm), ferric reductase was inhibited. Soluble sugar concentration and the NAD(P)H oxidizing capacity of apical roots were not decreased by the glyphosate applications. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the effects of glyphosate on ferric reductase activity. The nature of the inhibitory effect of glyphosate on ferric reductase could not be identified. Impaired ferric reductase could be a major reason for the increasingly observed Fe deficiency in cropping systems associated with widespread glyphosate usage.  相似文献   

Foliar application may be used to supply boron (B) to a crop when B demands are higher than can be supplied via the soil. While B foliar sprays have been used to correct B deficiency in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in the field, no studies have determined the amount of B taken up by sunflower plant parts via foliar application. A study was conducted in which sunflower plants were grown at constant B concentration in nutrient solution with adequate B (46 micro m) or with limited B supply (0.24, 0.40 and 1.72 micro m) using Amberlite IRA-743 resin to control B supply. At the late vegetative stage of growth (25 and 35 d after transplanting), two foliar sprays were applied of soluble sodium tetraborate (20.8 % B) each at 0, 28, 65, 120 and 1200 mm (each spray equivalent to 0, 0.03, 0.07, 0.13 and 1.3 kg B ha-1 in 100 L water ha-1). The highest rate of B foliar fertilization resulted in leaf burn but had no other evident detrimental effect on plant growth. Under B-deficient conditions, B foliar application increased the vegetative and reproductive dry mass of plants. Foliar application of 28-1200 mm B increased the total dry mass of the most B-deficient plants by more than three-fold and that of plants grown initially with 1.72 micro m B in solution by 37-49 %. In this latter treatment, the dry mass of the capitulum was similar to that achieved under control conditions, but in no instance was total plant dry mass similar to that of the control. All B foliar spray rates increased the B concentration in various parts of the plant tops, including those that developed after the sprays were applied, but the B concentration in the roots was not increased by B foliar application. The B concentration in the capitulum of the plants sprayed at the highest rate was between 37 and 93 % of that in the control plants. This study showed that B foliar application was of benefit to B-deficient sunflower plants, increasing the B status of plant tops, including that of the capitulum which developed after the B sprays were applied.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) on whole sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants grown at three potassium (K) levels (0.0, 0.5 and 5.0 mM) were studied. A tenfold increase in the length of the first internode was observed when plants grown without K were treated with GA3. The uneven K distribution along the plant (higher K content in the higher internodes) was enhanced by GA3 treatment. Gibberellic acid increased the content of reducing sugars, especially in K-deficient plants. An increase in the K level in the nutrient solution resulted in a decrease of the osmotic potential of stem segments. Osmotic potential differences within the elongating first internode were increased by GA3 treatment.  相似文献   

Light, excision and sucrose increased extractable phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity from hypocotyl tissue of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Peredovik) to 2–6 times the basal level. Intact sunflower seedlings or whole hypocotyls incubated in water or 0.1 M sucrose exhibited, in continuous light, a pattern in which PAL peaked 4 and 28 h after the beginning of the illumination. When 0.5 cm long hypocotyl segments were incubated in water or 0.1 M sucrose, they exhibited, both in continuous light and in the dark, a pattern in which PAL rose during an initial period of 10 h (assay in sucrose and light) to 48 h (assay in water and dark) and then remained nearly constant at a high value for at least the next 10 h. When whole hypocotyls were incubated in 0.1 M sucrose, a third pattern in PAL activity was found in which PAL peaked after 28 h and subsequently declined. In all the above systems the increase in PAL activity was significantly reduced by cycloheximide. Furthermore, the subsequent decay of PAL activity following illumination was prevented by delayed transfer to cycloheximide. It is suggested that the results can be explained on the basis of a turnover mechanism involving continued de novo enzyme synthesis and subsequent synthesis of a PAL-inactivating system.  相似文献   

Several experimental approaches were used to study the role of roots and shoots in the regulation of the Fe efficiency responses in the roots of Fe deficient plants of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L., inbred line RHA 274) and cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L., cv. Burpee pickler). The presence of the shoot apex and the youngest leaves in sunflower and cucumber plants was not indispensable to the development of the responses. In split-root experiments with sunflower plants, with either one or two shoots obtained by grafting, different parts of the root system could receive different Fe additions. Roots growing in a medium without Fe developed Fe efficiency re-sponses even when the other part of the root system was growing with Fe. Also, the part of the root system that was growing in a medium with Fe, developed some Fe efficiency responses, although delayed and at a lower level as compared with the root without external Fe. The results are discussed in relation to the idea that the development of the responses in the roots is controlled not only by the Fe content in the root, but also by some information transmitted between parts of a root system that differ in their Fe nutritional status.  相似文献   

It was investigated whether K(+) efflux, like K(+) influx, is affected when roots are transferred between solutions with different K(+) concentrations. Sunflower plants (Hehanthus annuus L. cv. Uniflorus) were grown on complete nutrient solutions with 0.1, 1.0, 10 or 25 mM K(+) . This produced plants with K(+) concentrations in the roots varying between 9 and 110 μmol (g fresh weight)(-1) . At the beginning of the experiments the plants were transferred to an (86) Rb-labelled experimental solution initially containing 0.1 mM K(+) . At intervals during 6.5 h samples were removed from the solution and analyzed for K(+) and radioactivity. Based on the analyses K(+) ((86) Rb) influx, K(+) net uptake and K(+) efflux could be computed. In'low K(+) 'roots, K(+) ((86) Rb) influx and K(+) net uptake agreed, suggesting a very low K(+) efflux. This was contrary to'high K(+) 'roots, where K(+) efflux was initially higher than K(+) ((86) Rb) influx. After about 4 h, K(+) efflux declined to a low value also in these roots. When 2-4-dinitrophenol was included in the experimental solution, K(+) ((86) Rb) influx was generally depressed, whereas K(+) efflux was high throughout the experiment and directly proportional to the K(+) status of the roots. Our hypothesis is that after transfer of'high K(+) 'roots to a solution with low K(+) concentration, the K(+) efflux from the vacuoles of root cells transiently increases, until a new electrochemical equilibrium is attained.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Light interception is a critical factor in the production of biomass. The study presented here describes a method used to take account of architectural changes over time in sunflower and to estimate absorbed light at the organ level. METHODS: The amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by a plant is estimated on a daily or hourly basis through precise characterization of the light environment and three-dimensional virtual plants built using AMAP software. Several treatments are performed over four experiments and on two genotypes to test the model, quantify the contribution of different organs to light interception and evaluate the impact of heliotropism. KEY RESULTS: This approach is used to simulate the amount of light absorbed at organ and plant scales from crop emergence to maturity. Blades and capitula were the major contributors to light interception, whereas that by petioles and stem was negligible. Light regimen simulations showed that heliotropism decreased the cumulated light intercepted at the plant scale by close to 2.2% over one day. CONCLUSIONS: The approach is useful in characterizing the light environment of organs and the whole plant, especially for studies on heterogeneous canopies or for quantifying genotypic or environmental impacts on plant architecture, where conventional approaches are ineffective. This model paves the way to analyses of genotype-environment interactions and could help establish new selection criteria based on architectural improvement, enhancing plant light interception.  相似文献   

In rape seed, low temperatures and low light intensities increase the level of linoleic acid at the expense of oleic acid biosynthesis without change o  相似文献   

Alpaslan  M.  Gunes  A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,236(1):123-128
A greenhouse study was conducted in order to determine interactive effects of NaCl salinity and B on the growth, sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), boron (B), potassium (K) concentrations and membrane permeability of salt resistant Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. Lale F1) and salt sensitive cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Santana F1) plants. Plants were grown in a factorial combination of NaCl (0 and 30 mM for cucumber and 0 and 40 mM for tomato) and B (0, 5, 10 and 20 mg kg–1 soil). Boron toxicity symptoms appeared at 5 mg kg–1 B treatments in both plants. Salinity caused an increase in leaf injury due to B toxicity, but it was more severe in cucumber. Dry weights of the plants decreased with the increasing levels of applied B in nonsaline conditions, but the decrease in dry weights due to B toxicity was more pronounced in saline conditions especially in cucumber. Salinity × B interaction on the concentration of B in both plants was found significant. However, increase in B concentrations of tomato decreased under saline conditions when compared to nonsaline conditions. Contrary to this, B concentration of cucumber increased as a result of increasing levels of applied B and salinity. Salinity increased Na and Cl concentrations of both plants.Potassium concentration of tomato was not affected by salinity and B treatments, but K concentration of cucumber was decreased by salinity. Membrane permeability of the plants was increased by salinity while toxic levels of B had no effect on membrane permeability in nonsaline conditions. Membrane permeability was significantly increased in the presence of salinity by the increasing levels of applied B.  相似文献   

The liquid in the free space of leaf cell walls, the apoplast, is in direct contact with the plasma membrane and its nutrient uptake systems. Therefore, the pH of the apoplast is of utmost interest. We have elaborated a non-destructive method by which excised sunflower leaves ( Helianthus annuus cv. Erika) were perfused with fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran (FITC-dextran) (4 000 Da) via the transpiration stream. We showed that leaf apoplast pH can be measured by using the fluorescence ratio technique together in conjunction with this dye. Evidence is provided that FITC-dextran does not penetrate the plasma membrane over a period of ca 17 h from the beginning of dye perfusion. Dye enrichment in the leaf apoplast did not cause an 'inner filter effect' and thus the fluorescence ratio was only dependent on pH. In vivo calibration yielded a pKa of 5.92, which was virtually identical to the pKa of 5.93 calculated for dye solutions. Hence, FITC-dextran can be detected in complex environments and covers a pH range prevailing in the leaf apoplast.
Based on this method we developed a microscope image technique visualizing pH gradients between various cell types. The pH in the lumen of the xylem vessel was ca 0.3–0.5 units lower than that of the apoplast of surrounding cells. Nitrate present in the leaf apoplast caused an increase in pH, especially in the dark. Under these conditions, in the intercostal area, the apoplast pH around the stomata was ca 0.5–1.0 units higher than that of the surrounding epidermal cells.  相似文献   

Abstract The time course of loading and transport of assimilate in sunflower leaves was examined by pulse labelling with 14CO2, followed by freeze drying or freeze substitution, and dry autoradiography at both low and high resolution. The five classes of veins, V1-V5 (V5 being smallest), show a division of function: V5 and V4 are engaged in loading and short distance transport; V3 to V1, in long distance translocation. The first high concentration of 14C is found in two or three phloem parenchyma cells (intermediary cells) of V5 and V4 veins. The sieve elements of V5 and V4 veins do not show comparable concentrations of 14C at any time. Recently assimilated 14C is transported by the intermediary cells for distances of about 0.5 mm to the V3 veins. In V3 to V1 veins translocation is in the sieve tubes. Transport in V5 and V4 veins is in two directions, that in V3 to V1, in one direction towards the petiole. The high concentration of 14C formed in the intermediary cells does not increase further as the assimilate moves to the sieve tubes of the V3 veins, and so is probably the origin of the gradient that drives translocation.  相似文献   

Influx, efflux and translocation of K+(86Rb) were studied in the roots of sunflower seedlings ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Uniflorus) treated with 0–4.0 m M NO3 during a 9 day growth period or a 24 h pretreatment period. Roots treated with high levels of NO3 absorbed and translocated more K+(86Rb) than seedlings treated with low levels of NO3. The content of K+ in the shoots was, however, higher in seedlings treated with low levels of NO3, indicating a low rate of retranslocation of K+ in those plants. K+(86Rb) efflux was highest into the low-NO3 solutions. All effects on K+(86Rb)-fluxes were more obvious in high-K plants than in low-K plants. The results are discussed in relation to the Dijkshoorn-Ben Zioni hypothesis for K++ NO3-uptake and translocation in plants.  相似文献   

Differences in high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis patterns of micro-somal proteins from developing normal sunflower ( Helianthus annuus L.) seeds before and after cold-induction, and also from normal and a high oleic sunflower mutant have been studied in order to detect the polypeptides associated with the microsomal Δl2-desaturase activity and its regulation by temperature. Proteins were obtained from developing seeds of two isogenic sunflower lines HA-89 (normal) and HA-OL9 (high oleic) which greatly differed in linoleic acid content and "in vitro" oleate desaturase activity. In the high oleic mutant, four polypeptides of about 32 kDa and two of 33 kDa were found to change in position, to the same extent, toward a lower isoelectric point in the high oleic mutant. Also, two polypeptides, of 32 and 49 kDa each, appeared in the mutant. Quantitative differences between cold-induced seeds (10°C, 24 h) and their non-induced controls were found. One polypeptide of 43 kDa decreased in the cold-treated seeds and two others, of 30 and 32 kDa each, increased markedly after cold induction. Some of these polypeptides could be related to oleate desatnrase activity or its regulation by temperature.  相似文献   

Three-week-old sunflower plants ( Helianthus annuus L. cv. Halcón) grown in nutrient solution at two K+ levels (0.3 and 2.5 m M ) were used to study the effect of 4 μ M abscisic acid (ABA) on the transport of K+ (Rb+) and water to the exuding stream of decapitated plants. Other conditions of the bathing medium of the roots were also assayed, such as presence of 10 m M glucose, aeration and time of ABA application. In the first 2 or 3 h after ABA application, ABA always promoted water and ion fluxes, even under the most unfavorable conditions such as low K+ roots without glucose or under anaerobiosis. The ABA-promoting effect on ion and water flow was higher with glucose in the medium. Under anaerobiosis the ABA effect disappeared after 3 h. With glucose and aeration the ABA-promoting effect appeared early and continued for several hours, although the effect decreased with time. If ABA was applied 24 h before excision, the effect was small or even negative. We suggest that ABA acts directly on membranes of certain root cells (endodermal or both endodermal and cortical cells) by increasing their permeability and thus releasing ions. This will decrease cell turgor pressure and, indirectly, the hydraulic conductivity of the whole root. Under conditions of higher hydraulic conductivity, the presence of ions and glucose in the root stimulates the transport of ions into the xylem. and thus increases the osmotic water flow.  相似文献   

光强对喜树幼苗叶片次生代谢产物喜树碱的影响   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
王洋  戴绍军  阎秀峰 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1118-1122
喜树碱是我国特有树种——喜树中所含的重要次生代谢产物 ,在人工控制条件下观察了光强对喜树幼苗叶片喜树碱含量的影响。喜树幼苗叶片的喜树碱含量随着遮荫程度的增加 (光照强度降低 )而增加 ,但严重遮荫的 (光强为全光照的 2 0 % )在处理后期 (75 d)喜树碱含量降低。叶片的喜树碱产量 (喜树碱含量与叶片生物量乘积 )在处理初期 (30 d)随光强减弱而缓慢地略有增加 ,处理后期 (45 d以后 )随光强的减弱而有明显增加 ,但光强低于全光照的 6 0 %以后喜树碱产量迅速下降。喜树碱的增加可能是喜树幼苗通过次生代谢过程对不良环境 (遮荫 )的一种适应性反应  相似文献   

Shoot activity has been reported to affect rates of ion uptake by plant roots in other ways than merely through supply of assimilates. To elucidate the mechanisms by which a signal from the upper part of the plant controls the rate of K+ and NO3 uptake by roots, both uptake of K+ and NO3 and secretion into the xylem of young sunflower plants ( Helianthus annuus L.) were measured after changes in light intensity.
No close correlation was observed between the uptake of NO3 and that of K+; an increase in light intensity produced a much greater stimulation of NO3 uptake than of K+ uptake. On the other hand, secretion of NO3 into the xylem was tightly coupled to that of K+, and this coupling was strongly disturbed by excision of the root. The results suggest the involvement of the K2-malate shuttle on the regulation by the shoot of K+ and NO3 secretion in the xylem, which is linked to NO3 uptake, while K+ uptake is independent of this regulation mechanism.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine the time-dependent formation of arsenic-phytochelatin (As-PC) complexes in the roots, stems and leaves of an arsenic-nontolerant plant (Helianthus annuus) during exposure to 66 mol l(-1) arsenite (As(III)) or arsenate (As(V)). We used our previously developed method of simultaneous element-specific (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS) and molecular-specific (electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry, ES-MS) detection systems interfaced with a suitable chromatographic column and eluent conditions, which enabled us to identify and quantify As-PC complexes directly. Roots of As-exposed H. annuus contained up to 14 different arsenic species, including the complex of arsenite with two (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly molecules [As((III))-(PC(2))(2)], the newly identified monomethylarsonic phytochelatin-2 or (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly CH(3)As (MA((III))-PC(2)) and at least eight not yet identified species. The complex of arsenite with (gamma-Glu-Cys)(3)-Gly (As((III))-PC(3)) and the complex of arsenite with glutathione (GSH) and (gamma-Glu-Cys)(2)-Gly (GS-As((III))-PC(2)) were present in all samples (roots, stems and leaves) taken from plants exposed to As. The GS-As((III))-PC(2) complex was the dominant complex after 1 h of exposure. As((III))-PC(3) became the predominant As-PC complex after 3 h, binding up to 40% of the As present in the exposed plants. No As-PC complexes were found in sap (mainly xylem sap from the root system), in contrast to roots, stems and leaves, which is unequivocal evidence that As-PC complexes are not involved in the translocation of As from root to leaves of H. annuus.  相似文献   

氮素水平对作物膜透性等生理特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以向日葵和玉米为供试作物,进行沙培试验,设置3个氮素水平,研究了氮素水平对双子叶植物的向日葵和单子叶植物玉米耗水量,吸N量,细胞膜透性,根系活力,NR活性,游离氨基酸含量的影响。结果表明氮素供应不足,吸N量减小,细胞膜透性增大,根系活力增强:NR活性与植物叶片中游离氨基酸含量减小,2种作物的耗水量均降低,但水分利用率提高。2种作物相比较,氮素胁迫对双子叶植物向日葵的影响大于对单子叶植物玉米的影响。  相似文献   

Summary Cryptomonas rufescens is an alga which can adapt itself to environmental variations created by nitrogen deficiency and high levels of illumination. The cell ultrastructure changes and starch and storage lipids accumulate in the cytoplasm. Progressively, the cell reaches a resting stage. The differentiation of a complex cell wall leads to cyst formation. This change obtained through controlled conditions, can be associated with anin vivo minimal value of the ratio phycoerythrin/chlorophylls. In the two treatments the amounts of chlorophyll A and phycoerythrin decrease, while the amounts of chlorophyll C and carotenoids appear more stable. At the same time, the plastid ultrastructure changes, the internal thylakoids break down and are disorganized, while the peripheral thylakoids become narrower in correlation with their phycoerythrin content.  相似文献   

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