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云南元江干热河谷桔小实蝇种群动态及其影响因子分析 总被引:23,自引:3,他引:23
分别于1992、1998、2003和2004年在云南元江干热河谷通过性诱剂诱捕,对桔小实蝇雄性成虫数量变化进行了全年监测,并就气候因子及寄主植物对数量变动的影响进行了综合分析。桔小实蝇在元江干热河谷常年发生,当年12月至次年2月,桔小实蝇种群较低,3月以后逐渐上升,于6~8月形成增长高峰,9~11月种群迅速下降。近两年桔小实蝇种群数量较上世纪90年代明显增大。月均温、月均降雨量和寄主植物是影响元江桔小实蝇种群变动的主要因子。元江干热河谷各月均温在桔小实蝇适温区内,为其常年发生提供了温度条件。但12~2月的月平均最低温度低于桔小实蝇的适温下限,而5月的月平均最高温超过桔小实蝇的适温上限,这两方面对桔小实蝇种群均有一定抑制作用。元江夏季6至8月的月降雨量为100~150 mm,有助于桔小实蝇种群增长。芒果和甜橙是元江桔小实蝇最喜好的寄主水果,其种面积、挂果期是影响桔小实蝇种群变动的重要因素。气温、降雨和寄主植物通过各自的作用方式和发生时间综合影响着元江干热河谷地区桔小实蝇种群变动。 相似文献
元江干热河谷植物叶片解剖和养分含量特征 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
研究了元江干热河谷旱田植物(旱季可浇灌,水分较好)和山坡半萨王纳植被中(自然状况,水分较差)共20种的叶片形态解剖特征,以及7种山坡植物叶片养分含量特征.结果表明,山坡植物叶片比叶重大,气孔密度大,气孔长度小,海绵组织/栅栏组织的值小等.元江干热河谷山坡植物叶片养分含量低,1.3%>Ca>N>K>1%>Mg>P>S.除氮元素外,其它元素种间差别1~3倍.与热带植物群落叶片养元素含量相比,热带雨林>元江山坡植物>东南亚沙地旱生林和巴西矮卡廷加群落,表明元江干热河谷植物叶片具有明显的旱生性形态解剖特征,且叶片养分含量也较低. 相似文献
元江干热河谷山地五百年来植被变迁探讨 总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13
元江河谷是云南省最干热地区之一,在海拔800—900米以下的山地上广泛分布着稀树灌草丛。根据《元江府志》(1714年编纂)、《元江州志》(1826年编纂)、《元江志稿》(1922年编篡)及对现存植被的考察,本文探讨了元江干热河谷山地五百年来植被的变迁。 元江县森林复盖率的减少与人口的增加有密切关系,十七世纪中期以前,森林复盖率在75%以上,十八、十九世纪时为70%左右,1958年为61.5%,1975年为27.3%,至1982年则为19.3%。研究表明,在十九世纪以前,这个地区分布的主要植被是热带季雨林,甚而热带季节雨林,以后热带稀树灌草丛则迅速发展。植被的历史变化与土壤流失密切相关。植物群落的演变是由以乔木树种为优势演变为以灌木种类为优势,再演变为以多年生草木植物为优势,而最后则成为裸地。本文也讨论了这个地区植被恢复的方法。 相似文献
云南元江干热河谷半萨王纳植被的植物群落学研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
采用Braun- Blanquet 植物群落学研究的理论与方法, 对云南元江中上游干热河谷分布的植被进行考察研究, 把各处取得较典型的110 个样地记录按确限度的原则由下而上归类成15 个群丛、5 个群属、2 个群目和1 个群纲, 建立了元江干热河谷萨王纳植被群纲—群目—群属—群丛分类系统综合表和15 个群丛表, 以全面深入反映全干热河谷植物群落各级分类单位中各植物种类组成的多优度、存在度、盖度系数、生活型和生长型等特征及其群落结构、生态环境和种型类别。在此基础上, 根据群落的种类组成、结构和生态特征, 确定元江干热河谷植被为萨王纳中“河谷型半萨王纳植被”, 主要是“树萨王纳”和“灌萨王纳”, 肉质刺灌丛属于灌萨王纳。 相似文献
以内质多刺植物霸王鞭(Euphorbia royleana)和仙人掌(Opuntia monacantha)为特征的具有荒漠植被景观的元江干热河谷肉质多刺灌丛是一种特殊的次生植被,是在近代原生植被的强烈破坏下,栽培逸生的霸王鞭和仙人掌在局部特别千热土薄多石之处发展而形成的。该群落外貌和结构特殊,可初步定为一个群丛,下分两个亚群丛。在种类组成上,该群落与热带亚洲干早植物区系联系密切,在区系起源上具有古南大陆残余背景,在群落形成和发展上又与人为活动相联系。 相似文献
该研究利用谱系独立比较法(Phylogenetically Independent Contrasts,PIC)和Wilcoxon秩和检验法,分析中国科学院植物研究所植物园(39°54'N,116°12'E)中的84个物种170株个体的传粉方式和果实类型对木本开花时间和结实时间的影响,其中Wilcoxon秩和检验法检验的结果作为PIC检验结果的参考。结果表明:(1)传粉方式显著影响植物开花和结实时间,风媒花植物比虫媒花植物开花和结实早;(2)果实类型对结实时间的影响在考虑和不考虑物种间系统发育关系时表现不同,当不考虑物种间系统发育关系时,肉质果实植物结实时间比非肉质果实植物早;(3)不同的传粉方式间以及不同的果实类型间植物的花果间隙期无显著差异,但本研究结果显示肉质果实植物结实时间比非肉质果实植物大约早20d。由此推论:(1)植物固有属性,如传粉方式和果实类型,会影响植物繁殖物候,且不同的属性影响强度不同;(2)与某一特定物候期或繁殖器官相关性大的属性对该物候期的影响可能更大,如传粉方式对开花时间的影响可能大于其对结实时间的影响,而果实类型对结实物候期的影响更大。 相似文献
地理距离及环境差异对云南元江干热河谷植物群落beta多样性的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
beta多样性反映了群落间物种组成的差异, 是生物多样性研究的热点之一。本研究通过对云南元江干热河谷41个植物群落样方进行调查, 用Jaccard相异系数表征物种beta多样性, 用样方之间的最近谱系距离(mean nearest taxon distance, MNTD)及平均谱系距离(mean pairwise distance, MPD)表征谱系beta多样性, 采用基于距离矩阵的多元回归和方差分解方法, 探讨了该区域干热河谷典型植物群落的物种beta多样性和谱系beta多样性与样方间环境差异(主要是气候)及地理距离之间的关系。结果表明: (1)群落间的地理距离和年平均温度差异对干热河谷植物群落的物种beta多样性和谱系beta多样性有显著影响; (2)地理距离对物种beta多样性和MNTD的影响最大; 地理距离和年平均温度差异对MPD的影响均较大; (3)样方间年平均温度与年平均降水量的差异和地理距离能够解释群落间beta多样性及谱系beta多样性11-13%的变异。以上结果表明, 生态位分化和扩散限制对该地区植物群落的beta多样性均有显著影响, 其中扩散限制的影响可能更大。此外, 人类活动等其他因素也很可能对元江干热河谷的群落组成具有非常重要的影响。 相似文献
金沙江干热河谷地区构树的AFLP分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据构树树皮颜色和斑纹色泽,将金沙江河谷两岸自然分布的构树分为4个不同类型,即红构、红花构、白花构和青构.应用AFLP分子标记技术,采用E 3/M 3引物组合,对该4个类型构树进行了分析鉴定.结果显示,9对引物组合共扩增出584条带,其中237条为多态带,多态带百分率为40.6%;9对引物组合扩增得到了4类构树各自特有的AFLP指纹图谱,并可明确区分4个类型构树;UPGMA聚类分析结果与供试材料的形态鉴别完全一致.结果表明,4个类型构树的表型差异是由遗传物质的变异而引起,从而为构树新品种的划分、鉴定和登录奠定了基础. 相似文献
木质藤本是森林生态系统的重要组分。本研究在元江干热河谷地区随机设置了30个20 m×20 m的样方,调查样方中胸径≥0.5 cm的木质藤本多样性及其与宿主树木之间的关系。结果显示:30个样方中记录到胸径≥0.5 cm的木质藤本植物共945株(隶属于22种20属11科),其中,豆科木质藤本的丰富度和多度最高;胸径≤2 cm的木质藤本占个体总数的63.7%;茎缠绕类木质藤本的个体数最多。样方中胸径≥5 cm的树木共有1060株(隶属于38种31属16科),36.0%的树木上至少附藤1株。不同径级和不同树皮粗糙度的树木被木质藤本侵扰的百分比之间存在极显著差异(P0.001)。随着宿主树木平均枝下高的增加,附藤率呈下降趋势。76.5%的木质藤本选择离其根生长点最近的树木进行攀援。表明元江干热河谷中的木质藤本以小径级占优势,树木胸径、枝下高、树皮粗糙度和木质藤本根生长点到树木的距离是影响木质藤本侵扰树木的重要因素,支持木质藤本对宿主树木的侵扰具有选择性的假说。研究结果对中国西南干热河谷退化植被的恢复与物种多样性保护具有重要意义。 相似文献
生殖物候与草甸草地多年生植物的消长 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
尽管草地管理研究较多,但从物候学进行的研究很少.目前尚未见到关于开花期和结实期如何影响科尔沁草原植物地位的报道.报道了科尔沁草甸草原34种多年生植物的始花期和果实始成熟期与其在割草和放牧利用下的消长关系.结果表明:(1)3种植物在4月、13种在5月、10种在6月、7种在7月、1种在8月开始开花.3种在5月、14种在6月、11种在7月、5种在8月、1种在9月开始出现成熟果实.(2)与割草草地相比,始花期晚的植物在自由放牧草地中频度和多度趋于减少,果实始成熟期晚的植物也表现同样的趋势.(3)当将具有营养繁殖能力的植物排除后,与割草草地相比,始花期和果实始成熟期晚的植物在自由放牧草地中频度和多度减少的趋势更强.(4)为了使植物完成生活史,割草应在秋季大多数植物结实期结束时实施.(5)为保证大多数禾本科植物顺利完成生活史,应在大多数植物开始分蘖时开始放牧,进入花蕾期停止放牧,至结实期晚期又开始放牧. 相似文献
Previous studies analyzed the importance of old leaves conservancy for wintergreen species plant growth only after early spring
old leaves elimination. However, carbon and nutrient resources for growth could have already been translocated from old leaves
to shoots during autumn. In this work, the effect of old leaves absence on the leaf mass per area (LMA, g m−2) and nutrient concentration of new spring leaves, shoot growth, and flowering was studied in Aristotelia chilensis, an Andean Patagonic woody wintergreen species of Argentina. Plants were studied after autumn defoliation (AD) or late winter
defoliation (WD) and results were compared to those of undamaged control plants (CO). The new leaves LMA and mineral nutrient
(N, P, K, and Mg) concentration values did not decrease in AD or WD compared to CO plants. Conversely, CO plants showed higher
flowering intensity and shoot lengthening compared to AD or WD plants. There were not remarkable differences regarding the
defoliation time, though non-flowering shoots grew in a lesser degree than the flowering shoots in WD plants. It was concluded
that A. chilensis old leaves cohort is an important source to shoot growth and flowering but their absence does not affect the new leaves structure
or nutritional status from early spring in either AD or in WD plants. New leaves formation probably is guaranteed by resources
(carbon and nutrients) previously stored in stems or even in the buds containing the preformed leaves since March, by the
end of summer. Provided the availability of complete resources for the new leaf flush independently of the old leaves A. chilensis would restore the carbon balance as soon as possible to resume the growth of heterotrophic tissues at normal rates. Endogenous
response to counterbalance the old leaves absence on non-flowering shoots was more effective when there was greater lag time
between defoliation and shoot growth resume. Flowering and non-flowering shoots compete for the available resources when A. chilensis have not yet expanded leaves and shoots supporting reproductive structures were stronger sinks compared to non-flowering
shoots in WD plants. 相似文献
为探究极端气候事件对植物的影响,对澳门九澳山海滨群落10种植物2012-2017年盛花期物候进行了观察。结果表明,植物的盛花期一般在3-9月,其中有4种植物为5月。2013和2016年早春澳门的极端强降水使植物的盛花期出现了明显的提前或者推迟。9种植物的盛花期与盛花期前0~2个月和上一年的秋冬季的月均温度或月降水存在显著相关性。温度和降水对植物盛花期的影响差异不大,但晚花植物对降水更加敏感。这为澳门和邻近岛屿的生态恢复和园林树种选材提供参考。 相似文献
Phenology of tree layer species from the timber line of Kumaun in Central Himalaya was carried out during the years 1988-1989. The study indicates the prevalence (66%) of deciduous tree species at timber line vegetation. Growth initiation started in early summer with the rise of temperature. Different phenophases succeeded one another, culminating in leaf drop with the advent of winter. The various phenophases of the tree species at timber line have been discussed and compared with the lower Himalayan forests of Kumaun in India. The present study also supports the idea that the intense fluctuations in environmental conditions determine the onset of different growth activities within the short growing season.Financial support from the Department of Environment, New Delhi and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi is gratefully acknowledged. 相似文献
Interspecific and interannual variation in reproductive phenology was quantified for 50 common species of trees and shrubs from a mesic savanna near Darwin, northern Australia. The presence of buds, flowers, and fruit was noted over a 30-month period, from September 1992 to February 1995. Surveys were undertaken at monthly intervals for the less common species, and at bimonthly intervals for ten of the common trees and tall shrubs. The majority of species flowered each year at about the same time. There was no evidence of sub-annual or continuous regimes of reproductive phenology. There was no supra-annual carryover of seed-bearing fruit in the canopy of any species. The peak flowering periods were the mid to late dry season (July–August) and the transition between the dry season and the wet season (October–November). The two dominant trees–Eucalyptus miniata and E, tetrodonta– flowered during the dry season, thereby providing resources for some elements of the vertebrate fauna. Flowering and fruiting were uncommon at the end of the wet season (February/March), although two species that flower and fruit at this time (E. porrecta and Terminalia ferdinandianas may provide resources to consumers at a time when floral or fruit resources are otherwise scarce. Because the peak of reproductive activity takes place during the late dry season, fruit maturity and seed dispersal have occurred prior to the onset of the rainy season for most species, and germination and seedling establishment potentially may take effect in response to the first rains. Late dry season fires, which tend to be extensive and intense, are a potential threat to the floral and fruit reserves within these savannas. 相似文献
为探究不同演替阶段森林优势种叶片资源获取策略的差异以及叶片构建成本与机械抗性的关系,对我国南亚热带不同演替阶段森林14优势种的叶片构建成本、机械抗性、角质层厚度和比叶重等结构性状进行测定。结果表明,与演替早期相比,演替晚期优势种具有更高的单位面积叶片构建成本、叶片撕裂力以及穿透力,但其叶片最大光合速率较低;同时,单位面积叶片构建成本与机械抗性呈显著正相关关系,而叶片角质层厚度、比叶重等结构性状也与叶片构建成本、机械抗性均呈显著正相关。因此,从叶片能量投资策略上反映了南亚热带森林演替进程中叶片构建成本与机械抗性的协同关系。 相似文献
The current study presents phenology data for Rhizophora mangle from two equatorial mangrove stands with different salinity regimes in Brazil. Observations based on litter fall and individual shoot development were compared and related to environmental factors. Patterns observed in litter fall were consistent with results of direct monitoring. While both reproductive organs and leaves were produced throughout the year, rates of formation followed seasonal trends. Distinct differences in propagule production between low and high salinity sites and between years of observation were detected; main propagule release was, however, restricted to the wet season which offers enhanced conditions for propagule establishment. Emergence of flowers was linked to leaf production. While there was no obvious single peak in leaf production, it was reduced towards the end of the dry season at both high and low salinity sites. Time series analysis revealed an independent pattern of leaf development superimposed on this annual seasonal trend, indicating slower development of leaf primordia during periods of low light availability in the wet season. No significant difference in age structure was detected between sun and shade leaves; maximum leaf life-time was approximately 1 year. 相似文献
Leaf dynamics and shoot phenology of eleven warm-temperate evergreen broad-leaved trees near their northern limit in central Japan 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Dynamic features of shoot phenology including leaf emergence and leaf fall, and leaf life span for eleven evergreen broad-leaved tree species were investigated in a warm-temperate rain forest in Mount Kiyosumi, central Japan. All species had periodic leaf emergence or flushing pattern, and were classified into two types; single and multiple flush and only one species, Eurya japonica, represented the latter type and the rest had single flush in spring. The single flush type can further be subdivided into two groups according to their duration of shoot growth; short and long flush. Seasonal patterns of leaf fall were categorized into four; unimodal, bimodal, broad unimodal, and multimodal type though they were not fixed pattern. The leaf emergence and leaf fall patterns were correlated for the eleven species, and five phenological types were categorized. Four of them were the single flush types, i.e., short flush of leaf emergence with unimodal leaffall (SSU) type of Castanopsis sieboldii and Quercus salicina, short flush with bimodal leaf fall (SSB) type of Quercus acuta, Machilus thunbergii, Neolitsea sericea, and Cinnamomum japonicum, long flush with bimodal leaffall (SLB) type of Myrsine seguinii, and long flush with broad unimodal leaffall (SLR) type of Symplocos prunifolia, Cleyera japonica, and Illicium anisatum. The multiple flush type is only one species, Eurya japonica, and it had multimodal leaffall pattern (MM type). The phenological pattern varied in relation to leaf life span, leaf size, and tree habit. Leaf life span ranged from 1.1 to 5.8 yr. The short flush species or SSU and SSB types were all canopy or subcanopy trees, and the former had short and the latter had long leaf life spans. The long flush species were all microphyllous small trees, and SLB type had a relatively long leaf life span in understory, SLR type had a long leaf life span in understory or in open habitat and/or forest gap as a pioneer tree. MM type had a long leaf life span and colonizing species in open habitat but they can survive in understory as well. The phenological attributes of evergreen trees were well corresponded to the ecological guild of the tree in both forest structure and successional stage, and were also constrained by phylogenetic groups. 相似文献
南亚热带人工林16种木本植物重要叶特征参数的相互关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以南亚热带退化丘陵生态恢复进程中16种3 a生木本植物为对象,研究叶片重要特征参数间的相互关系.结果表明,植物叶片的N、P含量平均值低于全国平均值,N:P平均值则高于全国的平均水平;成熟叶片的N和P含量之间有极显著正相关关系(P<0.00001),N:P与N有弱的正相关关系(r=0.322,P<0.01),与P显著负相关,推断植物叶N:P主要由P决定(r=0/639,P<0.00001).含N量高的植物具有高的最大净光合速率(Pmax)、光合N利用效率(PNOE)和低的比叶重(LMA),反之,含N量低植物具有低的Pmax、PNUE和高的LMA;Pmax与PNUE极显著正相关,LMA与PNUE极显著负相关. 相似文献