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SYNOPSIS. Babesia microti is a highly polymorphic organism. To unravel its fine structure and the function of organelles it was necessary to resort often to serial sections. A single plasma membrane covers the organism. In trophozoites approaching reproduction, segments of double membranes can be found below the plasma membrane. In electron micrographs of poor resolution these segments of double membranes look like pieces of thick membranes and they were often thought to be a thick 2nd membrane. Before the segments of double membranes appear 2 other organelles are formed in older trophozoites: micronemes and rhoptries. There are indications that these structures originate from vesicles of the Golgi apparatus. Large dense bodies of the same structure as the host cytoplasm are not food vacuoles but merely invaginations of host cytoplasm, as found in serial sections and in organisms removed from the host cell. Feeding in Babesia seems to take place by a special organelle composed of tightly coiled double membranes located partly inside and partly outside the parasite. It is assumed that extracellular digestion of host cytoplasm take place through this organelle. The nucleus remains undifferentiated throughout the whole intraerythrocytic stage. It becomes irregular, loboid, but does not divide and remains a single body until the late stage of reproduction when only a small portion, a bud, extends into the forming merozoite.  相似文献   

Hypertriglyceridemia and the fibrate trials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Epidemiological studies published since 1996 have established that hypertriglyceridemia can predict risk of cardiovascular disease in a manner statistically independent of HDL cholesterol. Nevertheless, the relationship of concentrations of plasma triglycerides to risk of cardiovascular disease remains less than straightforward, partly because triglycerides are carried in lipoproteins of different atherogenicity, partly because hypertriglyceridemia is associated with non-lipid atherogenic and thrombogenic processes. For example, the association of highest risk of cardiovascular disease to moderate rather than to severe hypertriglyceridemia can be understood in terms of the distribution of triglycerides between different classes of plasma lipoproteins. It is counter-intuitive to most clinicians, however, and hence it can result in the misdirection of clinical efforts including drug therapy.Fibrates lower plasma triglycerides, and raise HDL, efficiently and with few immediate side-effects. Central to their mode of action is activation of certain nuclear receptors in cells. There is no necessary connection, however, between that fascinating biochemistry and clinical benefit as defined by reductions in rates of death by coronary artery disease. A review of trials of cholesterol-lowering by diet and drugs, published between 1966 and 1996, included 12 trials of therapy with fibrates or placebo in more than 21000 patients. Overall, these trials indicated no benefit in terms of reduction in risk of coronary deaths. The period since 1996 has seen the publication of four additional trials of treatment of 6144 patients with fibrates or placebo. Two of them were major trials. The VA-HIT was very encouraging, because treatment with gemfibrozil produced a signficant reduction in the combined incidence of fatal and non-fatal coronary events. There was no significant reduction in coronary deaths, however. The results of BIP were frankly disappointing, because they demonstrated no significant effect of treatment with bezafibrate on either the primary end-point of the trial or on rates of coronary death.Clinical indications for the use of fibrates can obviously not be based on biochemical insights, however intriguing in their own right, but they have also not been satisfactorily defined by the randomized clinical trials published to date. Hope remains, however, that some clarification will result from ongoing trials of fibrate treatment of patients with type II diabetes.  相似文献   

The intense interest in social Hymenoptera, on account of their elaborate sociality and the paradox of altruism, has often suffered from considerable gender imbalance. This is partly due to the fact that worker behaviour and altruism are restricted to the females and partly because males often live off the nest. Yet, understanding the males, especially in the context of mating biology is essential even for understanding the evolution of sociality. Mating patterns have a direct bearing on the levels of intra-colony genetic relatedness, which in turn, along with the associated costs and benefits of worker behaviour, are central to our understanding of the evolution of sociality. Although mating takes place away from the nest in natural colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata, mating can be observed in the laboratory if a male and a female are placed in a transparent, aerated plastic container, and both wasps are in the range of 5–20 days of age. Here, we use this setup and show that males, but not females, mate serially with multiple partners. The multiple mating behaviour of the males is not surprising because in nature males have to mate with a number of females, only a few of whom will go on to lay eggs. The reluctance of R. marginata females to mate with multiple partners is consistent with the expectation of monogamy in primitively eusocial species with totipotent females, although the apparent discrepancy with a previous work with allozyme markers in natural colonies suggesting that females may sometimes mate with two or three different males remains to be resolved.  相似文献   

A better understanding of disease progression is beneficial for early diagnosis and appropriate individual therapy. Many different approaches for statistical modelling of cumulative disease progression have been proposed in the literature, including simple path models up to complex restricted Bayesian networks. Important fields of application are diseases such as cancer and HIV. Tumour progression is measured by means of chromosome aberrations, whereas people infected with HIV develop drug resistances because of genetic changes of the HI‐virus. These two very different diseases have typical courses of disease progression, which can be modelled partly by consecutive and partly by independent steps. This paper gives an overview of the different progression models and points out their advantages and drawbacks. Different models are compared via simulations to analyse how they work if some of their assumptions are violated. In a simulation study, we evaluate how models perform in terms of fitting induced multivariate probability distributions and topological relationships. We often find that the true model class used for generating data is outperformed by either a less or a more complex model class. The more flexible conjunctive Bayesian networks can be used to fit oncogenetic trees, whereas mixtures of oncogenetic trees with three tree components can be well fitted by mixture models with only two tree components.  相似文献   

From the moment of its inception, human choice about how to treat the environment is a key part of ecological restoration. Because many, if not most, restoration projects require continual management once established, human choice remains a vital component of restoration projects for their entire life. But ecological restorationists often downplay the role of choice in restoration, partly because we see the choice to restore as obvious and inherently good and partly because we feel the restoration of more natural conditions for a habitat will lessen the impact of human choice over time. Some critics feel the role of human choice in restoration degrades the value of restoration. However, another response to human choice in restoration is to embrace choice, even with the problems it brings, and use choice as a way to more fully engage humans with the environment. If such choices are approached carefully, with recognition of the potential for poor choices, then restorationists can arrive at restorations that are better for both the environment and us.  相似文献   

An epidemiological study of multiple sclerosis (MS) in north-east Scotland was carried out based on data correct on 1 December 1970. The prevalence of MS was 127 cases/100 000 population, which is greater than in any other surveyed area with a comparable population. The disease was not spread homogeneously within the region, and in one district one in 400 people was affected. The geographical distributions of MS and the presence of HLA antigens A3 and B7,which are associated with the disease, are remarkably similar, and the prevalence of B7 in north-east Scotland is higher than elsewhere. This may partly explain the high prevalence of MS in this area, but the essential additional environmental factor remains to be established.  相似文献   

Piscirickettsia salmonis is pathogenic for a variety of cultured marine fish species worldwide. The organism has been observed within host macrophages in natural disease outbreaks among coho salmon and European sea bass. In vitro studies, incorporating transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and ferritin loading of lysosomes, have confirmed that P. salmonis is capable of surviving and replicating in rainbow trout macrophages. Certain features of this intracellular survival underline its difference to other intracellular pathogens and suggest that a novel combination of defence mechanisms may be involved. Escape into the macrophage cytoplasm is not used as a means to avoid phago-lysosomal fusion and the organism remains at least partly enclosed within a vacuole membrane. While the piscirickettsial vacuole is often incomplete, survival and replication appear to require occupation of a complete, tightly-apposed, vacuolar membrane which does not fuse with lysosomes. Unlike some mammalian rickettsiae, actin-based motility (ABM) is not used as a means of intercellular spread. It is postulated that the presence of numerous small vesicles within vacuoles, and at gaps in the vacuolar membrane, may result from the blebbing of the piscirickettsial outer membrane seen early in the infection.  相似文献   

The systematic study of focused animal models has produced an explosion of information regarding the mechanisms governing lymphatic development and the diseases associated with lymphatic dysfunction. Nevertheless, the pathogenesis of systemic lymphangiomatosis has, thus far, eluded mechanistic comprehension. In this review, recent molecular advances in lymphatic vascular development are considered within the context of the animal models that have produced evolving insights. The emerging role of the zebrafish within lymphatic investigation is discussed. Specific models of the human disease pathology are considered in detail. While much has been learned about the molecular framework that surrounds normal lymphatic vascular development, the defect responsible for systemic lymphangiomatosis remains elusive. Development of more robust, recapitulative models will also be invaluable to investigate new and emerging therapeutics for the often devastating disease of systemic lymphangiomatosis.  相似文献   

High resolution, system-wide characterizations have demonstrated the capacity to identify genomic regions that undergo genomic aberrations. Such research efforts often aim at associating these regions with disease etiology and outcome. Identifying the corresponding biologic processes that are responsible for disease and its outcome remains challenging. Using novel analytic methods that utilize the structure of biologic networks, we are able to identify the specific networks that are highly significantly, nonrandomly altered by regions of copy number amplification observed in a systems-wide analysis. We demonstrate this method in breast cancer, where the state of a subset of the pathways identified through these regions is shown to be highly associated with disease survival and recurrence.  相似文献   

P Ford  D Robertson 《CMAJ》1988,139(6):557-2
Although AIDS is often thought of as a "big-city" disease, it is also becoming a serious health care issue for doctors and other health care workers in "small-city" Canada. Kingston, Ont., is one of those small cities, and of the facilities trying to come to grips with a disease about which much remains to be learned. In this article, Drs. Peter Ford and David Robertson outline their hospital''s estimate of the cost, in manpower and money, of dealing with the AIDS crisis. The final estimate: roughly $700,000. Although most of the cost will involve one-time capital spending, they point out that there will likely be ongoing labour-related costs because of the special programs and increased manpower needed to deal with AIDS patients. Clearly, AIDS is no longer a big-city disease.  相似文献   

The maintenance of genetic diversity in fitness-related traits remains a central topic in evolutionary biology, for example, in the context of sexual selection for genetic benefits. Among the solutions that have been proposed is directional sexual selection for heterozygosity. The importance of such selection is highly debated. However, a critical evaluation requires knowledge of the heritability of heterozygosity, a quantity that is rarely estimated in this context, and often assumed to be zero. This is at least partly the result of the lack of a general framework that allows for its quantitative prediction in small and inbred populations, which are the focus of most empirical studies. Moreover, while current predictors are applicable only to biallelic loci, fitness-relevant loci are often multiallelic, as are the neutral markers typically used to estimate genome-wide heterozygosity. To this end, we first review previous, but little-known, work showing that under most circumstances, heterozygosity at biallelic loci and in the absence of inbreeding is heritable. We then derive the heritability of heterozygosity and the underlying variances for multiple alleles and any inbreeding level. We also show that heterozygosity at multiallelic loci can be highly heritable when allele frequencies are unequal, and that this heritability is reduced by inbreeding. Our quantitative genetic framework can provide new insights into the evolutionary dynamics of heterozygosity in inbred and outbred populations.  相似文献   

Major developments have taken place to further our understanding of the relationship between genetics and the environment in the pathogenesis of rheumatic disorders. The association between HLA markers and human disease is becoming clearer. For instance, HLA-DRW4 frequently occurs in patients with rheumatoid disease, and penicillamine and gold toxicity are seen most often in patients with HLA-DRW2 or DRW3. Antisera to B alloantigens help define the genetic differences between systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. As yet, the most dramatic link is that between HLA-B27 and primary ankylosing spondylitis. This same antigen is related, to varying degrees, with other members of the seronegative spondylarthritides and there is strong evidence that this association is related to HLA-B27, itself, rather than an associated disease gene. Nevertheless, some data refute a single gene theory. We are just beginning to learn more about interactions between different genes on the sixth chromosome and genes on other chromosomes.The sex ratio of the spondylarthritides is now better defined. Sacroiliitis may have a comparable sex distribution although females have more peripheral joint disease and males have greater spinal involvement. Unfortunately, the explanation for these differences remains elusive.The specific infective agents related to the development of rheumatic disorders are becoming clarified. Chlamydia, Salmonella, Yersinia and Shigella flexneri types 1b and 2a are arthritogenic, while Shigella sonnei appears not to cause disease. Although the Reiter syndrome is now considered a chronic disease, the reason for remissions and relapses remains unclear.  相似文献   

Groups of correlated characters (variational modules) often are considered to be the result of dissociated local developmental factors, i.e., of a modular genotype–phenotype map. But certain sets of pleiotropic factors can equally well induce modular phenotypic variation—no local developmental factors are necessary for a modular covariance structure. It is thus not possible to infer genetic or developmental modularity from standing variation alone. Yet, only for approximately linear genotype–phenotype maps is the induced covariance structure stable over changes of the phenotypic mean. For larger genetic and phenotypic variation, such as on a macroevolutionary level, developmental effects often are nonlinear and variational modularity remains stable only when it is realized by local dissociated developmental factors with no overlap of pleiotropic ranges. The evo-devo concept of modularity concurs only at this macroevolutionary level with the quantitative notion of variational modularity. Empirical evidence on the genetic and developmental architecture underlying phenotypic variation is inconclusive and partly subject to methodological problems. Many studies seem to indicate modularized phenotypic variation and local clusters of QTL effects, whereas other studies find support for several alternative models of modularity and report continuous distributions of QTL effects. This inconsistency partly results from the neglect of spatial relationships among the measured traits. Given the complex development of higher organisms, a combination of pleiotropic factors and more local developmental effects with a hierarchical, overlapping, and more or less continuous distribution appears most likely.  相似文献   

It remains challenging to predict variation in the magnitude of disease outbreaks. The dilution effect seeks to explain this variation by linking multiple host species to disease transmission. It predicts that disease risk increases for a focal host when host species diversity declines. However, when an increase in species diversity does not reduce disease, we are often unable to diagnose why. Here, we increase mechanistic and predictive clarity of the dilution effect with a general trait‐based model of disease transmission in multi‐host communities. Then, we parameterise and empirically test our model with a multi‐generational case study of planktonic disease. The model‐experiment combination shows that hosts that vary in competitive ability (R*) and potential to spread disease (R0) can produce three qualitatively disparate outcomes of dilution on disease: the dilution effect can succeed, fail, or be ambiguous/irrelevant.  相似文献   

Recently duplicated genes are believed to often overlap in function and expression. A priori, they are thus less likely to be essential. Although this was indeed observed in yeast, mouse singletons and duplicates were reported to be equally often essential. This contradiction can only partly be explained by experimental biases. We herein show that older genes (i.e., genes with earlier phyletic origin) are more likely to be essential, regardless of their duplication status. At a given phyletic gene age, duplicates are always less likely to be essential compared with singletons. The "paradoxical" high essentiality among mouse gene duplicates is then caused by different age profiles of singletons and duplicates, with the latter tending to be derived from older genes.  相似文献   

Wong LJ 《Mitochondrion》2007,7(1-2):45-52
Although mitochondrial disorders are increasingly being recognized, confirming a specific diagnosis remains a great challenge due to the genetic and clinical heterogeneity of the disease. The heteroplasmic nature of most pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutations and the uncertainties of the clinical significance of novel mutations pose additional complications in making a diagnosis. Suspicion of mitochondrial disease among patients with multiple, seemingly unrelated neuromuscular and multi-system disorders should ideally be confirmed by the finding of deleterious mutations in genes involving mitochondrial biogenesis and functions. The genetics are complex, as the primary mutation can be either in the nuclear or the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). MtDNA mutations are often maternally inherited, but can also be sporadic or secondary to mutations in nuclear-encoded mitochondrial-targeted genes. Several well-defined clinical syndromes associated with specific mutations have been described, yet the genotype-phenotype correlation is often unclear and most patients do not fit within any defined syndrome and even within a family the expressivity of the disease can be extremely variable. This article describes examples representing diagnostic challenges of mitochondrial diseases that include the limitations of the mutation detection method, the occurrence of mitochondrial disease in families with another known neuromuscular disorder, atypical clinical presentation, the lack of correlation between the degree of mutant heteroplasmy and the severity of the disease, variable penetrance, and nuclear gene defects causing mtDNA depletion.  相似文献   

In cardiovascular disease studies, a large number of risk factors are measured but it often remains unknown whether all of them are relevant variables and whether the impact of these variables is changing with time or remains constant. In addition, more than one kind of cardiovascular disease events can be observed in the same patient and events of different types are possibly correlated. It is expected that different kinds of events are associated with different covariates and the forms of covariate effects also vary between event types. To tackle these problems, we proposed a multistate modeling framework for the joint analysis of multitype recurrent events and terminal event. Model structure selection is performed to identify covariates with time-varying coefficients, time-independent coefficients, and null effects. This helps in understanding the disease process as it can detect relevant covariates and identify the temporal dynamics of the covariate effects. It also provides a more parsimonious model to achieve better risk prediction. The performance of the proposed model and selection method is evaluated in numerical studies and illustrated on a real dataset from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study.  相似文献   

Numerous reports in the literature indicate that various noninvasive vascular techniques can now be used to evaluate atherosclerosis at the carotid bifurcation. This article reviews noninvasive screening techniques currently available and being developed. Particular emphasis has been placed on the practicality of these techniques as well as their limitations. Our conclusions are that noninvasive techniques cannot be used as definitive screening tests for cerebrovascular disease. Although these tests are frequently useful when positive, the false negative rate of these tests would appear to be significant and variable in different hands. Nonstenotic ulcers are usually not detected and total occlusion often not differentiated from stenosis. These tests should be viewed as the beginning rather than the end result of a developing field. At present, contrast arteriography remains the definitive test to evaluate the presence and significance of extracranial cerebrovascular disease.  相似文献   

Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a chronic cholestatic liver disease of unknown aetiology characterised by inflammation and fibrosis of the biliary tree. The mean age at diagnosis is 40 years and men are affected twice as often as women. There is a reported annual incidence of PSC of 0.9–1.31/100,000 and point prevalence of 8.5–13.6/100,000. The onset of PSC is usually insidious and many patients are asymptomatic at diagnosis or have mild symptoms only such as fatigue, abdominal discomfort and pruritus In late stages, splenomegaly and jaundice may be a feature. In most, the disease progresses to cirrhosis and liver failure. Cholangiocarcinoma develops in 8–30% of patients. PSC is thought to be immune mediated and is often associated with inflammatory bowel disease, especially ulcerative colitis. The disease is diagnosed on typical cholangiographic and histological findings and after exclusion of secondary sclerosing cholangitis. Median survival has been estimated to be 12 years from diagnosis in symptomatic patients. Patients who are asymptomatic at diagnosis, the majority of whom will develop progressive disease, have a survival rate greater than 70% at 16 years after diagnosis. Liver transplantation remains the only effective therapeutic option for patients with end-stage liver disease from PSC, although high dose ursodeoxycholic acid may have a beneficial effect.  相似文献   

Burkholderia pseudomallei is a potential bioterror agent and the causative agent of melioidosis, a severe disease that is endemic in areas of Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. Infection is often associated with bacterial dissemination to distant sites, and there are many possible disease manifestations, with melioidosis septic shock being the most severe. Eradication of the organism following infection is difficult, with a slow fever-clearance time, the need for prolonged antibiotic therapy and a high rate of relapse if therapy is not completed. Mortality from melioidosis septic shock remains high despite appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Prevention of disease and a reduction in mortality and the rate of relapse are priority areas for future research efforts. Studying how the disease is acquired and the host-pathogen interactions involved will underpin these efforts; this review presents an overview of current knowledge in these areas, highlighting key topics for evaluation.  相似文献   

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