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The reduction of ionic mercury to elemental mercury by the mercuric reductase (MerA) enzyme plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycling of mercury in contaminated environments by partitioning mercury to the atmosphere. This activity, common in aerobic environments, has rarely been examined in anoxic sediments where production of highly toxic methylmercury occurs. Novel degenerate PCR primers were developed which span the known diversity of merA genes in Gram-negative bacteria and amplify a 285 bp fragment at the 3' end of merA. These primers were used to create a clone library and to analyse merA diversity in an anaerobic sediment enrichment collected from a mercury-contaminated site in the Meadowlands, New Jersey. A total of 174 sequences were analysed, representing 71 merA phylotypes and four novel MerA clades. This first examination of merA diversity in anoxic environments suggests an untapped resource for novel merA sequences.  相似文献   

Devi Lal  Rup Lal 《Microbiology》2010,79(4):500-508
In the present study the role of horizontal gene transfer events in providing the mercury resistance is depicted. merA gene is key gene in mer operon and has been used for this swtudy. Phylogenetic analysis of aligned merA gene sequences shows broad similarities to the established 16S rRNA gene phylogeny. But there is no separation of bacterial merA gene from archael merA gene which suggests that merA gene in both these groups share considerable sequence homology. However, inconsistencies between merA gene and 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic trees are apparent for some taxa. These discrepancies in the phylogenetic trees for merA gene and 16S rRNA gene have lead to the suggestion that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is a major contributor for its evolution. The close association among members of different groups in merA gene tree, as supported by high bootstrap values, deviations in GC content and codon usage pattern indicate the possibility that horizontal gene transfer events might have taken place during the evolution of this gene.  相似文献   

Yanai I  Wolf YI  Koonin EV 《Genome biology》2002,3(5):research0024.1-research002413


Gene fusions can be used as tools for functional prediction and also as evolutionary markers. Fused genes often show a scattered phyletic distribution, which suggests a role for processes other than vertical inheritance in their evolution.  相似文献   

One of the most debated questions in the field of molecular evolution is the possible role of horizontal transfer in evolution. Of all the claims that have been made over the years, those reporting transfers between eukaryotes and prokaryotes are the most controversial. Here we present the cases for and against several such possible gene acquisitions.  相似文献   

In contrast to previous findings, we demonstrate that the dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase genes (dsrAB) of Desulfobacula toluolica were vertically inherited. Furthermore, Desulfobacterium anilini and strain mXyS1 were identified, by dsrAB sequencing of 17 reference strains, as members of the donor lineage for those gram-positive Desulfotomaculum species which laterally acquired dsrAB.  相似文献   



The mitochondrial genome of Metazoa is usually a compact molecule without introns. Exceptions to this rule have been reported only in corals and sea anemones (Cnidaria), in which group I introns have been discovered in the cox1 and nad5 genes. Here we show several lines of evidence demonstrating that introns can also be found in the mitochondria of sponges (Porifera).  相似文献   

Ancient horizontal gene transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Davison J 《Nature biotechnology》2004,22(11):1349; author reply 1349-1349; author reply 1350

The isopenicillin N synthase genes from three fungal species, three Gram-positive species, and one Gram-negative bacterial species share an unusually high sequence similarity. A phylogenetic analysis was carried out to determine which type of evolutionary scenario best accounts for this similarity. The most plausible scenario is one in which a horizontal gene-transfer event, from the prokaryotes to the eukaryotes, occurred at a time close to the divergence between the Gram-positive and the Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that two genes required for acetoclastic methanogenesis, ackA and pta, were horizontally transferred to the ancestor of Methanosarcina from a derived cellulolytic organism in the class Clostridia. This event likely occurred within the last 475 million years, causing profound changes in planetary methane biogeochemistry.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a simple kinetic model of horizontal gene transfer. It describes the processes of gene duplication, mutation, gene transfer and the regulation of the total size of the genome for genetically homogeneous prokaryotic species or strains. The emerging nonlinear system of first-order differential equations can be linearized at the stationary point. For selected models, we give an analytical solution for the number of foreign and native genes within a species. We identify a regime characterized by a fast gene transfer rate and species with a mixed genome, a slow gene transfer regime with pure organisms, and a crossover region. The data are compared to experiments, and the biological implications of our model are discussed.  相似文献   

A new approach to rapid, genome-wide identification and ranking of horizontal transfer candidate proteins is presented. The method is quantitative, reproducible, and computationally undemanding. It can be combined with genomic signature and/or phylogenetic tree-building procedures to improve accuracy and efficiency. The method is also useful for retrospective assessments of horizontal transfer prediction reliability, recognizing orthologous sequences that may have been previously overlooked or unavailable. These features are demonstrated in bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic examples.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of the merA gene from the mercury-resistance transposon Tn501 and have predicted the structure of the gene product, mercuric reductase. The DNA sequence predicts a polypeptide of Mr 58 660, the primary structure of which shows strong homologies to glutathione reductase and lipoamide dehydrogenase, but mercuric reductase contains as additional N-terminal region that may form a separate domain. The implications of these comparisons for the tertiary structure and mechanism of mercuric reductase are discussed. The DNA sequence presented here has an overall G+C content of 65.1 mol%, typical of the bulk DNA of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from which Tn501 was originally isolated. Analysis of the codon usage in the merA gene shows that codons with C or G at the third position are preferentially utilized.  相似文献   

Mercury is one of the most hazardous heavy metals and is a particular problem in aquatic ecosystems, where organic mercury is biomagnified in the food chain. Previous studies demonstrated that transgenic model plants expressing a modified mercuric ion reductase gene from bacteria could detoxify mercury by converting the more toxic and reductive ionic form [Hg(II)] to less toxic elemental mercury [Hg(0)]. To further investigate if a genetic engineering approach for mercury phytoremediation can be effective in trees with a greater potential in riparian ecosystems, we generated transgenic Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) trees expressing modified merA9 and merA18 genes. Leaf sections from transgenic plantlets produced adventitious shoots in the presence of 50 microm Hg(II) supplied as HgCl2, which inhibited shoot induction from leaf explants of wild-type plantlets. Transgenic shoots cultured in a medium containing 25 microm Hg(II) showed normal growth and rooted, while wild-type shoots were killed. When the transgenic cottonwood plantlets were exposed to Hg(II), they evolved 2-4-fold the amount of Hg(0) relative to wild-type plantlets. Transgenic merA9 and merA18 plants accumulated significantly higher biomass than control plants on a Georgia Piedmont soil contaminated with 40 p.p.m. Hg(II). Our results indicate that Eastern cottonwood plants expressing the bacterial mercuric ion reductase gene have potential as candidates for in situ remediation of mercury-contaminated soils or wastewater.  相似文献   

Conjugative plasmids are key agents of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) that accelerate bacterial adaptation by vectoring ecologically important traits between strains and species. However, although many conjugative plasmids carry beneficial traits, all plasmids exert physiological costs-of-carriage on bacteria. The existence of conjugative plasmids, therefore, presents a paradox because non-beneficial plasmids should be lost to purifying selection, whereas beneficial genes carried on plasmids should be integrated into the bacterial chromosome. Several ecological solutions to the paradox have been proposed, but none account for co-adaptation of bacteria and conjugative plasmids. Drawing upon evidence from experimental evolution, we argue that HGT via conjugation can only be fully understood in a coevolutionary framework.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the Thiobacillus ferrooxidans chromosomal mercuric-reductase-encoding gene (merA) has been determined. The merA gene contains 1635 bp, and shares 78.2% and 76.6% sequence homology with the transposon, Tn501, and plasmid R100 merA genes, respectively. From the sequence, a 545-amino acid (aa) polypeptide was deduced, and comparison with those of Tn501 and R100 revealed 80.6% and 80.0% homology, respectively, at the aa sequence level. Divergence among the three merA aa sequences was clustered within a specific region (aa positions 41-87). By analysis of codon usage frequency, it is speculated that the T. ferrooxidans merA gene originated from Tn501, R100, or a common ancestral gene, but not from T. ferrooxidans itself.  相似文献   

The FAD-containing enzyme mercuric reductase has been studied by means of steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The fluorescence relaxation of the excited state of the isoalloxazine ring of FAD can be described by a sum of two exponential functions. The two lifetimes are not due to a different lifetime of each of the two FAD molecules of mercuric reductase. The FAD molecules are quenched dynamically by a quencher that is not sensitive to the solvent viscosity. In vitro activation induces a dynamic quenching of fluorescence, while upon binding of NADP+ the FAD molecules are both statically and dynamically quenched. Time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy experiments of mercuric reductase in water show that the isoalloxazine ring probably undergoes a rapid and restricted vibrational motion of small amplitude. Electronic energy transfer occurs between the two FAD molecules at a rate of about 3.4 x 10(7) s-1. The angle between the emission transition dipole of the donor and the absorption transition dipole of the acceptor is 137 +/- 2 degrees (or 43 +/- 2 degrees). From previous X-ray data of glutathione reductase we find that the corresponding angle is 160 degrees. This suggests that the isoalloxazine rings of mercuric reductase and glutathione reductase are mutually tilted in slightly different ways.  相似文献   

The evolutionary events in organisms can be tracked to the transfer of genetic material. The inheritance of genetic material among closely related organisms is a slow evolutionary process. On the other hand, the movement of genes among distantly related species can account for rapid evolution. The later process has been quite evident in the appearance of antibiotic resistance genes among human and animal pathogens. Phylogenetic trees based on such genes and those involved in metabolic activities reflect the incongruencies in comparison to the 16S rDNA gene, generally used for taxonomic relationships. Such discrepancies in gene inheritance have been termed as horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events. In the post-genomic era, the explosion of known sequences through large-scale sequencing projects has unraveled the weakness of traditional 16S rDNA gene tree based evolutionary model. Various methods to scrutinize HGT events include atypical composition, abnormal sequence similarity, anomalous phylogenetic distribution, unusual phyletic patterns, etc. Since HGT generates greater genetic diversity, it is likely to increase resource use and ecosystem resilience.  相似文献   

In a horizontal gene transfer (HGT) event, a gene is transferred between two species that do not have an ancestor-descendant relationship. Typically, no more than a few genes are horizontally transferred between any two species. However, several studies identified pairs of species between which many different genes were horizontally transferred. Such a pair is said to be linked by a highway of gene sharing. We present a method for inferring such highways. Our method is based on the fact that the evolutionary histories of horizontally transferred genes disagree with the corresponding species phylogeny. Specifically, given a set of gene trees and a trusted rooted species tree, each gene tree is first decomposed into its constituent quartet trees and the quartets that are inconsistent with the species tree are identified. Our method finds a pair of species such that a highway between them explains the largest (normalized) fraction of inconsistent quartets. For a problem on n species and m input quartet trees, we give an efficient O(m + n(2))-time algorithm for detecting highways, which is optimal with respect to the quartets input size. An application of our method to a dataset of 1128 genes from 11 cyanobacterial species, as well as to simulated datasets, illustrates the efficacy of our method.  相似文献   

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