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The molecular conformations of salmon calcitonin in aqueous solution have been investigated by exploiting the different influences of excitonic coupling on the amide I band profile in the isotropic and anisotropic Raman, FTIR, and vibrational circular dichroism spectra of a polypeptide. The N-terminal loop, caused by a disulfide bridge between cysteines at positions 1 and 7, was modeled by performing a conformational search by molecular mechanics calculations. The remaining part of the peptide chain was modeled as a mixture of three sequences containing different fractions of residues adopting poly-l-proline II (PPII), extended beta-strand, and alpha-helix-like conformations. This yielded an excellent reproduction of the experimentally observed amide I' band profiles. A comparison with recent data on the beta-amyloid fragment Abeta(1)(-)(28) revealed a lower PPII content and more conformational heterogeneity for calcitonin. Thus, our results underscore the notion that individual structural propensities of amino acid residues give rise to structural differences between the unfolded states of even long peptide chains, at variance with expectations based on a random or statistical coil model.  相似文献   

The endoprotease furin, which belongs to the family of mammalian proprotein convertase (PC), is synthesized as a zymogen with an N-terminal, 81-residue inhibitory prodomain. It has been shown that the proenzyme form of furin undergoes a multistep 'autocatalytic' removal of the prodomain at the C-terminal side of the two consensus sites, R(78)-T-K-R(81) approximately and R(44)-G-V-T-K-R(49) approximately. The furin-mediated cleavage at R(44)-G-V-T-K-R(49) approximately, in particular, is significantly accelerated in an 'acidic' environment. Here, we show that under neutral pH conditions, the inhibitory prodomain of furin is partially folded and undergoes conformational exchanges as indicated by extensive broadening of the NMR spectra. Presence of many ring-current shifted methyl resonances suggests that the partially folded state of the prodomain may still possess a 'semirigid' protein core with specific packing interactions among amino acid side chains. Measurements of the hydrodynamic radii and compaction factors indicate that this partially folded state is significantly more compact than a random chain. The conformational stability of the prodomain appears to be pH sensitive, in that the prodomain undergoes an unfolding transition towards acidic conditions. Our NMR analyses establish that the acid-induced unfolding is mainly experienced by the residues from the C-terminal half of the prodomain (residues R(44)-R(81)) that contains the two furin cleavage sites. A 38-residue peptide fragment derived from the entire pH-sensitive C-terminal region (residues R(44)-R(81)) does not exhibit any exchange-induced line broadening and adopts flexible conformations. We propose that at neutral pH, the cleavage site R(44)-G-V-T-K-R(49) approximately is buried within the protein core that is formed in part by residues from the N-terminal region, and that the cleavage site becomes exposed under acidic conditions, leading to a facile cleavage by the furin enzyme.  相似文献   

We have measured fluorescence energy-transfer (FET) kinetics from a dansyl fluorophore (Dns) introduced by derivatization of a Cys side-chain to the Fe(III) heme covalently attached to unfolded yeast iso-1 cytochrome c (cyt). To gain a global picture of the unfolded state, we examined variants with the fluorophore attached on three different helices (K4C, E66C, K99C) and in three different loops (H39C, D50C, L85C). Analysis of the FET kinetics data gave distributions of distances between the fluorescent donor and acceptor; these distributions demonstrate that the guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl)-denatured polypeptide ensemble is not a simple random coil. Although misligation imposes some constraints, it is not the only source of structural complexity in the unfolded protein. Our FET kinetics data reveal a high degree of heterogeneity in the unfolded ensemble of cytochrome c. We detect relatively large populations of compact structures in unfolded Dns(C50)cyt, Dns(C39)cyt, and Dns(C66)cyt. These structures likely play a role in forming a hydrophobic core during the folding process.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the conformational features of the unfolded state in equilibrium with folded state under physiological conditions. In this paper, we consider a short peptide model LMYKGQPM from staphylococcal nuclease to model the conformational equilibrium between a hairpin conformation and its unfolded state using molecular dynamics simulation under NVT conditions at 300K using GROMOS96 force field. The free energy landscape has overall funnel-like shape with hairpin conformations sampling the minima. The "unfolded" state has a higher free energy of approximately 12kJ/mol with respect to native hairpin minimum and occupies a plateau region. We find that the unfolded state has significant contributions from compact conformations. Many of these conformations have hairpin-like topology. Further, these compact conformational forms are stabilized by hydrophobic interactions. Conversion between native and non-native hairpins occurs via unfolded states. Frequent conversions between folded and unfolded hairpins are observed with single exponential kinetics. We compare our results with the emerging picture of unfolded state from both experimental and theoretical studies.  相似文献   

Computational models provide insight into the structure-function relationship in proteins. These approaches, especially those based on normal mode analysis, can identify the accessible motion space around a given equilibrium structure. The large magnitude, collective motions identified by these methods are often well aligned with the general direction of the expected conformational transitions. However, these motions cannot realistically be extrapolated beyond the local neighborhood of the starting conformation. In this article, the iterative cluster-NMA (icNMA) method is presented for traversing the energy landscape from a starting conformation to a desired goal conformation. This is accomplished by allowing the evolving geometry of the intermediate structures to define the local accessible motion space, and thus produce an appropriate displacement. Following the derivation of the icNMA method, a set of sample simulations are performed to probe the robustness of the model. A detailed analysis of beta1,4-galactosyltransferase-T1 is also given, to highlight many of the capabilities of icNMA. Remarkably, during the transition, a helix is seen to be extended by an additional turn, emphasizing a new unknown role for secondary structures to absorb slack during transitions. The transition pathway for adenylate kinase, which has been frequently studied in the literature, is also discussed.  相似文献   

6-O-methyl-, 6-O-propyl-, 6-O-pentyl- and 6-O-benzyl-D-galactose, and 6-O-methyl-, 6-O-propyl- and 6-O-pentyl-D-glucose inhibit the glucose-transport system of the human erythrocyte when added to the external medium. Penetration of 6-O-methyl-D-galactose is inhibited by D-glucose, suggesting that it is transported by the glucose-transport system, but the longer-chain 6-O-alkyl-D-galactoses penetrate by a slower D-glucose-insensitive route at rates proportional to their olive oil/water partition coefficients. 6-O-n-Propyl-D-glucose and 6-O-n-propyl-D-galactose do not significantly inhibit L-sorbose entry or D-glucose exit when present only on the inside of the cells whereas propyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside, which also penetrates the membrane slowly by a glucose-insensitive route, only inhibits L-sorbose entry or D-glucose exit when present inside the cells, and not when on the outside. The 6-O-alkyl-D-galactoses, like the other nontransported C-4 and C-6 derivatives, maltose and 4,6-O-ethylidene-D-glucose, protect against fluorodinitrobenzene inactivation, whereas propyl beta-D-glucopyranoside stimulates the inactivation. Of the transported sugars tested, those modified at C-1, C-2 and C-3 enhance fluorodinitrobenzene inactivation, where those modified at C-4 and C-6 do not, but are inert or protect against inactivation. An asymmetric mechanism is proposed with two conformational states in which the sugar binds to the transport system so that C-4 and C-6 are in contact with the solvent on the outside and C-1 is in contact with the solvent on the inside of the cell. It is suggested that fluorodinitrobenzene reacts with the form of the transport system that binds sugars at the inner side of the membrane. An Appendix describes the theoretical basis of the experimental methods used for the determination of kinetic constants for non-permeating inhibitors.  相似文献   

We performed a conformational analysis of the central residues of three tripeptides glycyl‐L ‐isoleucyl‐glycine (GIG), glycyl‐L ‐tyrosyl‐glycine (GYG) and glycyl‐L ‐arginyl‐glycine (GRG) in aqueous solution, based on a global analysis of amide I′ band profiles and NMR J‐coupling constants. The results are compared with recently reported distributions of GVG, GFG and GEG. For GIG and GYG, we found that even though the polyproline II (pPII) fraction is below 0.5, it is still the most populated conformation, whereas GVG and GFG show both a larger β‐strand fraction. For GRG, we observed a clear dominance of pPII over β‐strand, reminiscent of observations for GEG and GKG. This finding indicates that terminal charges on otherwise hydrophobic residue side chains stabilize pPII over β‐strand conformations. For all peptides investigated we found that a variety of compact and turn‐like conformations constitute nearly 20 percent of their conformational distributions. Attempts to analyze our data with a simple two‐state pPII??β model therefore do not yield any satisfactory reproduction of experimental results. A comparison of the obtained GxG ensembles with conformational distributions of GxG segments in truncated coil libraries (helices and sheets omitted) revealed a much larger fraction of type II βi+2 and type III β like conformations for the latter. Thus, a comparison of conformational distributions of unfolded peptide segments in solution and in coil libraries reveal interesting information on how the interplay between intrinsic propensities of amino acid residues and non‐local interactions in polypeptide chains determine the conformations of loop segments in proteins. Proteins 2013; © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Peptide deformylase is an attractive target for developing novel antibiotics. Previous studies at pH 3.0 showed peptide deformylase from Leptospira interrogans (LiPDF) exists as a dimer in which one monomer is in a closed form and the other is in an open form, with different conformations of the CD-loop controlling the entrance to the active pocket. Here we present structures of LiPDF at its active pH range. LiPDF forms a similar dimer at pH values 6.5-8.0 as it does at pH 3.0. Interestingly, both of the monomers are almost in the same closed form as that observed at pH 3.0. However, when the enzyme is complexed with the natural inhibitor actinotin, the conformation of the CD-loop is half-open. Two pairs of Arg109-mediated cation-pi interactions, as well as hydrogen bonds, have been identified to stabilize the different CD-loop conformations. These results indicate that LiPDF may be found in different structural states, a feature that has never before been observed in the peptide deformylase family. Based on our results, a novel substrate binding model, featured by an equilibrium between the closed and the open forms, is proposed. Our results present crystallographic evidence supporting population shift theory, which is distinguished from the conventional lock-and-key or induced-fit models. These results not only facilitate the development of peptide deformylase-targeted drugs but also provide structural insights into the mechanism of an unusual type of protein binding event.  相似文献   

Y-family DNA polymerases catalyze translesion DNA synthesis over damaged DNA. Each Y-family polymerase has a polymerase core consisting of a palm, finger and thumb domain in addition to a fourth domain known as a little finger domain. It is unclear how each domain moves during nucleotide incorporation and what type of conformational changes corresponds to the rate-limiting step previously reported in kinetic studies. Here, we present three crystal structures of the prototype Y-family polymerase: apo-Dpo4 at 1.9 Å resolution, Dpo4-DNA binary complex and Dpo4-DNA-dTMP ternary complex at 2.2 Å resolution. Dpo4 undergoes dramatic conformational changes from the apo to the binary structures with a 131° rotation of the little finger domain relative to the polymerase core upon DNA binding. This DNA-induced conformational change is verified in solution by our tryptophan fluorescence studies. In contrast, the polymerase core retains the same conformation in all three conformationally distinct states. Particularly, the finger domain which is responsible for checking base pairing between the template base and an incoming nucleotide retains a rigid conformation. The inflexibility of the polymerase core likely contributes to the low fidelity of Dpo4, in addition to its loose and solvent-accessible active site. Interestingly, while the binary and ternary complexes of Dpo4 retain an identical global conformation, the aromatic side chains of two conserved tyrosines at the nucleotide-binding site change orientations between the binary and ternary structures. Such local conformational changes may correspond to the rate-limiting step in the mechanism of nucleotide incorporation. Together, the global and local conformational transitions observed in our study provide a structural basis for the distinct kinetic steps of a catalytic cycle of DNA polymerization performed by a Y-family polymerase.  相似文献   

Terminase enzymes are responsible for "packaging" of viral DNA into a preformed procapsid. Bacteriophage lambda terminase is composed of two subunits, gpA and gpNu1, in a gpA(1).gpNu1(2) holoenzyme complex. The larger gpA subunit is responsible for preparation of viral DNA for packaging, and is central to the packaging motor complex. The smaller gpNu1 subunit is required for site-specific assembly of the packaging motor on viral DNA. Terminase assembly at the packaging initiation site is regulated by ATP binding and hydrolysis at the gpNu1 subunit. Characterization of the catalytic and structural interactions between the DNA and nucleotide binding sites of gpNu1 is thus central to our understanding of the packaging motor at the molecular level. The high-resolution structure of the DNA binding domain of gpNu1 (gpNu1-DBD) was recently determined in our lab [de Beer, T., et al. (2002) Mol. Cell 9, 981-991]. The structure reveals the presence of a winged-helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif, but the location of the ATPase catalytic site in gpNu1 remains unknown. In this work, nucleotide binding to the gpNu1-DBD was probed using acrylamide fluorescence quenching and fluorescence-monitored ligand binding studies. The data indicate that the minimal DBD dimer binds both ATP and ADP at two equivalent but highly cooperative binding sites. The data further suggest that ATP and ADP induce distinct conformations of the dimer but do not affect DNA binding affinity. The implications of these results with respect to the assembly and function of a terminase DNA-packaging motor are discussed.  相似文献   

The striking similarity between observed circular dichroism spectra of nonprolyl homopolymers and that of regular left-handed polyproline II (PII) helices prompted Tiffany and Krimm to propose in 1968 that unordered peptides and unfolded proteins are built of PII segments linked by sharp bends. A large body of experimental evidence, accumulated over the past three decades, provides compelling evidence in support of the original hypothesis of Tiffany and Krimm. Of particular interest are the recent experiments of Shi et al. who find significant PII structure in a short unfolded alanine-based peptide. What is the physical basis for PII helices in peptide and protein unfolded states? The widely accepted view is that favorable chain-solvent hydrogen bonds lead to a preference for dynamical fluctuations about noncooperative PII helices in water. Is this preference simply a consequence of hydrogen bonding or is it a manifestation of a more general trend for unfolded states which are appropriately viewed as chains in a good solvent? The prevalence of closely packed interiors in folded proteins suggests that under conditions that favor folding, water—which is a better solvent for itself than for any polypeptide chain—expels the chain from its midst, thereby maximizing chain packing. Implicit in this view is a complementary idea: under conditions that favor unfolding, chain-solvent interactions are preferred and in a so-called good solvent, chain packing density is minimized. In this work we show that minimization of chain packing density leads to preferred fluctuations for short polyalanyl chains around canonical, noncooperative PII-like conformations. Minimization of chain packing is modeled using a purely repulsive soft-core potential between polypeptide atoms. Details of chain-solvent interactions are ignored. Remarkably, the simple model captures the essential physics behind the preference of short unfolded alanine-based peptides for PII helices. Our results are based on a detailed analysis of the potential energy landscape which determines the system''s structural and thermodynamic preferences. We use the inherent structure formalism of Stillinger and Weber, according to which the energy landscape is partitioned into basins of attraction around local minima. We find that the landscape for the experimentally studied seven-residue alanine-based peptide is dominated by fluctuations about two noncooperative structures: the left-handed polyproline II helix and its symmetry mate.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics simulations have proven to be a valuable tool to investigate the dynamic behavior of stable macromolecules at finite temperatures. However, considerable conformational transitions take place during a simulation only accidentally or at exceptionally high temperatures far from the range of experimental conditions. Targeted molecular dynamics (TMD) is a method to induce a conformational change to a known target structure at ordinary temperature by applying a time-dependent, purely geometrical constraint. The transition is enforced independently of the height of energy barriers, while the dynamics of the molecule is only minimally influenced by the constraint. Simulations of decaalanine and insulin show the ability of the method to explore the configurational space for pathways accessible at a given temperature. The transitions studied at insulin comprise unfolding of an α-helical portion and, in the reverse direction, refolding from an extended conformation. A possible application of TMD is the search for energy barriers and stable intermediates from rather local changes up to protein denaturation.  相似文献   

The method proposed for the study of DNA conformational transitions is based on the proportionality, experimentally observed, between the length of a DNA fiber and the axial rise per nucleotide characterizing the molecular helix. Precise curves for the A-B and B-C transitions as a function of the relative humidity are obtained by using X-ray fiber data and measurements of fiber dimensions. It is thus shown that the A-B transition is a cooperative process between two different states, whereas the B-C transition can be considered as a progressive change of conformation. The present method is applied on two natural DNAs differing in base composition so that the effect of the nucleotide content on the conformational changes can be estimated.  相似文献   

Apparent transition state movement upon mutation or changes in solvent conditions is frequently observed in protein folding and is often interpreted in terms of Hammond behavior. This led to the conclusion that barrier regions in protein folding are broad maxima on the free energy landscape. Here, we use the concept of self-interaction and cross-interaction parameters to test experimental data of 21 well-characterized proteins for Hammond behavior. This allows us to characterize the origin of transition state movements along different reaction coordinates. Only one of the 21 proteins shows a small but coherent transition state movement in agreement with the Hammond postulate. In most proteins the structure of the transition state is insensitive to changes in protein stability. The apparent change in the position of the transition state upon mutation, which is frequently observed in phi-value analysis, is in most cases due to ground-state effects caused by structural changes in the unfolded state. This argues for significant residual structure in unfolded polypeptide chains of many proteins. Disruption of these residual interactions by mutation often leads to decreased folding rates, which implies that these interactions are still present in the transition state. The failure to detect Hammond behavior shows that the free energy barriers encountered by a folding polypeptide chain are generally rather narrow and robust maxima for all experimentally explorable reaction coordinates.  相似文献   

Nelson CJ  Bowler BE 《Biochemistry》2000,39(44):13584-13594
The alkaline conformational transition of a lysine 73 --> histidine variant of iso-1-cytochrome c has been studied. The transition has been monitored at 695 nm, a band sensitive to the presence of the heme-methionine 80 bond, at the heme Soret band which is sensitive to the nature of the heme ligand, and by NMR methods. The guanidine hydrochloride dependence of the alkaline conformational transition has also been monitored. The histidine 73 protein has an unusual biphasic alkaline conformational transition at both 695 nm and the heme Soret band, consistent with a three-state process. The conformational transition is fully reversible. An equilibrium model has been developed to account for this behavior. With this model, it has been possible to obtain the acid constant for the trigger group, pK(H), of the low-pH phase from the equilibrium data. A pK(H) value of 6.6 +/- 0.1 in H(2)O was obtained, consistent with a histidine acting as the trigger group. The NMR data for the low-pH phase of the alkaline conformational transition are consistent with an imidazole ligand replacing Met 80. For the high-pH phase of the biphasic alkaline transition, the NMR data are consistent with lysine 79 being the heme ligand. Guanidine hydrochloride m values of 1.67 +/- 0.08 and 1.1 +/- 0.2 kcal mol(-1) M(-1) were obtained for the low- and high-pH phases of the biphasic alkaline transition of the histidine 73 protein, respectively, consistent with a greater structural disruption for the low-pH phase of the transition.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to investigate a synthetic peptide (YVYKPNNTHE) corresponding to residues 113 to 122 of staphylococcal nuclease. In the major folded state of the protein this region forms a type VIa beta-turn containing a cis Lys116-Pro117 peptide bond. There is, however, no evidence for any significant population of such a turn in the peptide in aqueous solution and the X-Pro bond is predominantly in the trans configuration. The peptide exhibits several well-resolved minor resonances due to the presence of a small fraction (4 +/- 2%) of the cis-proline isomer. The ratio of cis to trans isomer populations was found to be independent of temperature between 5 degrees C and 70 degrees C, indicating that delta H for the isomerism is close to zero. Using magnetization transfer techniques the rate of trans to cis interconversion was found to be 0.025(+/- 0.013) s-1 at 50 degrees C. The thermodynamics and kinetics of isomerism in the peptide are very similar to those estimated for the Lys116-Pro117 peptide bond in unfolded nuclease, suggesting that the cis-trans equilibrium in the unfolded protein is largely determined by the residues adjacent to Pro117 in the sequence. These results are consistent with previous suggestions that the cis-proline bond is stabilized late in the folding process and that the predominance of the cis form in folded nuclease is due to stabilizing interactions within the protein that give rise to a favorable enthalpy term.  相似文献   

Six disulfides are found to be present in pig kidney diamine oxidase and all of these are available to reducing agents under nondenaturating conditions. Disulfide reduction with dithiothreitol followed by carbamidomethylation indicated two states of disulfides, each containing three groups, distinguishable by pH dependence. The first group of three disulfides has a functional role in catalytic activity. The another class of three disulfides showed accessibility only at higher pH values and appears to be important in maintaining the three dimensional structure of the molecule. The disulfides for these two activities appear to be independent of each other. Almost similar behaviour was noticed with copper depleted apo-enzyme.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein (apo) E contains two structural domains, a 22-kDa (amino acids 1-191) N-terminal domain and a 10-kDa (amino acids 223-299) C-terminal domain. To better understand apoE-lipid interactions on lipoprotein surfaces, we determined the thermodynamic parameters for binding of apoE4 and its 22- and 10-kDa fragments to triolein-egg phosphatidylcholine emulsions using a centrifugation assay and titration calorimetry. In both large (120 nm) and small (35 nm) emulsion particles, the binding affinities decreased in the order 10-kDa fragment approximately 34-kDa intact apoE4 > 22-kDa fragment, whereas the maximal binding capacity of intact apoE4 was much larger than those of the 22- and 10-kDa fragments. These results suggest that at maximal binding, the binding behavior of intact apoE4 is different from that of each fragment and that the N-terminal domain of intact apoE4 does not contact lipid. Isothermal titration calorimetry measurements showed that apoE binding to emulsions was an exothermic process. Binding to large particles is enthalpically driven, and binding to small particles is entropically driven. At a low surface concentration of protein, the binding enthalpy of intact apoE4 (-69 kcal/mol) was approximately equal to the sum of the enthalpies for the 22- and 10-kDa fragments, indicating that both the 22- and 10-kDa fragments interact with lipids. In a saturated condition, however, the binding enthalpy of intact apoE4 (-39 kcal/mol) was less exothermic and rather similar to that of each fragment, supporting the hypothesis that only the C-terminal domain of intact apoE4 binds to lipid. We conclude that the N-terminal four-helix bundle can adopt either open or closed conformations, depending upon the surface concentration of emulsion-bound apoE.  相似文献   

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