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Retrotransposons are heterogeneous sequences, widespread in eukaryotic genomes, which refer to the so-called mobile DNA. They resemble retroviruses, both in their structure and for their ability to transpose within the host genome, of which they make up a considerable portion. Copia- and Gypsy-like retrotransposons are the two main classes of retroelements shown to be ubiquitous in plant genomes. Ideally, the retrotransposons life cycle results in the synthesis of a messenger RNA and then self-encoded proteins to process retrotransposon mRNA in double stranded extra-chromosomal cDNA copies which may integrate in new chromosomal locations.  相似文献   

The sunflower seed (Helianthus annuus L.) major peptidase was purified to molecular homogeneity. It is an 80 kDa enzyme with pI of 4.6 and optimal activity at pH 7.5–8.0 and 45–50°C. It is a thiol-dependent aminopeptidase hydrolyzing peptides in a step-by-step manner as cleaving after the N-terminal amino acid residue of the substrate. It requires substrate acyl parts with a free amino group in either α- or β-position and l-configuration of the adjacent carbon atom. The enzyme prefers amino acid residues with bulky hydrophobic side chains at P1-position and its catalytic efficacy is affected by the structure of both P1 and P1′ parts of the substrate.  相似文献   

Treatment of germinating maize seedlings with 0.126 mM of the herbicide Perfluidone (Destun) (1,1,1-trifluoro-4-[phenylsulfonyl]-methanesulfona-o-toluidide) for 2 days in the dark, then 3 days in the light, at 25°C causes decreases in fresh weight, dry weight, shoot length, and in total chlorophyll and carotenoid contents; in contrast, sunflower seedlings seem not to be affected. Perfluidone causes marked decreases in total lipids and in glyco- and phospholipids of maize seedlings. In sunflower cotyledons, total lipids and pigments (chlorophyll, carotenoids) are not affected, but there is an increase in glycolipids at the expense of phospholipids. After Perfluidone treatment, a significant increase in the fatty acid mole ratio (180+181+182)/183 was found for the maize glycolipids, monogalactosyl diacylglycerol (MGD), digalactosyl diacylglycerol (DGD), and sterol glycoside (SG) + esterified sterol glycoside (ESG), and for the phospholipid, phosphatidylcholine (PC). In sunflower seedlings, however, only the fatty acid mole ratio of ESG + SG showed an increase and that of phosphatidylserine (PS) showed a large decrease. The differential response of the two plant species to Perfluidone suggests that the control of linolenic acid biosynthesis may vary depending on plant species and/or on plant tissues.On leave from the Department of Botany, University of London, Royal Holloway College, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX England  相似文献   

Unlike other oilseeds (e.g. Arabidopsis), developing sunflower seeds do not accumulate a lot of starch and they rely on the sucrose that comes from the mother plant to synthesise lipid precursors. Between 10 and 25 days after flowering (DAF), when sunflower seeds form and complete the main period of storage lipid synthesis, the sucrose content of seeds is relatively constant. By contrast, the glucose and fructose content falls from day 20 after flowering and it is always lower than that of sucrose, with glucose being the minor sugar at the end of the seed formation. By studying the apparent kinetic parameters and the activity of glycolytic enzymes in vitro, it is evident that all the components of the glycolytic pathway are present in the crude seed extract. However, in isolated plastids important enzymatic activities are missing, such as the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, involved in the conversion of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate into 1,3-biphospho-glycerate, or the enolase that converts 2-phosphoglycerate into phosphoenolpyruvate. Hence, phosphoenolpyruvate or one of its derivatives, like pyruvate and malate from the cytosol, may be the primary carbon sources for lipid biosynthesis. Accordingly, the glucose-6-P imported into the plastid is likely to be used in the pentose phosphate pathway to produce the reducing power for lipid biosynthesis in the form of NADPH. Data from crude seed extracts indicate that enolase activity increased during seed formation, from 16 days after flowering, and that this activity was well correlated with the period of storage lipid synthesis. In addition, while the presence of some glycolytic enzymes increased during lipid synthesis, others decreased, remained constant, or displayed irregular temporal behaviour.  相似文献   

Chromium (Cr) is a heavy metal risk to human health, and a contaminant found in agricultural soils and industrial sites. Phytoremediation, which relies on phytoextraction of Cr with biological organisms, is an important alternative to costly physical and chemical methods of treating contaminated sites. The ability of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AM),Glomus intraradices, to enhance Cr uptake and plant tolerance was tested on the growth and gas exchange of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Mycorrhizal-colonized (AM) and non-inoculated (Non-AM) sunflower plants were subjected to two Cr species [trivalent cation (Cr3+) Cr(III) , and divalent dichromate anion (Cr2O7) Cr(VI) ]. Both Cr species depressed plant growth, decreased net photosynthesis (A) and increased the vapor pressure difference; however, Cr(VI) was more toxic. Chromium accumulation was greatest in roots, intermediate in stems and leaves, and lowest in flowers. Greater Cr accumulation occurred with Cr(VI) than Cr(III). AM enhanced the ability of sunflower plants to tolerate and hyperaccumulate Cr. At higher Cr levels greater mycorrhizal dependency occurred, as indicated by proportionally greater growth, higherA and reduced visual symptoms of stress, compared to Non-AM plants. AM plants had greater Cr-accumulating ability than Non-AM plants at the highest concentrations of Cr(III) and Cr(VI), as indicated by the greater Cr phytoextraction coefficient. Mycorrhizal colonization (arbuscule, vesicle, and hyphae formation) was more adversely affected by Cr(VI) than Cr(III), however high levels of colonization still occurred at even the most toxic levels. Arbuscules, which play an important role in mineral ion exchange in root cortical cells, had the greatest sensitivity to Cr toxicity. Higher levels of both Cr species reduced leaf tissue phosphorus (P). While tissue P was higher in AM plants at the highest Cr(III) level, tissue P did not account for mycorrhizal benefits observed with Cr(VI) plants.  相似文献   

该研究从向日葵中克隆了E3泛素连接酶基因HERC2,并进行了生物信息学分析和不同胁迫条件的表达分析。序列分析表明,HERC2(登录号为KT832066)序列的CDS为1 608bp,编码535个氨基酸,预测其分子量131kD,等电点为5.03。HERC2编码的蛋白质为疏水性蛋白质,且为细胞质蛋白;亚细胞定位预测分析表明,向日葵HERC2可能定位在高尔基体中;该蛋白质有5个RCC1保守结构域。向日葵HERC2与已报道的其他植物同源蛋白有相似的保守区域,与醉蝶花亲缘关系最近,而与大豆和野生大豆的亲缘关系最远。与HERC2cDNA对应的gDNA(登录号为KT832067)的ORF长度为3 409bp,与cDNA编码序列比对结果表明,该gDNA由5个外显子和4个内含子组成。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,向日葵HERC2基因表达受非生物胁迫调节,在不同器官及不同非生物胁迫下存在特异性表达差异。研究认为,HERC2基因应答逆境胁迫具有其特定的表达模式,研究结果为加强对HERC2的利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

该研究利用RT-PCR技术,从油葵(Helianthus annuus L.)种子中克隆了甘油-3-磷酸酰基转移酶(GPAT)基因(HaGPAT1),对其进行生物信息学分析,并通过实时荧光定量PCR技术(qRT-PCR)检测该基因在不同组织、种子不同发育时期以及不同胁迫条件下的表达特征。结果表明:HaGPAT1基因全长为1 656bp,编码551个氨基酸,相对分子量为62.132kD,等电点为8.84。系统进化树分析表明,HaGPAT1蛋白与高等植物莴苣的GPAT1亲缘关系最近。qRT-PCR分析表明,HaGPAT1基因在油葵花蕊中的表达水平最高,开花后17d的种子中次之;在干旱和盐胁迫条件下,HaGPAT1基因的表达水平均显著上调。研究推测,HaGAT1基因可能在油葵花器官发育中发挥重要作用,并且参与了油葵对干旱和高盐的抗性调节。  相似文献   

脂肪酸脱氢酶2(fatty acid desaturase,FAD2)催化油酸生成亚油酸,是植物体内生成多不饱和脂肪酸的关键酶。根据已报道的向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)FAD2基因序列,设计引物进行RT-PCR,克隆得到油葵FAD2-2基因全长cDNA,命名为HaFAD2-2。该基因开放阅读框为1 152bp,编码383个氨基酸,相对分子质量43.96kD,等电点为8.56。对基因组进行内含子调查发现,该基因在编码区内没有内含子。多序列比对和系统进化分析发现,FAD2-2基因编码蛋白与金盏菊(Calendula officinalis)、斑鸠菊(Vernonia galamensis)等菊科植物具有较近的亲缘关系。qRT-PCR分析表明,HaFAD2-2基因在根、茎、叶、花、子叶和未成熟种子中均有表达,且以叶中的表达量最高,未成熟种子中的表达量最低;低温(5℃、15℃)胁迫处理能显著促进该基因在根中的表达,抑制其在叶中的表达;盐胁迫(300 mmol/L NaCl)处理对其表达也具有抑制作用。该研究结果可为进一步探讨HaFAD2-2基因的功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

该研究利用前期获得的向日葵耐盐相关基因E3泛素连接酶基因序列(HERC2),构建瞬时表达载体Cam-35S-HERC2-GFP,采用基因枪法转化洋葱表皮细胞进行亚细胞定位;采用RT-PCR技术,分析盐胁迫下HERC2在耐盐品种P50和盐敏感品种P29根、下胚轴和叶中的表达差异;构建HERC2植物表达载体pPZP221-HERC2,采用农杆菌介导法将HERC2导入烟草,进行耐盐功能验证。结果表明:(1)HERC2蛋白定位在细胞膜、细胞质和细胞核中。(2)受到NaCl胁迫后,HERC2基因在耐盐品种P50和盐敏感品种P29中均上调表达,但耐盐品种中的表达量较高。(3)HERC2基因的表达,能够提高转基因烟草的耐盐性。该研究结果为进一步解析向日葵对盐胁迫的响应机制,以及耐盐新品种的选育奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了解MADS-box基因在向日葵(Helianthus annuus)花发育过程中的作用,采用RT-PCR技术克隆了1个MADS-box基因新成员HAM23-like,开放阅读框为831bp,编码276个氨基酸,相对分子量为30.52k D,理论等电点为9.42。系统发育分析表明,HAM23-like与拟南芥的AGL18聚于同一分支,具有较近的亲缘关系。qRT-PCR分析表明,HAM23-like基因在花和成熟果实(籽粒饱满期)中的表达量较高;HAM23-like在开花当天的雄蕊中的表达量最高;随着花的发育,HAM 23-like表达量逐渐升高,在开花后5 d (果实形成早期)达到最高表达水平。因此,推断HAM23-like基因可能与向日葵花器官后期发育和瘦果早期发育相关。  相似文献   

To assess whether foliar application of K+S as potassium sulfate (K2SO4) could alleviate the adverse effects of salt on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. SF-187) plants, a greenhouse experiment was conducted. There were two NaCl levels (0 and 150 mM) applied to the growth medium and six levels of K+S as K2SO4 (NS (no spray), WS (spray of water+0.1% Tween 20 solution), 0.5% K+0.21% S, 1.0% K+0.41% S, 1.5% K+0.62% S, and 2.0% K+0.82% S in 0.1% Tween-20 solution) applied two times foliarly to non-stressed and salt-stressed sunflower plants. Salt stress markedly repressed the growth, yield, photosynthetic pigments, water relations and photosynthetic attributes, quantum yield (Fv/Fm), leaf and root K+, Mg2+, P, Ca2+, N as well as K+/Na+ ratios, while it enhanced the cell membrane permeability, and leaf and root Na+ and Cl concentrations. Foliar application of potassium sulfate significantly improved growth, achene yield, photosynthetic and transpiration rates, stomatal conductance, water use efficiency, leaf turgor and enhanced shoot and leaf K+ of the salt-stressed sunflower plants, but it did not improve leaf and root Na+, Cl, Mg2+, P, Ca2+, N as well as K+/Na+ ratios. The most effective dose of K+S for improving growth and achene yield was found to be 1.5% K+0.62% S and 1% K+0.41% S, respectively. Improvement in growth of sunflower plants due to exogenously applied K2SO4 was found to be linked to enhanced photosynthetic capacity, water use efficiency, leaf turgor and relative water content.  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验,研究了新葵4号、新葵6号、新葵10号和美国矮大头4个油葵品种对盐碱地土壤理化、酶活性和微生物群落功能多样性的影响,以期筛选出更适宜改善盐碱地土壤质量的油葵品种。结果表明,种植新葵6号对降低盐碱地根际土壤pH值、提高土壤全氮含量和蔗糖酶活性的效果最为显著,新葵4号对提高根际土壤碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量以及脲酶和磷酸酶活性的效果最为显著;种植这4个品种的油葵均能显著(72 h,P0.05)提高盐碱地根际土壤微生物对31种碳源的平均利用率(Average well color development,AWCD),并呈现如下规律:新葵4号新葵6号美国矮大头新葵10号CK。种植这4个油葵品种均不同程度地提高了盐碱地根际土壤微生物群落的Shannon多样性指数(H)、Shannon优势度指数(D)和碳源利用丰富度指数(S),并呈现出相似的规律:新葵4号根际土的微生物多样性指数最大,而CK的最小,且显著高于CK。主成分分析表明,种植油葵改善了盐碱地根际土壤微生物的群落组成;碳水化合物、氨基酸、羧酸类化合物和聚合物是盐碱地土壤微生物利用的主要碳源。因此,在盐碱地中种植油葵可提高相关土壤理化性质和酶的活性,改善微生物功能多样性,优化盐碱地微生物的群落结构,尤其是种植新葵4号对盐碱地的改良效果最为显著。  相似文献   

肉桂酰辅酶A还原酶(cinnamoyl-CoA reductase,CCR)是木质素合成代谢的关键酶。该研究以菊芋(Helianthus tuberosus L.)‘廊芋8号’为材料,克隆到1个菊芋的CCR基因,命名为HtCCR1(GenBank登录号为MN205540),其开放阅读框(ORF)长975bp,编码324个氨基酸,其中含有FR_SDR_e保守结构域。系统进化分析表明,HtCCR1与向日葵CCR蛋白(XP_021989763.1)共聚于一支,二者亲缘关系最近。实时定量PCR分析表明,HtCCR1基因在菊芋茎和叶中的表达量显著高于在根和块茎中;盐(150mmol·L-1 NaCl)胁迫处理6、12和24h后,处理组HtCCR1基因的表达量均显著高于对照组;干旱(20%PEG6000)胁迫6和12h后,处理组HtCCR1基因的表达较对照组均显著上调。成功构建pET-28a-HtCCR1原核表达载体,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)并诱导出了符合预期大小的蛋白,表明HtCCR1重组蛋白已成功表达。该研究结果为进一步研究HtCCR1基因的功能及利用基因工程手段调节菊芋中木质素的生物合成奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The sunflower's wild relative Helianthus annuus L. is a non-native invader in several regions of the world. It was introduced as an experimental forage plant in central Argentina six decades ago where it probably escaped and developed extended populations coexisting with the sunflower crop. If the invasive taxon was diffused without modifications, it would be expected to have phenotypic similarities with its parental sources. Nine populations representative of different geographic regions of central Argentina were compared with 17 populations from the USA (center of origin) in a common garden study at Bahía Blanca, Argentina using 47 phenotypic traits. The nine invasive wild populations were differentiated among themselves and from the native populations by plant form and life cycle traits, oil composition, inflorescence, and achene morphology. Populations from both continents shared traits related to domesticated sunflower, such as bract width over 0.8 cm, but the frequency of this trait was higher in populations from Argentina. The high variability of wild H. annuus populations from Argentina did not reveal any founder effects. The diversity found in the invasive populations reflected about three-fourths of the phenotypic variability of those from the center of origin, even though the environmental conditions of the Argentine habitats represented only half of the variability present in the North American habitats. The current findings demonstrated that the invasive wild sunflower populations have developed within few decades a high degree of variability, which could be a source of a novel biodiversity useful as a genetic resource for sunflower crop improvement.  相似文献   

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