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A study of the histology of the digestive tract of the Nile tilapia   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The digestive tract of Oreochromis niloticus is described, in order to resolve discrepancies found between previous accounts. Two types of goblet cells were found in the oesophagus, which differed in size, and in staining characteristics with periodic acid-Schiff and alcian blue. A region with tubular glands consisting of large mucous cells was continuous from the entry of the oesophagus, across the anterior part of the stomach to the pyloric valve, essentially providing a bypass circumventing the sac-like portion of the stomach. This region, which is lined with striated muscle, may be a means of disposing of unwanted material, either by regurgitating it, or by passing it rapidly along to the intestine. Large mucus cells in the tubular glands and the neck cells of the gastric glands probably protect the mucosa from the very acid contents of the stomach. An ileorectal valve was present. There is therefore a separate intestine and rectum in O. niloticus , as in most teleosts.  相似文献   

Four domesticated strains of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) were genetically characterized using 14 microsatellite markers and 64 animals per strain. Two strains, Chitralada (AIT) and International Development Research Centers (IDRC) were obtained from the AIT institute, Bangkok, Thailand. The GIFT strain (5th generation) came from NAGRI, Thailand, and the GÖTT strain was supplied by the University of Göttingen, Germany. The average numbers of alleles per marker were 5.0 (GÖTT), 5.4 (AIT), 5.6 (IDRC) and 7.5 (GIFT). Private alleles were found at all markers with the exception of two. No fixation of alleles was found at any marker. Population differentiation, FST, was 0.178 (great genetic differentiation) and confirmed grouping of the animals in strains. The expected level of heterozygosity ranged from 0.624 to 0.711, but the observed level of heterozygosity significantly deviated from the expected level in three strains. This was probably because of small population size. Moderate to great genetic differentiation was found between strains. A phylogenetic tree reflected the strains known histories. Application of the Weitzman approach showed that all strains have added value for the total genetic diversity and thus should be retained.  相似文献   

Groups of recently emerged coho salmon fry Oncorhynchus kisutch were reared for 3 months on food that appeared either asynchronously at a single location (localized) or synchronously and spatially dispersed (dispersed). Groups were further subdivided into those receiving low (1%) or high (3% body weight per day) rations, with five replicate groups for each treatment combination. At low ration there was greater growth depensation, i.e. growth variation, in groups receiving localized as compared to dispersed food. At high ration there was no difference. There was no effect of food distribution upon mean fish weight, but groups receiving high rations had greater mean fish weights than groups receiving low rations. There was no overall difference in the frequency of chasing between any of the treatment combinations. However, in localized food groups, dominants defended positions close to where food entered the tank, giving them greater access than subordinates. In dispersed food groups, while dominants also defended particular areas, this did not result in greater access to food. These results demonstrate that although feeding methodology may not directly influence the frequency of aggressive interactions, feeding methods which facilitate food monopolization by dominants can accelerate the growth of these individuals at the expense of subordinates. In aquacultural applications where greater size is desirable, or otherwise selected for, this may result in the unintentional selection for increased aggressiveness.  相似文献   

Sex determination in the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is thought to be an XX-XY (male heterogametic) system controlled by a major gene. We searched for DNA markers linked to this major locus using bulked segregant analysis. Ten microsatellite markers belonging to linkage group 8 were found to be linked to phenotypic sex. The putative Y-chromosome alleles correctly predict the sex of 95% of male and female individuals in two families. Our results suggest a major sex-determining locus within a few centimorgans of markers UNH995 and UNH104. A third family from the same population showed no evidence for linkage of this region with phenotypic sex, indicating that additional genetic and/or environmental factors regulate sex determination in some families. These markers have immediate utility for studying the strength of different Y chromosome alleles, and for identifying broodstock carrying one or more copies of the Y haplotype.  相似文献   

Oreochromis aureus exposed during the first 28 days of exogenous feeding to constant 35° C, or fluctuating temperatures (day at 35° C, night at 27° C, and vice versa) showed significantly ( P <0·05) faster growth, least size heterogeneity and better survival rates than siblings under constant 27° C. Constant high temperatures had a strong masculinizing effect (M: F sex ratios of 7·33–19·00: 1·00 v . 0·75–0·82: 1·00 in controls reared at 27° C). Fluctuating temperatures had less masculinizing potential but still produced sex ratios significantly skewed to the detriment of females (M: F sex ratios of 2·33–11·50: 1·00). This suggests that ambient temperature may have represented a sufficient environmental pressure for the selection of thermolabile sex-determinism in this species, and presumably in other Oreochromis spp. The evolutionary advantage of thermosensitivity in Oreochromis spp. is discussed, considering a framework where individual advantages oppose, to some degree, to the population or species interest.  相似文献   

Parameters k and L in the Von Bertalanffy equation and their derivatives =kL, = logk + 2logL; as well as slopes bL/t of the regression L=atb (t, years), relative increments (CI=[L2–L1]/L1), specific growth rates (Cv=InL2–InL1), growth characteristics (Clh = CvxL1) and growth constants (Clt=Cvx[t2 + t1]/2) were analyzed. A total of 121 bream Abramis brama stocks in the first 10 years of life were studied. At the same real growth rate (the average absolute linear annual increments, mm year–1) the values of k, L, , , bL/t, CI, Cv and Clt in different stocks vary within almost the whole range. The main reason is the natural process of growth self-regulation: the relation between the average body lengths in the first year (L1) and the relative growth rates (slopes bL/t) is negative (bL/t = exp[0.1183–0.0053L1], r=0.76). The above relation defines 4 principal types of the Ford-Walford lines. Thirty four percent of the stocks have rather steep slopes of the lines and even parallel the absolute slope of 45°, so the L values of these stocks have no biological significance. The authors recommend a simple and more precise, from a biological point of view, approach for comparing fish population growth rates.  相似文献   

Dechorionation or partial digestion of the egg chorion is necessary for introducing embryonic stem cells into blastulas for chimera production and for harvesting blastulas. Several methods to digest the Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus chorion were tried and it was found that the chorions of most clutches of eggs were digested in <3 h using hatching medium [produced by allowing embryos to hatch in Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS) in an incubator], or 2 mg ml−1 pronase P6911 in 10% Ca/Mg free HBSS. The chorion of Nile tilapia possesses multiple lamellae as found in most teleost species that have been studied. It was found to be thinner than that of medaka Oryzias latipes and thicker than that of zebrafish Danio rerio . During natural hatching the chorion was digested from the inner surface, and tail movements helped to break the remaining chorion; however, chorion digestion has to be complete for experimental dechorionation, because digestion starts at the external surface. The zona radiata externa remained intact after experimental digestion with hatching media but was disrupted by pronase. Embryos dechorionated at the cleavage or blastula stage only survived for 2 or 3 days, but some dechorionated at the gastrula stage or early segmentation stage developed until the natural hatching time. If the chorion was partially digested at the cleavage or blastula stage, some embryos survived to hatch.  相似文献   

The Nile tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) has a high potential to be used as a model in neuroscience studies. In the present study, the preference of the Nile tilapia between a gravel-enriched (GEE), a shelter-enriched (SEE) or a non-enriched (NEE) environment was determined, for developing a place preference model. Nile tilapia had an initial preference for GEE, but after 1 day of observation, the fish stabilized their frequency of visits among compartments. Hence, any stimulus motivating tilapia increase in compartment visiting indicates a positively reinforcing effect. This feature is very useful for the development of new behavioural paradigms for fish in tests using environmental discrimination, such as the conditioning place preference test.  相似文献   

A significantly higher concentration of testicular spermatozoa was obtained from freshwater Oreochromis mossambicus (9·9×109 spermatozoa ml−1) than seawater O. mossambicus (4·6×109 spermatozoa ml−1). The mean osmolality of the urine of freshwater fish (78·5 mOsmol kg−1) was significantly different from that of seawater fish (304·8 mOsmol kg−1). The mean length of the mid-piece of the spermatozoa together with the tail was more variable in freshwater O. mossambicus (8·80±0·23μm) than in seawater specimens (8·27±0·18 μm). Stripped sperm of freshwater O. mossambicus was highly contaminated by urine which was a good activator of sperm motility in O. mossambicus held in both fresh and sea water. The osmolality for initiation of motility in freshwater O. mossambicus spermatozoa was from 0 to 333 mOsmol kg−1 while for seawater O. mossambicus spermatozoa it was from 0 to 1022 mOsmol kg−1. The optimum osmolality for motility was from 70 to 333 mOsmol kg−1 for freshwater O. mossambicus spermatozoa and from 333 to 645 mOsmol kg−1 for seawater fish. In freshwater O. mossambicus spermatozoa, the presence of 20 mM CaCl2 increased the permissive osmolality of NaCl from 184 to 645 mOsmol kg−1. For seawater O. mossambicus spermatozoa, solutions of NaCl devoid of CaCl2 were unable initiate motility, but the addition of 1·5 to 30 mM CaCl2 to the NaCl solution (0–934 mOsmol kg1) had a full motility initiating effect.  相似文献   

Probiotic administration can be a nutritional strategy to improve the immune response and growth performance of fish. The current study aimed to evaluate the effects of a probiotic blend (Bacillus sp., Pediococcus sp., Enterococcus sp., Lactobacillus sp.) as a dietary supplement on growth performance, feed utilization, innate immune and oxidative stress responses and intestinal morphology in juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The probiotic was incorporated into a basal diet at three concentrations: 0 g/kg (A0: control), 3 g/kg (A1: 1.0×106 colony forming unit (CFU)/g) and 6 g/kg (A2: 2.3×106 CFU/g diet). After 8 weeks of probiotic feeding, weight and specific growth rate where significantly higher in fish-fed A1 diet than in fish-fed A0. Alternative complement in plasma was significantly enhanced in fish-fed A2 when compared with A0. The hepatic antioxidant indicators were not affected by probiotic supplementation. Villi height and goblet cell counts increased significantly in the intestine of fish-fed A1 and A2 diets compared with A0. The dietary probiotic supplementation was maintained until 20 weeks of feeding. Then the selected immune parameters, digestive enzymes and apparent digestibility of diets were studied. No effect of probiotic feeding was observed after that longer period supplementation. The dietary supplementation of mixed species probiotic may constitute a valuable nutritional approach towards a sustainable tilapia aquaculture. The improvement of the immune responses and intestinal morphology play an important role in increasing growth performance, nutrient absorption and disease resistance in fish, important outcomes in such a competitive and developing aquaculture sector.  相似文献   

This paper describes the finding of genes displaying differential expression in Nile tilapia ( Oreochromis niloticus ) adapted to saltwater and discusses their potential involvement in saltwater tolerance. The availability of fresh water is severely limited in many countries; therefore, the use of brackish-water areas may present an opportunity to expand the tilapia aquaculture industry. Increased knowledge of genes involved in saltwater tolerance will facilitate selection for this trait in tilapia. A set of fish from four different families of Nile tilapia was divided into two freshwater containers, the different families equally represented in the two experimental groups, and salinity was gradually increased in one of them. A differential expression study identified a number of genes expressed differently in saltwater and fresh water. Based on these expression analyses and on a judgement of potential candidate genes probably to be involved in adaptation to changes in salinity, four genes were selected and their levels of expression further analysed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. The selected genes beta haemoglobin , Ca2+ transporting plasma membrane ATPase , pro-opiomelanocortin and beta-actin showed changes in expression. The genes were mapped and assigned to an already existing, high-resolution linkage map.  相似文献   

.Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus , initial age 12 days, were given an unrestricted (NR) or restricted (R) ration over 93 days which resulted in fish of very different sizes although the body condition factor ( K ) and the viscero-somatic index ( I V) remained almost unchanged. In a second stage (64 days) each group (NR & R) was divided into three subgroups that were subjected to 0 (NR0, R0), 15 (NR15, R15) and 30 (NR30, R30) days of food restriction, respectively. The impact of the different treatments on the somatic growth during the second stage of the experiment had an effect, with a highly significant difference between the mean ± S.D. masses ( M T) in the different subgroups (NR0= 115.0 ± 26.6 g; NR15 = 94.8 ± 24.9 g; NR30 = 56.3 ± 28 g; R0 = 76.4 ± 20.1 g; R15 = 72.l ± 17.6 g; R30 = 43.6 ± 17.2 g). Similarly, K and I V decreased. Irrespective of the initial feeding condition, the width of the otolith microincrements started to decrease at the end of the first or second day of restricted feeding. In the subgroups given a restricted food ration for 30 days (NR30 and R30), this decrease reached a plateau at about day 30, which was maintained even when the restriction had ended. This slowed growth did not lead to any marked halt in microincrement formation, since there were no significant differences (ANOVA; P >0.05) in the numbers of increments counted in the various subgroups. The results show that in 153 day old fish, a period of severe food restriction, even if prolonged (15 to 30 days), had no influence on the timing of the laying down of microincrements but only affected their growth.  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)雌雄鱼生长差异明显,为了探讨其原因,本文采用RT-PCR方法克隆了尼罗罗非鱼生长激素(Growthhormone,GH)及其受体(Growth hormone receptor,GHR)的cDNA序列,并应用半定量RT-PCR方法比较了雌、雄尼罗罗非鱼垂体GHmRNA、肝脏GHRmRNA、肌肉GHRmRNA的表达差异。序列分析表明:GH开放阅读框为615bp,共编码204个氨基酸;GHR开放阅读框为1908bp,共编码635个氨基酸。以RT-PCR方法研究了GH、GHR在各组织的分布情况,结果表明:GH仅在垂体中检测到有表达,而GHR在所检测的18种组织中均有表达,其中以肝脏、肌肉、性腺、下丘脑、胸腺表达量较高。以半定量RT-PCR方法进一步比较了雌、雄尼罗罗非鱼垂体GHmRNA、肝脏GHRmRNA、肌肉GHRmRNA的表达量,结果表明:雄鱼垂体GHmRNA和肝脏GHRmRNA的表达量均显著高于雌鱼,肌肉GHRmRNA的表达量则无显著差异,推测垂体GHmRNA和肝脏GHRmRNA表达的雌雄差异是尼罗罗非鱼雌雄生长差异的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

The antimicrobial activity of tilapia piscidin 3 (TP3) was determined in vitro against a locally isolated Aeromonas hydrophila. A 388 bp fragment was amplified from the TP3 cDNA and sequenced. The coding sequence (CDS) of TP3 was estimated to be 231 bp codes for 76 amino acids long and stop codon. In silico analysis was performed to detect both the signal peptide and the prodomain cleavage sites to follow the amino acids number 22 and 70, respectively. Based on this, a peptide 23 amino acids long with a remarkably high computed antimicrobial probability was synthesized and used in the subsequent experiments. The antimicrobial activity of TP3 was determined with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minim um bactericidal concentration (MBC) methods. TP3 exhibited relatively weak antimicrobial activities against the tested bacteria. A challenge experiment was then performed in Nile tilapia with low and high doses of A. hydrophila, followed by timely recognition; after 3, 6, 24 h, and 7 days of the specific TP3 gene expression, immunohistochemical localization was also performed. Histopathological examination revealed provoked inflammatory responses and congestion in the same organs of TP3 expression. Immunohistochemical localization showed that A. hydrophila induced tilapia fish to express TP3 after 24 h within the gills, intestine, hepatopancreas, spleen, and posterior kidney. In quantitative real time (RT)‐polymerase chain reaction analysis, the high dose showed higher mRNA expression levels than the low dose, and its expression levels increased in the A. hydrophila‐infected fish. It was therefore concluded that TP3 plays an essential role in fish immunity.  相似文献   

We described the developmental stages for the embryonic, larval and early juvenile periods of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus to elucidate sequential events of craniofacial development. Craniofacial development of cichlids, especially differentiation and morphogenesis of the pharyngeal skeleton, progresses until about 30 days postfertilization (dpf). Because there is no comprehensive report describing the sequential processes of craniofacial development up to 30 dpf, we newly defined 32 stages using a numbered staging system. For embryonic development, we defined 18 stages (stages 1-18), which were grouped into seven periods named the zygote, cleavage, blastula, gastrula, segmentation, pharyngula and hatching periods. For larval development, we defined seven stages (stages 19-25), which were grouped into two periods, early larval and late larval. For juvenile development until 30 dpf, we defined seven stages (stages 26-32) in the early juvenile period. This developmental staging system for Nile tilapia O. niloticus will benefit researchers investigating skeletogenesis throughout tilapia ontogeny and will also facilitate comparative evolutionary developmental biology studies of haplochromine cichlids, which comprise the species flocks of Lakes Malawi and Victoria.  相似文献   

1. Exotic invasive species modify natural food webs in a way frequently hard to predict. In several aquatic environments in Brazil the introduction of Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia) was followed by changes in water quality. Yet, because of its rapid and easy growth, this fish has been used in many aquaculture programmes around the country. 2. To measure the effects of tilapia on the phytoplankton community and on water conditions of a large tropical reservoir in south‐eastern Brazil (Furnas Reservoir), we performed two in situ experiments using three controls (no fish) and three tilapia enclosures (high fish density). Abiotic and biotic parameters were measured at 4 day intervals for 28 days. 3. Fish presence increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability (ammonium 260 and 70% mean increase – first and second experiment; and total phosphorus 540 and 270% mean increase) via excretion. Nutrient recycling by fish can thus be significant in the nutrient dynamics of the reservoir. The higher chlorophyll a concentration in the experimental fish tanks (86 and 34 μg L?1, first and second experiment, respectively) was the result of a positive bottom‐up effect on the phytoplankton community (approximately 2 μg L?1 in the reservoir and control tank). 4. Because tilapia feed selectively on large algae (mainly cyanobacteria and diatoms), several small‐sized or mucilaginous colonial chlorophyceans proliferated at the end of the experiments. Thus, the trophic cascade revealed strong influences on algal composition as well as on biomass. 5. Tilapia can contribute to the eutrophication of a waterbody by both top‐down and bottom‐up forces. In particular, by supplying considerable amount of nutrients it promotes the increase of fast growing algae. Tilapia must be used cautiously in aquaculture to avoid unexpected environmental degradation.  相似文献   

Two molecular techniques which reveal highly variable DNA polymorphisms, RAPD and multilocus DNA fingerprinting, were used to evaluate genetic diversity between six aquacultural strains of Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia) from the Philippines. The results using both techniques were in close agreement Within-strain heterozygosity values were similar and were correlated between the two data sets, but statistical errors associated with the RAPD data set were lower. Although genetic distances between strains were greater using DNA fingerprinting, the distances measured using both methods were significantly correlated. Both methods were useful in estimating variation between strains, but they offered different advantages. RAPD was technically easier to perform and produced results with low statistical error, whereas DNA fingerprinting detected greater genetic differentiation between strains. The theoretical basis for using RAPD and multilocus minisatellite markers for population studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Sex determination in the blue tilapia, Oreochromis aureus, is primarily a ZW female-ZZ male system. Here, by analysis of the pachytene meiotic chromosomes of O. aureus, we demonstrate the presence of two distinct regions of restricted pairing present only in heterogametic fish. The first, a subterminal region of the largest bivalent is located near to the region of unpairing found in the closely related species O. niloticus, while the second is in a small bivalent, most of which was unpaired. These results suggest that O. aureus has two separate pairs of sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries are important tools for genomic research. We have constructed seven genomic BAC libraries from three fish species, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), carp (Cyprinus carpio) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The two rainbow trout BAC libraries have average insert sizes of 58 and 110 kb. The average size of inserts in the carp BAC library is 160 kb. The average insert sizes of the four tilapia BAC libraries are 65, 105, 145 and 194 kb, respectively. These libraries represent good coverage of each genome (2-64 x coverage). The libraries can be screened by conventional colony hybridization and provide a starting point for the construction of high-density filtres or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) screening approaches. These BAC libraries will facilitate the positional cloning of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for a variety of economically important traits in these species.  相似文献   

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