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This study demonstrates the retention of mouse sperm lysozyme-like protein (mSLLP1) in the equatorial segment of spermatozoa following the acrosome reaction and a role for mSLLP1 in sperm-egg binding and fertilization. Treatment of cumulus intact oocytes with either recmSLLP1 or its antiserum resulted in a significant (P < or = 0.05) inhibition of fertilization. Co-incubation of zona-free mouse oocytes with capacitated mouse spermatozoa in the presence of varying concentrations of anti-recmSLLP1 serum or recmSLLP1 also inhibited sperm-oolemma binding. A complete inhibition of binding and fusion of spermatozoa to the oocyte occurred at 12.5 muM concentration of recmSLLP1, while conventional chicken and human lysozymes did not block sperm-egg binding. mSLLP1 showed receptor sites in the perivitelline space as well as on the microvillar region of the egg plasma membrane. The retention of mSLLP1 in the equatorial segment of acrosome-reacted sperm, the inhibitory effects of both recmSLLP1 and antibodies to SLLP1 on in vitro fertilization with both cumulus intact and zona-free eggs, and the definition of complementary SLLP1-binding sites on the egg plasma membrane together support the hypothesis that a c lysozyme-like protein is involved in the binding of spermatozoa to the egg plasma membrane during fertilization.  相似文献   

周思畅  倪崖  石其贤 《生命科学》2005,17(4):323-327
ADAMs家族是含多结构域的跨膜蛋白。睾丸特异的ADAMs,在精子发生与附睾精子转运过程中,经过蛋白水解成为成熟精子的分子形式,与精.卵质膜结合和融合有关。对于精-卵质膜相互作用,ADAMs去整合素域具有关键氨基酸残基和特殊模体。模拟ADAM2和ADAM3去整合素域的短肽能用于鉴别特异性卵子识别蛋白。精子ADAMs去整合素域与卵子膜蛋白整合素β1、α4/α9、α6和CD9相互作用,介导了精卵质膜的结合与融合。  相似文献   

Sperm-egg plasma membrane fusion during fertilization was studied using guinea pig gametes and mAbs to sperm surface antigens. The mAb, PH-30, strongly inhibited sperm-egg fusion in a concentration-dependent fashion. When zona-free eggs were inseminated with acrosome-reacted sperm preincubated in saturating (140 micrograms/ml) PH-30 mAb, the percent of eggs showing fusion was reduced 75%. The average number of sperm fused per egg was also reduced by 75%. In contrast a control mAb, PH-1, preincubated with sperm at 400 micrograms/ml, caused no inhibition. The PH-30 and PH-1 mAbs apparently recognize the same antigen but bind to two different determinants. Both mAbs immunoprecipitated the same two 125I-labeled polypeptides with Mr 60,000 (60 kD) and Mr 44,000 (44 kD). Boiling a detergent extract of sperm severely reduced the binding of PH-30 but had essentially no effect on the binding of PH-1, indicating that the two mAbs recognize different epitopes. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that PH-30 mAb binding was restricted to the sperm posterior head surface and was absent from the equatorial region. The PH-30 and PH-1 mAbs did not bind to sperm from the testis, the caput, or the corpus epididymis. PH-30 mAb binding was first detectable on sperm from the proximal cauda epididymis, i.e., sperm at the developmental stage where fertilization competence appears. After purification by mAb affinity chromatography, the PH-30 protein retained antigenic activity, binding both the PH-30 and PH-1 mAbs. The purified protein showed two polypeptide bands of 60 and 44 kD on reducing SDS PAGE. The two polypeptides migrated further (to approximately 49 kD and approximately 33 kD) on nonreducing SDS PAGE, showing that they do not contain interchain disulfide bonds, but probably have intrachain disulfides. 44 kD appears not to be a proteolytic fragment of 60 kD because V8 protease digestion patterns did not reveal related peptide patterns from the 44- and 60-kD bands. In the absence of detergent, the purified protein precipitates, suggesting that either 60 or 44 kD could be an integral membrane polypeptide.  相似文献   

Rat epididymal protein DE associates with the sperm surface during epididymal maturation and is a candidate molecule for mediating gamete membrane fusion in the rat. Here, we provide evidence supporting a role for DE in mouse sperm-egg fusion. Western blot studies indicated that the antibody against rat protein DE can recognize the mouse homologue in both epididymal tissue and sperm extracts. Indirect immunofluorescence studies using this antibody localized the protein on the dorsal region of the acrosome. Experiments in which zona-free mouse eggs were coincubated with mouse capacitated sperm in the presence of DE showed a significant and concentration-dependent inhibition in the percentage of penetrated eggs, with no effect on either the percentage of oocytes with bound sperm or the number of sperm bound per egg. Immunofluorescence experiments revealed specific DE-binding sites on the fusogenic region of mouse eggs. Because mouse sperm can penetrate zona-free rat eggs, the participation of DE in this interaction was also investigated. The presence of the protein during gamete coincubation produced a significant reduction in the percentage of penetrated eggs, without affecting the binding of sperm to the oolemma. These observations support the involvement of DE in an event subsequent to sperm-egg binding and leading to fusion in both homologous (mouse-mouse) and heterologous (mouse-rat) sperm-egg interaction. The lack of disintegrin domains in DE indicates that the protein interacts with its egg-binding sites through a novel mechanism that does not involve the reported disintegrin-integrin interaction.  相似文献   

Contrary to the widely accepted view that chiton sperm lack acrosomes and that fertilization in this group occurs via a micropyle, we demonstrate here that fertilization in Tonicella lineata occurs by acrosome-mediated sperm-egg fusion. The acrosome is a small vesicle containing two granules located at the tip of the sperm. The eggs have an elaborate hull (=chorion), which is formed into cupules that remain covered by follicle cells until maturity. When dissected ripe eggs were exposed to sperm in vitro, the sperm were attracted only to open cupules, inside which they swam through one of seven channels to the base where they penetrated the hull. The acrosome fired on contact with, or in, the hull, and during passage through it the apical granule was exhausted while the basal granule was exposed. If sperm contacted follicle cells between the cupules the acrosome did not react. The vitelline layer beneath the hull contains pores arranged in a regular pattern. Embedded in the base of each pore is an egg microvillus. Having penetrated the hull the sperm anterior filament located a pore and fused with the tip of the egg microvillus projecting into it. This created a membranous tube, through which the sperm nucleus was injected into the egg. The egg membrane appeared to be raised up into a small fertilization cone around the penetrating sperm, the vitelline layer became slightly elevated, and some cortical granules were released by exocytosis.  相似文献   

Pager CT  Dutch RE 《Journal of virology》2005,79(20):12714-12720
Proteolytic processing of paramyxovirus fusion (F) proteins is essential for the generation of a mature and fusogenic form of the F protein. Although many paramyxovirus F proteins are proteolytically processed by the cellular protease furin at a multibasic cleavage motif, cleavage of the newly emerged Hendra virus F protein occurs by a previously unidentified cellular protease following a single lysine at residue 109. We demonstrate here that the cellular protease cathepsin L is involved in converting the Hendra virus precursor F protein (F(0)) to the active F(1) + F(2) disulfide-linked heterodimer. To initially identify the class of protease involved in Hendra virus F protein cleavage, Vero cells transfected with pCAGGS-Hendra F or pCAGGS-SV5 F (known to be proteolytically processed by furin) were metabolically labeled and chased in the absence or presence of serine, cysteine, aspartyl, and metalloprotease inhibitors. Nonspecific and specific protease inhibitors known to decrease cathepsin activity inhibited proteolytic processing of Hendra virus F but had no effect on simian virus 5 F processing. We next designed shRNA oligonucleotides to cathepsin L which dramatically reduced cathepsin L protein expression and enzyme activity. Cathepsin L shRNA-expressing Vero cells transfected with pCAGGS-Hendra F demonstrated a nondetectable amount of cleavage of the Hendra virus F protein and significantly decreased membrane fusion activity. Additionally, we found that purified human cathepsin L processed immunopurified Hendra virus F(0) into F(1) and F(2) fragments. These studies introduce a novel mechanism for primary proteolytic processing of viral glycoproteins and also suggest a previously unreported biological role for cathepsin L.  相似文献   

CRISP2, originally known as Tpx-1, is a cysteine-rich secretory protein specifically expressed in male haploid germ cells. Although likely to be involved in gamete interaction, evidence for a functional role of CRISP2 in fertilization still remains poor. In the present study, we used a mouse model to examine the subcellular localization of CRISP2 in sperm and its involvement in the different stages of fertilization. Results from indirect immunofluorescence and protein extraction experiments indicated that mouse CRISP2 is an intraacrosomal component that remains associated with sperm after capacitation and the acrosome reaction (AR). In vitro fertilization assays using zona pellucida-intact mouse eggs showed that an antibody against the protein significantly decreased the percentage of penetrated eggs, with a coincident accumulation of perivitelline sperm. The failure to inhibit zona pellucida penetration excludes a detrimental effect of the antibody on sperm motility or the AR, supporting a specific participation of CRISP2 at the sperm-egg fusion step. In agreement with this evidence, recombinant mouse CRISP2 (recCRISP2) specifically bound to the fusogenic area of mouse eggs, as previously reported for rat CRISP1, an epididymal protein involved in gamete fusion. In vitro competition investigations showed that incubation of mouse zona-free eggs with a fixed concentration of recCRISP2 and increasing amounts of rat CRISP1 reduced the binding of recCRISP2 to the egg, suggesting that the proteins interact with common complementary sites on the egg surface. Our findings indicate that testicular CRISP2, as observed for epididymal CRISP1, is involved in sperm-egg fusion through its binding to complementary sites on the egg surface, supporting the idea of functional cooperation between homologous molecules to ensure the success of fertilization.  相似文献   

Fertilization in mammals requires the successful completion of many steps, starting with the transport of gametes in the reproductive tract and ending with sperm-egg membrane fusion. In this minireview, we focus on three adhesion steps in this multistep process. The first is oocyte "pick-up," in which the degree of adhesion between the extracellular matrix of the cumulus cells and oviductal epithelial cells controls the successful pick-up of the oocyte-cumulus complex and its subsequent transfer into the oviduct. The second part of this review is concerned with the interaction between the sperm and the zona pellucida of the egg. Evidence is discussed that a plasma membrane form of galactosyltransferase on the surface of mouse sperm binds to ZP3 in the zona pellucida and initiates an acrosome reaction. Additional evidence raises the possibility that initial sperm binding to the zona pellucida is independent of ZP3. Last, we address the relationship between sperm adhesion to the egg plasma membrane and membrane fusion, especially the role of ADAM family proteins on the sperm surface and egg integrins.  相似文献   

The cellular compartment and purpose of the proteolytic processing of the prion protein (PrP) are still under debate. We have studied ovine PrP constructs expressed in four cell lines; murine neuroblastoma cells (N2a), human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y), dog kidney epithelial cells (MDCK), and human furin-deficient colon cancer cells (LoVo). Cleavage of PrP in LoVo cells indicates that the processing is furin independent. Neither is it reduced by some inhibitors of lysosomal proteinases, proteasomes or zinc-metalloproteinases, but incubation with bafilomycin A1, an inhibitor of vacuolar H+/ATPases, increases the amount of uncleaved PrP in the apical medium of MDCK cells. Mutations affecting the putative cleavage site near amino acid 113 reveal that the cleavage is independent of primary structure at this site. Absence of glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor and glycan modifications does not influence the proteolytic processing of PrP. Our data indicate that PrP is cleaved during transit to the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Fertilization includes a series of cellular interactions culminating with the fusion of gamete membranes, creating a zygote. Two ADAM proteins present on sperm, fertilin beta and cyritestin, drew much attention. However, gene deletion in mice showed that fusion can happen in their absence. The presence of the integrin alpha6beta1 on egg, a putative fertilin beta receptor, is also dispensable. In contrast, sperm lacking Izumo, a molecule with a single Ig domain, are unable to fuse. On the egg side, a role for GPI-anchored molecules has been shown, and in mice lacking both tetraspanins CD9 and CD81 fertilization is completely blocked.  相似文献   

Rat epididymal protein DE is localized on the fusogenic region of the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa and has a potential role in sperm-egg fusion. We investigated the presence of DE binding sites on the egg surface by co-incubating zona-free eggs and capacitated sperm in different concentrations of pure DE. Results indicate that DE produced a concentration-dependent decrease in egg penetration by sperm (fusion), with almost complete inhibition at 200 micrograms/ml. This inhibition was not due to an effect of DE on initial sperm binding to the egg membrane, since the presence of this protein did not affect the percentage of oocytes with bound sperm nor the number of bound sperm per egg. Those sperm that failed to penetrate the egg in the presence of DE became able to do so after transfer of the eggs to protein- and sperm-free medium, indicating a role for DE in an event subsequent to binding and leading to fusion. Indirect immunofluorescence using a polyclonal antibody against DE revealed a patchy labeling over the entire egg surface, with the exception of the area overlying the second metaphase spindle. This conclusion was supported by the disappearance of the DE-negative area on the fertilized egg. Zona-free eggs, incubated with DE at 4 degrees C or fixed before exposure to DE, displayed a uniform staining, suggesting that the patchy labeling resulted from aggregation of DE binding sites by the purified protein. The aggregation of these egg components may represent a necessary step of the fusion process. To our knowledge, this is the first study reporting the existence and localization of complementary sites to a specific sperm protein on the plasma membrane of the mammalian egg.  相似文献   

In many animals, fully grown oocytes are arrested at prophase of meiosis I. Before or after ovulation/spawning, a secondary arrest occurs at metaphase of meiosis I or II (MI or II, respectively). MI arrest in the ovary is released after spawning, and is followed by fertilization, whereas MI and MII arrest after ovulation are released by fertilization. Insemination of isolated oocytes from the ovaries at an inappropriate time increases the rate of polyspermy, indicating that ovaries provide the proper environment for acquisition of the polyspermy blocks and the development of competence to be fertilized normally. Due to MI arrest in the ovaries or MI/MII arrest after ovulation/spawning, the fertilizable period can be elongated. Thus, MI and MII arrest may play a role in maintaining the cell-cycle phases to enable normal fertilization. Here, the evolution of fertilization timing is discussed.  相似文献   

A ubiquitin-like protein involved in membrane fusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Subramani S  Farré JC 《Cell》2007,130(1):18-20
Atg8 is a ubiquitin-like protein involved in autophagy in yeast that is targeted to membranes through conjugation to the lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). In this issue of Cell, Nakatogawa et al. (2007) show that Atg8 conjugated to PE mediates tethering between adjacent membranes and stimulates membrane hemifusion, an event that may mimic expansion of the autophagosomal membrane during autophagy.  相似文献   

Ensslin MA  Shur BD 《Cell》2003,114(4):405-417
We report the identification of SED1, a protein required for mouse sperm binding to the egg zona pellucida. SED1 is homologous to a small group of secreted cell-matrix adhesive proteins that contain Notch-like EGF repeats and discoidin/F5/8 type C domains. SED1 is expressed in spermatogenic cells and is secreted by the initial segment of the caput epididymis, resulting in SED1 localization on the sperm plasma membrane overlying the acrosome. SED1 binds specifically to the zona pellucida of unfertilized oocytes, but not to the zona of fertilized eggs. Recombinant SED1 and anti-SED1 antibodies competitively inhibit sperm-egg binding, as do truncated SED1 proteins containing a discoidin/C domain. SED1 null males are subfertile and their sperm are unable to bind to the egg coat in vitro. These studies illustrate that Notch-like EGF and discoidin/C domains, protein motifs that facilitate a variety of cellular interactions, participate in gamete recognition as well.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of the molecules that interact with sperm at the egg membrane is restricted to a short list. In the eggs of Discoglossus pictus, fusion with sperm is limited to a differentiated structure, the dimple, offering several advantages for detecting molecules involved in fertilization. Previous studies have identified fucosylated glycoproteins of 200, 260, and 270 kDa located at the surface of the dimple that are able to bind sperm in vitro. Here, we show that dimple glycoproteins and a protein represented by a 120‐kDa band released following gel‐into‐gel SDS–PAGE of both glycoproteins share the same N‐terminal amino acid sequence, which itself is similar to the N‐termini of Xenopus liver‐synthesized vitellogenin (VTG) and the lipovitellin 1. MALDI/MS mass spectrometry indicated that the 120‐kDa band is part of both gps 200 and 270/260. A 117‐kDa major protein of the egg lysate exhibits the same MALDI/MS spectrum, and LC‐MSMS indicates that this is a lipovitellin 1 (DpLIV) that coincides with the 120‐kDa band and is responsible for the formation of the 200–270‐kDa dimers. Therefore, lipovitellin 1 constitutes the protein backbone of the dimple glycoconjugates. In vitro assays using polystyrene beads coated with DpLIV or with its dimers indicate that significant sperm binding occurs only with DpLIV dimers. In amphibians, VTG is taken up by the oocyte, where it releases lipovitellins destined to form yolk. In Discoglossus, our data suggest that yolk proteins are also synthesized by the oocyte. The dimple forms in the ovulated oocyte following the exocytosis of vesicles that likely expose DpLIVs at their membrane. Indeed, in whole mounts of immunostained eggs, anti‐vitellogenin antibodies label only the surface of the dimple. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 78:161–171, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The single-copy mouse gene Ptprr gives rise to different protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) isoforms in neuronal cells through the use of distinct promoters, alternative splicing, and multiple translation initiation sites. Here, we examined the array of post-translational modifications imposed on the PTPRR protein isoforms PTPBR7, PTP-SL, PTPPBSgamma42 and PTPPBSgamma37, which have distinct N-terminal segments and localize to different parts of the cell. All isoforms were found to be short-lived, constitutively phosphorylated proteins. In addition, the transmembrane isoform, PTPBR7, was subject to N-terminal proteolytic processing, in between amino acid position 136 and 137, resulting in an additional, 65-kDa transmembrane PTPRR isoform. Unlike for some other receptor-type PTPs, the proteolytically produced N-terminal ectodomain does not remain associated with this PTPRR-65. Shedding of PTPBR7-derived polypeptides at the cell surface further adds to the molecular complexity of PTPRR biology.  相似文献   

Phytosulfokines (PSKs) are secreted, sulfated peptide hormones derived from larger prepropeptide precursors. Proteolytic processing of one of the precursors, AtPSK4, was demonstrated by cleavage of a preproAtPSK4-myc transgene product to AtPSK4-myc. Cleavage of proAtPSK4 was induced by placing root explants in tissue culture. The processing of proAtPSK4 was dependent on AtSBT1.1, a subtilisin-like serine protease, encoded by one of 56 subtilase genes in Arabidopsis. The gene encoding AtSBT1.1 was up-regulated following the transfer of root explants to tissue culture, suggesting that activation of the proteolytic machinery that cleaves proAtPSK4 is dependent on AtSBT1.1 expression. We also demonstrated that a fluorogenic peptide representing the putative subtilase recognition site in proAtPSK4 is cleaved in vitro by affinity-purified AtSBT1.1. An alanine scan through the recognition site peptide indicated that AtSBT1.1 is fairly specific for the AtPSK4 precursor. Thus, this peptide growth factor, which promotes callus formation in culture, is proteolytically cleaved from its precursor by a specific plant subtilase encoded by a gene that is up-regulated during the process of transferring root explants to tissue culture.  相似文献   

Summary Fertilization in the freshwater hydrozoanHydra carnea has been examined by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Sperm penetrate the jelly coat which covers the entire egg surface only at the site of the emission of the polar bodies. The egg surface exhibits a small depression, the so called fertilization pit at this site. Sperm-egg fusion takes place only at the bottom of the fertilization pit.Hydra sperm lack a structurally distinct acrosome and in most of the observed cases, fusion was initiated by contact between the membrane of the lateral part of the sperm head and the egg surfacce. Neither microvilli nor a fertilization cone are formed at the site of gamete fusion. The process of membrane fusion takes only a few seconds and within 1 to 2 min sperm head and midpiece are incorporated in the egg.Electron dense material is released by the egg upon insemination but cortical granule exocytosis does not occur and a fertilization envelope is not formed. The possible polyspermy-preventing mechanisms in hydrozoans are discussed. Hydra eggs can be cut into halves whereupon the egg membranes reseal at the cut edges and the fragments assume a spherical shape. Fragments containing the female pronucleus can be inseminated and exhibit normal cleavage and development. The observation that in such isolated parts the jelly coat will not fuse along the cut edges was used to determine its role in site-specific gamete fusion. These experiments indicate that site-specificity of gamete fusion can be attributed to special membrane properties at the fertilization pit.  相似文献   

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