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Pollen limitation (PL) of seed production creates unique conditions for reproductive adaptation by angiosperms, in part because, unlike under ovule or resource limitation, floral interactions with pollen vectors can contribute to variation in female success. Although the ecological and conservation consequences of PL have received considerable attention in recent times, its evolutionary implications are poorly appreciated. To identify general influences of PL on reproductive adaptation compared with those under other seed-production limits and their implications for evolution in altered environments, we derive a model that incorporates pollination and post-pollination aspects of PL. Because PL always favours increased ovule fertilization, even when population dynamics are not seed limited, it should pervasively influence selection on reproductive traits. Significantly, under PL the intensity of inbreeding does not determine whether outcrossing or autonomous selfing can evolve, although it can affect which response is most likely. Because the causes of PL are multifaceted in both natural and anthropogenically altered environments, the possible outcrossing solutions are diverse and context dependent, which may contribute to the extensive variety of angiosperm reproductive characteristics. Finally, the increased adaptive options available under PL may be responsible for positive global associations between it and angiosperm diversity.  相似文献   

Limitations on pollen and resources may significantly affect plant reproduction in fragmented habitats. In this study, phenology and pollinator frequency and activity were investigated to estimate the role of pollinators in Zygophyllum xanthoxylum reproduction, and this species is ecologically important in northwest China. In addition, the relative impact of restrictive amounts of pollen and resources on the seed set per flower was evaluated. It was found that adding pollen boosted the size of the seed set per flower, but had no significant effect on the number of flowers. By contrast, the addition of resources increased flower numbers as well as had a slight impact on the seed set per flower. These results indicate the amount of available pollen is a limiting factor for reproductive success. Moreover, Apis mellifera was identified as the most effective pollinator of Z. xanthoxylum, and there were more overall pollinators and visitations in the control than in the fragmented habitats. Furthermore, the limitations in pollen were more restrictive in the fragmented area than in the control. This was due to increased pollinator visitations in the control that could ameliorate the effects of lower pollen levels. When there is a limited availability of suitable pollinators, self‐pollination is critical in fragmented habitats. Z. xanthoxylum has reproductive strategies that aid in adapting to harsh environments, including protogyny and delayed selfing.  相似文献   

The reproductive ability related to the population size of the endangered and endemic species Primula merrilliana Schltr.was investigated.In 26 populations observed,only four contain more than 500 flowering individuals,whereas most of them(53.8%) consist of less than 100 flowering individuals.Though the ratio of pin and thrum plants keeps its balance at 1:1 for all populations,the frequency of pin and thrum flowers was significantly biased in most small populations.Population size strongly affected reproductive success; plants in small populations produced significantly fewer flowers and fruits per plant and fewer seeds per fruit,and therefore fewer seeds per plant.The floral density was another important factor that influenced the reproductive success of P.merrilliana,because four main reproductive success parameters (fruits per plant,seeds per fruit,seeds per plant,and the proportion of flowers setting fruit) were all positively correlated with floral density.The size of plants and the number of leaves per plant (measure of habitat quality) were not influenced by the variation of population size,suggesting that the reduced fecundity in small populations may not be a consequence of lower habitat quality,inbreeding depression and pollen limitation as a result of less attractiveness in small populations are therefore likely explanations for these patterns.  相似文献   

In animal‐pollinated plants, both the spatial distribution of flowering individuals and the number of flowers that an individual displays affect pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success. Heterostylous species are likely to be particularly sensitive to the contingencies of spatial distribution, as they are reproductively subdivided into distinct mating groups, which usually exhibit self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility and differ in floral morphology. In this paper, we explore the joint effects of both spatial distribution of potential mates and floral display size on morph‐specific pollen deposition rates and seed set patterns in two natural populations of Pulmonaria officinalis, a distylous species with a weak self‐incompatibility system. Both total stigmatic pollen load and the proportion of legitimate pollen decreased with increasing spatial isolation. Legitimate (intermorph) pollen transfer was, however, asymmetric and decreased more rapidly with decreasing proximity to a compatible legitimate mating partner in the S‐morph than in the L‐morph. Total stigmatic pollen loads per flower increased with increasing floral display size, indicating that large plants are disproportionately more visited than smaller individuals. However, because legitimate pollen deposition decreased with increasing floral display size, these results also suggest that larger numbers of flowers increase the degree of geitonogamous pollination. In both the L‐ and S‐morph, seed set significantly decreased with increasing isolation from a legitimate mating partner, but in the L‐morph seed set was less dependent on the spatial distribution of the S‐morph. In addition, seed set significantly increased with floral display size in the L‐morph, but not in the S‐morph. These findings indicate that the spatial distribution of potential mates and variation in floral display size may cause morph‐specific differences in pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Variation in inbreeding depression (δ) among individual plants is considered to play a central role in mating system evolution and population genetics. Moreover, such variation could be linked to individual susceptibility to pollen limitation (PL) because those individuals strongly affected by δ for seed production will require more outcross pollen for setting a given number of fruits or seeds. However, no study has tested explicitly for associations between PL and δ at the individual plant level. This study assesses the extent of among-individual variation in PL and δ, the consistency of δ across life stages, and the relationships between individual PL and δ in the mixed-mating shrub Myrtus communis.


Controlled hand-pollinations were performed in a natural M. communis population. Marked flowers were monitored until fruit production and a greenhouse experiment was conducted with the seeds produced.

Key Results

Compared with selfing, outcross-pollination enhanced seed number per fruit, germination rate and seedling growth, but did not enhance fruit-set. Only seed number per fruit was pollen limited and, thus, cumulative pollen limitation depended more on pollen quality (outcross pollen) than on quantity. The effects of δ varied considerably across life stages and individual plants. Cumulative δ was high across individuals (mean δ = 0·65), although there were no positive correlations between δ values at different life stages. Interestingly, maternal plants showing stronger δ for seed production were more pollen limited, but they were also less affected by δ for seedling growth because of a seed size/number trade-off.


Results show a general inconsistency in δ across life stages and individuals, suggesting that different deleterious loci are acting at different stages. The association between δ and PL at the individual level corroborates the idea that pollen limitation may be ‘genotype-dependent’ regardless of other factors.  相似文献   

Subdioecy is thought to occupy a transitional position in the gynodioecy–dioecy pathway, explaining one of the evolutionary routes from hermaphroditism to dioecy. Quantifying any female reproductive advantage of females versus hermaphrodites is fundamental to examining the spectrum between subdioecy and dioecy; however, this is challenging, as multiple interacting factors, such as pollen limitation and resource availability, affect plant reproduction. We compared the female reproductive success of females and hermaphrodites via a field experiment in which we hand‐pollinated individuals of the subdioecious shrub Eurya japonica of similar size growing under similar light conditions. Effects of pollen limitation and seed quality were also evaluated through comparing the results of hand‐ and natural‐pollination treatments and performing additional laboratory and greenhouse experiments. Overall, females had higher fruit set and produced heavier fruit and more seeds than hermaphrodites, and these results were more pronounced for hand‐pollinated than for natural‐pollinated plants of both sexes. We also found that seeds naturally produced by females had a higher mean germination rate. These results indicate that females had a pronounced advantage in female reproductive success under conditions of no pollen limitation. The sexual difference in the degree of pollen limitation suggests a pollinator‐mediated interaction, whereas the higher female reproductive success of females even under natural conditions implies that Ejaponica is a good model species for elucidating the later stages of the gynodioecy–dioecy pathway.  相似文献   

 The terrestrial orchid Epipactis helleborine is a morphologically variable species with a wide distribution in Europe. It is pollinated by social wasps, and most populations show the morphological characteristics of outcrossing species. However, local predominantly selfing subspecies and varieties have been documented from drier habitats. To document geographic variation in floral morphology, ability to produce seeds through autogamy, and reproductive success in E. helleborine, we sampled 13 populations from three geographic regions along a latitudinal gradient of c. 1000 km from northern to southern Sweden. In the southernmost region, populations in dry and mesic habitats were compared. Supplemental hand-pollination was conducted to determine whether among-population variation in fruit set could be explained by differences in the natural level of pollination, and whether any relationship between floral morphology and fruit production could be explained by interactions with pollinators. Bagging experiments showed no evidence of autogamy in any of the study populations. Number of flowers, pollinia removal and fruit set varied significantly among populations but did not differ among regions. Pollinia removal was positively correlated with population size and both pollinia removal and fruit set were lower in dry than in mesic habitats. At the level of the individual plant, the number of pollinia removed increased more rapidly with flower number than did number of fruits produced. The hand-pollination experiment indicated that the positive relationship between number of flowers and fruit production was due to a higher degree of pollen limitation in plants with few flowers than in plants with many flowers. The experiment also showed that variation in the level of pollen limitation could only partly explain variation in fruit set among populations. Received November 6, 2001; accepted April 27, 2002 Published online: December 3, 2002  相似文献   

Abstract Flower-visiting insects, the distribution of pollen on an insect's body, and fruit and seed sets of Primula sieboldiiE. Morren were investigated in a maritime deciduous forest habitat of the Hidaka region in Hokkaido. Queens of Bombus diversus tersatus Smith (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Bombus schrencki albidopleuralis Skorikov, and Bombus deuteronymus deuteronymus Schulz were observed to visit the flowers of the species. Bumblebee claw marks were found on the flower petals of 68% of the flowering ramets of the species. Scanning-electronmicroscopy revealed that pin and thrum pollens of P. sieboldii were deposited in different positions along the proboscis of a B. diversus tersatus queen (n=38400 grains). On the glossa, all the observed pollen was of the pin type, while more than half of the pollen grains observed on the upper part of the proboscis, galea, stipes, and maxillary palpus were of the thrum type. In the field, high fruit and seed sets were recorded for both pin and thrum morphs, indicating the occurrence of sufficient legitimate pollination during the flowering season. In addition to the effectiveness of queen bumblebees as pollinators for P. sieboldii suggested in this study, phenological and morphological matches, i.e., early spring flowering during the queen bee emergence season and the similar lengths of the corolla tube and the bee proboscis, also support the inference that queen bumble bees play an important role in legitimate pollination of P. sieboldii.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Mating system is a primary determinant of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of wild plant populations. Pollen limitation and loss of self-incompatibility genotypes can both act independently to reduce seed set and these effects are commonly observed in fragmented landscapes. This study used a simulation modelling approach to assess the interacting effects of these two processes on plant reproductive performance and population viability for a range of pollination likelihood, self-incompatibility systems and S-allele richness conditions.


A spatially explicit, individual-based, genetic and demographic simulation model parameterized to represent a generic self-incompatible, short-lived perennial herb was used to conduct simulation experiments in which pollination probability, self-incompatibility type (gametophytic and sporophytic) and S-allele richness were systematically varied in combination to assess their independent and interacting effects on the demographic response variables of mate availability, seed set, population size and population persistence.

Key Results

Joint effects of reduced pollination probability and low S-allele richness were greater than independent effects for all demographic response variables except population persistence under high pollinator service (>50 %). At intermediate values of 15–25 % pollination probability, non-linear interactions with S-allele richness generated significant reductions in population performance beyond those expected by the simple additive effect of each independently. This was due to the impacts of reduced effective population size on the ability of populations to retain S alleles and maintain mate availability. Across a limited set of pollination and S-allele conditions (P = 0·15 and S = 20) populations with gametophytic SI showed reduced S-allele erosion relative to those with sporophytic SI, but this had limited effects on individual fecundity and translated into only modest increases in population persistence.


Interactions between pollen limitation and loss of S alleles have the potential to significantly reduce the viability of populations of a few hundred plants. Population decline may occur more rapidly than expected when pollination probabilities drop below 25 % and S alleles are fewer than 20 due to non-additive interactions. These are likely to be common conditions experienced by plants in small populations in fragmented landscapes and are also those under which differences in response between gameptophytic and sporophtyic systems are observed.  相似文献   

The standard method of measuring pollen limitation is to add pollen to a number of flowers, preferably to a whole plant, and to compare fruit and seed set with that of naturally pollinated flowers on other plants. In 25 yr of research, this method has yielded valuable data, but it is difficult to use in large plants. This has caused a bias in the available data towards smaller, herbaceous plants with relatively few flowers. I argue that, in order to widen our knowledge of how pollen limitation affects plants, we should go beyond whole-plant pollen addition and change our concept of how a flowering plant functions. The traditional method does not take into account the variation in and dynamics of resource allocation and pollen availability. The concept of integrated physiological units (IPUs) does, but, although it has been applied to pollination biology, it has not received the attention it deserves. I use this article to present its merits again, to propose a step-by-step methodology for studying pollen limitation, and to examine factors influencing possible plant strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract The comparative pollination biology of a population of Primula beesiana, a population of P. bulleyana, and an overlapping population of these two species in Yulong Shan, Yunnan Province, China, was studied in 2004 and 2005. The results indicate that both P. beesiana and P. bulleyana are typical heterostylous and obligate outcrossing species; the main pollinators of the two species were bees and butterflies. At the sites of all three populations, the main pollinating visitors of the two species showed preference for one of the two species, resulting in the ethological isolation of the two species by the pollinators. This ethological isolation contributes to the reproductive isolation of the two species, which supports the hypothesis that P. beesiana and P. bulleyana are two distinct species. The reproductive isolation of the two species (ethological isolation) is probably an important mechanism in maintaining species boundaries in the genus and has contributed to the species diversification of Primula in the area. In addition, gene exchanges between P. beesiana and P. bulleyana has occurred to some extent in the overlapping population, but whether natural hybridization has contributed to species diversification in Primula remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The comparative pollination biology of a population of Primula beesiana,a population of P.bulleyana,and an overlapping population of these two species in Yulong Shan,Yunnan Province,China,was studied in 2004 and 2005.The results indicate that both P.beesiana and P.bulleyana are typical heterostylous and obligate outcrossing species;the main pollinators of the two species were bees and butterflies.At the sites of all three populations,the main pollinating visitors of the two species showed preference for one...  相似文献   

Abstract Fruit and seed set in a dioecious tree, Phellodendron amurense var. sachalinense grown in isolation, were studied for three years in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Hand pollination did not affect fruit set during the three years, but did affect seed-set by increasing the proportion of fruits with higher seed numbers. Artificial defoliation resulted in decreased mean seed mass, but caused no significant differences in mean seed number per fruit. Total seed mass per infructescence increased with inflorescence size except with artificial defoliation where it reached an upper limit. Although the results of the artificial defoliation treatment indicate that resources are most important for fruit and seed set, it is concluded that fruit and seed set of the tree are not limited by resources, since the number of fruits increased with inflorescence size and an artificial defoliation treatment did not decrease seed-number.  相似文献   

Aims Distyly has been regarded as an adaptation to improve compatible pollination between two floral morphs with reciprocal herkogamy. The hypothesis that the different positions of anthers and stigmas within flowers as well as their reciprocal position between morphs, reduce the probability of self pollination raised by Darwin has been rarely tested. In this study, we measured stigmatic pollen loads in response to reduced reciprocal herkogamy in two Primula species.Methods To see whether reciprocal herkogamy can increase compatible and/or reduce incompatible pollen deposition, thus promoting compatible pollination, we shortened the distance between anthers and stigmas within the flowers by changing the position of the corolla tube, to which the anthers were fused, i.e. reduced herkogamy in natural populations of Primula secundiflora and P. poissonii and quantified stigmatic pollen loads in the field over 2 years.Important findings In both species, stigmatic pollen loads were significantly higher in the long-styled (L-morph) than in the short-styled morph (S-morph) in both control and manipulated flowers, but percentage of compatible pollen in S-morph were higher. Flowers manipulated to halve the anther–stigma distance showed a similar pattern for 2 years: total pollen grain counts on stigmas did not differ significantly but compatible pollen grains in L- and S-morphs were significantly decreased in both species. The percentage of compatible pollen loads was decreased by 68.7% in P. secundiflora and 65.3% in P. poissonii in L-morphs, while it decreased by 30.6% and 2.9% in S-morphs, respectively. Our manipulation of the relative position of anthers and stigmas in the two distylous species indicated that a lower degree of herkogamy reduced compatible but incompatible pollen transfer was likely to increase. The higher proportion of compatible pollen in the S-morph than in the L-morph in the two Primula species could be attributed to the accessibility of two-level sexual organs, floral orientations and pollinator behaviors. This is a first attempt to manipulate intraflower herkogamy for understanding adaptation of heterostyly, shedding insights into how the reciprocal herkogamy promotes compatible pollination.  相似文献   

Aims Rhamnus lycioides L. subsp. Oleoides (Rhamnaceae) is a perennial shrub native to the Mediterranean Basin distributed along an altitudinal gradient, from sea level up to 1?000 m a.s.l. The specific goals of our study were (i) to compare plant morphology between two contrasting populations, (ii) to determine the reproductive system of R. lycioides, quantifying the relative importance of insects and wind as pollen vectors, (iii) to test if pollen limitation differs between populations, (iv) to study the main factors influencing fruit set and (v) to compare plant reproductive performance (mass allocation to flowers, fruits and seeds) between the two habitats.Methods In the present study, we examined plant morphology and the reproductive performance of R. lycioides L. in contrasting environments in two populations located at the extremes of its altitudinal range in the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean Basin) along a 3-year period. Plant morphology, the relative importance of insects and wind as pollen vectors, the pollen limitation to seed production and the plant reproductive performance (mass allocation to flowers, fruits and seeds) were determined.Important findings Rhamnus lycioides individuals showed a higher plant surface/plant height ratio at the mountain than at the coast. This species appeared to be ambophilous despite its inconspicuous flowers, although the relative importance of wind as a pollination vector was higher at the mountain than at the coastal site. Fruit set was much higher at the mountain, where pollen appeared to be a limiting factor. By contrast, fruit set was not limited by pollen availability at the coastal population, where resource (water and nutrients) limitation seemed to be more determining. Flower size was greater at the coast, in contrast to fresh fruit weight that was higher at the mountain. Despite the relatively few differences between sites in precipitation patterns along the study period, water availability appeared to be the key factor explaining not only fruit set but also the reproductive performance of this species in the study populations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Insufficient pollination is a function of quantity and quality of pollen receipt, and the relative contribution of each to pollen limitation may vary with intrinsic plant traits and extrinsic ecological properties. Community-level studies are essential to evaluate variation across species in quality limitation under common ecological conditions. This study examined whether endemic species are more limited by pollen quantity or quality than non-endemic co-flowering species in three endemic-rich plant communities located in biodiversity hotspots of different continents (Andalusia, California and Yucatan).


Natural variations in pollen receipt and pollen tube formation were analysed for 20 insect-pollinated plants. Endemic and non-endemic species that co-flowered were paired in order to estimate and compare the quantity and quality components of pre-zygotic pollination success, obtained through piecewise regression analysis of the relationship between pollen grains and pollen tubes of naturally pollinated wilted flowers.

Key Results

Pollen tubes did not frequently exceed the number of ovules per flower. Only the combination of abundant and good quality pollen and a low number of ovules per flower conferred relief from pre-zygotic pollen limitation in the three stochastic pollination environments studied. Quality of pollen receipt was found to be as variable as quantity among study species. The relative pollination success of endemic and non-endemic species, and its quantity and quality components, was community dependent.


Assessing both quality and quantity of pollen receipt is key to determining the ovule fertilization potential of both endemic and widespread plants in biodiverse hotspot regions. Large natural variation among flowers of the same species in the two components and pollen tube formation deserves further analysis in order to estimate the environmental, phenotypic and intraindividual sources of variation that may affect how plants evolve to overcome this limitation in different communities worldwide.  相似文献   

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