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The placental changes which followed continuous infusion of cortisol into the sheep foetus in the later stages of gestation were, like the hormonal changes, broadly similar to those of spontaneous parturition. There was, however, a premature separation of foetal and maternal tissues in certain areas of the placental cotyledons, and this separation appeared to protect the foetal epithelium from the degenerative changes which normally take place in the short space of time between the birth of the lamb and the delivery of the foetal membranes. The results suggest that an experimental model in which premature labour is induced by the administration of cortisol to the foetus is probably incomplete, and that additional factors almost certainly contribute to the cascade phenomenon of spontaneous parturition.  相似文献   

The fine structural appearance of the placenta of the ewe has been examined following long-term infusion of CB154 into either the fetus or the pregnant ewe. Binucleate cells which usually contain aggregations of spherical membrane-bound electron-dense inclusions, are a characteristic component of the chorionic epithelium of the sheep. Following CB154 infusion into either the fetus or ewe at 111 to 137 days of gestation, binucleate cells were partially or completely depleted of the droplets which are present in binucleate cells of control animals at a similar gestational age. No obvious changes in the maternal epithelial syncytium were observed after CB154 administration. Infusion of CB154 into the fetus alone was also followed by degenerative changes in some binucleate cells which ranged from condensation of nuclei to complete cell fragmentation. Either a direct or an indirect action of CB154 on binucleate cells is suggested by these observations. Hypoprolactinaemia followed CB154 infusion in all treated animals; its possible influence on binucleate cell activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural studies (electron microscopy) of the caudal part of the hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system were conducted in rats during experimental tetanus. Its activation was found to occur as soon as the initial period after the injection of the toxin, this being apparently connected with the administration of the heterogenous protein, because inactivated toxin proved to induce the same effect. Changes in the vascular permeability, lipid metabolism and the blood coagulation system were also observed.  相似文献   

Sheep placentomes were collected at the abattoir and the stage of gestation was estimated from the crown-rump length and appearance of the fetus. Samples were extracted and either freeze dried (crude extracts) or fractionated on Sephadex G-50 and CM-cellulose. Relaxin immunoreactivity (RXN-IR) was detected in all samples by a pig relaxin RIA and diluted in parallel with the standard curve. Two patterns of RXN-IR were seen after Sephadex G50 purification: (a) a single main peak of RXN-IR eluting at a position similar to pig relaxin; or (b) a 3-peak pattern with additional higher (void volume) and lower (approximately 1000) molecular weight peaks. These peaks were all found with 4 different and specific antisera. The 6000 molecular weight peak eluted at a similar position to pig relaxin on CM cellulose and inhibited electrically stimulated rat uterine contractions in vitro. The amount of relaxin measured in crude extracts of placentomes from different ewes was very variable. Most samples were within the range 0.05-11.2 ng/g wet weight of tissue (3.0 +/- 0.45 (s.e.m.), n = 44) but a few contained much higher concentrations (25.5-61.4 ng/g, n = 3). There was no obvious variation in concentration with stage of pregnancy (20 days to term). Samples of intercotyledonary endometrium, allantochorion and whole ovaries from pregnant ewes were also extracted. All contained low concentrations of RXN-IR (0.6 +/- 0.13 ng/g, n = 4; 0.6 +/- 0.29 ng/g, n = 3; 1.0 +/- 0.66 ng/g, n = 7, respectively). We conclude that relaxin-like peptides are present in the pregnant ewe and that, as the placentomes are the largest component by weight, they represent the major source.  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study of gonadotropic pituitary cells was performed in estrogen-treated pregnant rats. Estradiol-treatment on Day 10 of pregnancy led to signs of ovulation or luteinization on Day 12 in 50% of the animals.Degranulation was observed in the FSH and LH cells of estrogen-responsive rats, whereas in the unresponsive group, the same cells were intensely granulated. The FSH cells of the control group showed signs of degranulation which could be correlated with follicular development. LH cells were sometimes degranulated.The role played by FSH and LH cells in the triggering of ovulation and luteinization by estrogen in the pregnant rat is discussed in the light of the ultrastructural observations.This work was financed by the DGRST, contract no 74.7.0030The authors wish to acknowledge the technical assistance of Mr. R. Dujol and Mr. F. Wolff  相似文献   

Beta-Aminopropionitrile (BAPN) retarded or suppressed epithelial changes in the medial edge of the palatal process in later stages of gestation in rats. Programmed cell death did not follow the usual pattern, and only a few lysosomes were observed on day 18 of gestation. The sensitivity of the medial epithelium to BAPN appeared to be different in various areas of the palatal epithelium; the epithelium on the anterior region of the palatal process was hypertrophied and keratinized, while posteriorly the medial or neighboring epithelium was very thin and, in neonatal rats, the covering was absent. A basal lamina was distinct in the anterior region and indistinct or fragmented posteriorly. Collagen fibers did not develop adjacent to the basal lamina, and an amorphous material was scattered throughout the mesenchymal tissue. These findings suggest that BAPN decreases the "connecting capacity" between mesenchyme and epithelium, and results in a modification of epithelial changes.  相似文献   

Thoroughbred horses were exercised to fatigue at 40, 85, and 100% of their maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) on a treadmill and completed a 1,600-m gallop on a track to identify the effect of exercise of various durations and intensities on the ultrastructure of mitochondria and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from the middle gluteal muscle. The percentage of the total area occupied by mitochondria and SR increased in electron micrographs of muscle samples collected at the termination of exercise and at 30 and 60 min of recovery compared with those collected before exercise. Mitochondrial area increased 3- to 4-fold and SR area approximately 1.6-fold after exercise at the intensities greater than 40% of the VO2max. Smaller increases occurred in response to exercise at 40% of the VO2max. Areas were not different from rest in samples collected after 60 min of recovery. The reversal of ultrastructural alterations paralleled the trend toward normalization of muscle temperature, muscle pH, and the concentrations of selected muscle metabolites.  相似文献   

To understand fetal membrane retention in dairy cattle, we examined these tissues in the immediate peripartum period before tissue separation. Placentomes were collected at 270-280 d of gestation from pre-partum Holstein cows (n = 5) and at 1, 3, 6, and 12 h postpartum from a) cows releasing fetal membranes in less than 12 h (n = 7), b) cows retaining fetal membranes for more than 12 h (n = 5), and c) cows induced to calve with dexamethasone (releasing membranes in more than 12 h; n = 5). Subjective evaluations of necrosis, distribution, and condition of binucleate giant and of principal cells were made. Necrotic foci and binucleate giant cells were counted for each interval for which tissue was available. Necrosis, existing prepartum, was identical to that observed at 1 h postpartum in all treatment groups (P > 0.05). Necrosis gradually increased in all treatment groups with time (P < 0.05); thus necrosis is unrelated to initiation of calving and is indirectly related to fetal membrane retention. Many binucleate giant cells were observed prepartum. In cows releasing fetal membranes normally, a significant (P < 0.05) decline in these cell numbers had occurred by 1 h postpartum. When fetal membrane retention occurred, no such decrease in binucleate giant cells was observed before 12 h postpartum. Loss of binucleate giant cells appears necessary for, or must occur with, separation of fetal membranes.  相似文献   

Extravasated maternal blood, which escapes from capillaries and larger blood vessels within the tips of the maternal septa, is responsible for the characteristic pigmentation of the central depression of the ovine cotyledon in the last third of pregnancy. The chorionic epithelium of this region is actively engaged in the uptake and subsequent breakdown of maternal erythrocytes, which may represent an important source of iron for the foetus during the period of maximum intra-uterine growth.  相似文献   

Anterior pituitary glands were homografted into the anterior chamber of the eye in female rats. The pituitary grafts survived and were well vascularized three weeks after the transplantation. The prolactin cells were morphologically active as shown by their well-developed Golgi complexes and granular endoplasmic reticulum and the exocytosis of secretory granules. The injection of dopamine into the common carotid artery of the graft-bearing rat rapidly suppressed the granule extrusion and then gradually induced a remarkable morphological atrophy in the prolactin cells.  相似文献   

Female mice (RAP strain) were alcoholized for 30-50 days before mating and during pregnancy until killing, with a 20% solution of ethanol administered instead of drinking water. From foetuses of 16, 18, 20 days and from newborn puppies on day 1 parietal neocortex fragments were excised and examined electronmicroscopically. Chronic maternal alcoholization induces in the neocortex of mouse foetuses and newborn puppies various ultrastructural changes: swelling of mitochondria with the disappearance of cristae and vacuolation, both in the capillary endothelium and in the cells of the neural tissue; enlargement of intercellular spaces; in the neocortex zones rich in neuronal processes (marginal and intermediary zone) vacuolation and structural wastage of these processes are detected. Moderate chronic alcohol intake leads to persistent ultrastructural changes in the fetal and newborn neocortex which may contribute to the appearance of some neuro-psychical and behavioral symptoms in alcohol embryo- and fetopathy. The possible pathogenetic pathways leading to the pathological changes detected are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors describe ultrastructural changes in and around rat brain capillaries after hypoxia. The experimental animals breathed a mixture of 5% oxygen and 95% nitrogen for two or for three hours; a third group, which spent three hours in this atmosphere, was treated 24 h later. Cytoplasm processes and vesicles were observed on the luminal side in the endothelial cells, while the cytoplasm contained vacuoles and altered mitochondria. The basement membrane of the brain capillaries was uneven and longitudinal clear zones were formed in it. Altered mitochondria were present in the pericytes and astrocytes. The most pronounced changes were found in the astrocyte processes, which were light and hydrated and contained destroyed mitochondria and lamellar bodies resembling myelin. After 24 h, morphological changes still persisted, especially in the astrocyte processes.  相似文献   

Female mice (RAP strain) were alcoholized for 30-50 days before mating and during pregnancy until killing, with a 20% solution of ethanol administered instead of drinking water. From foetuses of 16, 18 and 20 days and from newborn puppies (day 1) choroid plexuses were excised and electronmicroscopically examined. Chronic maternal alcoholization induced the lowering of glycogen content in the choroid cells of 16 day old foetuses, the swelling and vacuolization of mitochondria with the disappearance of cristae and enlargement of the Golgi complex--in the choroid cells at all the developmental stages controlled, the enlargement of intercellular spaces within the choroid epithelium and between the capillaries and the epithelial layer. The changes detected are presumedly due to disturbances of intracerebral fluid homeostasis and may be responsible for at least some of the CNS pathology observed in alcohol embryo- and fetopathy.  相似文献   

A sustained volley of high-frequency pulses of GnRH secretion is a fundamental step in the sequence of neuroendocrine events leading to ovulation during the breeding season of sheep. In the present study, the pattern of GnRH secretion into pituitary portal blood was examined in ewes during both the breeding and anestrous seasons, with a focus on determining whether the absence of ovulation during the nonbreeding season is associated with the lack of a sustained increase in pulsatile GnRH release. During the breeding season, separate groups (n = 5) of ovary-intact ewes were sampled during the midluteal phase of the estrous cycle and following the withdrawal of progesterone (removal of progesterone implants) to synchronize onset of the follicular phase. During the nonbreeding season, another two groups (n = 5) were sampled either in the absence of hormonal treatments or following withdrawal of progesterone. Pituitary portal and jugular blood for measurement of GnRH and LH, respectively, were sampled every 10 min for 6 h during the breeding season or for 12 h in anestrus. During the breeding season, mean frequency of episodic GnRH release was 1.4 pulses/6 h in luteal-phase ewes; frequency increased to 7.8 pulses/6 h during the follicular phase (following progesterone withdrawal). In marked contrast, GnRH pulse frequency was low (mean less than 1 pulse/6 h) in both groups of anestrous ewes (untreated and following progesterone withdrawal), but GnRH pulse amplitude exceeded that in both luteal and follicular phases of the estrous cycle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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