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In in vitro estuarine water and sediment chambers, the survival of Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli was determined by plate counting and direct counting techniques. V. cholerae strains included environmental, clinical, and serotype O1 and non-O1 isolates, whereas E. coli strains included ATCC 25922 and a freshly cultured human isolate. Recovery of V. cholerae varied significantly with incubation temperature. Growth and extended periods of survival occurred in sterile sediments, sterile waters, and nonsterile waters, but not in nonsterile sediments. In contrast to V. cholerae, viable cells of E. coli decreased rapidly in both sterile and nonsterile estuarine waters. Direct counts revealed that E. coli cells were intact in the estuarine water, but attempts to resuscitate them were unsuccessful. The data suggest that V. cholerae survives better in estuarine waters than E. coli. The results may explain the recent observations that V. cholerae levels do not correlate well with fecal coliform concentrations in estuarine waters. Furthermore, the results add increasing evidence to support the theory that V. cholerae is an autochthonous bacterium in estuaries.  相似文献   

Survival of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. in estuarine waters was compared over a variety of seasonal temperatures during in situ exposure in diffusion chambers. Sublethal stress was measured by both selective-versus-resuscitative enumeration procedures and an electrochemical detection method. E. coli and Salmonella spp. test suspensions, prepared to minimize sublethal injury, were exposed in a shallow tidal creek and at a site 7.1 km further downriver. Bacterial die-off and sublethal stress in filtered estuarine water were inversely related to water temperature. Salmonella spp. populations exhibited significantly less die-off and stress than did E. coli at water temperatures of less than 10 degrees C. Although the most pronounced reductions (ca. 3 log units) in test bacteria occurred during seasonally warm temperatures in the presence of the autochthonous microbiota, 10(2) to 10(4) test cells per ml remained after 2 weeks of exposure to temperatures of greater than 15 degrees C. Reductions in test bacteria were associated with increases in the densities of microflagellates and plaque-forming microorganisms. These studies demonstrated the survival potential of enteric bacteria in estuarine waters and showed that survival was a function of interacting biological and physical factors.  相似文献   

Previous laboratory experiments revealed that Vibrio cholerae A1552 biofilms secrete an antiprotozoal factor that prevents Rhynchomonas nasuta from growing and thus prevents grazing losses. The antiprotozoal factor is regulated by the quorum-sensing response regulator, HapR. Here, we investigate whether the antiprotozoal activity is ecologically relevant. Experiments were conducted in the field as well as under field-like conditions in the laboratory to assess the grazing resistance of V. cholerae A1552 and N16961 (natural frameshift mutation in hapR) biofilms to R. nasuta and Cafeteria roenbergensis. In laboratory experiments exposing the predators to V. cholerae grown in seawater containing high and low glucose concentrations, we determined that V. cholerae biofilms showed increased resistance towards grazing by both predators as glucose levels decreased. The relative resistance of the V. cholerae strains to the grazers under semi-field conditions was similar to that observed in situ. Therefore, the antipredator defense is environmentally relevant and not lost when biofilms are grown in an open system in the marine environment. The hapR mutant still exhibited some resistance to both predators and this suggests that V. cholerae may coordinate antipredator defenses by a combination of density-dependent regulation and environmental sensing to protect itself from predators in its natural habitat.  相似文献   

Survival of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. in estuarine waters was compared over a variety of seasonal temperatures during in situ exposure in diffusion chambers. Sublethal stress was measured by both selective-versus-resuscitative enumeration procedures and an electrochemical detection method. E. coli and Salmonella spp. test suspensions, prepared to minimize sublethal injury, were exposed in a shallow tidal creek and at a site 7.1 km further downriver. Bacterial die-off and sublethal stress in filtered estuarine water were inversely related to water temperature. Salmonella spp. populations exhibited significantly less die-off and stress than did E. coli at water temperatures of less than 10 degrees C. Although the most pronounced reductions (ca. 3 log units) in test bacteria occurred during seasonally warm temperatures in the presence of the autochthonous microbiota, 10(2) to 10(4) test cells per ml remained after 2 weeks of exposure to temperatures of greater than 15 degrees C. Reductions in test bacteria were associated with increases in the densities of microflagellates and plaque-forming microorganisms. These studies demonstrated the survival potential of enteric bacteria in estuarine waters and showed that survival was a function of interacting biological and physical factors.  相似文献   

Sixty-six strains unable to ferment sucrose and resemblingVibrio mimicus andV. cholerae were submitted to an extensive phenotypic characterization. DNA-DNA homology among selected strains and the type strain ofV. cholerae was studied by the S1 endonuclease method. Seven sucrose-negative strains were shown to have the phenotypic properties of and a high percentage DNA relatedness toV. cholerae and a low level of homology withV. mimicus. Eight luminescent strains phenotypically most closely resembledV. mimicus; however, two of these were shown to have a high level of DNA homology withV. cholerae and a low level of relatedness toV. mimicus. A single strain was found to be phenotypically and genetically unrelated to eitherV. cholerae orV. mimicus and may represent a new species. The remaining strains were phenotypically shown to beV. mimicus, and selected strains were shown to have a high percentage DNA homology withV. mimicus and a low level of homology withV. cholerae. Problems associated with the identification of these strains and differential traits are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of NaCl concentration gradients on the growth of a marine species,Vibrio pelagius, and two freshwater and estuarine species,Vibrio cholerae andAeromonas hydrophila, was determined in chemostat cultures containing a mineral medium withd-glucose as the sole source of carbon and energy. Complementary cell density profiles were obtained with the marine and the freshwater-estuarine species at the extreme ends of the NaCl concentration gradients. At the lower NaCl concentrations,V. cholerae andA. hydrophila attained maximal cell densities, while no growth or submaximal cell yields were characteristic ofV. pelagius; the reverse was true at the higher NaCl concentrations. At the intermediate concentrations (100–400 mM) all three organisms were able to grow with cell densities ranging from 80%–100% of the maximum. Competition experiments betweenV. cholerae andV. pelagius within this region (100, 150, and 300 mM) indicated that the lower NaCl concentrations favoredV. cholerae while the higher concentrations favoredV. pelagius. The results suggest that the responses ofV. pelagius, V. cholerae, andA. hydrophila to different concentrations of NaCl are important in determining the environmental distribution of these species.  相似文献   

The effects of sunlight and the indigenous microbiota onEscherichia coli survival were examined with membrane diffusion chambers deployed in Chesapeake Bay shellfish growing waters. Chambers, fitted with an upper UV and visible light-transmitting copolymer film and lower semipermeable polycarbonate membrane, were deployed parallel to the water surface to maximize light exposure. Maximum values of a coefficient, kdens, describing changes in culturable cell densities after exposure to sunlight, were 1.7 h–1 and 0.7 h–1 in preliminary tank and in situ experiments, respectively. Mortality and sublethal stress, the latter measured with an electrochemical detection technique, were largest during the first 4 h of exposure. Owing to the light-attenuating properties of Chesapeake Bay water, light-induced cell mortality was significantly reduced at 0.25 m compared with surface exposed cells, and was undetected at 0.5–1.0 m except during seasons of maximal light penetration. Combined exposure to both sunlight and the autochthonous microbiota yielded significantly greater mortality than for either factor alone.  相似文献   

In this review, our current understanding of the species Escherichia coli and its persistence in the open environment is examined. E. coli consists of six different subgroups, which are separable by genomic analyses. Strains within each subgroup occupy various ecological niches, and can be broadly characterized by either commensalistic or different pathogenic behaviour. In relevant cases, genomic islands can be pinpointed that underpin the behaviour. Thus, genomic islands of, on the one hand, broad environmental significance, and, on the other hand, virulence, are highlighted in the context of E. coli survival in its niches. A focus is further placed on experimental studies on the survival of the different types of E. coli in soil, manure and water. Overall, the data suggest that E. coli can persist, for varying periods of time, in such terrestrial and aquatic habitats. In particular, the considerable persistence of the pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 is of importance, as its acid tolerance may be expected to confer a fitness asset in the more acidic environments. In this context, the extent to which E. coli interacts with its human/animal host and the organism''s survivability in natural environments are compared. In addition, the effect of the diversity and community structure of the indigenous microbiota on the fate of invading E. coli populations in the open environment is discussed. Such a relationship is of importance to our knowledge of both public and environmental health.  相似文献   

Natural or anthropogenic induced variations in estuaries and the dynamics of marine fish populations potentially promote differences in connectivity between estuaries and marine areas, i.e. in their importance as nursery grounds. Within this context, an integrated assessment of the differential nursery function of the main estuaries along the Portuguese coast for commercial fish species common sole Solea solea, Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis, flounder Platichthys flesus and sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax was performed through several indicators based on available data. Contribution of individual estuaries to marine subpopulations was measured with potential metrics (juvenile density, habitat quantity, juvenile number and habitat quality within estuaries) and effective metrics (estuarine source of young adults in marine environment measured via otolith elemental fingerprints). The relationship between the two types of metrics was also assessed. Estuaries identified as important nursery and/or effective juvenile habitat (EJH) differed with species and no single estuary was best for all, highlighting species-specific regulation of nursery function. Multiple species assessment of nursery and EJH function differed among estuaries. Management and conservation of estuaries should focus on sites with higher contributions to adult subpopulations of multiple species. The importance of defining precise scientific and management objectives was emphasized by the different rankings of estuaries obtained with nursery or EJH criteria. Potential and effective contribution of estuaries were not significantly correlated, but in a quantitative analysis juvenile densities and number of juveniles seem related with effective contribution in some species. An agreement between potential and effective contributions of estuaries is concurrent with the acknowledged minor role of juvenile stage processes in regulation of recruitment to adult subpopulations.  相似文献   

Some effects of visible light on Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis in natural freshwater and seawater were studied by plate counts, colony area measurements, and direct counts. A large number of somnicells (non-culturable cells) were noted in illuminated systems as compared with non-illuminated ones. Colony areas were significantly smaller in illuminated systems. Indirect activity measurements were used to test the effects of visible light on the ability of E. coli and Ent. faecalis to metabolize substrates ([14C]glucose) in natural waters. In illuminated systems, a decrease of glucose uptake was observed. When percentages of assimilation and respiration with respect to the total glucose uptake were analysed a decrease of assimilation percentages and an increase of respiration percentages were observed. In addition, differences in glucose uptake, assimilation and respiration by enteric bacteria were detected for E. coli at the beginning of the experiments between fresh-and seawater and these were interpreted as a toxic effect exerted by seawater on E. coli cells. Differences between species, natural waters and parameters studied (excepting glucose assimilation) were detected in the illuminated systems. We concluded, however, that enteric bacteria under visible light illumination show a general survival strategy characterized by reaching progressively a somnicell stage which can be defined in terms of their (1) inability to form colonies on standard bacteriological media, (2) inability to incorporate substrates, and (3) inactivation of biosynthetic processes. and accepted 8 June 1989  相似文献   

Some effects of visible light on Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis in natural freshwater and seawater were studied by plate counts, colony area measurements, and direct counts. A large number of somnicells (non-culturable cells) were noted in illuminated systems as compared with non-illuminated ones. Colony areas were significantly smaller in illuminated systems. Indirect activity measurements were used to test the effects of visible light on the ability of E. coli and Ent. faecalis to metabolize substrates ([14C]glucose) in natural waters. In illuminated systems, a decrease of glucose uptake was observed. When percentages of assimilation and respiration with respect to the total glucose uptake were analysed a decrease of assimilation percentages and an increase of respiration percentages were observed. In addition, differences in glucose uptake, assimilation and respiration by enteric bacteria were detected for E. coli at the beginning of the experiments between fresh- and seawater and these were interpreted as a toxic effect exerted by seawater on E. coli cells. Differences between species, natural waters and parameters studied (excepting glucose assimilation) were detected in the illuminated systems. We concluded, however, that enteric bacteria under visible light illumination show a general survival strategy characterized by reaching progressively a somnicell stage which can be defined in terms of their (1) inability to form colonies on standard bacteriological media, (2) inability to incorporate substrates, and (3) inactivation of biosynthetic processes.  相似文献   

The survival of natural populations of Escherichia coli and enterococci in sewage was measured in large-volume diffusion chambers in an estuary and a salt marsh. The 5-liter chambers, with polycarbonate membrane sidewalls, were found to be suitable for up to week-long experiments. Decay rates, measured monthly from February to August 1978, ranged from 0.042 to 0.088 h(-1) (time for 90% of the population to die = 25 to 55 h) for E. coli and 0.019 to 0.083 h(-1) (time for 90% of the population to die = 29 to 122 h) for enterococci and were significantly correlated with temperature. In contrast to the diffusion culture experiments, the decay of E. coli in batch culture did not correlate with temperature. Enterococci survived longer than E. coli in the Narragansett Bay (estuary) experiments, but survived less well in the more eutrophic salt marsh. The effect of light on survival was examined with light/dark experiments and sampling at frequent intervals over the diel cycle. Diel changes in survival were not evident in the Narragansett Bay experiments. E. coli, however, exhibited a diel pattern of growth during the day and death at night in the salt marsh. There was no significant difference in decay rates between light and dark diffusion chambers, nor were decay rates correlated with light intensity. In concurrent batch experiments, survival was significantly greater in the dark for both organisms. These results suggest that the effect of light is complex and that conditions in batch culture may modify the survival of enteric bacteria. Observations made in diffusion chambers may more closely follow the in situ survival of enteric microorganisms.  相似文献   

Although a large body of literature exists on the systematics and ecology of free-living marine and brackish-water nematodes, key questions on the nature and magnitude of interactions between nematodes and other organisms in the benthos remain unanswered. Relatively few authors have investigated live nematodes in food web studies or in experiments dealing with the nematodes’ response to a varying environment. It is mainly for the latter purpose that attempts have been made to maintain, rear and cultivate selected species. This paper describes the methodology used for the maintenance, rearing, and eventual permanent agnotobiotic cultivation of a variety of estuarine nematodes. Spot plates, where small samples of sediment or macrophyte material are inoculated on a sloppy agar layer, have been used for the purpose of maintenance and initial cultivation. Those species that reproduce on spot plates are then selected for monospecific cultivation on agar layers with different nutrient enrichments and with micro-organisms cotransferred from the spot plates as food. Mixtures of bacto and nutrient agar prepared in artificial seawater were specifically suitable for the xenic cultivation of nine bacterivorous and, when supplied with Erdschreiber nutrients, two algivorous/bacterivorous nematode species. Up to three generations of five other nematode species have been reared under laboratory conditions, and several more were kept alive and active for variable periods of time on agar. Generation times observed on spot plates forAdoncholaimus fuscus andOncholaimus oxyuris were substantially shorter than previously published estimates and suggest a correspondingly higher predatory and scavenging potency for these and related enoplids. A procedure for the long-term storage of nematodes at −80°C with glycerol as a cryoprotectant was successfully used forDiplolaimella dievengatensis, Panagrolaimus sp. 1, andPellioditis marina, but not forDiplolaimelloides meyli. The authors have also summarized the existing literature on the cultivation of marine and brackish-water nematodes. Continuous cultivation appears to have been successful mainly for Aufwuchs and epiphytic nematodes; only few sediment-dwellers have been established in permanent culture. Of only just over 30 species that have ever been cultivated, more than half belong to one family (Monhysteridae) and three are Rhabditida, an order poorly represented in the marine environment. Four species have been grown in monoxenic and one in axenic culture, the latter though with limited success. It is concluded that our understanding of the basic nutritional requirements of marine nematodes is as yet insufficient, and that the culture techniques which have so far mainly deployed agar or liquid substrates, while being suitable for the cultivation of Aufwuchs and epiphytic nematodes, do not accurately enough mimic gradients specific of the natural habitat of many sediment-dwellers.  相似文献   

Considering both the protective effect of glycine betaine (GB) on enteric bacteria grown at high osmolarity and the possible presence of GB in marine sediments, we have analyzed the survival, in nutrient-free seawater, of Escherichia coli cells incubated in sediments supplemented with GB or not supplemented and measured the efficiency of GB uptake systems and the expression of proP and proU genes in both seawater and sediments. We did this by using strains harboring proP-lacZ and proU-lacZ operon or gene fusions. We found that the uptake of GB and the expression of both proP and proU were very weak in seawater. The survival ability of cells in seawater supplemented with GB was a linear function of GB concentration, although the overall protection by the osmolyte was low. In sediments, proP expression was weak and GB uptake and proU expression were variable, possibly depending on the availability of organic nutrients. In a sediment with a high total organic carbon content, GB uptake was very high and proU expression was enhanced; cells previously incubated in this sediment showed a higher resistance to decay in seawater. GB might therefore play a significant role in the long-term maintenance of enteric bacterial cells in some marine sediments.  相似文献   

Maintenance of plasmids pBR322 and pUC8 in Escherichia coli that was nonculturable after exposure to seawater was studied. E. coli JM83 and JM101, which contained plasmids pBR322 and pUC8, respectively, were placed in sterile artificial seawater for 21 days. Culturability was determined by plating on both nonselective and selective agar, and plasmid maintenance was monitored by direct isolation of plasmid nucleic acid from bacteria collected on Sterivex filters. E. coli JM83 became nonculturable after incubation for 6 days in seawater yet maintained plasmid pBR322 for the entire period of the study, i.e., 21 days. E. coli JM101 was nonculturable after incubation in seawater for 21 days and also maintained plasmid pUC8 throughout the duration of the microcosm experiment. Direct counts of bacterial cells did not change significantly during exposure to seawater, even though plate counts yielded no viable (i.e., platable) cells. We concluded that E. coli cells are capable of maintaining high-copy-number plasmids, even when no longer culturable, after exposure to the estuarine or marine environment.  相似文献   

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Indicator organisms for estuarine and marine waters   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract The use of indicator organisms for estuarine and coastal waters has been reviewed. The natural flora of the environment must be considered in selecting an indicator organism, but, more importantly, recent work which shows a viable but non-recoverable stage of pathogens entering the marine environment demonstrates that the conventional detection of indicator microorganisms is misleading, if not inaccurate. Results suggest that the newly developed epifluorescent/immunofluorescent direct detection of pathogens in the environment may be the most reliable method for determining public health hazards in marine and estuarine waters.  相似文献   

Prevalence of highly host-specific cyanophages in the estuarine environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cyanophages that infect coastal and oceanic Synechococcus have been studied extensively. However, no cyanophages infecting estuarine Synechococcus have been reported. In this study, seven cyanophages (three podoviruses, three siphoviruses and one myovirus) isolated from four estuarine Synechococcus strains were characterized in terms of their morphology, host range, growth and genetic features. All the podoviruses and siphoviruses were highly host specific. For the first time, the photosynthesis gene ( psbA ) was found in two podoviruses infecting estuarine Synechococcus . However, the psbA gene was not detected in the three siphoviruses. The psbA sequences from the two Synechococcus podoviruses clustered with some environmental psbA sequences, forming a unique cluster distantly related to previous known psbA clusters. Our results suggest that the psbA among Synechococcus podoviruses may evolve independently from the psbA of Synechococcus myoviruses. All three estuarine Synechococcus podoviruses contained the DNA polymerase ( pol ) gene, and clustered with other podoviruses that infect oceanic Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus , suggesting that the DNA pol is conserved among marine picocyanobacterial podoviruses. Prevalence of host-specific cyanophages in the estuary suggests that Synechococcus and their phages in the estuarine ecosystem may develop a host–phage relationship different from what have been found in the open ocean.  相似文献   

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