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The expansion of populations into new areas is dependent upon dispersal distances and the ability of colonists to find mates. These factors interact through the spatial distribution of individuals. We develop a mechanistic, spatially explicit model to investigate the interaction between dispersal distances and mate finding in expanding populations. At high dispersal distances and low mate finding abilities, population growth was constrained by the inverse density dependent inability of adults to find mates (an Allee effect). In contrast, at low dispersal distances and high mate finding abilities, growth was constrained by the density dependent inability of dispersers to find vacant territories. Population growth was highest in between these extremes. We suggest that these spatial interactions play an important role in the expansion of populations into new areas and that this methodology provides a useful tool for investigating them.  相似文献   

Myrmecochorous dispersal distances: a world survey   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Abstract. Myrmecochorous dispersal distances are reviewed; the seed dispersal curve generated by ants shows a characteristic peak at short distances and a long tail, a shape suited to small densities of safe sites. Mean global distance is of 0.96 m (n= 2524) with a range of 0.01–77 m. Data have been broken down by geography (Northern hemisphere v. Southern hemisphere), taxonomy (ant subfamilies) and ecology (vegetation: sclerophyllous v. mesophyllous). Although a statistical difference exists between dispersal curves from the Northern hemisphere and the Southern hemisphere, this may be an artefact of lack of data from mesophyllous myrmecochores from this hemisphere. The four ant subfamilies do show also numerical differences but could not be subjected to statistical analysis. A difference between the shape of dispersal curve for sclerophyllous myrmecochores and mesophyllous myrmecochores has also been detected. We hypothesize that this difference is related to the myrmecological communities from both types of vegetation: dispersing ants from sclerophyllous vegetation would have smaller nest densities and/or bigger foraging areas than dispersing ants from mesic environments.  相似文献   

Beate Nürnberger 《Oecologia》1996,106(3):325-336
The study illustrates the ecological determinants and evolutionary consequences of dispersal in the pond-living water beetle Dineutus assimilis (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae). Over 2 years, local populatiopn dynamics were studied in 51 ponds within a 60-km2 study area. In most of the 31 occupied ponds, and even in large populations, abundances changed dramatically from one year to the next. Nine extinction and nine colonisation events were observed. These temporal patterns show no sign of spatial autocorrelation. Such a habitat distribution should favour high dispersal rates. Indeed, D. assimilis was found to be a very effective coloniser of newly available sites (mean propagule size: 23). A mark-recapture study showed that most dispersal occurred after diapause and over distances ranging from 100 m to at least 20 km. Yet despite frequent movement, the local variability in environmental conditions maintiins a large variance in average reproductive success per pond. Furthermore, immigration rates vary widely within a season. The apparent lack of correlation between these two sources of variation should greatly strengthen the role of drift in this system. A companion paper (Nürnberger and Harrison 1995) documents a non-random distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes due to recent population bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Pollen and seed dispersal are the two key processes in which plant genes move in space, mostly mediated by animal dispersal vectors in tropical forests. Due to the movement patterns of pollinators and seed dispersers and subsequent complex spatial patterns in the mortality of offspring, we have little knowledge of how pollinators and seed dispersers affect effective gene dispersal distances across successive recruitment stages. Using six highly polymorphic microsatellite loci and parentage analyses, we quantified pollen dispersal, seed dispersal, and effective paternal and maternal gene dispersal distances from pollen‐ and seed‐donors to offspring across four recruitment stages within a population of the monoecious tropical tree Prunus africana in western Kenya. In general, pollen‐dispersal and paternal gene dispersal distances were much longer than seed‐dispersal and maternal gene dispersal distances, with the long‐distance within‐population gene dispersal in P. africana being mostly mediated by pollinators. Seed dispersal, paternal and maternal gene dispersal distances increased significantly across recruitment stages, suggesting strong density‐ and distance‐dependent mortality near the parent trees. Pollen dispersal distances also varied significantly, but inconsistently across recruitment stages. The mean dispersal distance was initially much (23‐fold) farther for pollen than for seeds, yet the pollen‐to‐seed dispersal distance ratio diminished by an order of magnitude at later stages as maternal gene dispersal distances disproportionately increased. Our study elucidates the relative changes in the contribution of the two processes, pollen and seed dispersal, to effective gene dispersal across recruitment. Overall, complex sequential processes during recruitment contribute to the genetic make‐up of tree populations. This highlights the importance of a multistage perspective for a comprehensive understanding of the impact of animal‐mediated pollen and seed dispersal on small‐scale spatial genetic patterns of long‐lived tree species.  相似文献   

Human-mediated dispersal of seeds over long distances   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human activities have fundamental impacts on the distribution of species through altered land use, but also directly by dispersal of propagules. Rare long-distance dispersal events have a disproportionate importance for the spread of species including invasions. While it is widely accepted that humans may act as vectors of long-distance dispersal, there are few studies that quantify this process. We studied in detail a mechanism of human-mediated dispersal (HMD). For two plant species we measured, over a wide range of distances, how many seeds are carried by humans on shoes. While over half of the seeds fell off within 5m, seeds were regularly still attached to shoes after 5 km. Semi-mechanistic models were fitted, and these suggested that long-distance dispersal on shoes is facilitated by decreasing seed detachment probability with distance. Mechanistic modelling showed that the primary vector, wind, was less important as an agent of long-distance dispersal, dispersing seeds less than 250 m. Full dispersal kernels were derived by combining the models for primary dispersal by wind and secondary dispersal by humans. These suggest that walking humans can disperse seeds to very long distances, up to at least 10 km, and provide some of the first quantified dispersal kernels for HMD.  相似文献   

This article is part of a Special Issue “Puberty and Adolescence”.  相似文献   

Within populations of brooding sessile corals, sperm dispersal constitutes the mechanism by which gametes interact and mating occurs, and forms the first link in the network of processes that determine specieswide connectivity patterns. However, almost nothing is known about sperm dispersal for any internally fertilizing coral. In this study, we conducted a parentage analysis on coral larvae collected from an area of mapped colonies, to measure the distance sperm disperses for the first time in a reef‐building coral and estimated the mating system characteristics of a recently identified putative cryptic species within the Seriatopora hystrix complex (ShA; Warner et al. 2015). We defined consensus criteria among several replicated methods (colony 2.0, cervus 3.0, mltr v3.2) to maximize accuracy in paternity assignments. Thirteen progeny arrays indicated that this putative species produces exclusively sexually derived, primarily outcrossed larvae (mean tm = 0.999) in multiple paternity broods (mean rp = 0.119). Self‐fertilization was directly detected at low frequency for all broods combined (2.8%), but comprised 23% of matings in one brood. Although over 82% of mating occurred between colonies within 10 m of each other (mean sperm dispersal = 5.5 m ± 4.37 SD), we found no evidence of inbreeding in the established population. Restricted dispersal of sperm compared to slightly greater larval dispersal appears to limit inbreeding among close relatives in this cryptic species. Our findings establish a good basis for further work on sperm dispersal in brooding corals and provide the first information about the mating system of a newly identified and abundant cryptic species.  相似文献   

Aims The dispersal of pollen and seeds is spatially restricted and may vary among plant populations because of varying biotic interactions, population histories or abiotic conditions. Because gene dispersal is spatially restricted, it will eventually result in the development of spatial genetic structure (SGS), which in turn can allow insights into gene dispersal processes. Here, we assessed the effect of habitat characteristics like population density and community structure on small-scale SGS and estimate historical gene dispersal at different spatial scales.Methods In a set of 12 populations of the subtropical understory shrub Ardisia crenata, we assessed genetic variation at 7 microsatellite loci within and among populations. We investigated small-scale genetic structure with spatial genetic autocorrelation statistics and heterogeneity tests and estimated gene dispersal distances based on population differentiation and on within-population SGS. SGS was related to habitat characteristics by multiple regression.Important findings The populations showed high genetic diversity (H e = 0.64) within populations and rather strong genetic differentiation (F ′ ST = 0.208) among populations, following an isolation-by-distance pattern, which suggests that populations are in gene flow–drift equilibrium. Significant SGS was present within populations (mean Sp = 0.027). Population density and species diversity had a joint effect on SGS with low population density and high species diversity leading to stronger small-scale SGS. Estimates of historical gene dispersal from between-population differentiation and from within-population SGS resulted in similar values between 4.8 and 22.9 m. The results indicate that local-ranged pollen dispersal and inefficient long-distance seed dispersal, both affected by population density and species diversity, contributed to the genetic population structure of the species. We suggest that SGS in shrubs is more similar to that of herbs than to trees and that in communities with high species diversity gene flow is more restricted than at low species diversity. This may represent a process that retards the development of a positive species diversity–genetic diversity relationship.  相似文献   

Many models have been proposed to suggest that animal dispersal enhances stability of an ecological system. However, little attention has been paid on the property of a boundary and on the size of a region. In this paper, we will consider the models proposed by Gurney & Nisbet (1975), from those points of view. We will show that, if a population is dispersing in a highly density-dependent manner, a stationary distribution which does not depend on boundary conditions is established in a finite region by interactions between the population and a heterogeneous environment. We will also show that, even when a population is confined in a habitat with a limited size a population dispersing density-dependently can establish a stationary distribution, whereas a population dispersing randomly either goes to extinction or grows explosively.  相似文献   

R. Mearns  I. Newton 《Ibis》1984,126(3):347-355
In south Scotland, most Peregrines returned to the same territories to breed in successive years, though a few females changed territory from one year to the next.
Annual mortality among breeding birds was at most 9% among females (or 11% in both sexes combined). There may have been considerable annual variation, however, and excluding one exceptional year out of five reduced the estimate for females to 7%. These estimates are maxima, but are still considerably lower than those obtained from ring recoveries of dead birds reported by members of the public.
Among trapped birds, four males first bred at age two years, one at three and another at four or five; two females first bred at one year, 13 at two years old and one at three. Five other females which were seen to be in first-year plumage but were not trapped, also laid eggs, and 12 other such paired females held territory but did not lay. Only one paired male held territory in first-year plumage.
In their movements between natal and breeding territories, some females moved further than males, with median distances of 83 and 58 km respectively. In addition, of birds trapped breeding in the study area, a greater proportion of the males than of the females had been born locally, despite an equal sex ratio among fledglings; this was also consistent with a greater dispersal of females. In general, Peregrines made much longer movements in their first year of life than subsequently. Movements were in any direction.  相似文献   

Dispersal is of central importance to population biology, behavioral ecology and conservation. However, because field studies are based on finite study areas, nearly all dispersal distributions for vertebrates currently available are biased, often highly so. The inadequacy of dispersal data obtained directly by traditional methods using population studies of marked individuals is highlighted by comparing the resulting distributions with dispersal estimates obtained by radio-tracking and by using genetic estimates of gene flow.  相似文献   

During a mark–recapture survey from November 2014 until April 2017, 333 neonatal and juvenile blacktip reef sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus and 302 neonatal and juvenile sicklefin lemon sharks Negaprion acutidens were tagged and measured at the uninhabited and isolated St. Joseph Atoll (Republic of Seychelles). Both species demonstrated seasonal reproductive synchronicity and relatively large sizes at birth. Despite the extended times at liberty > 2.5 years, the majority of recaptures were found in close proximity to the initial tagging location (< 500 m). Annual growth rates of C. melanopterus (n = 24) and N. acutidens (n = 62) ranged from 6.6 to 31.7 cm year−1 (mean ± SE; 16.2 ± 1.2 cm year−1) and 0.2 to 32.2 cm year−1 (11.8 ± 1 cm year−1), respectively and are to date the most variable ever recorded in wild juvenile sharks. High abundances of both species coupled with long-term and repeated recaptures are indicative of a habitat where juveniles can reside for their first years of life. However, large variability in annual growth rates in both species may suggest high intra and interspecific competition induced by a possibly resource limited, isolated habitat.  相似文献   

Myrmecochory (seed dispersal by ants) is a prominent dispersal mechanism in many environments, and can play a key role in local vegetation dynamics. Here we investigate its interaction with another key process in vegetation dynamics—fire. We examine ant dispersal of seeds immediately before and after experimental burning in an Australian tropical savanna, one of the world’s most fire-prone ecosystems. Specifically, our study addressed the effects of burning on: (1) the composition of ants removing seeds, (2) number of seed removals, and (3) distance of seed dispersal. Fire led to higher rates of seed removal post-fire when compared with unburnt habitat, and markedly altered dispersal distance, with mean dispersal distance increasing more than twofold (from 1.6 to 3.8 m), and many distance dispersal events greater than the pre-fire maximum (7.55 m) being recorded. These changes were due primarily to longer foraging ranges of species of Iridomyrmex, most likely in response to the simplification of their foraging landscape. The significance of enhanced seed-removal rates and distance dispersal for seedling establishment is unclear because the benefits to plants in having their seeds dispersed by ants in northern Australia are poorly known. However, an enhanced removal rate would enhance any benefit of reduced predation by rodents. Similarly, the broader range of dispersal distances would appear to benefit plants in terms of reduced parent–offspring conflict and sibling competition, and the location of favourable seedling microsites. Given the high frequency of fire in Australian tropical savannas, enhanced benefits of seed dispersal by ants would apply for much of the year.  相似文献   

Whether geographic variation in signals actually affects communication between individuals depends on whether discriminable differences in signals occur over distances that individuals move in their lifetimes. We measure the ability of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to discriminate foreign from local songs using foreign songs recorded at a series of increasing distances and compare the results with previous measurements of dispersal distances. We test discrimination in males using playback of songs on territories and measuring approach and in females using playback to estradiol-treated captives and measuring courtship display. Females fail to discriminate against foreign songs recorded at 18 km but do discriminate against foreign songs recorded at 34, 68, 135, and 540 km. Males fail to discriminate against foreign songs recorded at 18, 34, 68, 135, and 270 km but do discriminate against foreign songs from 540 km. Females are more discriminating, but even they do not discriminate at a distance three times the root-mean-square dispersal distance, as estimated from mtDNA variation. We suggest that female preference for local songs benefits females not because it allows them to reject foreign males but because accurate production of local song serves as a test of song-learning ability.  相似文献   

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