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The effects of methanol on the nucleotide binding to isolatedchloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) were investigated. IsolatedCF1 has four kinds of nucleotide binding sites; a barely dissociableADP-binding site (site A), two slowly exchangeable high-affinitysites with different affinities for ADP (sites B and C) whichare not catalytic sites, and several low-affinity sites (Hisaboriand Sakurai 1984). Methanol at 20% (v/v) slightly acceleratedthe binding of ADP to CF1 but did not influence the number ofbinding sites. Methanol at 10–24% (v/v) affected neitherthe total amounts of bound adenine nucleotides (2.5 mol/molCF1) nor the incorporation of labeled ADP from the medium (1.5mol/mol CF1 into the slowly exchangeable sites (sites A, B,C). These results indicate that no appreciable exchange of ADPoccurred at site A at 10–24% (v/v) methanol and excludethe possibility of direct participation of nucleotide bindingat this site in the regulation of ATPase. In 32% methanol, theamount of the labeled ADP bound increased, suggesting some exchangeat site A. Methanol at 20% (v/v) greatly increased the affinitiesof sites B and C for ADP, CDP, GDP, UDP and PPi. Conformational change of CF1 induced by the binding of nucleotidesto site(s) B (and C) increased the resistance of CF1 to inactivationby methanol at high concentrations or by cold treatment. (Received August 16, 1984; Accepted January 23, 1985)  相似文献   

When ADP, CDP, GDP, IDP or UDP was mixed with chloroplast couplingfactor 1 (CF1) in the presence of MgCl2, changes were inducedin the ultraviolet absorption spectrum as well as the circulardichroism spectrum. These changes were about 70% complete inone minute. Also, these two changes were similar in the concentrationcurves of nucleotides, the competition between ADP with CDP,the inhibition by PP1, and the requirement for divalent cations.A minor difference was also noted in the requirement for divalentcations by some of the nucleotides. The order of the affinitiesof these nucleotides for CF1 was: ADP>CDP>UDP>IDP>GDP.The UV spectral changes induced by these nucleotides are interpretedas shifts of the absorption spectra of bound nucleotides bysome 10 nm to longer wavelengths accompanied by decrease inabsorbance. In difference CD spectra, negative peaks were foundat about the same wavelengths of the absorption peaks of therespective nucleotides. Ca2+ was as effective as Mg2+ to these changes induced by ADPor GDP, but less effective than Mg2+ for those induced by CDP,UDP or IDP. In the presence of EDTA, the changes induced byADP were somewhat lower and those induced by CDP, UDP or IDPbecame almost zero. However, the UV absorbance change inducedby GDP was larger in the presence of EDTA than in the presenceof Mg2+ or Ca2+. (Received October 27, 1980; Accepted February 27, 1981)  相似文献   

Studies on the biosynthesis of the chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) in Chlamydomonas reinhardi have been initiated. The ratio of CF1 to chlorophyll in the cell was shown to be independent of the density of the culture. No turnover of assembled CF1 could be detected, thus suggesting that CF1 was synthesized at a rate equivalent to that of net chlorophyll synthesis. A lag of between 5 to 7 minutes in the incorporation of radioactive precursor sulfate into assembled CF1 was measureable. This puts an upper limit on the pool size of any precursor to the assembled CF1 complex. The pool size is estimated to be equivalent to 1% of the total CF1 in the cell.  相似文献   

用2μg/ml玉米素溶液预处理叶绿体或在光活化前于活化液中加入2μg/ml玉米素溶液,观察到玉米素能促进叶绿体膜上耦联因子DTT光活化Mg2+-ATPase及Mg2+GTPase的活力.且对GTPase的促进比例常较ATPase的大些。王米素对OG活化可溶性CF1Mg2+-ATPase活力同样表现出促进作用。用玉米素预处理CF1-β亚基(含微量CF1-α亚基)也观察到它能促进CF1-β亚基催化的Mg2+-ATPase活力。这些结果表明,玉米素在CF1上的作用部位至少有一个在β亚基或α.β亚基交界处调节其催化功能的。  相似文献   

Mutants of Chloroplast Coupling Factor Reduction in Arabidopsis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have devised a two-step screening strategy for the selection of chloroplast coupling factor reduction mutants from an M2 population of Arabidopsis thaliana. The selection strategy relies on a lowered energetic threshold for catalytic activation of the enzyme that has been shown to accompany thioredoxin-mediated reduction of a cysteine bridge on the [gamma] subunit of coupling factor. We selected first for plants that grew poorly under low irradiance but performed satisfactorily at high irradiance when the transmembrane electrochemical potential of hydrogen ions is large and competent to maintain a high level of coupling factor activation without [gamma] subunit reduction. In the second step of the screen we monitored the flash-induced electrochromic change to select putative coupling factor reduction mutants from other sorts of mutations that shared the phenotype of poor growth and vigor when transferred from high to low irradiance. Among the mutants selected, one appears incapable of reducing coupling factor, whereas another behaves as though coupling factor is at least partially reduced even in dark-adapted plants.  相似文献   

The interaction between sulfite, an efficient Mg2+-dependent F1-ATPase activator, and chloroplast CF1-ATPase was studied. The sulfite anion was shown to inhibit ADP and ATP binding to the noncatalytic sites of CF1. The stimulating activity of sulfite persists when all noncatalytic sites are nucleotide-occupied. Phosphate, a competing candidate for binding to CF1 catalytic sites, suppresses this activity. These results support the suggestion that the stimulation of Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity of CF1 is caused by sulfite binding to its catalytic sites.  相似文献   

Zurawski G  Clegg MT  Brown AH 《Genetics》1984,106(4):735-749
Analysis of a 2175-base pair (bp) SmaI-HindIII fragment of barley chloroplast DNA revealed that rbcL (the gene for the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase) and atpB (the gene for the beta subunit of ATPase) are transcribed divergently and are separated by an untranscribed region of 155-166 bp. The rbcL mRNA has a 320-residue untranslated leader region, whereas the atpB mRNA has a 296- to 309-residue leader region. The sequence of these regions, together with the initial 113 bp of the atpB-coding region and the initial 1279 bp of the rbcL-coding region, is compared with the analogous maize chloroplast DNA sequences. Two classes of nucleotide differences are present, substitutions and insertions/deletions. Nucleotide substitutions show a 1.9-fold bias toward transitions in the rbcL-coding region and a 1.5-fold bias toward transitions in the noncoding region. The level of nucleotide substitutions between the barley and maize sequences is about 0.065/bp. Seventy-one percent of the substitutions in the rbcL-coding region are at the third codon position, and 95% of these are synonymous changes. Insertion/deletion events, which are confined to the noncoding regions, are not randomly distributed in these regions and are often associated with short repeated sequences. The extent of change for the noncoding regions (about 0.093 events/bp) is less than the extent of change at the third codon positions in the rbcL-coding region (about 0.135 events/bp), including insertion/delection events. Limited sequence analysis of the analogous DNA from a wild line ( Hordeum spontaneum) and a primitive Iranian barley (H. vulgare) suggested a low rate of chloroplast DNA evolution. Compared to spinach chloroplast DNA, the barley rbcL-atpB untranslated region is extremely diverged, with only the putative rbcL promoters and ribosome-binding site being extensively conserved.  相似文献   

The nuclear and chloroplast ribosomal DNAs from Euglena were shown to have specific regions of nucleotide sequence homology. The regions of homology were identified by hybridization of restriction endonuclease DNA fragments of cloned chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal DNAs to one another. The regions of homology between these two ribosomal DNAs were in that part of the genes that code for the 3′ end of the small rRNAs (16S and 19S) and near or at the DNA sequences coding for the 5S RNAs. The nucleotide sequence homology between these regions was estimated to be approximately 94% by the melting point depression of a hybrid formed between the two ribosomal DNAs.  相似文献   

A chloroplast ATP synthase complex (CF1 [chloroplast-coupling factor 1]-CF0 [membrane-spanning portion of chloroplast ATP synthase]) depleted of all CF0 subunits except subunit III (also known as the proteolipid subunit) was purified to study the interaction between CF1 and subunit III. Subunit III has a putative role in proton translocation across the thylakoid membrane during photophosphorylation; therefore, an accurate model of subunit inter-actions involving subunit III will be valuable for elucidating the mechanism and regulation of energy coupling. Purification of the complex from a crude CF1-CF0 preparation from spinach (Spinacia oleracea) thylakoids was accomplished by detergent treatment during anion-exchange chromatography. Subunit III in the complex was positively identified by amino acid analysis and N-terminal sequencing. The association of subunit III with CF1 was verified by linear sucrose gradient centrifugation, immunoprecipitation, and incorporation of the complex into asolectin liposomes. After incorporation into liposomes, CF1 was removed from the CF1-III complex by ethylenediaminetetracetate treatment. The subunit III-proteoliposomes were competent to rebind purified CF1. These results indicate that subunit III directly interacts with CF1 in spinach thylakoids.  相似文献   

A complex between chloroplast-coupling factor 1 (CF1) and subunit III of the membrane-spanning portion of the chloroplast ATP synthase (CF0), isolated as described in the accompanying paper (C.M. Wetzel and R.E. McCarty [1993] Plant Physiol 102: 241-249), has been further characterized. A comparison of the ATPase activities of CF1, CF1-subunit III, and the chloroplast ATP synthase (CF1-CF0) holoenzyme revealed that the properties of CF1-subunit III more closely resemble those of CF1-CF0 than those of CF1. In particular, the Ca2+-ATPase activity after reduction of the enzyme with dithiothreitol was much lower in CF1-subunit III and CF1-CF0 than in CF1, suggesting that the association of the inhibitory [epsilon] subunit is tightened by the presence of either CF0 or subunit III. Cold stability is a property of CF1-CF0 in thylakoid membranes. The ATPase activity of CF1 incubated in the cold in the presence of asolectin liposomes was lost more rapidly than that of either CF1-subunit III or CF1-CF0 incorporated into liposomes. Removal of the [epsilon] subunit from all three preparations resulted in marked stimulation of their ATPase activity. Although subunit III was also removed during depletion of the [epsilon] subunit, it is not known whether the two subunits interact directly. CF1 deficient in the [epsilon] subunit binds to liposomes containing either subunit III or CF0. Taken together, these results provide evidence that the association of CF1 and subunit III of CFo is specific and may play a role in enzyme regulation.  相似文献   

The influence of polyploidization on chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) was examined in leaves and leaf protoplasts from isogenic diploid-tetraploid (DDC 2X-4X) and tetraploid-octoploid (IC 4X-8X) sets of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Alfalfa CF1 was purified to homogeneity and was found to contain five subunits with molecular weights of 57,900, 54,300, 38,700, 23,100, and 15,200. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis with anti-spinach CF1 gamma immunoglobulins was used to quantify CF1 from protoplasts and leaves. In the DDC 2X-4X set, fresh weight per cell and cellular content of CF1, chlorophyll (Chl), and DNA doubled with ploidy. Ratios of CF1 to Chl of leaf protoplasts and leaves were similar between diploids and tetraploids. In the IC 4X-8X set, octoploid protoplasts were 90% higher in Chl than were comparable tetraploids, whereas octoploids were 50 to 60% higher than tetraploids in fresh weight per cell and cellular content of CF1 and DNA. Concentrations of CF1 and Chl in leaves and ratios of CF1 to DNA in protoplasts were similar across ploidy levels of both isogenic sets. Therefore, cellular content of CF1 increases proportionately with the amount of DNA per cell or gene dosage.  相似文献   

Kahn JS 《Plant physiology》1982,70(2):451-455
The coupling factor from chloroplasts (CF1) of Euglena gracilis Z strain is an active ATPase in situ, and its activity cannot be increased by treatment with trypsin or heating as is the case with the CF1 from other sources. The smallest subunit of CF1, the ε subunit, is supposed to be involved in controlling the ATPase activity. We have devised a simple technique for rapid and large-scale isolation of this subunit. The ε subunit from Euglena CF1, although having only a limited inhibitory effect on Euglena CF1, drastically inhibited the ATPase activity of heat-activated spinach CF1. The inhibition of spinach CF1 could be reversed by passage through Sephadex G-50 or by a second heat activation. An antibody to the ε subunit of Euglena CF1 cross-reacted only weakly with CF1 from spinach, Sorghum, Kalanchoë, or Anacystis nidulans, but reacted well with whole Euglena CF1 in addition to its ε subunit. The antibody increased the ATPase activity of Euglena and Anacystis CF1 and of unactivated or partially activated spinach CF1. The results suggest that the function of the ε subunit in Euglena CF1 is similar to its function in CF1 from other sources. The data also suggest that changes induced in spinach CF1 by activation involves modifications in subunits other than the ε one.  相似文献   

ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channels are oligomeric complexes of pore-forming Kir6 subunits and regulatory Sulfonylurea Receptor (SUR) subunits. SUR, an ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) transporter, confers Mg-nucleotide stimulation to the channel via nucleotide interactions with its two cytoplasmic domains (Nucleotide Binding Folds 1 and 2; NBF1 and NBF2). Regulation of KATP channel expression is a complex process involving subunit assembly in the ER, SUR glycosylation in the Golgi, and trafficking to the plasma membrane. Dysregulation can occur at different steps of the pathway, as revealed by disease-causing mutations. Here, we have addressed the role of SUR1 NBF1 in gating and expression of reconstituted channels. Deletion of NBF1 severely impairs channel expression and abolishes MgADP stimulation. Total SUR1 protein levels are decreased, suggestive of increased protein degradation, but they are not rescued by treatment with sulfonylureas or the proteasomal inhibitor MG-132. Similar effects of NBF1 deletion are observed in recombinant KATP channels obtained by "splitting" SUR1 into two separate polypeptides (a N-terminal "half" and a C-terminal "half"). Interestingly, the location of the "splitting point" in the vicinity of NBF1 has marked effects on the MgADP stimulation of resulting channels. Finally, ablation of the ER retention motif upstream of NBF1 (in either "split" or full-length SUR1) does not rescue expression of channels lacking NBF1. These results indicate that, in addition to NBF1 being required for MgADP stimulation of the channel, it plays an important role in the regulation of channel expression that is independent of the ER retention checkpoint and the proteasomal degradation pathway.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide–gated channels are composed of a core transmembrane domain, structurally homologous to the voltage-gated K+ channels, and a cytoplasmic ligand-binding domain. These two modules are joined by ∼90 conserved amino acids, the C-linker, whose precise role in the mechanism of channel activation by cyclic nucleotides is poorly understood. We examined cyclic nucleotide–gated channels from bovine photoreceptors and Caenorhabditis elegans sensory neurons that show marked differences in cyclic nucleotide efficacy and sensitivity. By constructing chimeras from these two channels, we identified a region of 30 amino acids in the C-linker (the L2 region) as an important determinant of activation properties. An increase in both the efficacy of gating and apparent affinity for cGMP and cAMP can be conferred onto the photoreceptor channel by the replacement of its L2 region with that of the C. elegans channel. Three residues within this region largely account for this effect. Despite the profound effect of the C-linker region on ligand gating, the identity of the C-linker does not affect the spontaneous, ligand-independent open probability. Based on a cyclic allosteric model of activation, we propose that the C-linker couples the opening reaction in the transmembrane core region to the enhancement of the affinity of the open channel for agonist, which underlies ligand gating.  相似文献   

F1-ATPase from Bacillus subtilis (BF1) is severely suppressed by the MgADP inhibition. Here, we have tested if this is due to the loss of nucleotide binding to the noncatalytic site that is required for the activation. Measurements with a tryptophan mutant of BF1 indicated that the noncatalytic sites could bind ATP normally. Furthermore, the mutant BF1 that cannot bind ATP to the noncatalytic sites showed much lower ATPase activity. It was concluded that the cause of strong MgADP inhibition of BF1 is not the weak nucleotide binding to the noncatalytic sites but the other steps required for the activation.  相似文献   

Dihydrostreptomycin binds preferentially to chloroplast ribosomes of wild-type Euglena gracilis Klebs var. bacillaris Pringsheim. The K(diss) for the wild-type chloroplast ribosome-dihydrostreptomycin complex is 2 x 10(-7) M, a value comparable with that found for the Escherichia coli ribosome-dihydrostreptomycin complex. Chloroplast ribosomes isolated from the streptomycin-resistant mutant Sm(1) (r)BNgL and cytoplasmic ribosomes from wild-type have a much lower affinity for the antibiotic. The K(diss) for the chloroplast ribosome-dihydrostreptomycin complex of Sm(1) (r) is 387 x 10(-7) M, and the value for the cytoplasmic ribosome-dihydrostreptomycin complex of the wild type is 1,400 x 10(-7) M. Streptomycin competes with dihydrostreptomycin for the chloroplast ribosome binding site, and preincubation of streptomycin with hydroxylamine prevents the binding of streptomycin to the chloroplast ribosome. These results indicate that the inhibition of chloroplast development and replication in Euglena by streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin is related to the specific inhibition of protein synthesis on the chloroplast ribosomes of Euglena.  相似文献   

We have visualized directly the distribution of the cytochrome b6/f and coupling factor ATP synthetase complexes in thylakoid membranes of embedded, thin-sectioned, intact chloroplasts by using rabbit antibodies directed against each complex, followed by ferritin-conjugated goat anti- (rabbit immunoglobulin G) antibodies. The labeling patterns indicate that in spinach (Spinacia oleracea) chloroplasts the cytochrome b6/f complex is distributed laterally throughout both stacked grana and unstacked stroma membrane regions, whereas the coupling factor ATP synthetase complex is found exclusively in stroma thylakoids and in the marginal and end membranes of grana.  相似文献   

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