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Whereas the mechanism of GroEL/GroES-mediated protein folding has been extensively studied, the role of these chaperonins in oligomeric protein assembly remains poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated the interaction of the chaperonins with an alphabeta heterodimeric intermediate during the alpha(2)beta(2) assembly of human mitochondrial branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase/decarboxylase (BCKD). Incubation of the recombinant His(6)-tagged BCKD in 400 mM KSCN for 45 min at 23 degrees C caused a complete dissociation of the alpha(2)beta(2) heterotetramers into inactive alphabeta heterodimers. Dilution of the denaturant resulted in a rapid recovery of BCKD independent of the chaperonins GroEL/GroES. Prolonged incubation of BCKD in 400 mM KSCN resulted in the generation of nonproductive or "bad" heterodimers, which were unable to undergo spontaneous reactivation but capable of binding to GroEL to form a stable GroEL-alphabeta complex. Incubation of this complex with GroES and Mg-ATP led to the slow reactivation of BCKD with a second-order rate constant k = 480 M(-1) s(-1). Mixing experiments with radiolabeled and unlabeled protein substrates provided direct evidence that GroEL/GroES promote dissociation and subunit exchange between bad heterodimers. This was accompanied by the transformation of bad heterodimers to their "good" or productive counterparts. The good heterodimers were capable of spontaneous dimerization to initially form an inactive heterotetrameric species, followed by conversion to active heterotetramers. However, a large fraction of bad heterodimers were regenerated and rebound to GroEL. The cycle was perpetuated until the reconstitution of active BCKD was complete. Our data support the thesis that chaperonins GroEL/GroES mediate iterative annealing of nonproductive assembly intermediates at the quaternary structure level. This step is essential for an efficient subsequent higher order oligomerization.  相似文献   

We described previously that during the assembly of the alpha(2)beta(2) heterotetramer of human mitochondrial branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase (BCKD), chaperonins GroEL/GroES interact with the kinetically trapped heterodimeric (alphabeta) intermediate to facilitate conversion of the latter to the native BCKD heterotetramer. Here, we show that the 86-kDa heterodimeric intermediate possesses a native-like conformation as judged by its binding to a fluorescent probe 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate. This large heterodimeric intermediate is accommodated as an entity inside cavities of GroEL and its single-ring variant SR1 and is encapsulated by GroES as indicated by the resistance of the heterodimer to tryptic digestion. The SR1-alphabeta-GroES complex is isolated as a stable single species by gel filtration in the presence of Mg-ATP. In contrast, an unfolded BCKD fusion protein of similar size, which also resides in the GroEL or SR1 cavity, is too large to be capped by GroES. The cis-capping mechanism is consistent with the high level of BCKD activity recovered with the GroEL-alphabeta complex, GroES, and Mg-ATP. The 86-kDa native-like heterodimeric intermediate in the BCKD assembly pathway represents the largest protein substrate known to fit inside the GroEL cis cavity underneath GroES, which significantly exceeds the current size limit of 57 kDa established for unfolded proteins.  相似文献   

The decarboxylase component (E1) of the human mitochondrial branched chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (approximately 4-5 x 10(3) kDa) is a thiamine pyrophosphate-dependent enzyme, comprising two 45.5-kDa alpha subunits and two 37.8-kDa beta subunits. In the present study, His6-tagged E1 alpha2 beta2 tetramers (171 kDa) denatured in 8 M urea were competently reconstituted in vitro at 23 degrees C with an absolute requirement for chaperonins GroEL/GroES and Mg-ATP. Unexpectedly, the kinetics for the recovery of E1 activity was very slow with a rate constant of 290 M-1 s-1. Renaturation of E1 with a similarly slow kinetics was also achieved using individual GroEL-alpha and GroEL-beta complexes as combined substrates. However, the beta subunit was markedly more prone to misfolding than the alpha in the absence of GroEL. The alpha subunit was released as soluble monomers from the GroEL-alpha complex alone in the presence of GroES and Mg-ATP. In contrast, the beta subunit discharged from the GroEL-beta complex readily rebound to GroEL when the alpha subunit was absent. Analysis of the assembly state showed that the His6-alpha and beta subunits released from corresponding GroEL-polypeptide complexes assembled into a highly structured but inactive 85.5-kDa alpha beta dimeric intermediate, which subsequently dimerized to produce the active alpha2 beta2 tetrameter. The purified alpha beta dimer isolated from Escherichia coli lysates was capable of binding to GroEL to produce a stable GroEL-alpha beta ternary complex. Incubation of this novel ternary complex with GroES and Mg-ATP resulted in recovery of E1 activity, which also followed slow kinetics with a rate constant of 138 M-1 s-1. Dimers were regenerated from the GroEL-alpha beta complex, but they needed to interact with GroEL/GroES again, thereby perpetuating the cycle until the conversion from dimers to tetramers was complete. Our study describes an obligatory role of chaperonins in priming the dimeric intermediate for subsequent tetrameric assembly, which is a slow step in the reconstitution of E1 alpha2 beta2 tetramers.  相似文献   

We have expressed an active recombinant E1 decarboxylase component of the mammalian branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex in Escherichia coli by subcloning mature E1 alpha and E1 beta subunit cDNA sequences into a bacterial expression vector. To permit affinity purification under native conditions, the mature E1 alpha subunit was fused with the affinity ligand E. coli maltose-binding protein (MBP) through an endoprotease Factor Xa-specific linker peptide. When co-expressed, the MBP-E1 alpha fusion and E1 beta subunits were shown to co-purify as a MBP-E1 component that exhibited both E1 activity and binding competence for recombinant branched-chain E2 component. In contrast, in vitro mixing of individually expressed MBP-E1 alpha and E1 beta did not result in assembly or produce E1 activity. Following proteolytic removal of the affinity ligand and linker peptide with Factor Xa, a recombinant E1 species was eluted from a Sephacryl S-300HR sizing column as an enzymatically active 160-kDa species. The latter showed 1:1 subunit stoichiometry, which was consistent with an alpha 2 beta 2 structure. The recovery of this 160-kDa recombinant E1 species (estimated at 0.07% of total lysate protein) was low, with the majority of the recombinant protein lost as insoluble aggregates. Our findings suggest that the concurrent expression of both E1 alpha and E1 beta subunits in the same cellular compartment is important for assembly of both subunits into a functional E1 alpha 2 beta 2 heterotetramer. By using this co-expression system, we also find that the E1 alpha missense mutation (Tyr-393----Asn) characterized in Mennonites with maple syrup urine disease prevents the assembly of soluble E1 heterotetramers.  相似文献   

We have investigated the possible role of chaperonins groEL and groES in the folding and assembly of heterotetramers (alpha 2 beta 2) of mammalian mitochondrial branched-chain alpha-keto acid decarboxylase (E1) in Escherichia coli. The mature E1 alpha subunit fused to maltose-binding protein (MBP) was coexpressed with mature E1 beta on the same vector in ES- and EL- mutant strains. Only small or trace amounts of active E1 component were obtained. Cotransformation of the ES- mutant host with a second vector overexpressing groEL and groES resulted in a greater than 500-fold increase in E1-specific activity. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that the content of both MBP-E1 alpha and E1 beta polypeptides was markedly increased in the presence of overexpressed chaperonin proteins. The time course studies showed that the increase in E1-specific activity and subunit levels correlated with the increase in groEL and groES until the concentration of the chaperonins reached a saturating level in the cell. The functional MBP-E1 fusion protein from ES- double transformants were purified by amylose resin affinity chromatography. The MBP moiety was removed by subsequent digestion with Factor Xa endoprotease, followed by Sephacryl S-300HR chromatography. It was found that E1 alpha and E1 beta assembled into an active 160-kDa species, which was consistent with the alpha 2 beta 2 structure of E1. The present results demonstrate that chaperonins groEL and groES promote folding and assembly of heterotetrameric proteins of mammalian mitochondrial origin.  相似文献   

The heterodimeric F-actin capping protein cap32/34 from Dictyostelium discoideum is a typical member of a widely distributed family of cytoskeletal proteins. To analyze its regulation and structure/function relationships we cloned and expressed the subunits separately in Escherichia coli using the ATG-expression vector pT7-7. Studies on the viscosity of F-actin solutions and the kinetics of actin polymerization in the presence of single subunits or the reconstituted protein showed that capping of F-actin absolutely requires the heterodimeric conformation. This activity can be inhibited by phosphatidyl bisphosphate (PIP2), an important component in signal transduction. The regulation of cap32/34 by PIP2 suggests an involvement of this protein in the re-organization of the actin cytoskeleton upon stimulation of D. discoideum cells with chemoattractant.  相似文献   

Little is known of the plant branched-chain alpha-ketoacid dehydrogenase complex. We have undertaken a detailed study of the structure of the dihydrolipoyl acyltransferase (BCE2) subunit that forms the core of the complex, to which two other enzymes attach. Mature Arabidopsis thaliana BCE2 was expressed in Escherichia coli. The soluble recombinant protein was purified using a Superose 6 size-exclusion column to >90% homogeneity and was catalytically active. The recombinant protein formed a stable complex with a native molecular mass of 0.95 MDa and an S coefficient of 19.4, consistent with formation of a 24-mer. Negative-staining transmission electron microscopy of the recombinant protein confirmed that BCE2 forms a core with octagonal symmetry. Despite divergence of mammalian and plant BCE2s, there is clearly conservation of structure that is independent of primary sequence.  相似文献   

Park ES  Fenton WA  Horwich AL 《FEBS letters》2005,579(5):1183-1186
In tritium-hydrogen exchange experiments, the large GroEL substrate Rubisco was unfolded and exchanged in urea/acid/tritiated water, then diluted into either protic buffer or protic buffer containing GroEL. The respective Rubisco metastable folding intermediate or Rubisco-GroEL binary complex was then separated from residual tritium after varying times of exchange by centrifugation through P-10 or G-25 resin. No significant tritium was recovered in either case, in contrast to an earlier report. Thus, although the earlier-proposed forced unfolding mechanism for the action of GroEL on a bound polypeptide, occurring during ATP/GroES binding, remains an attractive hypothesis, the data here do not provide any indication that it is involved in the folding of Rubisco.  相似文献   

We report the occurrence of three novel mutations in the E1 alpha (BCKDHA) locus of the branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKAD) complex that cause maple syrup urine disease (MSUD). An 8-bp deletion in exon 7 is present in one allele of a compound-heterozygous patient (GM-649). A single C nucleotide insertion in exon 2 occurs in one allele of an intermediate-MSUD patient (Lo). The second allele of patient Lo carries an A-to-G transition in exon 9 of the E1 alpha gene. This missense mutation changes Tyr-368 to Cys (Y368C) in the E1 alpha subunit. Both the 8-bp deletion and the single C insertion generate a downstream nonsense codon. Both mutations appear to be associated with a low abundance of the mutant E1 alpha mRNA, as determined by allele-specific oligonucleotide probing. Transfection studies strongly suggest that the Y368C substitution in the E1 alpha subunit impairs its proper assembly with the normal E1 beta. Unassembled as well as misassembled E1 alpha and E1 beta subunits are degraded in the cell.  相似文献   

Conformational energy computations have been carried out to determine the favorable ways of packing a right-handed alpha-helix on a right-twisted antiparallel or parallel beta-sheet. Co-ordinate transformations have been developed to relate the position and orientation of the alpha-helix to the beta-sheet. The packing was investigated for a CH3CO-(L-Ala)16-NHCH3 alpha-helix interacting with five-stranded beta-sheets composed of CH3CO-(L-Val)6-NHCH3 chains. All internal and external variables for both the alpha-helix and the beta-sheet were allowed to change during energy minimization. Four distinct classes of low-energy packing arrangements were found for the alpha-helix interacting with both the parallel and the anti-parallel beta-sheet. The classes differ in the orientation of the axis of the alpha-helix relative to the direction of the strands of the right-twisted beta-sheet. In the class with the most favorable arrangement, the alpha-helix is oriented along the strands of the beta-sheet, as a result of attractive non-bonded side-chain-side-chain interactions along the entire length of the alpha-helix. A class with nearly perpendicular orientation of the helix axis to the strands is also of low energy, because it allows similarly extensive attractive interactions. In the other two classes, the helix is oriented diagonally relative to the strands of the beta-sheet. In one of them, it interacts with the convex surface near the middle of the saddle-shaped twisted beta-sheet. In the other, it is oriented along the concave diagonal of the beta-sheet and, therefore, it interacts only with the corner regions of the sheet, so that this packing is energetically less favorable. The packing arrangements involving an antiparallel and a parallel beta-sheet are generally similar, although the antiparallel beta-sheet has been found to be more flexible. The major features of 163 observed alpha/beta packing arrangements in 37 proteins are accounted for in terms of the computed structural preferences. The energetically most favored packing arrangement is similar to the right-handed beta alpha beta crossover structure that is observed in proteins; thus, the preference for this connectivity arises in large measure from this energetically favorable interaction.  相似文献   

Integrin receptors are crucial players in cell adhesion and migration. Identification and characterization of cellular proteins that interact with their short alpha and beta cytoplasmic tails will help to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which integrins mediate bi-directional signaling across the plasma membrane. Integrin alpha2beta1 is a major collagen receptor but to date, only few proteins have been shown to interact with the alpha2 cytoplasmic tail or with the alpha2beta1 complex. In order to identify novel binding partners of a alpha2beta1cytoplasmic domain complex, we have generated recombinant GST-fusion proteins, incorporating the leucine zipper heterodimerization cassettes of Jun and Fos. To ascertain proper functionality of the recombinant proteins, interaction with natural binding partners was tested. GST-alpha2 and GST-Jun alpha2 bound His-tagged calreticulin while GST-beta1 and GST-Fos beta1 proteins bound talin. In screening assays for novel binding partners, the immobilized GST-Jun alpha2/GST-Fos beta1 heterodimeric complex, but not the single subunits, interacted specifically with endothelial cell-derived vimentin. Vimentin, an abundant intermediate filament protein, has previously been shown to co-localize with alphavbeta3-positive focal contacts. Here, we provide evidence that this interaction also occurs with alpha2beta1-enriched focal adhesions and we further show that this association is lost after prolonged adhesion of endothelial cells to collagen.  相似文献   

The reactivation of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase, dissociated with 6 M-urea, was markedly reduced when aged solutions of urea were used without deionization. Cyanate, which is in equilibrium with urea in aged solutions, had similar effects on the reversible dissociation of the RNA polymerase suggesting that the inhibitor in aged urea solutions might be cyanate. The presence of dithiothreitol and MgCl2 in the dissociation buffer prevented this inhibition and, moreover, these agents could activate inactive subunits. Thus, it is suggested that the inhibition might be due to carbamylation of cysteine residues of the subunits of the polymerase.Upon exposure to cyanate, the β′ subunit was preferentially inactivated; as a result, the α2β complex, an intermediate in the sequence of the in vitro assembly of the RNA polymerase, accumulated when reconstitution was carried out with cyanate-treated subunits. This finding further strengthened the proposal that the subunits of this multimeric enzyme assemble in the following sequence: 2α + β + β′ → α2β + β′ → α2ββ′.  相似文献   

Expression of a dominant negative 20-kDa isoform of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBPbeta), LIP, is increased in proliferating livers and in tumor cells. Two RNA-binding proteins, CUGBP1 and calreticulin, have been implicated in the translational regulation of C/EBPbeta. In this paper, we present evidence showing several critical steps by which liver increases translation of LIP after partial hepatectomy. At early stages after partial hepatectomy, liver activates CUGBP1 by a hyperphosphorylation. The activated CUGBP1 binds to the 5' region of C/EBPbeta mRNA and replaces calreticulin, which partially represses translation of C/EBPbeta in quiescent livers. The hyperphosphorylated CUGBP1 also interacts with the alpha and beta subunits of initiation factor eIF2. Our data demonstrate that the interaction of CUGBP1 with the eIF2alpha enhances the association of CUGBP1 with ribosomes and correlates with increased translation of LIP in the liver after partial hepatectomy. Our data support the hypothesis that CUGBP1 increases translation of LIP by the interaction with the eIF2alpha subunit. This facilitates subsequent recruitment of larger numbers of ribosomes to initiate translation of LIP.  相似文献   

The receptor for IL-2 has been known to exist in three forms on the basis of their affinities to IL-2: high, intermediate, and low affinity forms. Two IL-2R components have been identified as IL-2R alpha (p55, Tac Ag) and IL-2R beta (p70-75) chains, both bind IL-2 with low and intermediate affinities, respectively. Recently, we cloned human IL-2R beta chain cDNA and demonstrated that the cDNA product binds IL-2 with intermediate affinity and forms high affinity IL-2R with coexpressed IL-2R alpha chain in a human T cell line, Jurkat. In this study, we report the establishment of the mouse fibroblast transformants expressing either the IL-2R beta chain alone or both the IL-2R alpha and IL-2R beta chains. In contrast to lymphoid cells, significant IL-2 binding was not detected in the transformants expressing the IL-2R beta chain alone at IL-2 concentrations (50 pM to 10 nM) generally utilized. Nonetheless, the transformants expressing both IL-2R alpha and IL-2R beta chains displayed two forms of the IL-2R with high and low affinities to IL-2. However, neither IL-2 internalization nor signal transduction via the high affinity IL-2R complex were observed in the L929 transformants. Those findings suggest that the interaction of the IL-2R beta chain with the IL-2R alpha chain occurs in the absence of additional lymphoid specific component(s) to form high affinity IL-2R, but that this interaction is insufficient for IL-2 internalization and signal transduction just as observed in lymphoid cells. The experimental approach described here may allow further dissection of the molecular architecture of the IL-2R complex in the ligand binding, internalization, and signal transduction.  相似文献   

Pea (Pisum sativum) mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1) was produced by coexpression of the mature alpha and beta subunits in the cytoplasm of the yeast Pichia pastoris. Size-exclusion chromatography of recombinant E1, using a Superose 12 column, yielded a peak at M(r) 160,000 that contained both alpha and beta subunits as well as E1 activity. This corresponds to the size of native alpha(2)beta(2) E1. Recombinant E1 alpha (His(6))-E1 beta was purified by affinity chromatography using immobilized Ni(+), with a yield of 2.8 mg L(-1). The pyruvate-decarboxylating activity of recombinant E1 was dependent upon added Mg(2+) and thiamin-pyrophosphate and was enhanced by the oxidant potassium ferricyanide. Native pea mitochondrial E1-kinase catalyzed phosphorylation of Ser residues in the alpha-subunit of recombinant E1, with concomitant loss of enzymatic activity. Thus, mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase can be assembled in the cytoplasm of P. pastoris into an alpha(2)beta(2) heterotetramer that is both catalytically active and competent for regulatory phosphorylation.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding the mature E1 beta subunit of the bovine branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex was isolated from a lambda ZAP expression library. The bovine E1 beta cDNA is 1,393 base pairs in length. It encodes the entire mature E1 beta subunit consisting of 342 amino acid residues and a partial mitochondrial targeting presequence of 26 residues. The calculated molecular mass of the mature bovine E1 beta subunit is 37,776 daltons, and the calculated isoelectric point is pI 5.04. The mature bovine E1 beta subunit was expressed in Escherichia coli via the pKK233-2 vector in the presence of isopropyl beta-D-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG). When expression was induced by IPTG at 37 degrees C, the soluble recombinant E1 beta subunit existed as a single high molecular weight form (Mr congruent to 3.5 x 10(5)), which sedimented during sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation at 2 x 10(5) x g. However, lowering the induction temperature to 25 degrees C resulted in the occurrence of both high and low molecular weight forms of the recombinant E1 beta protein. The low molecular weight form (Mr congruent to 9.1 x 10(4)) remained soluble after sucrose gradient centrifugation and was utilized in binding studies with a series of truncated recombinant E2 proteins. The results showed that the E1 beta subunit bound to the region between Ala-115 and Lys-150 of the E2 chain, which lay within the putative E3-binding domain. In contrast, the recombinant E1 alpha subunit did not bind the E2 component. The data suggest an apparent binding order of E2-E1 beta-E1 alpha, which supports and extends the model of E2 inner core deduced previously from the data of scanning transmission electron microscopy (Hackert, M.L., Xu, W.-X., Oliver, R.M., Wall, J.S., Hainfeld, J.F., Mullinax, T.R., and Reed, L.J. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 6816-6821). The relatively inaccessible topology of E1 beta may explain the lack of antigenicity and resistance to limited proteolysis of this subunit as it exists in the complex.  相似文献   

Assembly of histocompatibility class I heavy chains with beta 2microglobulin (beta 2m) is known to be necessary for cell surface expression. Studies on the H-2 class I deficient but interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) inducible fibrosarcoma BC2 and the lung carcinoma CMT 64.5 showed that after transfection with allogeneic H-2 class I genes the class I proteins are expressed, but only intracellularly and not on the cell surface. In spite of the presence of beta 2m in the cells no association of the transfected class I chain with beta 2m was observed. However, stimulation with IFN-gamma induced assembly and subsequent surface expression. These findings show that the assembly of class I heavy chains with beta 2m is not a spontaneous event but appears to be regulated by cellular mechanisms the nature of which is still unknown.  相似文献   

A cluster of genes encoding the E1 alpha, E1 beta, and E2 subunits of branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCDH) of Streptomyces avermitilis has been cloned and sequenced. Open reading frame 1 (ORF1) (E1 alpha), 1,146 nucleotides long, would encode a polypeptide of 40,969 Da (381 amino acids). ORF2 (E1 beta), 1,005 nucleotides long, would encode a polypeptide of 35,577 Da (334 amino acids). The intergenic distance between ORF1 and ORF2 is 73 bp. The putative ATG start codon of the incomplete ORF3 (E2) overlaps the stop codon of ORF2. Computer-aided searches showed that the deduced products of ORF1 and ORF2 resembled the corresponding E1 subunit (alpha or beta) of several prokaryotic and eukaryotic BCDH complexes. When these ORFs were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, proteins of about 41 and 34 kDa, which are the approximate masses of the predicted S. avermitilis ORF1 and ORF2 products, respectively, were detected. In addition, specific E1 [alpha beta] BCDH activity was detected in E. coli cells carrying the S. avermitilis ORF1 (E1 alpha) and ORF2 (E1 beta) coexpressed under the control of the T7 promoter.  相似文献   

Staphylococcal protein A (SPA)-based vectors were constructed to direct secretion of the E1alpha and E1beta subunits of Pisum sativum mitochondrial pyruvate dehydrogenase from Bacillus subtilis. These proteins were not exported when the signal peptide from levansucrase (SacBSP) was fused to their N-termini. Both SacBSP-E1alpha and SacBSP-E1beta fusion proteins were insoluble in the cytoplasm. However, when the SPA open-reading frame was inserted between SacBSP and E1alpha or E1beta, corresponding fusion proteins were secreted from the cells. The first (E) IgG-binding domain of SPA was sufficient to direct low level secretion of both fusion proteins (SacBSP-E-E1alpha and SacBSP-E-E1beta). Adding the second (D) IgG-binding domain improved extracellular protein yields 3- to 4-fold over E alone, but was not as efficient as secretion of the full-length (EDABC) SPA-fusion proteins. All constructs were based on the pUB110-derived multicopy plasmid pWB705. Separate B. subtilis strains transformed with SacBSP-E-E1alpha-His(6) or SacBSP-E1beta were cocultivated in the presence of Ni-NTA agarose. The native pyruvate dehydrogenase alpha2beta2 structure was bound to the affinity matrix, demonstrating assembly after secretion. The use of SPA as a fusion partner during expression of heterologous proteins by B. subtilis provides the basis of a versatile system that can be used to study both secretion and protein:protein interactions.  相似文献   

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