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Formate dehydrogenase in Desulfovibrio gigas was measured by following the release of 14CO2 from radiolabeled formate. Experiments with whole cells using sulfate as the electron acceptor revealed optimal formate dehydrogenase activity at pH 7.0 and formate utilization followed saturation kinetics. While formate dehydrogenase was constitutively produced in pyruvate or lactate media, the formate dehydrogenase activity was markedly increased in cells grown with formate as the electron donor. In cell-free experiments with methyl viologen or 2,6 dichlorophenolindophenol, about 1% of the cellular formate dehydrogenase activity was present in blebs from the outer membrane. Electron microscopy revealed that these blebs were closed structures with diameters ranging from 80-800A and were not induced by changes in osmotic pressure or cellular autolysis. Analysis of blebs revealed the presence of lipopolysaccharides and two proteins with molecular masses of 70 and 53 kDa.  相似文献   

Naturally elaborated membrane bleb fractions BI and BII of Neisseria gonorrhoeae contain both linear and circular DNAs. Because little is known about the interactions between DNA and blebs, studies were initiated to identify specific proteins that bind DNA in elaborated membrane blebs. Western immunoblots of whole-cell and bleb proteins from transformation-competent and DNA-uptake-deficient (dud) mutants were probed with single- or double-stranded gonococcal DNA, pBR322, or synthetic DNA oligomers containing intact or altered gonococcal transformation uptake sequences. The specificity and sensitivity of a nonradioactive DNA-binding protein assay was evaluated, and the assay was used to visualize DNA-protein complexes on the blots. The complexes were then characterized by molecular mass, DNA-binding specificity, and expression in bleb fractions. The assay effectively detected blotted DNA-binding proteins. At least 17 gonococcal DNA-binding proteins were identified; unique subsets occurred in BI and BII. Certain DNA-binding proteins had varied affinities for single- and double-stranded DNA, and the intact transformation uptake sequence competitively displaced the altered sequence from a BI protein at 11 kilodaltons (kDa). A dud mutant, strain FA660, lacked DNA-binding activity at the 11-kDa protein in BI. The segregation of DNA-binding proteins within BI and BII correlates with their distinct protein profiles and suggests that these vesicles may play different roles. Although the DNA-binding proteins expressed in BII may influence the nuclease-resistant export of plasmids within BII vesicles, the BI 11-kDa protein may bind transforming DNA.  相似文献   

Intense research into the signaling pathways of apoptosis has revealed a dominant role for proteases belonging to the caspase family, which in humans has 11 members at present. Two papers in the September issue of Structure with Folding & Design have for the first time revealed the structure of the key apoptotic initiator, caspase 8.  相似文献   

Naturally elaborated membrane bleb material is frequently observed in cultures of Neisseria gonorrhoeae. This material was purified and analyzed for protein, lipopolysaccharide, and nucleic acid content. The electrophoretic protein profiles of two bleb-rich fractions, called BI and BII, were distinct, with only BII containing lipopolysaccharide and outer membrane proteins I and III. Both fractions contained RNA, circular DNA, and linear DNA. Exogenous pancreatic DNase I appeared to hydrolyze all bleb-associated DNA in fraction BI and the linear DNA in fraction BII. The circular DNA molecules associated with fraction BII resisted digestion. Electron microscopy of the bleb fractions verified their DNA content. Fixing blebs with glutaraldehyde before mounting them for microscopy prevented release of internal DNA. Such fixation produced little change in the micrographs of BI; however, only traces of DNA were observed in fixed BII preparations. Incubation of wild-type gonococci in mixtures of DNase and blebs purified from antibiotic-resistant strains resulted in efficient exchange of penicillinase-specifying R plasmids. Recipients incorporated plasmids independently of endogenous and exogenous chromosomal streptomycin resistance markers. These in vitro results suggest that bleb formation by N. gonorrhoeae may serve to transfer plasmids intercellularly in vivo, perhaps constituting a previously unexplored genetic exchange mechanism in these bacteria.  相似文献   

Recognition of the widespread importance of apoptosis has been one of the most significant changes in the biomedical sciences in the past decade. The molecular processes controlling and executing cell death through apoptosis are, however, still poorly understood. The ICE (Interleukin-1beta Converting Enzyme) family-recently named the caspases for cysteine aspartate-specific proteases-plays a central role in apoptosis and may well constitute part of the conserved core mechanism of the process. Potentially, these proteases may be of great significance, both in the pathology associated with failure of apoptosis and also as targets for therapeutic intervention where apoptosis occurs inappropriately, e.g. in degenerative disease and AIDS. However, this is only likely if caspase activity is required before commitment to mammalian cell death. Here, we have used both peptide inhibitors and crmA transfection to inhibit these proteases in intact cells. Our experiments show that selective inhibition of some caspases protects human T cells (Jurkat and CEM-C7) from Fas-induced apoptosis, dramatically increasing their survival (up to 320-fold) in a colony-forming assay. This suggests that dysfunction of some, but not all, caspases could indeed play a crucial part in the development of some cancers and autoimmune disease, and also that these proteases could be appropriate molecular targets for preventing apoptosis in degenerative disease.  相似文献   

Effect of ischaemia, induced by abdominal aorta occlusion, and subsequent survival on the activity of arylamidases was studied in the lumbar and cervical spinal cord of the rabbit. No effect of 40 min ischaemia on the activity of arylamidases was found either in homogenates or in subcellular fractions of the spinal cord. In the lumbar spinal cord a moderate decrease in arylamidase activity was observed after 1 day of survival and a marked decrease was found after 4 days. The decrease were localized in the microsomal and, particularly, in the cytosole fraction. No changes were found in the cervical spinal cord at the corresponding intervals.  相似文献   

In ureter ligated dogs intravenous administration of KCl stimulates both insulin secretion and activity of a kaluresis independent K homeostatic mechanism (K transfer capacity) that retards the development of hyperkalemia by transferring K to intracellular fluid. If the preparation is K loaded by infusion with 2 mEq KCl/kg/hr until prelethal ECG changes of hyperkalemic cardiotoxicity appear, about 50% of administered K is transferred. An increased proportion--70%--is transferred if the animal is K loaded 70 minutes after pancreatectomy--when serum immunoreactive insulin is fixed at less than 4 uU/ml. That proportion (70%) is unchanged by simultaneous adrenalectomy, but is reduced to less than 40% by propranolol blockade of B receptors. Increased post pancreatectomy K transfer capacity apparently involves K transfer mediated by B receptors that are activated by an extra-adrenomedullary B agonist(s). Findings also indicate that residual post pancreatectomy insulin biological activity mediates K transfer.  相似文献   

Blebs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane of heart muscle cells were generated after saponin perforation of the plasma membrane followed by complete hypercontraction of the cell. Although characteristic proteins of the plasma membrane, namely the beta1-adrenoreceptor and Galphai, were stained by monoclonal antibodies in the hypercontracted cells, these proteins could not be detected in the adjacent blebs. Monoclonal antibodies to the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2), calsequestrin and SERCA2 bound at different amounts to surface components of the blebs and to components of the hypercontracted cells. From the immunofluorescence signals we conclude that the blebs are mainly constituted of corbular and junctional SR membrane, and only to a lesser extent of network SR membrane. Deconvolution microscopy revealed that the membrane location of RyR2, calsequestrin and SERCA2 in the bleb is comparable to native SR membrane. At the bleb membrane giga-ohm seals could be obtained and patches could be excised in a way that single-channel currents could be measured, although these are not completely identified.  相似文献   

Ganglioside-induced apoptosis in mouse thymocytes was shown to be caspase-dependent, mitochondria being involved in the apoptosis-signaling pathway of GM1-, GD3-and GT1b-stimulated cells. According to their role in caspase-8-induced signaling cascades in thymocytes, these gangliosides can be divided into two groups, viz., those activating cell apoptosis by a mitochondrial route without the involvement of death receptors and caspase-8 (the so-called mitochondrial signaling cascade) (GD3), and those activating this process by receptor-mediated and mitochondrial routes (GM1 and GT1b). Anti-Fas antibodies that activate apoptosis of thymocytes by receptor pathway were used as a reference system. Cytofluorimetric studies of chromosomal DNA fragmentation revealed that effector caspase-3 is involved in apoptotic signaling cascades triggered by all the gangliosides under study. At the same time, the caspase-3 inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK abolished the ganglioside-and antibody-induced depolarization of thymocyte mitochondrial membranes by a receptor-dependent route either partly (GM1 and GT1b) or completely (anti-Fas antibodies). Thymocytes stimulated by GD3 by a mitochondrial apoptotic route were an exception. Possible mechanisms of the caspase-3 involvement in the regulation of the activity of mitochondrial apoptosis-induced channels (MAC) are discussed and in particular, the role of proapoptotic proteins Bax/Bid.  相似文献   

High avidity ligation of the TCR induces negative selection in the thymus and can also induce apoptosis of peripheral T cells. Costimulation through CD28 enhances T cell activation and facilitates negative selection in the thymus, but the role of CD28 in peripheral T cell deletional tolerance has not been investigated. We used 2C CD28 wild-type and 2C CD28-deficient strains to assess the effects of CD28 and TCR avidity on peripheral T cell expansion and apoptosis. We compared the activation, division, expansion, and apoptosis of CD28(+/+) and CD28(-/-) 2C cells in response to self-Ag (K(b)), alloantigens with intermediate (K(bm3)), high (L(d)), or very high (L(d) + QL9 peptide) avidity. With intermediate avidity alloantigen, the CD28 signal enhanced T cell activation and expansion. However, when T cells encountered high avidity alloantigen, the CD28 signal reduced T cell expansion and increased apoptosis. These results indicate that the CD28 signal can down-regulate peripheral T cell responses by increasing apoptosis when TCR ligation exceeds a critical threshold.  相似文献   

We previously showed in vivo and in vitro, that among the spermatogenic stages of the newt, prolactin (PRL) induces apoptosis specifically in the penultimate stage of secondary spermatogonia. In the current report, we demonstrate in vitro that cycloheximide (CHX), an inhibitor of protein synthesis, induces morphological apoptotic changes similar to those caused by PRL, such as chromatin condensation and apoptotic body formation. Next, we found that Z-VAD-fmk, an inhibitor of various caspases, suppressed the apoptosis induced by PRL and CHX, but ICE inhibitor Ac-YVAD-CHO or caspase-3 inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO did not. As high caspase activity was present in extracts of testes treated with CHX, we suggest that an unidentified caspase induces the morphological changes of apoptosis in newt spermatogonia.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is a mechanism through which organisms get rid of unwanted cells and is thought to be an important process in organogenesis. Although large-scale cell death is observed in the developing kidney, the precise roles of cell death in kidney organogenesis remain to be elucidated. To address this question, we prevented cell death in metanephric explants by applying caspase inhibitors. Administration of caspase inhibitors (Z-D-CH2DCB and Ac-DEVD-CHO) effectively prevented the cell death that is normally observed in nondifferentiating mesenchymal cells. Both ureteric bud branching and nephrogenesis were prevented by caspase inhibition. Our results suggest that caspases are crucial in kidney organogenesis and cell death in the nondifferentiating mesenchyme.  相似文献   

C. Xu  C. L. Yang  X. L. Du  Q. Wei  C. Li 《Peptides》1986,7(6):973-976
The unilateral or bilateral carotid arteries were ligated in gerbils used as a model of cerebral ischemia. The effect of different times of bilateral ischemia on the content of CCK-8 in fore regions of gerbil brain and the effect of 30 min of unilateral ischemia on the content of CCK-8 of the same regions in gerbils with or without neurological signs were observed. Our results show that the content of CCK-8 of cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus and hypothalamus decreased significantly. But, in brain stem it remained basically unchanged no matter whether the ischemia was unilateral or bilateral. This suggests that there is a close relationship between CCK-8 and cerebral ischemia, and raises the possibility that CCK-8 may be involved in cerebral ischemia through a yet unclear mechanism.  相似文献   

(1) Urease (EC was modified with beta-1-[3,3-dimethyl-6'-nitrospiro-(indoline-2,2'-2H-benzopyrene)] propionic anhydride. Three amino acid residues of urease were modified by the anhydride at a molar ratio of 2000. (2) The activity of modified urease was decreased with ultraviolet irradiation and then restored to the initial activity with visible light irradiation. (3) Modified urease was used to prepare a urease-collagen membrane. The apparent Michaelis constant (Km) of the modified urease-collagen membrane ultraviolet light was identical to that of the membrane under visible light. (4) The optimum pH of the modified urease-collagen membrane was displaced toward lower pH values with ultraviolet irradiation. At higher ionic strength, the pH activity curve of the membrane was displaced toward higher pH values. (5) The thermostability of urease was increased with its modification.  相似文献   

Using a well documented ex vivo system consisting of rodent cerebellar granule cells (CGCs) the activation of caspases 3 and 6 during apoptosis induced by withdrawal of trophic support was analyzed. At the time of deprivation, the addition of the irreversible, broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor zVADfmk or the cell permeable, caspase 6 inhibitor CP-VEID-cho can transiently suppress the appearance of apoptosis, including the early appearance of DNA fragmentation. Using immunoblotting and fluorogenic peptide assays we observe deprivation-induced activation of caspases 3 and 6, but not caspase 9. Furthermore, active caspase 6 is capable of processing and activating procaspase 3 in cellular extracts prepared from non-apoptotic CGCs, whereas caspase 3 failed to activate caspase 6. In consonant with this, the cell permeable caspase 6 inhibitor prevented deprivation-induced caspase 3 activation whereas a cell permeable caspase 3 inhibitor, CP-DEVD-cho, had no effect on caspase 6 activation. This would indicate that caspase 6 is a significant inducer of the early caspase 3 activity in apoptotic CGCs.  相似文献   

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