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Pith autolysis, a condition in which dicotyledonous herbaceousplants have a hollow stem, results from the autolysis of a plant'sstorage pith. Our central hypothesis concerning the aetiologyof pith autolysis states that the carbon from the pith is transportedto the growth regions of the plant and used at times when theplant cannot meet its carbon needs by photosynthesis alone.According to this hypothesis, accelerated growth should increasepith autolysis. We here provide supporting evidence for thecentral hypothesis. More pith autolysis was found in fastergrowing tomato varieties than in dwarf varieties. More pithautolysis was found in both beans and tomatoes treated withGA3 than in controls. More pith autolysis was found in leggybean plants grown in low light than in normal plants grown undernormal light conditions. Pith autolysis decreased in both beansand tomatoes when mechanically perturbed or sprayed with paclobutrazol,both treatments that reduced growth. The stems of buckwheatplants that were flowering showed greater pith autolysis andtherefore were more hollow than plants which were not floweringor which had the incipient flowers pinched off. This indicatedthat carbon from the storage pith may also be used in the formationof reproductive structures which require extra carbon. Alsoin support of the central hypothesis is the prevention of pithautolysis by the addition of extra carbon to the plant, in theform of an increased CO2 concentration of the surrounding air.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Bean, tomato, buckwheat, pith autolysis, CO2, GA, thigmomorphogenesis, packobutrazol  相似文献   

Pith autolysis, in the past studied only in herbaceous cultivateddicotyledonous plants, commonly occurs in wild plants. A surveyof pith autolysis in wild plants was conducted in several differentbiomes in both North Carolina, USA and in Belgium. An objectivemethod and a subjective method were developed and used to estimatethe amount of pith autolysis in the internodes of bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) and the wild plant jewelweed (Impatiens capensisMeerb.) under experimental conditions. A ranking system alsowas used to quantify pith autolysis in other wild plants. Inthe field, a positive correlation was found between the rateof internode elongation and pith autolysis. Injections of sucrose solution were found to reduce the amountof pith autolysis developed in the upper internodes of jewelweedwhen compared to injections of control solution. Extracts fromthe nodal tissues of jewelweed increased the amount of pithautolysis developed by both jewelweed in the field and beanin the greenhouse. This increase in pith autolysis may be dueto a principle present in the jewelweed nodes that signals orcauses the supertending internodes to become hollow.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Pith, autolysis, Phaseolus vulgaris L., Impatiens capensis Meerb., sucrose, internode, hollow stem  相似文献   

Pod shatter in oilseed rape is accompanied by the degradationof the cell wall at the site of fruit dehiscence. Cell separationis preceded by an increase in the activity of the hydrolyticenzyme cellulase (ß 1,4-glucanase, E.C. [EC] ),and this rise in enzyme activity is restricted to the dehiscencezone cells. In contrast, the activity of the cell wall degradingenzyme polygalacturonase (E.C. [EC] ) exhibits no correlationeither temporally or spatially with pod dehiscence. An analysisof the ethylene production profile by intact pods during maturationhas revealed the existence of an ethylene climacteric and thisis temporally correlated with the tissue-specific increase incellulase activity. The major site of ethylene production bythe fruit has been identified to be the developing seed. Sincemaintenance of intact pods in ethylene accelerates both thesenescence and dehiscence of the tissue, it is possible thatthis gaseous regulator plays an important role in the processof pod shatter in vivo. Key words: Oilseed rape, Brassica napus, pod shatter, cellulase, polygalacturonase, ethylene  相似文献   

A single-gene recessive mutant (Abs-) of Lupinus angustifoliusL. ‘Danja’ that does not abscise any organs wascompared with its parent during continuous exposure of explantsfrom 14 d old seedlings to 10 µl l-1ethylene. Both endo-(1,4)-ß- D -glucanase (cellulase) and polygalacturonase(PGA) activities increased significantly and progressively inpetiole-stem abscission zones of the parent before the onsetof abscission, and were reflected in a rapid decline in breakstrengthfrom 300 to 70 g within 32 h. In the mutant there was negligibleincrease in hydrolytic enzyme activity, breakstrength declinedslowly (to 180–200 g by 72 h) and there was no abscission.Isoelectric focusing showed two cellulase isoforms (pI 5.0 andpI 8.5) expressed in abscission zones of the parent; these wereexpressed at much lower levels in the mutant. These data areinterpreted to indicate that expression of at least two formsof cellulase activity is enhanced by ethylene in normal petioleabscission zones of lupin. PGA activity also increased in theabscission zone tissue of the parent but to a lesser extentin that of the mutant. We attribute the Abs-phenotype to mutationof a gene regulating ethylene-responsive expression of abscission-specifichydrolytic enzymes. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Lupinus angustifolius, abscission, breakstrength, cellulase, ethylene, legume, lupin, mutant, polygalacturonase  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine possible links between polyaminebiosynthesis and effects of growth regulatory compounds. Anauxin (IAA), a cytokinin [benzyladenine; benzylaminopurine (BAP)],an ethylene source (ethephon) and abscisic acid (ABA) were individuallyapplied to terminal buds of excised etiolated or red light (R)-exposedpea epicotyls. Effects were noted on bud fresh weight and onthe two main enzymes of putrescine biosynthesis, arginine decarboxylase(ADC; EC [EC] ) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC; EC [EC] ).As previously reported [Dai and Galston (1981) Plant Physiol.67: 266], both bud growth and ADC activity are increased byR light. In such buds, ADC is raised further by 1–10 µMBAP or ABA and inhibited by 1–10 µM IAA or ethylene(50 mg/liter or more of ethephon). In all cases, effects ofR-irradiation plus 1 mM growth regulators on ODC activity wasthe inverse of their effects on ADC, indicating independentcontrol of these pathways. These results do not support theview that putrescine biosynthetic activity is correlated withgrowth in etiolated pea seedlings. 1Supported by a grant from NSF to A.W.G. 2Supported by a grant from the Turkish Government. Permanentaddress: Department of General Botany, University of Istanbul,S?leymaniye, Istanbul, Turkey. 3On sabbatical leave from the Department of Horticulture, HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel. (Received September 22, 1983; Accepted February 28, 1984)  相似文献   

When tea plants were shaded with black lawn cloth for severaldays in the field, the accumulations of (—)-epicatechin,(—)-epicatechin-3-gallate, (—)-epigallocatechinand (—)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate decreased in newlydeveloping tea shoots. Radioactive tracer studies showed thatthe conversions of glucose-U-14C, shikimic acid-G-14C and phenylalanine-U-14Cinto (—)-epicatechin and (—)-epigallocatechin moietieswere depressed by the shade treatment for tea plants but theincorporation of trans-cinnamic acid-3-14C was not affected.The treatment was found to have no significant effect on theactivities of phospho-2-keto-3-deoxy-heptonate. aldolase (EC. [EC] ), 3-dehydroquinate synthase (EC. [EC] ), 3-dehydroquinatedehydratase (EC. [EC] ), shikimate dehydrogenase (EC. [EC] )and trans-cinnamate 4-monooxygenase (EC. [EC] ) in theshoots, whereas the activity of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase(EC. [EC] ) clearly decreased. (Received March 17, 1980; )  相似文献   

Numbers of tracheary elements differentiating in lettuce pithexplants rose with increase in concentration of sucrose in themedium up to an optimal concentration of 0·2%, and fellwith further increase in concentration to about one-tenth maximalat 3% sucrose. Although a few tracheary elements formed withoutexogenous sucrose, a very low concentration of sucrose (0·001%)was sufficient to stimulate additional xylogenesis. Pretreatmentof explants with 3% sucrose caused a persisting inhibition ofxylogenesis, especially in tissue that had been near the siteof sucrose application (sandwich technique). The requirementfor adequate, but not inhibitory, concentrations of sucrosefor xylogenesis may underlie the development of xylem alongsidethe sucrose-rich phloem in normal apical morphogenesis. For callus growth the response to sucrose was different: theoptimal concentration was 3%, with a broad plateau from 1 to4% sucrose. Sucrose concentrations of 2 to 3%, used in manytissue culture media, are thus roughly optimal for callus growth,but ten times the optimum for xylogenesis in lettuce pith explants. It is surprising that 0·001% (0·03 mM) sucrose,applied exogenously, can stimulate xylogenesis: endogenous sugarconcentrations are normally higher. Perhaps the stimulationis mediated by ethylene biosynthesis, which is known to be xylogenic.Rates of ethylene production per explant rose with increasingsucrose concentration from about 0·1 nl h-1 at 0% sucroseto a slightly (significantly) higher level at 0·004%sucrose and to about 0·5 nl h-1 at 3% sucrose. D -glucoseresembled sucrose in its effects on xylogenesis and ethyleneproduction, but L-glucose yielded no xylogenesis and littlestimulation of ethylene biosynthesis.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Lactuca sativa, Coleus blumei, Nicotiana tabacum, lettuce pith explants, tracheary element differentiation, sucrose, glucose, ethylene  相似文献   

Under conditions of apoplastic unloading from the sieve element-companioncell (se-cc) complexes in fully-elongated stems of Phaseolusvulgaris plants, gjbberellic acid (GA3 stimulated in vitro uptakeof [14C]sucrose by the stem tissues. The GA3, response dependedupon the incubate containing calcium ions and being bufferedat pH 6. The GA3 action could be accounted for by a reductionin the Michaelis-Menten constant of the uptake process. Promotedtransport by GA3 in the decapitated stems resulted in all thetissues accumulating higher levels of [14C]photosynthates. Comparisonof this response with that for in vitro uptake of [14C]sucroseindicated that GA3 stimulation of the sucrose uptake processcontributed significantly to the accumulation of photosynthatesby the pith alone. The bulk of enhanced photosynthate accumulationby the remaining stem tissues can be accounted for by a GA,-inducedelevation of the apoplast sucrose concentration. In terms ofonset and change in rate, the time-course kinetics of GA3 stimulationof [14C]photosynthate transport and of in vitro [14CJsucroseuptake were found to be similar. It is proposed that GA3 promotionof photosynthate accumulation by the pith tissues is a minorcontributing factor to GA3 regulation of phloem translocation Phaseolus vulgaris L., french bean, stem, assimilate transport, gibberellic acid, rink accumulation  相似文献   

In pole bean plants, mechanical stress (MS) inhibited stem elongationand induced radial thickening of the stem. Application of uniconazole,an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis, also reduced stemgrowth but had no effect on stem diameter. Both MS and uniconazolesignificantly reduced hollowing of the first internodes, butonly the former increased ethylene evolution from the firstinternode. Application of GA3 increased the length of the firstinternode and decreased its diameter in bush bean plants; thiswas accompanied by a significant promotion of stem hollowing.Aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) decreased ethylene evolution fromthe GA3-treated internodes, though it did not reduce the GA3-inducedhollowing of the first internodes. Application of GA3 affectedneither ethylene evolution nor cellulase activity in the firstinternodes of bush bean plants. Application of GA3 stimulatedmuch greater cell elongation in the center of pith tissue thanin the outer surrounding tissues, suggesting a possible physicalbreakage of the inner cells, which leads the hollowing of beanstems. These results suggest that gibberellin is a factor responsiblefor stem hollowing in bean plants. Because MS is known to reducegibberellin content in bean plants [Suge (1978) Plant Cell Physiol.21: 303] MS may inhibit stem hollowing by reducing the amountof endogenous gibberellin. (Received July 1, 1994; Accepted November 8, 1994)  相似文献   

The pattern for primary products of CO2-fixation and the chloroplaststructure of Amaranthus retrqflexus L., a species which incorporatescarbon dioxide into C4 dicarboxylic acids as the primary productof photosynthesis, were compared in various chlorophyll containingtissues,i.e., foliage leaves, stems, cotyledons and pale-greencallus induced from stem pith. Despite some morphological differencesin these assimilatory tissues, malate and aspartate were identifiedas the major compounds labelled during a 10 sec fixation of14CO2 in all tissues. Whereas, aspartate was the major componentin C4-dicarboxylic acids formed in foliage leaves, malate predominatedas the primary product in stems, cotyledons and the pale-greencallus. The percentage of 14C-radioactivity incorporated intoPGA and sugar-P esters increased and 14C-sucrose was detectedin the prolonged fixation of 14CO2 in the light, not only infoliage leaves, but also in stems and cotyledons. 1 This work was supported by a Grant for Scientific ResearchNo. 58813, from the Ministry of Education, Japan. 2 Present address: Institute of Applied Microbiology, Universityof Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 3 Present address: Department of Biochemistry, University ofGeorgia, Athens 30601. Georgia, U. S. A. (Received July 10, 1971; )  相似文献   

Dehiscence of pods at an early stage of development is a characteristicof oilseed rape pods damaged by Dasineura brassicae (pod midge).Anatomical examination of pods exhibiting symptoms of infestationrevealed a loss of cohesion between intact cells of the dehiscencezone, a narrow tissue of thin-walled cells present between thevalve margins. Determination of hydrolytic enzyme activity inpericarp tissues of damaged siliquae showed localized enhancementof both polygalacturonase (EC [EC] ) and cellulase (ß1,4 glucanase, EC [EC] ) activity, positionally consistent withthese factors being responsible for the observed cell wall degradation.Mechanistic similarities of midge-induced and maturation-associatedpod dehiscence are discussed. Oilseed rape, Brassica napus L. cv., Bienvenu, pod shatter, pod midge, Dasineura brassicae (Winn.), cellulase, polygalacturonase  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for nodule uricase were used for immunocytochemistryto demonstrate the presence of uricase in cotyledons of soybean(Glycine max) during germination and early seedling growth.The enzyme was localized exclusively in peroxisomes. 1Permanent address: Department of Plant Cytology and Cytochemistry,University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland 2Current address: Department of Plant Science, University ofArizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The extended period of ethylene release from ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonicacid) after application to intact tomato plants has provideda model system in which the effects of ethylene on photosyntheticmetabolism and carbon partitioning has been studied. Ethylenerelease from leaf tissue after ethephon treatment was 10 timesgreater than that from untreated control leaves. The specificactivity of 14C2H4 released from [14C] ethephon remained constantover several days demonstrating that the ethylene was derivedfrom the applied ethephon. The ethephon-treated plants exhibitedextreme epinasty of the leaves and 24 h after application theflower buds in the first visible cluster had abscised, leafexpansion at the apex had ceased and developing adventitiousroots were visible on the lower stem. Rates of steady-state photosynthesis, respiration, photorespirationand transpiration were the same in treated and control leaves24 h after ethephon application. Both treated and control leavespartitioned similar proportions of newly-fixed 14C from 14CO2into neutral (46.4%), acidic (14.0%), basic (5.0%) and insoluble(34.0%) leaf fractions under steady-state conditions. The speedof 11C-assimilate movement in the stems of control plants (3.62±0.42cm min-1 towards the apex and 4.03±0.15 cm min-1 towardsthe roots) was more rapid than in the ethephon-treated plants(2.90±0.31 cm min-1 upwards and 2.59±0.22 cm min-1downwards). Furthermore, in the control plants 20.0±5.4%of the 14C exported to the plant from the source leaf was transportedtowards the developing flower cluster and young leaves. Twenty-fourhours after ethephon application only 6.5 ±1.7% of theexported 14C was translocated towards the shoot. Contrary tosome reports ethylene did not affect steady-state gas exchangeprocesses while carbon partitioning was significantly alteredindicating that ethylene effects on photosynthetic carbon metabolismare indirect and not due to direct effects on photosyntheticprocesses per se. Key words: Ethylene, photosynthesis, partitioning  相似文献   

Pretreatment of Coleus blumei (BENTH.) stem explants for 24hr with L-proline (P) (1.0 mM) by the successive cup techniqueresulted in the redifferentiation of extremely high numbersof wound vessel members (WVM) from pith and cortical parenchymatissues following the addition of a xylogenic concentrationof 5 ppm indoleacetic acid (IAA). The addition of P with auxinor after auxin had been introduced into the segments was ineffectivein altering the numbers of WVM formed as compared to controls.P-treated segments showed both normal and aberrant WVM withthe addition of colchicine (0.01 %) and IAA; colchicine-treatedsegments invariably produced aberrant WVM when P and IAA weregiven. These results suggest that a P-rich substance may interactwith auxin in initiating wound vessel member differentiation. 1Fulbright Professor of Botany, 1967-68. Permanent address:Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow,Idaho, 83843, U. S. A.  相似文献   

Using two ecotypes of Stellaria longipes an alpine form with low plasticity and a prairie form with high plasticity, we investigated whether ethylene was involved in the response to wind stress and might be important in controlling plasticity of stem elongation. Stem growth inhibition was positively correlated with concentration of ethephon application and elevation in ambient ethylene in alpine ecotypes, whereas stem growth in prairie plants was stimulated by low ethephon concentrations. When treated with high AVG, the effects were reversed: alpine plant growth was promoted and prairie plant growth was inhibited. Prairie plants exhibited a daily rhythm in ethylene evolution which increased and peaked at 1500 h, and which was absent in alpine plants. Ethylene evolution did not change significantly during the first 2 weeks of growth in alpine plants, whereas ethylene in prairie plants increased significantly during periods of rapid stem elongation. Wind treatment inhibited growth in both ecotypes, but only alpine plants showed a recovery of growth to control levels when wind stressed plants were pretreated with STS. In addition, only alpine plants showed an increase in ethylene evolution in response to wind simulation, whereas prairie plant ethylene evolution did not deviate from rhythms observed in unstressed plants. We concluded that ethylene dwarfs stems in alpine S. longipes in response to wind stress. However, low levels of ethylene may stimulate growth in prairie ecotypes and act independently of wind stress intensity. The contrasting ability to synthesize and respond to ethylene can account for part of the difference in plasticity documented between the two ecotypes.  相似文献   

Time course changes were observed in petiole and stem anatomy and cellulase enzyme patterns in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) explants when 10−5 or 10−2m indoleacetic acid in lanolin paste was applied to acropetal cut surfaces in the presence or absence of ethylene. Auxin (10−2m) in the presence of ethylene stimulated rapid ordered cell division and dedifferentiation, with ensuing lateral root formation. Auxin (10−5m) caused moderate cortical swelling, pit formation in pith parenchyma, and chloroplast development in certain cortical cells. Exogenous ethylene reduced cell division activity and caused cortical cell swelling and separation. Removal of endogenously generated ethylene by mercuric perchlorate resulted in less ordered cell division patterns and no lateral root formation. Auxin treatments enhanced formation of an active acidic pI cellulase, exogenous ethylene-stimulated formation of an active basic pI cellulase. The absence of basic pI cellulase activity by the removal of endogenously generated ethylene suggests a close dependence of basic pI cellulase activity on ethylene.  相似文献   

A chloroform extract of peelings and buds of ‘Red Pontiac’potato tubers yielded chromatographic eluates that exhibitedqualitatively and quantitatively different stimulating and inhibitingresponses on four bioassays. The essentiality of selecting asatisfactory array of bioassays, coupled with a thorough extractionprocedure, is emphasized. 1This research was supported by United States Public HealthService Grant EF-61 2Present address: Department of Botany, Hebrew University, Jerusalem,Israel 3Present address: Department of Agronomy, University of Tokyo,Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo  相似文献   

(—)-Kaurene-U-3H was metabolized in seedlings of Pharbitisnil, a short-day plant, to labeled ( — )-kaurenol, ( —)-kaurenal, ( — )-kaurenoic acid, and unidentified polarsubstances, in this sequence. No significant effect of photoperiodicfloral induction upon the metabolism of ( — )-kaurene-U-3Hor ( — )-kaurenol-U-3H was observed, which suggests that( — )-kaurene metabolism is not involved in photoperiodicfloral induction 1This work was supported in part by grants from the Ministryof Education. (Received September 24, 1970; )  相似文献   

An optical emission spectrographic method was used to studythe distribution and accumulation of nanogram quantities of15N in leaves and roots of individual rice plants. Gaseous nitrogenthat was prepared from plant samples, not weighing more than100 µg, was trapped in an electrodeless tube. The excess15N was determined by exciting the gas with a high frequencygenerator, then measuring the light intensities of the molecularbandheads at 2977, 2983 and 2989 ?. For leaves that contained4 atom % 15N the precision obtained was ?1.33%. A comparisonof emission and mass spectrographic 15N values were obtainedwith a number of second leaves of rice plants that were grownunder similar environmental conditions. The 15N contents obtainedat a 2 atom % level by the 2 methods were in reasonable agreement. 1Permanent address: University of Tokyo, Dept. of Agr. Chem.,Japan. 2Permanent address: Argonne National Lab., Argonne, Illinois,U. S. A. (Received April 2, 1969; )  相似文献   

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