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We present a correction of the previously reported nucleotide sequence of the Citrobacter freundii trp operon regulatory region. The original sequence analyses were performed with a plasmid designated pCF2. We repeated the cloning of the trp regulatory region of C. freundii and concluded from the determined sequence that a DNA rearrangement had occurred within the leader region of the cloned trp DNA of pCF2. The correct sequence is homologous to the Escherichia coli sequence.  相似文献   

The regulatory region of the trp operon of Citrobacter freundii was sequenced and compared with the corresponding regions of other enteric bacteria. Significant differences were noted in the promoter region. These differences are presumably responsible for the weak expression of the cloned trp operon in Escherichia coli. The presumed operator region, although nonfunctional in E. coli, has dyad symmetry, but the sequence of the symmetrical region differs appreciably from those of operators that can be regulated by the E. coli trp repressor. The sequence of the trp leader region of C. freundii resembles that of other enteric bacteria, suggesting that the C. freundii operon is also regulated by attenuation. Comparison of the sequence of the initial portion of trpE with the homologous regions of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium indicates that the three organisms probably are evolutionary equidistant.  相似文献   

All prokaryotic and eukaryotic thioredoxins contain a conserved tryptophan residue, exposed at the active site disulfide/dithiol. The role of this W31 in Escherichia coli thioredoxin (Trx) was studied by site-directed mutagenesis. Four mutant Trx with W31Y, W31F, W31H, and W31A replacements were characterized. Very low tryptophan fluorescence emission from the remaining W28 was observed in all mutant Trx; reduction resulted in large, but variable increases (up to 11-fold) of fluorescence, to levels higher than in native or denatured wild-type Trx, demonstrating a previously postulated change involving W28. All W31 mutant Trx were good substrates for E. coli thioredoxin reductase. Compared with wild type, the apparent Km values were increased less than 2-fold for the W31A, W31H, and W31F Trx and the W31Y Trx showed even slightly higher catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km value). Functions of reduced Trx with ribonucleotide reductase and in reduction of insulin disulfides were more strongly influenced by the W31 replacements, in particular at low pH for A and H residues. T7 DNA polymerase activity generated by T7 gene 5 protein and reduced Trx was lowered by large factors for W31Y, W31A, or W31H compared with W31F or the wild-type protein. The in vivo function of Trx was studied by using pUC118-trxA expression in an E. coli trxA- background. The trxA genes with W31Y and W31F substitutions restored, fully and partly, the methionine sulfoxide utilization of a trxA- metE- test strain; W31A and W31H mutations resulted in no growth. Propagation of M13 was moderately impeded by W31Y and W31F or severely by W31A and W31H replacements. Growth of a phage T3/7 hybrid was possible only with the W31Y and W31F substitutions reflecting the in vitro results for T7 DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

In vivo site-directed mutagenesis using oligonucleotides   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Functional characterization of the genes of higher eukaryotes has been aided by their expression in model organisms and by analyzing site-specific changes in homologous genes in model systems such as the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Modifying sequences in yeast or other organisms such that no heterologous material is retained requires in vitro mutagenesis together with subcloning. PCR-based procedures that do not involve cloning are inefficient or require multistep reactions that increase the risk of additional mutations. An alternative approach, demonstrated in yeast, relies on transformation with an oligonucleotide, but the method is restricted to the generation of mutants with a selectable phenotype. Oligonucleotides, when combined with gap repair, have also been used to modify plasmids in yeast; however, this approach is limited by restriction-site availability. We have developed a mutagenesis approach in yeast based on transformation by unpurified oligonucleotides that allows the rapid creation of site-specific DNA mutations in vivo. A two-step, cloning-free process, referred to as delitto perfetto, generates products having only the desired mutation, such as a single or multiple base change, an insertion, a small or a large deletion, or even random mutations. The system provides for multiple rounds of mutation in a window up to 200 base pairs. The process is RAD52 dependent, is not constrained by the distribution of naturally occurring restriction sites, and requires minimal DNA sequencing. Because yeast is commonly used for random and selective cloning of genomic DNA from higher eukaryotes such as yeast artificial chromosomes, the delitto perfetto strategy also provides an efficient way to create precise changes in mammalian or other DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Mutants of the histidine operon control region (hisO) include two classes: (1) those completely unable to express the operon (His auxotrophs), and (2) prototrophs that are unable to achieve fully induced levels of operon expression (still His+ but sensitive to the drug amino-triazole). Using new, as well as previously existing hisO mutants, we constructed a fine-structure deletion map of hisO. Mutations that presumably alter the his promoter map at one end of hisO; mutations that alter the his attenuator map at the other end of hisO. Between the promoter and the attenuator lie a number of mutations that affect either the translation of the his leader peptide gene, or the formation and stability of his leader messenger RNA structures. All of the point mutations mapping in this central region revert to His+ at a very high frequency (10?5 to 10?6); this frequency is increased by both base substitution and frameshift-inducing mutagens. Many of the His? mutants are suppressed by informational suppressors; all three types of nonsense mutations have been identified, demonstrating that translation of a region of hisO between the promoter and attenuator is essential for his operon expression. All of the hisO mutations tested are cis-dominant.  相似文献   

Biological sulfide oxidation is a reaction occurring in all three domains of life. One enzyme responsible for this reaction in many bacteria has been identified as sulfide:quinone oxidoreductase (SQR). The enzyme from Rhodobacter capsulatus is a peripherally membrane-bound flavoprotein with a molecular mass of approximately 48 kDa, presumably acting as a homodimer. In this work, SQR from Rb. capsulatus has been modified with an N-terminal His tag and heterologously expressed in and purified from Escherichia coli. Three cysteine residues have been shown to be essential for the reductive half-reaction by site-directed mutagenesis. The catalytic activity has been nearly completely abolished after mutation of each of the cysteines to serine. A decrease in fluorescence on reduction by sulfide as observed for the wild-type enzyme has not been observed for any of the mutated enzymes. Mutation of a conserved valine residue to aspartate within the third flavin-binding domain led to a drastically reduced substrate affinity, for both sulfide and quinone. Two conserved histidine residues have been mutated individually to alanine. Both of the resulting enzymes exhibited a shift in the pH dependence of the SQR reaction. Polysulfide has been identified as a primary reaction product using spectroscopic and chromatographic methods. On the basis of these data, reaction mechanisms for sulfide-dependent reduction and quinone-dependent oxidation of the enzyme and for the formation of polysulfide are proposed.  相似文献   

There are two tryptophan residues in the lens alphaB-crystallin, Trp9 and Trp60. We prepared two Trp --> Phe substituted mutants, W9F and W60F, for use in a spectroscopic study. The two tryptophan residues contribute to Trp fluorescence and near-ultraviolet circular dichroism (UV CD) differently. The major difference in the near-UV CD is the contribution of 1La of Trp: it is positive in W60F but becomes negative in W9F. Further analysis of the near-UV CD shows an increased intensity in the region of 270-280 nm for W60F, suggesting that the Tyr48 is affected by the W60F mutation. It appears that Trp60 is located in a more rigid environment than Trp9, which agrees with a recent structural model in which Trp60 is in a beta-strand.  相似文献   

Improved site-directed mutagenesis method using PCR.   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文

Ribonuclease A contains two exposed loop regions, around Ala20 and Asn34. Only the loop around Ala20 is sufficiently flexible even under native conditions to allow cleavage by nonspecific proteases. In contrast, the loop around Asn34 (together with the adjacent beta-sheet around Thr45) is the first region of the ribonuclease A molecule that becomes susceptible to thermolysin and trypsin under unfolding conditions. This second region therefore has been suggested to be involved in early steps of unfolding and was designated as the unfolding region of the ribonuclease A molecule. Consequently, modifications in this region should have a great impact on the unfolding and, thus, on the thermodynamic stability. Also, if the Ala20 loop contributes to the stability of the ribonuclease A molecule, rigidification of this flexible region should stabilize the entire protein molecule. We substituted several residues in both regions without any dramatic effects on the native conformation and catalytic activity. As a result of their remarkably differing stability, the variants fell into two groups carrying the mutations: (a) A20P, S21P, A20P/S21P, S21L, or N34D; (b) L35S, L35A, F46Y, K31A/R33S, L35S/F46Y, L35A/F46Y, or K31A/R33S/F46Y. The first group showed a thermodynamic and kinetic stability similar to wild-type ribonuclease A, whereas both stabilities of the variants in the second group were greatly decreased, suggesting that the decrease in DeltaG can be mainly attributed to an increased unfolding rate. Although rigidification of the Ala20 loop by introduction of proline did not result in stabilization, disturbance of the network of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions that interlock the proposed unfolding region dramatically destabilized the ribonuclease A molecule.  相似文献   

A lysogen of a wild-type strain of Escherichia coli K-12 carrying a heat-inducible lambda-phi80 hybrid prophage was induced to yield transducing phages carrying all of the structural genes of the tryptophan operon. The presence or absence of elements of the trp regulatory region was determined by examining the effects of lambda genes N and cI on trp gene expression. The phages were further characterized by transduction studies and by examining anthranilate synthetase (EC (TRYPE+D) synthesis in the presence of the lambda cI product. A number of phages deleted for the trp promoter were found. Recombination studies between trpOc bacteria and the transducing phages have yielded information that can be used to order the trp end points of some phages and to provide an estimate of the size of the trp promoter region.  相似文献   

Previous studies of phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase expression in Escherichia coli strongly suggested that the pheS, T operon was regulated by a phenylalanine-mediated attenuation mechanism. To investigate the functions of the different segments composing the pheS, T attenuator site, a series of insertion, deletion and point mutations in the pheS, T leader region have been constructed in vitro on a recombinant M13 phage. The effects of these alterations on the regulation of the operon were measured after transferring each mutation onto a lambda phage carrying a pheS, T-lacZ fusion. The behaviours of the various mutants agree with the predictions of the attenuation model. The role of the antiterminator (2-3 pairing) as competitor of the terminator (3-4 pairing) is demonstrated by several mutations affecting the stability of the 2-3 base-pairing. The existence of deletions and point mutations in the 3-4 base-pairing shows that the terminator is essential for both expression level and regulation of the operon. Mutations in the translation initiation site of the leader peptide show that the expression of the leader peptide is essential for attenuation control. However, alteration of the translation initiation rate of the leader peptide derepresses the pheS, T operon, which is the opposite of what is observed with the trp operon. This difference is explained in terms of different translation initiation efficiencies of the leader peptides. Finally, insertion mutations, increasing gradually the distance between the leader peptide stop codon and the first strand of the antiterminator, derepress the pheS, T operon and show that formation of the antiterminator structure is under the control of the translation of the leader peptide.  相似文献   

FtsZ has two domains, the amino GTPase domain with a Rossmann fold, and the carboxyl domain that resembles the chorismate mutase fold. Bioinformatics analyses suggest that the interdomain interaction is stronger than the interaction of the protofilament longitudinal interfaces. Crystal B factor analysis of FtsZ and detected conformational changes suggest a connection between these domains. The unfolding/folding characteristics of each domain of FtsZ were tested by introducing tryptophans into the flexible region of the amino (F135W) and the carboxyl (F275W and I294W) domains. As a control, the mutation F40W was introduced in a more rigid part of the amino domain. These mutants showed a native-like structure with denaturation and renaturation curves similar to wild type. However, the I294W mutant showed a strong loss of functionality, both in vivo and in vitro when compared to the other mutants. The functionality was recovered with the double mutant I294W/F275A, which showed full in vivo complementation with a slight increment of in vitro GTPase activity with respect to the single mutant. The formation of a stabilizing aromatic interaction involving a stacking between the tryptophan introduced at position 294 and phenylalanine 275 could account for these results. Folding/unfolding of these mutants induced by guanidinium chloride was compatible with a mechanism in which both domains within the protein show the same stability during FtsZ denaturation and renaturation, probably because of strong interface interactions.  相似文献   

When the trp operon of Escherichia coli contains either of two deletions that fuse the initial portion of the leader region to the distal segments of the trpE gene, novel fusion polypeptides are produced. The new polypeptides are synthesized efficiently both in vivo and in vitro, and their synthesis is subject to repression by trp repressor. Fingerprint analyses of tryptic and chymotryptic digests of the new polypeptides show that both contain trpE polypeptide sequences and, despite their different sizes, share the same N-terminal sequence. Our results suggest that synthesis of the new polypeptides is initiated at the AUG-centered ribosome-binding site in the leader region and proceeds in phase to the region coding for the C-terminal end of the trpE polypeptide.  相似文献   

Analysis of the ends of bacteriophage Mu using site-directed mutagenesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We showed previously that two regions at the left end (L1 and L3) and one at the right end (R2) of bacteriophage Mu are essential for transposition. These regions all contain a 22 base-pair sequence with the consensus YGtTTCAYtNNAARYRCGAAAR, where Y and R represent any pyrimidine and purine, respectively. The Mu A protein binds to these regions in vitro, and weakly to sequences between nucleotides 1 and 30 of the right end (R1) and between nucleotides 110 and 135 of the left end (L2). These weak A binding sites contain the sequence AARYRCGAAAR. Here we show, using site-directed mutagenesis, that the weak A binding sites are essential for transposition. Mutations in these weak A binding sites have a greater effect on transposition than mutations of corresponding base-pairs in the stronger A binding sites, located adjacent to these weak A binding sites. We confirm the importance of several of the conserved base-pairs in the consensus sequence YGtTTCAYtNNAARYRCGAAAR. The base-pairs in the A binding sites that are shown to be essential for transposition are all conserved in the ends of the related bacteriophage D108. Furthermore, it is shown that the distance of 90 base-pairs between the two regions at the left end (L1 and L2L3) is essential.  相似文献   

Constitutive NADH oxidase proteins of the mammalian cell surface exhibit two different activities, oxidation of hydroquinones (or NADH) and protein disulfide-thiol interchange which alternate to yield oscillatory patterns with period lengths of 24 min. A drug-responsive tNOX (tumor-associated NADH oxidase) has a period length of about 22 min. The tNOX cDNA has been cloned and expressed. These two proteins are representative of cycling oxidase proteins of the plant and animal cell surface. In this report, we describe a series of eight amino acid replacements in tNOX which, when expressed in Escherichia coli, were analyzed for enzymatic activity, drug response and period length. Replacement sites selected include six cysteines that lie within the processed plasma membrane (34 kDa) form of the protein, and amino acids located in putative drug and adenine nucleotide (NADH) binding domains. The latter, plus two of the cysteine replacements, resulted in a loss of enzymatic activity. The recombinant tNOX with the modified drug binding site retained activity but the activity was no longer drug-responsive. The four remaining cysteine replacements were of interest in that both activity and drug response were retained but the period length for both NADH oxidation and protein disulfide-thiol interchange was increased from 22 min to 36 or 42 min. The findings confirm the correctness of the drug and adenine nucleotide binding motifs within the tNOX protein and imply a potential critical role of cysteine residues in determining the period length.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional structural model of fructosyl amine oxidase from the marine yeast Pichia N1-1 was generated using the crystal structure of monomeric sarcosine oxidase from Bacillus sp. B-0618 as template. The putative active site region was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis, identifying several amino acid residues likely playing important roles in the enzyme reaction. Asn354 was identified as a residue that plays an important role in substrate recognition and that can be substituted in order to change substrate specificity while maintaining high catalytic activity. While the Asn354Ala substitution had no effect on the V max K m−1 value for fructosyl valine, the V max K m−1 value for fructosyl-ε N-lysine was decreased 3-fold, thus resulting in a 3-fold improvement in specificity for fructosyl valine over fructosyl-ε N-lysine.  相似文献   

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