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Microsatellite variation in the reintroduced Pennsylvania elk herd   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Relocation programs have restored elk (Cervus elaphus) to portions of its vast historical range. We examine the consequences of these relocation programs by assessing variation at 10 microsatellite loci in three elk herds, a source herd (Yellowstone National Park), a large herd reintroduced from Yellowstone (Custer State Park) and a bottlenecked herd reintroduced from both Yellowstone and Custer (the Pennsylvania herd). Observed single locus heterozygosities ranged from 0.000 to 0.739. Multi-locus heterozygosities ranged from 0.222 to 0.589. Although significant differences were detected among all three herds, the Yellowstone National Park and Custer State Park herds possessed similar levels of variation and heterozygosity, and the genetic distance between these two herds was small. The Pennsylvania herd, on the other hand, experienced a 61.5% decrease in heterozygosity relative to its source herds, possessed no unique and few rare alleles, and the genetic distances between the Pennsylvania herd and its sources were large. Simulations were performed to identify bottleneck scenarios in agreement with levels of variation in the Pennsylvania herd. Our data confirm that the rate of population growth post-relocation may have important genetic consequences and indicate that theoretical predictions regarding the maintenance of genetic variation during relocation events must be viewed with caution when small numbers of a polygynous species are released.  相似文献   

The meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) was found in 22 (7%) of 300 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) (257 adults, 43 fawns) examined from Nebraska (USA) during November 1996. None of 53 mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) (47 adults and 6 fawns) examined were infected. Twenty-two white-tailed deer from 18 counties in eastern Nebraska were infected with Parelaphostrongylus tenuis. This is the first record of P. tenuis in white-tailed deer from this state.  相似文献   

One hundred seventy-eight white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and 275 mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) collected from locker plants in the western 2/3 of Nebraska (USA) in November 1997 were examined for the meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis). Parelaphostrongylus tenuis was identified in 17 (10%) of 168 white-tailed deer and in one (<1%) of 273 mule deer. This is the first naturally occurring infection of P. tenuis recorded in a mule deer.  相似文献   

A natural infection of the meningeal worm, Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, persisted for at least 3.7 yr in a white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). The deer was 5-7 yr old and was shedding dorsal-spined nematode larvae at the time of quarantine. Larvae were extracted from all fecal samples collected up to 730 days post-quarantine (dpq) and thereafter only at 862 dpq and at necropsy (1,350 dpq). Live adults of P. tenuis, one male and one female, were recovered from the cranium at necropsy. Parelaphostrongylus tenuis infections are long lived and latent periods may be extended. Our findings reaffirm the need for reliable antemortem diagnosis to identify non-patent P. tenuis infections to prevent inadvertent introduction of infected animals to non-endemic areas.  相似文献   

Swift fox (Vulpes velox) were historically distributed in southwestern South Dakota including the region surrounding Badlands National Park (BNP). The species declined during the mid-1800s, largely due to habitat loss and poisoning targeted at wolves (Canis lupus) and coyotes (Canis latrans). Only a small population of swift foxes near Ardmore, which is located in Fall River County, South Dakota, persisted. In 2003, a reintroduction program was initiated at BNP with swift foxes translocated from Colorado and Wyoming. Foxes released in the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 were translocated from Colorado (BNP-Colorado) whereas in 2006, released foxes were translocated from Wyoming (BNP-Wyoming). Our objective was to evaluate genetic diversity and structure of the restored swift fox population in the area surrounding BNP compared to source fox populations in an area of Colorado and Wyoming, as well as the local swift fox population neighboring BNP near Ardmore in Fall River County, South Dakota. A total of 400 swift foxes (28 released in 2003, 28 released in 2004, 26 released in 2005, 26 released in 2006, 252 wild-born foxes, 40 individual foxes from the Ardmore area of South Dakota) was genotyped using twelve microsatellite loci. We report mean gene diversity values of 0.778 (SD = 0.156) for the BNP-Colorado population, 0.753 (SD = 0.165) for the BNP-Wyoming population, 0.751 (SD = 0.171) for the BNP population, and 0.730 (SD = 0.166) for the Fall River population. We also obtained Fst values ranging from 0.014 to 0.029 for pair-wise comparisons of fox populations (BNP, Fall River, BNP-Wyoming, BNP-Colorado). We conclude that the reintroduced fox population around BNP has high genetic diversity comparable to its source populations in Colorado and Wyoming. Although genetic diversity indicates that the reintroduction was successful, additional time is necessary to fully evaluate long-term genetic maintenance and interconnectivity among these populations.  相似文献   

Decomposing variation in juvenile recruitment is a key component of understanding population dynamics for partially migratory ungulates. We investigated reproductive parameters of adult female elk (Cervus canadensis) with calves at heel, and survivorship, cause-specific mortality, and intrinsic and extrinsic factors affecting risk of mortality for calves in a partially migratory elk population from 2013–2016 in Alberta, Canada. Elk calves born to resident mothers had 45% lower survivorship on average compared to migrant calves (0.24 vs. 0.69) and nearly twice the mortality rate (0.37 vs. 0.19) from bears (Ursus spp.), the dominant source of mortality. Contrary to our predictions, we found that increasing levels of maternal ingesta-free body fat were associated with increasing risk of calf mortality, indicating predation may have overwhelmed nutritional effects. We found no evidence that timing of calf birth or birth weight differed between migratory tactics or influenced mortality risk. We found that as percentage of cut forest increased, risk of calf mortality marginally decreased, which benefited migrant elk that were exposed to more clear-cuts compared to residents. Exposure to bear predation risk was unimportant during the hiding phase (≤10 days after birth) for either migratory tactic, presumably because neonatal hiding behavior reduced vulnerability. In contrast, bear predation risk was important for mortality risk after 10 days in age, especially for resident elk calves, which were exposed to higher bear predation risk compared to migrants. We conclude that relative differences in bear predation between migratory tactics are contributing to the dynamics of partial migration in this population through additive effects on calf mortality. Thus, wildlife managers should anticipate that recovering grizzly bear (U. arctos) populations may substantially lower elk recruitment through effects on summer calf survival, especially in areas with diverse carnivore assemblages.  相似文献   

Mortality from cerebrospinal parelaphostrongylosis caused by the meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) has been hypothesized to limit elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) populations in areas where elk are conspecific with white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Elk were reintroduced into Michigan (USA) in the early 1900s and subsequently greatly increased population size and distribution despite sympatric high-density (>or=12/km2) white-tailed deer populations. We monitored 100 radio-collared elk of all age and sex classes from 1981-94, during which time we documented 76 mortalities. Meningeal worm was a minor mortality factor for elk in Michigan and accounted for only 3% of mortalities, fewer than legal harvest (58%), illegal kills (22%), other diseases (7%), and malnutrition (4%). Across years, annual cause-specific mortality rates due to cerebrospinal parelaphostrongylosis were 0.033 (SE=0.006), 0.029 (SE=0.005), 0.000 (SE=0.000), and 0.000 (SE=0.000) for calves, 1-yr-old, 2-yr-old, and >or=3-yr-old, respectively. The overall population-level mortality rate due to cerebrospinal parelaphostrongylosis was 0.009 (SE=0.001). Thus, meningeal worm had little impact on elk in Michigan during our study despite greater than normal precipitation (favoring gastropods) and record (>or=14 km2) deer densities. Further, elk in Michigan have shown sustained population rates-of-increase of >or=18%/yr and among the highest levels of juvenile production and survival recorded for elk in North America, indicating that elk can persist in areas with meningeal worm at high levels of population productivity. It is likely that local ecologic characteristics among elk, white-tailed deer, and gastropods, and degree of exposure, age of elk, individual and population experience with meningeal worm, overall population vigor, and moisture determine the effects of meningeal worm on elk populations.  相似文献   

Understanding movement behavior and identifying areas of landscape connectivity is critical for the conservation of many species. However, collecting fine‐scale movement data can be prohibitively time consuming and costly, especially for rare or endangered species, whereas existing data sets may provide the best available information on animal movement. Contemporary movement models may not be an option for modeling existing data due to low temporal resolution and large or unusual error structures, but inference can still be obtained using a functional movement modeling approach. We use a functional movement model to perform a population‐level analysis of telemetry data collected during the reintroduction of Canada lynx to Colorado. Little is known about southern lynx populations compared to those in Canada and Alaska, and inference is often limited to a few individuals due to their low densities. Our analysis of a population of Canada lynx fills significant gaps in the knowledge of Canada lynx behavior at the southern edge of its historical range. We analyzed functions of individual‐level movement paths, such as speed, residence time, and tortuosity, and identified a region of connectivity that extended north from the San Juan Mountains, along the continental divide, and terminated in Wyoming at the northern edge of the Southern Rocky Mountains. Individuals were able to traverse large distances across non‐boreal habitat, including exploratory movements to the Greater Yellowstone area and beyond. We found evidence for an effect of seasonality and breeding status on many of the movement quantities and documented a potential reintroduction effect. Our findings provide the first analysis of Canada lynx movement in Colorado and substantially augment the information available for conservation and management decisions. The functional movement framework can be extended to other species and demonstrates that information on movement behavior can be obtained using existing data sets.  相似文献   

1.?Male-biased adult sex ratios are frequently observed in free-ranging populations and are known to cause changes in mating behaviours including increased male harassment of females, which can cause injury to females and/or alter female behaviour during breeding. 2.?Although we can explain why such behaviours may evolve and have studied their impacts on individuals when it does, we know very little about the demographic consequences of harassment caused by changes in adult sex ratio. 3.?Using a 12-year longitudinal data set of a free-living and endangered New Zealand passerine, the hihi (Notiomystis cincta), we show that a changing adult sex ratio has little or no effect on adult female survival or the number of fledglings produced per female. This is despite clear evidence of male harassment of breeding females when the sex ratio was male biased (up to three males per female). 4.?The length of the study and major fluctuations in sex ratio observed made it possible to obtain narrow confidence or credible intervals for effect sizes, showing that any effect of sex ratio on demographic rates were small. 5.?Our results provide rare empirical evidence for the demographic consequences of biased adult sex ratios in the wild and particularly in a conservation context.  相似文献   

Reintroductions of threatened species are increasingly common in conservation. The translocation of a small subset of individuals from a genetically diverse source population could potentially lead to substantial inbreeding depression due to the high genetic load of the parent population. We analysed 12 years of data from the reintroduced population of North Island robins Petroica longipes on Tiritiri Matangi Island, New Zealand, to determine the frequency of inbreeding and magnitude of inbreeding depression. The initial breeding population consisted of 12 females and 21 males, which came from a large mainland population of robins. The frequency of mating between relatives ( f >0; 39%, n =82 pairs) and close relatives ( f =0.25; 6.1%) and the average level of inbreeding ( f =0.027) were within the range reported for other small island populations of birds. The average level of inbreeding fluctuated from year to year depending on the frequency of close inbreeding (e.g. sib–sib pairs). We found evidence for inbreeding depression in juvenile survival, with survival probability estimated to decline from 31% among non-inbred birds ( f =0) to 11% in highly inbred juveniles ( f =0.25). The estimated number of lethal equivalents based on this relationship (4.14) was moderate compared with values reported for other island populations of passerines. Given that significant loss of fitness was only evident in highly inbred individuals, and such individuals were relatively rare once the population expanded above 30 pairs, we conclude that inbreeding depression should have little influence on this robin population. Although the future fitness consequences of any loss of genetic variation due to inbreeding are uncertain, the immediate impact of inbreeding depression is likely to be low in any reintroduced population that expands relatively quickly after establishment.  相似文献   

In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, growing concern over increasing rates of brucellosis seroprevalence in wildlife has challenged wildlife managers to develop strategies for minimizing the potential for pathogen exchange within and between wildlife populations. Recent evidence suggests that increases in elk seroprevalence may be associated with increasing elk densities and/or increasing size of elk aggregations. However, the interactions between elk population density, landscape factors, and elk aggregation patterns are not well-understood, making appropriate management responses challenging. Using a unique, long-term elk aggregation dataset collected across a wide range of elk population sizes, we investigated relationships between elk population size, landscape factors, and elk aggregation responses (group size and group density) with goals of clarifying how changes in elk population size may affect elk aggregation patterns. Overall, landscape attributes and weather had a stronger influence on elk aggregation patterns than factors such as elk population size that are within management control. We found little evidence that elk population size affected mean elk group sizes, but we did find evidence that the size and density of the largest elk aggregations increased as elk population size increased. We also found some evidence that group densities increased following the establishment of wolves. However, across the relatively wide range of elk population sizes observed in this study, only modest changes in elk group density were observed, suggesting that dramatic reductions in population sizes would be necessary to produce measureable reductions in elk group density to affect frequency-dependent transmission. Management actions designed to lower disease transmission are likely to negatively affect other objectives related to elk management and conservation. We therefore suggest that a first step in managing disease transmission risk is agreement among stakeholders interested in elk management of all objectives related to elk management, including acknowledgment that disease transmission is undesirable. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Interactions between large herbivores and their food supply are central to the study of population dynamics. We assessed temporal and spatial patterns in meadow plant biomass over a 23‐year period for meadow complexes that were spatially linked to three distinct populations of Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) in northwestern California. Our objectives were to determine whether the plant community exhibited a tolerant or resistant response when elk population growth became irruptive. Plant biomass for the three meadow complexes inhabited by the elk populations was measured using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which was derived from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper imagery. Elk populations exhibited different patterns of growth through the time series, whereby one population underwent a complete four‐stage irruptive growth pattern while the other two did not. Temporal changes in NDVI for the meadow complex used by the irruptive population suggested a decline in forage biomass during the end of the dry season and a temporal decline in spatial variation of NDVI at the peak of plant biomass in May. Conversely, no such patterns were detected in the meadow complexes inhabited by the nonirruptive populations. Our findings suggest that the meadow complex used by the irruptive elk population may have undergone changes in plant community composition favoring plants that were resistant to elk grazing.  相似文献   

The North Cascades (Nooksack) elk (Cervus elaphus) population declined during the 1980s, prompting a closure to state and tribal hunting in 1997 and an effort to restore the herd to former abundance. In 2005, we began a study to assess the size of the elk population, judge the effectiveness of restoration efforts, and develop a practical monitoring strategy. We concurrently evaluated 2 monitoring approaches: sightability correction modeling and mark-resight modeling. We collected data during February–April helicopter surveys and fit logistic regression models to predict the sightability of elk groups based on group and environmental variables. We used an information-theoretic criterion to compare 9 models of varying complexity; the best model predicted sightability of elk groups based on 1) transformed (log2) group size, 2) forest canopy cover (%), and 3) a categorical activity variable (active vs. bedded). The sightability model indicated relatively steady and modest herd growth during 2006–2011, but estimates were less than minimum-known-alive counts. We also used the logit-normal mixed effects (LNME) mark-resight model to generate estimates of total elk population size and the sizes of the adult female and branch-antlered male subpopulations. We explored 15 LNME models to predict total population size and 12 models to predict subpopulations. Our results indicated individual heterogeneity in resighting probabilities and variation in resighting probabilities across sexes and some years. Model-averaged estimates of total population size increased from 639 (95% CI = 570–706) in spring 2006 to 1,248 (95% CI = 1,094–1,401) in 2011. We estimated the adult female subpopulation increased from 381 (95% CI = 338–424) in spring 2006 to 573 (95% CI = 507–639) by 2011. The branch-antlered male subpopulation estimates increased from 87 (95% CI = 54–119) to 180 (95% CI = 118–241) from spring 2006 to spring 2011. The LNME model estimates were greater than sightability model estimates and minimum-known-alive counts. We concluded that mark-resight performed better and was a viable approach for monitoring this small elk population and possibly others with similar characteristics (i.e., small population and landscape scales), but this approach requires periodic marking of elk; we estimated mark-resight costs would be about 40% greater than sightability model application costs. The utility of sightability-correction modeling was limited by a high proportion of groups with low detectability on our densely forested landscape. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We studied the breeding parameters of a reintroduced population of individually marked Griffon Vultures Gyps fulvus in the Grand Causses region of southern France from the time of first reintroduction in 1982 to 1992. Among nesters, 65% of the birds released as immatures or born in the wild recruited into the breeding population when 4 years old, i.e. 1 year earlier than previously described. The proportion of birds nesting each year was relatively high and increased with time, suggesting that conspecific attraction favoured recruitment. We detected a permanent adverse effect of long-term captivity on the nesting success of birds released when more than 2 years old: compared to the natural population, birds which had been kept in captivity showed a reduced breeding success during the whole study period. The breeding success of released immatures and wild-born birds was similar to the highest values observed in a natural population in the Spanish and French Pyrenees. Breeding failures did not usually result in mate change but affected nest-site fidelity. Birds not born in the wild were more likely to recruit to the largest subcolonies available, which highlights the role of social attraction. The observed philopatry of wild-born birds probably resulted from such a social attraction since most of them were born in the largest subcolony. Conspecific attraction maintained the spatial aggregation of nests, whereas nest changes after a breeding failure favoured the spatial expansion of the colony.  相似文献   

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