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The organization of echinoderm Hox clusters is of interest due to the role that Hox genes play in deuterostome development and body plan organization, and the unique gene order of the Hox complex in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, which has been linked to the unique development of the axial region. Here, it has been reported that the Hox and ParaHox clusters of Acanthaster planci, a corallivorous starfish found in the Pacific and Indian oceans, generally resembles the chordate and hemichordate clusters. The A. planci Hox cluster shared with sea urchins the loss of one of the medial Hox genes, even‐skipped (Evx) at the anterior of the cluster, as well as organization of the posterior Hox genes. genesis 52:952–958, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that a cilium-generated liquid flow in the node has a crucial role in the establishment of the left-right (LR) axis in the mouse. In fish, Kupffer's vesicle (KV), a teleost-specific spherical organ attached to the tail region, is known to have an equivalent role to the mouse node during LR axis formation. However, at present, there has been no report of an asymmetric gene expressed in KV under the control of fluid flow. Here we report the earliest asymmetric gene in teleost KV, medaka charon, and its regulation. Charon is a member of the Cerberus/DAN family of proteins, first identified in zebrafish. Although zebrafish charon was reported to be symmetrically expressed in KV, medaka charon displays asymmetric expression with more intense expression on the right side. This asymmetric expression was found to be regulated by KV flow because symmetric and up-regulated charon expression was observed in flow-defective embryos with immotile cilia or disrupted KV. Taken together, medaka charon is a reliable gene marker for LR asymmetry in KV and thus, will be useful for the analysis of the early steps downstream of the fluid flow.  相似文献   

Pitx1 is a bicoid-related homeodomain factor that exhibits preferential expression in the developing hindlimb, mandible, pituitary gland and teeth. Pitx1 gene-deleted mice exhibit striking abnormalities in morphogenesis and growth of both hindlimb and mandible, suggesting a proliferative defect in these two structures. Here, we studied the expression and regulation of Pitx1 in both mandible and developing teeth and analyzed tooth morphology, cell proliferation, apoptosis and expression of Pitx2, Barx1 and Tbx1 in dental tissues of Pitx1−/− mouse embryos. Pitx1 expression is restricted to the epithelium of the growing tooth anlagen. Tissue recombination and bead implantation experiments demonstrated that bone morphogenetic protein-4 down-regulates Pitx1 expression in both mandibular mesenchyme and dental epithelium. Deletion of the Pitx1 locus results in micrognathia and abnormal morphology of the mandibular molars. Although Pitx2 expression in teeth of Pitx1−/− embryos is not altered, expression of Barx1 decreased in the mesenchyme of the mandibular molars. Furthermore, Pitx1 deletion results in suppression of Tbx1 expression in dental epithelium. Taken together, these results indicate that independent genetic pathways in mandibular and maxillary processes determine tooth development and morphology.  相似文献   

Regional specification in the nervous system is a critical issue in nervous system morphogenesis. Along the dorsoventral axis of the spinal cord, ventral inductive signals of the notochord and floor plate, and dorsal ones of the epidermal ectoderm are essential. Collagen type XIV is uniquely distributed around the spinal cord with a gradient of dorsal high and ventral low at the early developmental stages of the chick embryo. In the present study it was found that collagen type XIV expression around the spinal cord was entirely regulated by the ectoderm and that even the ventralizing tissues, the notochord and floor plate, themselves could be influenced to express this molecule by the ectoderm.  相似文献   

A genetic switch determines whether the indifferent gonad develops into an ovary or a testis. In adult females of many avian species, the left ovary is functional while the right one regresses. In the embryo, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) mediate biological effects in many organ developments but their roles in avian sex determination and gonadal differentiation remains largely unknown. Here, we report the sex-specific and left-right (L-R) asymmetric expression pattern of Bmp7 in the chicken gonadogenesis. Bmp7 was L-R asymmetrically expressed at the beginning of genital ridge formation. After sexual differentiation occurred, sex-specific expression pattern of Bmp7 was observed in the ovary mesenchyme. In addition, ovary-specific Bmp7 expression was reduced in experimentally induced female-to-male reversal using the aromatase inhibitor (AI). These dynamic changes of expression pattern of Bmp7 in the gonad with or without AI treatment suggest that BMP may play roles in determination of L-R asymmetric development and sex-dependent differentiation in the avian gonadogenesis.  相似文献   

A low-to-medium power transmission electron microscopy survey of the larval head of amphioxus was used to re-examine the position and constituent cell types of the mucus-secreting organs involved in feeding. Previously unreported features include cells with fibril-filled paraciliary processes in the recessed (pit) portion of the preoral organ, which probably assist in generating the mucus string produced by this structure, and the cell responsible for driving the current through the club-shaped gland, which appears to depend on a mechanism analogous to Archimedes' screw. Pharyngeal structures are dramatically repositioned during larval growth and metamorphosis. Mapping these changes shows that they are most easily explained if the positioning of the mouth is not directly controlled by the mechanism used to pattern the rest of the ventral pharynx. This accords with the predictions of the dorsoventral inversion hypothesis, which requires that an originally dorsal mouth in the inverted chordate ancestor be secondarily shifted to the ventral surface. It is argued here, on this basis, that the repositioning of the larval mouth in amphioxus, from the left side to the ventral midline, represents a partial recapitulation of past evolutionary events.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of noggin RNA from Xenopus laevis on axis induction in embryos of a direct developing frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui. We microinjected noggin RNA into one blastomere of 4-cell embryos at the site close to the animal pole, and found that overexpression of noggin RNA is not only sufficient to induce additional axes but also induces heads with eyes. We also injected noggin RNA into 8-cell or 16-cell embryos in various sites, including the marginal zone, above the marginal zone, and the vegetal pole, and found the formation of a complete secondary axis in all three types of injection. These effects of X. laevis noggin RNA on the E. coqui embryo are remarkably different from those found in the X. laevis embryo itself. It has been shown previously that overexpression of noggin RNA on the ventral side of the normal X. laevis embryo induces only a partial axis, with no head structures. We show here that the failure of noggin induction of a complete axis when overexpressed on the ventral side of the X. laevis embryos is not due to an insufficient amount of RNA injected. Also, the failure is unlikely due to inhibition from the primary axis since noggin RNA can induce duplicated head structures on opposite sides of UV-irradiated X. laevis embryos. There appear to be fundamental differences in the responses of E. coqui and X. laevis embryos to exogenous noggin RNA. We propose that these differences stem from an alteration in cytoplasmic arrangements that occurred during evolution of this large egg. Received: 26 July 1999 / Accepted: 1 September 1999  相似文献   

In this study, we attempted to reveal fundamental aspects of starfish embryogenesis, particularly embryonic axis specification or determination, in Patiria pectinifera. We first cloned PpNodal, which is known to play an important role in the specification of the embryonic axis in a wide range of animals, and studied its expression profile. PpNodal expression was first detected at the mid‐blastula stage and showed a single peak around the onset of gastrulation. These features of Nodal expression were shifted to later stages by several hours, compared with those of sea urchin embryos. After the gastrulation started, the expression level became gradually lowered up to the early bipinnaria stage, while the expression level became drastically lowered in sea urchin embryos during gastrulation. The localized Nodal expression in the presumptive oral region was not observed in starfish embryos, unlike in sea urchin embryos. Furthermore, SB431542, an inhibitor of Nodal receptor, did not affect the formation of the DV axis, although it caused the loss of left‐right asymmetry. In contrast to this, SB525334, a specific inhibitor of TGF‐beta receptor, caused the complete loss of the DV axis. Thus, the usage of signaling molecules during early embryogenesis likely varies among echinoderm classes.  相似文献   

Studies in Xenopus laevis suggested that cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions regulate the development of the left–right axis of asymmetry; however, the identities of ECM components and their receptors important for this process have remained unknown. We discovered that FN is required for the establishment of the asymmetric gene expression pattern in early mouse embryos by regulating morphogenesis of the node, while cellular fates of the nodal cells, canonical Wnt and Shh signaling within the node were not perturbed by the absence of FN. FN is also required for the expression of Lefty 1/2 and activation of SMADs 2 and 3 at the floor plate, while cell fate specification of the notochord and the floor plate, as well as signaling within and between these two embryonic organizing centers remained intact in FN-null mutants. Furthermore, our experiments indicate that a major cell surface receptor for FN, integrin α5β1, is also required for the development of the left–right asymmetry, and that this requirement is evolutionarily conserved in fish and mice. Taken together, our studies demonstrate the requisite role for a structural ECM protein and its integrin receptor in the development of the left–right axis of asymmetry in vertebrates.  相似文献   

In Foxj1 knockout mice, half show situs solitus while the other half show situs inversus, which means a random determination of the left-right axis. In contrast, the inv mutant mice show a mirror-image configuration of the internal organs, which means a reversal of the left-right axis. Although these two mutant mice have primary cilia on the nodal cells, their phenotypes are different in laterality determination. We thus made Foxj1/inv double mutant mice and analyzed their phenotype. We found the phenotypes of Foxj1/inv double mutant mice to be more similar to those of the Foxj1 mutant mice than those of the inv mutant mice. We also found right pulmonary isomerism to be a major phenotype of the Foxj1 mutant mice and the Foxj1/inv double mutant mice, which is likely due to the absence of the Pitx2 expression at both lateral plate mesoderms. These results indicate that a random signal of laterality (Foxj1) is dominant over the reversal signal of laterality (Inv).  相似文献   

Recent studies of mouse mutant aphakia have implicated the homeobox gene Pitx3 in the survival of substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons, the degeneration of which causes Parkinson's disease. To directly investigate a role for Pitx3 in midbrain DA neuron development, we have analysed a line of Pitx3-null mice that also carry an eGFP reporter under the control of the endogenous Pitx3 promoter. We show that the lack of Pitx3 resulted in a loss of nascent substantia nigra dopaminergic neurons at the beginning of their final differentiation. Pitx3 deficiency also caused a loss of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression specifically in the substantia nigra neurons. Therefore, our study provides the first direct evidence that the aphakia allele of Pitx3 is a hypomorph and that Pitx3 is required for the regulation of TH expression in midbrain dopaminergic neurons as well as the generation and/or maintenance of these cells. Furthermore, using the targeted GFP reporter as a midbrain dopaminergic lineage marker, we have identified previously unrecognised ontogenetically distinct subpopulations of dopaminergic cells within the ventral midbrain based on their temporal and topographical expression of Pitx3 and TH. Such an expression pattern may provide the molecular basis for the specific dependence of substantia nigra DA neurons on Pitx3.  相似文献   

Zhu Q  Ge S 《The New phytologist》2005,167(1):249-265
The A-genome group in Oryza consists of eight diploid species and is distributed world-wide. Here we reconstructed the phylogeny among the A-genome species based on sequences of nuclear genes and MITE (miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements) insertions. Thirty-seven accessions representing two cultivated and six wild species from the A-genome group were sampled. Introns of four nuclear single-copy genes on different chromosomes were sequenced and analysed by both maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference methods. All the species except for Oryza rufipogon and Oryza nivara formed a monophyletic group and the Australian endemic Oryza meridionalis was the earliest divergent lineage. Two subspecies of Oryza sativa (ssp. indica and ssp. japonica) formed two separate monophyletic groups, suggestive of their polyphyletic origin. Based on molecular clock approach, we estimated that the divergence of the A-genome group occurred c. 2.0 million years ago (mya) while the two subspecies (indica and japonica) separated c. 0.4 mya. Intron sequences of nuclear genes provide sufficient resolution and are informative for phylogenetic inference at lower taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

Embryos and larvae of the starfish Pisaster ochraceus are surrounded by a complex extracellular matrix (ECM) layer called the hyaline layer (HL). A similar but less well-organized ECM layer lines some regions of the larval gut. Examination of material preserved by freeze substitution shows that the HL consists of a coarse outer meshwork, a boundary layer, a supporting layer, which is divided into three sublayers, H1, H2, and H3, and an intervillus layer. The development of the HL has been studied in material preserved by freeze substitution. Development begins at fertilization when exocytosis of the cortical granules releases ECM into the perivitelline space and elevates the fertilization membrane. Shortly after, plaques of dense material with attached fibers are present on the outer surface of the egg plasmalemma. Following this, these plaques and fibers are associated with the tips of short microvilli, suggesting that they may induce microvillus formation. Next, the tips of some of the microvilli are joined by short regions of the H1 sublayer. Some of these H1 regions have short segments of boundary layer material associated with their outer surfaces while others are naked. Just prior to hatching, the H1 and boundary layers completely surround the embryo, separating the developing coarse meshwork and intervillus layers. Short segments of the H2 and H3 sublayers are also present. Posthatching, the microvilli and all HL layers increase in thickness and density, particularly the H2, boundary, and coarse outer meshwork layers. The results suggest a sequential organization of HL components from ECM that is secreted into the perivitelline space.  相似文献   

In all vertebrates, invariant left/right (L/R) positioning and organization of the internal viscera is controlled by a conserved pathway. Nodal, a member of the TGFbeta superfamily is a critical upstream component responsible for initiating L/R axis determination. Asymmetric Nodal expression in the node preceeds and foreshadows morphological L/R asymmetry. Here we address the mechanism of Nodal activation in the left LPM by studying the function of a novel enhancer element, the AIE. We show this element is exclusively active in cells of the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) and is not itself responding to Nodal asymmetry. To test the hypothesis that this element may initiate asymmetric Nodal expression in the LPM, we deleted it from the mouse germ line. Mice homozygous for the AIE deletion (Nodal(deltaaie/deltaaie)) show no defects. However, we find that the AIE contributes to regulating the level of asymmetric Nodal activity; analysis of transheterozygous embryos (Nodal(deltaaie/null)) shows reduced Nodal expression in the left LPM associated with a low penetrance of L/R defects. Our findings point to the existence of two independent pathways that control Nodal expression in the left LPM.  相似文献   

Trehalose is proposed to serve multiple physiological roles in insects. However, its importance remains largely unconfirmed. In the present paper, we knocked down either a trehalose biosynthesis gene (trehalose-6-phosphate synthase, LdTPS) or each of three degradation genes (soluble trehalases LdTRE1a, LdTRE1b or membrane-bound LdTRE2) in Leptinotarsa decemlineata by RNA interference (RNAi). Knockdown of LdTPS decreased trehalose content and caused larval and pupal lethality. The LdTPS RNAi survivors consumed a greater amount of foliage, obtained a heavier body mass, accumulated more glycogen, lipid and proline, and had a smaller amount of chitin compared with the controls. Ingestion of trehalose but not glucose rescued the food consumption increase and larval mass rise, increased survivorship, and recovered glycogen, lipid and chitin to the normal levels. In contrast, silencing of LdTRE1a increased trehalose content and resulted in larval and pupal lethality. The surviving LdTRE1a RNAi hypomorphs fed a smaller quantity of food, had a lighter body weight, depleted lipid and several glucogenic amino acids, and contained a smaller amount of chitin. Neither trehalose nor glucose ingestion rescued these LdTRE1a RNAi defects. Silencing of LdTRE1b caused little effects. Knockdown of LdTRE2 caused larval death, increased trehalose contents in several tissues and diminished glycogen in the brain-corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complex (BCC). Feeding glucose but not trehalose partially rescued the high mortality rate and recovered glycogen content in the BCC. It seems that trehalose is involved in feeding regulation, sugar absorption, brain energy supply and chitin biosynthesis in L. decemlineata larvae.  相似文献   

In this article we report the isolation of a novel zebrafish gene, pitx3, which plays an important role in the formation of several placode-derived structures. In wildtype embryos, pitx3 is first expressed in a crescent-shaped area in the anterior end of the embryo. At later stages, the primordia of the anterior pituitary, the lens, the olfactory sensory epithelium, and cranial ganglia express this gene. Pitx3 is not expressed in the more posterior preplacodal region that gives rise to the epibranchial, otic, and lateral line placodes. The dynamics of pitx3 in the anterior region of wildtype embryos suggests that pitx3 expression marks a common step in the formation of the pituitary, lens, olfactory placode as well as the trigeminal placode. Analysis of pitx3 expression in mutants lacking the hedgehog or nodal function demonstrates the differential dependence of pitx3 expression in these structures on nodal and hedgehog signaling. While the lens and trigeminal placodes express pitx3 in the absence of hedgehog and nodal signaling, there is no expression of pitx3 in the anteriormost ectoderm adjacent to the neural plate from which the anterior pituitary would derive. In mutants with impaired hedgehog signaling, the lens placode frequently extends into more anterior ventral regions of the embryo.  相似文献   

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