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In spiny lobsters, conspecific scents ("aggregation cues") may mediate gregarious diurnal sheltering, but scents from injured conspecifics ("alarm odors") may elicit avoidance behavior. In laboratory experiments, individuals of two coexisting species, Panulirus guttatus (a reef-obligate) and P. argus (a temporary reef-dweller), significantly chose shelters emanating conspecific aggregation cues and responded randomly to shelters emanating heterospecific aggregation cues. However, despite evidence that the two species perceived each other's alarm odors to a similar extent, P. guttatus responded randomly to shelters emanating either conspecific or heterospecific alarm odors, whereas P. argus significantly avoided both. This differential influence of alarm odors likely reflects interspecific differences in life history, sociality, and behavior. The less social, reef-obligate P. guttatus lobsters forage close to their reef dens, into which they retract deeply upon perception of risk. This cryptic behavior may offset the need to avoid conspecific (and heterospecific) alarm odors. In contrast, avoidance of conspecific alarm odors by P. argus is consistent with its ontogenetic habitat shifts and greater sociality. Furthermore, because reef-dwelling P. argus lobsters forage across open areas away from the reef, an ability to avoid alarm odors from P. guttatus upon returning to their reef dens may increase their fitness.  相似文献   

The Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus, an important fisheries species, is host to Panulirus argus virus 1 (PaV1), a lethal, unclassified virus--the first found in any species of lobster--prevalent in juvenile lobsters. We describe a series of laboratory experiments aimed at assessing the likely modes of disease transmission, determining the survival of lobsters relative to each transmission pathway and identifying potential alternate hosts. Given evidence for lower prevalence of PaV1 in large lobsters, the effect of lobster size on susceptibility was also examined. Results demonstrated that PaV1 can be transmitted to juvenile lobsters via inoculation, ingestion of diseased tissue, contact with diseased lobsters and--among the smallest juveniles--through water over distances of a few meters. Contact and waterborne transmission, the most likely modes of transmission in the wild, were less efficient than inoculation or ingestion. Nevertheless, about half of the smallest lobsters in contact and waterborne trials contracted the disease and died within 3 mo. Other decapods that co-occur with P. argus (e.g. spotted lobster P. guttatus, stone crab Menippe mercenaria, channel crab Mithrax spinosissimus) did not acquire the disease after inoculation with PaV1-infected hemolymph. Our results confirmed that PaV1 is highly infectious and lethal to juvenile P. argus, particularly early benthic juveniles in the wild, and, hence, is a threat to mariculture.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The polyphagous butterfly, Plebejus argus L., was found to have specialized requirements: eggs are laid along vegetation/bare ground margins, larvae specialize on tender meristematic and reproductive growth, larvae and pupae are tended by Lasius ants, and warm microclimates are favoured.
2. These requirements are met in early successional habitats within several bio topes. These habitats are locally distributed, as is P. argus.
3. Populations on limestone, heathland and mossland biotopes did not differ greatly in ecologies. Given a choice of foodplants in captivity, larvae from heathland and limestone did show slight differences in preference, selecting some of the hostplants they normally encounter in the wild. Regardless of biotope, all these larvae were plant taxa generalists (on three plant families), but specialists on plant parts.
4. The decline of P. argus in Britain is attributed to loss of biotopes and to declining traditional management of them. Fewer habitats are available, and the distances between them are greater than formerly. As some of these habitats are short lived, and P. argus rarely flies far, the butterfly's decline is a compound effect of reduced areas of habitat and inability to colonize them.  相似文献   

The study presents a first report on the validation of otolith increment in the golden-spotted rabbitfish Siganus guttatus . The formation of daily sagittal growth increments in S. guttatus was validated using hatchery-reared larvae and juveniles collected from day of hatching to day 35. Mean increments were 5.6, 13.1, 24.5 and 34.8 for the 7, 15, 25 and 35 day-old fish, respectively. The results demonstrated that sagittal increments were formed daily and thus can be used to determine the age in days of the species.  相似文献   

Monogeneans from three species of Cephalopholis, namely C. argus, C. sonnerati and C. boenak, are described from fish caught off New Caledonia, South Pacific, with comparisons with material from off Queensland, Australia. Pseudorhabdosynochus argus n. sp. from C. argus is present off New Caledonia and Australia; it is characterised by its male quadriloculate organ with very elongate cone, and its sclerotised vagina with anterior trumpet, coiled primary canal and distal part with two chambers and an accessory part. C. boenak has no monogeneans off New Caledonia, but off Australia it harbours Pseudorhabdosynochus sp., a new species which is morphologically related to P. argus. P. minutus n. sp. from C. sonnerati is characterised by its minute body and a sclerotised vagina with two spherical chambers. Diplectanum nanus n. sp. from C. sonnerati is characterised by its very small funnel-shaped male copulatory organ and minute body. A new species, Haliotrema sp. from C. sonnerati is characterised by a very elongate tubular penis; it is distinct from H. cromileptis Young, 1968 (redescribed herein from specimens collected from Cromileptes altivelis off New Caledonia). The species described here include the first members of Pseudorhabdosynochus and the first diplectanids described from species of Cephalopholis. There is no evidence for a clade of Pseudorhabdosynochus species specific to members of Cephalopholis, since the species described here share similarities with other species from Epinephelus. However, it is suggested that the gill structure of Cephalopholis spp. imposes selection toward small body sizes for monogeneans.  相似文献   

Population genetics theory suggests that two species which are reproductively isolated only by postzygotic barriers cannot co-exist in sympatry since the rarer population will become extinct. Mimulus nudatus and Mimulus guttatus are two closely related species that are isolated by a postzygotic barrier operating at the seed provisioning stage. On several sites on die serpentine soils of Lake and Napa counties, California, M. nudatus and M. guttatus live in sympatry and flowering times of the species overlap, so the species are sometimes flowering next to each other. We investigated whether there was any reduction in fertility of M. nudatus and M. guttatus caused by interspecific crosses when growing in sympatry. The pollinators of M. nudatus and M. guttatus were identified. Small sweat bees, Dialictus sp., preferentially visited the smaller flowered M. nudatus species and honey bees, Apis mellifera , preferred the larger flowered M. guttatus . In spite of most pollinator visits being intra-specinc, individuals of bodi bee species made transitions between the Mimulus species. This will result in greater pollen transfer from M. guttatus to M. nudatus than vice versa because firstly, M. guttatus produces more pollen and secondly, the sweat bees were too small to touch the stigma of a M. guttatus flower. This asymmetry in gene flow was detected by a greater reduction in viable seed produced by M. nudatus plants when surrounded by M. guttatus plants dian vice versa. Only when M. nudatus was the maternal parent could any hybrids be detected in field produced seed. To enable M. nudatus and M. guttatus to co-exist in sympatry, the two species may thus need to be sufficiendy ecologically different. Such ecological differentiation was attributed to the greater drought tolerance of M. nudatus . In addition, greenhouse experiments suggested that M. nudatus may have evolved greater tolerance to calcium deficient soils.  相似文献   

The evolutionary transition from outcrossing to self-fertilization has far-reaching implications for patterns of intraspecific genetic diversity and the potential for speciation. Using DNA sequence variation at two nuclear loci, we examined the divergence history of two closely related species of Mimulus. To investigate the effects of mating system and introgressive hybridization on the outcrossing M. guttatus and the selfing M. nasutus, we inspected nucleotide diversity within and between natural populations spanning the species' geographic ranges. High sequence similarity among populations of the selfing M. nasutus points to a single evolutionary origin for the species. Consistent with their distinct mating systems, all genetic variation in M. nasutus is distributed among populations, whereas M. guttatus exhibits appreciable levels of nucleotide diversity within populations. Silent genetic diversity is extensive in M. guttatus (mean theta(sil)/site = 0.077) and greatly exceeds the predicted twofold elevation in neutral variation for outcrossers relative to selfers. The finding of several M. guttatus sequences that share complete identity with sequences from M. nasutus suggests that recent asymmetric introgression may have occurred. We argue that exceptionally high nucleotide diversity in M. guttatus is consistent with a long-term history of directional introgression from M. nasutus to M. guttatus throughout the divergence of these two species.  相似文献   

This paper considers the extent to which differences in pollen tube growth rates can provide prezygotic reproductive isolation between Mimulus nasutus and its presumed progenitor, Mimulus guttatus . Mimulus nasutus is partially cleistogamous, but its larger chasmogamous flowers offer appreciable opportunity for outcrossing. Mimulus nasutus was found to have smaller pollen grains and shorter styles than M. guttatus . No differences were observed in pollen grain germination on conspecific and heterospecific stigmas. However, pollen tube growth rates of M. nasutus were found to be much slower than those of M. guttatus in the styles of that species. Consequently, any M. nasutus pollen transferred to an M. guttatus stigma was found to be competitively disadvantaged in an M. gutattus style. By contrast, no difference in pollen tube growth rate was detected between the species when growing in M. nasutus styles, possibly because M. nasutus styles are unable to support fast pollen tube growth. We tested the prediction from the pollen tube studies that a 50:50 mix of M. guttatus and M. nasutus pollen would produce 50% hybrid seeds when M. nasutus was the maternal parent, and near to 0% hybrid seed when M. guttatus was the maternal parent. The results were found to support this prediction. We conclude that pollen–pistil interactions can effect strong reproductive isolation between these species, as M. guttatus pollen tubes have a competitive advantage over those of M. nasutus in an M. guttatus style, but not in an M. nasutus style.  相似文献   

Eremias argus and Eremias brenchleyi are lacertid lizards that are sympatric throughout the distribution of E. brenchleyi. We sequenced partial mitochondrial DNA from cytochrome (cyt) b gene for 106 individuals of E. argus from nine localities, and for 45 individuals of E. brenchleyi from five localities, in central and northern parts of North China. We determined 53 cyt b haplotypes from the E. argus samples, and 27 cyt b haplotypes from the E. brenchleyi samples. Only E. brenchleyi had followed a stepping-stone model of dispersal. Partitioned Bayesian phylogenetic analysis reveals that E. argus and E. brenchleyi are reciprocally monophyletic, and the divergence time between the two species was dated to about 4.1±1.2 million years ago. Geographical structuring of haplotypes is more significant in E. brenchleyi than in E. argus. Haplotypes of E. brenchleyi could be divided into four groups by the Yellow River and Taihang Mountains. Within-population genetic diversity indices are correlated neither with latitude nor with longitude. We calculated significant among-population structure for both species (E. argus: Φ(ST)=0.608, P<0.001; E. brenchleyi: Φ(ST)=0.925, P<0.001). Eremias brenchleyi has four independent management units, while E. argus has a more homogeneous genetic structure across its range. Our data show that: (1) the pattern seen in North American and European species that southern populations have higher genetic diversity as consequence of post-glaciation dispersal is absent in the two Chinese lizards; (2) the Yellow River and Taihang Mountains may have acted as important barriers to gene flow only in E. brenchleyi; and (3) genetic structure differs between the two lizards that differ in habitat preference and dispersal ability.  相似文献   

Understanding the process by which hybrid incompatibility alleles become established in natural populations remains a major challenge to evolutionary biology. Previously, we discovered a two-locus Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibility that causes severe hybrid male sterility between two inbred lines of the incompletely isolated wildflower species, Mimulus guttatus and M. nasutus. An interspecific cross between these two inbred lines revealed that the M. guttatus (IM62) allele at hybrid male sterility 1 (hms1) acts dominantly in combination with recessive M. nasutus (SF5) alleles at hybrid male sterility 2 (hms2) to cause nearly complete hybrid male sterility. In this report, we extend these genetic analyses to investigate intraspecific variation for the hms1-hms2 incompatibility in natural populations of M. nasutus and M. guttatus, performing a series of interspecific crosses between individuals collected from a variety of geographic locales. Our results suggest that hms2 incompatibility alleles are common and geographically widespread within M. nasutus, but absent or rare in M. guttatus. In contrast, the hms1 locus is polymorphic within M. guttatus and the incompatibility allele appears to be extremely geographically restricted. We found evidence for the presence of the hms1 incompatibility allele in only two M. guttatus populations that exist within a few kilometers of each other. The restricted distribution of the hms1 incompatibility allele might currently limit the potential for the hms1-hms2 incompatibility to act as a species barrier between sympatric populations of M. guttatus and M. nasutus. Extensive sampling within a single M. guttatus population revealed that the hms1 locus is polymorphic and that the incompatibility allele appears to segregate at intermediate frequency, a pattern that is consistent with either genetic drift or natural selection.  相似文献   

Mimulus gemmiparus (Scrophulariaceae), a rare endemic of Colorado, has a novel life history that depends on an unusual method of vegetative reproduction. The plants are functionally annuals; however, reproduction is asexual via propagules that have been termed gemmae. The morphological identity and the evolutionary antecedent of these propagules are unclear. We approached this problem through comparative developmental analyses of M. gemmiparus and the presumed progenitor species, Mimulus guttatus. In M. gemmiparus there are two meristems initiated in the axil of each leaf primordium. The distal meristem has the potential to produce either a lateral branch or a flower, and the proximal meristem becomes a vegetative propagule (the gemma) that is ultimately surrounded by an expanded, ensheathing petiole. The first leaves of the propagules are thickened and are the site of nutrient storage. Consequently, these propagules can be characterized morphologically as brood bulbils. Mimulus guttatus also has two meristems in each leaf axil; however, the proximal meristem typically remains dormant and serves no function in the life history of this species. Based on architectural and developmental correspondence, we hypothesize that the propagule of M. gemmiparus is homologous to the proximal meristem of M. guttatus. Comparative analysis shows that evolution of the bulbil has involved both the incorporation of features present in shoots of M. guttatus and the acquisition of novel features.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of natural landscapes on the population structure of lizards, 10 polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers were developed for the Qinghai toad-headed lizard, Phrynocephalus vlangalii. The number of alleles at these informative loci ranged from four to 28. The novel markers and those previously developed for Phrynocephalus przewalskii were cross-tested among three toad-headed lizard species P. vlangalii, P. przewalskii and P. guttatus. A high cross-utility rate of more than 58% was observed among these three species. These markers are expected to be useful tools for taxonomic considerations as well as population genetic analysis and future conservation management.  相似文献   

When attacked, many decapod crustaceans perform tailflips, which are triggered by a neural circuit that includes lateral giant interneurons, medial giant interneurons, and fast flexor motor giant neurons (MoGs). Slipper lobsters (Scyllaridae) lack these giant neurons, and it has been hypothesized that behavioral (e.g., digging) and morphological (e.g., flattening and armor) specializations in this group caused the loss of escape-related giant neurons. To test this hypothesis, we examined a species of spiny lobster, Panulirus argus. Spiny lobsters belong to the sister taxon of the scyllarids, but they have a more crayfish-like morphology than scyllarids and were predicted to have escape-related giant neurons. Ventral nerve cords of P. argus were examined using paraffin-embedded sections and cobalt backfills. We found no escape-related giant neurons and no large axon profiles in the dorsal region of the nerve cord of P. argus. Cobalt backfills showed one fewer fast flexor motor neuron than in species with MoGs and none of the fast flexor motor neurons show any of the anatomical specializations of MoGs. This suggests that all palinuran species lack this giant escape circuit, and that the loss of rapid escape behavior preceded, and may have driven, alternative predator avoidance and anti-predator strategies in palinurans.  相似文献   

兰州北山三种蜥蜴春季食性分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
兰州地区密点麻蜥、丽斑麻蜥和草原沙蜥的春季食物均为动物食物。无论在栖息地重叠地区还是非重叠地区,三种蜥蜴的食物种类在种间均无显著差异(F=0.861,dfT=2,dfE=36,P〉0.05)。种内不同性别和年龄食性无显著差异。  相似文献   

Conspecific pollen precedence (CPP) is a major component of reproductive isolation between many flowering plant taxa and may reveal mechanisms of gametophytic evolution within species, but little is known about the genetic basis and evolutionary history of CPP. We systematically investigated the genetic architecture of CPP using patterns of transmission ratio distortion (TRD) in F2 and backcross hybrids between closely related species of Mimulus (Phrymaceae) with divergent mating systems. We found that CPP in Mimulus hybrids was polygenic and was the majority source of interspecific TRD genome-wide, with at least eight genomic regions contributing to the transmission advantage of M. guttatus pollen grains on M. guttatus styles. In aggregate, these male-specific transmission ratio distorting loci (TRDLs) were more than sufficient to account for the 100% precedence of pure M. guttatus pollen over M. nasutus pollen in mixed pollinations of M. guttatus. All but one of these pollen TRDLs were style-dependent; that is, we observed pollen TRD in F(1) and/or M. guttatus styles, but not in M. nasutus styles. These findings suggest that species-specific differences in pollen tube performance accumulate gradually and may have been driven by coevolution between pollen and style in the predominantly outcrossing M. guttatus.  相似文献   

MACNAIR, M. R., 1989. A new species of Mimulus endemic to copper mines in California . The distribution and morphology of Mimulus cupriphilus , a new species restricted to two small copper mines in Calaveras County, California, is described. A comparison of flowers collected in the wild of M. guttatus and the new taxon shows that they differ considerably. These two species and three other species from the M. guttatus complex, M. nasutus, M. laciniatus and M. nudatus were grown in a glasshouse and compared. The five species were all clearly distinct. The distribution of M. cupriphilus is consistent with it having evolved comparatively recently on one or both of the two copper mines on which it is found.  相似文献   

Biological invasions with known histories are rare, especially in the sea, and empirical studies of the genetic consequences are even rarer. Fifty-five years ago, the state of Hawai'i began a remarkable, if unintentional, 'experiment' with the introduction of three reef fishes, Lutjanus fulvus, Cephalopholis argus and Lutjanus kasmira. All have since expanded from the initial introduction of 2204 to 3163 individuals; however, historical records show that initially L. fulvus remained scarce, C. argus had modest population expansion and L. kasmira experienced rapid population growth. The consequences of differential population growth rates are apparent in F-statistics: Hawaiian L. fulvus demonstrate strong and significant haplotype frequency shifts from the founder location (F(ST) = 0.449), C. argus shows low but significant differentiation (F(ST) = 0.066) and L. kasmira is nearly identical to the founder location (F(ST) = 0.008). All three species had higher mtDNA diversity in the introduced range, which can be explained by multiple sources for L. fulvus and L. kasmira, but not for C. argus. We conclude that lag time before population expansion, in conjunction with genetic drift, has defined the genetic architecture of these three species in the introduced range.  相似文献   

A PCR detection method for rapid identification of Paenibacillus larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
American foulbrood is a disease of larval honeybees (Apis mellifera) caused by the bacterium Paenibacillus larvae. Over the years attempts have been made to develop a selective medium for the detection of P. larvae spores from honey samples. The most successful of these is a semiselective medium containing nalidixic acid and pipermedic acid. Although this medium allows the growth of P. larvae and prevents the growth of most other bacterial species, the false-positive colonies that grow on it prevent the rapid confirmation of the presence of P. larvae. Here we describe a PCR detection method which can be used on the colonies that grow on this semiselective medium and thereby allows the rapid confirmation of the presence of P. larvae. The PCR primers were designed on the basis of the 16S rRNA gene of P. larvae and selectively amplify a 973-bp amplicon. The PCR amplicon was confirmed as originating from P. larvae by sequencing in both directions. Detection was specific for P. larvae, and the primers did not hybridize with DNA from closely related bacterial species.  相似文献   

Oocysts/sporocysts of Sarcocystis sp. measuring 9.7 (9-10) x 7.6 (7-8) microns were found in the intestinal contents of the Dahl's whip snake Coluber najadum. Of wide spectrum of experimentally inoculated hosts, only species of the family Gekkonidae--Ptyodactylus guttatus and Stenodactylus grandiceps--were found to be susceptible intermediate hosts. Transparent, barely visible sarcocysts found in tail, limbs and tongue striated muscles of the geckoes were 175-200 microns x 35-50 microns in size at 78 DPI. Ultrastructurally, the primary cyst wall was characteristic by spine-like villar protrusions up to 800 nm long, 200-250 nm in diameter at their base, tapering to thinner apex. Protrusions appear typically lobular or irregular in the cross-sections. Back-transmission from P. guttatus to Coluber rogersi leaded to oocysts/sporocysts excretion since 38 days post infection. Based on sarcocyst morphology and experimental data, Sarcocystis stenodactylicolubris is apparently a new species. Based on obtained and already published results, Sarcosporidia parasitising colubrid snakes as definitive hosts are suggested to be family specific on the level of their intermediate host.  相似文献   

? In natural communities, plants can receive pollen from multiple heterospecifics as well as conspecifics. However, studies on the effects of interspecific pollen transfer have focused on interactions between species pairs. The potential exists for diverse interactions among heterospecific pollen (HP) grains on the stigma, and for these to affect plant reproduction, alone or in combination with conspecific pollen (CP) loss, but these interactions have not yet been explored. ? We used hand-pollinations to simulate increasing community diversity and CP loss on Mimulus guttatus stigmas. We used pollen mixes of one to three heterospecific donors to determine how species composition and CP load size affect seed production and to characterize the mechanisms underlying fertilization failure. ? Heterospecific pollen deposition reduced M. guttatus seed production and while the effect increased with the number of heterospecific donors, the strength depended on species composition and was independent of conspecific load size. Different types of interactions (additive and synergistic) are hypothesized to underlie the diverse effects on M. guttatus reproductive success. ? Our results suggest that an increase in the diversity of heterospecific donors will not always lead to a greater decrease in fitness because multispecies effects depend on the interacting species.  相似文献   

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