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Cytopathology started in Slovenia in the early 50s with exfoliative cytology, while fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) was introduced some 10 years later. Today cytopathology is a well accepted diagnostic method in Slovenia and there are currently 20 cytopathological laboratories and 17 cytopathologists. The number of specimens examined in 2001 was 26 230 FNABs, 13 355 exfoliative non cervical and 323 888 cervical smears. FNABs are performed by cytopathologists, by clinical doctors and by radiologists. So far only the cytopathologists have a supervised training period in performing biopsies. In future the same requirement will be obligatory for non pathologists. In four laboratories immunocytochemistry is used as an ancillary technique to morphology and one laboratory is using also flow cytometry for immunophenotyping of lymphomas. The classification system used in Slovenia for reporting the findings in cervical cytology is a combination of Papanicolaou's classification and assessment of dyskariosis. In spite of a long tradition in opportunistic screening for cervical cancer (Cca) an organised screening programme was started late. A four year pilot study, which included one third of the women population of Slovenia, was concluded in 2002 and an organised screening programme was introduced to the whole country in 2003. The incidence rate of Cca in Slovenia has been rising slowly since 1994 and it reached 19.6/100 000 in the year 2000. The mortality rate has remained roughly constant at 5-7/100 000 for the last 20 years. During the last few years quality assurance measures have been taken for improving the performance in cervical cytology.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the distribution, paleogeography, age and biota of Triassic reefs in Slovenia. Most of these reefs have not been studied in detail up to now, but the paleographical distributional pattern can be outlined (Figs. 1 and 2). Triassic reefs are known from Central and Northern Slovenia, predominantly occurring at the margins of the “Slovenian trough” (which separates the northern Julian Platform and the southern Dinaric Platform) and at the margins of an intraplatform trough within the Julian platform. Reef growth started in the Ladinian and Cordevolian and continued (with interruptions during the Upper Carnian ?) to the Norian and Rhaetian. Anisian environments are characterized by the predominance of algal mats and dasycladacean algae. Cordevolian patch reefs as well as Norian and Rhaetian reefs were built during the Late Triassic by calcareous sponges and corals, which belong to different species (Tab. 1 and 2). Some smaller Cordevolian patch reefs may have been formed within deeper-water sediments. An interesting facies sequence is developed in the Norian Dachstein Limestone reef of Pokljuka (Julian Alps), starting with deeper-marine cherty limestones, which gradually succeeded by crinoidal limestones followed by reef limestones and lagoonal Dachstein Limestones.  相似文献   

The compulsory vaccination of pets, the recommended vaccination of farm animals in grazing areas and the extermination of stray animals did not succeed in eliminating rabies in Estonia because the virus was maintained in two main wildlife reservoirs, foxes and raccoon dogs. These two species became a priority target therefore in order to control rabies. Supported by the European Community, successive oral vaccination (OV) campaigns were conducted twice a year using Rabigen® SAG2 baits, beginning in autumn 2005 in North Estonia. They were then extended to the whole territory from spring 2006. Following the vaccination campaigns, the incidence of rabies cases dramatically decreased, with 266 cases in 2005, 114 in 2006, four in 2007 and three in 2008. Since March 2008, no rabies cases have been detected in Estonia other than three cases reported in summer 2009 and one case in January 2011, all in areas close to the South-Eastern border with Russia. The bait uptake was satisfactory, with tetracycline positivity rates ranging from 85% to 93% in foxes and from 82% to 88% in raccoon dogs. Immunisation rates evaluated by ELISA ranged from 34% to 55% in foxes and from 38% to 55% in raccoon dogs. The rabies situation in Estonia was compared to that of the other two Baltic States, Latvia and Lithuania. Despite regular OV campaigns conducted throughout their territory since 2006, and an improvement in the epidemiological situation, rabies has still not been eradicated in these countries. An analysis of the number of baits distributed and the funding allocated by the European Commission showed that the strategy for rabies control is more cost-effective in Estonia than in Latvia and Lithuania.  相似文献   

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