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The β‐subunit of the human eukaryotic elongation factor 1 complex (heEF1β) plays a central role in the elongation step in eukaryotic protein biosynthesis, which essentially involves interaction with the α‐ and γ‐subunits (eEF1γ). To biophysically characterize heEF1β, we constructed 3 Escherichia coli expression vector systems for recombinant expression of the full length (FL‐heEF1β), N‐terminus (NT‐heEF1β), and the C‐terminus (CT‐heEF1β) regions of the protein. Our results suggest that heEF1β is predominantly alpha‐helical and possesses an accessible hydrophobic cavity in the CT‐heEF1β. Both FL‐heEF1β and NT‐heEF1β form dimers of size 62 and 30 kDa, respectively, but the CT‐heEF1β is monomeric. FL‐heEF1β interacts with the N‐terminus glutathione transferase‐like domain of heEF1γ (NT‐heEF1γ) to form a 195‐kDa complex or a 230‐kDa complex in the presence of oxidized glutathione. On the other hand, NT‐heEF1β forms a 170‐kDa complex with NT‐heEF1γ and a high molecular weight aggregate of size greater than 670 kDa. Surface plasmon resonance analysis confirmed that (by fitting the Langmuir 1:1 model) FL‐heEF1β associated with monomeric or dimeric NT‐heEF1γ at a rapid rate and slowly dissociated, suggesting strong functional affinity (KD = 9.6 nM for monomeric or 11.3 nM for dimeric NT‐heEF1γ). We postulate that the N‐terminus region of heEF1β may be responsible for its dimerization and the C‐terminus region of heEF1β modulates the formation of an ordered heEF1β‐γ oligomer, a structure that may be essential in the elongation step of eukaryotic protein biosynthesis.  相似文献   

As part of an attempt to understand the specific function and role of each subunit in multisubunit protein synthesis factors, we have attempted to identify the nucleotide binding peptides of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2). To ensure that the interactions were of a specific nature, two general controls were used: first, other protein factors with characterized GTP binding activity were tested; second, all affinity labeling was checked for nucleotide specificity by protection with the authentic nucleotide at a 10-fold molar excess over the affinity reagent. Results with a number of GTP modifying reagents ([alpha-32P]GTP, [alpha-32P]GDP, oxidized [alpha-32P]GTP, 3'-p-azidobenzoyl-[alpha-32P]GTP, 3'-p-azidobenzoyl-[alpha-32P]GDP, and 5'-p-[8-3H]fluorosulfonylbenzoyl guanosine) indicate that appropriate conditions for both nucleotide and subunit specific labeling have been achieved. Under these conditions all reagents modified the beta subunit of eIF-2. Complementary studies with subunit-deficient forms of eIF-2 also suggest that the beta subunit of eIF-2 is involved with GTP binding. Coupled with other data suggesting that the gamma subunit of eIF-2 might be involved in GTP binding and amino acid sequence data of eIF-2 gamma from which a part of a GTP binding consensus sequence can be localized, support is provided for the concept of alternate GTP binding domains or a GTP binding domain shared between different subunits of eIF-2.  相似文献   

Pavur KS  Petrov AN  Ryazanov AG 《Biochemistry》2000,39(40):12216-12224
A new class of eukaryotic protein kinases that are not homologous to members of the serine/threonine/tyrosine protein kinase superfamily was recently identified [Futey, L. M., et al. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 523-529; Ryazanov, A. G., et al. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 4884-4889]. This class includes eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase, Dictyostelium myosin heavy chain kinases A, B, and C, and several mammalian putative protein kinases that are not yet fully characterized [Ryazanov, A. G., et al. (1999) Curr. Biol. 9, R43-R45]. eEF-2 kinase is a ubiquitous protein kinase that phosphorylates and inactivates eukaryotic translational elongation factor-2, and thus can modulate the rate of polypeptide chain elongation during translation. eEF-2 was the only known substrate for eEF-2 kinase. We demonstrate here that eEF-2 kinase can efficiently phosphorylate a 16-amino acid peptide, MH-1, corresponding to the myosin heavy chain kinase A phosphorylation site in Dictyostelium myosin heavy chains. This enabled us to develop a rapid assay for eEF-2 kinase activity. To localize the functional domains of eEF-2 kinase, we expressed human eEF-2 kinase in Escherichia coli as a GST-tagged fusion protein, and then performed systematic in vitro deletion mutagenesis. We analyzed eEF-2 kinase deletion mutants for the ability to autophosphorylate, and to phosphorylate eEF-2 as well as a peptide substrate, MH-1. Mutants with deletions between amino acids 51 and 335 were unable to autophosphorylate, and were also unable to phosphorylate eEF-2 and MH-1. Mutants with deletions between amino acids 521 and 725 were unable to phosphorylate eEF-2, but were still able to autophosphorylate and to phosphorylate MH-1. The kinases with deletions between amino acids 2 and 50 and 336 and 520 were able to catalyze all three reactions. In addition, the C-terminal domain expressed alone (amino acids 336-725) binds eEF-2 in a coprecipitation assay. These results suggest that eEF-2 kinase consists of two domains connected by a linker region. The amino-terminal domain contains the catalytic domain, while the carboxyl-terminal domain contains the eEF-2 targeting domain. The calmodulin-binding region is located between amino acids 51 and 96. The amino acid sequence of the carboxyl-terminal domain of eEF-2 kinase displays similarity to several proteins, all of which contain repeats of a 36-amino acid motif that we named "motif 36".  相似文献   

In this article we report the identification of the sites which are involved in the binding of the GDP-exchange factor EF-1 beta and aminoacyl tRNA to the alpha-subunit of the eukaryotic elongation factor 1 (EF-1) from Artemia. For this purpose the polypeptide chain of EF-1 alpha, having 461 amino acid residues, was proteolytically cleaved into large fragments by distinct proteases. Under well defined conditions, a mixture of two large fragments, free from intact EF-1 alpha and with molecular masses of 37 kDa and 43 kDa, was obtained. The 37-kDa and 43-kDa fragments comprise the residues 129-461 and 69-461, respectively. However, in aqueous solution and under non-denaturing conditions, the mixture still contained a short amino-terminal peptide, encompassing the residues 1-36, that remained tightly bound. The ability of the mixture of the 37+43-kDa fragments, including this amino-terminal peptide 1-36, to bind GDP or to facilitate aminoacyl tRNA binding to salt-washed ribosomes was severely reduced, compared to intact EF-1 alpha. However, both of these complexes were able to bind to the GDP-exchange-stimulating subunit EF-1 beta. A 30-kDa fragment, comprising the residues 1-287, was generated after treatment of the protein with endoproteinase Glu-C. This fragment contained the complete guanine nucleotide binding pocket. Although it was able to bind GDP and to transport aminoacyl tRNA to the ribosome, no affinity towards EF-1 beta was observed. We propose that the guanine-nucleotide-exchange stimulation by EF-1 beta is induced through binding of this factor to the carboxy-terminal part of EF-1 alpha. As a result, a decreased susceptibility towards trypsin of the guanine-nucleotide-binding pocket of EF-1 alpha, especially in the region of its presumed effector loop is induced.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A), besides to its canonical role in protein synthesis, is also involved in several other cellular processes, depending on changes in cellular location, cell type, concentration of ligands, substrates or cofactors. Therefore eEF1A is a moonlighting protein that participates to a network of molecular interactions involving its structural domains. Since the identification of novel protein–protein interactions represents important tasks in post-genomic era, the interactome of eEF1A1 M-domain was investigated by using a proteomic approach. To this purpose, the eEF1A1 M-domain was fused with glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and Strep-tag (ST) at it’s N- and C-terminal, respectively. The recombinant protein (GST-M-ST) was purified and incubated with a mouse embryo lysate by applying an affinity chromatography strategy. The interacting proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE and identified by peptide mass fingerprinting using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Besides the known partners, the pool of interacting proteins contained sorbin, a polypeptide of 153 amino acids present in SH3 domain-containing adaptor proteins, such as SORBS2. This interaction was also assessed by Western blot on immunoprecipitate from mouse embryo or H1355 cell lysates with anti-eEF1A or anti-SORBS2 antibodies and on eEF1A1-His pull-down from H1355 cell lysate with antibody anti-SORBS2. Furthermore, the interaction between eEF1A and SORBS2 was also confirmed by confocal microscopy and FRET analysis. Interestingly, a co-localization of SORBS2 and eEF1A was evidenced at level of plasma membrane, thus suggesting the involvement of eEF1A1 in novel key signal transduction complexes.  相似文献   

The Golgi reassembly stacking protein (GRASP) family has been implicated in the stacking of Golgi cisternae and the regulation of Golgi disassembly/reassembly during mitosis in mammalian cells. GRASP65 is a dimer that can directly link adjacent surfaces through trans-oligomerization in a mitotically regulated manner. Here we show that the N-terminal GRASP domain (amino acids 1-201) is both necessary and sufficient for dimerization and trans-oligomerization but is not mitotically regulated. The C-terminal serine/proline-rich domain (amino acids 202-446) cannot dimerize nor can it link adjacent surfaces. It does, however, confer mitotic regulation on the GRASP domain through multiple sites phosphorylated by the mitotic kinases, cdc2/B1, and the polo-like kinase. Transient expression corroborated these results by showing that the GRASP domain alone inhibited mitotic fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Elongation factor (EF)-1 beta, a 26 kDa protein, is the eukaryotic equivalent of bacterial EF-Ts, the nucleotide exchange factor in protein synthesis. EF-1 beta catalyzes the exchange of guanine nucleotides bound to EF-1 alpha; the latter protein is the eukaryotic equivalent of bacterial EF-Tu. Limited proteolytic cleavage studies on EF-1 beta lead to the following picture: the protein is composed of two domains, an aminoterminal and a carboxyterminal domain, connected to each other by a stretch of hydrophilic, charged amino acids situated in the middle of the molecule. The carboxyterminal domain supplies the catalytic site for the nucleotide exchange reaction, whereas the aminoterminal domain interacts with EF-1 gamma, the third component of elongation factor 1. The regulatory, serine phosphate residue, Ser-89, localized in the hydrophilic stretch of EF-1 beta, does not appear to be necessary for the basic exchange reaction. The fourth component of the high molecular weight elongation factor complex (EF-1H), named EF-1 delta or 28 K protein, is homologous to EF-1 beta and contains regions very similar to the carboxyterminal part. EF-1 delta was found to be active in the nucleotide exchange reaction.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis is believed to be under control of the cell cycle during meiosis and mitosis. Any relationship between substrates for cdc2 kinase and components of the protein synthetic apparatus would therefore be of prime importance. During meiosis of Xenopus laevis oocytes one of the substrates for this kinase is a p47 protein, which is complexed to two other proteins, P36 and P30. Judged from partial amino acid sequence data on P47 and P30, the P30 and P47 proteins were reported to resemble the protein synthetic elongation factors (EF) 1 beta and 1 gamma from Artemia salina (Bellé, R., Derancourt, J., Poulhe, R., Capony, J.P., Ozon, R., and Mulner-Lorillon, O. (1989) FEBS Lett. 255, 101-104). This paper shows that the complex composed of P30, P47, and P36 from Xenopus is identical to the complex of EF-1 beta, EF-1 gamma, and EF-1 delta from Artemia according to two criteria. 1) Both stimulate elongation factor 1 alpha-mediated transfer RNA binding to ribosomes and exchange of guanine nucleotides on elongation factor 1 alpha to a comparable degree. 2) Each of the three subunits of the protein complex P30.P47.P36 from Xenopus shows a structural homology with one of the corresponding subunits of EF-1 beta gamma delta from Artemia. Presumably the phosphorylation of EF-1 gamma, which associates with tubulin at least in vitro, is important in processes following the onset of meiosis which is accompanied by a rise of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

eEF2K (eukaryotic elongation factor 2 kinase) is a Ca2+/CaM (calmodulin)-dependent protein kinase which regulates the translation elongation machinery. eEF2K belongs to the small group of so-called 'α-kinases' which are distinct from the main eukaryotic protein kinase superfamily. In addition to the α-kinase catalytic domain, other domains have been identified in eEF2K: a CaM-binding region, N-terminal to the kinase domain; a C-terminal region containing several predicted α-helices (resembling SEL1 domains); and a probably rather unstructured 'linker' region connecting them. In the present paper, we demonstrate: (i) that several highly conserved residues, implicated in binding ATP or metal ions, are critical for eEF2K activity; (ii) that Ca2+/CaM enhance the ability of eEF2K to bind to ATP, providing the first insight into the allosteric control of eEF2K; (iii) that the CaM-binding/α-kinase domain of eEF2K itself possesses autokinase activity, but is unable to phosphorylate substrates in trans; (iv) that phosphorylation of these substrates requires the SEL1-like domains of eEF2K; and (v) that highly conserved residues in the C-terminal tip of eEF2K are essential for the phosphorylation of eEF2, but not a peptide substrate. On the basis of these findings, we propose a model for the functional organization and control of eEF2K.  相似文献   

eEF1A, the eukaryotic homologue of bacterial elongation factor Tu, is a well characterized translation elongation factor responsible for delivering aminoacyl-tRNAs to the A-site at the ribosome. Here we show for the first time that eEF1A also associates with the nascent chain distal to the peptidyltransferase center. This is demonstrated for a variety of nascent chains of different lengths and sequences. Interestingly, unlike other ribosome-associated factors, eEF1A also interacts with polypeptides after their release from the ribosome. We demonstrate that eEF1A does not bind to correctly folded full-length proteins but interacts specifically with proteins that are unable to fold correctly in a cytosolic environment. This association was demonstrated both by photo-cross-linking and by a functional refolding assay.  相似文献   

Stm1p is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein that is primarily associated with cytosolic 80S ribosomes and polysomes. Several lines of evidence suggest that Stm1p plays a role in translation under nutrient stress conditions, although its mechanism of action is not yet known. In this study, we show that yeast lacking Stm1p (stm1Δ) are hypersensitive to the translation inhibitor anisomycin, which affects the peptidyl transferase reaction in translation elongation, but show little hypersensitivity to other translation inhibitors such as paromomycin and hygromycin B, which affect translation fidelity. Ribosomes isolated from stm1Δ yeast have intrinsically elevated levels of eukaryotic elongation factor 3 (eEF3) associated with them. Overexpression of eEF3 in cells lacking Stm1p results in a growth defect phenotype and increased anisomycin sensitivity. In addition, ribosomes with increased levels of Stm1p exhibit decreased association with eEF3. Taken together, our data indicate that Stm1p plays a complementary role to eEF3 in translation.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of diphtheria toxin- and endogenous transferase-dependent ADP-ribosylation of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 (eEF2) has been found in the cytoplasmic fraction from rat liver. We provide evidence that this cytoplasmic inhibitor corresponds to actin, which gives rise also to inhibition of polyphenylalanine (polyPhe) synthesis. Both globular monomeric (G-actin) and filamentous (F-actin) forms of actin appear to be inhibitory on the action of elongation factors 1 and 2 (eEF1 and eEF2) in polyPhe synthesis with the inhibitory effect of G-actin proving to be stronger. Some component(s) in the postribosomal supernatant (S-130) fraction and also DNase I prevent actin-promoted inhibition of polyPhe synthesis.  相似文献   

Highly purified peptide elongation factor 1 from rabbit reticulocytes liberates the terminal phosphate from [gamma-32P]GTP and incorporates it into its own protein. Approximately one phosphate residue becomes bound by one molecule of the factor. Only the eEF-1 alpha subunit of the factor (Mr 53 000) becomes phosphorylated as revealed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate followed by autoradiography and by the incubation of [gamma-32P]GTP with individual subunits of the elongation factor separated by chromatofocusing in the presence of 5 M urea. The phosphorylation also takes place, though to a lesser extent, if the factor is incubated with Na2H32PO4, probably due to the presence of endogenous GTP bound in the molecule of the factor. The content of endogenous GTP in various factor preparations was 0.21-0.43 mol/mol factor. Phosphorylation of the peptide elongation factor is ribosome-independent, acid-labile and apparently autocatalytic since no other proteins are required for this reaction. Preincubation of the factor with GTP or with inorganic phosphate results in the phosphorylation of the factor and is followed by an enhanced binding of phenylalanyl-tRNA to 80S ribosomes in the presence of poly(U). This is accompanied by a dephosphorylation of the factor protein and thus the reversible autophosphorylation of the factor apparently activates its binding site for aminoacyl-tRNA. This is supported by the observation that sodium fluoride, which inhibits the dephosphorylation of the factor, blocks the factor-catalyzed binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to ribosomes. The incorporation of phosphate into factor protein also inhibits the formation of an eEF-1 X GDP complex, which is inactive in protein synthesis. Thus GDP liberated by the GTPase activity of the factor cannot affect its binding site for aminoacyl-tRNA. This may be the other reason for the enhanced activity of the phosphorylated factor. The autocatalytic GTP-dependent phosphorylation of the peptide elongation factor 1 apparently modifies its function and may thus play a regulatory role in protein synthesis.  相似文献   

A series of site-specific insertion and deletion mutants was prepared in the pro domain of transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF beta 1) encoded by simian TGF beta 1 cDNA. These mutants were transiently expressed in COS-1 cells and the ability of each to be properly processed, folded correctly, and secreted was determined by immunoblot analysis of cells and culture supernatants. Insertions in regions corresponding to amino acid residues 50, 154, and 170 blocked secretion; culture supernatants from COS-1 cells showed no immunologically reactive proteins, whereas intact cells contained high levels of the mutant polypeptides. Insertions in the middle portion of the pro domain at residues 81, 85, and 144 affected disulfide maturation of the mature TGF beta 1. An insertion at residue 110, on the other hand, appeared to destabilize the mature TGF beta 1 polypeptide, resulting in degraded growth factor. Relatively small (10 amino acids) to large (125 amino acids) deletion mutations in the pro domain of TGF beta 1, when expressed as the full-length pre-pro-TGF beta 1, appeared to block secretion. By contrast, if the pro domain (designated beta 1-latency-associated peptide [beta 1-LAP]) was expressed independently, deletion mutants in the region 40-110 were readily secreted by the COS-1 cells, whereas deletions in residues 110-210 either destabilized the structure of the protein or blocked its intracellular transport. Cross-linking assays employing radioiodinated TGF beta 1 and biological assays indicate that residues 50-85 of beta 1-LAP are required for association with mature TGF beta 1.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel (Ptx) is an antitumoural drug that inhibits microtubule dynamics, causes G2/M arrest and induces cell death. 2-D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MS analysis of HeLa cells extracts revealed that Ptx up-regulates a form of the eukaryotic elongation factor 1Bgamma (eEF1Bgamma) and down-regulates another one. This event, linked to the lack of Ptx effect over eEF1Bgamma mRNA or protein levels suggested a PTM of this elongation factor. Further 2-D PAGE analysis followed by a phosphospecific staining with PRO-Q Diamond showed the staining of the Ptx up-regulated form only. Moreover, this Ptx up-regulated form of eEF1Bgamma disappears upon treatment with protein phosphatase. Thus, we demonstrate that human eEF1Bgamma phosphorylation is regulated by Ptx.  相似文献   

gamma-Soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) attachment protein (gamma-SNAP) is capable of stabilizing a 20 S complex consisting of NSF, alpha-SNAP, and SNAP receptors (SNAREs), but its function in vesicular transport is not fully understood. Our two-hybrid analysis revealed that gamma-SNAP, unlike alpha-SNAP, interacts directly with NSF, as well as Gaf-1/Rip11, but not with SNAREs. Gaf-1/Rip11 is a gamma-SNAP-associated factor that belongs to the Rab11-interacting protein family. To gain insight into the molecular basis for the interactions of gamma-SNAP with NSF and Gaf-1/Rip11, we determined the regions of the three proteins involved in protein-protein interactions. gamma-SNAP bound to NSF via its extreme C-terminal region, and the full-length NSF was needed to interact with gamma-SNAP. Both the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of gamma-SNAP were required for the binding to Gaf-1/Rip11. Gaf-1/Rip11 bound to gamma-SNAP via its C-terminal domain comprising a putative coiled-coil region. Although the C-terminal domain of Gaf-1/Rip11 also interacts with Rab11, the binding of gamma-SNAP and Rab11 to Gaf-1/Rip11 was not mutually exclusive. Rather, Gaf-1/Rip11 was capable of serving a link between gamma-SNAP and Rab11. A complex comprising gamma-SNAP and Gaf-1/Rip11 was disassembled in a process coupled to NSF-mediated ATP hydrolysis, suggesting that the interaction between gamma-SNAP and Gaf-1/Rip11 is of functional significance.  相似文献   

An equilibrium isotope exchange technique was used to measure in an Artemia system the catalytic influence of elongation factor (EF) 1 beta gamma on the dissociation of GDP from the complex of elongation factor 1 alpha.[3H] GDP in the presence of an excess of free GDP. The kinetic data demonstrate that, in analogy to procaryotes, dissociation of GDP occurs via the formation of a transient ternary complex of EF-1 alpha.GDP.EF-1 beta gamma. The rate constants for the dissociation of GDP from EF-1 alpha.GDP and from the ternary complex EF-1 alpha.GDP.EF-1 beta gamma were found to be 0.7 x 10(-3) and greater than or equal to 0.7 s-1, respectively. The equilibrium association constants of GDP to EF-1 alpha.EF-1 beta gamma and of EF-1 beta gamma to EF-1 alpha.GDP were found to be 2.3 x 10(5) and 4.2 x 10(5) M-1, respectively. Judged from the known elongation rate in vivo and kinetic constants of nucleotide exchange, it was estimated that the recycling of EF-1 alpha may be a rate-controlling step in eucaryotic translation. As a model for GTP exchange, the formation of the ternary EF-1 alpha.guanylyl (beta gamma-methylene)diphosphonate.EF-1 beta gamma complex was also studied. It was observed that both an increase of the level of aminoacyl-tRNA and of temperature favored the dissociation of this complex, thereby enabling EF-1 beta gamma to recycle as a catalyst. This behavior would explain the frequent occurrence of a heavy form of elongation factor 1 in extracts of the eucaryotic cell.  相似文献   

Elongation factor 1 (EF-1) from the silk gland of Bombyx mori consists of four subunits: alpha (51 kDa), beta (26 kDa), gamma (49 kDa), and delta (33 kDa). The EF-1alpha subunit catalyzes the binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to the ribosome concomitant with the hydrolysis of GTP. The EF-1alpha-bound GDP is then exchanged for GTP by the EF-1betagammadelta complex. To facilitate analysis of the roles of the individual EF-1beta, gamma, and delta subunits in GDP/GTP exchange on EF-1alpha, we cloned the cDNAs for these subunits and expressed them in Escherichia coli. EF-1beta, EF-1gamma, and the carboxyl-terminal half of EF-1delta were expressed, purified, and examined for protein:protein interactions by gel filtration chromatography and by a quartz-crystal microbalance method. An 80-kDa species containing EF-1beta and gamma subunits in a 1:1 molar ratio was detected by gel filtration. A higher molecular weight species containing an excess of EF-1gamma relative to EF-1beta was also detected. The amino-terminal region of EF-1beta (amino acid residues 1-129) was sufficient for binding to EF-1gamma. The carboxyl-terminal half of EF-1delta did not appear to form a complex with EF-1gamma.  相似文献   

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