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Light regulates many physiological and developmental events in plants through the action of multiple sensory pigment systems. Although our understanding of the regulatory photoreceptors, including phytochromes (that principally absorb red and far-red energy) and blue light receptors, has advanced considerably in the recent past, the mechanisms of light signal transduction in higher plants are poorly understood. To unravel the molecular events associated with light-regulated plant development, a large number of photomorphogenic mutants have been isolated in several different plant species, including Arabidopsis, cucumber, tomato, pea, Brassica and Sorghum, which are either impaired in normal perception of light signal (photoreceptor mutants) or are affected in some specific or a sub-set of phenotypic traits (signal transduction mutants). Their physiological and molecular analysis is proving to be valuable in (1) assigning specific function to discrete phytochrome species, (2) elucidation of elements that constitute the transduction pathway downstream of signal perception, and (3) determining how different photosensory systems regulate many diverse responses. The progress made in the analysis of photomorphogenic mutants, as reviewed in this article, clearly indicates that multiple photoreceptors, either of the same or different class, interact through an intricate network of signal transduction pathways to finally determine the light-dependent phenotype of both monocots and dicots.  相似文献   

It is hypothesised that somatic mutations are an important source of genetic variance within long-lived plant individuals, and that shoot ontogeny and sexual reproduction are two processes that decrease the mutation load of the shoot population and the offspring. This paper focuses on the way in which sympodial and monopodial shoot branching may influence intra-plant genetic variation and on the role of physiological integration between plant modules for the phenotypic expression of this variation. I also discuss some possible consequences of the interaction of somatic mutations and shoot ontogeny for the study of seedling recruitment and phenotypic plasticity in plant populations.  相似文献   

在大脑新皮质发育过程中,bHLH转录因子参与了关键事件的调节。Id和Hes家族的bHLH因子对维持大脑皮质多能祖细胞(cortical mutipotent progenitor)处于增殖状态非常重要。前神经bHLH因子(Mash1、Neurogenin1和Neurogenin2)活性增强和Hes、Id因子的活性相应减弱,引起皮质多能祖细胞由增殖状态向神经生成转变。随着发育的皮质祖细胞中前神经bHLH因子的抑制,促使星形胶质细胞的生成。最后,bHEH因子Olig1和Olig2活性的增加和Id活性的减弱启动了少突胶质细胞的形成。  相似文献   

Gibberellins, brassinosteroids and light-regulated development   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
The regulation of plant development by light requires the action of several well-studied plant hormones. However, the mechanism by which light and hormones affect identical developmental responses remains unclear. Recently, studies of mutants altered in light signal perception or transduction have suggested a role for gibberellins and brassinosteroids in light-regulated development. For instance, mutants in the major light-stable phytochrome from several plant species exhibit altered responsiveness to, or metabolism of, gibberellins. In contrast, mutants that develop as light-grown plants in the absence of light have implicated a role for brassinosteroids in the control of cell elongation, the expression of photoregulated genes, and the promotion of apical dominance, leaf senescence and male fertility. Future studies should help elucidate whether light and hormones independently affect these developmental responses or whether hormones are involved in the sequence of events initiated by excitation of photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Biomass production of annual crops is often directly proportional to the amounts of radiation intercepted, water transpired and nutrients taken up. In many places the amount of rainfall during the period of rapid crop growth is less than the potential rate of evaporation, so that depletion of stored soil water is commonplace. The rate of mineralization of nitrogen (N) from organic matter and the processes of nutrient loss are closely related to the availability of soil water. Results from Kenya indicate the rapid changes in nitrate availability following rain.<br>Nutrient supply has a large effect on the quantity of radiation intercepted and hence, biomass production. There is considerable scope for encouraging canopy expansion to conserve water by reducing evaporation from the soil surface in environments where it is frequently rewetted, and where the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity of the soil is sufficient to supply water at the energy limited rate (e.g. northern Syria). In regions with high evaporative demand and coarse-textured soils (e.g. Niger), transpiration may be increased by management techniques that reduce drainage.<br>Increases in atmospheric [CO2] are likely to have only a small impact on crop yields when allowance is made for the interacting effects of temperature, and water and nutrient supply. <br>  相似文献   

Sisterson MS  Averill AL 《Oecologia》2003,135(3):362-371
Parasitism influences many aspects of a host's behavior and physiology. Therefore, parasitism is also likely to influence the competitive ability of the host. Field populations of phytophagous insects are often a mix of parasitized and unparasitized conspecifics and the inclusion of parasitism in their competitive dynamics may alter expected outcomes. We investigated the influence of parasitism by the hymenopteran parasitoid Phanerotoma franklini Gahan on the competitive interactions among larvae of its host Acrobasis vaccinii Riley. We found that parasitized larvae were poorer competitors and required less food to complete development compared to unparasitized larvae. To examine the influence of parasitism on the competitive dynamics of this system, we constructed an individual-based model parameterized with our laboratory data. The model examined the role of resource availability and parasitism rate on larval survival. The model suggests that parasitized larvae (and, hence parasitoids) experience higher levels of mortality from competition than unparasitized larvae. Further, the model also suggests that the decreased consumption of resources by parasitized larvae results in a decline in the occurrence of competition as the parasitism rate increases. We suggest that these observations may be general to many parasitoid-host systems.  相似文献   

Volatiles modulate the development of plant pathogenic rust fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mendgen K  Wirsel SG  Jux A  Hoffmann J  Boland W 《Planta》2006,224(6):1353-1361
Rust fungi are obligate biotrophic pathogens that differentiate a series of specialized cells to establish infection. One of these cells, the haustorium, which serves to absorb nutrients from living host cells, normally develops only in planta. Here, we show that the rust fungus Uromyces fabae (Pers.) Schroet. stimulates volatile emission of its host, broad bean (Vicia faba L.). Volatiles were identified and shown to be perceived by the fungus in in vitro assays that excluded the host. Three of them, nonanal, decanal, and hexenyl acetate promoted the development of haustoria on artificial membranes. In contrast, the terpenoid farnesyl acetate suppressed this differentiation. In assays using whole plants, farnesyl acetate reduced rust disease not only on broad bean but also on several cereals and legumes including soybean. This natural substance was effective against all rusts tested when directly applied to the host. This demonstrated that farnesyl acetate may serve as a powerful novel tool to combat rust fungi including Phakopsora pachyrhizi that currently threatens the production of soybeans world-wide.  相似文献   

Plant plasma membrane intrinsic proteins (PIPs) cluster in two evolutionary subgroups, PIP1 and PIP2, with different aquaporin activities when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Maize ZmPIP1;1 and ZmPIP1;2 do not increase the osmotic water permeability coefficient (Pf), whereas ZmPIP2;1, ZmPIP2;4, and ZmPIP2;5 do. Here, we show that coexpression of the nonfunctional ZmPIP1;2 and the functional ZmPIP2;1, ZmPIP2;4, or ZmPIP2;5 resulted in an increase in Pf that was dependent on the amount of injected ZmPIP1;2 complementary RNA. Confocal analysis of oocytes expressing ZmPIP1;2-green fluorescent protein (GFP) alone or ZmPIP1;2-GFP plus ZmPIP2;5 showed that the amount of ZmPIP1;2-GFP present in the plasma membrane was significantly greater in coexpressing cells. Nickel affinity chromatography purification of ZmPIP2;1 fused to a His tag coeluted with ZmPIP1;2-GFP demonstrated physical interaction and heteromerization of both isoforms. Interestingly, coexpression of ZmPIP1;1 and ZmPIP2;5 did not result in a greater increase in Pf than did the expression of ZmPIP2;5 alone, but coexpression of the ZmPIP1;1 and ZmPIP1;2 isoforms induced a Pf increase, indicating that PIP1 isoform heteromerization is required for both of them to act as functional water channels. Mutational analysis demonstrated the important role of the C-terminal part of loop E in PIP interaction and water channel activity induction. This study has revealed a new mechanism of plant aquaporin regulation that might be important in plant water relations.  相似文献   

Interactions between plant circadian clocks and solute transport   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Several endocrine-mediated processes in insects are influenced by environmental factors including the density and sex ratio of populations. Effects of grouping on total egg production and rate of vitellogenic ovary development were assessed in virgin Acheta domesticus (L.). Females midway through their last nymphal instar were isolated from a stock population of adults and nymphs of both sexes and maintained in groups or as isolates at 26–27°C, 70% relative humidity, on a 12L-12D photoperiod. The number of fully grown oocytes produced during the first 18 days of adult life was lower for animals in groups of 10 or 15 than for isolates, but antennectomy abolished this group effect. By contrast, terminal and penultimate oocyte length and ovary dry weight were greater in 5-day-old - pairs than in isolates. The presence of mature males during the first 21 days of adult life did not affect total egg production. Whether these group effects on cricket ovary development are mediated by the endocrine system is not yet known.
Interaction entre les facteurs sociaux et le développement ovarien d'Acheta domesticus
Résumé L'étude a examiné les effets de groupement sur la production d'oeufs et sur la vitesse de la vitellogenèse chez les femelles vierges d'Acheta domesticus. Des femelles à la moitié de leur dernier stade larvaire, isolées d'une population adulte de base, et des nymphes des deux sexes ont été conservées en groupes ou isolées dans des récipients en plastique de 150 mm de diamètre et de 25 mm de hauteur à 26–27°C, 70% d'humidité relative et avec une photopériode de 12/12. La production totale des oeufs mûrs formés pendant les 18 premiers jours de vie imaginale était plus faible pour les animaux en groupes de 10 ou 15 que pour ceux qui étaient isolés, mais l'antennotectomie a éliminé cet effet de groupe. Au contraire, la longueur des derniers et avant-derniers ovocytes et le poids sec des ovaires étaient supérieurs pour les paires de 2 femelles de 5 jours que chez les individus isolés. La présence de mâles mûrs pendant les 21 premiers jours de vie imaginale n'a pas eu d'effet sur la production totale d'oeufs. L'hypothèse avancée est que ces effets de groupe (négatifs et positifs) sur le développement des ovaires d'Acheta domesticus ont reflété respectivement des accélérations et ralentissements de la vitellogenèse. La dépendance de l'induction de la vitellogenèse chez Acheta domesticus par les hormones juvéniles est connue (Benford, 1983) ainsi que les changements dans la quantité de produits neurosécréteurs, susceptibles d'être colorés dans la pars intercerebralis au cours du cycle reproductif (Bradley et Simpson, 1981). Nous ne savons pas si ces effets de groupement sur le développement des ovaires de grillon sont médiatisés par le système endocrine.

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