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We examined the vertical abundance of bacteria, phytoplankton and protists along a transect of six stations from near-shore (Stn. 1) to off-shore (Stn. 6) in Barguzin Bay of Lake Baikal, in the summer of 2002. Chlorophyll concentrations at Stn. 1 were higher (>10μg l−1) than at the other five stations (<3μg l−1). Planktonic and sessile diatoms dominated at Stn. 1, while pico-phytoplankon was dominant at other stations. Densities of heterotrophic bacteria were high in both the epilimnion and the thermocline at all stations. Nanoflagellates were abundant in the epilimnion, and ciliates in the thermocline, but no horizontal trend could be found for these heterotrophs. At Stn. 1, not only filter feeding (Strombidium and Strobilidium) and raptorial (Balanion) ciliates but also predatory ciliates (Prorodon and Spathidiosus) dominated, while at other stations only the filter feeding and raptorial ciliates were dominant. In off-shore stations (Stns. 5 and 6), significant correlations were detected between concentrations of chlorophyll a and density of filter feeding or raptorial ciliates, suggesting tight food linkages between phytoplankton and these ciliates. The concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was significantly correlated with chlorophyll a concentration, although there was no significant correlation between DOC concentration and bacterial density. We suggest that there is a shift of the dominant food linkage from a herbivorous food chain in near-shore areas to a microbial food web in off-shore areas in Barguzin Bay of Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

Responses of the epilithic diatom communities to environmental gradients were analysed at 135 river stations in Finland. In addition, the biological quality of the water was evaluated using diatoms in five rivers having different types of human pressures. According to CCA, conductivity, total P, pH and humus content had the most significant effect on the diatom community structure. The ratio of the constrained axis (λ1) and first unconstrained axis (λ2) was highest for conductivity (1.21), total P (0.83) and pH (0.67). Physical factors had somewhat weaker effects. Five different diatom community types were separated in chemically different rivers using ordination. The effects of purified sewage on diatom‐inferred water quality estimates were strongest in late summer. The effects of cattle‐farming and cultivation were difficult to separate.  相似文献   

Riparian zones associated with alluvial rivers are spatially dynamic, forming distinct vegetative mosaics that exhibit sharp contrasts in structure and processes related to the underlying biophysical template. The productivity of riparian plants, especially trees, influences streamside community characteristics as well as the forms and fluxes of organic matter to adjacent streams – thereby strongly impacting patterns of channel morphology, water flow, sedimentation, and habitat in rivers. As part of a comprehensive investigation of riparian dynamics in coastal rain forest rivers of the Pacific Northwest (USA), we examined riparian tree abundance (density, basal area, and biomass) and rates of production (basal area growth [BAI] and bole wood biomass increase [P]) of seven common species – red alder (Alnus rubra), Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis), bigleaf maple (Acer macrophyllum), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa), vine maple (Acer circinatum) and willow (Salix spp.) – in the lowland floodplain of the Queets River (Olympic National Park), Washington. Measurements were made annually for three years (1999 – 2001) in 16 permanent plots on three biophysical templates that formed a toposequence – active floodplain, young terrace and mature terrace. Stem density was highest in the active floodplain (∼27,000 stems/ ha), decreasing in the young terrace (∼2,700 stems /ha) and the mature terrace (∼500 stems/ha). Basal area and total stem biomass were lowest in the active floodplain (∼16 m2/ha and ∼18 Mg dry weight/ha, respectively) and higher on the young terrace (∼32 m2/ha and ∼134 Mg dry weight/ha) and on the mature terrace (∼69 m2/ha and ∼540 Mg dry weight /ha). Total plot-scale BAI was not significantly different among the physical templates with mean values ranging from approximately 1.4 (low terrace) to approximately 2.8 m2/ha/y (active floodplain). In contrast, P was significantly higher on the mature terrace (10.3 Mg/ha) than the active floodplain (3.2 Mg/ha) but there was no significant difference between young terrace (6.5 Mg/ha) and mature terrace. For the entire Queets River floodplain (57 km2 over 77 km of river length), the mature terrace contributed 81% of the total annual production (28,764 Mg) whereas the active floodplain and young terrace accounted only for 5 and 14%, respectively. Overall, we show that riparian trees grow quickly in this coastal Pacific Northwest system and that the older riparian forests on mature terraces are the main contributors to stem production at the plot and floodplain scales for at least 350 years after stand initiation. This suggests that, in combination with the rapid lateral migrations of many alluvial rivers, the older riparian forests on those terraces are important and sustained sources of organic matter (especially large woody debris, LWD) that, over decades to centuries, shape the character of coastal rivers in the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

Environmental mycobacteria are of increasing concern in terms of the diseases they cause in both humans and animals. Although they are considered to be ubiquitous in aquatic environments, few studies have examined their ecology, and no ecological studies of coastal marine systems have been conducted. This study uses indirect gradient analysis to illustrate the strong relationships that exists between coastal water quality and the abundance of Mycobacterium spp. within a U.S. mid-Atlantic embayment. Mycobacterium species abundance and water quality conditions (based on 16 physical and chemical variables) were examined simultaneously in monthly samples obtained at 18 Maryland and Virginia coastal bay stations from August 2005 to November 2006 (n = 212). A quantitative molecular assay for Mycobacterium spp. was evaluated and applied, allowing for rapid, direct enumeration. By using indirect gradient analysis (environmental principal-components analysis), a strong linkage between eutrophic conditions, characterized by low dissolved-oxygen levels and elevated nutrient concentrations, and mycobacteria was determined. More specifically, a strong nutrient response was noted, with all nitrogen components and turbidity measurements correlating positively with abundance (r values of >0.30; P values of <0.001), while dissolved oxygen showed a strong negative relationship (r = −0.38; P = 0.01). Logistic regression models developed using salinity, dissolved oxygen, and total nitrogen showed a high degree of concordance (83%). These results suggest that coastal restoration and management strategies designed to reduce eutrophication may also reduce total mycobacteria in coastal waters.Environmental mycobacteria, or nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), include all species of mycobacteria other than those in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and M. leprae. In general, NTM are aerobic, acid-fast, gram-positive, non-spore-forming, nonmotile organisms found as free-living saprophytes in soil and water (12, 14, 20, 21, 35). However, several members of this group can cause serious disease in humans, including pulmonary infections, cervical lymphadenitis, ulcerative necrosis, skin infections, and disseminated infections associated primarily with autoimmune disorders (12, 29). For example, disseminated infection with the Mycobacterium avium complex can occur in up to 40% of late-stage AIDS patients in developed countries (43). NTM can also have costly and problematic effects on wild and domesticated animals (17, 23). Thus, understanding the sources and reservoirs of these bacteria has become a priority in recent years (12, 34).While the mode of infection has been poorly established for many cases involving NTM, water is commonly implicated as either a source or a vector (12, 43). NTM are considered to be ubiquitous in the environment and have been cultured globally from samples obtained from freshwaters and marine natural waters (12), swimming pools and hot tubs (11, 25), and drinking water supplies (12, 13), among others. However, only a limited number of attempts have been made to examine the association of their distribution and abundance with environmental parameters (1, 21, 24). The abundance of the M. avium complex was found to correlate positively with water temperature and levels of zinc and humic and fulvic acids and negatively with the dissolved-oxygen content and pH in brown-water swamps in the southeastern United States (24). In a study of Finnish brook waters, acidic conditions, along with the presence of peatlands, chemical oxygen demand, increased precipitation, water color, and concentrations of several metals, were found to favor total NTM (20, 21). However, recent efforts with samples from the Rio Grande River in the United States found positive correlations with the presence of coliforms and Escherichia coli counts and negative correlations with chemical toxicity and water temperature in this alkaline, oligotrophic system (1). Although system-specific differences may be apparent, no attempts to examine mycobacterial ecology in marine and estuarine systems have been reported to date.Historically, researchers have relied on culture-based techniques for detection and enumeration of mycobacteria from environmental samples (1, 20, 21, 43). Because of the slow growth of many mycobacteria, culture from environmental samples requires decontamination, which can severely impact both the quantity and diversity of species recovered (18, 19). Recently, quantitative PCR (qPCR) has gained favor as a means of rapidly enumerating organisms or genes in environmental samples (5, 15, 38, 40). This method allows for the continuous monitoring of the reaction through the use of fluorescent reporter molecules or DNA stains. Because of this strategy, the reaction can be evaluated at the peak of the exponential phase, reducing errors of reagent depletion and assay efficiency associated with end point reads. Quantification is based on the principle that the amount of the starting template is directly proportional to the number of cycles required to reach the peak of the exponential phase, and is evaluated through the preparation of standards.Like many coastal lagoon estuaries, the shallow embayments bordering the Maryland and Virginia seaboard are highly susceptible to anthropogenic influence, as they are visited by millions of people annually for vacation and water-related recreation (44). While eutrophication and degraded environmental conditions have been generally linked to factors or organisms which can ultimately influence human health, little attention has been given to the response of bacteria (16, 45). In this paper, we describe our efforts to examine environmental influences on the abundance and distribution of NTM in a dynamic estuarine system.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics, bacterial standing stocks and living microbial biomass (derived from ATP measurements, 0.7-200 mm size class) were examined in 1996 in the newly flooded (1995) Sep Reservoir ('Massif Central,' France), for evidence of the importance of the microbial food web relative to the traditional food chain. Phosphate concentrations were low, N:P ratios were high, and phosphate losses converted into carbon accounted for <50% of phytoplankton biomass and production, indicating that P was limiting phytoplankton development during the study. The observed low availability of P contrasts with the high release of "directly" assimilable P often reported in newly flooded reservoirs, suggesting that factors determining nutrient dynamics in such ecosystems are complex. The phosphate availability, but also the water column stability, seemed to be among the major factors determining phytoplankton dynamics, as (i) large-size phytoplankton species were prominent during the period of increasing water column stability, whereas small-size species dominated phytoplankton assemblages during the period of decreasing stability, and (ii) a Dinobryon divergens bloom occurred during a period when inorganic P was undetectable, coinciding with the lowest values of bacterial standing stocks. Indication of grazing limitation of bacterial populations by the mixotrophic chrysophyte D. divergens (in late spring) and by other potential grazers (mainly rotifers in summer) seemed to be confirmed by the Model II or functional slopes of the bacterial vs phytoplankton regressions, which were always <0.63. Phytoplankton biomass was not correlated with phosphorus sources and its contribution was remarkably low relative to the living microbial biomass which, in contrast, was positively correlated with total phosphorus in summer. We conclude that planktonic microheterotrophs are strongly implicated in the phosphorus dynamics in the Sep Reservoir, and thus support the idea that an important amount of matter and energy flows through the "microbial loop" and food web, shortly after the flooding of a reservoir.  相似文献   

叶肉导度的组成、大小及其对环境因素的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物光合作用过程中,大气中的CO2需要克服气孔和叶肉细胞等阻力传输到羧化位点。CO2从气孔下腔传输到羧化位点的阻力称为叶肉阻力,其倒数即为叶肉导度。近十年内,叶肉导度已经成为光合作用研究领域的一个重要方面。本文首先系统地阐述了叶肉导度的组成及各部分所占的比重;然后通过与气孔导度的比较,分析叶肉导度的大小及其对光合作用的影响;最后阐述了叶肉导度对环境变化的响应,并分析了其中可能的原因。  相似文献   

Channelization of the Kissimmee River eliminated flow through the river channel, which allowed the formation of a largely organic deposition layer (ODL) on the river channel bed and stopped active sand transport needed to maintain point bars on meander bends. In 2001, completion of the first phase of dechannelization for the Kissimmee River Restoration Project (KRRP) reestablished flow to the river channel in the Phase I area. This study evaluated changes in the ODL and the number of meander bends with active point bar development (MBPB) following Phase I of dechannelization. Evaluations involved comparing interim measurements made after flow was reestablished to the river channel in the Phase I area but before full completion of KRRP with (a) baseline measurements made before dechannelization and (b) predicted changes based on reference measurements representing the pre‐channelization system. ODL thickness was measured in core samples on fixed transects perpendicular to the river channel. The ODL was thinner during the Interim Period than the Baseline Period and this decrease exceeded the expected change predicted from the reference condition. MBPB was assessed with aerial photography. MBPB increased from the baseline measurement of 0 bends to interim measurements of 27 bends in 2002 and 72 bends in 2009, approximating the increase predicted from the reference condition. The decrease in ODL thickness and the increase in MBPB to levels that meet or approximate the reference condition indicate that these aspects of the river channel are recovering following reestablishment of flow.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are ubiquitous symbionts of higher plants in terrestrial ecosystems, while the occurrence of the AM symbiosis is influenced by a complex set of abiotic and biotic factors. To reveal the regional distribution pattern of AM fungi as driven by multiple environmental factors, and to understand the ecological importance of AM fungi in natural ecosystems, we conducted a field investigation on AM fungal abundance along environmental gradients in the arid and semi-arid grasslands of northern China. In addition to plant parameters recorded in situ, soil samples were collected, and soil chemo-physical and biological parameters were measured in the lab. Statistical analyses were performed to reveal the relative contribution of climatic, edaphic and vegetation factors to AM fungal abundance, especially for extraradical hyphal length density (HLD) in the soil. The results indicated that HLD were positively correlated with mean annual temperature (MAT), soil clay content and soil pH, but negatively correlated with both soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil available N. The multiple regressions and structural equation model showed that MAT was the key positive contributor and soil fertility was the key negative contributor to HLD. Furthermore, both the intraradical AM colonization (IMC) and relative abundance of AM fungi, which was quantified by real-time PCR assay, tended to decrease along the increasing SOC content. With regard to the obvious negative correlation between MAT and SOC in the research area, the positive correlation between MAT and HLD implied that AM fungi could potentially mitigate soil carbon losses especially in infertile soils under global warming. However, direct evidence from long-term experiments is still expected to support the AM fungal contribution to soil carbon pools.  相似文献   

Over the last decade there has been a drastic decline in sturgeon v catches in the Lower Danube River system. The present paper analyses the past and present situation and suggests policies for a sturgeon recovery programme.  相似文献   

Factorial treatments of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) and composted, manure mulches were evaluated for two years in a central Florida citrus orchard to study the post-application biology of EPN used to manage the root weevil, Diaprepes abbreviatus. Mulch treatments were applied once each year to study the effects of altering the community of EPN competitors (free-living bactivorous nematodes) and antagonists (nematophagous fungi (NF), predaceous nematodes and some microarthro-pods). EPN were augmented once with Steinernema riobrave in 2004 and twice in 2005. Adding EPN to soil affected the prevalence of organisms at several trophic levels, but the effects were often ephemeral and sometimes inconsistent. EPN augmentation always increased the mortality of sentinel weevil larvae, the prevalence of free-living nematodes in sentinel cadavers and the prevalence of trapping NF. Subsequent to the insecticidal effects of EPN augmentation in 2004, but not 2005, EPN became temporarily less prevalent, and fewer sentinel weevil larvae died in EPN-augmented compared to non-augmented plots. Manure mulch had variable effects on endoparasitic NF, but consistently decreased the prevalence of trapping NF and increased the prevalence of EPN and the sentinel mortality. Both temporal and spatial abundance of NF were inversely related to the prevalence of Steinernema diaprepesi, whereas Heterorhabditis zealandica prevalence was positively correlated with NF over time. The number of weevil larvae killed by EPN was likely greatest in 2005, due in part to non-target effects of augmentation on the endemic EPN community in 2004 that occurred during a period of peak weevil recruitment into the soil.  相似文献   

Responses of Wetland Tree Species to Hydrology and Soils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We conducted a study of the flood tolerance of nine wetland tree species on seven soil types. Seedlings were subjected to 11 months of continuous shallow inundation or moist soil conditions on three mineral soils, two organic soils, a manufactured soil designed to mimic the practice of layering muck over mineral soil, and a stockpiled topsoil. Taxodium ascendens, T. distichum, Acer rubrum, and Pinus serotina suffered no mortality; Fraxinus carolininna (1%), Liquidambar styraciflua (8%), P. elliottii (8%), and Gordonia lasianthus (24%) suffered low to moderate mortality; and Persea palustris (46%) suffered significant mortality. In general, greatest net height and total biomass were achieved on moist organic soils, and least net height and total biomass were achieved on stockpiled topsoil and inundated soils. Responses to hydrological conditions were less pronounced for Taxodium spp. If the results of this experiment are transferable to the field, then Acer rubrum, Fraxinus caroliniana, Pinus serotina, Taxodium ascendens, and Taxodium distichum seedlings can reasonably be expected to survive at least one year under a broad range of hydrological and edaphic conditions. With the exception of Taxodium spp., first-year growth for the species of this study can be facilitated by maintaining moist but not inundated conditions. These findings suggest that transfer of organic soils will benefit restoration and creation efforts, and that layering organic soil over mineral soil is more effective than using mineral soils or stockpiled topsoil.  相似文献   

The benthic flora and fauna of a large, turbid, northern river was sampled in autumn. Macroinvertebrate communities on bedrock resembled those of smaller streams but specialized Chironomidae larvae dominated sandy substrates. Bacterial densities on rocks were within the ranges reported from smaller streams. Benthic primary production is probably limited by high turbidity so that most of the energy available to benthic communites is probably allochthonous in origin.  相似文献   

The understanding of microbial interactions and trophic networks is a prerequisite for the elucidation of the turnover and transformation of organic materials in soils. To elucidate the incorporation of biomass carbon into a soil microbial food web, we added 13C-labeled Escherichia coli biomass to an agricultural soil and identified those indigenous microbes that were specifically active in its mineralization and carbon sequestration. rRNA stable isotope probing (SIP) revealed that uncultivated relatives of distinct groups of gliding bacterial micropredators (Lysobacter spp., Myxococcales, and the Bacteroidetes) lead carbon sequestration and mineralization from the added biomass. In addition, fungal populations within the Microascaceae were shown to respond to the added biomass after only 1 h of incubation and were thus surprisingly reactive to degradable labile carbon. This RNA-SIP study identifies indigenous microbes specifically active in the transformation of a nondefined complex carbon source, bacterial biomass, directly in a soil ecosystem.  相似文献   

Understanding the carbon sources supporting aquatic consumers in large rivers is essential for the protection of ecological integrity and for wildlife management. The relative importance of terrestrial and algal carbon to the aquatic food webs is still under intensive debate. The Yangtze River is the largest river in China and the third longest river in the world. The completion of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) in 2003 has significantly altered the hydrological regime of the middle Yangtze River, but its immediate impact on carbon sources supporting the river food web is unknown. In this study, potential production sources from riparian and the main river channel, and selected aquatic consumers (invertebrates and fish) at an upstream constricted-channel site (Luoqi), a midstream estuarine site (Huanghua) and a near dam limnetic site (Maoping) of the TGD were collected for stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) and IsoSource analyses. Model estimates indicated that terrestrial plants were the dominant carbon sources supporting the consumer taxa at the three study sites. Algal production appeared to play a supplemental role in supporting consumer production. The contribution from C4 plants was more important than that of C3 plants at the upstream site while C3 plants were the more important carbon source to the consumers at the two impacted sites (Huanghua and Maoping), particularly at the midstream site. There was no trend of increase in the contribution of autochthonous production from the upstream to the downstream sites as the flow rate decreased dramatically along the main river channel due to the construction of TGD. Our findings, along with recent studies in rivers and lakes, are contradictory to studies that demonstrate the importance of algal carbon in the aquatic food web. Differences in system geomorphology, hydrology, habitat heterogeneity, and land use may account for these contradictory findings reported in various studies.  相似文献   

We tested whether local abundance of rain forest trees in the medium elevation wet forests of the southern Western Ghats (WG) was related to environmental tolerance, life form, and geographical range. We selected trees in medium elevation wet forests (750–1700 m asl) of the southern WG, using two data bases: a small plot (30 × 30 m) data base of 288 species of trees (≥ 3 cm dbh) in 33 plots totaling 2.97 ha, and a data base of 135 species of tree (≥ 10 cm dbh) in larger plots of 1 ha each, totaling 4.84 ha. The species density per hectare and number of records in the plot network was used in a factor analysis to give a measure of the local abundance of each species. The altitude and seasonality ranges of these species in the WG was assessed from independent data bases and used to generate an environmental tolerance score. Results indicated that as a species became locally more abundant, it occurred across a wider range of environmental gradients, but regional distribution was not related to geographical distribution. Understory species tended to be rarer with smaller range sizes and lower environmental tolerances than overstory species. Climate change is predicted to have drastic effects on restricted range species with limited environmental tolerances.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the bacterial biomass and production and of potential heterotrophic activity (PHA) weree measured every 4 h between 23 July (10:00 h) and 25 July (10:00 h) 1997 in a recently flooded oligo-mesotrophic reservoir (the Sep Reservoir, Puy-de-Dôme, France), in relation to temperature, the phytoplankton biomass and production, and the abundance of heterotrophic flagellates. The temperature varied slightly with time during the study, but the well-established thermal stratification agreed well with vertical distribution of the biological variables that were measured. Only the bacterial production and the PHA showed significant diel changes (t-test,p<0.05), with maxima at 18:00 h and minima at 02:00 h. A significant positive relation was found between bacterial abundance and that of heterotrophic flagellates, which, rather than being an association related to the thermal stratification of the water column, was considered to reflect a trophic relation between these two communities. A carbon balance analysis suggested that at least 30% of the C from primary production measured during the sampling period was used by bacteria, and that 42% of this secondary production, or 6% of the primary production, would be used for the development of the heterotrophic flagellates present. We conclude that the bacterioplankton forms, at least occasionally, an important source of carbon for higher trophic levels, and reject the hypothesis that bacterial production in the Sep Reservoir depends exclusively on organic matter of allochthonous origin.  相似文献   

Workers of Paraponera clavata, a common Neotropical ant, collect both nectar and insect prey. Previous reports show that nectar accounts for up to 90 percent of the ants’ food loads, while calculations suggest that nectar contributes only 10 percent of colonies’ energy supply. We assessed the trophic source of carbon and nitrogen in adult workers using stable isotope analysis. Carbon in adult workers was largely derived from plant sources. Worker nitrogen isotopic ratios varied significantly among colonies and were enriched compared to prey. Prey nitrogen isotope ratios suggest considerable intercolonial variation in diet, with some colonies collecting prey from lower trophic levels than other colonies. The importance of nectar as a source of metabolic carbon in adult worker biomass, coupled with the high frequency of nectar collection, supports the conclusion that omnivory is a key to supporting this species’ biomass in Neotropical wet forests.  相似文献   

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