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Summary In this paper the literature data on the structure-activity relationship for the series of tuftsin analogs are summarized. Among others, the questions of the substitution of particular amino acid residues in different positions of the peptide chain, as well as the questions of shortening and lengthening of the peptide chain of tuftsin, are reviewed. The existing models of the biologically active conformation of tuftsin are also summarized.  相似文献   

The effects of agmatine analogs of growth hormone releasing hormone (GH-RH) were compared to GH-RH(1-29)-NH2 after intravenous (iv) and subcutaneous (sc) administration to pentobarbital-anesthetized male rats. After the iv injection, the analogs [desNH2-Tyr1,Ala15,Nle27] GH-RH(1-28)Agm (MZ-2-51); [desNH2-Tyr1,D-Lys12,Ala15,Nle27] GH-RH(1-28)Agm (MZ-2-57); [desNH2-Tyr1,Ala15,D-Lys21,Nle27] GH-RH(1-28)Agm (MZ-2-75) and [desNH2-Tyr1, D-Lys12,21, Ala15, Nle27] GH-RH(1-28)Agm (MZ-2-87) showed a potency equivalent to 4.4, 1.9, 1.07 and 1.03 times that of GH-RH (1-29)-NH2, respectively, at 5 min and 5.6, 1.8, 1.9 and 1.8 times higher, respectively, at 15 min. After sc administration, analogs MZ-2-51, MZ-2-57 and MZ-2-75 showed to be 34.3, 14.3 and 10.5 times more potent than the parent hormone at 15 min and 179.1, 88.9 and 45.0 times more active, respectively, at 30 min. In addition, MZ-2-51 had prolonged GH-releasing activity as compared to the standard. We also compared the activity of MZ-2-51 and MZ-2-57 with their homologous L-Arg and D-Arg analogs [desNH2-Tyr1,Ala15,Nle27] GH-RH(1-29)-NH2 (MZ-2-117), [des-NH2Tyr1,D-Lys12, Ala15, Nle27] GH-RH(1-29)NH2 (MZ-2-123) and [desNH2-Tyr1,D-Lys12,Ala15, Nle27,D-Arg29] GH-RH(1-29)NH2 (MZ-2-135) after intramuscular (im) injection. MZ-2-51 induced a somewhat greater GH release than MZ-2-117 at 15 min, both responses being larger than the controls (p less than 0.01) at 15 and 30 min. MZ-2-57, MZ-2-123 and MZ-2-135 given i.m. were able to stimulate GH release only at 15 minutes (p less than 0.05). Animals injected i.m. with MZ-2-51, but not with MZ-2-117, showed GH levels significantly higher than the control group (p less than 0.05) at 60 min. GH-RH(1-29)NH2 had low activity intramuscularly when tested at a dose of 2.5 micrograms. No toxic effects were observed after the iv administration of 1 mg/kg of Agm GH-RH analogs. These results indicate that our Agm analogs are active iv, sc and im and that the substitutions made in these compounds produce increased and prolonged GH releasing activity. These analogs, especially MZ-2-51, should be useful for clinical and veterinary purposes.  相似文献   

A series of analogs of serum thymic factor (Facteur Thymique Sérique; FTS) devoid of C- and N-terminal few residues were synthesized and their ability to induce Thy-l (theta) antigen in vitro on mouse T lymphocyte precursors was examined. The pentapeptide moiety (Lys-Ser-Gln-Gly-Gly) seems to be important for the expression of agonistic activity. Some of the short chain peptides showed antagonistic properties. Synergistic activation by two inactive analogs was observed.  相似文献   

Fungicidal activity of natural and synthetic sesquiterpene lactone analogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fungicidal activity of 36 natural and synthetic sesquiterpene lactones with guaianolide, trans, trans-germacranolide, cis, cis-germacranolide, melampolide, and eudesmanolide carbon skeletons was evaluated against the phytopathogenic fungi Colletotrichum acutatum, C. fragariae, C. gloeosporioides, Fusarium oxysporum, Botrytis cinerea, and Phomopsis sp. Dose-response data for the active compounds dehydrozaluzanin C, dehydrocostuslactone, 5alpha-hydroxydehydrocostuslacone, costunolide, and zaluzanin C are presented. A new 96-well microbioassay procedure for fast and easy evaluation of antifungal activity was used to compare these compounds with commercial fungicide standards. Some structure-activity conclusions are also presented.  相似文献   

Hypericin and pseudohypericin are naturally occurring polycyclic quinones which have recently been shown to inhibit the infectivity of several retroviruses, including human immunodeficiency virus. To better understand the antiviral mechanisms of these compounds, hypericin and a series of analogous quinones were synthesized and tested for anti-retroviral activity against equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV). Treatment of EIAV-infected cells with hypericin reduced the production of infectious virus by 99.99%. None of the analogs were found to inhibit virus replication. These results suggest that the complete ring structure of hypericin is required, but not sufficient, for antiviral activity.  相似文献   

Endomorphin (EM)-1 and EM-2 are the most effective endogenous analgesics with efficient separation of analgesia from the risk of adverse effects. Poor metabolic stability and ineffective analgesia after peripheral administration were detrimental for the use of EMs as novel clinical analgesics. Therefore, here, we aimed to establish new EM analogs via introducing different bifunctional d-amino acids at position 2 of [(2-furyl)Map4]EMs. The combination of [(2-furyl)Map4]EMs with D-Arg2 or D-Cit2 yielded analogs with enhanced binding affinity to the μ-opioid receptor (MOR) and increased stability against enzymatic degradation (t1/2 > 300 min). However, the agonistic activities of these analogs toward MOR were slightly reduced. Similar to morphine, peripheral administration of the analog [D-Cit2, (2-furyl)Map4]EM-1 (10) significantly inhibited the pain behavior of mice in multiple pain models. In addition, this EM-1 analog was associated with reduced tolerance, less effect on gastrointestinal mobility, and no significant motor impairment. Compared to natural EMs, the EM analogs synthesized herein had enhanced metabolic stability, bioavailability, and analgesic properties.  相似文献   

Data available in literature on biological activity of the phosphorus analogues of amino acids are summarized. The most typical kinds of bioactivity of aminophosphonic, aminophosphinic and aminophosphonous acids are characterized. These compounds, both natural and synthetic, are shown to possess a wide spectrum of bioactivity and may be estimated as potential bioregulators.  相似文献   

Marine sponges (Agelas sp., Raspailia sp.) produce bioactive metabolites, which can be regarded as hybrids between a terpenoid and an adenine derivative. Three sub classes are known: Agelasines, agelasimines and asmarines. Currently 19 agelasines or closely related structures, two agelasimines and 11 asmarines are published. The two agelasimines have been prepared by total synthesis, the same is true for some of the agelasines, but none of the asmarines have been synthesized so far. Agelasines are associated with antimicrobial and antineoplastic activities. Several analogs have been prepared, which are even more potent than the naturally occurring compounds, and interesting leads for treatment of for instance tuberculosis, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis have been identified. Also antifouling agents and biofilm inhibitors have been found among agelasines and analogs. Agelasines inhibits Na,K-ATPase and other ATPases, but how relevant this is for their mechanism of action, as antimicrobial and antineoplastic agents, are currently poorly understood. Agelasimines A and B display antineoplastic activity and they have the ability to inhibit smooth muscle contraction. Synthetic analogs with both antimicrobial and anticancer activities are known. Biological activities of asmarines are far less studied than those of agelasines and agelasimines, but some of them are claimed to be cytotoxic compounds.  相似文献   

Disodium 3beta,21-dihydroxypregn-5-en-20-one disulfate (2), sodium 3beta,21-dihydroxypregn-5-en-20-one 3-sulfate (3), sodium 3beta,21-dihydroxypregn-5-en-20-one 21-sulfate (4), and disodium 3beta,6alpha-dihydroxy-5alpha-pregnan-20-one disulfate (6) have been synthesized and completely characterized for the first time from readily available materials. Sulfation was performed using triethylamine-sulfur trioxide complex in dimethylformamide as the sulfating agent. Selective sulfation of 3beta,21-dihydroxypregn-5-en-20-one rendered sodium 3beta,21-dihydroxypregn-5-en-20-one 3-sulfate (3) as the major compound. The synthetic sulfated steroids as well as natural disulfated polyhydroxysteroids (7-9) isolated by us from the antarctic ophiuroid Astrotoma agassizii and the synthetic derivatives disodium 2beta,3alpha,21-trihydroxy-(20R)-cholesta-5,24-diene 3-acetate, 2,21-disulfate (7a) and 2beta,3alpha,21-trihydroxy-(20R)-cholesta-5,24-diene (7b) were comparatively evaluated for their inhibitory effect on the replication of one DNA (HSV-2) and two RNA (PV-3, JV) viruses. In general, steroids with sulfate groups at C-21 and C-2 or C-3 were the most effective in their inhibitory action against HSV-2 and also proved to be active against PV-3 and JV.  相似文献   

The synthesis by solid-phase methodology of two glycosylated analogs of somatostatin [Glc-Asn5]-SS and [NAcGlc-Asn5]-SS is described. These two analogs have been biologically tested on the secretion of pituitary growth hormone, pancreatic glucagon and insulin. The results show that glycosylation of somatostatin on the Asn5 residue decreases by a hundred fold the inhibition activity on GH release when tested invitro. Invivo, since the activity is similar to somatostatin the carbohydrates are probably removed by some enzymatic reaction and thus liberate the full activity of somatostatin.  相似文献   

A series of E-ring gamma-lactone camptothecin derivatives were synthesized by semi-synthesis via a three-step domino reaction. Their biological activity was evaluated on two types of human tumor cell lines A549 and HT-29 with sulforhodamine-B (SRB) method. The antitumor activity of these compounds was lower than SN-38, only compound 12c was found to be close to the activity of Topotecan. The structure-activity relationship (SAR) of these analogs was studied and discussed.  相似文献   

The marine invertebrate-derived meridianin A, the originally proposed structure for psammopemmin A, and several related 3-pyrimidylindole analogs were synthesized and subsequently investigated for central nervous system, antimalarial, and cytotoxic activity. A Suzuki coupling of an indoleborate ester to the pyrimidine electrophile was utilized to form the natural product and derivatives thereof. The 3-pyrimidineindoles were found to prevent radioligand binding to several CNS receptors and transporters, most notably, serotonin receptors (<0.2 μM K(i) for 5HT(2B)). Two compounds also inhibited the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (IC(50) <50 μM). Only the natural product was cytotoxic toward A549 cells (IC(50)=15 μM).  相似文献   

Biological properties of five novel angiotensin analogues synthesized, using the conventional methods of peptide chemistry, have been studied. Cyclization was attained by means of amide linkage with the aid of diphenylphosphorylazide or pentafluorophenyl esters. Unlike the natural hormone, the cyclic analogues of angiotensin show no pressor activity, but elicit a depressor effect untypical of angiotensin. A slight pressor activity was exhibited by the compound containing aspartic acid in position 1. The cyclic analogues in question release histamine from peritoneal mast cells in rats.  相似文献   

Two hitherto unknown brassinolide analogues, (22R,23R)-2α,3α,22,23-tetrahydroxy-B-homo-7-oxa-24-nor-5α-cholestan-6-one (9b) and (22R,23R)-2α,3α,22,23-tetrahydroxy-24-nor-5α-cholestan-6-one (8a), were stereoselectively synthesized. In both the Raphanus and rice-lamina inclination tests, 9b exhibited almost the same activity as brassinolide (1) and 8a also showed ca 10–50% of the activity of 1.  相似文献   

The stereochemically constrained chemotactic peptide analogs, formylmethionyl-alpha-aminoisobutyryl-phenylalanine (formyl-Met-Aib-Phe-OH) and formylmethionylcycloleucinylphenylalanine (formyl-Met-Cyl-Phe-OH) are highly effective in inducing lysosomal enzyme release from rabbit neutrophils. NMR studies of the Aib2 analog in (CD3)2SO favor a folded conformation in which the Phe NH group is inaccessible to solvent. Intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded conformations involving a Met-Aib-beta-turn or a gamma-turn centered at Aib2 are considered. The results suggest that folded conformations may allow highly active interactions with the neutrophil formylpeptide receptor.  相似文献   

Thymopentin, the synthetic pentapeptide Arg-Lys-Asp-Val-Tyr, corresponds to residues 32-36 of the thymic hormone thymopoietin. Thymopentin, like thymopoietin, induces intracellular cGMP elevations in the human T-cell line, CEM. Thymopentin also displaces radiolabeled thymopoietin from a receptor glycoprotein prepared from CEM cells, provided that a nonapeptide corresponding to thymopoietin is added to block thymopoietin binding to an additional binding site. Twenty nine analogs with single position substitutions were synthesized by solid-phase or classical solution synthesis, and are evaluated in these assays. All analogs that were active gave positive effects in both assays. A number of substitutions were tolerated at positions 2, 4, and 5, but there was an absolute requirement for L- or D-Arg at position 1 and L- or D-Asp at position 3 to maintain biological activity.  相似文献   

IsCT1‐NH2 is a cationic antimicrobial peptide isolated from the venom of the scorpion Opisthacanthus madagascariensis that has a tendency to form an α‐helical structure and shows potent antimicrobial activity and also inopportunely shows hemolytic effects. In this study, five IsCT1 (ILGKIWEGIKSLF)‐based analogs with amino acid modifications at positions 1, 3, 5, or 8 and one analog with three simultaneous substitutions at the 1, 5, and 8 positions were designed. The net charge of each analog was between +2 and +3. The peptides obtained were characterized by mass spectrometry and analyzed by circular dichroism for their structure in different media. Studies of antimicrobial activity, hemolytic activity, and stability against proteases were also carried out. Peptides with a substitution at position 3 or 5 ([L]3‐IsCT1‐NH2, [K]3‐IsCT1‐NH2, or [F]5‐IsCT1‐NH2) showed no significant change in an activity relative to IsCT1‐NH2. The addition of a proline residue at position 8 ([P]8‐IsCT1‐NH2) reduced the hemolytic activity as well as the antimicrobial activity (MIC ranging 3.13‐50 μmol L?1), and the addition of a tryptophan residue at position 1 ([W]1‐IsCT1‐NH2) increased the hemolytic activity (MHC = 1.56 μmol L?1) without an improvement in antimicrobial activity. The analog [A]1[F]5[K]8‐IsCT1‐NH2, which carries three simultaneous modifications, presented increasing or equivalent values in antimicrobial activity (MIC approximately 0.38 and 12.5 μmol L?1) with a reduction in hemolytic activity. In addition, this analog presented the best resistance against proteases. This kind of strategy can find functional hotspots in peptide molecules in an attempt to generate novel potent peptide antibiotics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the synthesis of a series of endomorphin-2 analogs containing N-methylated amino acids, consecutively in each position. The μ-opioid receptor binding affinities of the new analogs were determined in the displacement experiments. Their in vivo antinociceptive activity was assessed in the hot-plate test in mice after central (icv) and peripheral (ip) administration. [Sar2]endomorphin-2, which had the highest μ-receptor affinity, also showed the strongest analgesic effect when administered centrally and was the only analog that retained activity after peripheral injection.  相似文献   

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