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Abstract The present communication defines the conditions under which thioredoxin activates glutamine synthetase from Anabaena cylindrica . Effects are obtained at pH values around neutrality, and the activation is affected by Mg2+ in the assays. The thioredoxin systems from A. cylindrica and spinach are functionally interchangeable in the activation of glutamine synthetase. The enzyme is efficiently activated by thioredoxinm and also by thioredoxinf, but at much higher concentrations. Thioredoxinm has previously been shown to activate NADPH-dependent malate dehydrogenase and isocitrate dehydrogenase from cyanobacteria. It is speculated that thioredoxinm plays a role in the differentiation of vegetative cells to heterocysts.  相似文献   

Anabaena cylindrica grown in steady state continuous culture has an extractable ATP pool, measured on the basis of the luciferin-luciferase assay of 165±35 nmoles ATP mg chla -1. This pool is maintained by a dynamic balance between the rate of ATP synthesis and the rate of ATP utilization. Phosphorylating mechanisms which can maintain the pool in the short term are total photophosphorylation, cyclic photophosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation. The alga can maintain its ATP pool by switching rapidly from one of these phosphorylating mechanisms to another depending on the environmental conditions. At each switch-over there is a transient drop in the ATP pool for a few seconds. On switching to conditions where only substrate level phosphorylation operates, the ATP pool falls immediately, but takes several hours to recover. The apparent rates of ATP synthesis by total photophosphorylation and by cyclic photophosphorylation are both much higher (210±30 and 250±13 moles ATP mg chla -1 h-1 respectively) than the apparent rate of ATP synthesis by oxidative phosphorylation (22±3 moles ATP mg chla -1 h-1). In long term experiments the ATP pool is maintained when total photophosphorylation is operating. It cannot be maintained in the long term by cyclic photophosphorylation alone in the absence of photosystem II activity or endogenous carbon compounds, or by oxidative phosphorylation in the absence of endogenous carbon compounds. Measurements of ATP, ADP and AMP show that the total pool of adenylates is similar in the light and in the dark in the short term. There is only limited production of ATP under dark anaerobic conditions when glycolysis and substrate phosphorylation can operate which suggests that these processes are of limited significance in providing ATP in Anabaena cylindrica.Abbreviations ADP adenosine 5-diphosphate - AMP adenosine 5-monophosphate - ATP adenosine 5-triphosphate - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)1,1-dimethyl urea - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethane sulfonic acid - PEP phosphoenolpyruvate  相似文献   

Abstract The oxyhydrogen reaction of the cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica was shown to be dependent on the availability of nickel ions in the growth medium. The rate of nitrogenase-catalyzed hydrogen formation was shown to be inversely related to the capacity of the cells to consume hydrogen gas as seen by experiments in which the nickel ion concentration was systematically varied. Nickel-depleted cultures released hydrogen in air and dinitrogen.  相似文献   

Over 90% of cells of Anabaena cylindrica growing in the medium containing 0. 1 mol/L KC1 for 7~9 d transformed into spheroplasts or semispheroplasts which were either sensitive or not sensitive to hypotonic condition. After treating the materials with 0. 1% lysozyme at 28 ℃ for 3~4 h the transformed spheroplasts were almost 100% sensitive to the hypotonic condition. The spheroplasts then regenerated and divided through culture in the inorganic medium containing 0.15 mol/L CaCl2 with a rate over 25 %. The regeneration of different spheroplasts was not synchronous, the fastest division being after 3 d. Cell division was mainly equational but also irregular division or budding.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen on excretion and metabolism of glycolate in Anabaena cylindrica (CCAP 1403/2a) was studied. Glycidate, an inhibitor of glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase (EC, reduced the L-methionine-DL-sulfoximine-induced NH4+ release by ca 40%, while net CO2 fixation and C2H2 reduction were not lowered. This indicates that at least a part of the glyoxylate synthesized in A. cylindrica is metabolized via glycine to serine. Addition of NH4Cl or glutamate to the medium reduced the excretion of glycolate. At pH 9, under air, NH4Cl reduced the excretion by 10–30% and under high pO2 (0.03 kPa CO2 in O2) by about 80–90%. At pH 7.5, under high pO2, NH4Cl and glulamate reduced the excretion by about 40 and 80%, respectively. Also, the presence of NH4Cl stimulated the animation of glyoxylate under such conditions as shown by an increased glycine pool and a decreased glutamate pool. We suggest that nitrogen regulates the capacity of A. cylindrica to retain and recycle glycolate intracellularly and that glutamate serves as an amino donor in the conversion of glyoxylate to glycine.  相似文献   

Abstract: Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was assayed in vegetative cells, heterocysts and akinetes of Anabaena cylindrica Lemm. The iron-containing isoenzyme (Fe-SOD) was in all cases predominant over the manganese-containing isoenzyme (Mn-SOD). Differentiated cells maintained the same relative content of the two enzymes as in vegetative cells. However, heterocysts and akinetes contained only 20 and 35%, respectively, of the total SOD activity present in vegetative cells.
Both Mn-SOD and Fe-SOD activities increased in all types of cells isolated from A. cylindrica grown at high light intensity. The increase of SOD in heterocysts paralleled that of nitrogenase, suggesting a role of SOD in the protection mechanism of nitrogenase.  相似文献   

When adding aluminium (3.7–370 μ M ) as AlCl3–6H20 to cultures of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica , strain 1403/2a (CCAP), the following responses were observed: The effects of aluminium were dependent on pH. being most drastic at pH 6.0. At this pH the growth of A. cylindrica was significantly reduced by 3.7 μ M aluminium and completely inhibited by 370 μ M . The content of chlorophyll a and phycocyanin decreased after treatment with aluminium. Also, aluminium lowered the rates of both CO2-fixation and N2-fixation with total inhibition of both processes by 370 μ M . At the lower concentrations used the nitrogenase activity started to recover after about 100 h. The aluminium content in the cells increased with increasing concentration and with time. At 190 μ M the aluminium concentration in the cells represented 2.4 and 3.3% of the dry weight after 6 and 24 h, respectively. Clogging of filaments and lysis of vegetative cells were apparent at higher aluminium concentrations while the frequency of heterocysts increased in all concentrations used. The most pronounced ultrastructural changes included accumulation of cyanophycin granules and degradation of the thylakoids. The ultrastructure of the heterocysts was however not affected. It is concluded that major reasons for the toxicity are interactions with membranes and phosphate deficiency.  相似文献   

Distribution pattern and levels of nitrogenase (EC and glutamine synthetase (GS, EC were studied in N2-, NO3? and NH4+ grown Anabaena cylindrica (CCAP 1403/2a) using immunogold electron microscopy. In N2- and NO3? grown cultures, heterocysts were formed and nitrogenase activity was present. The nitrogenase antigen appeared within the heterocysts only and showed an even distribution. The level of nitrogenase protein in the heterocysts was identical with both nitrogen sources. In NO3? grown cells the 30% reduction in the nitrogenase activity was due to a corresponding decrease in the heterocyst frequency and not to a repressed nitrogenase synthesis. In NH4? grown cells, the nitrogenase activity was almost zero and new heterocysts were formed to a very low extent. The heterocysts found showed practically no nitrogenase protein throughout the cytoplasm, although some label occurred at the periphery of the heterocyst. This demonstrates that heterocyst differentiation and nitrogenase expression are not necessarily correlated and that while NH4+ caused repression of both heterocyst and nitrogenase synthesis, NO3? caused inhibition of heterocyst differentiation only. The glutamine synthetase protein label was found throughout the vegetative cells and the heterocysts of all three cultures. The relative level of the GS antigen varied in the heterocysts depending on the nitrogen source, whereas the GS level was similar in all vegetative cells. In N2- and NO3+ grown cells, where nitrogenase was expressed, the GS level was ca 100% higher in the heterocysts compared to vegetative cells. In NH4+ grown cells, where nitrogenase was repressed, the GS level was similar in the two cell types. The enhanced level of GS expressed in heterocysts of N2 and NO3? grown cultures apparently is related to nitrogenase expression and has a role in assimilation of N2derived ammonia.  相似文献   

Addition of the arginine analogue, canavanine, to cultures of nitrogen-fixing Anabaena cylindrica at the onset of akinete formation, resulted in the development of akinetes randomly distributed within the filament, in addition to those adjacent to heterocysts. The total frequency of akinetes increased up to five-fold. A feature of akinetes is their increased content of cyanophycin granules (an arginine-aspartic acid polymer) and addition of canavanine to cultures at an earlier stage resulted in entire filaments becoming agranular and containing agranular akinetes. The effects on akinete pattern appeared to be specific for canavanine since other amino acid analogues, although increasing the frequency of akinetes (approximately two-fold), had no effect on their position relative to heterocysts. In ammonia-grown, stationary phase cultures of A. cylindrica, akinetes were observed adjacent to proheterocysts and in positions more than 20 cells from any heterocyst. These observations indicate that nitrogen fixation and heterocysts are not essential for akinete formation in A. cylindrica, although the availability of a source of fixed nitrogen does appear to be a requirement.These results suggest that during exponential growth some aspect of the physiology of vegetative cells suppresses their development into akinetes and that the role of the heterocyst may not be one of direct stimulation of adjacent vegetative cells to form akinetes, but the removal or negation of the inhibition within them. A model for akinete formation and the involvement of canavanine is given.  相似文献   

Activities of enzymes of photosynthesis and photorespiration have been measured in extracts of vegetative cells and heterocysts from the filamentous cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica. Phosphoribulokinase, d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, phosphoglycollate phosphatase and glycollate dehydrogenase activities were readily measured in vegetative cell extracts, but were undetectable or negligible in heterocyst preparations. The data help to explain why heterocysts are unable to perform photosynthetic CO2 fixation. They also exemplify the co-ordinate compartmentation of enzymes of photosynthesis and photorespiration which occur in a differentiated phototrophic prokaryote.Abbreviations Ru5P d-ribulose 5-phosphate - RuBP d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - TES N-tris(hydroxymethyl)methyl-2-aminoethanesulphonate  相似文献   

This study demonstrated the production of a cadmium-induced low molecular weight (3.5 kDa), buthionine sulfoximine (BSO) sensitive protein in Anabaena doliolum. Production of this protein was accompanied by a decrease in the glutathione level of the cell. Cadmium was found to be differentially toxic to carbon fixation, O2 evolution, ATP content, nitrate reductase, nitrogenase, alkaline phosphatase and ATPase of control (untreated), BSO, cadmium and (cadmium + BSO) pre-treated A. doliolum. Toxicity was maximum in BSO-grown cells followed be control (untreated), cadmium + BSO and least in cadmium-grown A. doliolum. Cadmium and (cadmium + BSO)-grown cells registered an increased lipid production, reduced metal uptake and low K+, Na+ loss. In spite of equal cadmium uptake rates, a significant difference in toxicity between cadmium-grown and (cadmium + BSO)-grown cultures was, however, noticed. Better performance of physiological and biochemical variables of cadmium-grown A. doliolum and its tolerance to cadmium could be due to the synthesis of low molecular weight cadmium binding protein (presumably phytochelatin) as well as an increased production of lipid.  相似文献   

5-hydroxylysine, an analogue of glutamate and lysine, causes NH4+ production by N2-fixing A. cylindrica; it also reversibly inhibits GS activity in vitro but has no effect on alanine dehydrogenase or GOGAT. On adding 5-hydroxylysine intracellular pools of glutamine, glutamate and aspartate decrease; those of alanine and serine increase. 5-hydroxylysine alleviates the inhibitory effect of NH4+ on heterocyst production and C2H2 reduction and in NH4+-grown cultures results in heterocyst synthesis and in C2H2 reduction. The data suggest that the GS-GOGAT pathway is the sole route of importance in primary NH4+ assimilation in A. cylindrica, that NH4+ alone does not inhibit nitrogenase and heterocyst production, and that GS and/or a product is involved in regulating the production of both.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. From measurements at several weir pool sites along the turbid and freshwater Barwon‐Darling River, Australia, the development of persistent stratification (for periods of >5 days) was related to river discharge. For the sites examined, the required discharge to allow the development of persistent stratification was between 100 and 450 ML day?1 during the hotter months. High discharge during the hotter months did not allow the formation of persistent stratification, although diel stratification did occur. Low discharge through the cooler months resulted in diel stratification, although persistent stratification lasting for a few days could occur at times. 2. The growth and dominance of Anabaena circinalis at these sites was closely related to the establishment and maintenance of persistent and strong thermal stratification. Growth only occurred during extended periods (>5 days) of persistent stratification. These conditions not only restrict the displacement of A. circinalis downstream, they also allowed the alga to accumulate in surface waters. 3. The discharge levels required to suppress the formation of persistent stratification at the study sites were variable because of large differences in channel cross‐sectional area. To compensate for this variation, the discharges were converted to flow velocities. A critical velocity of 0.05 ms?1 was sufficient for the suppression of persistent thermal stratification and concurrent A. circinalis growth for all sites. The turbulent velocity (u*) under weak wind mixing at the study locations varied between 2.66 × 10?3 and 2.91 × 10?3 ms?1 at the critical flow velocities. These values may have potential to be applied to other rivers in similar climatic zones to suppress nuisance cyanobacterial growth.  相似文献   

The effects of UV (280–400 nm) irradiation on phycobiliprotein composition have been studied in two N2-fixing cyanobacteria, Anabaena sp. and Nostoc carmium, isolated from rice paddy fields in India. Phycobiliproteins were isolated and separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation. After UV exposure the top fraction mainly contained carotenoids (absorption maximum at 485 nm), which first showed an increase in intensity and absorption and then a gradual decrease with increasing UV exposure in Anabaena sp., whereas, in Nostoc carmium this fraction showed a steady increase over the whole exposure time. The bottom fraction of both organisms mainly contained phycocyanin (absorption peak at 620 nm) which showed a steady decline in intensity, as well as absorption. Fluorescence excitation at 620 nm resulted in an emission at 650 nm which underwent a shift towards shorter wave-lengths with increasing UV-exposure time, indicating a disassembly of the phycobilisomal complex and of impaired energy transfer from accessory pigments to the reaction centers. SDS PAGE analysis of the fractions revealed a loss of high molecular mass linker proteins and low molecular mass (αβ monomers indicating that the phycobiliproteins, which function as accessory pigments for the operation of photosystem II, disassemble during UV irradiation.  相似文献   

The effect of the nitrogen source on carbohydrate and protein contents and on several enzymatic activities involved in the carbon and nitrogen metabolism was studied in Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 cells grown under a constant supply of either N, NO3 or NH+4 at different concentrations. An enhancement of protein content accompanied by a parallel decrease of carbohydrates was observed with increasing NO3 or NH+4 concentrations in the medium. In cultures containing 0.1 m M NO3 or 0.1 m M NH+4 nitrogenase (EC activity was 74 and 66%, respectively, of that found in N2-grown cells. This activity was still present with 1 m M NO3 or 1 m M NH+4 in the medium and even with 10 m M NO3, but it was completely inhibited by 5 m M NH+4. Ferredoxin-nitrate reductase (EC activity was detected only in NO3 grown cells and simultaneously with nitrogenase activity. Increasing concentrations of combined nitrogen in the medium, especially NH+4, promoted a concomitant decline of glutamine synthetase (EC, NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC, and NAD+-malate dehydrogenase (EC activities, suggesting that these enzymes play an important role in the regulation of carbon-nitrogen metabolism in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Photoproduction of hydrogen has been studied as one of the ways to produce a clean, renewable energy source. Ultrastructure of the selected strain Anabaena variabilis SPU 003, a heterocystous cyanobacterium, has been done to understand the cell structure. The organism was found to be essentially a dark hydrogen producer. While pH had no significant effect on hydrogen production, optimum temperature was found to be 30 degrees C. Various sugars increased the production of hydrogen while the presence of various nitrogen sources inhibits the production. The production of hydrogen is highly sensitive to salinity and micronutrients.  相似文献   

Athymic mice, injected with A375 human melanoma cells, were treated daily with intraperitoneal injections of adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP). The tumour volume and animal weight were measured over the course of the experiment and the final tumour nodule weight was measured at the end of the experiment. Tumour volume decreased by nearly 50% by 7 weeks in treated mice. Weight loss in untreated animals was prevented by ATP. Histological examination of the excised tumour nodules showed necrosis in the ATP-treated tumours only. The presence of P2Y1 and P2X7 receptors, previously proposed as extracellular targets for melanoma treatment with ATP, were demonstrated in the excised specimens by immunohistochemistry. This paper provides further support for the use of ATP as a treatment for melanoma.  相似文献   

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