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Regulation of insulin-binding and basal (insulin-independent) as well as insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis from [14C]glucose, net glycogen deposition and glycogen synthase activation by insulin and dexamethasone were studied in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes maintained under chemically defined conditions. (1) Insulin receptor number was increased in a dose-dependent fashion by dexamethasone added to the medium between 24 and 48 h of culture and reduced by insulin, whereas ligand affinity remained unaltered. Insulin-induced down-regulation of insulin receptors was not affected by the glucocorticoid. (2) Although the changes in the sensitivity to insulin of glycogen synthesis from glucose and net glycogen deposition paralleled the modulation of the number of insulin receptors, postbinding events appear to be implicated also in the regulation of insulin-sensitivity. (3) Alterations of the responsiveness of glycogen synthesis to insulin caused by the glucocorticoid and/or insulin and by variation between individual rats were inversely related to cellular glycogen contents, suggesting that hepatocellular glycogen content participates in the regulation of insulin-responsiveness of this metabolic pathway. (4) Regulation of insulin-independent glycogenesis in response to an increase from 5 to 10 mM glucose, and of insulin-dependent glycogen synthesis were different. Since the effects of this ‘physiological’ increase in exogenous glucose were small compared to the acute action of insulin, insulin rather than portal venous glucose is considered to represent the prime stimulator of hepatic glycogen synthesis.  相似文献   

The effect of insulin on the activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase is studied in isolated hepatocytes from fed rats. Insulin increases the ‘initial’ activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase by 30% without modifying the total activity of the enzyme. The maximal increase is reached 3 min after addition of the hormone and is dose-dependent. Insulin also increases the rate of fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

Dexamethasone in the medium perfusin isolated rabbit livers caused a fast-acting and reversible effect on liver pyruvate kinase. The effect was to lower th assayable V activity (units/g tissue) without changing the concentration (nmol/g enzyme protein). In effect, glucocorticoid lowered the specific activity (units/nmol of enzyme) by direct action on liver. The effect on liver pyruvate kinase is mediated by a relatively stable alteration; 30 min after perfusate (with steroid) was replaced by perfusate (without steroid), the effect remained strongly evident.  相似文献   

Collagenase-isolated rat hepatocytes were treated with dispase II, a neutral proteolytic enzyme which is often used for the disintegration of neonatal cells. The treatment of hepatocytes with dispase II caused a significant reduction of glucagon binding to the intact cells. The deleterious effect of this enzyme on the specific glucagon binding sites is accompanied by a reduction of the maximum intracellular cyclic AMP production.  相似文献   

[1-Nα-Trinitrophenylhistidine,12-homoarginine]glucagon (THG) is a potent antagonist of the effects of glucagon on liver membrane adenylate cyclase. In isolated hepatocytes, this glucagon analogue was an extremely weak partial agonist for cAMP accumulation, and it blocked the stimulation of cAMP accumulation produced by glucagon. However, THG was a full agonist for the stimulation of glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and urea synthesis in rat hepatocytes, and did not antagonize the metabolic effects of glucagon under most of the conditions examined. Forskolin potentiated the stimulation of cAMP accumulation produced by glucagon or THG, but did not potentiate their metabolic actions. A much larger increase in cAMP levels seemed to be required for the stimulation of hepatocyte metabolism by forskolin than by glucagon or THG. This may suggest the existence of a functional compartmentation of cAMP in rat hepatocytes. The possible existence of compartments in cAMP-mediated hormone actions and the involvement of factors, besides cAMP, in mediating the effects of THG and glucagon is suggested.  相似文献   

Phenylephrine in the presence of 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine and propanolol caused a 40–50% inhibition of pyruvate kinase (type L) activity in isolated hepatocytes, which was accompanied by a 2–3-fold increase in the phosphate content of the enzyme. These changes were blocked by the α-adrenergic antagonist dihydroergocryptine and could not be accounted for by the slight increase in cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase activity generated by the α-adrenergic agonist. It is concluded that a significant component of the inhibition of hepatic pyruvate kinase mediated by α-adrenergic agonists can be attributed to a cyclic AMP-independent alteration in the phosphorylation state of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The hormonal regulation and molecular forms of Type L pyruvate kinase were investigated in rat hepatocytes maintained in primary culture. Five isoelectric forms of the enzyme subunit were identified by isoelectric focusing in 8 M urea. Immediately after pulse labeling rat hepatocytes with [35S]methionine radioactivity was observed in one major (D-band) and one minor (I-band) peptide band. These isoelectric forms were shown to be dephosphorylated forms of the subunit. Acute administration of 0.1 microM glucagon was accompanied by disappearance of the D- and I-bands and appearance of two additional forms (P- and A-bands, respectively). These latter two forms were demonstrated to be phosphorylated forms of the subunit. A fifth isoelectric form of the pyruvate kinase subunit (B-band) was identified by immunolocation; however, incorporation of radioisotope into this band was low. Chronic administration of glucagon or dexamethasone had no significant influence on the molecular properties of pyruvate kinase. However, novel observations concerning the influence of glucose and ethanol on the phosphorylation state of the enzyme were made. When hepatocytes were maintained at 5.5 mM glucose for 24-48 h, the activity ratio for pyruvate kinase decreased from 0.65 to 0.40 and the enzyme became partially phosphorylated. Raising the glucose concentration to 28 mM prevented or rapidly reversed the phosphorylation state of the enzyme. Administration of low concentrations of ethanol (1-20 mM) caused a decline in the activity ratio of pyruvate kinase in the presence of both 5.5 and 28 mM glucose. These latter observations concerning the influence of glucose and ethanol are the first demonstrating that nutrients or metabolites alter the phosphorylation state of the enzyme in the absence of hormonal stimuli.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the effect of glucagon antiserum on the endocrine pancreas, the release of somatostatin, glucagon, and insulin from the isolated perfused rat pancreas was studied following the infusion of arginine both with and without pretreatment by glucagon antiserum. Various concentrations of arginine in the presence of 5.5 mM glucose stimulated both somatostatin and glucagon secretion. However, the responses of somatostatin and glucagon were different at different doses of arginine. The infusion of glucagon antiserum strongly stimulated basal secretion in the perfusate total glucagon (free + antibody bound glucagon) and also enhanced its response to arginine, but free glucagon was undetectable in the perfusate during the infusion. On the other hand, the glucagon antiserum had no significant effect on either insulin or somatostatin secretion. Moreover, electron microscopic study revealed degrannulation and vacuolization in the cytoplasm of the A cells after exposure to glucagon antiserum, suggesting a hypersecretion of glucagon, but no significant change was found in the B cells or the D cells. We conclude that in a single pass perfusion system glucagon antiserum does not affect somatostatin or insulin secretion, although it enhances glucagon secretion.  相似文献   

Chu C  Xu B  Huang W 《Tissue & cell》2010,42(6):370-375
Studies indicate that many tissues could express follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) besides pituitary. New functions of FSH are also been recognized beyond reproduction regulation. However, no report has been made about the expression and function of FSH in rat pancreas yet. Dual-labeled immunofluorescence stain, in situ hybridization and dual-labeled immunohistochemistry stain in adjacent sections were used to study the expression of FSH and its receptor, and co-localization of FSH with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor in rat pancreas. Tissue incubation and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) were used to study the effects of FSH on the secretion of insulin and glucagon in rat pancreas in vitro. The results showed that rat pancreas could express FSH and its receptor, some of islet cells co-expressed FSH and its receptor, some of islet cells co-expressed FSH and GnRH receptor. FSH has the same bidirectional regulation effects on insulin and glucagon in vitro. These data suggested that rat pancreas is a target organ of FSH, and GnRH might regulate FSH through GnRH receptor in rat pancreas. FSH might regulate the endocrine function of rat pancreas through FSH receptor.  相似文献   

A rapid capillary electrophoresis (CE) with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) competitive immunoassay has been developed for the determination of glucagon in biological mixtures. In the assay, fluorescein-conjugated glucagon is mixed with the sample followed by addition of anti-glucagon. Free and antibody-bound, tagged glucagon could be separated in 3 s using CE to obtain quantitative determination of glucagon with a concentration detection limit of 760 pM. The assay was combined with a previously developed competitive immunoassay for insulin to produce a simultaneous immunoassay for both peptides. The method was used to determine glucagon content of islets of Langerhans.  相似文献   

Cultured adult rat hepatocytes incubated in media containing fructose exhibit increased levels of cytochrome P-450, relative to cells incubated with equimolar glucose, and the effect of fructose is proportional to its concentration between 2 and 10 mM. For investigating the mechanism of the effect of fructose on cytochrome P-450 in cultured cells, [U-14C]fructose or [U-14C]-glucose were added to the incubation medium, and their uptake and utilization were compared. While the uptake kinetics of the two hexoses were similar, the rate of phosphorylation of fructose was more than 10-fold that of glucose. Similarly, the appearance of fructose carbon in metabolic pools, as well as its conversion to CO2 and cellular glycerolipid, was increased. The latter finding suggested that fructose might alter cytochrome P-450 by stimulating glycerolipid synthesis, since the stability of the cytochrome is lipid-dependent. However, the changes in glycerolipid formation failed to parallel changes in the level of cytochrome P-450 in fructose-treated cells. Moreover, the relative distribution of 14C into specific lipids was similar for both hexoses, suggesting that an increased carbon flux in cells incubated with fructose did not directly impose a qualitative change in cellular lipid synthesis. We conclude that the fructose-mediated alteration of cytochrome P-450 in cultured rat hepatocytes reflects a process other than increased incorporation of fructose carbon into metabolic pools.  相似文献   

Kinetic constants of glycogen synthase (M0.5 for glucose-6-P and S0.5 for UDP-glucose) were determined after hepatocytes isolated from starved rats were incubated with either glucagon or epinephrine. Incubation with these hormones resulted in an increase in both S0.5 and M0.5. However, the action of glucagon resulted in great modifications on S0.5 whereas epinephrine affected mainly M0.5. Therefore, glucagon and epinephrine alter the kinetic properties of glycogen synthase provoke the phosphorylation of glycogen synthase at different site(s) acting through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Extracts obtained from rat hepatocytes incubated with saline, glucagon or insulin were electrophoresed on polyacrylamide gels and then assayed for cyclic (3H)AMP binding capacity. Analysis of the binding patterns demonstrated that glucagon dissociated a holoenzyme of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in a dose-dependent manner. The increase in free regulatory subunits and, hence, in free catalytic subunits explains the activation of this enzyme by glucagon in the liver. Insulin decreased both the amount of cyclic (3H)AMP bound to the holoenzyme and the capacity of the enzyme to be dissociated when the extracts were incubated with increasing concentrations of this cyclic nucleotide. We propose that these insulin-induced effects are determined by an inhibition of the cyclic AMP binding capacity of this protein kinase. This mechanism could account for the inactivation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase that insulin causes in the liver.Abbreviations cAMP (cyclic AMP), Adenosine 3,5 monophosphate - (3H)cAMP cyclic (3H)AMP - MIX 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine  相似文献   

Pyruvate kinase (PYK) is an important enzyme in the intermediary metabolism and has attracted much attention as a target for metabolic engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Genome sequencing revealed that the 308 residue of PYK was mutated from methionine in model strain C. glutamicum ATCC14067 to isoleucine in L-serine-producing strain C. glutamicum SYPS-062. Consequently, a significantly lower PYK activity (77%) was noted in C. glutamicum SYPS-062, when compared with that in C. glutamicum ATCC14067. To confirm the role of this point mutation, pyk in both C. glutamicum SYPS-062 and C. glutamicum SYPS-062-33aΔSSAA was reversely mutated to restore the PYK enzyme activity, which led to a 33.1% and 28.8% decrease in L-serine titer, respectively. This is the first report to show that the (Met-308→Ile) mutation site of pyk is closely associated with its activity and apparently affected L-serine production. Furthermore, pyk was deleted in strain C. glutamicum SYPS-062-33aΔSSAA, and the resulting strain did not show alteration in growth rate and presented a 12% increase in L-serine production.  相似文献   

We have utilized the relative structural simplicity of several short, cyclic, highly active somatostatin analogs in the search for competitive antagonists of somatostatin. During an attempted synthesis of cyclo(7-aminoheptanoyl-Phe-D-Trp-Lys-Thr), catalytic hydrogenation of the protected peptide intermediate unexpectedly gave cyclo [7-aminoheptanoyl-Phe-D-Trp-Lys-Thr(Bzl)] in which the benzyl protecting group on Thr could not be removed even upon prolonged treatment under standard conditions. Injection of this new peptide into the rat completely blocked the inhibitory effects of exogenous somatostatin on GH, insulin, and glucagon release. Indeed, in fasted rats, basal hepatic portal insulin and glucagon levels were significantly increased after analog treatment. Plasma GH levels in Nembutal-anesthetized and stimulated rats were also increased after injection of the analog. These results provide strong evidence that endogenous somatostatin exerts local tonic control of pituitary and pancreatic secretions. The availability of a somatostatin anatagonist should be of considerable value in elucidating the roles of somatostatin in these and many other physiological processes.  相似文献   

Analogues and derivatives of six of the amino acids which most effectively inhibit protein degradation in isolated rat hepatocytes (leucine, asparagine, glutamine, histidine, phenylalanine and tryptophan) were investigated to see if they could antagonize or mimic the effect of the parent compound. No antagonists were found. Amino alcohols and amino acid amides tended to inhibit protein degradation strongly, apparently by a direct lysosomotropic effect as indicated by their ability to cause lysosomal vacuolation. Amino acid alkyl esters and dipeptides inhibited degradation to approximately the same extent as did their parent amino acids, possibly by being converted to free amino acids intracellularly. Of several leucine analogues tested, four (L-norleucine, L-norvaline, D-norleucine and L-allo-isoleucine) were found to be as effective as leucine in inhibiting protein degradation. None of the analogues had any effect on protein synthesis. Since leucine appears to play a unique role as a regulator of bulk autophagy in hepatocytes, the availability of active leucine agonists may help tj elucidate the biochemical mechanism for control of this important process.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases I and II, partially purified from rat liver cytosol, were inhibited 50% by 40 μM hemin and 100 μM hemin, respectively. With the purified catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, hemin caused non-competitive inhibition with respect to the peptide substrate and mixed inhibition with respect to ATP. Hemin also inhibited purified phosphorylase b kinase, indicating that hemin concentrations above 10 μM markedly inhibit multiple protein kinases. In isolated intact hepatocytes, hemin inhibited the glucagon-dependent activation of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases and the activation of glycogen phosphorylase. For both effects, high heme concentrations (40–60 μM) were required for 50% inhibition. Similar high levels of exogenous hemin inhibited total hepatocyte protein synthesis. By contrast, 5 μM hemin or less was sufficient to raise intracellular heme levels, as indicated by the relative heme-saturation of tryptophan oxygenase in hepatocytes. Hemin, 5 μM, completely repressed induction of 5-aminolevulinate synthase by dexamethasone in hepatocyte primary cultures. Such repression is unlikely to be mediated by inhibition of protein kinases.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte pyruvate kinase (PK) is an important glycolytic enzyme, and manipulation of its regulatory behavior by allosteric modifiers is of interest for medicinal purposes. Human-erythrocyte PK was expressed in Rosetta cells and purified on an Ni-NTA column. A search of the small-molecules database of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), using the UNITY software, led to the identification of several compounds with similar pharmacophores as fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), the natural allosteric activator of the human kinases. The compounds were subsequently docked into the FBP binding site using the programs FlexX and GOLD, and their interactions with the protein were analyzed with the energy-scoring function of HINT. Seven promising candidates, compounds 1-7, were obtained from the NCI, and subjected to kinetics analysis, which revealed both activators and inhibitors of the R-isozyme of PK (R-PK). The allosteric effectors discovered in this study could prove to be lead compounds for developing medications for the treatment of hemolytic anemia, sickle-cell anemia, hypoxia-related diseases, and other disorders arising from erythrocyte PK malfunction.  相似文献   

Summary Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is a neuropeptide that occurs in several tissues, e.g., in the gut. We have studied PACAP-like immunoreactivity in the pancreas of rat and mouse, and the effects of PACAP-38 on basal and stimulated insulin and glucagon secretion in the mouse. Immunofluorescence staining demonstrated the presence of PACAP-like immunoreactivity in nerve fibers in both the rat and mouse pancreas. The nerve fibers were seen in the exocrine pancreas and surrounding the islets. Occasionally, the nerve fibers occurred within the islets. Most PACAP-positive nerve fibers innervated the intrapancreatic ganglia, although no nerve cell bodies contained PACAP-like immunoreactivity. In-vivo experiments in mice revealed that basal plasma glucagon levels were increased by PACAP-39 injected intravenously at dose levels exceeding 1.8 nmol/kg. Furthermore, PACAP-38 (7 nmol/kg) potentiated the plasma glucagon response to the cholinergic agonist carbachol (0.16 mol/kg). This potentiation was reduced to simple addition by pretreatment with a combined - and -adrenergic blockade by phentolamine (35 mol/kg) and propranolol (8.5 mol/kg). Moreover, PACAP-38 inhibited a carbachol-induced increase in the level of plasma insulin in the absence but not in the presence of adrenergic blockade. PACAP-38 increased basal plasma insulin levels and increased basal plasma glucose levels 6 min and 10 min, respectively, after injection of the peptide. We conclude that PACAP-like immunoreactivity exists in nerve fibers innervating the mouse and rat pancreas, particularly the intrapancreatic ganglia, and that PACAP-38 augments both basal and carbachol-stimulated glucagon secretion in the mouse.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of dexamethasone on the ability of cells enzymatically isolated from 21-day fetal rat calvaria to produce cartilage in vitro has been investigated. Primary cultures of single-cell suspensions of rat calvaria were grown for up to 28 days in vitro in -minimal essential medium containing 15% fetal bovine serum, 50 /ml ascorbic acid, 10 mM Na -glycerophosphate and dexamethasone at concentrations of 1 M to 1 nM. Two types of nodules were present in dexamethasone-containing cultures. One has been characterized previously as bone (Bellows et al. 1986). The second morphologically resembled hyaline cartilage, possessed a strong Alcian blue-positive matrix and contained type-II, but not type-I, collagen. Both bone and cartilaginous nodules were spatially distinct and developed in isolation from each other. Cartilaginous nodules were found in the highest number at a dexamethasone concentration of 100 nM. Time-course experiments revealed that while the number of bone nodules increased continuously at least to day 28, the number of cartilaginous nodules remained constant after cultures had reached confluency. When cells were isolated separately from frontal and parietal bones and suturai regions, the greatest number of cartilaginous nodules developed from parietal bones. Since 21-day fetal rat calvaria contains 2 distinct patches of cartilage at the periphery of the parietal bones, it seems likely that this cartilaginous tissue is the origin of the cartilage cells. The results demonstrate that cultures of rat calvaria cells contain chondrocytes and possibly chondroprogenitor cells that are distinct from osteoprogenitors. Results support previous data that 100 nM dexamethasone permits the expression of and maintains the phenotype of chondrocytes in serum-containing cultures in vitro.  相似文献   

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