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Storage protein-1 (SP-1) is a major storage protein found in the hemolymph and fat body of Hyphantria cunea. In this study, the uptake and accumulation of SP-1 into the ovary of H. cunea was investigated using biochemical and immunocytochemical methods. SP-1 in H. cunea has a high methionine content (4.6%) but is not female-specific, like other high methionine storage proteins. In the 6-day-old pupal ovary, SP-1 was detectable in trace amounts but accumulated to significant levels toward the end of the pupal stage. After adult emergence, SP-1 rapidly decreased in the ovarian follicles and remained low in the egg. This suggest that SP-1 is either extensively modified or degraded, causing a loss of its antigenic property in the ovary after adult emergence. During vitellogenesis, SP-1 is present in the hemolymph and penetrates through the tunica propria to reach the perioocytic space. From there, SP-1 is incorporated into yolk bodies. These results clearly show that SP-1 is taken up by the developing oocyte. Its disappearance suggests that SP-1 might be an amino acid reservoir for providing precursors for egg formation, in contrast to yolk proteins, which are utilized during postembryonic development. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 37:115–128, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone (JH) signaling plays crucial roles in insect metamorphosis and reproduction. Function of JH signaling in germline stem cells (GSCs) remains largely unknown. Here, we found that the number of GSCs significantly declined in the ovaries of Met, Gce and JHAMT mutants. Then we inhibited JH signaling in selected cell types of ovaries by expressing Met and Gce or Kr‐h1 double‐stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) using different Gal4 drivers. Blocking of JH signaling in muscle cells has no effect on GSC numbers. Blocking of JH signaling in cap cells reduced GSCs cells. Inductive expression of Met and Gce dsRNA but not Kr‐h1 by Nos‐Gal4 increased GSC cells. These results indicate that JH signaling plays an important role in GSC maintenance.  相似文献   

Both juvenile hormone and 20-hydroxy-ecdysone seem to be involved in the regulation of vitellogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. It is the purpose of this paper to begin to define the functions of these two hormones. Although vitellogenin synthesis does not occur at a high rate in 1-day-old female abdomens isolated from the head and thorax before 0.75 hr after eclosion, both ZR515 (a juvenile hormone analogue) and 20-hydroxy-ecdysone can cause in these preparations vitellogenin synthesis and secretion into the haemolymph. The synthesis and secretion into the haemolymph of all three vitellogenins which are detectable by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate-containing gels of polyacrylamide is promoted by both hormones. That result excludes the hypothesis that these two hormones regulate the synthesis of different vitellogenins. A dose-response curve showed that an injection of 0.2 μl of a 10?6 M 20-hydroxy-ecdysone solution was sufficient to promote vitellogenin synthesis and secretion in isolated abdomens. Ovaries from isolated female abdomens treated with juvenile hormone analogue showed nearly normal amounts of all three vitellogenins and morphologically normal advanced vitellogenic follicles, whereas ovaries from isolated abdomens treated with 20-hydroxy-ecdysone contained little vitellogenin and no vitellogenic follicles. We conclude that under the conditions used, juvenile hormone permits vitellogenin uptake into the oöcyte much more readily than does 20-hydroxy-ecdysone.  相似文献   

Low molecular weight juvenile hormone binding proteins (JHBPs) are specific carriers of juvenile hormone (JH) in the hemolymph of butterflies and moths. As hormonal signal transmitters, these proteins exert a profound effect on insect development. The crystal structure of JHBP from Galleria mellonella shows an unusual fold consisting of a long α-helix wrapped in a highly curved antiparallel β-sheet. JHBP structurally resembles the folding pattern found in tandem repeats in some mammalian lipid-binding proteins, with similar organization of one cavity and a disulfide bond between the long helix and the β-sheet. JHBP reveals, therefore, an archetypal fold used by nature for hydrophobic ligand binding. The JHBP molecule possesses two hydrophobic cavities. Several lines of experimental evidence conclusively indicate that JHBP binds JH in only one cavity, close to the N- and C-termini, and that this binding induces a structural change. The second cavity, located at the opposite end of the molecule, could bind another ligand.  相似文献   

Summary The time course of juvenile hormone (JH) metabolism is examined in cultures ofPeriplaneta americana fat body and ovaries in medium containingManduca sexta carrier protein or cockroach hemolymph. In the absence ofM. sexta carrier protein or cockroach hemolymph, both tissues extensively catabolize exogenous [3H]JH in the medium. Addition of the carrier protein or hemolymph to the culture system prevents the hydrolysis of the hormone in the medium. Within the tissues JH is degraded whether or not carrier protein or hemolymph is present which suggests that the protective role of these molecules is exclusively extracellular. Incubation of [3H]JH with medium preconditioned with tissue results in destruction of the hormone. This suggests that the fat body secretes esterases into the medium. In contrast, the ovarioles hydrolyze the hormone by means of cell-associated enzyme. The relationship of these phenomena to insect development is discussed. This work supported by NSF Grant PCM 76-02229 and University of Kansas Biomedical Sciences Grant RR-07037.  相似文献   

The participation of juvenile hormone (JH) in the regulation of growth and protein synthesis in the accessory reproductive gland of male Locusta migratoria has been investigated. After elimination of endogenous JH with ethoxyprecocene, the accessory gland failed to grow, but growth was restored by a single application of the JH analog, pyriproxyfen. Pyriproxyfen appeared to stimulate total protein synthesis by 3 h, with a significant effect by 12 h, in contrast to 24 h observed in fat body. The dose curve for stimulation of protein synthesis 12 h after applying pyriproxyfen gave an ED50 of 0.1 μg; the dose curve for gland growth at 72 h was biphasic, with steps at about 0.01 μg and 10 μg, suggesting two phases in JH action. SDS-PAGE analysis showed several components that were stimulated by pyriproxyfen, the effect being strongest in an 11 kDa band. A 5 kDa component was enhanced in the soluble and reduced in the particulate fraction after precocene treatment. The accessory gland contained JH esterase activity at levels about 100 times those in fat body or hemolymph, and was higher in precocene treated locusts. Binding activity for [3H]10R -JH III was high in cytosolic and nuclear fractions, and was identified immunologically as due to the previously described hemolymph JH binding protein. The results indicate that the mode of action of JH in the accessory gland may differ from that in the fat body. The presence of intracellular JH binding protein suggests a direct action of JH within the gland, that may be modulated by JH esterase. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

家蚕头部是一个神经中枢和感受的器官,其头部含有触角和感觉毛,感受外界的信号,并将外界信号传送到大脑进行反应。保幼激素主要是由咽侧体合成和分泌的,而保幼激素结合蛋白是保幼激素转运和发挥功能的载体,在昆虫体内具有极其重要的功能。文中通过Silk DB和NCBI数据库筛选并鉴定到一个新的具有保幼激素结合蛋白家族保守结构的蛋白Bm TOL,其编码基因编号为BGIBMGA003404(Gen Bank登录号:KY681053)。利用原核表达系统成功表达了该蛋白,通过Ni-NTA亲和层析的方法获得了Bm TOL的重组蛋白并制备了多克隆抗体。组织表达分析发现无论是转录水平还是蛋白水平Bm TOL在头部都是高量表达,且Bmtol基因在起蚕时表达量较高,在5龄和蛹期表达量较低,而在化蛾后表达量又开始上调。免疫组化结果显示Bm TOL蛋白定位在头部的皮层、触角和脑中,推测其可能与头部信息传递有关,为家蚕的生长发育和行为调控提供重要的信息来源。  相似文献   

采用PAGE和SDS-PAGE以及Western blot 的方法,分析了粘虫Mythimna separata幼虫、蛹及成虫体内的储存蛋白。结果表明,粘虫体内存在两种储存蛋白,其中一种为SP-1,即幼虫特异性储存蛋白,从6龄粘虫幼虫的2日龄开始出现在血淋巴中,到末日龄时达到峰值,停止取食后从血淋巴中消失;另一种为SP-3,在化蛹时开始出现在脂肪体中,一直到成虫期仍可持续表达,因此属于持续性储存蛋白。SP-1为分子量约94 kD和100 kD的2种亚基组成的蛋白质,而SP-3为分子量约94 kD的1种亚基组成的蛋白质。SP-1含8.16%的芳香类氨基酸,3.06%的甲硫氨酸。经苦皮藤素Ⅴ亚致死剂量处理5龄粘虫幼虫后的6龄2、3、4日龄粘虫幼虫体内储存蛋白的含量明显低于对照组,对5日龄后粘虫处理组和对照组体内储存蛋白的含量及雌性成虫产卵量没有明显影响。  相似文献   

Summary. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the regulation of brain protein synthesis was mediated through changes in the plasma concentrations of insulin and growth hormone (GH), and whether the concentrations of amino acids in the brain and plasma regulate the brain protein synthesis when the quantity and quality of dietary protein is manipulated. Two experiments were done on three groups of aged rats given diets containing 20% casein, 5% casein or 0% casein (Experiment 1), and 20% casein, 20% gluten, or 20% gelatin (Experiment 2) for 1 d (only one 5-h period) after all rats were fed the 20% casein diet for 10 d (only 5-h feeding per day). The aggregation of brain ribosomes, the concentration in plasma GH, and the branched chain amino acids in the plasma and cerebral cortex declined with a decrease of quantity and quality of dietary protein. The concentration of plasma insulin did not differ among groups. The results suggest that the ingestion of a higher quantity and quality of dietary protein increases the concentrations of GH and several amino acids in aged rats, and that the concentrations of GH and amino acids are at least partly related to the mechanism by which the dietary protein affects brain protein synthesis in aged rats.  相似文献   

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