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The laminated sediments of the Lower Oligocene ‘Sieblos-Schichten’ (dysodile and kieselgur-sediments) contain many individuals of a naviculoid diatom species. Formerly this group of diatoms would have been classified without doubt as Navicula (section ‘Minusculae’). After splitting this extremely heterogeneous genus in Navicula sensu stricto and some other homogeneous genera, the pattern of structures of this fossil species does not correspond to any established genus. For that reason this form will be described as the generotype of a new genus Eolimna. Furthermore it became evident that some Recent species (assigned to Navicula) show the same pattern of structures as the new genus Eolimna (generotype: E. martinii) which represents one of the first naviculoid diatoms of limnic origin. The essential criteria of this genus are: comparatively small cells with narrow girdle; simple alveolated rib system; areolae with a hymen in approximately medium position between relatively large sized foramina outside and inside of the valve; a single row of more or less irregular arranged areolae in close position to each other, on one or several of the copulae. The differences to supposed related genera are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Four new species of hystrignathid nematodes are described from the midgut caeca of Passalus unicornus (Coleoptera: Passalidae) from St. Lucia, West Indies. Artigasia horridospina n.sp. is differentiated from A. dispar van Waerebeke, 1973 by virtue of fewer rows of spines in the oesophageal region and in possessing lateral alae, and from A. insignia Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in the extent of the oesophageal spiens and in having the lateral alae commence more anteriorly. The first annule is also much shallower than that of A. insignia. Longior semialata n.sp. is differentiated from L. longicollis Travassos & Kloss, 1958 on body length, b ratio, egg size and the starting point of the lateral alae. Mentecle magnifica n.sp. differs from M. parvus Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having the spines of the oesophageal region extending much further down the body and in having ridged eggs. It is also longer and relatively thinner. Paraxyo ensicrinatus n.sp. differs from P. monodelpho Travassos & Kloss, 1958 in having a proportionately longer tail. The spines in the oesophageal region also extend considerably further posteriorly than in P. monodelpho.Two types of male associated with the above nematodes are described and illustrated, but not assigned to females. Pulchrocephala? pulchrocephala Travassos, 1925 is redescribed from the gut of the mole-cricket Scapteriscus vicinus.Scanning electron micrographs of four of the described species are given and briefly discussed. ac]19801024  相似文献   

From the Buschmann-Klippe-Formation, mainly considered as Late Precambrian in age until now, the ArchaeocyathaBuschmannia roeringi, n. gen., n. sp. is described. Based on this discovery, an Early Cambrian age for the Nama-group is assumed.  相似文献   

A new species of the genusSyllis is described feeding on a colony of corals of the genusXenia (Xeniidae, Alcyonaria) in the coral aquarium of the Löbbecke Museum Düsseldorf. The origin of the corals is very probably Bali (Indonesia).  相似文献   

A mass occurrence of peculiar centric diatoms was found in a freshwater diatomite included in Miocene deposits of the Rhoen mountains in Central Germany. Similar forms were determined asMelosira jouseana in the literature. However, detailed observations in the LM and SEM exhibit morphologic characteristics which are completely unknown inMelosira and inAulacoseira. Regular triangulate and trilobate outlines of the valve faces occur and dominate besides circular ones. Variable support partitions and pillars are inserted between discus and Ringleiste. Such stabilizing elements are lacking in all comparable recent and known fossil genera. Instead of the extensive cingulum inAulacoseira the cells possess only a single copula which encloses the very short collum. A structure (l“fringe-curtain“) starting from the distal margin of this copula covers like a grid the mantle of the associated valve. Sulcus and pseudosulcus do not occur and rimoportulae or fultoportulae were not observed. Therefore a new genus is introduced with a new species,Miosira rhoenana. Miosira jouseana in the new combination is based onMelosira jouseana Moiseeva 1971.  相似文献   

Pachnobium dreuxi, nouvelle espèce et nouveau genre de Curculionidae Ectemnorrhininae des îles Crozet, dans l’Océan Indien sud, a été découvert sous forme fossile dans une séquence sédimentaire holocène. Deux spécimens modernes ont ensuite été trouvés parmi le matériel conservé au Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle de Paris. Il diffère très nettement de toutes les autres espèces connues de la sous-famille par son rostre profondément émarginé au sommet, sa tête massive, sa sclérotinisation réduite, ses tibias antérieurs droits et aplatis, etc. Sa biologie et son écologie sont presque entièrement inconnues, bien que certains aspects de sa morphologie comme sa faible sclérotinisation et ses yeux relativement petits soient en faveur d’une vie cachée, voire hypogée, par exemple dans la litière végétale ou dans les nids de pétrels. Les reconstructions paléoenvironnementales suggèrent qu’il fréquente des habitats à végétation dense. L’absence de captures modernes à l’île de la Possession pose la question de sa présence actuelle dans cette localité.  相似文献   

From the middle Eifelian Strata of the Eifel District in Germany the well preserved exoskeletal shoulder girdle of the AntiarchGerdalepis jesseni n. sp. is described. Although of similar triangular shape the rather small shoulder girdle of the new species is relatively lower and longer than that ofG. rhenana (Beyrich). The anteriormediodorsal-bone (AMD) of the shoulder girdle has a short posterodorsal protruding dorsomedian spine, recognized for the first time at a member of this genus. The crista apicalis, still of unknown importance, is formed singularly by the posteriordorsolateral-bone (PDL). An additional smallGerdalepis- specimen from the same area, figured by Gross (1941: Pls. 21-22), probably also belongs toG. jesseni n. sp..  相似文献   

Divisispiculimermis mirus n. gen., n. sp., a mermithid parasitizing larvae of Chironomus sp. in the Cajón o Grande Stream, Córdoba, Argentina, is described. The new genus differs from all other mermithid genera in having paired spicules which are separated and divided into proximal and distal sectors. The other diagnostic characters of the genus are medium size, nematodes with the cuticle appearing smooth (lacking cross fibers under the light microscope); head separated from the rest of the body by a slight constriction at the level of the amphids, six cephalic papillae, mouth papillae absent, mouth opening posterior to level of cephalic papillae; six hypodermal chords at midbody; weakly S-shaped vagina; postparasitic juvenile with a tail appendage.  相似文献   

Bartolius pierrei n. g., n. sp. (Digenea: Gymnophallidae) is described from metacercariae and naturally and cultivated obtained adults from southern Argentina. The second intermediate host is Darina solenoides (King) (Bivalvia: Mactridae) and the definitive host is Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein (Aves: Laridae). The diagnostic characters are as follows: Body small, oval. Oral sucker without lateral projections, twice size of ventral sucker (except in young metacercariae). Caeca short (in adults), without dorsal diverticula. Ventral sucker in posterior third of body. Ventral pit absent. Seminal vesicle bipartite. Ovary post-testicular. Vitelline glands paired, compact, close to ventral sucker. Uterus in fore- and hindbody. Genital atrium tubular. Genital pore inconspicuous, close to anterior margin of ventral sucker. Excretory vesicle Y-shaped with very short stem. Excretory formula: 2[(2+2)+(2+2)]=16. Bartolius is distinguished from other genera of the Gymnophallidae by the post-testicular position of the ovary.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Verf. weist aus das Vorkommen von Endemien und Enzo?zien, die durchS. typhimurium von verschiedenem Kulturtyp verursacht werden. Der Kulturtyp gibt wichtige Hinweise für das Feststellen der Infektionsquelle. Dies ist besonders wichtig bei Nahrungsmittelvergiftungen des Menschen und für die Beziehungen zwischen die Tiersalmonellosen untereinander. Der Rhamnosenegative Typ, der bisher beim Menschen und bei der Ente(Anas Boschas) bekannt war, wurde weiter gefunden bei Ratte(Mus norvegicus), Sturmm?we(Larus canus), Silberm?we(Larus argentatus), Star(Sturnus vulgaris), Wendehals(Jynx torquilla), Kanarienvogel(Serinus canarius L.) und Affe(Macacus rhesus).

Ingezonden: November 1937.  相似文献   

Rotasaccus dentifer n. g. n. sp., a Devonian ophiocistioid (Echinodermata) from the eastern Rheinisches Schiefergebirge differs from other ophiocistioids in some extraordinary features: there is no plated theca but a body wall containing a continuous layer of wheellike micro-sclerites; instead of perradial plates there are 7 fragile swallow-like elements with oral furrow in each perradial row; the relatively small tube feet are not covered by scale plates but by microscopic sieve plates. The formerly unknown masticatory apparatus of ophiocistioids is shown inRotasaccus to be built in principle like an echinoid lantern. In the systematical part, some revision for the class ophiocistioidea is realized from these results and a new family, Rotasacciidae, is introduced.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die drei hochalpinen Polster-ZwergsträucherVeronica caespitosa Boiss.,V. bombycina Boiss. &Kotschy aus Kleinasien und dem Libanon sowieV. thessalica aus Nord-Griechenland und Albanien haben polytele Rumpfsynfloreszenzen (Troll, 1963), das heißt eine oder wenige laterale (axilläre) wenigblütige Trauben, deren Abstammungsachse in einen sterilen, wenige Blattpaare tragenden Gipfelsproß endet, der in der nächsten Vegetationsperiode monopodial weiterwächst und gegen die Spitze zu abermals laterale Trauben hervorbringt (Prolifikation). Diese Bauverhältnisse wurden bisher übersehen, da die blühenden Sprosse dieser hochalpinen Zwergstrauch-Polsterpflanzen gestaucht und dicht beblättert sind und der sterile Sproßgipfel von den Blütentrauben zur Seite gedrängt wird, so daß bei oberflächlicher Betrachtung der Eindruck eines endständigen köpfchenartig gedrängten Blütenstandes entsteht. Da die Stellung der Infloreszenzen für die GattungVeronica phylogenetisch und taxonomisch wichtig zu sein scheint, können die behandelten drei Arten nicht in der (akrobotryschen) SektionVeronicastrum verbleiben, die durch terminale Infloreszenzen charakterisiert ist, sondern müssen in die pleurobotrysche, durch ausschließlich laterale Infloreszenzen ausgezeichnete SektionenVeronica=(Chamaedrys) eingereiht werden.Ein fälschlich alsV. satureioides Vis. bestimmter Beleg in den Herbarien W und WU vonV. thessalica vom Gipfel des Berges Gjalica e Lumës (zirka 2470 m s. m.) in Nord-Albanien erweitert das bekannte Areal beträchtlich, denn die Art war bisher nur von dem etwa 250 Kilometer weiter südöstlich gelegenen Thessalischen Olymp in Griechenland bekannt.
Summary The three speciesVeronica caespitosa Boiss. andV. bombycina Boiss. &Kotschy from high mountains of Asia Minor and the Lebanon andV. thessalica from high mountains of Northern Greece and Albania have not terminal but only one or a few lateral (axillary) raceme(s), the shoot ending sterile, continuing (prolificating) next year monopodially and developping again (a) lateral raceme(s) (fig. 1a, b). This fact hitherto has been concealed by the habit of these dwarfish undershrubs with densly crowded foliation, the raceme(s) overlapping and putting aside the short terminal shoot (fig. 1a). Thus the three species mentioned have to be transferred from the sectionVeronicastrum with terminal racemes to the sectionVeronica (=Chamaedrys), characterized by bearing only lateral racemes. V. thessalica until now was recorded only from the Thessalic Olympos (Greece). A speciemen in the herbaria W and WU from the peak of the mountain Gjalica e Lumës (2470 m s. m.) in Northern Albania, misidentified asV. satureioides Vis., makes it probable, that the area of this species covers also the high mountains between Albania and the Thessalic Olympos.

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