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天山林区不同类型群落土壤氮素对冻融过程的动态响应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
季节性冻融过程对北方温带森林土壤氮素的转化与流失具有重要影响,但不同类型群落对冻融过程响应的差异尚不明确。通过在林地、草地、灌丛上设置系列监测样地,采用原位培养的方法,利用林冠遮挡形成的自然雪被厚度差异,监测分析了冻融期天山林区不同群落表层土壤(0—15 cm)的氮素动态及净氮矿化速率间的差异。结果表明:(1)不同类型群落土壤的铵态氮(NH+4-N)含量、微生物量氮(MBN)含量基本与土壤(5 cm)温度呈正相关,深冻期林地土壤铵态氮含量低于其他群落类型而硝态氮含量高于其他群落类型;(2)硝态氮(NO-3-N)为天山林区季节性冻融期间土壤矿质氮的主体,占比达78.4%。灌丛土壤硝态氮流失风险较大,融化末期较融化初期灌丛土壤硝态氮含量下降了64.6%;(3)冻融时期对整体氮素矿化速率影响显著,群落类型对氨化速率影响显著;(4)天山林区土壤氮素在冻结期主要以氮固持为主。通过揭示不同类型群落土壤氮素对冻融格局的响应,能够助益于对北方林区冬季土壤氮素循环的认识。 相似文献
冻融循环对温带3种林型下土壤微生物量碳、氮和氮矿化的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
为了解冻融过程对森林土壤有机氮转化的影响,以长白山地区硬阔叶林、红松阔叶林和次生白桦林温带3种典型林型下的0—10 cm层(上层)和10—20 cm层(下层)土壤为试验材料,采用模拟冻融循环过程(-15—5℃)研究了冻融循环中3种林型下土壤微生物量和有效氮素的动态变化。结果表明:冻融培养过程中,多数情况下,3种林型上层土壤微生物量碳(SMBC,Soil Microbial Biomass Carbon)和土壤微生物量氮(SMBN,Soil Microbial Biomass Nitrogen)含量高于冻融循环前的对照处理(5℃恒温培养4 d后的土壤,记为CK)。冻融循环过程中3种林型下0—10 cm土层的SMBC和SMBN均显著高于10—20 cm土层(P0.05),表现出明显的SMBC和SMBN空间异质性特征。冻融过程对土壤NO_3~--N含量影响不明显,每种林型同层次不同冻融频次的土壤NO_3~--N含量间均无显著差异(P0.05)。3种林型0—10 cm层土壤的NH_4~+-N含量随冻融频次的增加表现相似的动态变化趋势,均在第3、4、5次冻融循环时表现出明显的NH_4~+-N释放特征。3种林型氮素矿(硝)化作用对冻融过程的响应明显,冻融温度变化、冻融频次和土壤层次对土壤净硝化率和净氮矿化率影响显著。3种林型下的土壤净硝化率波动偏大,0—10cm层在第2次冻融后出现最大峰值,其次为第7和第5次冻融循环。在3种林型0—10 cm层土壤中,土壤净硝化率与净氮矿化率均表现为:在短期冻融循环后达到峰值,而后呈现不同程度减小的趋势。 相似文献
免耕稻田氮肥运筹对土壤NH3挥发及氮肥利用率的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过大田试验,设置5种不同的施肥比例(基肥:分蘖肥:拔节肥:穗肥-2:2:3:3(R1)、3:2:2:3(R2)、4:2:2:2(R3)、4:3:1:2(R4)与0:0:0:0(CK)),研究氮肥运筹对稻田NH3挥发和氮肥利用率的影响。结果表明,(1)相对于不施肥,施肥显著提高了稻田NH3挥发量。氮肥施用后,NH3挥发损失量占施氮量的6.2%-8.5%,其中,以分蘖期NH3挥发损失量最大,齐穗期次之,苗期和拔节期最小。施肥处理间,处理R1稻田累积NH3挥发量最小,显著低于其它施肥处理,比处理R2、R3和R4分别低9.1%(P<0.05)、10.9%(P<0.05)和17.7%(P<0.05)。(2)相关分析表明,田面水NH4+、pH值和土壤NH4+和pH值均与稻田土壤NH3挥发通量呈显著或者极显著相关;(3)处理R1水稻氮肥利用率相对于处理R2、R3和R4增加了28.4%(P<0.05)、55.4%(P<0.05)和74.9%(P<0.05)。研究表明,氮肥后移能有效降低免耕稻田NH3挥发,提高水稻的氮肥利用率。 相似文献
草地对全球碳循环和土壤碳固存的重要性越来越受到重视。我国草地约95%的碳都储存在土壤中。本研究以若尔盖高寒草地为对象,选取了未恢复、恢复1年、恢复4年、恢复8年的4块沙化草地,探究高寒草地恢复过程中土壤全碳和植物根系特征的变化。结果表明:若尔盖高寒草地土壤碳含量受恢复时间和土壤深度的影响,恢复草地的土壤全碳、有机碳和无机碳含量皆高于未恢复草地;有机碳含量在恢复8年达到最高,而无机碳则在恢复1年最高,分别是未恢复草地的7.55、11.78倍;恢复1年、恢复4年草地的土壤有机碳含量表层(0~20 cm)低于深层(20~50 cm),而恢复8年草地则是深层低于表层;而土壤无机碳无论是恢复1年、恢复4年、恢复8年的草地皆是0~5 cm土层的最高;有机碳/无机碳比为恢复4年>恢复8年>恢复1年,且深层(20~70 cm)土壤有机碳占比要高于表层(0~20 cm);根系特征(根长、根体积、组织密度和根生物量)随着恢复时间增加而增加并与土壤有机碳显著正相关(P<0.05),而与土壤无机碳含量无显著相关(P>0.05),土壤无机碳含量与pH显著正相关(P<0.05);在沙... 相似文献
通过气溶胶发生系统模拟PM2.5颗粒的发生,运用15N示踪技术研究了欧美杨107(Populus euramericana Neva.)对PM2.5中水溶性无机成分NH+4和NO-3的吸收与分配规律。结果表明,欧美杨能够有效吸收PM2.5中的NH+4和NO-3。轻度和重度污染下,欧美杨叶片对NH+4和NO-3的吸收速率均于处理后第1天达到峰值,之后,轻度污染下对NH+4和NO-3的吸收速率迅速降低以后趋于稳定,而重度污染下对NH+4和NO-3的吸收速率缓慢下降至趋于稳定。轻度污染下的欧美杨叶片的15N含量在处理后第1天达到峰值,15N(NH+4)的含量为0.11 mg/g,干重,15N(NO-3)的为0.14 mg/g,干重,之后15N含量迅速下降至趋于稳定。重度污染下的叶片15N含量在处理第1天迅速增长,之后缓慢增长至处理后第7天达到最高值,15N(NH+4)的含量为0.11 mg/g,干重,15N(NO-3)的为0.13 mg/g,干重。处理7 d后,欧美杨不同组织器官吸收或通过再分配获取的15N含量存在差异。轻度污染下,细根对NH+4和NO-3的吸收量最高,树皮、叶柄、叶片次之,髓最低。而重度污染下,叶片对NH+4和NO-3的吸收量最高,细根、叶柄、树皮次之,髓最低。欧美杨各组织器官中NH+4和NO-3的含量均表现为重度污染大于轻度污染,且两种污染程度下的欧美杨各组织器官对NO-3的吸收均大于对NH+4的吸收。重度污染下,欧美杨茎木质部对15N(NH+4和NO-3)的吸收征调能力(Ndff,Nitrogen derived from fertilizer)最大,其次为髓,叶片最小;欧美杨各组织器官中的15N分配率表现为叶片细根叶柄树皮粗根茎木质部髓。研究结果对进一步揭示植物吸收PM2.5的机制及有效利用植物降低颗粒物污染、净化环境提供了重要的科学理论依据。 相似文献
为了探讨不同生境盐地碱蓬对低氮生境的适应机制,测定了盐渍环境下(200 mmol/L Na Cl)不同浓度硝态氮(0.3、5 mmol/L NO~-_3-N)预处理两种生境盐地碱蓬经氮饥饿后的NO~-_3含量、硝酸还原酶(NR)活性、光合特性及生长状况。结果表明,0.3和5 mmol/L NO~-_3-N处理以及进行氮饥饿时,潮间带生境盐地碱蓬叶片NO~-_3含量均高于内陆生境盐地碱蓬。与内陆生境盐地碱蓬相比,氮饥饿后,潮间带生境盐地碱蓬叶绿素含量、NR活性和光合放氧速率下降幅度均小于内陆生境盐地碱蓬,在0.3mmol/L NO~-_3-N预处理进行氮饥饿时趋势更加明显。0.3 mmol/L NO~-_3-N预处理后氮饥饿对潮间带生境盐地碱蓬根冠比没有影响,却降低内陆生境盐地碱蓬根冠比。上述结果表明,低氮条件下潮间带生境盐地碱蓬具有较高的NO~-_3储存能力,在环境持续氮素缺乏时具有较高的NO~-_3-N再利用能力,能更好地维持氮代谢以及光合性能。说明潮间带生境盐地碱蓬能更好地适应低氮生境。 相似文献
若尔盖高寒草地退化沙化过程中土壤养分与团聚体结构的变化特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
若尔盖地处青藏高原东缘, 是黄河上游重要的水源涵养地。近来受过度放牧、鼠虫害等影响, 若尔盖高寒草地出现严重退化, 部分草地已完全沙化。草地沙化已成为若尔盖高寒草地生态安全所面临的重大问题。研究以若尔盖典型的沙化地区麦溪乡为研究对象, 以植被覆盖率为沙化梯度划分标准, 分别划分未退化、轻度退化、中度退化、重度退化和极度退化5种不同退化阶段草地, 探究退化沙化过程中草地土壤养分与团聚体结构变化特征。结果表明: (1)退化沙化过程中, 土壤养分含量总体随着草地沙化程度的加剧而显著下降(P<0.05)。(2)退化沙化过程中土壤团聚体结构发生明显变化, 团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)、几何平均直径(GWD)随着沙化程度的加剧而显著降低(P<0.05); 各粒级团聚体百分比仅5—2 mm粒级团聚体在重度退化阶段发生显著降低变化(P<0.05), 其他粒级并未表现出明显的变化趋势。(3)团聚体MWD与微生物生物量、有机质、全氮、硝态氮、有机碳均呈显著或极显著正相关, 与pH呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。在整个草地退化沙化过程中, 土壤养分含量显著下降, 土壤结构受到严重破坏, 二者之间变化关系紧密。草地沙化治理与防护过程中, 要兼顾土壤结构修复与养分输入, 处理好土壤团聚体结构稳定与养分转化间的交互关系。 相似文献
关中地区小麦/玉米轮作农田硝态氮淋溶特点 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
通过田间原位淋溶装置研究了不同施氮量和秸秆覆盖对关中地区小麦/玉米轮作农田90cm深处硝态氮(NO3--N)淋溶量、0~1m土层硝态氮累积及作物产量和氮平衡的影响.试验设不施氮(N1,0kg·hm-2·a-1)、常规施氮(N2,471kg·hm-2·a-1)、推荐施氮(N3,330kg·hm-2·a-1)、减量施氮(N4,165kg·hm-2·a-1)、增量施氮(N5,495kg·hm-2·a-1)和推荐施氮+秸秆覆盖(N3+S)6个不同施肥处理.结果表明:NO3--N淋溶量随施氮量的增加而增大,氮肥的过量施用及秸秆覆盖易造成NO3--N淋溶.N3+S处理90cm处年NO3--N流失量最大,为22.32kg·hm-2,施肥造成的氮流失量为16.44kg·hm-2,比相同施氮量不覆盖处理(N3)高158.9%.NO3--N主要累积在20~60cm土层,年施氮量330kg·hm-2(N3)时,秸秆覆盖与否不影响NO3--N的剖面分布.各施肥处理对作物产量没有显著影响,但减量施氮处理(N4)有减少作物产量的趋势.在本试验条件下,推荐施肥量(小麦施氮150kg·hm-2,玉米施氮180kg·hm-2)在保证作物产量的同时,可减少土壤NO3--N的淋溶和累积. 相似文献
采用土壤二氧化碳(CO_2)通量自动测量系统,对不同放牧模式(全年禁牧、夏季放牧、冬季放牧和自由放牧)下川西北高寒草甸的土壤呼吸进行监测,比较了不同放牧模式下土壤呼吸的季节动态和温度敏感性。研究发现:1)放牧模式可以改变高寒草甸土壤呼吸的季节动态变化。禁牧、夏季放牧以及自由放牧样地的土壤呼吸在季节上的变化趋势基本相似,而冬季放牧样地的土壤呼吸最大值与前者相比明显向后推迟;2)放牧模式并不改变高寒草甸年平均土壤呼吸速率,但对不同季节土壤呼吸速率的影响不同;3)不同放牧模式可以改变土壤呼吸对温度的敏感性(Q_(10))。不同放牧模式下土壤呼吸Q_(10)值大小依次为:禁牧1a(8.13)冬季放牧(7.49)禁牧3a(5.46)夏季放牧(5.20)自由放牧(4.53)。该地区土壤呼吸的Q_(10)值均明显高于热带和其它温带草地土壤呼吸的Q_(10)值。结果表明,放牧模式是影响高寒草甸土壤碳排放的一个重要因素。此外,在未来全球气候变暖背景下,在生长季节无放牧干扰的高寒草甸可能比放牧干扰的高寒草甸释放出更多的CO_2到大气中。 相似文献
增温和CO2浓度加倍对川西亚高山针叶林土壤可溶性氮的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用全自动微气候控制的"人工模拟气候实验系统"研究了增温和CO2浓度加倍对川西亚高山针叶林土壤硝态氮(NO_3~--N)、铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)、游离氨基酸(FAA)、可溶性有机氮(DON)和可溶性总氮(TSN)的影响。结果表明:1在种植油松苗木组,增温处理显著降低了土壤NO_3~--N含量,不同处理0—15 cm土层NO_3~--N含量均显著小于15—30 cm层;而在未种树组,增温处理显著增加了土壤NO_3~--N含量,0—15 cm土层NO_3~--N含量显著高于15—30 cm层,这表明增温促进了油松苗对NO_3~--N的吸收。2在种植油松苗木组,增温(ET)、增CO_2(EC)及两者的共同作用(ETC)均显著增加了土壤NH_4~+-N、DON和TSN含量;在未种树组,ET显著增加了土壤NH_4~+-N、FAA、DON和TSN含量,EC和ETC对NH_4~+、FAA、DON和TSN含量具有微弱影响或没有显著影响。不同处理0—15cm层土壤NH_4~+-N、FAA、DON和TSN的含量显著大于15—30 cm层。3种植油松苗木组土壤NO_3~--N、NH_4~+-N、FAA、DON和TSN含量均显著低于未种树组,这是由植物对氮素的吸收消耗造成的。研究结果表明,EC、ETC主要通过植物根系作用促进了NH_4~+-N、DON和TSN含量增加,而ET处理通过影响土壤微生物和植物根系来促进NH_4~+-N、FAA、DON和TSN含量的增加。 相似文献
We investigated the effects on ginseng adventitious root growth and ginsenoside production when macro-element concentrations
and nitrogen source were manipulated in the culture media. Biomass growth was greatest in the medium supplemented with 0.5-strength
NH4PO3, whereas ginsenoside accumulation was highest (9.90 mg g-1 DW) in the absence of NH4PO3. At levels of 1.0-strength KNO3, root growth was maximum, but a 2.0 strength of KNO3 led to the greatest ginsenoside content (9.85 mg g-l). High concentrations of MgSO4 were most favorable for both root growth and ginsenoside accumulation (up to 8.89 mg g-1 DW). Root growth and ginsenoside content also increased in proportion to the concentration of CaCI2 in the medium, with the greatest accumulation of ginsenoside (8.91 mg g-1 DW) occurring at a 2.0 strength. The NH4/NO3
-- ratio also influenced adventitious root growth and ginsenoside production; both parameters were greater when the NO3
- concentration was higher than that of NH4
+. Maximum root growth was achieved at an NH4
- ratio of 7.19/18.50, while ginsenoside production was greatest (83.37 mg L-1) when NO3
- was used as the sole N source. 相似文献
Spatial variability of soil nitrate nitrogen after potatoes and its change during winter 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Knowledge of the frequency distribution and spatial structure of the soil NO3-N is required to develop an efficient sampling strategy. A 1 ha polder field was sampled after the harvest of potatoes in
October 1987, and in February and April 1988, without being fertilitzed since March 1987. These data sets were examined by
a classical statistical as well as a spatial structure analysis. The October and February data sets were found to be lognormally
distributed, the April data showed a normal frequency distribution. All three data sets had a spatial structure, although
the October data were anisotropic and needed removal of a trend. The spatial variability of soil NO3−N decreased, became isotropic and evolved towards a larger range of spatial dependence during the winter. Knowledge of this
structure permitted to krige or cokrige the data. The number of samples required to estimate the mean NO3−N content with an acceptable precision was found to be 39, 43 and 17 in October, February and April respectively. 相似文献
The influence of nitrogen concentration and ammonium/nitrate ratio on N-uptake,mineral composition and yield of citrus 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
In short-term water culture experiments with different 15N labeled ammonium or nitrate concentrations, citrus seedlings absorbed NH4
+ at a higher rate than NO3
–. Maximum NO3
– uptake by the whole plant occurred at 120 mg L–1 NO3
–-N, whereas NH4
+ absorption was saturated at 240 mg L–1 NH4
+-N. 15NH4
+ accumulated in roots and to a lesser degree in both leaves and stems. However, 15NO3
– was mostly partitioned between leaves and roots.Adding increasing amounts of unlabeled NH4
+ (15–60 mg L–1 N) to nutrient solutions containing 120 mg L–1 N as 15N labeled nitrate reduced 15NO3
– uptake. Maximum inhibition of 15NO3
– uptake was about 55% at 2.14 mM NH4
+ (30 mg L–1 NH4
+-N) and it did not increase any further at higher NH4
+ proportions.In a long-term experiment, the effects of concentration and source of added N (NO3
– or NH4
+) on nutrient concentrations in leaves from plants grown in sand were evaluated. Leaf concentration of N, P, Mg, Fe and Cu were increased by NH4
+ versus NO3
– nutrition, whereas the reverse was true for Ca, K, Zn and Mn.The effects of different NO3
+-N ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100) at 120 mg L–1 total N on leaf nutrient concentrations, fruit yield and fruit characteristics were investigated in another long-term experiment with plants grown in sand cultures. Nitrogen concentrations in leaves were highest when plants were provided with either NO3
– or NH4
+ as a sole source of N. Lowest N concentration in leaves was found with a 75:25 NO3
+-N ratio. With increasing proportions of NH4
+ in the N supply, leaf nutrients such as P, Mg, Fe and Cu increased, whereas Ca, K, Mn and Zn decreased. Yield in number of fruits per tree was increased significantly by supplying all N as NH4
+, although fruit weight was reduced. The number of fruits per tree was lowest with the 75:25 NO3
+-N ratio, but in this treatment fruits reached their highest weight. Rind thickness, juice acidity, and colour index of fruits decreased with increasing NH4
+ in the N supply, whereas the % pulp and maturity index increased. Percent of juice in fruits and total soluble solids were only slightly affected by NO3
+ ratio. 相似文献
Sources of N uptake by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and N transformations in soil treated with a nitrification inhibitor (nitrapyrin) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rates of N uptake by spring wheat as ammonium and as nitrate, and rates of nitrification, gross N immobilization and gross
N mineralization were measured in a pot experiment during 84 days of growth in a clay soil. Soil treatments included an unfertilized
control and addition of 15NH4NO3 or NH4
15NO3 in the absence and presence of N-serve 24E.
Incorporation of ammonium into the soil organic N pool was considerably higher in the presence compared to the absence of
nitrapyrin, but the processes contributing to this effect could not be positively identified. Both dry matter and grain yield
as well as N uptake by wheat were enhanced in the presence of the inhibitor in N fertilized soil, despite the increased immobilization
of N. On the other hand, inhibitor application had a detrimental effect on yield and N uptake by wheat in unfertilized soil.
Both ammonium and nitrate forms of inorganic N were absorbed by wheat, but nitrate uptake was dominant in the absence of the
inhibitor. The uptake of N as ammonium was higher and the uptake of N as nitrate was less, both in absolute and proportional
terms, in the presence compared to the absence of inhibitor. In addition, the proportion of N taken up as ammonium was higher
than the proportion of N as ammonium in the available N pool up to day 56 in the inhibitor treatment, which indicated a preference
for ammonium uptake by wheat.
Evidence was obtained which suggested that several factors may have contributed to the positive response of wheat to inhibitor
application in N fertilized soil, including reduced N losses, higher gross N mineralization and a physiological response due
to the proportional increase in uptake of inorganic N as ammonium. 相似文献
Effect of activated charcoal and 6-benzyladenine on in vitro nitrogen uptake by Lagerstroemia indica 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A sterile hydroponic culture system suitable for studying nitrogen (N) uptake ofLagerstroemia indica L.in vitro was developed. Four different treatments were assayed: with and without activated charcoal (AC and NAC, respectively), with
and without 50 μM of 6-benzyladenine (+BA and −BA, respectively). Medium pH, electrical conductivity (EC), NO3
− and NH4
+ concentrations were measured weekly. At the end of the culture, propagules were sampled and SPAD indices, and shoot and root
fresh weights were determined. Explants grown in media with activated charcoal were able to take up both NO3
− and NH4
+, although NH4
+ uptake was lower. Subsequently the pH of the media was maintained between 5.5–6.0. In treatments with no addition of activated
charcoal, NH4
+ uptake was preferential and the pH dropped to 3.1. Explants in these conditions were unable to raise the pH by taking up
−, especially when root morphogenesis was inhibited by addition of BA. Supply of this PGR produced root growth inhibition,
which was almost complete in the treatment without activated charcoal. This component significantly reduced the inhibitory
effect of 50 μM BA on root growth.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献