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繁殖是植物生命活动的重要环节, 了解植物的繁殖特征是解释植物生态适应性和制定有效管理措施的重要依据。该研究以荒漠草原猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)种群为研究对象, 通过测定不同土壤类型的理化性质和猪毛蒿的繁殖特征, 以期探讨影响其繁殖特征的主要土壤驱动因子。结果表明: 灰钙土、风沙土和基岩风化残积土的水溶性碳含量、全氮含量、全磷含量、全盐含量、土壤水分含量、土壤硬度存在显著差异。猪毛蒿平均个体大小、单株头状花序的平均质量和数量均以灰钙土生境下最大, 基岩风化残积土最小。繁殖分配在不同土壤类型下无显著差异, 但与单个头状花序质量、单株头状花序数量和质量间呈极显著正相关关系。单株头状花序数量与单个头状花序质量间呈负相关关系。在风沙土生境下, 单株头状花序质量主要受到土壤水溶性碳含量、土壤水分含量以及pH值的共同影响; 单株头状花序数量受全盐含量的影响最大; 繁殖分配和单个头状花序质量主要受全碳含量的影响。灰钙土生境下, 单株头状花序质量与土壤水溶性碳含量、土壤水分含量和有机碳含量呈正相关关系; 速效氮含量显著影响着单株头状花序数量。而基岩风化残积土生境下, 繁殖特征的变异主要受到土壤水溶性碳含量、土壤硬度、土壤水分含量、全磷和速效磷含量的影响。综合分析发现, 土壤因子对猪毛蒿繁殖特征的影响程度不同, 其中单株头状花序数量和质量极显著地受到土壤水溶性碳含量和土壤水分含量的影响, 繁殖分配和单个头状花序质量与土壤水溶性碳含量、土壤水分含量呈负相关关系。因此, 土壤水溶性碳含量和土壤水分是荒漠草原地区影响猪毛蒿种群繁殖特征的主要土壤因子。 相似文献
植物种群空间分布格局是多种生态过程综合作用的结果。明确植物优势种群个体的空间分布格局与形成机制有助于认识种群生态适应对策与群落多样性维持机制。以宁夏荒漠草原优势种群蒙古冰草、短花针茅、牛枝子和牛心朴子为研究对象,采用完全空间随机零模型分析其种群空间分布格局特征,并通过异质泊松零模型与泊松聚块零模型探讨生境异质性、扩散限制等因子在其空间分布格局形成过程中的作用。结果显示:(1)完全空间随机零模型下,4个物种在<4 m尺度范围内表现为聚集分布,随尺度增大,逐渐过渡到随机分布和均匀分布。(2)在排除生境异质性的异质泊松零模型下,蒙古冰草种群在整个研究尺度上表现为随机分布;牛枝子、短花针茅和牛心朴子种群仅分别在0—0.2、0.1—0.4 m与0—0.2 m尺度范围内发生偏离,表现为均匀分布与聚集分布,其他尺度均为随机分布。(3)在排除扩散限制的泊松聚块零模型下,所研究种群均表现为随机分布。综上,荒漠草原优势种群在小尺度范围内主要表现为聚集分布;生境异质性与扩散限制均是驱动其空间分布格局形成的重要因子,相对而言,小尺度空间范围内扩散限制的作用更为显著。 相似文献
猪毛蒿(Artemisia scoparia)为菊科蒿属草本植物,是一种适应性较强的广幅种。研究荒漠草原不同土壤相对湿度条件下猪毛蒿的表型可塑性,对认识异质生境下猪毛蒿的生存适应策略具有重要的生态学意义。结果表明:株高、茎粗、根长、根重和单株生物量均表现出随土壤相对湿度的增大而增加的趋势,对异质生境具有较强的可塑性,而根冠比则表现出相对的稳定性。植株不同部位生物量大小排序为:上部中部下部,且植株下部显著大于上部生物量(P0.05)。土壤相对湿度40%生境下的头状花序数量和重量显著高于土壤相对湿度30%和30%—40%生境。繁殖器官绝对投入量(lg R)随着个体大小(lg V)的增大呈极显著的增加(P0.001),繁殖阈值介于1.868—2.006 g。随着土壤相对湿度的增加,繁殖分配比例极显著增大(P0.001)。营养器官和繁殖器官生物量、头状花序重量和数量、地下生物量和地上生物量均呈极显著线性正相关关系(P0.001),存在正向权衡。单个头状花序重量并不随个体大小和头状花序数量的增加而发生显著变化(P0.05),且在不同土壤相对湿度和不同部位间均无显著差异(P0.05)。由此可见,猪毛蒿在异质生境下产生的可塑性是其生存繁殖的重要反应机制之一。 相似文献
种群空间格局是种群自身特性、种间相互关系及环境条件综合作用的结果。以短花针茅荒漠草原为研究对象,运用Programita软件,采用Ripley's K函数和Monte Carlo随机模拟方法,对短花针茅、无芒影子草和碱韭种群点格局及空间关联性进行了研究。结果表明:短花针茅在禁牧和过度放牧下集群分布的尺度在增加,禁牧和过度放牧两种草地利用方式下短花针茅种群的格局具有趋同的趋势;并且,随着放牧强度的增大或者是持续放牧的影响,使得随机分布尺度在逐渐的增大,短花针茅在更大的尺度上才可能为集群分布。春季重牧+夏季重牧+秋季轻牧和全年重度放牧利用下无芒隐子草在较大尺度上才表现为集群分布,并且尺度转化的临界点在放牧的影响下有增大的趋势;重度放牧下碱韭为了适应放牧干扰逐渐向集群分布方向发展,集群分布的尺度在减小以提高种群的稳定性从而抵御过度的干扰。在不同的放牧干扰强度下植物种群具有明显的响应策略,大致表现为物种的群居性在增强,物种集群分布的尺度在减小以提高种群的稳定性从而抵御过度的干扰。春季休牧+夏季重牧+秋季轻牧处理下种群斑块化的尺度较大,有利于群落的稳定,因此荒漠草原采用这种利用方法较为合理。 相似文献
油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)是我国北方农牧交错带的重要固沙植物,研究其种群格局对理解种群生态过程和改善流沙治理技术具有重要意义。点格局分析法是20世纪末发展起来的多尺度空间格局分析方法。通过研究油蒿种群的点格局,发现油蒿种群的空间分布格局和空间关联性同空间尺度、植株形体大小以及生境3种因素有密切联系。在较小的空间尺度上,油蒿种群倾向于非随机分布(集群分布比均匀分布常见),个体间有较强的空间关联(正关联比负关联常见);当空间尺度大于临界值后,油蒿种群倾向于服从随机分布,同时种群的空间关联性减弱。幼小油蒿植株具有明显的集群分布趋势,高大植株则表现出聚集强度的降低趋势;形体大小的差异越大,植株间的正关联关系越弱,或者负关联关系越强。与固定沙地相比,半固定沙地油蒿种群的集群分布现象更加明显,同时种群的空间正关联关系更强。研究结果表明,当通过移栽油蒿成体治理流动沙地时,应尽量将其栽种成集群分布而非均匀分布的形式,以提高植株成活率。 相似文献
内蒙古北部荒漠草原啮齿动物的空间分布格局 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
内蒙古北部荒漠草原区地处荒漠与草原的过渡地带,是草原生态系统中较为独特的一种类型。该区不但植被类型独特,啮齿动物分布也有特殊性。因此,本文就荒漠草原中段的调查结果,对长爪沙鼠(Merionesunguiculatus)、赤颊黄鼠(Spermophil... 相似文献
空间格局是植物种群受生物和非生物因素影响综合形成的结果。为了解荒漠草原蒙古冰草种群空间分布格局对外部环境变化的适应策略,分别在宁夏盐池县大水坑镇、青山乡、花马池镇和高沙窝镇选取以蒙古冰草为优势种的群落为研究样地(分别以D、Q、H和G样地表示),在每个样地,将蒙古冰草个体按丛径划分为Ⅰ级(0─5cm)、Ⅱ级(5.1─10cm)、Ⅲ级(10.1─15cm)、Ⅳ级(>15cm)4个株丛级,并基于点格局分析探讨了蒙古冰草的株丛结构、空间分布格局及种内关联。结果表明:(1)4个研究样地蒙古冰草和牛枝子的重要值、生态位宽度均较大,其间生态位重叠指数较高,其他物种的重要值及生态位特征值在不同样地之间变异较大。(2)蒙古冰草的株丛密度和平均丛径在不同样地之间均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。在Q、G和H样地中,蒙古冰草以Ⅰ级株丛为主;在D样地中,蒙古冰草以Ⅱ级株丛占比最高,为43.98%,株丛密度较小。(3)在本研究尺度范围内,蒙古冰草种群在Q和G样地中主要呈聚集分布,在D和H样地中表现为聚集和随机交替分布。其中,各样地中Ⅰ级株丛在小尺度范围内主要呈聚集分布,Ⅱ级株丛随尺度的增大逐渐由聚集分布过渡到随机分布和均匀分布,Ⅲ、Ⅳ级株丛主要表现为随机分布。(4)在本研究尺度范围内,蒙古冰草Ⅰ级株丛分别与Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级株丛呈负关联或无关联;Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ级各株丛级之间主要呈无关联。综上,随荒漠草原环境条件的变化,蒙古冰草可以通过调节种群结构、密度及整体分布格局以维持种群的更新和稳定。 相似文献
2010—2011年于内蒙古乌兰察布市四子王旗格根塔拉草原对亚洲小车蝗Oedaleus asiaticus(B.-Bienko)种群动态进行了研究。结果表明,亚洲小车蝗种群空间格局为随机分布;亚洲小车蝗于6月中旬开始孵化出土,1~3龄蝗蝻高峰期在6月中下旬至7月初,终见期在7月下旬;4~5龄蝗蝻于6月下旬始见,高峰期在7月上中旬,终见期在7月末;成虫于7月上旬始见,高峰期在7月中旬至8月下旬,终见期在9月上旬。应用最优分割法将亚洲小车蝗种群动态划分为3个阶段:(1)6月中旬,为蝗蝻开始出土期,数量稀少,空间格局为聚集分布或随机分布;(2)6月下旬至7月上中旬,为蝗蝻发生盛期,密度低时为随机分布,密度高时为聚集分布;(3)7月中下旬至9月上旬,为成虫发生期,空间格局为随机分布。 相似文献
M. Iranshahr 《Plant Systematics and Evolution》1982,139(3-4):313-317
The following species are described as new:Anthemis mazandaranica in N. and NW. Iran is allied toA. coelopoda; A. moghanica in NW. Iran is close toA. candidissima andA. sintenisii; A. atropatana also in NW. Iran is similar toA. hyalina; A. gracilis in W. Iran is close toA. plebeia; A. bushehrica in SW. Iran is similar toA. susiana; andA. rhodocentra in S. and E. Iran and in Pakistan is akin toA. austro-iranica, A. gayana, andA. kandaharica.
Anschrift des Herausgebers: Hofrat Univ.-Prof. Dr.Karl Heinz Rechinger, Beckgasse 22, A-1130 Wien, Österreich. 相似文献
Habitat fragmentation is a common cause for which species becomes threatened or endangered. Existence of viable habitat is critical to the survival of any species, so habitat fragmentation is the main reason for the changes in distribution and abundance of organisms, and is usually considered to have negative effect on the abundance, species richness and population of organisms in a specific landscape. But this effect may also depend on whether some species could use one or more types of habitat in a specific landscape. Because of its well resistance to stress, Caragana is one of predominant shrub in desert region for forest planting and desert preventing, which plays a critical role in desert control and ecosystem stabilization. Baijitan National Nature Reserve, located in Lingwu County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, is typical of desert nature reserve in which the Caragana spp., Oxytropisaciphylla and other desert plants are protected. The Caragana woodlands in this region show a pattern of dots, patches and strips separated by natural and cultivated forest, thereby leading to a typical fragmented landscape. Etiellazinckenella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) is one of seed pests of Caragana. In order to illuminate the responses of E. zinckenella to the habitat fragmentation of Caraganas woodlands, the present study focused on the effects of habitat area, habitat fragmentation, as well as matrix composition on the population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella in desert steppe. From May 2008 to June 2009, by using parallel jump sampling method, 13 Caragana woodland patches representing four landscapes from Baijitan National Nature Reserve were investigated and totally 15,117 pods were inspected. Then, the landscape fragmentation indices, population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella in Caragana woodlands were calculated. The statistic analysis of the data indicated that the four landscapes have a significant difference in the population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella; and in the same landscape, the neighbor patches also have a significant difference in the damage ratios of E. zinckenella. E. zinckenella seems to prefer some species of Caragana, for instance, the damage ratio of E. zinckenella to Caragana microphylla is found the highest, followed by the damage ratio to Caraganadavazamcidamage, while the damage ratio to Caraganakorshinskii is found the lowest. The coverage of Caragana is found positively related to the damage ratio of E. zinckenella with hinge damage ratio in high coverage of Caragana forest. The regression analysis shows that the latitude (Rs = 0.5724), longitude (Rs = 0.5577), altitude (Rs = 0.4614) and patch area (R = 0.3012) were not significantly associated with population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella. However, the population density and damage ratio of E. zinckenella decreased with the increasing in patch area. The landscape patch fragmentation index (R = 0.91129) and the patch density index (R = 0.89864) show a positive correlation with damage ratio. The fragmentation shape index (R = ?0.89675) and inside habitat area fragmentation index (R = ?0.77646) show a negative correlation with the damage ratio. As a result, the population of E. zinckenella was suppressed by the landscape fragmentation, but the patch isolation and complementary resources in the landscape matrix may also have a positive impact on the population density of E. zinckenella. 相似文献
J.E. Sánchez-Moyano E.M. García-Adiego F.J. Estacio J.C. García-Gómez 《Aquatic Ecology》2000,34(4):355-367
The physical characteristics and environmental versatility of the alga Halopteris scoparia (Phaeophyta, Sphacelariales) make it a suitable substrate for development of epiphytic communities. Spatial variation of the epifauna on this alga in Algeciras Bay (southern Spain) in response to different environmental conditions is investigated. There is a clear difference in community composition between external and internal areas of the bay, with an important group of species present in only one of the areas (e.g., in outer areas crustaceans such as Tanais dulongii or Amphilochus neapolitanus or the polychaete Nicolea venustula; and species from inner areas such as the crustacean Jassa marmorata and the mollusc Alvania montagui or Rissoa similis). The external zone shows high hydrodynamics and low sedimentation rates, whereas in the internal one, there is a high sedimentation rate (as a result of two main rivers, a less strong current regime, and the presence of urban and industrial wastes). The conditions prevailing in the internal zone of the bay are unfavourable for most of the epifaunal species in the external bay areas. 相似文献
Microsphaeropsis amaranthi and Phomopsis amaranthicola are potential biological control agents for several Amaranthus species. In an effort to understand the initial infection processes with these pathogens, a study was conducted of the conidial germination and germ tube length (μm) on the weed leaf surfaces at 21 °C and 28 °C. Weeds included Amaranthus rudis, A. palmeri, A. powellii, A. retroflexus, A. spinosus, A. hybridus, and A. albus. For P. amaranthicola, conidial germination and germ tube length varied among the seven weed species at both temperatures, while for M. amaranthi the differences in germ tube lengths were significant among weed species only at 21 °C. While the conidia of M. amaranthi and P. amaranthicola germinated on the leaf surfaces of all seven weed species, temperature appeared to impact the number and length of germ tubes on the leaf surfaces. The percentage of germinated conidia and the length of germ tubes at both temperatures were often greater for M. amaranthi than for P. amaranthicola. In order for the fungal pathogen to successfully infect and kill a weedy host, conidia must germinate and form a germ tube, two processes that vary with host species and temperature for M. amaranthi and P. amaranthicola. The extent to which successive infection processes, e.g., penetration, invasion and colonization, contribute to host specificity warrants study. 相似文献
菊科紫菀属密毛系(Aster Series Vestiti Ling)含3个物种:密毛紫菀(A.vestitus Franch.)、灰枝紫菀(A.poliothamnus Diels)和西固紫菀(A.sikuensis W.W.Smith et Farr.),新近的分子系统学研究对密毛系是否单系提出质疑。该文采用常规根尖压片法,对紫菀属密毛系3种植物4个居群的核型进行观察分析。结果显示:3种植物的核型公式均为2n=2x=18=14m+4sm(2SAT);密毛紫菀居群2个的核型属于1A型,灰枝紫菀和西固紫菀为2A型。密毛紫菀和西固紫菀的核型资料为首次报道。灰枝紫菀的染色体数目、基数和不对称性等核型资料与先前唯一的相关报道结果(体细胞染色体数目为32,核型公式2n=2x=32=26sm+6st,属4A型,染色体中未发现随体)迥然不同。3种植物的核型结果不支持保留密毛系,而核型不对称性类型支持该实验室先前提出的亚属划分。3种植物随体的大小属于紫菀亚族型,这支持欧亚紫菀属与北美紫菀类没有密切亲缘关系的观点。 相似文献
Genomic in situ hybridization offers a powerful tool for investigating genome organisation and evolution of taxa known, or suspected, to be allopolyploids. The question of the diploid progenitors of cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea, 2n=4x=40) has been the subject of numerous studies at cytogenetical, cytochemical, biochemical and molecular levels, but no definitive conclusions have been reached. The biotinylated total genomic DNA from potential diploidArachis species were separately hybridized in situ to root tip chromosomes ofA. hypogaea and wild speciesA. monticola (2n=4x=40) without or mixed with an excess of unlabelled DNA from the species not used as a probe. Among the range of different species combinations used, the strong and uniform signals given by labelledA. ipaensis DNA when hybridized toA. hypogaea andA. monticola in combination with unlabelledA. villosa DNA indicates that overall molecular composition of twenty chromosomes ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola is very similar toA. ipaensis chromosomes. ProbingA. hypogaea andA. monticola chromosomes with labelled genomic DNA fromA. villosa mixed with unlabelled DNA fromA. ipaensis likewise labelled strongly and uniformly the other twenty chromosomes. BarringA. ipaensis, all the diploidArachis species presently investigated had characteristic centromeric bands in the twenty chromosomes within the complement indicating a clear division ofA. ipaensis from other species. InA. hypogaea andA. monticola only twenty chromosomes showed centromeric bands. These results (i) confirm the allopolyploid nature ofA. hypogaea andA. monticola, (ii) strongly support the view that wildA. monticola and cultivatedA. hypogaea are very closely related, and (iii) indicate thatA. villosa andA. ipaensis are the diploid wild progenitors of the tetraploid species studied. The present results also reveal that the nucleolus organizing region (NOR) originating fromA. villosa alone is expressed in the two tetraploid species. 相似文献
A. Hartmann 《Plant and Soil》1988,110(2):225-238
The nitrogenase activity ofAzospirillum spp. is efficiently regulated by environmental factors. InA. brasilense andA. lipoferum a rapid switch off of nitrogenase activity occurs after the addition of ammonium chloride. As in photosynthetic bacteria, a covalent modification of nitrogenase reductase (Fe-protein) is involved. InA. amazonense, a non-covalent mechanism causes only a partial inhibition of nitrogenase activity after ammonium chloride is added. In anaerobic conditions, nitrogenase reductase is also switched off by a covalent modification inA. brasilense andA. lipoferum. Short-time exposure ofAzospirillum to increased oxygen levels causes a partially reversible inhibition of nitrogenase activity, but no covalent modification is involved.Azospirillum spp. show variations in their oxygen tolerance. High levels of carotenoids confer a slightly improved oxygen tolerance. Certain amino acids (e. g. glutamate, aspartate, histidine and serine) affect growth and nitrogen fixation differently inAzospirillum spp. Amino acids may influence growth and nitrogen fixation ofAzospirillum in the association with plants.Azospirillum brasilense andA. halopraeferens are the more osmotolerant species. They utilize most amino acids poorly and accumulate glycine betaine, which also occurs in osmotically stressed grasses as a compatible solute to counteract osmotic stress. Nitrogen fixation is stimulated by glycine betaine and choline. Efficient iron acquisition is a prerequisite for competitive and aerotoleran growth and for high nitrogenase activity.Azospirillum halopraeferens andA. amazonense assimilate iron reasonably well, whereas growth of someA. brasilense andA. lipoferum strains is severely inhibited by iron limitation and by competition with foreign microbial iron chelators. However, growth of certain iron-limitedA. brasilense strains is stimulated by the phytosiderophore mugineic acid. Thus, various plant-derived substances may stimulate growth and nitrogen fixation ofAzospirillum. 相似文献