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禾本科植物内生真菌资源及其物种多样性 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
植物内生真菌是当代微生物资源研究的一个热门话题,对禾本科植物内生真菌资源研究进行了总结。与冷季型禾本科植物共生的麦角菌科epichlo内生真菌是目前的研究重点,包括偶尔在宿主植物体表形成子座的Epichlo属真菌和几乎完全不形成症状的Neotyphodium属真菌。具体介绍该真菌类群的物种多样性及其地理分布多样性,概括了它们在全球各大区域的分布特征。对近年来中国迅速发展的epichlo内生真菌的研究作了总结,最后展望了国际国内epichlo内生真菌资源探索的发展方向。特别指出:冷季型禾本科植物内生真菌在南美洲和亚洲,暖季型禾本科植物内生真菌在热带亚热带地区的研究还相对薄弱,值得今后继续加强探索和挖掘。 相似文献
禾草内生真菌在宿主植物的茎叶等地上组织中普遍存在,不仅能够提高禾草对生物与非生物逆境的抗性,而且能够对周围环境中的不同微生物类群产生影响。主要总结了禾草Neotyphodium/Epichlo内生真菌对病原真菌、丛枝菌根真菌和土壤微生物的影响及其作用机理。发现禾草内生真菌普遍存在对病原真菌的抑制作用,而对丛枝菌根真菌存在不对称的竞争作用,且因种类而异。禾草内生真菌对土壤微生物群落的作用则会随着土壤类型和时间等外界因素发生变化。禾草内生真菌对不同类群微生物的影响机制主要包括:通过生态位竞争、抑菌物质分泌、诱导抗病性等对病原真菌造成影响;通过根系化学物质释放、营养元素调节、侵染条件差异等对丛枝菌根真菌造成影响;通过根际沉积物和凋落物等对土壤微生物群落造成影响。禾草内生真菌产生的生物碱能提高宿主植物对包括昆虫在内草食动物采食的抗性,影响病原菌的侵入、定殖和扩展;根组织分泌物中包含次生代谢产物能够抑制菌根真菌、土传病原真菌及其它土壤微生物的侵染与群落组成;也可能通过次生代谢物影响禾草的其它抗性。因此,禾草内生真菌在植物-微生物系统中的作用应该给予更多的关注和深入研究。 相似文献
内生真菌与禾本科植物之间的关系及其生态学意义 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
1 前 言内生真菌是一类生长在植物体内的真菌 ,至今已在许多高等植物中发现了内生真菌的存在 ,但以禾本科植物中尤为常见。这些真菌包括子囊菌纲、麦角菌科 (Clavicipitaceae)、瘤座菌族 (Balan sieae)的许多种类 ,也包括与瘤座菌族关系密切的一些半知菌类 ,如Acremonium[1 5] 。与菌根真菌的一个显著不同是 ,它们仅存在于植物地上部分的组织内而不是根的组织中。至少有 80个属、几百种禾本科植物被确认含内生真菌[1 6] ,但到目前为止 ,大量的研究都集中在两个有重要经济意义的植物种 ,即高羊茅 (Fe… 相似文献
通过用两种传统培养基(PDA、SDA)分离方法对5个自然野生分布的桃儿七群落(分布于青海省、甘肃省和四川省)茎叶组织内的内生真菌多样性进行研究,并用形态学与分子生物学的方法鉴定菌株。实验结果显示,720个茎叶组织块中共分离到141株内生真菌。依据真菌在培养基上的形态初步划分为52个分类单元,经鉴定归属于19属,其中茎组织中16属叶组织中6属,桃儿七茎叶组织中的真菌优势属为拟青霉属,相对分离频率为26.34%。5个采样点间内生真菌的香浓维纳多样性指数为0.71—1.41,Sorenson相似性系数为0.13—0.50,定殖率为14.58%—28.47%。通过对PDA、SDA两种培养基以及茎、叶组织的定殖率进行统计,结果显示:PDA(17.50%)SDA(21.67%),茎(29.72%)叶(9.44%)。研究结果表明,桃儿七茎叶组织中内生真菌的多样性较低,不同采样点间宿主植物内内生真菌群落的相似性较低,真菌群落结构存在差异。研究为进一步扩大从桃儿七中筛选产鬼臼毒素等活性物质内生真菌提供了一种新的思路。 相似文献
施加内生真菌对花生连作土壤微生物和酶活性的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
通过盆栽试验,研究了在土壤中施加植物内生真菌拟茎点霉NJ4.1菌株、B3菌株和角担子菌B6菌株在花生不同生育时期对土壤微生物学特性及酶活力的影响.结果表明:B3处理显著提高花生荚果产量,为对照的1.2倍;施加内生菌NJ4.1、B3和B6能显著增加花生根瘤数量,分别为对照的1.2、1.3和1.3倍.3个加菌处理全生育期平均细菌和放线菌数量高于对照,萌发期和苗期土壤微生物生物量碳(SMBC)显著高于对照,微生物生物量氮(SMBN)在花生萌发期升高,开花期降低.花生开花期土壤DGGE图谱表明,B3处理土壤细菌和真菌条带数量以及多样性最高.从萌发期到成熟期,与对照相比,3个加菌处理的土壤蔗糖酶和过氧化氢酶活性提高,脲酶活性无显著变化.表明施加内生菌对连作花生土壤环境有一定的改善作用,其中施用B3效果最好. 相似文献
内生真菌对氮添加羽茅根际土壤特性和微生物群落的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
内生真菌不仅能改变与其共生植物的生理和生长指标,还可通过宿主植物间接对土壤的理化性质和微生物群落结构产生影响。以天然禾草——羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)为研究材料,探究在不同施氮水平下,内生真菌的种类对不同基因型的宿主植物根际土壤理化性质和微生物群落产生何种影响。结果表明,内生真菌侵染显著提高了羽茅根际土壤的pH值和微生物总量,但降低了土壤中真菌与细菌的比值。同时,土壤的pH值还受到了内生真菌种类的影响,其中感染Epichlo3 sibirica的羽茅根际土壤pH显著高于感染Epichlo3 gansuense-1的羽茅,而感染Epichlo3 gansuense-2的羽茅根际土壤pH与感染E.gansuensis-1、E.sibirica菌的羽茅相比没有显著差异。另外,内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类、施氮量以及宿主植物基因型对土壤总碳、总氮、微生物及碳矿化能力均无显著影响。 相似文献
【背景】白粉病是蔷薇、月季等观赏植物的主要病害,提高其白粉病抗性是花卉产业亟待解决的难题。内生菌在增强植物抗病性能方面的益处已经得到证实。大理紫花是一种白粉病高抗野生蔷薇,而七姐妹是一种高感野生蔷薇,目前对两者在内生菌群落结构及功能方面的异同尚不清楚。【目的】对比研究白粉病高抗和高感两种野生蔷薇内生菌群落组成的异同,探索内生菌在宿主植物白粉病抗性中可能发挥的生态学功能,为蔷薇白粉病防治提供新思路。【方法】通过传统的内生真菌分离培养方法,结合形态学特征和分子生物学分析确定所获菌株的分类地位,对白粉病高抗和高感两种野生蔷薇内生真菌群落组成进行对比分析。【结果】从两种不同白粉病抗性野生蔷薇的2 880个组织块中,共分离得到2 003株内生真菌,其中从大理紫花得到1 333株,从七姐妹得到670株。它们分属于链格孢属(Alternaria)、炭角菌属(Xylaria)和拟盘多毛孢属(Pestalotiopsis)等30个分类单元。其中链格孢(A. alternata)、平头刺盘孢(C. truncatum)和拟茎点霉(Phomopsis amygdali)为两种蔷薇在白粉病暴发各时期的共有优势菌,而盘毛孢(Seimatosporium sp.)、鬼伞(Coprinellus sp.)和球毛壳菌(Chaetomium globosum)等则只存在于大理紫花或七姐妹一种植物中。【结论】在白粉病暴发进程中,白粉病高抗野生蔷薇大理紫花与高感蔷薇七姐妹的内生真菌多样性及群落结构明显不同。且随着时间的推移,七姐妹的内生真菌多样性逐渐增加,而大理紫花的却逐渐减少。但在各采样时间点,高抗蔷薇内生真菌的数量和平均定殖率均明显高于高感蔷薇(P0.05,卡方检验)。大理紫花中存在一些特有和优势内生真菌,它们在大理紫花白粉病抗性中的功能有待进一步深入研究。 相似文献
内生真菌香柱菌及其次级代谢 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
两千年以前人们就已经知道一些牧草对牲畜等动物有毒。 1 90 4年Freeman从这些牧草中分离到了一类内生真菌 ,后被称为Neotyphodiumoccultans,人们才知晓造成这些动物中毒的真正元凶恰恰是这类微生物[1] 。在 2 0世纪 30年代 ,Sampson对一些植物的内生真菌作了比较性研究[2 ] ,这些内生真菌包括Ne otyphodiumloii和香柱菌属 (Epichloe)的一些种 ,其中香柱菌可以导致一些草类干死病 (choke)。而在大多数情况下 ,香柱菌及其相关的内生真菌长期生存于它们的宿主植物中 ,并不使… 相似文献
以羊草(Leymus chinensis)-内生真菌共生体为研究对象, 分别在野外样地和室内盆栽两种实验条件下研究了内生真菌感染对土壤特性和微生物群落结构的影响。结果显示:在处理时间较长并伴随有枯落物分解的羊草样地中, 内生真菌感染促进了土壤氮(N)的积累, 提高了30天培养时间内土壤初始碳(C)矿化速率和前3天土壤矿化量和土壤矿化总量; 而在处理时间较短且没有地上枯落物分解的盆栽羊草中, 内生真菌感染对土壤的C、N含量及C矿化均无显著影响。无论是野外样地还是室内盆栽实验, 内生真菌感染均未引起土壤微生物磷脂脂肪酸种类的变化, 但内生真菌感染均有提高土壤微生物生物量的趋势, 内生真菌显著增加了盆栽羊草土壤中细菌、革兰氏阴性细菌、真菌磷脂脂肪酸含量和磷脂脂肪酸总量, 增加了羊草样地土壤中革兰氏阳性细菌和放线菌的磷脂脂肪酸含量。总体看来, 内生真菌感染能够改变土壤N积累和C矿化率, 并且改变土壤中微生物群落的结构, 这有助于进一步认识内生真菌与羊草之间的共生关系及其在生态系统C、N循环中所起的作用。 相似文献
Peng Zeng Xia Cao Xiyuan Xiao Yanan Liu Lei Shi 《International journal of phytoremediation》2018,20(4):311-320
In a greenhouse experiment, five ornamental plants, Osmanthus fragrans (OF), Ligustrum vicaryi L. (LV), Cinnamomum camphora (CC), Loropetalum chinense var. rubrum (LC), and Euonymus japonicas cv. Aureo-mar (EJ), were studied for the ability to phytostabilization for Cd-contaminated soil. The results showed that these five ornamental plants can grow normally when the soil Cd content is less than 24.6 mg·kg?1. Cd was mainly deposited in the roots of OF, LV, LC and EJ which have grown in Cd-contaminated soils, and the maximum Cd contents reached 15.76, 19.09, 20.59 and 32.91 mg·kg?1, respectively. For CC, Cd was mainly distributed in the shoots and the maximum Cd content in stems and leaves were 12.5 and 10.71 mg·kg?1, however, the total amount of Cd in stems and leaves was similar with the other ornamental plants. The enzymatic activities in Cd-contaminated soil were benefited from the five tested ornamental plants remediation. Soil urease and sucrase activities were improved, while dehydrogenase activity was depressed. Meanwhile, the soil microbial community was slightly influenced when soil Cd content is less than 24.6 mg·kg?1 under five ornamental plants remediation. The results further suggested that ornamental plants could be promising candidates for phytostabilization of Cd-contaminated soil. 相似文献
Epiphytes, which grow on other plants for support, make up a large portion of Earth's plant diversity. Like other plants, their surfaces and interiors are colonized by diverse assemblages of fungi that can benefit their hosts by increasing tolerance for abiotic stressors and resistance to disease or harm them as pathogens. Fungal communities associated with epiphytic plants and the processes that structure these communities are poorly known. To address this, we sampled seven epiphytic seedless plant taxa in a Costa Rican rainforest and examined the effects of host identity and microhabitat on external and endophytic fungal communities. We found low host specificity for both external and endophytic fungi and weak differentiation between epiphytic and neighboring epilithic plant hosts. High turnover in fungi within and between hosts and habitats reveals that epiphytic plant-associated fungal communities are highly diverse and suggests that they are structured by stochastic processes. 相似文献
庞泉沟自然保护区森林群落优势种群分布格局研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在野外调查的基础上,运用扩散系数等5种指数、聚集强度、Poisson分布和负二项分布的χ2拟合检验等方法对山西庞泉沟自然保护区森林群落优势种群的分布格局进行了研究,并用相关分析比较了6个指数间的关系。结果表明:(1)乔木层中华北落叶松、白桦、青杄、辽东栎及山杨具有较强的竞争能力和较宽的生态位而呈聚集分布,且聚集强度大;白杄和油松也呈聚集分布,但聚集程度小;红桦则表现出随机分布的趋势。(2)林下层中金银忍冬、东方草莓、披针叶苔草和中亚苔草表现出较强的聚集强度,而土庄绣线菊、美蔷薇、小红菊和糙苏等聚集强度较小;灰栒子、东北茶藨子、北方拉拉藤、山马兰等由于相对较弱的竞争能力和较窄的生态位而呈随机分布。(3)扩散系数(DI)、聚集指数(CI)、平均拥挤度(m*)、聚块性指数(PAL)、Green指数(GI)之间存在着显著的正相关性,且在判定物种分布格局时应以方差/均值比率为主要依据,Poisson分布和负二项分布的χ2拟合检验为辅共同判定,这样能够更准确的反映出物种的格局分布。 相似文献
Quantitative classification and ordination of forest communities in Pangquangou National Nature Reserve 下载免费PDF全文
Quantitative analysis of ecological relationships between vegetation and the environment has become an essential means in the field of research of modern vegetation ecology. In this article, based on data from 84 quadrates, forest communities in this reserve were investigated using TWINSPAN, DCA and DCCA. The results will be helpful in the construction and development of Pangquangou National Nature Reserve. Using TWINSPAN, the forest communities were classified into seven types. The distribution pattern of vegetation reflects the comprehensive influence of environments. The results of DCA and DCCA clearly reflect the relationship between the pattern of forest communities and environmental gradients. The ordination result of DCCA indicates that altitude is more important than other environmental factors because the change of altitude gradient will lead to changes in the temperature and humidity gradients. The first of the DCA ordination axes indicates the humidity gradient, and the second indicates the temperature gradient. All these results show that the main factors restricting the distribution of communities in this reserve are temperature and humidity. The ecological meaning of the ordination axis in DCCA is much clearer than that in DCA, and the species-environment correlation of DCCA is more obvious than DCA. The first DCCA axis indicates the altitude gradient among the communities, while the second is the gradient in aspect and slope among the communities. DCCA ordination can simultaneously express similarities of species and environment. Therefore, the quadrat location in the DCCA ordination figure is much closer than in the DCA. 相似文献
Quantitative analysis of ecological relationships between vegetation and the environment has become an essential means in the field of research of modern vegetation ecology. In this article, based on data from 84 quadrates, forest communities in this reserve were investigated using TWINSPAN, DCA and DCCA. The results will be helpful in the construction and development of Pangquangou National Nature Reserve. Using TWINSPAN, the forest communities were classified into seven types. The distribution pattern of vegetation reflects the comprehensive influence of environments. The results of DCA and DCCA clearly reflect the relationship between the pattern of forest communities and environmental gradients. The ordination result of DCCA indicates that altitude is more important than other environmental factors because the change of altitude gradient will lead to changes in the temperature and humidity gradients. The first of the DCA ordination axes indicates the humidity gradient, and the second indicates the temperature gradient. All these results show that the main factors restricting the distribution of communities in this reserve are temperature and humidity. The ecological meaning of the ordination axis in DCCA is much clearer than that in DCA, and the species-environment correlation of DCCA is more obvious than DCA. The first DCCA axis indicates the altitude gradient among the communities, while the second is the gradient in aspect and slope among the communities. DCCA ordination can simultaneously express similarities of species and environment. Therefore, the quadrat location in the DCCA ordination figure is much closer than in the DCA. 相似文献
甘什岭保护区是海南岛南端的热带森林保护区,植物区系特殊,特有植物无翼坡垒(Hopea exalata)在这里成片分布。2010年保护区范围得到调整,为全面了解保护区内珍稀濒危植物的分布状况,作者于2010–2012年对植物物种多样性进行了系统的野外调查,并对其保护等级进行评估,以期为我国热带珍稀濒危植物的保护提供依据。结果表明:保护区内共分布有野生珍稀濒危植物106种。其中,《国家重点保护野生植物名录》第一批和第二批(讨论稿)收录43种,《中国植物红皮书》收录19种,《IUCN濒危物种红色名录》收录29种,《中国物种红色名录》收录61种,《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录收录34种,《海南省省级重点保护野生植物名录》收录76种。保护区内珍稀濒危植物种类占植物种类总数的比例较附近的五指山、鹦哥岭、尖峰岭三大国家级雨林保护区略低。根据这些种类的分布状况,分为罕见种(3种)、稀有种(15种)、偶见种(63种)和常见种(25种)。特有性分析发现,海南特有种有22种(包括2种甘什岭特有种),中国特有种有13种。根据我们的评估结果,建议将46种植物的保护等级提升或增补于保护范围。 相似文献
Microcalorimetric assessment of microbial activity in long-term fertilization experimental soils of Southern China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bocar Ahamadou Qiaoyun Huang Wenli Chen Shilin Wen Jingyuan Zhang Ibrahim Mohamed Peng Cai & Wei Liang 《FEMS microbiology ecology》2009,70(2):30-39
Microcalorimetry, plate count and PCR–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) were employed to investigate microbial diversity and activity in soils from the Red Soil Experimental Station of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hunan Province, China, where a wheat–corn rotation with 12 fertilization treatments was established in 1990. Fertilization greatly increased microbial biomass carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) (Cmic and Nmic ) as well as the activities of phosphatase, urease, invertase, protease, catalase and dehydrogenase. Manure alone (M) enhanced the number of denitrifying and aerobic bacteria by 54.4% and 20.5%, respectively, whereas fallow (H) increased the number of aerobic cellulose decomposing bacteria by 31.4%. Fallow and soils amended with mineral fertilizers plus pig manure or straw increased both the DGGE band patterns and the Shannon index compared with mineral fertilizers or the control. Mineral treatments with lower bacterial numbers enhanced the values of the peak time ( t max ) more than did organic treatments. The peak height ( P max ) was positively correlated ( P <0.01), with soil enzymes, Cmic and Nmic , and the number of microorganisms, whereas the peak time ( t max ) was negatively connected ( P <0.01) with these parameters. The microbial growth rate constant ( k ) was linked to bacteria ( P <0.01), actinomycetes ( P <0.05) and catalase ( P <0.05). The total heat evolution ( Q ) had no relationships with any soil microbial properties (except for catalase). We propose that P max and t max could be used as indices of soil microbial activity, while the values of k and Q are poor indicators. 相似文献
《Journal of Plant Interactions》2013,8(1):305-314
Diversity and heat-adaptation of endophytic fungi (EF) and rhizospheric fungi associated with plants growing in geothermal ecosystems, Southwest China, as well as their benefit in improving host plant thermotolerances were investigated. A total of 1589 culturable fungi belonging to 38 taxa were isolated, in which Curvularia, Acrophialophora, Penicillium, and Aspergillus were the dominant genera. The Shannon indices of EF and rhizospheric fungi ranged from 1.80 to 2.56 and 0.73 to 2.11, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the EF have a close relationship with rhizospheric fungi. However, some fungi exhibited apparently species-specific habitat distribution patterns. Growth temperature tests indicated that 60.22% of the tested isolates were thermotolerant fungi and only 39.78% were mesophiles, and the number of heat-adapted fungi increased with increasing environmental temperatures. The strain G1-29, which was isolated from the roots of Hedyotis diffusa and identified as Curvularia crepinii, significantly improved host plant thermotolerance under laboratory conditions: the death rate of endophyte-infected plants was significantly lower than that of endophyte-free plants (t-test, p?=?.0158, df?=?4). Our results suggested that the EF and rhizospheric fungi associated with plants growing in geothermal ecosystems are diverse, and many of them have adapted to the high environmental temperatures. Some fungi have come to be the dominant endemic inhabitants of specific niches, and some played an important role in improving host plant thermotolerances. 相似文献