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The Anthropology in American Historical Archaeology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Since its infancy, American historical archaeology has maintained a relationship, albeit often a tenuous one, with its anthropological parentage. Given both the history of the field and its practitioners' often-tortured efforts to define their intentions, goals, and perspectives, it is not surprising, perhaps, that many anthropologists may not recognize the important contributions historical archaeology can make to the anthropological project. A multifaceted and wide-ranging examination of the post-Columbian world gives historical archaeology a special ability to investigate modern history and to provide insights into the historical circumstances of today's world, [historical archaeology, post-Columbian archaeology, history of American archaeology]  相似文献   

小哺乳动物种类及其数量,在哺乳动物中占据大多数。它们是自然界生态链中非常重要的、不可缺少的环节。它们体质进化较快,大部分种类居住区域选择性强,种群活动范围比较小。所以研究小哺乳动物种群面貌及其生态特征,可以帮助我们判断古遗址相对时代,解析历史时期的生态演变。小哺乳动物的生态指示性,能够帮助我们准确复原和研究古遗址环境背景。它们的分布状况及很多生态规律,在帮助我们研究古遗址环境卫生及古居民住房条件等方面有独特作用。小哺乳动物种群变化与人类经济生产的互动性,以及它们与人类的伴栖关系、人类对小哺乳动物资源的开发和利用等,均是动物考古工作中应该重视和积极开展研究的内容。开展小哺乳动物研究,需要必要的工作计划、专业技术和实验设备。我国旧石器时代的小哺乳动物考古已取得丰硕成果,新石器时代及其以后的小哺乳动物考古尚有待加强。小哺乳动物研究工作的拓展,将会有力促进动物考古学进展,促使动物考古在考古学实践中发挥出更大作用。  相似文献   

Global warming and enhanced nitrogen (N) inputs are two key global-change drivers affecting temperate forest ecosystems simultaneously. Interactive effects of multiple drivers might cause species responses to differ from those in single-factor experiments; therefore, there is an urgent need for more multi-factor studies. Here, we assessed the growth and reproductive performance of multiple populations of a widespread grass of deciduous forests (Milium effusum) sampled along a latitudinal gradient and subjected to experimental manipulations of temperature and nitrogen availability. Common garden transplant experiments along the latitudinal gradient were used to manipulate temperatures and combined with experimental N addition to assess intraspecific responses of the study species to global-change drivers as well as to determine local adaptation. The total biomass, number of seeds and seedling emergence time of M. effusum increased when transplanted in the southern common garden. Apart from effects on the seed mass, the species did not respond to N addition alone. Yet, interactive effects between warming and N addition were found: N addition led to increased biomass growth but only in the northern common garden. Significant home-site advantages were apparent, most likely because of increased mycorrhizal colonization of roots of local transplants. We show that multiple global-change drivers may alter dynamics in understorey communities of temperate forests. Our study reinforces the need to increase our understanding of plant responses to future environmental changes by expanding the multi-factor research framework.  相似文献   

Human impact is a collective concept that requires a holistic approach. Human needs eventually caused the development of cultural landscapes that are at the base of the current landscapes. The papers included in this special issue are evidence that cooperation between different disciplines helps to understand the trend of environmental transformation from past to future. Palaeoecology studies ecosystems of the past and needs archaeology to deepen sociocultural intervention in environmental patterns. In a similar way, ecologists have to include the complexity of societies and economies into landscape ecology by adding principles of human ecology into sustainability science. A brief history of previous actions encouraging the integration of palynology, archaeobotany, archaeology, botany and ecology is reported. The application of integrated studies comes to a new point, the research on the Long-Term Human Impact.  相似文献   

The 13(th) century BC witnessed the zenith of the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean civilizations which declined at the end of the Bronze Age, ~3200 years ago. Weakening of this ancient flourishing Mediterranean world shifted the political and economic centres of gravity away from the Levant towards Classical Greece and Rome, and led, in the long term, to the emergence of the modern western civilizations. Textual evidence from cuneiform tablets and Egyptian reliefs from the New Kingdom relate that seafaring tribes, the Sea Peoples, were the final catalyst that put the fall of cities and states in motion. However, the lack of a stratified radiocarbon-based archaeology for the Sea People event has led to a floating historical chronology derived from a variety of sources spanning dispersed areas. Here, we report a stratified radiocarbon-based archaeology with anchor points in ancient epigraphic-literary sources, Hittite-Levantine-Egyptian kings and astronomical observations to precisely date the Sea People event. By confronting historical and science-based archaeology, we establish an absolute age range of 1192-1190 BC for terminal destructions and cultural collapse in the northern Levant. This radiocarbon-based archaeology has far-reaching implications for the wider Mediterranean, where an elaborate network of international relations and commercial activities are intertwined with the history of civilizations.  相似文献   

In order to understand and moderate the effects of the accelerating rate of global environmental change land managers and ecologists must not only think beyond their local environment but also put their problems into a historical context. It is intuitively obvious that historians should be natural allies of ecologists and land managers as they struggle to maintain biodiversity and landscape health. Indeed, ‘environmental history’ is an emerging field where the previously disparate intellectual traditions of ecology and history intersect to create a new and fundamentally interdisciplinary field of inquiry. Environmental history is rapidly becoming an important field displacing many older environmentally focused academic disciplines as well as capturing the public imagination. By drawing on Australian experience I explore the role of ‘environmental history’ in managing biodiversity. First I consider some of the similarities and differences of the ecological and historical approaches to the history of the environment. Then I review two central questions in Australian environment history: landscape‐scale changes in woody vegetation cover since European settlement and the extinction of the marsupials in both historical and pre‐historical time. These case studies demonstrate that environmental historians can reach conflicting interpretations despite using essentially the same data. The popular success of some environmental histories hinges on the fact that they narrate a compelling story concerning human relationships and human value judgements about landscape change. Ecologists must learn to harness the power of environmental history narratives to bolster land management practices designed to conserve biological heritage. They can do this by using various currently popular environmental histories as a point of departure for future research, for instance by testing the veracity of competing interpretations of landscape‐scale change in woody vegetation cover. They also need to learn how to write parables that communicate their research findings to land managers and the general public. However, no matter how sociologically or psychologically satisfying a particular environmental historical narrative might be, it must be willing to be superseded with new stories that incorporate the latest research discoveries and that reflects changing social values of nature. It is contrary to a rational and publicly acceptable approach to land management to read a particular story as revealing the absolute truth.  相似文献   

The search for the earliest stone tools is a topic that has received much attention in studies on the archaeology of human origins. New evidence could position the oldest traces of stone tool-use before 3.39 Myr, substantially earlier than previously documented. Nonetheless, the first unmistakable evidence of tool-making dates to 2.6 Ma, the period in which Oldowan assemblages first appear in the East African record. However, this is not an unchangeable time boundary, and considerations about the tempo and modo of tool-making emergence have varied through time. This paper summarizes the history of research on the origins of stone knapping in Africa and places the current evidence in a historical perspective.  相似文献   

胡耀武 《人类学学报》2022,41(5):952-958
范式自20世纪60年代创立以来,已普遍使用于多个科学研究领域,并于七八十年代引入至考古学。目前,国内外学界对考古学的研究范式有不少讨论,但对科技考古的研究范式的认知仍属空白。本文在简要介绍科学研究范式和考古学研究范式的基础上,首次提出了科技考古研究的3种范式,即科技范式、考古范式、科技考古融合范式,详细阐述了3种研究范式的理论、方法、实践等。此外,本文还指出:科技范式是推动科技考古研究发展的“发动机”,考古范式是掌控科技考古研究方向的“方向盘”,而科技考古融合范式则是协调科技考古各研究领域的“中控台”,真正让科技与考古融为一体。最后,笔者还对在科技考古研究范式下如何构建研究人员的知识体系提出了一些看法。  相似文献   

Traditional archaeological approaches to interregional interaction or culture contact have relied on unidirectional, Eurocentric interpretive frameworks such as the world systems and acculturation models. More recently, researchers from diverse fields such as prehistoric archaeology, the archaeology of ancient literate societies, and historical archaeology have begun to develop a new perspective on interregional interaction. Problems with these more traditional approaches to the archaeology of interregional interaction are summarized, and the main elements are outlined for a new research perspective to study culture contact. A set of methods are suggested to translate this theoretical framework into effective field research. Finally, the expansion of Mesopotamia in the fourth millennium B.C. Uruk period is presented as a case study to illustrate some of the ways that models derived from this emerging perspective can be used to better understand interregional interaction in the world's earliest known colonial system. [Keywords: interregional interaction, culture contact, colonies, trade diasporas, Mesopotamia]  相似文献   

刘拓 《人类学学报》2017,36(1):49-61
伊朗作为亚洲大陆腹地沟通东西方的大国,对探究旧石器时代早期东亚和西方石器工业面貌的差异,是重要的地理节点。然而伊朗旧石器的材料相对匮乏,外人知之甚少。为方便理解,本文首先介绍了伊朗的自然与政区地理概况,梳理了伊朗一百多年旧石器考察、发掘和研究的时间脉络,在此基础上,对其旧石器时代早期文化的发现与研究现状予以整理。伊朗旧石器的研究程度目前尚低,不宜过早做出结论;从现有证据看,伊朗西部受一定程度的阿舍利传统影响,而东部几乎不见;最后从传播路径的角度,推测了伊朗及周边地区在旧石器时代早期可能的文化图景。  相似文献   

Human population history is firmly connected with temporal and regional changes of the environment. Whether natural or anthropogene, alteration of environmental features lead to changes of human life-style and to the development of adaptive strategies. The demand of resources for his subsistence has led man to diverse impacts on his environment since ever. Thus, environmental history is a scientific topic for anthropologists. The research potential of trace element studies of excavated human skeletons for the reconstruction of natural and socio-cultural environments as well as for distribution patterns of hazardous substances is outlined for the European Middle Ages. The scientific value of unravelling past man/environment-interrelationships for both the historical and applied sciences and the place of any "chemical anthropology" within this context is discussed.  相似文献   

随着技术的发展和研究理念的转变,旧石器时代考古遗址的发掘和记录方法也发生着变化。20世纪30年代周口店遗址发掘方法的改革是中国旧石器时代考古发掘史上的重大转折,奠定了中国旧石器时代考古发掘、记录方法的基础。90年代,中美联合考古在泥河湾地区的开展使中国旧石器时代考古遗址的发掘和记录方法与国际接轨,更加规范化、科学化。进入21世纪,新技术、新理念的应用使旧石器时代考古遗址发掘的记录方法更加多样化、提取的遗存信息更加科学化、综合化。本文以周口店遗址和泥河湾盆地旧石器时代遗址的发掘历史为主线,简要回顾旧石器时代考古发掘记录方法的变革;以东谷坨遗址的新发掘为例,介绍该遗址发掘和记录的一般规则和具体方法,呼吁建立具有科学性和包容性的旧石器时代遗址考古发掘操作规程。  相似文献   

Human biogeography: evidence of our place in nature   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Focusing on human biogeography as a research endeavour may make sense to biogeographers, but in the academic world generally this particular scholarly niche has long been filled by other rival disciplines such as sociology, human ecology, geography, anthropology and archaeology. It may be true that having so many ways of looking at ourselves as a species is a good thing, but it can also be argued that this academic fragmentation of effort has often nurtured the commonplace view that we as a species are 'above' or 'not part of' what plain folks call the 'natural world'. Here I review the historical and basic intellectual ingredients of what might be (but often isn't) called human biogeography. I offer a case study drawn from my research work on the Sepik coast of Papua New Guinea. This research illustrates how adopting an explicitly biogeographical approach to human diversity can lead to unexpected insights into the character and history of human settlement in this part of the world. One benefit of having a field with this explicit orientation might be that the conservation of biodiversity would make more sense to more people.  相似文献   

C. A. Burga 《Plant Ecology》1982,49(3):173-186
In the first part, an overview of the history of palynological researeh in Switzerland and particularly in the Grisons is given, with a map showing all investigated areas in the Grisons. The second part deals with the significance of the pollenanalytical research in the Grisons, namely, the history of vegetation during the Late and Post Glacial, climatic fluctuations and applications in geomorphology, archaeology and forestry research. Finally, some results concerning the history of vegetation during the Late and Post Glacial are discussed.I would like to thank my colleague H. Holzhauser for his help with the drawing of the figures.  相似文献   

Practitioners of historical archaeology can define the impact of ideology (as in Althusser) and disciplines of the self (as in Foucault), thus contributing to the study of capitalism in local historical situations. In describing the origins of modern conditions of exploitation, archaeologists can help to educate those exploited. In the Chesapeake region, historical archaeology has been used to create a more direct tie with the present than is usually the case, a tie that may serve to redistribute the power to interpret the past.  相似文献   

Whilst there is growing concern within archaeology about the wider impact of archaeological research in general, only limited attention has so far been paid to the impact fieldwork has on local communities. Here, using examples from fieldwork with an agro‐pastoral Mursi community in Ethiopia's Lower Omo Valley, we present a case in which local oral traditions are modified in response to archaeological discoveries. This illustrates a particular example of the impact of fieldwork during and after its completion; and the enduring traces of contact upon fieldwork participants. We argue that in employing an attitude of impact practice within fieldwork that foregrounds the Socratic notion of dialogue, the resulting focus highlights the value and significance of archaeology to local communities.  相似文献   

Explicit attention to scale provides ways to relate the long run of archaeology to the shorter moments of ethnography and history, and ways to link biology and ecology to political economy. In the Valley of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico, the long–term history of the aggregate, regional population was constrained by relatively stable factors of human biology and ecology. However, significant, patterned variation in shorter–term, disaggregated, local demographic change was caused by shifts in political economy, both in the past and in recent times. Such conclusions are made possible by an unusual datasetthat combines recent, historical, and archaeological population estimates for a whole region covering a 3,500–year period, from initial settled villages to the present, for every place ever inhabited. [Keywords: population, demography, political economy, Oaxaca, Mexico]  相似文献   

中国沿海甲藻包囊研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
休眠包囊是甲藻生活史中的一个重要阶段,它们对于甲藻种群的生存、延续以及扩散具有重要的生物学意义.能够形成休眠包囊的甲藻大部分时间以包囊的形式存在于沉积物中,因此研究包囊有助于揭示甲藻的物种多样性.根据沉积物中甲藻包囊的种类和数量还可以追溯各海区的富营养化历史,以及重建古海洋环境.本文介绍了甲藻包囊的研究方法,指出形态分...  相似文献   

粤北古驿道沿线传统聚落是古驿道“文化线路”遗产的有机组成部分,一些学者已开展沿线传统聚落的研究,但未从景观视角确立聚落中的观测指征。结合Google earth和ArcGis软件以及实地调研,对粤北古驿道中的连州丰阳—东陂古道、西京古道、梅岭古道沿线的传统聚落进行定点采样和定量分析。采用比较研究的方法研究其宏观层面的聚落高程、聚落规模,中观层面的聚落景观格局、居住地内部肌理、坑塘布局特点以及微观层面的民居平面形制。结合移民史和地方志等史料进行环境作用机制分析,得出不同层面的聚落景观差异分别受不同的主导因子影响,自然地理条件主要影响其宏观层面,民族民系与移民文化主要作用于中观、微观层面。通过对比研究,明确粤北不同古驿道沿线聚落景观资源的差异,以期为各条古驿道保护提供更有针对性的建议。  相似文献   

This article briefly describes a large, multidisciplinary research project that combines skeletal data in Europe over the past 10,000 years with information from sources in history, archaeology, geography and climate history to measure and analyze important aspects of human health. Over this era human health was significantly affected by climate change, the rise of settled agriculture, urbanization, new technologies, global exploration and colonization, and industrialization.  相似文献   

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