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Glutamine synthetase, the first enzyme of the ammonia assimilatory pathway, has been purified from Anabaena sp. CA by use of established procedures and by affinity chromatography as a final step. No adenylylation system controlling glutamine synthetase activity was found. The enzyme shows a marked specificity for Mg2+ in the biosynthetic assay and Mn2+ in the transferase assay. Under physiological conditions, Co2+ produces a large stimulatory effect on the Mg2+-dependent biosynthetic activity. The enzyme is inhibited by the feedback modifiers l-alanine, glycine, l-serine, l-aspartate, and 5′-AMP. Inhibition by l-serine and l-aspartate is linear, noncompetitive with respect to l-glutamate with apparent Ki values of 3 and 13 mm, respectively. Cumulative inhibition is seen with mixtures of l-serine, l-aspartate, and 5′-AMP. The results indicate that, in vivo, divalent cation availability and the presence of feedback inhibitors may play the dominant role in regulating glutamine synthetase activity and hence ammonia assimilation in nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The immune responses of mice to various lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and hapten-LPS conjugates were compared. We found that some strains of mice (AJ and BALB/c) produced equivalent amounts of anti-LPS antibody after the injection of either LPS or hapten-LPS conjugates. In contrast, however, other strains of mice (C57BL/6J, C3H/St, DBA/1J, DBA/2J, and Swiss) produced fewer anti-LPS-antibody-secreting cells after stimulation with hapten-LPS conjugates than did mice injected with unsubstituted LPS. The covalent coupling of hapten to LPS changed neither the mitogenic capacity nor the antigenicity of the LPS. The differences in the magnitude of antibody responses to hapten-LPS and LPS in these latter strains of mice occurred in the absence of mature T lymphocytes and was restricted to the primary immune response. Furthermore, these differential responder mice (C57BL/6J) did produce anti-LPS antibody when primed with LPS before challenge with the hapten-LPS conjugate. These data are discussed with respect to both the modulatory capacity of the hapten-LPS in the regulation of the primary immune response to LPS and the biochemical and structural requirements of the hapten-LPS conjugate for immunogenicity.  相似文献   

Studies on the O2 protection mechanism for nitrogenase in a mutant (PM10) of Anabaena sp. CA indicated that the ability to protect nitrogenase from O2 was functionally impaired. Growth rates of PM10 were substantially improved when cells were cultured under microaerobic conditions. Nitrogenase activity was totally inhibited by exposure to O2 for 30 min; partial restoration of activity was attained when cell suspensions were subsequently made microaerobic. Experiments in which induction of nitrogenase activity was followed indicated that the synthesis of the O2 protection mechanism was temporally separated from synthesis of heterocysts and nitrogenase.  相似文献   

Permeabilization of nitrogen-starved cells of Escherichia coli W with Lubrol WX leads to a selective inactivation of the uridylyl-removing uridylyltransferase (UR/ UTase) enzyme of the glutamine synthetase (GS) cascade system; whereas similar treatment does not affect activity of UR/UTase in cells grown under conditions of nitrogen excess (10 mm glutamine) (Mura, U., and Stadtman, E. R. (1981) J. Biol. Chem.256, 13014–13021). The possibility that susceptibility to Lubrol inactivation is related to differences in the state of adenylylation of GS and/or in the state of uridylylation of the PII protein was investigated. Permeabilized cells from nitrogen sufficient as well as from nitrogen-limited growth medium were exposed to Lubrol after prior incubation under conditions that lead to high or low states of GS adenylylation and high or low PIID/PIIA ratios. Integrity of UR/UTase was monitored by measuring the capacity of UTP to stimulate the deadenylylation of GS in situ. The results showed that the inactivation of UR/UTase by Lubrol is not affected by the states of GS adenylylation or PII uridylylation.  相似文献   

Anabaena sp. CA does not synthesize heterocysts or express nitrogenase activity when grown with nitrate as the nitrogen source. Heterocysts and nitrogenase are induced in such cultures by various tryptophan analogs. The effect does not require inhibition of de novo protein synthesis in the culture. It is restricted to tryptophan analogs only, and, more specifically, to those which can be incorporated into proteins. dl-7-Azatryptophan was effective at triggering both heterocysts and nitrogenase when incubated in the culture for only 1–2 h, even though 6–7 h was required for heterocysts to fully mature and nitrogenase activity to be expressed. Chloramphenicol completely negated this effect, supporting the idea that the analogs are either incorporated into protein themselves or trigger the synthesis of proteins which initiate complete development of mature heterocysts. Using toluene-permeabilized cells, we have shown that anthranilate synthetase, the first key enzyme in tryptophan biosynthesis, has glutamine-dependent activity. This activity can be effectively feedback inhibited by the various tryptophan analogs at concentrations which are also effective in triggering heterocyst differentiation. These data provide firm evidence for a link between tryptophan biosynthesis, nitrogenase synthesis, heterocyst differentiation, and primary ammonia assimilation.  相似文献   

Cyanogen-bromide cleaved glucagon has been extensively purified in yields of 80–85% by the use of gel filtration and by cation-exchange chromatography at pH 4.5–5.2. This pH range maintains a charge difference between the holohormone and its cleavage product, the truncated homoserine lactone derivative, yet maintains the integrity of the lactone ring. Purity is determined by the lack of methionine and the presence of homoserine following peptide hydrolysis. The homoserine lactone is opened by treatment with 0.2 n triethylamine at pH 9.5. The lactone can be reformed by treatment with trifluoroacetic acid for 1 h at room temperature although protection against photooxidation of tryptophan-25 must be provided. The homoserine lactone form binds less well to glucagon receptors than does the homoserine form. Adenylate cyclase is activated by the lactone to an extent comparable to that obtained by native hormone but at elevated concentrations. The procedures described may be useful for purification of other cyanogen bromide cleavage products and is useful for semisynthetic methods based upon cyanogen bromide-cleaved derivatives of glucagon.  相似文献   

A relatively rapid five-step procedure was used in purifying to apparent homogeneity the glutamine synthetase from roots and one form of the enzyme (GSI) from leaves of rice. The steps were: preparation of crude extracts, ammonium sulfate precipitation, filtration on Sepharose 4B, fractionation on DEAE-Sephadex A25, and affinity chromatography on ADP-Sepharose 4B. The purified protein appeared as a single band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Leaf GSI and the second type of leaf glutamine synthetase (GSII) formed distinct peaks when eluted from DEAE-Sephadex (step 4). The root enzyme and leaf GSI were similar in all the properties which were examined. Both enzymes bound to ADP-Sepharose, had similar biosynthetic (18 μmol P/img protein/min) and transferase (1324 and 1156 μmol γ-glutamyl hydroxamate/mg protein/min) activities, and the same or nearly the same Km values for glutamate (2.17 mm), Mg2+ (4.5 and 5.0 mm), ATP (286 μm), NH4+ (210 and 135 μm), and ADP (3.8 and 5.3 μm). In contrast, leaf GSII did not bind to ADP-Sepharose and had much higher Km values for glutamate (8.3 mm), Mg2+ (15 mm), NH4+ (684 μm), and ADP (33 μm).  相似文献   

Proteins undergoing protease reactions, heat denaturation, or interactions with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of a near-infrared method for the quantitative study of changes in hydration or water binding during such processes. The spectra of different proteins showed that the liberation of COO? and NH3+ groups during a protease reaction is associated with a large increase in hydration and excluded volume. On the basis of experiments with model compounds, other spectral changes, including development of continuum absorbance between 1.55 and 1.85 μm and a band with a peak near 2.1 μm, were also attributed to the liberation of these groups. After heat denaturation or in the presence of SDS, the rate of proteolytic hydrolysis was markedly increased, consistent with the view that some preliminary denaturation is necessary for protease activity. The validity of the hydration changes calculated for protease reactions was supported by model studies with l-lysine, and with poly-l-lysine before and after hydrolysis. The near-infrared spectrum of the protein substrate with no added protease was largely unaffected by heat treatment alone, indicating that the hydration as such was not changed to a large extent by the structural modifications of denaturation. In contrast to the protease reaction, the interactions between SDS and the proteins resulted in a decrease in hydration. Results of this paper are compared with those obtained from other methods. Some unique advantages of the near-infrared method for the study of hydration changes during reactions in aqueous solution are described.  相似文献   

The small nuclear RNAs of Drosophila   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We have investigated the sequences of the major small nuclear RNAs of Drosophila cultured cells, with the objective of elucidating phylogenetically conserved primary and secondary structures by comparison of the data with previously determined sequences of these RNAs in vertebrate species. Our results reveal striking degrees of conservation between each Drosophila RNA and its vertebrate cognate, and also demonstrate blocks of homology among the Drosophila small nuclear RNAs, as previously described for vertebrates. The most conserved features include the 5' terminal region of U1 RNA, though to function in pre-mRNA splicing, most of the regions of U4 RNA recently implicated in 3' processing of pre-mRNA, and the major snRNP protein binding site ("domain A") that is also shared by vertebrate U1, U2, U4 and U5 RNAs. Several other conserved features have been revealed, suggesting additional regions of functional significance in these RNAs and also providing further insights into the evolutionary history of the small nuclear RNAs.  相似文献   

The electroretinogram (ERG) was used as a tool to estimate the recovery of physiological properties of the adult rat retina resulting from a period of postnatal undernutrition followed by prolonged nutritional rehabilitation. We obtained a characteristic ERG including negative (A) and positive (B) waves. Significant reductions in the response amplitude of the A and B wave were observed. The ratio of the first and second responses to paired photic stimuli (neuronal recovery) was essentially the same in the control and experimental animals. These results indicate that the processes controlling the ERG peak amplitude were permanently affected by a period of postnatal undernourishment, while the functional elements responsible for 1) ERG peak latency and 2) the neuronal recovery were either unaffected by postnatal nutritional deprivation or recovered during subsequent rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of the cob region of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe mitochondrial DNA has been determined. The cytochrome b structural gene is interrupted by an intron of 2526 base-pairs, which has an open reading frame of 2421 base-pairs in phase with the upstream exon. The position of the intron differs from those found in the cob genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus nidulans or Neurospora crassa. The Sch. pombe cob intron has the potential of assuming an RNA secondary structure almost identical to that proposed for the first two cox1 introns (group II) in S. cerevisiae and the p1-cox1 intron in Podospora anserina. It has most of the consensus nucleotides in the central core structure described for this group of introns and its comparison with other group II introns allows the identification of an additional conserved nucleotide stretch. A comparison of the predicted protein sequences of group II intronic coding regions reveals three highly conserved blocks showing pairwise amino acid identities of 34 to 53%. These regions comprise over 50% of the coding length of the intron but do not include the 5' region, which has strong secondary structural features. In addition to the potential intron folding, long helical structures involving repetitive sequences can be formed in the flanking cob exon regions. A comparison of the Sch. pombe cytochrome b sequence with those available from other organisms indicates that Sch. pombe is evolutionarily distant from both budding yeasts and filamentous fungi. As was seen for the Sch. pombe cox1 gene (Lang, 1984), the cob exons are translated using the universal genetic code and this distinguishes Sch. pombe mitochondria from all other fungal and animal mitochondrial systems.  相似文献   

A radioisotope assay for the measurement of glutamine synthetase activity has been developed in which tandemly arranged ion-exchange columns of Dowex 1-acetate and Amberlite CG-50 (H+) are used to separate the product, [14C]glutamine, from unreacted [U-14C]glutamate and other labeled compounds, particularly γ-aminobutyrate, that are formed by competing reactions. The technique is sensitive, reproducible, and suitable for multiple determinations. The assay has been used successfully to measure glutamine synthetase activity in neural and nonneural tissues which contain appreciable amounts of glutamate decarboxylase activity.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli glutamine synthetase (GS) preparations composed of 12 adenylylated subunits (GS12?) are almost completely precipitated by sheep Anti-AMP immunoglobulin G (IgG), whereas glutamine synthetase preparations containing 6 adenylylated subunits (GS6?) are only partially precipitated by the antibodies (R.J. Hohman, S.G. Rhee, and E.R. Stadtman, 1980, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA77, 7410–7414). By means of 125I-labeled anti-AMP antibodies and double immunoprecipitation techniques, in which rabbit antiserum to sheep IgG or anti-GS antibodies were used to precipitate soluble immune complexes, it was demonstrated that under optimal conditions, both the soluble and insoluble immune complexes obtained with either GS6? or GS12? contain 0.5 mol antibody/mol adenylylated subunit. In agreement with the lattice theory of immuno-precipitation, soluble immune complexes are formed in antibody excess. Scatchard plots of binding data indicate that under conditions of antibody excess, one antibody molecule is bound to each AMP moiety of GS12?, whereas GS6? binds a maximum of only 0.68 antibody molecule/adenylylated subunit. We propose that with some species of GS6?, the distribution of adenylylated subunits favors monogamous interactions of the bivalent antibody with two subunits within the same GS molecule and thereby leads to the formation of small, soluble, immune complexes. Other explanations are considered. Only 30% of the antibody population that recognizes unconjugated 5′-AMP binds to the AMP moiety of adenylylated GS. Anti-AMP antiserum can be fractionated on a GS12?-Sepharose matrix into two subpopulations of antibody with strikingly different immunoprecipitation characteristics. Conversely, species of GS with various states of adenylylation ranging from 0 to 8 were separated from a GS6? preparation by means of affinity chromatography on an anti-AMP antibody-Sepharose matrix. Under optimal conditions, antibodies purified by affinity chromatography precipitated a smaller fraction of a GS6? preparation than did unfractionated antiserum. Competence of the purified antibody was nearly restored to that of the unfractionated serum by the addition of an enhancement factor present in the IgG fraction of nonimmune serum. The enhancement factor was not required for complete precipitation of GS?12 by purified antibodies. Contrary to most antibody-antigen reactions, immunoprecipitation of GS6? with anti-AMP antibodies is greater at 30 °C than at 4 °C.  相似文献   

An affinity column for the purification of thymidine kinase is described. The ligand in this column is a glycoprotein isolated from rat kidney. This glycoprotein inhibits phosphorylation of thymidine in cultured cells and in a cell-free assay system. With an affinity column containing the glycoprotein as a ligand, a 24-fold purification of thymidine kinase from an ammonium sulfate fraction of a crude tissue extract can be obtained. Thymidine kinase eluted from the affinity column migrates as one major band on polyacrylamide and as one diffuse major band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide. The affinity column, with thymidine kinase bound to the inhibitor, can also be used as an assay system. When the glycoprotein is covalently attached to Sepharose, it retains its binding capacity for thymidine kinase but has apparently lost its ability to inhibit the enzyme. Thymidine kinase eluted from the affinity column is again sensitive to the glycoprotein. It seems to be a carbohydrate moiety of the glycoprotein that is responsible for the inhibition.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been used for the quantitative determination of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG) in urine. After incubation with glusulase, free MHPG is extracted into ethyl acetate and further isolated by a combination of thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The addition of amperometric detection provides increased sensitivity to a highly specific assay.  相似文献   

Antisera specific for protein synthesis initiation factors IF1, IF2, and IF3 were prepared by immunizing rabbits. When crude cell lysates are analyzed by double immunodiffusion or by immunoelectrophoresis, each antiserum forms a single precipitin line antigenically identical to its cognate factor. The antisera do not crossreact with other initiation factors or with ribosomal proteins. A radioimmune assay was developed for each initiation factor by using the specific antisera and radioactive factors prepared by reductive alkylation with [14C]formaldehyde. The assays detect as little as 10 to 30 ng of factor. Initiation factor concentrations were measured in crude Escherichin coli MRE600 extracts prepared from cells grown exponentially in a rich medium. The three initiation factors are present in approximately stoichiometric amounts and comprise about 1% of the cell protein. The molar ratio of initiation factors to ribosomes is about 0.15, which corresponds to the concentration of native ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

Phosphorescence excitation and emission spectra, lifetimes, phosphorimetric analytical curves, and limits of detection have been determined at 77°K in methanol: water 10:90 solution for tyrosine and 11 catecholamine metabolites. The influence of pH on the phosphorescence efficiency is shown to be valuable for the identification of phenolate species and enhancement of sensitivity of the method. Strongly alkaline solution (pH ≥ 10) are the most suitable solvent for the phosphorimetric studies of nondegradable catechnolamine metabolites (3-methoxy-4-hydroxy derivatives). Low limits of detection between 0.2 and 0.02 μg/ml are obtained. For most of the compounds, phosphorimetry is shown to give better sensitivity and accuracy than the classical fluorometric assays of catecholamines.  相似文献   

The vaccinia virus genome is a single, linear, duplex DNA molecule whose complementary strands are naturally cross-linked. The molecular weight has been determined by contour length measurements from electron micrographs to be 122 ± 2.2 × 106. Denaturation mapping techniques indicate that the nucleotide sequence arrangement of the DNA is unique. Two forms of cross-linked vaccinia DNA were observed in alkaline sucrose gradients. The relative S-values of the two cross-linked species were appropriate for a single-stranded circle and a linear single strand, each with a molecular weight twice that expected for an intact, linear, complementary strand of vaccinia DNA. The fraction of sheared vaccinia DNA able to “snap back” after denaturation suggested a minimum of two crosslinks per molecule. Full-length single-stranded circles were observed in the electron microscope after denaturation of vaccinia DNA. Partial denaturation produced single-stranded loops at the ends of all full-length molecules. Exposure of native vaccinia DNA to a single strand-specific endonuclease isolated from vaccinia virions caused disruption of the cross-links, as assayed by alkaline sedimentation, and produced free single-strand ends when partially denatured DNA was observed in the electron microscope. We conclude that vaccinia DNA contains two cross-links, one at or near (within 50 nucleotides) each end in a region of single-stranded DNA. Two models for the cross-links are presented.  相似文献   

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