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Research into the pathophysiological mechanisms of human disease and the development of targeted therapies have been hindered by a lack of predictive disease models that can be experimentally manipulated in vitro. This review describes the current state of modelling human diseases with the use of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell lines. To date, a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, haematopoietic disorders, metabolic conditions and cardiovascular pathologies have been captured in a Petri dish through reprogramming of patient cells into iPS cells followed by directed differentiation of disease-relevant cells and tissues. However, realizing the true promise of iPS cells for advancing our basic understanding of disease and ultimately providing novel cell-based therapies will require more refined protocols for generating the highly specialized cells affected by disease, coupled with strategies for drug discovery and cell transplantation.  相似文献   

人类诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS细胞)的建立被公认为目前最重要的科技进展之一。iPS细胞在动物疾病模型上的成功治疗,病患特异性iPS细胞的研究及iPS细胞的定向分化研究将有可能使人们避开治疗性克隆的伦理和技术障碍,给人类疾病的干细胞治疗带来光明的前景。本文从iPS细胞的诱导策略和方法,来源细胞及筛选、重编程机制的研究现状、应用前景以及研究中存在的问题等方面对其作一综述和讨论。  相似文献   

The availability of human stem cells heralds a new era for modeling normal and pathologic tissues and developing therapeutics. For example, the in vitro recapitulation of normal and aberrant neurogenesis holds significant promise as a tool for de novo modeling of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. Translational applications include deciphering brain development, function, pathologies, traditional medications, and drug discovery for novel pharmacotherapeutics. For the latter, human stem cell-based assays represent a physiologically relevant and high-throughput means to assess toxicity and other undesirable effects early in the drug development pipeline, avoiding late-stage attrition whilst expediting proof-of-concept of genuine drug candidates. Here we consider the potential of human embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent stem cells for studying neurological disorders and preclinical drug development.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have considerable promise as a novel tool for modelling human disease and for drug discovery. While the generation of disease-specific iPS cells has become routine, realizing the potential of iPS cells in disease modelling poses challenges at multiple fronts. Such challenges include selecting a suitable disease target, directing the fate of iPS cells into symptom-relevant cell populations, identifying disease-related phenotypes and showing reversibility of such phenotypes using genetic or pharmacological approaches. Finally, the system needs to be scalable for use in modern drug discovery. Here, we will discuss these points in the context of modelling familial dysautonomia (FD, Riley-Day syndrome, hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy III (HSAN-III)), a rare genetic disorder in the peripheral nervous system. We have demonstrated three disease-specific phenotypes in FD-iPS-derived cells that can be partially rescued by treating cells with the plant hormone kinetin. Here, we will discuss how to use FD-iPS cells further in high throughput drug discovery assays, in modelling disease severity and in performing mechanistic studies aimed at understanding disease pathogenesis. FD is a rare disease but represents an important testing ground for exploring the potential of iPS cell technology in modelling and treating human disease.  相似文献   

Rapid and dependable methods for isolating human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) populations are urgently needed for quality control in basic research and in cell-based therapy applications. Using lectin arrays, we analyzed glycoproteins extracted from 26 hPSC samples and 22 differentiated cell samples, and identified a small group of lectins with distinctive binding signatures that were sufficient to distinguish hPSCs from a variety of non-pluripotent cell types. These specific biomarkers were shared by all the 12 human embryonic stem cell and the 14 human induced pluripotent stem cell samples examined, regardless of the laboratory of origin, the culture conditions, the somatic cell type reprogrammed, or the reprogramming method used. We demonstrated a practical application of specific lectin binding by detecting hPSCs within a differentiated cell population with lectin-mediated staining followed by fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry, and by enriching and purging viable hPSCs from mixed cell populations using lectin-mediated cell separation. Global gene expression analysis showed pluripotency-associated differential expression of specific fucosyltransferases and sialyltransferases, which may underlie these differences in protein glycosylation and lectin binding. Taken together, our results show that protein glycosylation differs considerably between pluripotent and non-pluripotent cells, and demonstrate that lectins may be used as biomarkers to monitor pluripotency in stem cell populations and for removal of viable hPSCs from mixed cell populations.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the study of human hepatocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) represent new promises for liver disease study and drug discovery. Human hepatocytes or hepatocyte-like cells differentiated from iPSC recapitulate many functional properties of primary human hepatocytes and have been demonstrated as a powerful and efficient tool to model human liver metabolic diseases and facilitate drug development process. In this review, we summarize the recent progress in this field and discuss the future perspective of the application of human iPSC derived hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Tissue function during development and in regenerative medicine completely relies on correct cell organization and patterning at micro and macro scales. We describe a rapid method for patterning mammalian cells including human embryonic stem cells (HESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) on elastomeric membranes such that micron‐scale control of cell position can be achieved over centimeter‐length scales. Our method employs surface engineering of hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membranes by plasma polymerization of allylamine. Deposition of plasma polymerized allylamine (ppAAm) using our methods may be spatially restricted using a micro‐stencil leaving faithful hydrophilic ppAAm patterns. We employed airbrushing to create aerosols which deposit extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (such as fibronectin and Matrigel?) onto the same patterned ppAAm rich regions. Cell patterns were created with a variety of well characterized cell lines (e.g., NIH‐3T3, C2C12, HL1, BJ6, HESC line HUES7, and HiPSC line IPS2). Individual and multiple cell line patterning were also achieved. Patterning remains faithful for several days and cells are viable and proliferate. To demonstrate the utility of our technique we have patterned cells in a variety of configurations. The ability to rapidly pattern cells at high resolution over macro scales should aid future tissue engineering efforts for regenerative medicine applications and in creating in vitro stem cell niches. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 2630–2641. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The introduction of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells has been a milestone in the field of regenerative medicine and drug discovery. iPS cells can provide a continuous and individualized source of stem cells and are considered to hold great potential for economically feasible personalized stem cell therapy. Various diseases might potentially be cured by iPS cell-based therapy including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington disease, ischemic heart disease, diabetes and so on. Moreover, iPS cells derived from patients suffering from unique incurable diseases can be developed into patient- and disease-specific cell lines. These cells can be used as an effective approach to study the mechanisms of diseases, providing useful tools for drug discovery, development and evaluation. The development of suitable methods for the culture and expansion of iPS cells and their differentiated progenies make feasible modern drug discovery techniques such as high-throughput screening. Furthermore, iPS cells can be applied in the field of toxicological and pharmacokinetics tests. This review focuses on the applications of iPS cells in the field of pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

Yan YB  Zhang YL  Qi WW  Wan YJ  Fan YX  Wang F 《遗传》2011,33(4):307-313
猪作为实验材料,具有由于来源方便、基因序列与人类的相近及其在畜牧业中的重要地位等优势,成为国内外研究的热点,但是猪的胚胎干细胞(Embryonic stem cells,ESC)建系方面的研究进展缓慢。诱导性多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPSC)技术的诞生,开创了体细胞重编程的全新方法。猪iPSC体系的建立将为家畜ESC体系的建立奠定基础,同时也对提高猪转基因克隆的效率,高效育种和保种,乃至生物医学领域均产生深远的影响。文章综述了iPSC技术的主要进展,重点阐述了猪iPSC技术的现状及其在生物医学和畜牧业中的应用前景,以期为从事该领域研究的科研人员提供参考。  相似文献   

There are two types of human pluripotent stem cells: Embryonic stem cells(ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs),both of which launched themselves on clinical trials after having taken measures to overcome problems: Blocking rejections by immunosuppressants regarding ESCs and minimizing the risk of tumorigenicity by depleting exogenous gene components regarding iP SCs.It is generally assumed that clinical applications of human pluripotent stem cells should be limited to those cases where there are no alternative measures for treatments because of the risk in transplanting those cells to living bodies.Regarding lifestyle diseases,we have already several therapeutic options,and thus,development of human pluripotent stem cell-based therapeutics tends to be avoided.Nevertheless,human pluripotent stem cells can contribute to the development of new therapeutics in this field.As we will show,there is a case where only a short-term presence of human pluripotent stem-derived cells can exert long-term therapeutic effects even after they are rejected.In those cases,immunologically rejections of ESC-or allogenic iP SC-derived cells may produce beneficial outcomes by nullifying the risk of tumorigenesis without deterioration of therapeutic effects.Another utility of human pluripotent stem cells is the provision of an innovative tool for drug discovery that are otherwise unavailable.For example,clinical specimens of human classical brown adipocytes(BAs),which has been attracting a great deal of attention as a new target of drug discovery for the treatment of metabolic disorders,are unobtainable from living individuals due to scarcity,fragility and ethical problems.However,BA can easily be produced from human pluripotent stem cells.In this review,we will contemplate potential contribution of human pluripotent stem cells to therapeutic development for lifestyle diseases.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease(AD)is a progressive neurodegenerative disease in which patients exhibit gradual loss of memory that impairs their ability to learn or carry out daily tasks.Diagnosis of AD is difficult,particularly in early stages of the disease,and largely consists of cognitive assessments,with only one in four patients being correctly diagnosed.Development of novel therapeutics for the treatment of AD has proved to be a lengthy,costly and relatively unproductive process with attrition rates of90%.As a result,there are no cures for AD and few treatment options available for patients.Therefore,there is a pressing need for drug discovery platforms that can accurately and reproducibly mimic the AD phenotype and be amenable to high content screening applications.Here,we discuss the use of induced pluripotent stem cells(iPSCs),which can be derived from adult cells,as a method of recapitulation of AD phenotype in vitro.We assess their potential use in high content screening assays and the barriers that exist to realising their full potential in predictive efficacy,toxicology and disease modelling.At present,a number of limitations need to be addressed before the use of iPSC technology can be fully realised in AD therapeutic applications.However,whilst the use of AD-derived iPSCs in drug discovery remains a fledgling field,it is one with immense potential that is likely to reach fruition within the next few years.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are able to maintain pluripotency in culture, to proliferate indefinitely and to differentiate into all somatic cell types. Due to these unique properties, hESC may become an exceptional source of tissues for transplantation and have a great potential for the therapy of incurable diseases. Here, we review new developments in the area of embryonic stem cells and discuss major challenges — standardization of protocols for cell derivation and cultivation, identification of specific molecular markers, development of new approaches for directed differentiation, etc. — which remain to be settled, prior to safe and successful clinical application of stem cells. We appraise several potential approaches in hESC-based therapy including derivation of autologous cells via therapeutic cloning (1), generation of immune tolerance to allogenic donor cells via hematopoetic chimerism (2), and development of the banks of hESC lines compatible with the main antigens and exhibiting equivalent pluripotency (3). In addition, we discuss briefly induced pluripotent cells, which are derived via genetic modification of autologous somatic cells and are analogous to ESC. Our analysis demonstrates that uncontrollable differentiation in vivo and teratogenic potential of hESC are critical limitations of their application in clinical practice. Therefore, the major approach in hESC therapy is derivation of a specific differentiated progeny, which has lower proliferative potential and immune privilege, yet poses fewer risks for organism. The review demonstrates that cell therapy is far more complex and resource-consuming process as compared with drug-based medicine and consequently pluripotent stem cell biology and technology still requires further investigation and development before these cells can be used in clinical practice.  相似文献   

吴昭  成璐  肖磊 《生命科学》2009,(5):658-662
胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ESC)在人类遗传病学研究、疾病模型建立、器官再生以及动物物种改良和定向变异等方面的地位是其他类型的细胞不可取代的。但是,由于实验技术和体外培养条件的限制,除了小鼠、恒河猴和人之外,大鼠、猪、牛、羊等其他哺乳动物的ES细胞系被证明很难获得。先后有多个研究小组报道了他们利用新兴的诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS细胞)技术成功建立大鼠和猪的iPS细胞系的研究成果。迄今为止,这两个物种是在未成功建立ES细胞系之前利用iPS技术建立多能干细胞系的成功范例。这些研究对于那些还未建立ES细胞的物种建立多能干细胞系提供了一种新的方案,也将给这些物种的胚胎干细胞的建立、基因修饰动物的产生以及人类医疗事业的促进和发展带来新的希望。  相似文献   

Identification of sequential progenitors leading to blood formation from pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) will be essential for understanding the molecular mechanisms of hematopoietic lineage specification and for development of technologies for in vitro production of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). It is well established that during development, blood and endothelial cells in the extraembryonic and embryonic compartments are formed in parallel from precursors with angiogenic and hematopoietic potentials. However, the identity and hierarchy of these precursors in human PSC (hPSC) cultures remain obscure. Using developmental stage-specific mesodermal and endothelial markers and functional assays, we recently identified discrete populations of angiohematopoietic progenitors from hPSCs, including mesodermal precursors and hemogenic endothelial cells with primitive and definitive hematopoietic potentials. In addition, we discovered a novel population of multipotent hematopoietic progenitors with an erythroid phenotype, which retain angiogenic potential. Here we introduce our recent findings and discuss their implication for defining putative HSC precursor and factors required for activation of self-renewal potential in hematopoietic cells emerging from endothelium.  相似文献   

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