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Populations of Plasmodium falciparum show striking differences in linkage disequilibrium, population differentiation and diversity, but only fragmentary data exists on the genetic structure of Plasmodium vivax. We genotyped nine tandem repeat loci bearing 2-8 bp motifs from 345 P. vivax infections collected from three Asian countries and from five locations in Colombia. We observed 9-37 alleles per locus and high diversity (He=0.72-0.79, mean=0.75) in all countries. Numbers of multiple clone infections varied considerably: these were rare in Colombia and India, but > 60% of isolates carried multiple alleles in at least one locus in Thailand and Laos. However, only one or two of the nine loci show >1 allele in many samples, suggesting that mutation within infections may result in overestimation of true multiple carriage rates. Identical nine-locus genotypes were frequently found in Colombian populations, contributing to strong linkage disequilibrium. These identical genotypes were strongly clustered in time, consistent with epidemic transmission of clones and subsequent breakdown of allelic associations, suggesting high rates of inbreeding and low effective recombination rates in this country. In contrast, identical genotypes were rare and loci were randomly associated in all three Asian populations, consistent with higher rates of outcrossing and recombination. We observed low but significant differentiation between different Asian countries (standardized FST = 0.13-0.45). In comparison, we see greater differentiation between collection locations within Colombia (standardized FST = 0.4-0.7), and strong differentiation between continents (standardized FST = 0.48-0.79). The observed heterogeneity in multiple clone carriage rates, linkage disequilibrium and population differentiation are similar in some, but not all, respects to those observed in P. falciparum, and have important implications for the design of association mapping studies, and interpretation of P. vivax epidemiology.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies from seven polymorphic red cell antigen loci (ABO, Rh, MN, S, P, Duffy, and Diego) were examined in 144 Native American populations. Mean genetic distances (Nei's D) and the fixation index FST are approximately equal for the North and South American samples but are reduced in the Central American geographic area. The relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance differs markedly across geographic areas. The correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance for the North and Central American data is twice as large as that observed for the South American samples. This geographic difference is confirmed in spatial autocorrelation analyses; no geographic structure is apparent in the South American data but geographic structure is prominent in North and Central American samples. These results confirm earlier observations regarding differences between North and South American gene frequency patterns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a mechanism of linguistic and genetic coevolution in Native Central and South America. This mechanism proposes that a process of population fissions, expansions into new territories, and isolation of ancestral and descendant groups will produce congruent language and gene trees. To evaluate this population fissions mechanism, we collected published mtDNA sequences for 1,381 individuals from 17 Native Central and South American populations. We then tested the hypothesis that three well-known language classifications also represented the genetic structure of these populations. We rejected the hypothesis for each language classification. Our tests revealed linguistic and genetic correspondence in several shallow branches common to each classification, but no linguistic and genetic correspondence in the deeper branches contained in two of the language classifications. We discuss the possible causes for the lack of congruence between linguistic and genetic structure in the region, and describe alternative mechanisms of linguistic and genetic correspondence and their predictions.  相似文献   

Drosophila pseudoobscura populations of Central Mexico are chromosomally highly polymorphic. Five gene arangements in the third chromosome are endemic, including the two newly described in the present article. The phylogenetic tree of the gene arrangements known in the species is shown in Figure 1. The ones found in Central Mexico all belong to the Santa Cruz "phylad", while in the northern part of the species area both Santa Cruz and Standard phylads are widespread. Some inferences concerning the evolutionary history of the species are presented.  相似文献   

Phylogeography and intraspecific genetic variation were studied in prochilodontids endemic to the Orinoco, Essequibo and Amazon River basins of northern South America. Portions of two protein‐encoding mitochondrial (mt) DNA genes, ND4 and COI, were examined using single‐strand conformational polymorphisms (SSCPs) and nucleotide sequencing. Phylogeographic analysis indicated that the geographically widespread Prochilodus rubrotaeniatus is paraphyletic, with individuals from the Orinoco sharing most recent common ancestry with co‐occurring Prochilodus mariae . A second Prochilodus rubrotaeniatus clade was composed of haplotypes found in the Rio Cuyuní(Essequibo Basin) and tributaries of the Rio Negro (Amazon Basin). Intraspecific genetic analysis suggested that a complex set of processes have influenced patterns of genetic variation in prochilodontid lineages. Prochilodus rubrotaeniatus is monomorphic at both loci in the Rio Negro and probably recently colonized this basin from the Rio Essequibo. Only two of 55 P. mariae exhibited variant haplotypes, and both had resulted from non‐synonymous changes in the ND4 region. These observations were counter to neutral expectation and consistent with the action of natural selection on the mitochondrion. Overall, these analyses implicate vicariance, demography and selection for driving diversification of prochilodontids in northern South America.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed the relationships and patterns of spatial variation from morphological cranial variability of 17 population samples representing the ancient inhabitants of the central territory of Argentina (archaeologically known as "Sierras Centrales") and other pre-Hispanic populations from different ecological and geographic regions of the Southern Cone of South America (Argentina and Uruguay), based on the analysis of 10 craniofacial measurements. Results obtained from D2 distances can be interpreted as evidence of a similar biological history for the populations that inhabited the Sierras Centrales and the population of Santiago del Estero. Matrix correlation analysis demonstrated that craniometric variation is significantly influenced by geography, suggesting that populations that lived at lower geographical distance share more biological similarity. Global spatial autocorrelation analysis suggests a clinal pattern for the biological variation, although Moran's I estimates calculated for each variable demonstrate that only nasal height and breadth show this spatial pattern of variation. Results from spatial regression techniques show a significant effect of altitude modeling nasal shape, in agreement with previous studies suggesting that nasal morphology is strongly influenced by environment variables.  相似文献   

In this paper, data on genetic distances among five tribal populations ae given. Among the five tribes, Koya Dora, Raj Gond and Naikpod are autochthonous populations of the Deccan plateau whereas the other two groups, Pardhan and Lambadi are migrants. Kova Doras were sampled from five distant localities. Genetic markers typed are: A1A2B0, Rho(D) blood group systems glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, transferrin, haptoglobin, groupspecific component, haemoglobin, colour-vision deficiency and tastability to P. T. C. Using frequency data for the above nine genetic loci, genetic distances between the five endogamous tribes, and between the five groups of Koya Dora are calculated by adopting the statistical method of Edwards (1971). While genetic distances between Koya Dora, Raj Gond and Lambadi are minimal, the genetic distance between Pardhans and other tribal groups is maximum. Naikpods occupy an intermediate position. The closeness of Lambadi with Koya Dora and RAJ Gond can be regarded as coincidental. Interestingly, the differences in the genetic distance values between five Koya Dora groups are as great as the differences between the five endogamous tribal populations tested for the same loci. Genetic affinities of these tribal populations are discussed in relation to their ethnic origin migration and geographical isolation.  相似文献   

South Amerindians are frequently thought of as a rather biologically homogeneous megapopulation. However, when native South Americans are assessed by information coming from DNA variability analysis, they resolve into two, major distinct entities of Eastern and Western zones. The purpose of this study is to investigate if the same dual pattern emerges from craniometric data. We approached this question by means of functional craniometric variables. We found strong evidence that Westerners and Easterners constitute two distinct and independent microevolutionary universes when cranial morphology is assessed. The existence of a third universe, Northwest, cannot be completely ruled out, but needs further investigation. We also discovered that Westerners and Easterners present similar degrees of internal variation, contrary to the findings of geneticists and molecular biologists. Palaeoamericans seem to be more similar to Easterners than to Westerners and North-Westerners. Our results suggest that this East-West cranial differentiation is more probably the result of differential rates of genetic drift and gene flow acting on each side of the Cordillera. However, different intensities of gene flow between Palaeoamericans and Amerindians in the highlands and in the lowlands cannot be completely dismissed as a possible explanation for the differentiation found.  相似文献   

Gene diversity and genetic structure of tribal populations of Andhra Pradesh, India, have been analyzed under a hierarchical model consisting of five regions of the state, tribes within the regions, and local subpopulations within the tribes. Average gene diversity has been estimated from gene frequency data for 15 polymorphic loci by using nested gene diversity analysis of GST. The intralocation coefficient of gene diversity was estimated at 96% of the total, whereas the intertribal, within—and between—regional gene diversities were found to be only 1.90, 0.95, and 1.43%, respectively. The estimate of gene diversity was higher for loci with higher degrees of polymorphism such as ABO, MN, ESD, and PTC and lower for loci with low-level polymorphism and extreme gene frequencies such as Hb, Tf, PHI, 6PGD, and Hp. The nature of selective preference or neutrality at the loci seems to be important in this respect. Tribes of the plains exhibit the least gene diversity, apparently because of higher gene flow among them. The contribution of loci with intermediate gene frequencies in intertribal and regional gene diversity was found to be higher than for loci with extreme allelic frequencies. These results suggest that the most significant component of variation is between individuals within locations and that variation between local subpopulations is negligible in the genetic structure of a population. Forces like selection, gene flow and drift also influence the diversity depending upon the nature of the locus. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Kim KS  Sappington TW 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):143-161
The boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boheman) is an insect pest of cotton that underwent a well-documented range expansion across the southeastern U.S. from Mexico beginning about 110 years ago. Eleven microsatellite loci were surveyed to infer the magnitude and pattern of genetic differentiation among boll weevil populations from 18 locations across eight U.S. states and northeast Mexico. Estimates of genetic diversity (allelic diversity and heterozygosity) were greater in Southern than Northern populations, and were greater in the west than the east among Northern populations. Boll weevil populations were genetically structured as a whole across the geographic range sampled, with a global F ST of 0.241. South-central populations exhibit classic isolation by distance, but evidence suggests that populations within the Eastern and Western regions have not yet reached genetic equilibrium. Gene flow appears to be relatively high among populations within the Eastern region. Population assignment data and estimates of gene flow indicate that migration between locations separated by < 300 km is frequent. The database of microsatellite genotypes generated in this study now makes it possible, through population assignment techniques, to identify the most likely geographic source of a boll weevil reintroduced to an eradication zone, which will help action agencies decide the most appropriate mitigation response. Kyung Seok Kim - Formerly: USDA-ARS, Areawide Pest Management Research Unit, 2771 F & B Rd., College Station,TX 77845, USA.  相似文献   



Humans threat the populations of tree species by overexploitation, deforestation, land use change, and climate change. We present a novel threat assessment at intraspecific level to support the conservation of genetic resources of 80 socioeconomically viable tree species in South America. In this assessment, we evaluate the threat status of Ecogeographic Range Segments (ERSs). ERSs are groups of populations of a specific species in a certain ecological zone of a particular grid cell of a species’ geographic occupancy.


We used species location records to determine the species distributions and species‐specific ERSs. We distinguished eight threat situations to assess the risk of extirpation of the ERSs of all 80 species. These threat situations were determined by large or little tree cover, low or high human pressure, and low or high climate change impact. Available layers of tree cover and threats were used to determine the levels of fragmentation and direct human pressure. Maxent niche modelling with two Global Circulation Models helped determining climate change impact by the 2050s.


When all 80 species are considered, in total, 59% of the ERSs are threatened by little tree cover or high human pressure. When climate change is also considered, then 71‐73% of the ERSs are threatened. When an increased risk of extirpation of populations outside protected areas is considered, then 84–86% of the ERSs are threatened. Seven species warrant special attention because all their ERSs are threatened across their whole distribution in South America: Balfourondendron riedelianum, Cariniana legalis, Dalbergia nigra, Handroanthus pulcherrimus, Pachira quintana, Prosopis flexuosa, and Prosopis pallida.


Our results confirm the urgency to set up a regional action plan for the conservation of tree genetic resources in South America. With this threat assessment, we aim to support governments and organizations who are taking up this task.

The mtDNA variation of 74 Khoisan-speaking individuals (Kung and Khwe) from Schmidtsdrift, in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa, was examined by high-resolution RFLP analysis and control region (CR) sequencing. The resulting data were combined with published RFLP haplotype and CR sequence data from sub-Saharan African populations and then were subjected to phylogenetic analysis to deduce the evolutionary relationships among them. More than 77% of the Kung and Khwe mtDNA samples were found to belong to the major mtDNA lineage, macrohaplogroup L* (defined by a HpaI site at nucleotide position 3592), which is prevalent in sub-Saharan African populations. Additional sets of RFLPs subdivided macrohaplogroup L* into two extended haplogroups-L1 and L2-both of which appeared in the Kung and Khwe. Besides revealing the significant substructure of macrohaplogroup L* in African populations, these data showed that the Biaka Pygmies have one of the most ancient RFLP sublineages observed in African mtDNA and, thus, that they could represent one of the oldest human populations. In addition, the Kung exhibited a set of related haplotypes that were positioned closest to the root of the human mtDNA phylogeny, suggesting that they, too, represent one of the most ancient African populations. Comparison of Kung and Khwe CR sequences with those from other African populations confirmed the genetic association of the Kung with other Khoisan-speaking peoples, whereas the Khwe were more closely linked to non-Khoisan-speaking (Bantu) populations. Finally, the overall sequence divergence of 214 African RFLP haplotypes defined in both this and an earlier study was 0.364%, giving an estimated age, for all African mtDNAs, of 125,500-165,500 years before the present, a date that is concordant with all previous estimates derived from mtDNA and other genetic data, for the time of origin of modern humans in Africa.  相似文献   

The mtDNAs of 76 individuals representing the aboriginal populations of South Siberia, the Tuvinians and Buryats, were subjected to restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and control region hypervariable segment I (HVS-I) sequencing, and the resulting data were combined with those available for other Siberian and East Asian populations and subjected to statistical and phylogenetic analysis. This analysis showed that the majority of the Tuvinian and Buryat mtDNAs (94.4% and 92.5%, respectively) belong to haplogroups A, B, C, D, E, F, and M*, which are characteristic of Mongoloid populations. Furthermore, the Tuvinians and Buryats harbor four Asian- and Native American-specific haplogroups (A-D) with frequencies (72.2% and 55%, respectively) exceeding those reported previously for Mongolians, Chinese, and Tibetans. They represent, therefore, the populations that are most closely related to New World indigenous groups. Despite their geographical proximity, the Tuvinians and Buryats shared no HVS-I sequences in common, although individually they shared such sequences with a variety of other Siberian and East Asian populations. In addition, phylogenetic and principal component analyses data of mtDNA sequences show that the Tuvinians clustered more closely with Turkic-speaking Yakuts, whereas the Mongolic-speaking Buryats clustered closer to Korean populations. Furthermore, HVS-I sequences, comprising one-fourth of the Buryat lineages and characterized by the only C-to-T transition at nucleotide position 16223, were identified as different RFLP haplotypes (B, C, D, E, M*, and H). This finding appears to indicate the putative ancestral state of the 16223T HVS-I sequences to Mongoloid macrohaplogroup M, at least. Finally, the results of nucleotide diversity analysis in East Asian and Siberian populations suggest that Central and East Asia were the source areas from which the genetically heterogeneous Tuvinians and Buryats first emerged.  相似文献   

Measures of variation in space are strongly affected by correlations between subdivisions used for sampling. Here we consider variation in gene frequencies across populations. Usually the variance of gene frequencies is standardized by dividing it by the mean gene frequency times one minus the mean (FST). Under the model of isolation by distance (usually called the "stepping stone" model), at the stationary state the correlation between the gene frequencies of two populations falls exponentially with the geographic distance between them. Using this model, we derive formulas for variances of blocks of populations of different sizes in one- and two-dimensional space and suggest that the theoretical results may be useful for understanding real observations, some examples of which are presented. We demonstrate how FST increases with the degree of subdivision among populations. We also show the effect of gaps between the sampled populations. Our results are valid, however, for traits other than gene frequencies, as long as their correlation with geographic distance falls exponentially. In the extension to 2-dimensional spaces, we present in closed form the distributions of distances between nodes of a lattice or of two lattices. These distributions might have applications in ecology.  相似文献   

The renewed emphasis on population-specific genetic variation, exemplified most prominently by the International HapMap Project, is complicated by a longstanding, uncritical reliance on existing population categories in genetic research. Race and other pre-existing population definitions (ethnicity, religion, language, nationality, culture and so on) tend to be contentious concepts that have polarized discussions about the ethics and science of research into population-specific human genetic variation. By contrast, a broader consideration of the multiple historical sources of genetic variation provides a whole-genome perspective on the ways i n which existing population definitions do, and do not, account for how genetic variation is distributed among individuals. Although genetics will continue to rely on analytical tools that make use of particular population histories, it is important to interpret findings in a broader genomic context.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Many organisms show latitudinal variation for various genetically determined traits. Such clines may involve neutral variation and originate from historical events or their maintenance may be explained by selection. For Drosophila melanogaster , latitudinal variation for allozymes, inversions, and quantitative traits has been found on several continents. We sampled D. melanogaster populations in Panama and along a transect of 40 latitudinal degrees on the west coast of South America. Negative correlations with latitude were found for Adhs and αGpdhF allele frequencies and for the frequency of the cosmopolitan inversion In(2L)t in AdhsαpdhF chromosomes. A positive correlation existed between wing length and latitude. Significant correlations were found between these traits and climatic variables like temperature and rainfall. The observed clines show considerable resemblance to those found on other continents. Gametic disequilibrium between Adhs and αGpdhF occurred predominantly at higher latitudes and was caused by the presence of In(2L)t . The reasons for the clinal distributions are discussed and it is argued that selection is the most likely explanation. However, the exact nature of the selective force and the interactions of allozymes with each other and with In(2L)t are complex and not fully understood. In tropical regions In(2L)t -containing genotypes have higher fitness than ST/ST and Adh and αGpdh hitchhike with the inversion, but there is also evidence for balancing selection at the Adh locus.  相似文献   

A two-step approach, based on a combined use of environmental, geographic, and genetic data, is suggested for studying population structures of species. First, populations are grouped into eco-geographic units (EGUs) according to the environmental gradients in the studied part of the species range, the types of life strategies, and other non-genetic characteristics that are presumably associated with adaptation and interpopulation gene flows. Second, the selected EGUs are tested for their congruence with genetic data by comparing the genetic differentiation between populations within EGUs to that between populations of different EGUs. Some of the issues discussed are as follows: the relationship of the EGU concept with the concepts of biogeocenosis and evolutionarily significant units (ESUs); designing EGUs in practice; the level of EGUs in a hierarchical population structure; and the weights of genetic and phenotypic markers in estimating population differentiation. The population structure of a salmonid fish, the Sakhalin taimen, in terms of eco-geographic units is considered as an example.  相似文献   

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