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Ribosomal protein S8 specifically recognizes a helical and irregular region of 16S rRNA that is highly evolutionary constrained. Despite its restricted size, the precise conformation of this region remains a question of debate. Here, we used chemical probing to analyze the structural consequences of mutations in this RNA region. These data, combined with computer modelling and previously published data on protein binding were used to investigate the conformation of the RNA binding site. The experimental data confirm the model in which adenines A595, A640 and A642 bulge out in the deep groove. In addition to the already proposed non canonical U598-U641 interaction, the structure is stabilized by stacking interactions (between A595 and A640) and an array of hydrogen bonds involving bases and the sugar phosphate backbone. Mutations that alter the ability to form these interdependent interactions result in a local destabilization or reorganization. The specificity of recognition by protein S8 is provided by the irregular and distorted backbone and the two bulged adenines 640 and 642 in the deep groove. The third adenine (A595) is not a direct recognition site but must adopt a bulged position. The U598-U641 pair should not be directly in contact with the protein.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L2 from Escherichia coli binds to and protects from nuclease digestion a substantial portion of 'domain IV' of 23S rRNA. In particular, oligonucleotides derived from the sequence 1757-1935 were isolated and shown to rebind specifically to protein L2 in vitro. Other L2-protected oligonucleotides, also derived from domain IV (i.e. from residues 1955-2010) did not rebind to protein L2 in vitro nor did others derived from domain I. Given that protein L2 is widely believed to be located in the peptidyl transferase centre of the 50S ribosomal subunit, these data suggest that domain IV of 23S rRNA is also present in that active site of the ribosomal enzyme.  相似文献   

Interactions between tRNA or its analogs and 23S rRNA in the large ribosomal subunit were analyzed by RNA footprinting and by modification-interference selection. In the E site, tRNA protected bases G2112, A2392, and C2394 of 23S rRNA. Truncated tRNA, lacking the anticodon stem-loop, protected A2392 and C2394, but not G2112, and tRNA derivatives with a shortened 3' end protected only G2112, but not A2392 or C2394. Modification interference revealed C2394 as the only accessible nucleotide in 23S rRNA whose modification interferes with binding of tRNA in the large ribosomal subunit E site. The results suggest a direct contact between A76 of tRNA A76 and C2394 of 23S rRNA. Protections at G2112 may reflect interaction of this 23S rRNA region with the tRNA central fold.  相似文献   

Treatment of yeast 60S ribosomal subunits with 0.5 M LiCl was found to remove all but six of the ribosomal proteins. The proteins remaining associated with the (26S + 5.8S) rRNA complex were identified as L4, L8, L10, L12, L16 and L25. These core proteins were split off sequentially in the order (L16 + L12), L10, (L4 + L8), L25 by further increasing the LiCl concentration. At 1.0 M LiCl only ribosomal protein L25 remains bound to the rRNA. Upon lowering the LiCl concentration the core proteins reassociate with the rRNA in the reverse order of their removal. The susceptibility of the ribosomal proteins to removal by LiCl corresponds quite well with their order of assembly into the 60S subunit in vivo as determined earlier [Kruiswijk et al. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 517, 378-389]. Binding studies in vitro using partially purified L25 showed that this protein binds specifically to 26S rRNA. Therefore our experiments for the first time directly identify a eukaryotic ribosomal protein capable of binding to high-molecular-mass rRNA. Binding studies in vitro using a blot technique demonstrated that core proteins L8 and L16 as well as protein L21, though not present in any of the core particles, are also capable of binding to 26S rRNA to approximately the same extent as L25. About nine additional 60S proteins appeared to interact with the 26S rRNA, though to a lesser extent.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L11 of Escherichia coli was bound to 23 S rRNA and the resultant complex was digested with ribonuclease T1. A single RNA fragment, protected by protein L11, was isolated from such digests and was shown to rebind specifically to protein L11. The nucleotide sequence of this RNA fragment was examined by two-dimensional fingerprinting of ribonuclease digests. It proved to be 61 residues long and the constituent oligonucleotides could be fitted perfectly between residues 1052 and 1112 of the nucleotide sequence of E. coli 23 S rRNA.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L9 consists of two globular alpha/beta domains separated by a nine-turn alpha-helix. We examined the rRNA environment of L9 by chemical footprinting and directed hydroxyl radical probing. We reconstituted L9, or individual domains of L9, with L9-deficient 50 S subunits, or with deproteinized 23 S rRNA. A footprint was identified in domain V of 23 S rRNA that was mainly attributable to N-domain binding. Fe(II) was tethered to L9 via cysteine residues introduced at positions along the alpha-helix and in the C-domain, and derivatized proteins were reconstituted with L9-deficient subunits. Directed hydroxyl radical probing targeted regions of domains I, III, IV, and V of 23 S rRNA, reinforcing the view that 50 S subunit architecture is typified by interwoven rRNA domains. There was a striking correlation between the cleavage patterns from the Fe(II) probes attached to the alpha-helix and their predicted orientations, constraining both the position and orientation of L9, as well as the arrangement of specific elements of 23 S rRNA, in the 50 S subunit.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L25 from the large subunit of E. coli ribosomes has been purified using a new procedure involving a 2M LiCl extraction followed by phosphocellulose chromatography in 6 M urea elution buffer. The conformation of purified L25 was studied employing circular dichroism and ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy in reconstitution buffer. The analysis of the far u.v. circular dichroism spectrum of L25 indicates L25 contains approximately 16% alpha-helix and approximately 19% beta-structure. The conformation of L25 was also studied using the predictive methods of Chou & Fasman and Maxfield & Scheraga. Both of these methods predict approximately three times the percent alpha-helix present in L25 as compared with that determined from the analysis of the circular dichroism spectrum. A structure for L25 is predicted which contains two positively charged binding domains and is consistent with published binding data on the interaction of 5S RNA and L25. The large difference in the % alpha-helix as determined from the analysis of the circular dichroism spectrum and the predictive techniques is suggested to result from the denaturing effects of 6 M urea used in the preparation of ribosomal proteins.  相似文献   

L C Yeh  P M Horowitz  J C Lee 《Biochimie》1992,74(11):1025-1030
The yeast ribosomal protein L1a contains two tryptophan residues located at positions 95 and 183. Spectrofluorometric analysis showed that the average tryptophan environment is moderately polar. Quenching studies of the yeast 5S rRNA-L1a protein complex (RNP) with acrylamide and iodide revealed tryptophan heterogeneity. The two tryptophan residues are located in the non-RNA-binding region of the L1a molecule. However, dissociation of the yeast 5S rRNA-L1a protein RNP complex to its components resulted in a decline of tryptophan fluorescence. The observation implied that the environment of the tryptophan-containing L1a regions which were not known to be involved in RNA binding was influenced by association with the 5S rRNA molecule.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein S15 recognizes a highly conserved target on 16 S rRNA, which consists of two distinct binding regions. Here, we used extensive site-directed mutagenesis on a Escherichia coli 16 S rRNA fragment containing the S15 binding site, to investigate the role of conserved nucleotides in protein recognition and to evaluate the relative contribution of the two sites. The effect of mutations on S15 recognition was studied by measuring the relative binding affinity, RNA probing and footprinting. The crystallographic structure of the Thermus thermophilus complex allowed molecular modelling of the E. coli complex and facilitated interpretation of biochemical data. Binding is essentially driven by site 1, which includes a three-way junction constrained by a conserved base triple and cross-strand stacking. Recognition is based mainly on shape complementarity, and the role of conserved nucleotides is to maintain a unique backbone geometry. The wild-type base triple is absolutely required for protein interaction, while changes in the conserved surrounding nucleotides are partially tolerated. Site 2, which provides functional groups in a conserved G-U/G-C motif, contributes only modestly to the stability of the interaction. Binding to this motif is dependent on binding at site 1 and is allowed only if the two sites are in the correct relative orientation. Non-conserved bulged nucleotides as well as a conserved purine interior loop, although not directly involved in recognition, are used to provide an appropriate flexibility between the two sites. In addition, correct binding at the two sites triggers conformational adjustments in the purine interior loop and in a distal region, which are known to be involved for subsequent binding of proteins S6 and S18. Thus, the role of site 1 is to anchor S15 to the rRNA, while binding at site 2 is aimed to induce a cascade of events required for subunit assembly.  相似文献   

The interaction between ribosomal protein L11 from Escherichia coli and in vitro synthesized RNA containing its binding site from 23S rRNA was characterized by identifying nucleotides that interfered with complex formation when chemically modified by diethylpyrocarbonate or hydrazine. Chemically modified RNA was incubated with L11 under conditions appropriate for specific binding of L11 and the resulting protein-RNA complex was separated from unbound RNA on Mg(2+)-containing polyacrylamide gels. The ability to isolate L11 complexes on such gels was affected by the extent of modification by either reagent. Protein-bound and free RNAs were recovered and treated with aniline to identify their content of modified bases. Exclusion of RNA containing chemically altered bases from L11-associated material occurred for 29 modified nucleotides, located throughout the region corresponding to residues 1055-1105 in 23S rRNA. Ten bases within this region did not reproducibly inhibit binding when modified. Multiple bands of RNA were consistently observed on the nondenaturing gels, suggesting that significant intermolecular RNA-RNA interactions had occurred.  相似文献   

B Said  J R Cole    M Nomura 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(22):10529-10545
The L11 ribosomal protein operon of Escherichia coli contains the genes for L11 and L1 and is feedback regulated by the translational repressor L1. Both the L1 binding site on 23S rRNA and the L1 repressor target site on L11 operon mRNA share similar proposed secondary structures and contain some primary sequence identity. Several site-directed mutations in the binding region of 23S rRNA were constructed and their effects on binding were examined. For in vitro analysis, a filter binding method was used. For in vivo analysis, a conditional expression system was used to overproduce a 23S rRNA fragment containing the L1 binding region, which leads to specific derepression of the synthesis of L11 and L1. Changes in the shared region of the 23S rRNA L1 binding site produced effects on L1 binding similar to those found previously in analysis of corresponding changes in the L11 operon mRNA target site. The results support the hypothesis that r-protein L1 interacts with both 23S rRNA and L11 operon mRNA by recognizing similar features on both RNAs.  相似文献   

Kim DF  Green R 《Molecular cell》1999,4(5):859-864
The aminoacyl (A site) tRNA analog 4-thio-dT-p-C-p-puromycin (s4TCPm) photochemically cross-links with high efficiency and specificity to G2553 of 23S rRNA and is peptidyl transferase reactive in its cross-linked state, establishing proximity between the highly conserved 2555 loop in domain V of 23S rRNA and the universally conserved CCA end of tRNA. To test for base-pairing interactions between 23S rRNA and aminoacyl tRNA, site-directed mutations were made at the universally conserved nucleotides U2552 and G2553 of 23S rRNA in both E. coli and B. stearothermophilus ribosomal RNA and incorporated into ribosomes. Mutations at G2553 resulted in dominant growth defects in E. coli and in decreased levels of peptidyl transferase activity in vitro. Genetic analysis in vitro of U2552 and G2553 mutant ribosomes and CCA end mutant tRNA substrates identified a base-pairing interaction between C75 of aminoacyl tRNA and G2553 of 23S rRNA.  相似文献   

The region of the large-subunit rRNA encompassing the D7 divergent domain is organized within eukaryotes in a patchwork of short conservative secondary-structure features interspersed with more rapidly evolving sequences. It contains the attachment site of protein L25 (E. coli L23), which binds rRNA in the first stages of ribosome assembly, suggesting a crucial importance of this region in ribosome elaboration and functioning. A better understanding of its roles requires a good knowledge of its mode of structural variation during the course of evolution. With this aim, we sequenced the D7 region for 24 new invertebrate species belonging to annelids, molluscs, arthropods, and eight other deep-branching invertebrate phyla. Their comparison allowed us to propose refinements in previous eukaryotic folding models. A detailed analysis of the pattern of variation at each position both within the D7 region and along the L23/25 sequence by reference to previous heterologous binding experiments gives new insight into the rRNA-protein contacts. We identified in the D7 region and L23/25, respectively, six and five positions presenting a pattern of variation compatible with experimental results, three of which show coincident variations which support their possible involvement in the rRNA-L23/25 binding.   相似文献   

A ribonucleoprotein complex containing several RNA subfragments from the 5' part of 23S RNA was recovered after digestion of the reconstituted complex between 23S RNA and protein L24. It was suggested in the preceding paper that the RNA subfragments 4B, 10A and 9, which are widely separated in the sequence, strongly interact. These subfragments were previously partially sequenced by the classical fingerprinting methods. Their sequences have now been completed with rapid new RNA sequencing methods. We propose here a base-pairing model showing how these subfragments may interact with one another.  相似文献   

We have delineated the region of yeast ribosomal protein L25 responsible for its specific binding to 26 S rRNA by a novel approach using in vitro synthesized, [35S]methionine-labeled fragments as well as point mutants of the L25 protein. The rRNA binding capacity of these mutant polypeptides was tested by incubation with an in vitro transcribed, biotinylated fragment of yeast 26 S rRNA that contains the complete L25 binding site. Protein-rRNA interaction was assayed by binding of the rRNA-r-protein complex to streptavidin-agarose followed either by analysis of the bound polypeptide by SDS/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis or by precipitation with trichloroacetic acid. Our results show that the structural elements necessary and sufficient for specific interaction of L25 with 26 S rRNA are contained in the region bordered by amino acids 62 and 126. The remaining parts of the protein, in particular the C-terminal 16 residues, while not essential for binding, do enhance its affinity for 26 S rRNA. To test whether, as suggested by the results of the deletion experiments, the evolutionarily conserved sequence motif K120KAYVRL126 is involved in rRNA binding, we replaced the leucine residue at position 126 by either isoleucine or lysine. The first substitution did not affect binding. The second, however, completely abolished the specific rRNA binding capacity of the protein. Thus, Leu126, and possibly the whole conserved sequence motif, plays a key role in binding of L25 to 26 S rRNA.  相似文献   

70S ribosomes from E. coli were chemically cross-linked under conditions of in vitro protein biosynthesis. The ribosomal RNAs were extracted from reacted ribosomes and separated on sucrose gradients. The 5S RNA was shown to contain the ribosomal protein L25 covalently bound. After total RNase T1 hydrolysis of the covalent RNA-protein complex several high molecular weight RNA fragments were obtained and identified by sequencing. One fragment, sequence region U103 to U120, was shown to be directly linked to the protein first by protein specific staining of the particular fragment and second by phosphor cellulose chromatography of the covalent RNA-protein complex. The other two fragments, U89 to G106 and A34 to G51, could not be shown to be directly linked to L25 but were only formed under cross-linking conditions. While the fragment U89 to G106 may be protected from RNase T1 digestion because of a strong interaction with the covalent RNA-protein complex, the formation of the fragment A34 to G51 is very likely the result of a double monovalent modification of two neighbouring guanosines in the 5S RNA. The RNA sequences U103 to U120 established to be in direct contact to the protein L25 within the ribosome falls into the sequence region previously proposed as L25 binding site from studies with isolated 5S RNA-protein complexes.  相似文献   

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